Year | Name [1] | Field | Comments |
1953 | Gedaliah Alon | Jewish studies | Posthumously awarded prize, three years after his death. First recipient of the prize for Jewish studies. |
Haim Hazaz | Literature | One of first two recipients of the prize for Literature. |
Ya'akov Cohen | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1958. One of first two recipients of the prize for Literature. |
Dina Feitelson-Schur | Education | First female recipient of the Israel Prize. First recipient of the prize for Education. |
Mark Dvorzhetski | Social science | First recipient of the prize for Social science. |
Lipman Heilprin | Medical science | First recipient of the prize for medicine or Medical science. |
Zeev Ben-Zvi | Sculpture | First recipient of the prize for any of the fine arts. |
Shimshon Amitsur | Exact sciences | One of the first two recipients of the prize for Exact sciences. |
Jacob Levitzki | Family relationship: Father of recipient Alexander Levitzki (1990, Life sciences). One of the first two recipients of the prize for Exact sciences. |
1954 | Moshe Zvi Segal | Jewish studies | First rabbi to receive the Israel Prize. |
Schmuel Hugo Bergmann | Humanities | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1974. First recipient of the prize for the Humanities. |
David Shimoni | Literature | |
Shmuel Yosef Agnon | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1958. |
Arthur Biram | Education | |
Gad Tedeschi | Jurisprudence | First recipient of the prize for Jurisprudence or law. |
Franz Ollendorff | Exact sciences | |
Michael Zohary | Life sciences | First recipient of the prize for Life sciences. |
Shimon Fritz Bodenheimer | Agriculture | First recipient of the prize for Agriculture. |
Ödön Pártos | Music | First recipient of the prize for Music. |
1955 | Ephraim Urbach | Jewish studies | |
Isaac Heinemann | |
Zalman Shneur | Literature | |
Yitzhak Lamdan | |
Michael Fekete | Exact sciences | |
Israel Reichert | Life sciences | |
Yaakov Ben-Tor | |
Akiva Vroman | |
Benjamin Shapira | Medical science | |
Sara Hestrin-Lerner | Family relationship: Sister of recipient Shlomo Hestrin (1957, Exact sciences). |
Netanel Hochberg | Agriculture | |
Zahara Schatz | Painting and Sculpture | |
1956 | Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai | Jewish studies | |
Yigael Yadin | |
Yehezkel Abramsky | Rabbinical literature | First recipient of the prize for specifically Rabbinical literature. |
Gershon Shufman | Literature | |
Miriam Yalan-Shteklis | Children's literature | First recipient of the prize specifically for Children's literature. |
Nechama Leibowitz | Education | |
Yaakov Talmon | Social sciences | |
Avraham HaLevi Frankel | Exact sciences | |
Manfred Aschner | Life sciences | |
Haim Ernst Wertheimer | Medicine | |
Hanna Rovina | Theatre | First recipient of the prize for the Theatre, acting or Stage arts. |
1957 | Haim Shirman | Jewish studies | |
Yohanan Levi | Humanities | Posthumously awarded Prize. |
Yaakov Fichman | Literature | |
Uri Zvi Grinberg | |
Paltiel Daykan | Jurisprudence | |
Siegfried Lehman | Education | |
Shlomo Hestrin | Exact sciences | Family relationship: Brother of recipient Sara Hestrin-Lerner (1955, Medical science). |
David Feingold | |
Gad Avigad | |
Saul Adler | Medicine | |
Shmuel Horowitz | Agriculture | |
Paul Ben-Haim | Music | |
Reuvein Margolies | Rabbinical literature | |
Eliezer Smoli | Children's literature | |
Dov Karmi | Architecture | Family relationships: Father of recipients Ram Karmi (2002, Architecture) and Ada Karmi-Melamede (2007, Architecture). First recipient of the prize for Architecture. |
1958 | Yosef Klausner | Jewish studies | |
Ben-Zion Dinur | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1973. |
Gershom Scholem | |
Yehezkel Kaufmann | |
Yitzhak Baer | |
Isaac HaLevi Herzog | Rabbinical literature | |
Yehuda Leib Maimon | |
Yosef Zvi HaLevy | Family relationship: Grandfather of recipient Abraham Haim Halevy (2002, Agriculture). |
Martin Buber | Humanities | |
Shmuel Yosef Agnon | Literature | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1954. |
Isaac Dov Berkowitz | |
Ya'akov Cohen | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1953. |
Youth Aliyah | Education | Organization – one of the first four organizations to receive the Prize. |
Rachel Katznelson-Shazar | Social sciences | |
Yoel (Giulio) Racah | Exact sciences | |
Marcus Reiner | |
Leo Picard | Life sciences | |
Bernhard Zondek | Medicine | |
Selig Suskin | Agriculture | |
Bezalel Academy of Art and Design | Painting and Sculpture | Organization – one of the first four organizations to receive the Prize. |
Habima Theatre | Theatre |
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra | Music |
1959 | Shlomo Yosef Zevin | Rabbinical literature | |
Leo Aryeh Mayer | Humanities | |
S. Yizhar (Yizhar Smilansky) | Literature | |
Ezra Fleischer | |
Ephraim Katchalski (Ephraim Katzir) | Life sciences | Family relationship: Brother of recipient Aharon Katzir (1961, Life sciences). |
Michael Sela | |
Hillel (Heinz) Oppenheimer | Agriculture | |
Joseph Zaritsky | Painting | |
Yehoshua Bertonov | Theatre | Family relationship: Father of recipient Devorah Bertonov (1991, Stage arts). |
1960 | Abraham Haim Shalit | Jewish studies | |
Avraham Arnon | Education | |
Shabtai Rosenne | Jurisprudence | |
Aharon Meskin | Theatre | |
Isaac Michaelson | Medicine | |
Franz Sondheimer | Exact sciences | |
1961 | Shlomo Goren | Rabbinical literature | |
Yechezkel Kutscher | Humanities | |
Yehuda Burla | Literature | |
Aharon Katzir | Life sciences | Family relationship: Brother of recipient Ephraim Katzir (1959, Life sciences). |
Ora Kedem | |
Jacob van der Hoeden | Agriculture | |
Menachem Avidom | Music | |
1962 | Hanoch Yelon | Jewish studies | |
Joseph Bentwich | Education | |
Yitzhak Kanav | Social sciences | |
Ze'ev Lev | Exact sciences | |
Zvi Sliternik | Medicine | |
Arieh Sharon | Architecture | |
1963 | Menachem Mendel Kasher | Rabbinical literature | |
Nathan Rotenstreich | Humanities | |
Eliezer Steinman | Literature | |
Avraham Fahn | Life sciences | |
Mordechai Ardon | Painting | |
1964 | Ze'ev Ben-Haim | Jewish studies | |
Moshe Zilberg | Jurisprudence | |
Moshe Rachmilewitz | Medicine | |
Meir Margalit | Theatre | |
1965 | Shlomo Zemach | Literature | |
Shlomo Dykman | |
Karl Frankenstein | Education | |
Israel Defense Forces | Organization – the only organization to receive the Prize during the 1960s. |
Judith Shuval | Social sciences | |
Amos de-Shalit | Exact sciences | |
Igal Talmi | |
Shmuel Stoller | Agriculture | |
Mordechai Seter | Music | |
1966 | Shlomo Morag | Jewish studies | |
Yitzhak Arieli | Rabbinical literature | |
Hans Jakob Polotsky | Humanities | |
Moshe Rudolf Bloch | Life sciences | |
Alfred Mansfeld | Architecture | |
Dora Gad | |
1967 | Avraham Shlonsky | Literature | |
Ernst Simon | Education | |
Benjamin Akzin | Jurisprudence | |
Aryeh Leo Olitzki | Medicine | |
Marcel Janco | Painting | |
1968 | Ovadia Hedaya | Rabbinical literature | |
Moshe Yechiel Epstein | [2] |
Shmuel Yeivin | Jewish studies | |
Benjamin Mazar | |
Dov Sadan | |
Shmuel Samborsky | Humanities | |
Shlomo Pines | |
Avigdor Hameiri | Literature | |
Natan Alterman | |
Yaakov Berman | Education | |
Alexander Dushkin | |
Shoshana Persitz | |
David Horowitz | Social sciences | |
Shimon Agranat | Jurisprudence | |
Emanuel Goldberg | Exact sciences | |
Ernst David Bergmann | Life sciences | |
Chaim Sheba | Medicine | |
Hanan Openheimer | Agriculture | |
Yitzhak Danziger | Sculpture | |
Yosef Milo | Theatre | |
Gertrud Kraus | Dance | First recipient of the prize specifically for dance. |
Benjamin Idelson | Architecture | |
1969 | Yosef Qafih (Kapach) | Jewish studies | Family relationship: Husband of recipient Bracha Qafih (1999, Special contribution to Society and the State). The first husband and wife to have both received the Israel Prize (followed by Elihu Katz [1989] and Ruth Katz [2012]). |
Joshua Prawer | Humanities | |
Schneor Lipson | Life sciences | |
Shimon Finkel | Theatre | |
Yuval Ne'eman | Exact sciences | Returned the Prize in 1992. |
1970 | Ovadia Yosef | Rabbinical literature | |
Abba Kovner | Literature | |
Leah Goldberg | posthumously |
Don Patinkin | Social sciences | |
Josef Tal | Music | |
Andre De Vries | Medicine | |
1971 | Saul Lieberman | Jewish studies | |
Haim Ormian | Education | |
Zeev Tseltner | Jurisprudence | |
Itzhak Arnon | Agriculture | |
Arie Aroch | Painting | |
1972 | David Ayalon | Humanities | |
Yocheved Bat-Miriam | Literature | |
David Ginsburg | Exact sciences | |
Leo Sachs | Life sciences | |
Ya'acov Rechter | Architecture | |
Avraham Harzfeld | Special contribution to Society and the State | First recipient of the Prize for "Special contribution to Society". |
1973 | Yehuda Even-Shmuel | Jewish studies | |
Yad Harav Herzog | Rabbinical literature | Organization. Awarded in respect of Complete Israeli Talmud Institute project. |
Dorothea Krook-Gilead | Humanities | |
Shalom Yosef Shapira ("Shin Shalom") | Literature | |
Ben-Zion Dinur | Education | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1958. |
Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt | Social sciences | |
Aryeh Dvoretzky | Exact sciences | |
Heinrich Mendelssohn | Life sciences | |
Richard Stein | Medicine | |
Haim Halperin | Agriculture | |
Reuven Rubin | Painting | |
Hanna Maron | Theatre | |
Sara Levi-Tanai | Dance | |
Aryeh Elhanani | Architecture | |
Pinchas Rosen | Jurisprudence | |
Shaul Avigur | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Yad Vashem, Holocaust Martyrs' Remembrance Authority | Organization. Prize awarded for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities (Pinkas HaKehillot) project. Yad Vashem also awarded the Israel Prize in 2003. |
1974 | Shraga Abramson | Jewish studies | |
Raphael David Levine | Exact sciences | |
Isaac Berenblum | Life sciences | |
Yedidia Admon | Music | |
Schmuel Hugo Bergmann | Special contribution to Society and the State | Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1954. |
Yehoshua Aluf | Special contribution to Society and the State in Sports | First recipient of the prize who was a sportsperson. |
1975 | Shimon Halkin | Literature | |
Arieh Simon | Education | |
Yoel Zussman | Jurisprudence | |
Aharon Barak | |
Miriam Bernstein-Cohen | Theatre | |
Golda Meir | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Helena Kagan | Special contribution to Society and the State in community service | |
1976 | Eliezer Waldenberg | Rabbinical literature | |
Josef Rom | Technology and Engineering | First recipient of the prize for Engineering or technology. |
Gabriel Baer | Arabic linguistics | One of the first two recipients of the prize for Arabic linguistics. |
Ezra Mani |
Mordechai (Moti) Kirschenbaum | Radio, Television and Cinema | |
Simcha Holzberg | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Ezra Korine | |
Rivka Guber | |
Yakov Maimon | |
1977 | Raphael Mahler | History of the Jewish people | |
Menahem Stern | |
Nahman Avigad | Land of Israel studies | First recipient of the prize for the study or Knowledge of the "Land of Israel". |
David Amiran | Geography | First recipient of the prize specifically for geography. |
Shmuel Avitzur | Cultural research | |
Zvi Avidov | Agriculture | |
Jacob Ephrat | |
Elisheva Cohen | Design | One of first two recipients of the prize specifically for Design. |
Yona Fischer | Design |
Dani Karavan | Sculpture | |
Esther Levit | Special contribution to work | |
Avraham Yaakov | |
Avraham Klier | Special contribution to industry | |
1978 | Nachum Guttman | Children's literature | |
Anda Pinkerfeld Amir | |
Levin Kipnis | |
Avraham Even-Shoshan | Hebrew language | |
Haim Baruch Rosen | Linguistics | First recipient of the prize specifically for linguistics. |
Louis (Eliyahu) Guttman | Social sciences | |
Nathan J. Saltz | Medicine | |
Gary Bertini | Music | |
Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Moshe Zvi Neria | |
1979 | Isaiah Tishbi | Jewish studies | |
Menachem Elon | Hebrew law | |
Baruch Ben-Yehuda | Education | |
Yitzchak Raphael Halevi Etzion | |
Yokhanan (Hans) Lindner | Natural sciences | |
Orna Porat | Theatre | |
Raphael Klatchkin | Theatre | |
Tal Brody | Special contribution to Society and the State in Sports | |
Yosef Yekutieli | |
1980 | David Flusser | History of the Jewish people | |
Jacob Katz | |
Haim Cohn | Jurisprudence | |
Chaim Leib Pekeris | Physics | First recipient of the prize specifically for physics. |
Pinchas Litbinovsky | Painting | |
Anna Ticho | |
Yosl Bergner | |
Yad LaBanim (in Petah Tikva) | Special contribution to Society and the State in the activity of perpetuating the memory of Israel's (fallen) sons (and daughters) | Organization. Award also noted its founder Baruch Oren. |
Baruch Oren | Noted in the award to Yad LaBanim (in Petah Tikva). |
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel | Special contribution to Society and the State for the environment | Organization. Award also noted Amotz Zahavi, Azaria Alon and Yoav Sagi. |
Amotz Zahavi | Noted in the award to the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel. |
Azaria Alon [3] |
Yoav Sagi |
1981 | Avraham Sofer-Schreiber | Rabbinical literature | |
Joram Lindenstrauss | Mathematics | One of first two recipients of the prize specifically for mathematics. |
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro | Mathematics |
Meir Jacob Kister | Arabic Linguistics and Middle Eastern studies | |
Gurit Kadman | culture of Dance | |
Kvutza Degania Alef | Special contribution to Society and the State in social | Organization |
Recha Freier | Special contribution to Society and the State in the service of well-being, community and youth | |
1982 | Joshua Jortner | Chemistry | First recipient to receive the prize specifically for chemistry. |
David Benvenisti | Acquisition of knowledge and love of the Land of Israel | |
Zev Vilnay | Acquisition of knowledge and love of the Land of Israel | |
Amir Gilboa | Hebrew poetry | |
Yehuda Amichai | Hebrew poetry | |
Roberto Bachi | Demographics | The only recipient to date of the prize for demographics. |
Avraham Yaski | Architecture | |
Ruth Amiran | Land of Israel studies | |
Haim Gvati | Special contribution to Society and the State in work and industry | |
1983 | Saul Friedlander | History | One of first two recipients of the prize specifically for history. |
Aron Saltman | History |
Aharon Appelfeld | Literature | |
Naomi Shemer | Hebrew song (lyrics and melody) | |
Moshe Wilensky | Hebrew song (melody) | |
Haim Hefer | Hebrew song (lyrics) | |
Zerach Warhaftig | Special contribution to Society and the State for the advancement of Hebrew law | |
Shmuel Rodensky | Lifetime achievement |
1984 | Yemima Avidar-Tchernovitz | Children's literature | |
Moshe (Max) Jammer | History of science | |
Aron (Alfred) Bondi | Agriculture | |
Shlomo Ravikovitch | Agriculture | |
Shmuel Rodansky | Theatre | |
Nahal - Noar Halutzi Lohem (Fighting Pioneer Youth) | Special contribution to Society and the State | Organization |
Development Towns in Israel project |
1985 | Abraham Sutzkever | Yiddish Literature | The only recipient to date of the prize specifically for Yiddish Literature. |
Joshua Blau | Linguistics and Hebrew language | |
Henry E. Neufeld | Medicine | |
Baruch Padeh [ he ] | |
Yad Ben Zvi | Middle Eastern Jewish Literature | Organization |
Israel Television in Arabic | Special contribution to Society and the State |
1986 | Yeshayahu Avrech | Opinion journalism | |
Shalom Rosenfeld | |
Michael Evenari | Lifework in desert studies | |
Yoel De Malach | |
Ulpan Akiva | Lifework in Education | Organization. Prize awarded jointly with Shulamith Katznelson. |
Shulamith Katznelson | Jointly awarded with Ulpan Akiva. |
HaKfar HaYarok | Organization. Prize awarded jointly with Gershon Zak |
Gershon Zak | Jointly awarded with HaKfar HaYarok |
Batya Lichansky | Lfework in Sculpture (Land of Israel) | |
Yechiel Shemi | |
Yona Sayid | Lifetime achievement | |
Eldin Khatukai | |
1987 | Alex Bein | Zionist historiography | The only recipient to date of the prize specifically for Zionist historiography. |
Ezra Zion Melamed | Biblical interpretation and Rabbinical literature | |
Menahem Yaari | Economics | First recipient of the prize for economics. |
Ovadia Harari | Engineering and Technology | |
Miriam Zohar | Acting | |
Lea Koenig | |
Makram Khoury | First Israeli Arab recipient of the prize |
1988 | Moshe Goshen-Gottstein | Jewish studies | |
Adin Steinsaltz | |
Natan Goldblum | Life sciences | |
Haim Gouri | Hebrew poetry | |
Moshe Shamir | Hebrew Literature | |
Sacha (Alexander) Argov | Hebrew song | |
Shoshana Damari | |
Arie "Lova" Eliav | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Reuben Hecht | |
Teddy Kollek | |
1989 | Shmuel Werses | Hebrew Literature | |
Israel Yeivin | study of the Hebrew language | |
Haim Harari | Exact sciences | |
Yakir Aharonov | |
Elihu Katz | Social sciences | His wife, Ruth Katz, received the Israel Prize in Musicology in 2012. |
Wingate Institute | Sports | Organization. One of the first two recipients of the prize specifically for sports. |
Ian Froman | Sports | One of first two recipients of the prize specifically for sports. |
Ya'akov Hazan | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Bethsabee de Rothschild | |
Israel Exploration Society | Organization |
1990 | Meir Weiss | Jewish studies | |
Nathan Spiegel | Humanities | |
Zvi Yavetz | |
Moshe Altbauer | |
Moshe Prywes | Life sciences | |
Meir Wilchek | |
Alexander Levitzki | Family relationship: Son of recipient Jacob Levitski (1953, Exact sciences). |
Yehezkel Streichman | Painting | |
Amin Tarif | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Raanan Weitz | |
Israel Polack | |
1991 | Haim Beinart | Jewish studies | |
Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan | Land of Israel studies | |
Moshe Landau | Law | |
Daniel Friedmann | |
Elhanan Helpman | Economics | |
Shmuel Agmon | Exact sciences | |
Dov Frohman | |
Devorah Bertonov | Stage arts | Family relationship: Daughter of recipient Yehoshua Bertonov (1959, Theatre). |
Yossi Yadin | |
Miriam Ben-Porat | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Stef Wertheimer | |
Yeshivat Hesder | Organization |
Zubin Mehta | special prize awarded to non-Israeli | Special award in recognition of Mehta's devotion to Israel and to the IPO. |
1992 | Shaul Yisraeli | Jewish studies | |
Yehuda Kiel | |
Daniel Sperber | |
Moshe Lissak | Social sciences | |
David Navon | |
Reuven Feuerstein | |
David Erlich | |
Yitzhak Wahl | Life sciences | |
Emile Habibi | Arabic Literature | First recipient of the prize for Arabic Literature. |
Avoth Yeshurun | Hebrew poetry | |
1993 | Dan Miron | Hebrew Literature | |
Gershon Shaked | |
Moshe Bar-Asher | Hebrew language and Jewish languages | |
Gideon Goldenberg | Hebrew language and general linguistics | |
Yehoshua Arieli | History | |
Hava Lazarus-Yafeh | |
Michael Confino | |
Yehoshafat Harkabi | Political science | First recipient of the prize specifically for political science. |
Hillel Furstenberg | Exact sciences | |
Shlomo Alexander | |
Jacob Ziv | |
Ram Loevy | Communications, Radio and Television | |
Yaacov Farkas (“Ze’ev”) | Communications, journalism | |
1994 | Moshe Greenberg | Bible | One of the first two recipients to receive the prize for Biblical studies. |
Moshe Weinfeld |
Haim Zalman Dimitrovsky | Talmud | |
Eliezer Schweid | Jewish thought | |
Shneur Zalman Feller | Law | |
Robert John (Israel) Aumann | Economics | |
Michael Bruno | |
Avram Hershko | Biochemistry | One of the first two recipients to receive the prize specifically for biochemistry. |
Nathan Sharon | Family relationship: Brother of recipient Shmuel Shtrikman (2001, physics). One of the first two recipients to receive the prize specifically for biochemistry. |
Eliahu Swirski | Agriculture | |
Hanoch Avenary [ he ] | Music | |
Yaakov Orland | Hebrew song | |
Arie Shapira | composition | |
Yad Sarah | Special contribution to Society and the State | Organization |
Neot Kedumim | Organization. Prize awarded jointly with Noga HaReuveni. |
Noga HaReuveni | Jointly awarded with the staff of Neot Kedumim. |
1995 | Claire Epstein [4] | Archaeology | First recipient of the prize for archaeology. |
Dov Nir | Geography | |
Amos Funkenstein | Jewish history | |
Yehuda Amir | Psychology | First recipient of the prize specifically for psychology. |
Rina Shapira | Education | |
Israel Dostrovsky | Exact sciences | |
Michael O. Rabin | Computer sciences | First recipient of the prize for computer sciences. |
Nathan Zach | Hebrew poetry | |
A. B. Yehoshua (Avraham B. Yehoshua) | Hebrew Literature | |
Lea Nikel | Painting | |
Menashe Kadishman | Sculpture | |
David Resnick | Architecture | |
Yitzhak Ben-Aharon | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Ada Sereni | |
1996 | Yehuda Ratzaby | Jewish languages | |
Chone Shmeruk | |
Shimon Sandbank | Translation of Literature and poems to Hebrew | First recipient of the prize specifically for translation. |
Shlomo Avineri | Political science | |
Moshe Barash | History of art | First recipient of the prize specifically for history of art. |
Moshe Piamenta | Middle Eastern studies | |
Meir Sternberg | general Literature | |
Ilan Chet | Agriculture | |
Yehezkel Stein | Medicine | |
Nisim Aloni | Stage arts – dramatics | |
Moshe Efrati | Stage arts – dance | |
Arieh Navon | Stage arts – theatrical scenery | |
Marcel-Jacques Dubois | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Meir Shamgar | |
1997 | Yaakov Sussmann | Talmudic studies | |
Joseph Dan | Jewish thought | |
Shemaryahu Talmon | Biblical studies | |
Yehoshua Bacharach | Rabbinical literature | |
Hayim David HaLevi | Rabbinical literature | |
Izhak Englard | Law | |
Yitzhak Zamir | Law | |
Ben-Zion Orgad | Music | |
Abel Ehrlich | |
Andre Hajdu | |
Haim Yavin | Communications | One of the first two recipients of the prize for communications. |
David Rubinger |
Uzia Galil | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Israel Tal | |
Avraham Elimelech Firer | |
1998 | Yehuda Bauer | History of the Jewish people | |
Moshe Gil | Land of Israel | |
Trude Dothan | Archaeology | |
Yona Rosenfeld | Social work | |
Arye Levy | Education | |
Emanuel Marx | Sociology | |
Yehudit Birk | Agriculture | |
Rami Rahamimoff | Medical science | |
Saharon Shelah | Mathematics | |
Dan Shechtman | Physics | |
Dahlia Ravikovitch | original Poetry | |
Amos Oz | Literature | |
Dan Tsur | Architecture | Jointly awarded with Lipa Yahalom. |
Lipa Yahalom | Jointly awarded with Dan Tsur. |
Dan Reisinger | Design | |
Hassia Levy-Agron | Stage arts | |
Yehudit Arnon | |
Yossi Banai | |
Yafa Yarkoni | Hebrew song | |
Ehud Manor | |
Sara Stern-Katan | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Shlomo Hillel | |
Haim Yisraeli | |
1999 | Moshe Idel | Jewish thought | |
Aaron Mirski | Hebrew Literature | |
Menahem Zevi Kaddari | Hebrew language | |
Menachem Banitt | Jewish languages | |
Mordechai Breuer | original Rabbinical literature | |
Avraham Steinberg | original Rabbinical literature | |
Myriam Yardeni | General history | |
Shmuel Moreh | Middle Eastern studies | |
Bezalel Narkiss | History of art | |
Yehoshua Ben-Arieh | Geography | |
Arie Shachar | |
Michel Revel | Medicine | |
Yigal Cohen | Agriculture | |
Haim (Howard) Cedar | Biology | First recipient to receive the prize specifically for biology. |
Menahem Golan | Cinema | One of the first two recipients of the prize for Cinema. |
David Perlov |
Yehoshua Rozin | Sports | |
Esther Roth-Shahamorov | |
Rebecca Bergman | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Jeshajahu Weinberg | |
Bracha Qafih (Kapach) | Family relationship: Wife of recipient Yosef Qafih (1969, Jewish studies). The only husband and wife to have both received the Israel Prize. |
2000 | Menahem Haran | Biblical studies | |
Avraham Goldberg | Talmudic studies | |
Yonah Frenkel | |
Hillel M. Daleski | study of Literature | |
Harel Fisch | |
Gad Ben Ami Tsarfati | Linguistics | |
Shaul Shaked | |
Yirmiyahu Yovel | Philosophy | |
Asa Kasher | Philosophy | |
Raphael Mechoulam | Chemistry | |
Yosef Zinger | Engineering and Technology | |
Amir Pnueli | Computer sciences | |
Amalia Kahana-Carmon | original Hebrew Literature | |
Meir Wieseltier | Literature and Poetry | |
Moshe Kupferman | Painting | |
Michael Gross | Painting and Sculpture | |
Micha Bar-Am | Photography | |
Shulamit Aloni | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Aryeh Karol | |
Hagashash Hachiver | Members comprise Gavriel (Gavri) Banai, Yeshayahu (Shaike) Levi and Yisrael (Poli) Poliakov. |
Gavriel (Gavri) Banai | Awarded as a member of Hagashash Hachiver. |
Yeshayahu (Shaike) Levi |
Yisrael (Poli) Poliakov |
2001 | Aviezer Ravitzky | Jewish thought | |
Gavriel Salomon | Education | |
Ya'akov Rand | |
Ruth Ben Yisrael | Law | |
Yehoshua Weissman | |
Marcel Elyakim | Medicine | |
Ruth Arnon | |
Beracha Ramon | |
Yoseph Imry | Physics | |
Shmuel Shtrikman | Family relationship: Brother of recipient Nathan Sharon (1994, biochemistry). |
Zvi Avni | Music | |
Yehezkel Braun | |
Herzl Shmueli | |
Baruch Hagai | Sports | |
Abba Eban | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Mordechai Ben Porat | |
Yitzhak Shamir | |
2002 | Asher Koriat | Psychology | |
Moshe Brawer | Geography | |
Menashe Harel | Knowledge of the Land of Israel | |
Shmuel Safrai | |
Avraham Biran | Archaeology | |
Jacob A. Frenkel | Economics | |
Ariel Rubinstein | |
Abraham Haim Halevy | Agriculture | Family relationship: Grandson of recipient Yosef Zvi HaLevy (1958, Rabbinical literature). |
Itamar Willner | Chemistry | |
Ada Yonath | |
Ram Karmi | Architecture | Family relationships: Son of recipient Dov Karmi (1957, Architecture) and brother of recipient Ada Karmi-Melamede (2007, Architecture). |
David Tartakover | Design | |
Dov Yudovsky | Media | |
Nahum Rakover | Jewish thought | |
Eli Hurvitz | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Ephraim Kishon | |
Jewish National Fund | Organization |
2003 | Israel Ta-Shma | Talmud studies | |
Avraham Grossman | Jewish history | |
Shulamit Shahar | General history | |
Bilha Manheim | Sociology | |
Charles S. (Yehoshayahu) Liebman | Government studies | |
Menahem Amir | Criminology | One of the first two recipients of the prize for criminology. |
Shlomo Giora Shoham |
Aaron Ciechanover | Biology | |
Avinoam Libai | Engineering | |
Zvi Ben-Avraham | Earth sciences | |
Yosef Bar Yosef | Theatre | |
Zaharira Harifai | |
Yehudit Hendel | Literature | |
Aharon Megged | |
Aharon Amir | Translation | |
Geula Cohen | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Meir Amit | |
Yad Vashem, Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority | Organization. Also awarded the Israel Prize in 1973, for the Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities (Pinkas HaKehillot) project. |
2004 | Sarah Yefet | Biblical studies | |
Menahem Brinker | Literature | |
Dov Noy | |
Avraham Doron | Social work | |
Ziva Amishai-Maisels | History of art | |
Aharon Razin | Biochemistry | |
Joseph Bernstein | Mathematics | |
David Harel | Computer sciences | |
Ester Samuel-Cahn | Statistics | |
Yigal Tumarkin | Sculpture | |
Gila Almagor-Agmon | Cinema | |
Gil Aldema | Hebrew song | |
Yehoram Gaon | |
Yitzchak Dovid Grossman | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Lia van Leer | |
Moshe Schnitzer | |
2005 | Ben-Ami Sharpstein | Philosophy | |
Miriam Erez | Management | |
Yehezkel Dror | |
Aharon Dotan | Hebrew language and Linguistics | |
Olga Kapeliuk | Linguistics | |
Ya'akov Landau | Middle Eastern studies | |
Sasson Somekh | |
Rena Zeitzov | Medicine | |
Shaul Feldman | |
Jacob Bekenstein | Physics | |
Alex Livak | Photography | |
Ohad Naharin | Dance | |
Yitzhak Orpaz-Auerbach | Literature | |
Israel Pinkas | Poetry | |
Shabtai Teveth | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Yisrael Meir Lau | |
Cameri Theatre | Organization |
2006 | Gerald Blidstein | Jewish philosophy | |
Haim Adler | Education | |
Miriam Ben-Peretz | |
Ruth Lapidot | Law | |
Amnon Rubinstein | |
Nahum Keidar | Agriculture | |
Zvi Rappoport | Chemistry | |
Pnina Salzman | Music | |
Mendi Rodan | Music | |
Ya'akov Hodorov | Sports | |
Ralph Klein | |
Dvora Omer | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Al Schwimmer | |
Israeli Andalusian Orchestra | Organization |
2007 | Elisha Efrat | Geography | |
Amnon Cohen | Knowledge of the Land of Israel | |
Shalom H. Schwartz | Psychology | |
Nissan Liviatan | Economics | |
Zvi Selinger | Biology | |
Zvi Hashin | Engineering | |
Yaacov Yaar | Architecture | |
Ada Karmi-Melamede | Family relationships: Daughter of recipient Dov Karmi (1957, Architecture) and sister of recipient Ram Karmi (2002, Architecture). |
Yarom Vardimon | Design | |
Nahum Barnea | Communications | |
The Responsa Project (Project Hashut) | Rabbinical literature | Organization |
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State |
The Gevatron | Folk singers group |
Dov Lautman | |
Alice Shalvi | |
2008 | David Weiss Halivni | Talmudic studies | |
Anita Shapira | History | |
Benjamin Isaac | |
Sammy Smooha | Sociology | |
Zeev Sternhell | Political science | |
Moshe Oren | Biochemistry | |
Noga Alon | Mathematics | |
Adi Shamir | Computer sciences | |
Pinchas Cohen Gan | Painting | |
Rene Yerushalmi | Theatre | |
Nissan Nativ | Posthumous receipt of Prize. [5] |
Ida Fink | Literature | |
Tuvya Ruebner | Hebrew poetry | |
Nili Mirsky | Hebrew translation | |
Jewish Agency | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | Organization |
Manufacturers Association of Israel |
Youth Movements Council |
Ezer Mizion |
Perach |
Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO) | Organization. Joint award to three Israeli women's organization, WIZO, Na'amat and Emunah. |
Na'amat |
Emunah (National Religious Women's Movement) |
2009 | Emanuel Tov | Biblical studies | |
Israel Levin | Literature | |
Reuven Tsur | |
Zahava Solomon | Social work | |
Mordechai Rotenberg | |
Amihai Mazar | Archaeology | |
Zvi Laron | Medicine | |
Itamar Procaccia | Physics | |
Micha Ullman | Sculpture | |
Yehuda (Judd) Neeman | Cinema | |
Nachum (Nahtche) Heiman | Hebrew song | |
Dov Seltzer | |
Israel Democracy Institute | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | Organization |
Ruth Rasnic | |
Mordechai Shani | |
2010 | Avishai Margalit | Philosophy | |
Hanoch Bartov | Literature | |
Aryeh Sivan | Poetry | |
Abraham Tal | Hebrew Linguistics | |
Arye Levin | General Linguistics | |
Moshe Adad | criminology | |
Yair Aharoni | administrative science | |
Abraham Nitzan | Chemistry | |
Yehoshua Kolodny | Earth sciences | |
Jonathan Gressel | Agriculture | |
Peter Mirom | Photography | |
Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance and Theater | Dance | Organization |
Aharon Yadlin | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Yardena Cohen | |
Kamal Mansour | |
ILAN - Israel Foundation for Handicapped Children | Organization |
2011 | Michael Schwarz | Jewish thought | |
Yosef Shiloh | Life sciences | |
Ruth Gavison | Legal research | |
Pnina Klein | Education | |
David Harari | Engineering | |
Ya'acov Dorchin | Visual arts | |
Noam Sheriff | The study of music | Members of the selection Committee – Betty Olivero who was selected by N. Sheriff for the E.M.E.T. Prize in 2015 |
Shimon Mizrahi | Sports | |
Hulda Gurevitch | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Eli Alaluf | |
2012 | David Kazhdan | Mathematics and Computer sciences | |
Shlomo Bentin | Psychology | |
David Milstein | Chemistry and Physics | |
Ruth Katz | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Dalia Cohen | |
Azaria Alon | |
Haim Drukman [6] | Education | |
Yoav Benjamini | Statistics | |
Nathan Shaham | Hebrew Literature and poetry | |
Ya'akov Ahimeir | communications | |
2013 | Gideon Dagan | earth science | |
Nathan Nelson | Life Sciences | |
Yosef Kaplan | History of the Jewish people | |
Chava Turniansky | Jewish language and Literature | |
Adam Mazor | Architecture | |
Yoram Bilu | Sociology and Anthropology | |
Nola Chelton | Stage arts | |
Eliyahu Hacohen | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Ron Nachman | |
2014 | Shamma Friedman | Talmud | |
Mordechai Segev | Physics and Chemistry | |
Yaacov Katan | Plant pathology and entomology | |
Irad Malkin | History | |
Aharon Lichtenstein | Jewish Literature | |
Marta Weinstock-Rosin | Medicine | |
Michal Na'aman | Visual arts | |
Haim Levy | Management | |
Avinoam Naor | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Adina Bar-Shalom |
2015 | Chaim Topol | |
Esther Herlitz | |
David Gurfinkel | Cinema | |
Erez Biton | Hebrew Literature and poetry | |
Shimon Ullman | Mathematics and Computer science | |
David Weisburd | Social work and Criminology | |
Harold Zvi Schiffrin | East Asian studies | |
Shmuel Ahituv | Biblical studies | |
Zelig Eshhar | Life sciences | |
2016 | Meir Lahav | Chemistry & Physics | |
Leslie Leiserowitz | |
Edit Doron | Linguistics | |
Nurit Hirsh | Hebrew song | |
Eli Sadan | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Doron Almog | |
Yohanan Friedmann | Near Eastern studies | |
Eviatar Nevo | Life sciences | |
David Shulman | Religious studies and Philosophy | |
Hadas Efrat | Stage arts | |
Yossi Katz | Geography, Archeology, and Land of Israel studies | |
2017 | Ágnes Keleti | Sports | |
Tzvika Levy | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
David Beeri | |
Yosef Yarden | Life sciences | |
Arie Vardi | Music | |
Malka Margalit | Education | |
Yehuda Liebes | Jewish thought | |
Uri Shaked | Engineering | |
2018 | Ron Ben-Yishai | Journalism | |
David Grossman | Literature | |
Shlomo Havlin | Physics | |
Sergiu Hart | Economics | |
Alexander Lubotzky | Mathematics and Computer Science | |
Miriam Peretz | Lifetime Achievement & Special contribution to Society and the State | |
2019 | Amnon Ben-Tor | Archaeology | |
Naomi Polani | Theater and Dance | |
Dan Yakir [7] | Environmental sciences, geology and atmospheric sciences | |
2020 | Joseph Klafter | Chemistry and Physics | |
Avishay Braverman | Lifetime Achievement | |
2021 | Nitza Ben-Dov | Hebrew Literature | |
Michal Bat-Adam | Film Art |
Oded Goldreich | Mathematics & Computer Sciences | Prize blocked by politicians, Supreme Court decided in favour |
Eli Keshet | Life Sciences | |
Ben-Ami Shillony | Far Eastern Studies | |
Nurit Zarchi | Literature | |
Joseph Ciechanover | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
2022 | Moussa B.H. Youdim | Life Sciences | |
Yemima Ben-Menahem | Philosophy Research | |
Ruth A. Berman | Linguistic Research |
Avihu Medina | Israeli Music | |
Yoram Palti | Entrepreneurship | |
Oded Kotler | Theatre | |
Shimon Shamir | Middle Eastern Studies | |
Izi Sheratzki | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Joshua Zak | Physics | |
Maryuma Klein | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
2023 | Amnon Shashua | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Yoram Dinstein | Legal research | |
Emanuel Peled | Chemistry and Chemical engineering | |
Amal Nasser el-Din | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Rachel Haber | Special contribution to Society and the State | |
Dov Schwartz | Jewish thought | |
Daklon (Joseph Levy) | Israeli Music | |
Zemira Mevarech | Education | |
Michal Schwartz | Life Sciences | |
Michal Rovner | Plastic arts | |
Jehoash Hirshberg | Music and musicology | |
Avital Gazit | Environmental Sciences | |