Acneiform eruption

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Acneiform eruption
Patient with facial angiofibromas caused by tuberous sclerosis.jpg
Facial angiofibromas caused by tuberous sclerosis mimicking acne
Specialty Dermatology

Acneiform eruptions, or acne mimicking eruptions, are a group of skin conditions characterized by small bumps resembling acne. [1] Typically, these bumps are mostly of similar size. [1] Some bumps may be bigger or contain fluid. [2] Generally, blackheads and whiteheads are absent. [2] It tends to appear suddenly, with the chest and back most frequently affected. [2]


Causes include cosmetics, the application of greasy products, and some medicines. [1] Repeated rubbing of skin and pressure are other triggers. [2] The facial bumps of tuberous sclerosis can resemble acne. [2]

Any age can be affected. [2]

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 Plewig, Gerd; Melnik, Bodo; Chen, WenChieh (2019). "9 Acne mimicking diseases". Plewig and Kligman ́s Acne and Rosacea. Switzerland: Springer. p. 299-404. ISBN   978-3-319-49273-5.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nair, Pragya A.; Salazar, Francisco J. (2022). "Acneiform Eruptions". StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.