2017 Vale of Glamorgan Council election

Last updated

2017 election results map, showing numbers of councillors per ward and their party affiliations Vale of Glamorgan Council 2017 Election results map.png
2017 election results map, showing numbers of councillors per ward and their party affiliations
The council's composition after the elections Vale of Glamorgan Council composition.svg
The council's composition after the elections

The 2017 Vale of Glamorgan Council election took place on Thursday 4 May 2017 to elect members of Vale of Glamorgan Council in Wales. There were 47 council seats available, across 23 wards. This was the same day as other United Kingdom local elections. [1]


The previous full council election took place on 3 May 2012, with the next full council election taking place on 5 May 2022.

Election result

In winning 23 seats the Conservatives had a surprising resurgence, taking back the council from the previous coalition of Labour councillors and Llantwit First Independents. The Conservatives were one seat short of an overall majority. [2] Labour-held wards such as Barry's Dyfan and Illtyd were taken by the Tories, as was the previous Plaid Cymru stronghold of Dinas Powys. [2]

Vale of Glamorgan Council Election 2017 [3]
PartySeatsGainsLossesNet gain/lossSeats %Votes %Votes+/−
  Conservative 23121+1148.941.7+10.6
  Labour 1418-729.824.1-10.7
  Plaid Cymru 414-38.514.7-0.7
  Llantwit First Independent 410+18.57.8+2.6
  Independent 212-14.38.1-2.1
  Green 00000.02.01,607+0.9
  Liberal Democrats 00000.00.8+0.3
  UKIP 001-10.00.3112-1.3
  Pirate 00000.00.175+0.1

Ward overview

WardPolitical groupCouncillor [3] [4] Change from last election
Baruc (Barry) Plaid Cymru Nic Hodges Plaid Cymru hold
Plaid Cymru Steffan Williams Plaid Cymru hold
Buttrills (Barry) Labour Owen GriffithsLabour hold
Plaid Cymru Ian JohnsonPlaid Cymru hold [a]
Cadoc (Barry) Labour Anne MooreLabour hold
Labour Neil MooreLabour hold
Conservative Rachel Nugent-FinnConservative gain from Labour
Castleland (Barry) Plaid Cymru Millie CollinsPlaid Cymru gain from Labour
Labour Pamela DrakeLabour hold
Cornerswell (Penarth) Labour Rhiannon Birch Labour hold
Labour Peter King Labour hold
Court (Barry) Labour Bronwen BrooksLabour hold
Labour Sandra PerkesLabour gain from Independent
Cowbridge Conservative Geoffrey CoxConservative hold
Conservative Thomas JarvieConservative hold
Conservative Andrew ParkerConservative hold
Dinas Powys Conservative Andy Robertson Conservative gain from Plaid Cymru
Conservative Robert Crowley Conservative gain from Plaid Cymru
Conservative Steve GriffithsConservative gain from Plaid Cymru
Conservative Vince DriscollConservative gain from Plaid Cymru
Dyfan (Barry) Conservative Vincent BaileyConservative gain from Labour
Conservative Leighton RowlandsConservative gain from Labour
Gibbonsdown (Barry) Labour Julie AvietLabour hold
Labour Margaret WilkinsonLabour hold
Illtyd (Barry) Conservative Janice CharlesConservative gain from Labour
Conservative Tony HamptonConservative gain from Labour
Conservative Marguerita WrightConservative gain from Labour
Llandough Conservative George CarrollConservative gain from Labour
Llandow and Ewenny Conservative Christine CaveConservative hold
Llantwit Major Llantwit First Independent Sally Hanks Llantwit First Independent hold
Llantwit First Independent Gwyn John Llantwit First Independent hold
Llantwit First Independent Jayne NormanLlantwit First Independent hold
Llantwit First Independent Eddie WilliamsLlantwit First Independent gain from Conservative [b]
Peterston-super-Ely Conservative Michael MorganConservative hold
Plymouth (Penarth) Conservative Ben GrayConservative hold
Conservative Kathryn McCafferConservative hold
Rhoose Conservative Gordon KempConservative hold
Conservative Matthew LloydConservative gain from Independent
St Athan Conservative John ThomasConservative hold
St Augustine's (Penarth) Labour Sivaruby SivagnanamLabour hold
Labour Neil ThomasLabour hold
St Brides Major Conservative Stewart EdwardsConservative hold
Stanwell (Penarth) Labour Mark WilsonLabour hold
Labour Lis BurnettLabour hold
Sully Independent Bob Penrose Independent hold
Independent Kevin Mahoney Independent gain from UKIP [c]
Wenvoe Conservative Jonathan BirdConservative hold

[a]Plaid Cymru had won a seat from Labour at a by-election on 2 August 2012
[b]The Conservatives had won a seat from the Llantwit First Independents at a by-election on 26 March 2015
[c]Cllr Mahoney was elected in 2012 for UKIP but re-designated himself as Independent in February 2016

Ward results

These are the full results. [3]

Baruc (two seats)

Baruc 2017 [5]
Plaid Cymru Nic Hodges* 1,137
Plaid Cymru Steffan Wiliam* 1,053
Conservative Paul James978
Conservative Victoria Roberts929
Labour Brian Mayne616
Plaid Cymru hold Swing
Plaid Cymru hold Swing

Buttrills (two seats)

Buttrills 2017
Plaid Cymru Ian James Johnson709
Labour Owen Griffiths664
Labour Susan Lloyd-Selby642
Plaid Cymru Mark Jonathan Hooper592
Conservative Louis Dawe421
Conservative Evarard Kerslake352

Cadoc (two seats)

Cadoc 2017 [6]
Labour Anne Moore * 966
Labour Neil Moore * 928
Conservative Rachel Nugent-Finn 912
Conservative Corrie Driscoll895
Labour Michaela Richardson894
Conservative Howard Wright778
Plaid Cymru Larry Bufton437
Plaid Cymru Matthew Morgan364
Plaid Cymru Janet Johnson357
Independent Ade Pitman118
Labour hold Swing
Labour hold Swing
Conservative gain from Labour Swing

Castleland (two seats)

Castleland 2017 [7]
Labour Pamela Drake * 480
Plaid Cymru Millie Collins 453
Plaid Cymru Barry Shaw450
Labour Helen Payne411
Conservative Peter Woodford163
Green Derek Cozens139
Conservative Jane Burrows135
Pirate Jebediah Hedges35
Labour hold Swing
Plaid Cymru gain from Labour Swing

Cornerswell (two seats)

Cornerswell 2017
Labour Rhiannon Mary BIRCH829
Labour Peter Graham KING705
Conservative Ken LLOYD671
Conservative Dorothy Marianne TURNER583
Plaid Cymru Lewis GREENAWAY319
Plaid Cymru David Rhys WILTON267
Liberal Democrats Martyn David DRANFIELD148

Court (two seats)

Court 2017 [8]
Labour Bronwen Ellen Brooks*539
Labour Sandra Davies Perkes463
Independent Richard Joel Bertin*419
Independent Andy Griffiths271
Conservative Robert Louis Charles Fisher204
Conservative Jonathan Wignall165
Green Stephen Ross David-Barker90

Cowbridge (three seats)

Cowbridge 2017 [9]
Conservative Geoffrey Addis COX1807
Conservative Thomas Hunter JARVIE1691
Conservative Andrew Carey PARKER1551
Independent Nicola Christine THOMAS657
Labour Jack HAWKINS544
Plaid Cymru Nicola Jane BRANSON340
Plaid Cymru Shirley Ann HODGES290

Dinas Powys (four seats)

Dinas Powys 2017 [10]
Conservative Robert Crowley1425
Conservative Vince Driscoll1420
Conservative Steve Griffiths1385
Conservative Andy Robertson1303
Plaid Cymru Chris Franks *1270
Plaid Cymru Val Hartrey *1100
Plaid Cymru Keith Hatton *909
Plaid Cymru Richard Grigg806
Labour Jill Davies565
Independent Christopher John Williams *507
Independent John Maitland-Evans438
Labour Trevor George Robert Saunders431
Labour Anthony Lewis413
Labour John Boddy366
Independent Thomas Maitland-Evans365
Green Hilary May323

Dyfan (two seats)

Dyfan 2017
Conservative Vincent James BAILEY851
Conservative Leighton Owen ROWLANDS837
Labour Emma Samantha PRITCHARD664
Labour Anthony Greldon POWELL658
Plaid Cymru Leslie James KELLAWAY245
Plaid Cymru Paul BRIDGEMAN214

Gibbonsdown (two seats)

Gibbonsdown 2017
Labour Julie AVIET672
Labour Margaret WILKINSON626
Conservative Mandy CADDY298
Conservative Russell Spencer DOWNE247
Plaid Cymru Oriel Anita JONES179
Plaid Cymru Alexander MUIRHEAD154

Illtyd (three seats)

Illtyd 2017
Conservative Tony HAMPTON1,359
Conservative Janice CHARLES1,352
Conservative Marguerita WRIGHT1,262
Labour John HARTLAND924
Labour Howard HAMILTON917
Labour Camilla BEAVEN826
Plaid Cymru Taif BALL447
Plaid Cymru Timothy John PEARCE350
Plaid Cymru Timothy Patrick JOHNSON342

Llandough (one seat)

Llandough 2017
Conservative George Dennis David CARROLL538
Labour Elliot PENN325
Green Liz ROSSER31

Llandow/Ewenny (one seat)

Llandow / Ewenny 2017
Conservative Christine Ann CAVE86976.0
Labour Huw James POWELL27524.0
Turnout 1,144

Llantwit Major (four seats)

Llantwit Major 2017
Llantwit First Independent Gwyn John *2209
Llantwit First Independent Sally Margaret Hanks1984
Llantwit First Independent Eddie Williams *1588
Llantwit First Independent Jayne Margaret Norman1527
Conservative Tony Bennett *1360
Conservative John Colin Deakin1154
Conservative Bob Gant999
Conservative Gordon Wilkie908
Labour James Cullinane670
Independent Ceri Malessa-Thompson254
UKIP Melanie J. Hunter-Clarke112
UKIP Robin Hunter-Clarke 112
UKIP Anthony Frederick Raybould78

Peterston-super-Ely (one seat)

Peterston-super-Ely 2017
Conservative Morgan, Michael John Griffith73477.7
Labour Cubbage, Eleri20621.8

Plymouth (two seats)

Plymouth 2017
Conservative Ben Gray894
Conservative Kathryn Frances McCaffer796
Labour Angela Thomas643
Independent Anthony Ernest505
Independent Clive Williams *443
Independent Victoria Humphries302
Green Tony Cooke288
Plaid Cymru Gareth Clubb240
Liberal Democrats Roger Pinkham169

Rhoose (two seats)

Rhoose 2017
Conservative Matthew LLOYD1,097
Conservative Gordon KEMP1,067
Independent Adam Peter RILEY809
Labour Graham Matthew LOVELUCK-EDWARDS587
Independent Samantha Angela CAMPBELL565
Liberal Democrats Daniel David PARROTT187

St Athan (one seat)

St Athan 2017
Conservative John Thomas56656.9%−1.4%
Labour Julie Lynch-Wilson34935.1%−6.6%
Pirate David A Elston757.6%New
Turnout 99338.43%
Conservative hold Swing

St Augustine's (two seats)

St Augustine's 2017
Labour Ruba Sivagnanam967
Labour Neil Christopher Thomas827
Conservative Martin James Turner737
Conservative Wendy van den Brom633
Green Anthony Slaughter436
Independent Paul Church312
Plaid Cymru Anne Greagsby288
Plaid Cymru Aled Thomas217
Independent Graham Humphries186
Green Gareth Snaith157
Liberal Democrats Robin Lynn138
Liberal Democrats Heath John Marshall121

St Brides Major (one seat)

St Bride's Major 2017
Conservative Stewart Thomas EDWARDS865
Labour Andrew HENNESSY287

Stanwell (two seats)

Stanwell 2017
Labour Lis BURNETT704
Labour Mark Robert WILSON631
Conservative Natalie WILLIAMS402
Conservative Ben DRISCOLL388
Independent Anthony John HARRIS198
Green Paul BESWICK178
Plaid Cymru Sandy CLUBB139

Sully (two seats)

Sully 2017
Independent Bob PENROSE * 904
Independent Kevin Phillip MAHONEY * 782
Conservative Rod THOMAS763
Conservative Chris THORNE726
Labour Laura ROCHEFORT293
Plaid Cymru John RIMINGTOM137
Independent hold Swing
Independent gain from UKIP Swing

Wenvoe (one seat)

Wenvoe 2017
Conservative Jonathan Charles BIRD753
Labour Sian Frances BROOKS195
Plaid Cymru Ian Anthony Neil PERRY190
Independent Russell Edward GODFREY165


  1. "Council elections: State of the parties". BBC News. 25 April 2017. Retrieved 20 November 2017.
  2. 1 2 "Conservative surge in Vale local elections". The Glamorgan Gem. 9 May 2017. Retrieved 14 November 2017.
  3. 1 2 3 "Results for the Local Government Election for the Vale of Glamorgan County Borough Council, held on 4 May 2017". Vale of Glamorgan Council. Retrieved 14 November 2017.
  4. "Local Elections: New Vale councillors are confirmed". South Wales Guardian. 5 May 2017. Retrieved 5 May 2018.
  5. "Baruc - Declaration Of Results Of Poll (2017)" (PDF). Vale of Glamorgan Council. 5 May 2017. Retrieved 15 November 2017.
  6. "Cadoc - Declaration Of Results Of Poll (2017)" (PDF). Vale of Glamorgan Council. 5 May 2017. Retrieved 17 May 2018.
  7. "Castleland - Declaration Of Results Of Poll (2017)" (PDF). Vale of Glamorgan Council. 5 May 2017. Retrieved 11 May 2018.
  8. "Court - Declaration Of Results Of Poll (2017)" (PDF). Vale of Glamorgan Council. 5 May 2017. Retrieved 29 January 2019.
  9. "Cowbridge - Declaration Of Results Of Poll" (PDF). Vale of Glamorgan Council. 5 May 2017. Retrieved 31 January 2019.
  10. "Dinas Powys - Declaration Of Results Of Poll (2017)" (PDF). Vale of Glamorgan Council. 5 May 2017. Retrieved 31 January 2019.