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A tableland is an area containing elevated landforms characterized by a distinct, flat, nearly level, or gently undulating surface. They often exhibit steep, cliff-like edges, known as escarpments, that separate them from surrounding lowlands. Depending on either their size, other physical characteristics, or geographic location, the landforms comprising a tableland are individually referred to by a number of names including either butte, mesa, plateau, potrero, tepui, or tuya. [1] [2] A homologous landform under the sea is called either a tablemount or guyot.


Sedimentary tablelands

Sedimentary tablelands are tablelands that typically have developed from the erosion of coarse-grained, clastic, sedimentary rocks in the form of relatively flat-lying sandstones and conglomerates that have not been strongly deformed by tectonics. The primary control on the geomorphology of sedimentary tablelands is the dip of the layers of the sandstones, conglomerates, and associated sedimentary strata. Sedimentary tablelands only form if the dip of the sedimentary layers is negligible. If the sedimentary layers are tilted, although otherwise little deformed, asymmetric ridges known as cuestas develop. [2] [3]

A really extensive sedimentary tablelands are often known as plateaus. As plateaus are dissected by the headward erosion and incision of river and stream courses and the retreat of their bounding escarpments, plateaus are fragmented into tablelands of smaller and smaller extent known as mesas, buttes, or pinnacles. Further erosion eventually reduces these landforms to piles of bouldery rubble as known as rock labyrinths. The tepui of South America are a type of sedimentary tableland composed of erosional outliers of flat-lying Precambrian quartz arenite sandstone that tower over the surrounding jungle underlain by crystalline basement rocks. [3] [4]

Other tablelands

Flat-lying, coarse-grained, clastic sedimentary rocks are not the only layered rocks that serve as the caprock that form the surface of tablelands. Flat-lying duricrusts and volcanic rocks also form the caprock of various tablelands. In case of duricrusts, e.g. laterite or silcrete, the formation of tablelands involves a three-stage process. First, the formation of a thick indurated surface layer duricrust by deep weathering beneath a relatively flat surface. Second, the breaching and incision of the duricrust layer by rivers or streams. Finally, the inward migration of valley walls and escarpments by slope erosion and denudation of mesas and buttes. An example of such tablelands is the laterite-capped Panchgani Tableland of India. [5] Tablelands formed by the erosion of duricrusts are also quite common in parts of Australia and South America. [6] [7] In addition, the eruption of either lava or pyroclastic flows can deposit a solid surface layer of volcanic rock that is relatively flat. As in case of the duricrusts, the resulting lava or pyroclastic flows are sufficiently tough to form the flat-lying caprock of tablelands when breached and incised by rivers and streams. [8]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Escarpment</span> Steep slope or cliff separating two relatively level regions

An escarpment is a steep slope or long cliff that forms as a result of faulting or erosion and separates two relatively level areas having different elevations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Inselberg</span> Isolated, steep rock hill on relatively flat terrain

An inselberg or monadnock is an isolated rock hill, knob, ridge, or small mountain that rises abruptly from a gently sloping or virtually level surrounding plain. In Southern Africa, a similar formation of granite is known as a koppie, an Afrikaans word from the Dutch diminutive word kopje. If the inselberg is dome-shaped and formed from granite or gneiss, it can also be called a bornhardt, though not all bornhardts are inselbergs. An inselberg results when a body of rock resistant to erosion, such as granite, occurring within a body of softer rocks, is exposed by differential erosion and lowering of the surrounding landscape.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Regolith</span> A layer of loose, heterogeneous superficial deposits covering solid rock

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Landforms are categorized by characteristic physical attributes such as their creating process, shape, elevation, slope, orientation, rock exposure, and soil type.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Butte</span> Isolated hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small, relatively flat top

In geomorphology, a butte is an isolated hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small, relatively flat top; buttes are smaller landforms than mesas, plateaus, and tablelands. The word butte comes from the French word butte, meaning knoll ; its use is prevalent in the Western United States, including the southwest where mesa is used for the larger landform. Due to their distinctive shapes, buttes are frequently landmarks in plains and mountainous areas. To differentiate the two landforms, geographers use the rule of thumb that a mesa has a top that is wider than its height, while a butte has a top that is narrower than its height.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mesa</span> Elevated area of land with a flat top and sides, usually much wider than buttes

A mesa is an isolated, flat-topped elevation, ridge or hill, which is bounded from all sides by steep escarpments and stands distinctly above a surrounding plain. Mesas characteristically consist of flat-lying soft sedimentary rocks capped by a more resistant layer or layers of harder rock, e.g. shales overlain by sandstones. The resistant layer acts as a caprock that forms the flat summit of a mesa. The caprock can consist of either sedimentary rocks such as sandstone and limestone; dissected lava flows; or a deeply eroded duricrust. Unlike plateau, whose usage does not imply horizontal layers of bedrock, e.g. Tibetan Plateau, the term mesa applies exclusively to the landforms built of flat-lying strata. Instead, flat-topped plateaus are specifically known as tablelands.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Plateau</span> Highland area, usually of relatively flat terrain

In geology and physical geography, a plateau, also called a high plain or a tableland, is an area of a highland consisting of flat terrain that is raised sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side. Often one or more sides have deep hills or escarpments. Plateaus can be formed by a number of processes, including upwelling of volcanic magma, extrusion of lava, and erosion by water and glaciers. Plateaus are classified according to their surrounding environment as intermontane, piedmont, or continental. A few plateaus may have a small flat top while others have wider ones.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Colorado Plateau</span> Plateau in southwestern United States

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cuesta</span> Hill or ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a steep slope on the other

A cuesta is a hill or ridge with a gentle slope on one side, and a steep slope on the other. In geology, the term is more specifically applied to a ridge where a harder sedimentary rock overlies a softer layer, the whole being tilted somewhat from the horizontal. This results in a long and gentle backslope called a dip slope that conforms with the dip of resistant strata, called caprock. Where erosion has exposed the frontslope of this, a steep slope or escarpment occurs. The resulting terrain may be called scarpland.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dip slope</span>

A dip slope is a topographic (geomorphic) surface which slopes in the same direction, and often by the same amount, as the true dip or apparent dip of the underlying strata. A dip slope consists of the upper surface of a resistant layer of rock, often called caprock, that is commonly only slightly lowered and reduced in steepness by erosion. Dip slopes form the backslopes of cuestas, homoclinal ridges, hogbacks, and flatirons. The frontslopes of such ridges consist of either an escarpment, a steep slope, or perhaps even a line of cliffs. Generally, cuestas and homoclinal ridges are asymmetrical in that their dip slopes are less steep than their escarpments. In the case of hogbacks and flatirons, the dip of the rocks is so steep that their dip slope approaches the escarpment in their steepness.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Boulder clay</span> Geological deposit of clay

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This glossary of geology is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to geology, its sub-disciplines, and related fields. For other terms related to the Earth sciences, see Glossary of geography terms (disambiguation).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Homoclinal ridge</span> Ridge with a moderate sloping backslope and steeper frontslope

A homoclinal ridge or strike ridge is a hill or ridge with a moderate, generally between 10° and 30°, sloping backslope. Its backslope is a dip slope, that conforms with the dip of a resistant stratum or strata, called caprock. On the other side of the other slope, which is its frontslope, of a homoclinal ridge is a steeper or even cliff-like frontslope (escarpment) that is formed by the outcrop of the caprock. The escarpment cuts through the dipping strata that comprises the homoclinal ridge.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Inverted relief</span> Landscape features that have reversed their elevation relative to other features

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Saprolite</span> Chemically weathered rock

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tapeats Sandstone</span> Cambrian geologic formation found in the Southwestern United States

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Scarp retreat</span>

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The Serra dos Órgãos is a mountain range in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It contains the Serra dos Órgãos National Park.

An etchplain is a plain where the bedrock has been subject to considerable "etching" or subsurface weathering. Etchplanation is the process forming etchplains. Contrary to what the name might suggest, etchplains are seldom completely flat and usually display some relief, as weathering of the bedrock does not advance uniformly. This means that weathering is unrelated to the flatness which might be derivative of various other processes of planation including peneplanation and pediplanation. Erosion of etchplains can result in the exposure of inselbergs such as bornhardt and tors. Generally the topography exposed at a stripped etchplain, that is an etch surface, after erosion of regolith is one with many irregularities as result of structurally defined areas of rock strength.


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