Project Runway is an American reality television show in which contestants compete to be the best fashion designer, as determined by the show's judges. The series first broadcast in 2004, and seventeen regular seasons and seven all-stars seasons have aired as of June 2019. The first five seasons aired on Bravo, while the succeeding seasons aired on Lifetime. [1] Project Runway contestants are chosen by the show's producers through an application process that includes a videotape submission and "virtual portfolio" of sketches and completed designs, semi-final interviews at select cities, and a final interview. [2]
Two hundred contestants have competed, three of whom have competed twice—Daniel Franco competed in both season 1 and season 2 and Kate Pankoke in season 11 and season 12 in addition to Amanda Valentine in season 11 and season 13. Angela Keslar and Vincent Libretti were originally eliminated in Episodes 8 and 9, respectively, of season 3, but were brought back due to that season's twist. Justin LeBlanc would have originally been eliminated in episode 6 of season 12, but was given a second chance due to the newly instituted "Tim Gunn Save". During season 13, the "Tim Gunn Save" was used to retroactively bring Charketa Glover back into the competition for Episode 7 after she was eliminated in Episode 6. Seven contestants left Project Runway for reasons other than being eliminated by the show's judges. Keith Michael was disqualified in season 3 for bringing design books to the contest, which is prohibited. [3] On the other hand, Jack Mackenroth of season 4, Maya Luz of season 7, Cecilia Motwani of season 9, Andrea Katz of season 10, Kooan Kosuke of season 10, and Sandro Masmanidi of season 12 all withdrew from the show for personal reasons.
The 18 winners of the regular series are Jay McCarroll, Chloe Dao, Jeffrey Sebelia, Christian Siriano, Leanne Marshall, Irina Shabayeva, Seth Aaron Henderson, Gretchen Jones, Anya Ayoung-Chee, Dmitry Sholokhov, Michelle Lesniak, Dom Streater, Sean Kelly, Ashley Nell Tipton, Erin Robertson, Kentaro Kameyama, Sebastian Grey, and Geoffrey Mac. The 7 winners of the All-Star series are Mondo Guerra, Anthony Ryan Auld, Seth Aaron Henderson, Dmitry Sholokhov, Dom Streater, Anthony Williams and Michelle Lesniak.
* | Contestant appeared for a second season |
Season | Designer | Age [I] | Hometown | Finish |
1 | Daniel Franco | 33 | Los Angeles, California | 12th |
1 | Mario Cadenas | 23 | Miami, Florida | 11th |
1 | Starr Ilzhoefer | 27 | Charlotte, North Carolina | 10th |
1 | Vanessa Riley | 34 | Houston, Texas | 9th |
1 | Nora Caliguri | 21 | Cheshire, Connecticut | 8th |
1 | Alexandra Vidal | 22 | Miami, Florida | 7th |
1 | Kevin Johnn | 44 | New York City, New York | 6th |
1 | Robert Plotkin | 28 | New York City, New York | 5th |
1 | Austin Scarlett | 23 | New York City, New York | 4th |
1 | Wendy Pepper | 39 | Middleburg, Virginia | 3rd |
1 | Kara Saun | 37 | Los Angeles, California | Runner-up |
1 | Jay McCarroll | 29 | Dallas, Pennsylvania | Winner |
2 | John Wade | 24 | Los Angeles, California | 16th |
2 | Heidi Standridge | 25 | Atlanta, Georgia | 15th |
2 | Kirsten Ehrig | 37 | Los Angeles, California | 14th |
2 | Raymundo Baltazar | 24 | Los Angeles, California | 13th |
2 | Daniel Franco * | 34 | Los Angeles, California | 12th |
2 | Guadalupe Vidal | 29 | Los Angeles, California | 11th |
2 | Marla Duran | 51 | Allentown, Pennsylvania | 10th |
2 | Diana Eng | 22 | Jacksonville, Florida | 9th |
2 | Emmett McCarthy | 42 | New York City, New York | 8th |
2 | Zulema Griffin | 28 | New York City, New York | 7th |
2 | Andrae Gonzalo | 32 | Los Angeles, California | 6th |
2 | Nick Verreos | 38 | Los Angeles, California | 5th |
2 | Kara Janx | 29 | Johannesburg, South Africa | 4th |
2 | Santino Rice | 30 | Los Angeles, California | 3rd |
2 | Daniel Vosovic | 24 | New York City, New York | Runner-up |
2 | Chloe Dao | 33 | Houston, Texas | Winner |
3 | Stacey Estrella | 40 | San Francisco, California | 15th |
3 | Malan Breton | 32 | New York City, New York | 14th |
3 | Katherine Gerdes | 24 | Minneapolis, Minnesota | 13th |
3 | Keith Michael | 34 | New York City, New York | 12th |
3 | Bonnie Dominguez | 31 | San Diego, California | 11th |
3 | Bradley Baumkirchner | 31 | Los Angeles, California | 10th |
3 | Alison Kelly | 25 | New York City, New York | 9th |
3 | Robert Best | 36 | Hollywood, California | 8th |
3 | Angela Keslar [II] | 33 | Amesville, Ohio | 7th |
3 | Vincent Libretti [II] | 49 | Santa Monica, California | 6th |
3 | Kayne Gillaspie | 27 | Norman, Oklahoma | 5th |
3 | Mychael Knight | 28 | Atlanta, Georgia | 4th |
3 | Laura Bennett | 42 | New York City, New York | 3rd |
3 | Uli Herzner | 35 | Miami Beach, Florida | Runner-up |
3 | Jeffrey Sebelia | 36 | Los Angeles, California | Winner |
4 | Simone LeBlanc | 32 | Los Angeles, California | 15th |
4 | Marion Lee | 39 | Dallas, Texas | 14th |
4 | Carmen Webber | 37 | New York City, New York | 13th |
4 | Jack Mackenroth | 38 | New York City, New York | 12th |
4 | Steven Rosengard | 29 | Chicago, Illinois | 11th |
4 | Elisa Jimenez | 42 | El Paso, Texas | 10th |
4 | Kevin Christiana | 30 | New York City, New York | 9th |
4 | Christina "Kit" Scarbo | 26 | Los Angeles, California | 8th |
4 | Victorya Hong | 34 | Winchester, Virginia | 7th |
4 | Ricky Lizalde | 35 | Escondido, California | 6th |
4 | Kathleen "Sweet P" Vaughn | 46 | Los Angeles, California | 5th |
4 | Chris March [III] | 44 | New York City, New York | 4th |
4 | Jillian Lewis | 26 | Selden, New York | 3rd |
4 | Rami Kashou | 31 | Los Angeles, California | Runner-up |
4 | Christian Siriano | 21 | Annapolis, Maryland | Winner |
5 | Jerry Tam | 32 | New York City, New York | 16th |
5 | Wesley Nault | 23 | Blackstone, Massachusetts | 15th |
5 | Emily Brandle | 27 | Los Angeles, California | 14th |
5 | Jennifer Diederich | 27 | East Syracuse, New York | 13th |
5 | Kelli Martin | 27 | Columbus, Ohio | 12th |
5 | Daniel Feld | 25 | Brooklyn, New York | 11th |
5 | Keith Bryce | 26 | Salt Lake City, Utah | 10th |
5 | Stella Zotis | 42 | Queens, New York | 9th |
5 | Blayne Walsh | 23 | Seattle, Washington | 8th |
5 | Terri Stevens | 39 | Chicago, Illinois | 7th |
5 | Joe Faris | 41 | Detroit, Michigan | 6th |
5 | Stephen "Suede" Baum | 37 | New York City, New York | 5th |
5 | Jerell Scott | 28 | Los Angeles, California | 4th |
5 | Kenley Collins | 25 | New York City, New York | 3rd |
5 | Korto Momolu | 33 | Little Rock, Arkansas | Runner-up |
5 | Leanne Marshall | 27 | Portland, Oregon | Winner |
6 | Ari Fish | 25 | Kansas City, Missouri | 16th |
6 | Malvin Vien | 23 | New York City, New York | 15th |
6 | Mitchell Hall | 25 | Savannah, Georgia | 14th |
6 | Qristyl Frazier | 41 | New York City, New York | 13th |
6 | Johnny Sakalis | 29 | West Hollywood, California | 12th |
6 | Ra'mon Lawrence | 30 | Minneapolis, Minnesota | 11th |
6 | Louise Black | 31 | Dallas, Texas | 10th |
6 | Rodney Epperson | 49 | New York City, New York | 9th |
6 | Shirin Askari | 23 | Richardson, Texas | 8th |
6 | Nicolas Putvinski | 26 | New York City, New York | 7th |
6 | Logan Neitzel | 25 | Seattle, Washington | 6th |
6 | Christopher Straub | 29 | Shakopee, Minnesota | 5th |
6 | Gordana Gelhausen | 44 | Charleston, South Carolina | 4th |
6 | Carol Hannah Whitfield | 23 | Charleston, South Carolina | 3rd |
6 | Althea Harper | 23 | Dayton, Ohio | Runner-up |
6 | Irina Shabayeva | 26 | New York City, New York | Winner |
7 | Christiane King | 29 | Los Angeles, California | 16th |
7 | Pamela Ptak | 47 | Bucks County, Pennsylvania | 15th |
7 | Ping Wu | 34 | Chicago, Illinois | 14th |
7 | Jesus Estrada | 21 | San Diego, California | 13th |
7 | Anna Lynett | 23 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 12th |
7 | Janeane Marie Ceccanti | 27 | Portland, Oregon | 11th |
7 | Jesse LeNoir | 24 | Orlando, Florida | 10th |
7 | Ben Chmura | 29 | Tampa, Florida | 9th |
7 | Amy Sarabi | 25 | Oakland, California | 8th |
7 | Maya Luz | 21 | New York City, New York | 7th |
7 | Jonathan Peters | 29 | Providence, Rhode Island | 6th |
7 | Anthony Williams [IV] | 28 | Atlanta, Georgia | 5th |
7 | Jay Nicolas Sario | 31 | San Francisco, California | 4th |
7 | Mila Hermanovski | 40 | Los Angeles, California | 3rd |
7 | Emilio Sosa | 43 | New York City, New York | Runner-up |
7 | Seth Aaron Henderson [IX] | 37 | Vancouver, Washington | Winner |
8 | McKell Maddox | 29 | Layton, Utah | 17th |
8 | Jason Troisi | 33 | Greenwich, Connecticut | 16th |
8 | Nicholas D'Azurizio | 32 | New York City, New York | 15th |
8 | Sarah Trost | 27 | Toluca Lake, California | 14th |
8 | Kristin Haskins Simms | 39 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 13th |
8 | A.J. Thouvenot | 26 | St. Louis, Missouri | 12th |
8 | Peach Carr | 50 | Lake Forest, Illinois | 11th |
8 | Carlos Casanova | 33 | Astoria, New York | 10th |
8 | Michael Drummond | 31 | St. Louis, Missouri | 9th |
8 | Ivy Higa | 30 | New York City, New York | 8th |
8 | Valerie Mayen | 29 | Cleveland, Ohio | 7th |
8 | Christopher Collins | 30 | San Francisco, California | 6th |
8 | April Johnston | 21 | Savannah, Georgia | 5th |
8 | Michael Costello | 27 | Palm Springs, California | 4th |
8 | Ari South | 23 | Waianae, Hawaii | 3rd |
8 | Mondo Guerra | 32 | Denver, Colorado | Runner-up |
8 | Gretchen Jones | 28 | Portland, Oregon | Winner |
9 | Amanda Perna | 25 | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida | 17th–20th |
9 | David Chum | 29 | Philippines | 17th–20th |
9 | Gunnar Deatherage | 21 | La Grange, Kentucky | 17th–20th |
9 | Serena da Conceicao | 31 | Kingston, New York | 17th–20th |
9 | Rafael Cox | 27 | Alamogordo, New Mexico | 16th |
9 | Fallene Wells | 29 | Las Vegas, Nevada | 15th |
9 | Julie Tierney | 35 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana | 14th |
9 | Cecilia Motwani | 34 | Cordoba, Argentina | 13th |
9 | Danielle Everine | 26 | Minneapolis, Minnesota | 12th |
9 | Joshua Christensen [V] | 29 | Snohomish, Washington | 11th |
9 | Becky Ross | 38 | Calumet, Michigan | 10th |
9 | Bryce Black | 26 | Twin Falls, Idaho | 9th |
9 | Olivier Green | 22 | Columbus, Ohio | 8th |
9 | Anthony Ryan Auld | 28 | Linden, Texas | 7th |
9 | Bert Keeter | 57 | Washington, D.C. | 6th |
9 | Laura Kathleen | 26 | St. Louis, Missouri | 5th |
9 | Kimberly Goldson | 35 | Brooklyn, New York | 4th |
9 | Viktor Luna | 30 | Guadalajara, Mexico | 3rd |
9 | Joshua McKinley | 25 | Willoughby, Ohio | Runner-up |
9 | Anya Ayoung-Chee | 29 | Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago | Winner |
10 | Beatrice Guapo | 29 | Orange County, California | 16th |
10 | Lantie Foster | 48 | Sacramento, California | 15th |
10 | Andrea Katz | 58 | Oceanside, New York | 14th |
10 | Kooan Kosuke | 30 | Himeji, Hyōgo, Japan | 13th |
10 | Buffi Jashanmal | 32 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates | 12th |
10 | Raul Osorio [VI] | 27 | Canoga Park, California | 11th |
10 | Nathan Paul | 33 | Zanesville, Ohio | 10th |
10 | Alicia Hardesty | 27 | Brandenburg, Kentucky | 9th |
10 | Gunnar Deatherage | 22 | Hanover, Indiana | 8th |
10 | Ven Budhu | 28 | Berbice, Guyana | 7th |
10 | Elena Slivnyak | 28 | Kyiv, Ukraine | 6th |
10 | Sonjia Williams | 27 | Boston, Massachusetts | 5th |
10 | Christopher Palu | 24 | Brooklyn, New York | 4th |
10 | Melissa Fleis | 31 | Rogers City, Michigan | 3rd |
10 | Fabio Costa | 29 | Belo Horizonte, Brazil | Runner-up |
10 | Dmitry Sholokhov [IX] | 33 | Navapolatsk, Belarus | Winner |
11 | Emily Pollard | 24 | Richfield, Ohio | 16th |
11 | James Martinez | 29 | Dallas, Texas | 15th |
11 | Cindy Marlatt | 59 | Kent, Washington | 14th |
11 | Joseph Aaron Segal | 30 | Framingham, Massachusetts | 13th |
11 | Matthew Arthur | 30 | Hammond, Louisiana | 12th |
11 | Benjamin Mach | 35 | Sydney, Australia | 11th |
11 | Tu Suthiwat Nakchat | 26 | Chachoengsao, Thailand | 10th |
11 | Katelyn "Kate" Pankoke | 23 | Eau Claire, Wisconsin | 9th |
11 | Amanda Valentine | 31 | Lincoln, Nebraska | 8th |
11 | Samantha Black | 28 | Bronx, New York | 7th |
11 | Richard Hallmarq | 39 | Sacramento, California | 6th |
11 | Layana Aguilar | 28 | Governador Valadares, Brazil | 5th |
11 | Daniel Esquivel | 49 | Dallas, Texas | 4th |
11 | Stanley Hudson | 45 | Lynwood, California | 3rd |
11 | Patricia Michaels | 46 | Taos Pueblo, New Mexico | Runner-up |
11 | Michelle Lesniak Franklin [IX] | 34 | Portland, Oregon | Winner |
12 | Angela Bacskocky | 33 | Richmond, Virginia | 16th |
12 | Kahindo Mateene | 34 | Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo | 15th |
12 | Timothy Westbrook | 24 | Wanakena, New York | 14th |
12 | Sandro Masmanidi | 28 | Krasnodar, Russia | 13th |
12 | Sue Waller | 45 | Boston, Massachusetts | 12th |
12 | Miranda Kay Levy | 29 | Wilton, Wisconsin | 11th |
12 | Karen Batts | 29 | Boca Raton, Florida | 10th |
12 | Jeremy Brandrick | 41 | Birmingham, England | 9th |
12 | Ken Laurence | 24 | Birmingham, Alabama | 8th |
12 | Alexander Pope | 38 | Los Angeles, California | 7th |
12 | Katelyn "Kate" Pankoke* | 24 | Eau Claire, Wisconsin | 6th |
12 | Helen Castillo | 25 | Weehawken, New Jersey | 5th |
12 | Bradon McDonald | 38 | Lowville, New York | 4th |
12 | Justin LeBlanc [VII] | 27 | Tampa, Florida | 3rd |
12 | Alexandria von Bromssen | 38 | Stockholm, Sweden | Runner-up |
12 | Dom Streater [IX] | 24 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Winner |
13 | Jefferson Musanda | 25 | Brooklyn, New York | 16th |
13 | Carrie Sleutskaya | 24 | Los Angeles, California | 15th |
13 | Angela Sum | 32 | Los Angeles, California | 14th |
13 | Hernan Lander | 33 | New York, New York | 13th |
13 | Mitchell Perry | 25 | Ft. Lauderdale, Florida | 12th |
13 | Kristine Guico | 26 | Brooklyn, New York | 11th |
13 | Samantha Plasencia | 27 | San Antonio, Texas | 10th |
13 | Fäde Zu Grau | 45 | Coral Gables, Florida | 9th |
13 | Sandhya Garg | 28 | Birmingham, Alabama | 8th |
13 | Alexander Knox | 22 | Chicago, Illinois | 7th |
13 | Korina Emmerich | 28 | Brooklyn, New York | 6th |
13 | Emily Payne | 41 | San Francisco, California | 5th |
13 | Charketa "Char" Glover [VIII] | 37 | Detroit, Michigan | 4th |
13 | Kiniokahokula "Kini" Zamora | 30 | Honolulu, Hawaii | 3rd |
13 | Amanda Valentine* | 32 | Chicago, Illinois | Runner-up |
13 | Sean Kelly | 25 | Taranaki, New Zealand | Winner |
14 | Duncan Chambers-Watson | 25 | Auckland, New Zealand | 16th |
14 | David Giampiccolo | 26 | Hollywood, California | 15th |
14 | Hanmiao Yang | 27 | New York, New York | 14th |
14 | Gabrielle Arruda | 27 | New York, New York | 13th |
14 | Amanda Perna | 25 | Delray Beach, Florida | 12th |
14 | Blake Patterson | 24 | Los Angeles, California | 11th |
14 | Jake Wall | 25 | San Francisco, California | 10th |
14 | Joseph Charles Poli | 37 | Las Vegas, Nevada | 9th |
14 | Lindsey Creel | 28 | Austin, Texas | 8th |
14 | Laurie Underwood | 29 | Chicago, Illinois | 7th |
14 | Saisha Shinde | 34 | Mumbai, India | 6th |
14 | Marline Labissiere | 32 | Savannah, Georgia | 5th |
14 | Candice Cuoco | 27 | San Francisco, California | 4th |
14 | Edmond Newton | 37 | Atlanta, Georgia | 3rd |
14 | Kelly Dempsey | 31 | Boston, Massachusetts | Runner-up |
14 | Ashley Nell Tipton | 23 | San Diego, California | Winner |
15 | Ian Hargrove | 30 | Chicago, Illinois | 16th |
15 | Linda Marcus | 55 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin | 15th |
15 | Kimberly "Kimber" Richardson | 42 | New York, New York | 14th |
15 | Sarah Donofrio | 34 | Portland, Oregon | 13th |
15 | Alex Snyder | 30 | San Francisco, California | 12th |
15 | Tasha Henderson | 33 | Shreveport, Louisiana | 11th |
15 | Brik Allen | 26 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana | 10th |
15 | Jenni Riccetti | 22 | San Francisco, California | 9th |
15 | Nathalia JMag | 23 | Framingham, Massachusetts | 8th |
15 | Dexter Simmons | 32 | Oakland, California | 7th |
15 | Mah-Jing Wong | 28 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 6th |
15 | Cornelius Ortiz | 24 | Boston, Massachusetts | 5th |
15 | Rik Villa | 31 | Los Angeles, California | 4th |
15 | Laurence Basse | 41 | Los Angeles, California | 3rd |
15 | Roberi Parra | 41 | Caracas, Venezuela | Runner-up |
15 | Erin Robertson | 29 | Cambridge, Massachusetts | Winner |
16 | ChaCha | 24 | Taipei, Taiwan | 16th |
16 | Sentell McDonald | 33 | New York, New York | 15th |
16 | Kudzanai Karidza | 32 | Atlanta, Georgia | 14th |
16 | Deyonte Weather | 36 | Lynnwood, Washington | 13th |
16 | Aaron Meyers | 23 | Brooklyn, New York | 12th |
16 | Samantha Rei | 36 | Minneapolis, Minnesota | 11th |
16 | Shawn Buitendorp | 27 | Grand Ledge, Michigan | 10th |
16 | Claire Buitendorp | 27 | Grand Ledge, Michigan | 9th |
16 | Batani-Kahlfani | 32 | Inglewood, California | 8th |
16 | Amy Bond | 42 | Los Angeles, California | 7th |
16 | Michael Brambila | 25 | Oakland, California | 6th |
16 | Kenya Freeman | 37 | Atlanta, Georgia | 5th |
16 | Margarita Alvarez | 30 | San Juan, Puerto Rico | 4th |
16 | Brandon Kee | 24 | San Francisco, California | 3rd |
16 | Ayana Ife | 24 | Salt Lake City, Utah | Runner-up |
16 | Kentaro Kameyama | 37 | Los Angeles, California | Winner |
17 | Cavanagh Baker | 26 | Nashville, Tennessee | 16th |
17 | Frankie Lewis | 30 | Louisville, Kentucky | 15th |
17 | Nadine Ralliford | 47 | Stone Mountain, Georgia | 14th |
17 | Afa Ah Loo | 32 | Orem, Utah | 13th |
17 | Kovid Kapoor | 29 | Brooklyn, New York | 12th |
17 | Rakan Shams Aldeen | 30 | Chicago, Illinois | 11th |
17 | Sonia Kasparian | 55 | Portland, Oregon | 10th |
17 | Renee Hill | 51 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 9th |
17 | Lela Orr | 29 | Dallas, Texas | 8th |
17 | Venny Etienne | 31 | Dallas, Texas | 7th |
17 | Jamall Osterholm | 23 | Providence, Rhode Island | 6th |
17 | Tessa Clark | 27 | Cincinnati, Ohio | 5th |
17 | Bishme Cromartie | 27 | Baltimore, Maryland | 4th |
17 | Gary "Garo Sparo" Spampinato | 45 | Salt Lake City, Utah | 3rd |
17 | Hester Sunshine | 34 | Santa Fe, New Mexico | Runner-up |
17 | Sebastian Grey | 31 | Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Winner |
18 | Jenn Charkow | 34 | Seattle, Washington | 15th/16th |
18 | Asma Bibi | 30 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 15th/16th |
18 | Veronica Sheaffer | 40 | Chicago, Illinois | 14th |
18 | Alan Gonzalez | 25 | Houston, Texas | 13th |
18 | Tyler Neasloney | 29 | Jersey City, New Jersey | 12th |
18 | Melanie Trygg | 29 | Orcas Island, Washington | 11th |
18 | Shavi Lewis | 33 | Newark, New Jersey | 10th |
18 | Dayoung Kim | 37 | Portland, Oregon | 9th |
18 | Chelsey Carter | 30 | Chicago, Illinois | 8th |
18 | Delvin McCray | 25 | Chicago, Illinois | 7th |
18 | Brittany Allen | 29 | Fort Smith, Arkansas | 5th/6th |
18 | Marquise Foster | 30 | Brooklyn, New York | 5th/6th |
18 | Nancy Volpe-Beringer | 64 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | Runner-up |
18 | Sergio Guadarrama | 30 | New York, New York | Runner-up |
18 | Victoria Cocieru | 27 | Chișinău, Moldova | Runner-up |
18 | Geoffrey Mac | 41 | Brooklyn, New York | Winner |
^[I] Contestant's age at the start of the season
^[II] Angela Keslar and Vincent Libretti were eliminated by judges during episodes 8 and 9, respectively, of season 3, but were brought back due to that season's twist.
^[III] Chris March was eliminated by judges during episode 4 of season 4, but was brought back to the competition following the voluntary departure of Jack Mackenroth.
^[IV] Anthony Williams was eliminated by judges during episode 10 of season 7, but was brought back to the competition following the voluntary departure of Maya Luz. [4]
^[V] Joshua Christensen was eliminated by judges during episode 2 of season 9, but was brought back to the competition following the voluntary departure of Cecelia Motwani.
^[VI] Raul Orosio was eliminated by judges during episode 3 of season 10, but was brought back to the competition following the voluntary departures of Andrea Katz and Kooan Kosuke.
^[VII] Justin LeBlanc was eliminated by judges during episode 6 of season 12, but was given a second chance due to the newly instituted "Tim Gunn Save".
^[VIII] Charketa "Char" Glover was eliminated by judges during episode 6 of season 13, but was given a second chance due to the newly instituted "Tim Gunn Save".
^[IX] Four designers have won the competition twice; Seth Aaron Henderson also won the third season of Project Runway: All Stars and Dmitry Sholokhov also won the fourth season of Project Runway: All Stars. Dom Streater also won the fifth season of Project Runway: All Stars and Michelle Lesniak also won the seventh season of Project Runway: All Stars.
Season | Designer | Age [I] | Hometown | Original Season | Original Rank | Finish |
1 | Elisa Jimenez | 49 | New York, NY | Season 4 | 10th | 13th |
1 | Kathleen "Sweet P" Vaughn | 53 | Pasadena, CA | Season 4 | 5th | 12th |
1 | Gordana Gehlhausen | 47 | San Diego, CA | Season 6 | 4th | 11th |
1 | April Johnston | 22 | Savannah, GA | Season 8 | 5th | 10th |
1 | Anthony Williams | 30 | Atlanta, GA | Season 7 | 5th | 9th |
1 | Rami Kashou | 35 | Los Angeles, CA | Season 4 | Runner-up | 8th |
1 | Kara Janx | 35 | New York, NY | Season 2 | 4th | 7th |
1 | Mila Hermanovski | 42 | Los Angeles, CA | Season 7 | 3rd | 6th |
1 | Jerell Scott | 32 | New York, NY | Season 5 | 4th | 5th |
1 | Kenley Collins | 28 | New York, NY | Season 5 | 3rd | 4th |
1 | Michael Costello | 29 | Palm Springs, CA | Season 8 | 4th | 3rd |
1 | Austin Scarlett | 28 | New York, NY | Season 1 | 4th | Runner-up |
1 | Mondo Guerra | 33 | Denver, CO | Season 8 | Runner-up | Winner |
2 | Peach Carr | 52 | Lake Forest, IL | Season 8 | 11th | 13th |
2 | Wendy Pepper | 48 | Middleburg, VA | Season 1 | 3rd | 12th |
2 | Stephen "Suede" Baum | 42 | Barryville, NY | Season 5 | 5th | 11th |
2 | Andrae Gonzalo | 39 | New York, NY | Season 2 | 6th | 10th |
2 | Kayne Gillaspie | 33 | Nashville, TN | Season 3 | 5th | 9th |
2 | Althea Harper | 28 | New Haven, CT | Season 6 | Runner-up | 8th |
2 | Carlos Casanova | 36 | New York, NY | Season 8 | 10th | 7th |
2 | Laura Kathleen Planck | 28 | St. Louis, MO | Season 9 | 5th | 6th |
2 | Ivy Higa | 32 | New York, NY | Season 8 | 8th | 5th |
2 | Joshua McKinley | 26 | New York, NY | Season 9 | Runner-up | 4th |
2 | Uli Herzner | 41 | Miami, FL | Season 3 | Runner-up | 3rd |
2 | Emilio Sosa | 46 | New York, NY | Season 7 | Runner-up | Runner-up |
2 | Anthony Ryan Auld | 29 | Baton Rouge, LA | Season 9 | 7th | Winner |
3 | Ari South | 26 | Honolulu, HI | Season 8 | 3rd | 11th |
3 | Daniel Esquivel | 49 | Austin, TX | Season 11 | 4th | 10th |
3 | Melissa Fleis | 32 | San Francisco, CA | Season 10 | 3rd | 9th |
3 | Mychael Knight | 35 | Atlanta, GA | Season 3 | 4th | 8th |
3 | Jeffrey Sebelia | 43 | Los Angeles, CA | Season 3 | Winner | 7th |
3 | Irina Shabayeva | 31 | New York, NY | Season 6 | Winner | 6th |
3 | Viktor Luna | 32 | New York, NY | Season 9 | 3rd | 5th |
3 | Christopher Palu | 25 | Massapequa, NY | Season 10 | 4th | 4th |
3 | Elena Slivnyak | 29 | San Francisco, CA | Season 10 | 6th | 3rd |
3 | Korto Momolu | 38 | Little Rock, AR | Season 5 | Runner-up | Runner-up |
3 | Seth Aaron Henderson | 42 | Vancouver, WA | Season 7 | Winner | Winner |
4 | Patricia Michaels | 47 | Taos Pueblo, NM | Season 11 | Runner-up | 14th |
4 | Alexandria von Bromssen | 39 | San Mateo, CA | Season 12 | Runner-up | 13th |
4 | Chris March | 51 | San Francisco, CA | Season 4 | 4th | 12th |
4 | Kate Pankoke | 25 | Chicago, Illinois | Season 11 & 12 | 9th & 6th | 11th |
4 | Benjamin Mach | 36 | London, England | Season 11 | 11th | 10th |
4 | Gunnar Deatherage | 24 | Louisville, KY | Season 10 | 8th | 9th |
4 | Samantha Black | 29 | Fairfield, CT | Season 11 | 7th | 8th |
4 | Justin LeBlanc | 28 | Raleigh, NC | Season 12 | 3rd | 7th |
4 | Jay Sario | 35 | San Francisco, CA | Season 7 | 4th | 6th |
4 | Fabio Costa | 31 | Brooklyn, NY | Season 10 | Runner-up | 5th |
4 | Michelle Lesniak | 35 | Portland, OR | Season 11 | Winner | 4th |
4 | Helen Castillo | 26 | Union City, NJ | Season 12 | 5th | 3rd |
4 | Sonjia Williams | 29 | Queens, NY | Season 10 | 5th | Runner-up |
4 | Dmitry Sholokhov | 35 | New York City, NY | Season 10 | Winner | Winner |
5 | Fade zu Grau | 46 | Coral Gables, FL | Season 13 | 9th | 13th |
5 | Daniel Franco | 43 | Los Angeles, CA | Season 11 & 2 | 12th & 12th | 12th |
5 | Stella Zotis | 50 | New York, NY | Season 5 | 9th | 11th |
5 | Mitchell Perry | 26 | Fort Lauderdale, FL | Season 13 | 12th | 10th |
5 | Valerie Mayen | 35 | Cleveland, OH | Season 7 | 7th | 9th |
5 | Alexander Pope | 41 | Ridgewood, Queens | Season 12 | 7th | 8th |
5 | Layana Aguilar | 31 | New York, NY | Season 11 | 5th | 7th |
5 | Asha Daniels | 26 | Cincinnati, OH | Under the Gunn | 3rd | 6th |
5 | Emily Payne | 42 | San Francisco, CA | Season 13 | 5th | 5th |
5 | Sam Donovan | 24 | Boston, MA | Under the Gunn | 2nd | 4th |
5 | Ken Laurence | 26 | Atlanta, GA | Season 12 | 8th | 3rd |
5 | Kini Zamora | 32 | Kapolei, HI | Season 13 | 3rd | Runner-up |
5 | Dom Streater | 26 | Philadelphia, PA | Season 12 | Winner | Winner |
Designer | Age | State of Residence | Finish |
Cotrice Simpson | 38 | Georgia | 12th |
Kelly Horton | 32 | Pennsylvania | 11th |
David Grieco | 40 | California | 10th |
Nicolina Royale | 30 | California | 9th |
James Sommerfeldt | 29 | Illinois | 8th |
Shea Curry | 38 | California | 7th |
Adrian Dana | 41 | Georgia | 6th |
Christina Caruso | 33 | New York | 5th |
Diego Rocha | 36 | Illinois | 4th |
Rich Sandomeno | 40 | California | 3rd |
Nina Cortes | 26 | Florida | Runner-up |
Brian Burkhardt | 40 | Florida | Winner |
Season | Designer | Age [I] | Hometown | Mentor | Finish |
1 | Melissa Grimes | 29 | Birmingham, AL | None | 15th |
1 | Rey Ortiz | 32 | Añasco, PR | None | 14th |
1 | Amy Sim | 53 | Portland, OR | None | 13th |
1 | Camila Castillo | 47 | Caracas, Venezuela | Mondo Guerra | 12th |
1 | Brady Lange | 29 | Portland, OR | Anya Ayoung-Chee | 11th |
1 | Isabelle Donola | 33 | New York, NY | Nick Verreos | 10th |
1 | Nicholas Komor | 26 | Atlanta, GA | Anya Ayoung-Chee | 9th |
1 | Stephanie Ohnmacht | 37 | Denver, CO | Nick Verreos | 8th |
1 | Michelle Uberreste | 29 | Burbank, CA | Mondo Guerra | 7th |
1 | Natalia Fedner | 30 | West Hollywood, CA | Nick Verreos | 6th |
1 | Blake Smith | 25 | Hoboken, NJ | Anya Ayoung-Chee | 5th |
1 | Shan Keith | 33 | St. Louis, MO | Anya Ayoung-Chee | 4th |
1 | Asha Daniels | 25 | Cincinnati, OH | Mondo Guerra | 3rd |
1 | Sam Donovan | 23 | Newton, MA | Mondo Guerra | Runner-up |
1 | Oscar Lopez | 40 | Coral Gables, FL | Nick Verreos | Winner |
Season | Episode | Designer [I] | Age | Hometown | Assistant [I] | Finish [II] |
1 | 1 | Kenzie | 12 | Portland, OR | mother Molly | --- |
1 | 1 | Cambria | 12 | West Hills, CA | father David | --- |
1 | 1 | Bradford | 13 | Birmingham, AL | mother Dana | Winner |
1 | 2 | Aliyah Royale | 14 | Valley Glen, CA | mother Tanya | --- |
1 | 2 | Grayson | 14 | New Orleans, LA | grandmother Seria | --- |
1 | 2 | Grace | 15 | La Cañada, CA | mother Peggy | Winner |
1 | 3 | Colette | 15 | Chicago, IL | mother Jill | --- |
1 | 3 | Emily | 15 | Quincy, MA | father David | --- |
1 | 3 | Zachary | 15 | Berkeley, CA | mother Camille | Winner |
1 | 4 | Matt | 16 | Manhattan Beach, CA | grandmother Dorothy | --- |
1 | 4 | Claire | 13 | Braintree, MA | mother Kristen | --- |
1 | 4 | Brianna | 13 | Ventura, CA | mother Lori | Winner |
1 | 5 | Bella | 12 | Manhattan Beach, CA | grandmother Nancy | --- |
1 | 5 | Kimanni | 13 | Atlanta, GA | mother Rochelle | --- |
1 | 5 | Tieler | 13 | New Orleans, LA | mother Tahmi | Winner |
^[I] Designers and Assistants were identified by first name only
^[II] Each episode, one winner was determined amongst that episode's three designers
Season | Designer | Age [I] | Hometown | Finish |
1 | Sami | 16 | Westlake Village, California | 12th |
1 | Ysabel | 17 | Cerritos, California | 11th |
1 | Jesse | 16 | Swampscott, Massachusetts | Tied 9th |
1 | Victoria | 17 | Westlake, Ohio | Tied 9th |
1 | Matt | 17 | Manhattan Beach, California | 8th |
1 | Bridget | 16 | Brockton, Massachusetts | 7th |
1 | Zach | 16 | Louisville, Kentucky | 5th |
1 | Jaxson | 15 | Minneapolis, Kansas | 6th |
1 | Zachary [II] | 16 | Berkeley, California | 4th |
1 | Peytie | 15 | Carlsbad, California | 3rd |
1 | Samantha | 16 | Queens, New York | Runner-up |
1 | Maya | 13 | Toledo, Ohio | Winner |
2 | Ruby | 14 | Barrington, RI | 12th |
2 | Lucas | 14 | Windermere, FL | 11th |
2 | Rene | 17 | Dallas, TX | 10th |
2 | A'kai | 13 | Hauppauge, NY | 9th |
2 | Allie | 14 | Dayton, OH | 8th |
2 | Cartier | 16 | Pocatello, ID | 7th |
2 | Zach | 17 | Fort Collins, CO | 6th |
2 | Tieler | 15 | Abita Springs, LA | 5th |
2 | Izzy | 16 | Mount Pleasant, MI | 4th |
2 | Hawwaa | 17 | Mankato, Minnesota | 3rd |
2 | Chris | 17 | Calverton, NY | Runner-up |
2 | Chelsea | 15 | Chatsworth, CA | Winner |
^[I] Contestant's age at the start of the season
^[II] In 2014, Zachary won episode 3 of Project Runway: Threads .
Project Runway is an American reality television series that premiered on Bravo on December 1, 2004. The series focuses on fashion design. It was created by Eli Holzman and was hosted by Heidi Klum from 2004 to 2017. It has a varied airing history, with Bravo originating the first five seasons, followed by Lifetime for eleven more. The show has had over 30 international adaptations.
Project Runway season 2 is the second season of Bravo's Project Runway, a reality competition for fashion designers. Season 2 began airing on December 7, 2005. Following a nationwide search earlier in the year, sixteen designers were chosen as semi-finalists and brought to New York City in June 2005. After the first challenge, called "Road To The Runway", fourteen went on to compete as finalists. The winning designer, Chloe Dao, received $100,000 in seed money to help launch her own line, a 2007 Saturn Sky roadster, a spread in ELLE magazine, and a mentorship with the Banana Republic Design Team. Winning alongside Dao was her model, Grace Kelsey, who received the ELLE magazine spread. Michael Kors and Nina Garcia returned as judges for the second season. The fourth judging seat rotated each week, based on the challenge. Tim Gunn, fashion chair at Parsons The New School for Design, returned as a mentor for the designers.
Project Runway season 3 is the third season of Project Runway, Bravo's reality competition for fashion designers. The third season of the show, with Heidi Klum returning as the host and Tim Gunn as the designers' guide, began airing on July 12, 2006. This broke tradition from the previous two seasons, which premiered in December, with the finales taking place at Olympus Fashion Week in February.
Johnathan Kayne Gillaspie is an American fashion designer, specializing in eveningwear gowns. His brand Johnathan Kayne is distributed to specialty retail stores internationally. Kayne gained attention as a contestant on the third season of the Bravo reality series Project Runway and as a contestant on the second season of the Lifetime series Project Runway All Stars.
The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection is an American reality television series that premiered on May 7, 2009, on the Bravo cable network. The show focuses on fashion design and features hosts fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi and supermodel Iman. The contestants compete against each other to create the best clothes. They are restricted in time, materials, and theme; the resulting designs are judged and one or more designers is eliminated each week. The show was originally co-hosted by singer Kelly Rowland; she was replaced by Iman in Season 2.
Project Runway Season 6, premiered on Lifetime on August 20, 2009, the first season to be aired on that network. The production of this season started in September 2008 and finished the pre-finale filming on October 17, 2008. It is the only season of Project Runway filmed at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles.
Irina Shabayeva is the winner of the sixth season of Project Runway along with her model, Kalyn Hemphill.
Project Runway Season 7 is the seventh season of the television show Project Runway. The first episode aired on January 14, 2010, on Lifetime.
Project Runway Season 8 is the eighth season of the television show Project Runway. The season began airing on July 29, 2010, on the Lifetime. After Lifetime cancelled the accompanying series Models of the Runway, Project Runway episodes were extended to 90 minutes in Season 8. This was the first season that episodes were longer than an hour with commercials.
Project Runway Season 9 is the ninth season of the television show Project Runway. The season began airing on July 28, 2011, and features 20 designers who hope to become "the next great American designer."
Project Runway Season 10 is the tenth season of the television show Project Runway, appearing on Lifetime. The season began airing on July 19, 2012 with 16 designers competing to become "the next great American designer."
Project Runway Season 11 is the eleventh season of the television show Project Runway, appearing on Lifetime. The season began airing on January 24, 2013, with 16 designers competing to become "the next great American designer."
Project Runway Season 12 is the twelfth season of the television show Project Runway, appearing on Lifetime. The season began airing on July 18, 2013 with 15 designers competing to become "the next great American designer." Kate Pankoke, a designer from Season 11 returned to compete once again for the grand prize. Pankoke was voted back by fans in an online poll, winning against Ra'mon Lawrence Coleman of Season 6, and Valerie Mayen of Season 8.
Project Runway Season 13 is the thirteenth season of the television show Project Runway, appearing on Lifetime. The season began airing on July 24, 2014, with 19 designers competing to become "the next great American designer." In addition, Amanda Valentine, a designer from Season 11, returned to compete once again for the grand prize. Valentine was voted back by fans in an online poll, winning against Alexander Pope and Ken Laurence, both of Season 12.
Project Runway Season 14 is the fourteenth season of the television show Project Runway, appearing on Lifetime. The season began on August 6, 2015. There were 16 designers competing to become "the next great American designer." Supermodel Heidi Klum, Marie Claire creative director Nina Garcia, and fashion designer Zac Posen all returned as judges this season. Tim Gunn maintained his role as the workroom mentor.
Dmitry Sholokhov is a Belarus-American fashion designer, instructor, and reality television contestant, best known as the winner of season ten of Project Runway and season four of Project Runway: All Stars.
Project Runway: Junior is an American reality television series that premiered on November 12, 2015 on Lifetime. It is the eighth direct spin-off series of another series, Project Runway, which airs on the same network. It featured twelve teen designers aged between 13 and 17. The designers were described by Tim Gunn as "kids [who] have grown up watching this show".
Project Runway All Stars is the fifth season of the Project Runway spin-off series Project Runway All Stars. It features 13 designers from previous seasons of the original series and Project Runway: Under the Gunn with Alyssa Milano returning as both host and judge. TV fashion correspondent and Marie Claire’s Senior Fashion Editor Zanna Roberts Rassi also returns to mentor contestants.
Project Runway All Stars is an American reality television series, and a spin-off of Project Runway, featuring returning designers competing for grand prizes. Angela Lindvall and Carolyn Murphy have each hosted one season before Alyssa Milano became the staple host of the past five seasons. As on Project Runway, the designers are judged by the host, two permanent judges and guest judges throughout the season. The permanent All Stars judges have been designers Georgina Chapman and Isaac Mizrahi. Joanna Coles mentored the designers throughout seasons one and two, Zanna Roberts Rassi replaced her in season three to five and Anne Fulenwider mentored seasons six and seven.
Project Runway All Stars is the seventh season of the Project Runway spin-off series Project Runway All Stars. The concept of the edition was Champions. It featured fourteen winning designers - seven being winners of the American version of Project Runway, and seven being winners of foreign versions of Project Runway. This was the last season of Project Runway to air on Lifetime. Alyssa Milano returned as host and both Georgina Chapman and Isaac Mizrahi likewise returned as judges, along with one to three guest judges each week. The show premiered on January 2, 2019 on Lifetime.