List of Quebec by-elections

Last updated

The list of Quebec by-elections includes every by-election held in the Canadian province of Quebec since Confederation. By-elections occur whenever there is a vacancy in the National Assembly (known as the Legislative Assembly until 1968), although an imminent general election may allow the vacancy to remain until the dissolution of parliament.



A by-election occurs whenever there is a vacancy in the Quebec legislature. Vacancies can occur for the following reasons:

43rd National Assembly of Quebec 2022–present

Terrebonne March 17, 2025 Pierre Fitzgibbon      Coalition Avenir Québec TBDTBDResignationTBD
Jean-Talon October 2, 2023 Joëlle Boutin      Coalition Avenir Québec Pascal Paradis      Parti Québécois ResignationNo
Saint-Henri—Sainte-Anne March 13, 2023 Dominique Anglade      Liberal Guillaume Cliche-Rivard      Québec solidaire Resigned as Liberal leader and MNA.No

42nd National Assembly of Quebec 2018–2022

Marie-Victorin April 11, 2022 Catherine Fournier      Parti Québécois Shirley Dorismond      Coalition Avenir Québec Resigned to run for Mayor of Longueuil; elected.No
Jean-Talon December 2, 2019 Sébastien Proulx      Liberal Joëlle Boutin      Coalition Avenir Québec ResignationNo
Roberval December 10, 2018 Philippe Couillard      Liberal Nancy Guillemette      Coalition Avenir Québec ResignationNo

41st National Assembly of Quebec 2014–2018

Louis-Hebert October 2, 2017 Sam Hamad      Liberal Geneviève Guilbault      Coalition Avenir Québec ResignationNo
Gouin May 29, 2017 Françoise David      Québec solidaire Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois      Québec solidaire ResignationYes
Arthabaska December 5, 2016 Sylvie Roy      Coalition Avenir Québec Éric Lefebvre      Coalition Avenir Québec DeathYes
Marie-Victorin December 5, 2016 Bernard Drainville      Parti Québécois Catherine Fournier      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Saint-Jérôme December 5, 2016 Pierre Karl Péladeau      Parti Québécois Marc Bourcier      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Verdun December 5, 2016 Jacques Daoust      Liberal Isabelle Melançon      Liberal ResignationYes
Chicoutimi April 11, 2016 Stéphane Bédard      Parti Québécois Mireille Jean      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Beauce-Sud November 9, 2015 Robert Dutil      Liberal Paul Busque      Liberal ResignationYes
Fabre November 9, 2015 Gilles Ouimet      Liberal Monique Sauvé      Liberal ResignationYes
René-Lévesque November 9, 2015 Marjolain Dufour      Parti Québécois Martin Ouellet      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Saint-Henri–Sainte-Anne November 9, 2015 Marguerite Blais      Liberal Dominique Anglade      Liberal ResignationYes
Chauveau June 8, 2015 Gérard Deltell      Coalition Avenir Québec Véronyque Tremblay      Liberal Resignation to contest the 2015 federal electionNo
Jean-Talon June 8, 2015 Yves Bolduc      Liberal Sébastien Proulx      Liberal ResignationYes
Richelieu March 9, 2015 Élaine Zakaïb      Parti Québécois Sylvain Rochon      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Lévis October 20, 2014 Christian Dubé      Coalition Avenir Québec François Paradis      Coalition Avenir Québec ResignationYes

40th National Assembly of Quebec 2012–2014

Viau December 9, 2013 Emmanuel Dubourg      Liberal David Heurtel      Liberal Resignation to contest a federal by-electionYes
Outremont December 9, 2013 Raymond Bachand      Liberal Philippe Couillard      Liberal Resignation after losing leadership convention to Couillard.Yes

39th National Assembly of Quebec 2008–2012

LaFontaine June 11, 2012 Tony Tomassi      Independent* Marc Tanguay      Liberal ResignationYes/No
Argenteuil June 11, 2012 David Whissell      Liberal Roland Richer      Parti Québécois ResignationNo
Bonaventure December 5, 2011 Nathalie Normandeau      Liberal Damien Arsenault      Liberal ResignationYes
Kamouraska-Témiscouata November 29, 2010 Claude Béchard      Liberal André Simard      Parti Québécois ResignationNo
Saint-Laurent September 13, 2010 Jacques Dupuis      Liberal Jean-Marc Fournier      Liberal ResignationYes
Vachon July 5, 2010 Camil Bouchard      Parti Québécois Martine Ouellet      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Rousseau September 21, 2009 François Legault      Parti Québécois Nicolas Marceau      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Rivière-du-Loup June 22, 2009 Mario Dumont      ADQ Jean D'Amour      Liberal ResignationNo
Marguerite-Bourgeoys June 22, 2009 Monique Jérôme-Forget      Liberal Clément Gignac      Liberal ResignationYes

* Tomassi was a former Liberal

38th National Assembly of Quebec 2007–2008

Jean-Talon September 29, 2008 Philippe Couillard      Liberal Yves Bolduc      Liberal ResignationYes
Pointe-aux-Trembles May 12, 2008 André Boisclair      Parti Québécois Nicole Léger      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Hull May 12, 2008 Roch Cholette      Liberal Maryse Gaudreault      Liberal ResignationYes
Bourget May 12, 2008 Diane Lemieux      Parti Québécois Maka Kotto      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Charlevoix September 24, 2007 Rosaire Bertrand      Parti Québécois Pauline Marois      Parti Québécois Resignation to provide a seat for MaroisYes

37th National Assembly of Quebec 2003–2007

Taillon August 14, 2006 Pauline Marois      Parti Québécois Marie Malavoy      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Pointe-aux-Trembles August 14, 2006 Nicole Léger      Parti Québécois André Boisclair      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Sainte-Marie–Saint-Jacques April 10, 2006 André Boulerice      Parti Québécois Martin Lemay      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Verchères December 12, 2005 Bernard Landry      Parti Québécois Stéphane Bergeron      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Outremont December 12, 2005 Yves Séguin      Liberal Raymond Bachand      Liberal ResignationYes
Vanier September 20, 2004 Marc Bellemare      Liberal Sylvain Légaré      ADQ ResignationNo
Nelligan September 20, 2004 Russell Williams      Liberal Yolande James      Liberal ResignationYes
Laurier-Dorion September 20, 2004 Christos Sirros      Liberal Elsie Lefebvre      Parti Québécois ResignationNo
Gouin September 20, 2004 André Boisclair      Parti Québécois Nicolas Girard      Parti Québécois ResignationYes

36th National Assembly of Quebec 1998–2003

Vimont June 17, 2002 David Cliche      Parti Québécois François Gaudreau      ADQ ResignationNo
Lac-Saint-Jean June 17, 2002 Jacques Brassard      Parti Québécois Stéphan Tremblay      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Joliette June 17, 2002 Guy Chevrette      Parti Québécois Sylvie Lespérance      ADQ ResignationNo
Berthier June 17, 2002 Gilles Baril      Parti Québécois Marie Grégoire      ADQ ResignationNo
Viger April 15, 2002 Cosmo Maciocia      Liberal Anna Mancuso      Liberal Resignation to enter municipal politics in MontrealYes
Saguenay April 15, 2002 Gabriel-Yvan Gagnon      Parti Québécois François Corriveau      ADQ ResignationNo
Anjou April 15, 2002 Jean-Sébastien Lamoureux      Liberal Lise Thériault      Liberal Resignation due to a vote buying scandal causing doubt on the validity of his electionYes
Laviolette October 1, 2001 Jean-Pierre Jolivet      Parti Québécois Julie Boulet      Liberal ResignationNo
Labelle October 1, 2001 Jacques Léonard      Parti Québécois Sylvain Pagé      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Jonquière October 1, 2001 Lucien Bouchard      Parti Québécois Françoise Gauthier      Liberal ResignationNo
Blainville October 1, 2001 Céline Signori      Parti Québécois Richard Legendre      Parti Québécois Appointed to the Quebec Municipal CommissionYes
Mercier April 9, 2001 Robert Perreault      Parti Québécois Nathalie Rochefort      Liberal ResignationNo

35th National Assembly of Quebec 1994–1998

Argenteuil June 1, 1998 Régent L. Beaudet      Liberal David Whissell      Liberal ResignationYes
Kamouraska-Témiscouata October 6, 1997 France Dionne      Liberal Claude Béchard      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1997 federal electionYes
Duplessis October 6, 1997 Denis Perron      Parti Québécois Normand Duguay      Parti Québécois DeathYes
Bourassa October 6, 1997 Yvon Charbonneau      Liberal Michèle Lamquin-Éthier      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1997 federal electionYes
Bertrand October 6, 1997 Robert Therien      Independent* Denis Chalifoux      Liberal Void ElectionYes/No
Prévost April 28, 1997 Daniel Paillé      Parti Québécois Lucie Papineau      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Beauce-Sud April 28, 1997 Paul-Eugène Quirion      Liberal Diane Leblanc      Liberal DeathYes
Pointe-aux-Trembles December 9, 1996 Michel Bourdon      Parti Québécois Nicole Léger      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Outremont June 10, 1996 Gérald Tremblay      Liberal Pierre-Étienne Laporte      Liberal ResignationYes
L'Assomption June 10, 1996 Jacques Parizeau      Parti Québécois Jean-Claude St-André      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
La Prairie February 19, 1996 Denis Lazure      Parti Québécois Monique Simard      Parti Québécois ResignationYes
Jonquière February 19, 1996 Francis Dufour      Parti Québécois Lucien Bouchard      Parti Québécois Resignation to provide a seat for BouchardYes

*Therien was a former Liberal

34th National Assembly of Quebec 1989–1994

Shefford February 28, 1994 Roger Paré      Parti Québécois Bernard Brodeur      Liberal ResignationNo
Bonaventure February 21, 1994 Gérard D. Levesque      Liberal Marcel Landry      Parti Québécois DeathNo
Laval-des-Rapides December 13, 1993 Guy Bélanger      Liberal Serge Ménard      Parti Québécois ResignationNo
Portneuf July 5, 1993 Michel Pagé      Liberal Roger Bertrand      Parti Québécois ResignationNo
Anjou January 20, 1992 René Serge Larouche      Independent* Pierre Bélanger      Parti Québécois ResignationNo
Montmorency August 12, 1991 Yves Séguin      Liberal Jean Filion      Parti Québécois ResignationNo

*Larouche was a former Liberal

33rd National Assembly of Quebec 1985–1989

Papineau May 29, 1989 Mark Assad      Liberal Norman MacMillan      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1988 federal electionYes
Hull May 29, 1989 Gilles Rocheleau      Liberal Robert LeSage      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1988 federal electionYes
Roberval June 20, 1988 Michel Gauthier      Parti Québécois Gaston Blackburn      Liberal ResignationNo
Anjou June 20, 1988 Pierre-Marc Johnson      Parti Québécois René Serge Larouche      Liberal ResignationNo
Notre-Dame-de-Grâce September 14, 1987 Reed Scowen      Liberal Harold Thuringer      Liberal Resignation to become Delegate GeneralYes
Saint-Laurent January 20, 1986 Germain Leduc      Liberal Robert Bourassa      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for BourassaYes

32nd National Assembly of Quebec 1981–1985

Trois-Rivières June 3, 1985 Denis Vaugeois      Parti Québécois Paul Philibert      Liberal ResignationNo
L'Assomption June 3, 1985 Jacques Parizeau      Parti Québécois Jean-Guy Gervais      Liberal ResignationNo
Bourget June 3, 1985 Camille Laurin      Parti Québécois Claude Trudel      Liberal ResignationNo
Bertrand June 3, 1985 Denis Lazure      Parti Québécois Robert Bourassa      Liberal ResignationNo
Saint-Jacques November 26, 1984 Serge Champagne      Liberal Jean-François Viau      Liberal Death (car accident)Yes
Sauvé June 18, 1984 Jacques-Yvan Morin      Parti Québécois Marcel Parent      Liberal ResignationNo
Marie-Victorin June 18, 1984 Pierre Marois      Parti Québécois Guy Pratt      Liberal ResignationNo
Marguerite-Bourgeoys June 18, 1984 Fernand Lalonde      Liberal Gilles Fortin      Liberal ResignationYes
Mégantic-Compton December 5, 1983 Fabien Bélanger      Liberal Madeleine Bélanger      Liberal DeathYes
Jonquière December 5, 1983 Claude Vaillancourt      Parti Québécois Aline Saint-Amand      Liberal Appointed a judgeNo
Saint-Jacques June 20, 1983 Claude Charron      Parti Québécois Serge Champagne      Liberal ResignationNo
Saguenay June 20, 1983 Lucien Lessard      Parti Québécois Ghislain Maltais      Liberal ResignationNo
Charlesbourg June 20, 1983 Denis de Belleval      Parti Québécois Marc-Yvan Côté      Liberal ResignationNo
Saint-Laurent April 5, 1982 Claude Forget      Liberal Germain Leduc      Liberal ResignationYes
Louis-Hébert April 5, 1982 Claude Morin      Parti Québécois Réjean Doyon      Liberal ResignationNo

31st National Assembly of Quebec 1976–1981

Outremont November 17, 1980 André Raynauld      Liberal Pierre Fortier      Liberal ResignationYes
Mégantic-Compton November 17, 1980 Fernand Grenier      Union Nationale Fabien Bélanger      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1980 federal electionNo
Johnson November 17, 1980 Maurice Bellemare      Union Nationale Camille Picard      Liberal ResignationNo
Brome-Missisquoi November 17, 1980 Armand Russell      Union Nationale Pierre Paradis      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1980 federal electionNo
D'Arcy-McGee November 26, 1979 Victor Goldbloom      Liberal Herbert Marx      Liberal Resignation to become head of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews Yes
Prévost November 14, 1979 Jean-Guy Cardinal      Parti Québécois Solange Chaput-Rolland      Liberal DeathNo
Maisonneuve November 14, 1979 Robert Burns      Parti Québécois Georges Lalande      Liberal Resignation (health reasons)No
Beauce-Sud November 14, 1979 Fabien Roy Parti national populaire Hermann Mathieu      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1979 federal electionNo
Jean-Talon April 30, 1979 Raymond Garneau      Liberal Jean-Claude Rivest      Liberal ResignationYes
Argenteuil April 30, 1979 Zoël Saindon      Liberal Claude Ryan      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for RyanYes
Notre-Dame-de-Grâce July 5, 1978 Bryce Mackasey      Liberal Reed Scowen      Liberal ResignationYes

30th National Assembly of Quebec 1973–1976

Johnson August 28, 1974 Jean-Claude Boutin      Liberal Maurice Bellemare      Union Nationale Sought re-election due to charges of illegally acting as a Crown prosecutorNo

29th National Assembly of Quebec 1970–1973

Gatineau November 15, 1972 Michel Gratton      Liberal Michel Gratton      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Gatineau October 11, 1972 Roy Fournier      Liberal Michel Gratton      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Duplessis October 11, 1972 Henri-Laurier Coiteux      Liberal Donald Gallienne      Liberal DeathYes
Chambly February 8, 1971 Pierre Laporte      Liberal Jean Cournoyer      Liberal Death (murdered)Yes

28th Legislative/National Assembly of Quebec 1966–1970

Upon the abolition of the Legislative Council on December 31, 1968, the Legislative Assembly of Quebec is renamed the National Assembly of Quebec

Vaudreuil-Soulanges October 8, 1969 Paul Gérin-Lajoie      Liberal François-Édouard Belliveau      Union Nationale ResignationNo
Trois-Rivières October 8, 1969 Yves Gabias      Union Nationale Gilles Gauthier      Union Nationale Appointed a judgeYes
Saint-Jacques October 8, 1969 Paul Dozois      Union Nationale Jean Cournoyer      Union Nationale Appointed to the Board of Hydro-QuébecYes
Sainte-Marie October 8, 1969 Edgar Charbonneau      Union Nationale Jean-Jacques Croteau      Union Nationale ResignationYes
Dorion March 3, 1969 François Aquin      Independent* Mario Beaulieu      Union Nationale ResignationNo
Notre-Dame-de-Grâce December 4, 1968 Eric Kierans      Liberal William Tetley      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1968 federal electionYes
Bagot December 4, 1968 Daniel Johnson      Union Nationale Jean-Guy Cardinal      Union Nationale DeathYes

* Aquin was a former Liberal

27th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1962–1966

Terrebonne January 18, 1965 Lionel Bertrand      Liberal Denis Hardy      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Saint-Maurice January 18, 1965 René Hamel      Liberal Jean-Guy Trépanier      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Saguenay October 5, 1964 Rodrigue Thibault      Liberal Pierre-Willie Maltais      Liberal DeathYes
Montréal-Verdun October 5, 1964 George O'Reilly      Liberal Claude Wagner      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Matane October 5, 1964 Philippe Castonguay      Liberal Jacques Bernier      Liberal DeathYes
Dorchester October 5, 1964 Joseph-Armand Nadeau      Union Nationale Francis O'Farrell      Liberal DeathNo
Montréal–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce September 25, 1963 Paul Earl      Liberal Eric Kierans      Liberal DeathYes

26th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1960–1962

Jacques-Cartier December 14, 1961 Charles-Aimé Kirkland      Liberal Marie-Claire Kirkland      Liberal DeathYes
Chambly December 14, 1961 Robert Théberge      Liberal Pierre Laporte      Liberal DeathYes
Rouville November 23, 1960 Laurent Barré      Union Nationale François Boulais      Liberal ResignationNo
Joliette November 23, 1960 Antonio Barrette      Union Nationale Gaston Lambert      Liberal ResignationNo

25th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1956–1960

Lac-Saint-Jean September 16, 1959 Antonio Auger      Union Nationale Jean-Paul Levasseur      Union Nationale Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Labelle September 16, 1959 Pierre Bohémier      Union Nationale Fernand Lafontaine      Union Nationale DeathYes
Roberval October 15, 1958 Paul-Henri Spence      Union Nationale Jean-Joseph Turcotte      Union Nationale ResignationYes
Labelle October 15, 1958† Albiny Paquette      Union Nationale Pierre Bohémier      Union Nationale Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Matane July 2, 1958 Onésime Gagnon      Union Nationale Benoît Gaboury      Union Nationale Appointed Lieutenant GovernorYes
Vaudreuil-Soulanges September 18, 1957 Joseph-Édouard Jeannotte      Union Nationale Loyola Schmidt      Union Nationale DeathYes
Mégantic September 18, 1957 Tancrède Labbé      Union Nationale Joseph-Émile Fortin      Union Nationale Death (car accident)Yes
Compton September 18, 1957 Fabien Gagnon      Liberal Claude-Gilles Gosselin      Union Nationale DeathNo
Châteauguay September 18, 1957 Arthur Laberge      Union Nationale Joseph-Maurice Laberge      Union Nationale DeathYes

† Won by acclamation

24th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1952–1956

Westmount–Saint-Georges July 6, 1955 George Carlyle Marler      Liberal John Richard Hyde      Liberal Resignation to enter federal politicsYes
Saint-Hyacinthe July 6, 1955 Ernest-Joseph Chartier      Union Nationale Pierre-Jacques-François Bousquet      Union Nationale DeathYes
Montréal-Laurier July 6, 1955 Paul Provençal      Union Nationale Arsène Gagné      Union Nationale DeathYes
Compton September 15, 1954 Charles Daniel French      Union Nationale John William French      Union Nationale DeathYes
Portneuf July 9, 1953 Bona Dussault      Union Nationale Rosaire Chalifour      Union Nationale DeathYes
Montréal-Outremont July 9, 1953 Henri Groulx      Liberal Georges-Émile Lapalme      Liberal DeathYes
Matapédia July 9, 1953 Philippe Cossette      Union Nationale Clovis Gagnon      Union Nationale Death (car accident)Yes

23rd Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1948–1952

Lévis February 16, 1949 Joseph-Théophile Larochelle      Union Nationale Joseph-Albert Samson      Union Nationale Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Brome December 7, 1948† Jonathan Robinson      Union Nationale Charles James Warwick Fox      Union Nationale DeathYes

† Won by acclamation

22nd Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1944–1948

Huntingdon July 23, 1947 Dennis James O'Connor      Liberal John Gillies Rennie      Union Nationale DeathNo
Bagot December 18, 1946 Cyrille Dumaine      Liberal Daniel Johnson      Union Nationale DeathNo
Compton July 3, 1946 William James Duffy      Liberal Charles Daniel French      Union Nationale DeathNo
Beauce November 21, 1945 Édouard Lacroix Bloc populaire canadien Georges-Octave Poulin      Union Nationale ResignationNo

21st Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1939–1944

Westmount–Saint-Georges March 23, 1942 George Gordon Hyde      Liberal George Carlyle Marler      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Richelieu-Verchères March 23, 1942 Félix Messier      Liberal Joseph-Willie Robidoux      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Montréal–Saint-Jacques March 23, 1942 Joseph-Roméo Toupin      Liberal Claude Jodoin      Liberal DeathYes
Montréal–Sainte-Anne March 23, 1942 Francis Lawrence Connors      Liberal Thomas Guérin      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Saint-Jean–Napierville October 6, 1941 Alexis Bouthillier      Liberal Jean-Paul Beaulieu      Union Nationale DeathNo
Huntingdon October 6, 1941 James Walker Ross      Liberal Dennis James O'Connor      Liberal DeathYes
Terrebonne November 19, 1940 Athanase David      Liberal Damase Perrier      Liberal Appointed to the SenateYes
Mégantic November 19, 1940 Louis Houde      Liberal Tancrède Labbé      Union Nationale Resignation to be appointed a judgeNo

20th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1936–1939

Stanstead November 2, 1938 Rouville Beaudry      Union Nationale Henri Gérin      Union Nationale ResignationYes
Montréal–Saint-Louis November 2, 1938 Peter Bercovitch      Liberal Louis Fitch      Union Nationale Resignation to enter federal politicsNo
Chicoutimi May 25, 1938 Arthur Larouche      Union Nationale Antonio Talbot      Union Nationale ResignationYes
Bagot February 16, 1938 Cyrille Dumaine      Liberal Philippe Adam      Union Nationale Void ElectionNo
Beauce March 17, 1937 Raoul Poulin      Union Nationale Joseph-Emile Perron      Union Nationale ResignationYes

19th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1935–1936

no by-elections

18th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1931–1935

Jacques-Cartier November 25, 1933† Victor Marchand      Liberal Joseph-Théodule Rhéaume      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Wolfe November 14, 1933 Cyrénus Lemieux      Liberal Thomas Hercule Lapointe      Liberal Appointed SheriffYes
Nicolet November 7, 1933† Joseph-Alcide Savoie      Liberal Alexandre Gaudet      Liberal DeathYes

† Won by acclamation

17th Legislative Assembly of Quebec (1927–1931)

Maskinongé November 4, 1930 Joseph-William Gagnon      Liberal Louis-Joseph Thisdel      Liberal DeathYes
Huntingdon November 4, 1930 Andrew Philps      Liberal Martin Bettie Fisher      Conservative DeathNo
Deux-Montagnes November 4, 1930 Arthur Sauvé      Conservative Paul Sauvé      Conservative Resignation to contest the 1930 federal electionYes
Bellechasse October 20, 1930 Antonin Galipeault      Liberal Robert Taschereau      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Beauce December 9, 1929† Joseph-Hugues Fortier      Liberal Joseph-Édouard Fortin      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Montcalm November 16, 1929 Joseph-Ferdinand Daniel      Liberal Joseph-Léonide Perron      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Richelieu October 28, 1929 Jean-Baptiste Lafrenière      Liberal Avila Turcotte      Liberal Appointed Chairman of the Commission of Agricultural CreditYes
Compton September 30, 1929 Jacob Nicol      Liberal Andrew Ross McMaster      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
L'Islet May 13, 1929† Élisée Thériault      Liberal Adélard Godbout      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Québec-Est October 24, 1928 Louis-Alfred Létourneau      Liberal Oscar Drouin      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Montréal–Sainte-Marie October 24, 1928 Joseph Gauthier      Liberal Camillien Houde      Conservative Void ElectionNo
Îles-de-la-Madeleine July 14, 1928† Joseph-Édouard Caron      Liberal Amédée Caron      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Portneuf October 31, 1927 Édouard Hamel      Liberal Victor Marchand      Liberal Appointed RegistrarYes
Kamouraska October 31, 1927 Nérée Morin      Liberal Pierre Gagnon      Liberal DeathYes

† Won by acclamation

16th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1923–1927

Jacques-Cartier November 30, 1925 Esioff-Léon Patenaude      Conservative Victor Marchand      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1925 federal electionNo
Champlain November 30, 1925 Bruno Bordeleau      Liberal William-Pierre Grant      Liberal Appointed registrarYes
Berthier November 30, 1925 Siméon Lafrenière      Liberal Amédée Sylvestre      Liberal Appointed registrarYes
Argenteuil November 30, 1925 John Hay      Liberal Joseph-Léon Saint-Jacques      Conservative DeathNo
Témiscamingue November 28, 1924 Télesphore Simard      Liberal Joseph Miljours      Liberal DeathYes
Sherbrooke November 5, 1924 Moïse O'Bready      Conservative Armand-Charles Crépeau      Conservative DeathYes
Saint-Maurice November 5, 1924 Léonide-Nestor-Arthur Ricard      Liberal Alphonse-Edgar Guillemette      Liberal Death (car accident)Yes
Québec-Comté November 5, 1924 Aurèle Leclerc      Liberal Ludger Bastien      Conservative Appointed registrarNo
Montréal–Sainte-Anne November 5, 1924 William James Hushion      Liberal Joseph Henry Dillon      Liberal Resignation to enter federal politicsYes
Bonaventure November 5, 1924 Joseph-Fabien Bugeaud      Liberal Pierre-Émile Côté      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Yamaska October 22, 1923 Édouard Ouellette      Liberal David Laperrière      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Richmond October 22, 1923 Georges-Ervé Denault      Liberal Stanislas-Edmond Desmarais      Liberal DeathYes
Brome October 22, 1923 William Robert Oliver      Liberal Carlton James Oliver      Liberal DeathYes
Abitibi October 22, 1923 Joseph-Édouard Perrault      Liberal Hector Authier      Liberal Chose to sit for ArthabaskaYes

15th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1919–1923

Sherbrooke September 7, 1922† Joseph-Henri Lemay      Liberal Ludger Forest      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Labelle August 17, 1922 Honoré Achim      Liberal Désiré Lahaie      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Verchères December 22, 1921 Adrien Beaudry      Liberal Jean-Marie Richard      Liberal Appointed Chairman of the Public Services CommissionYes
Témiscouata December 22, 1921 Louis-Eugène-Aduire Parrot      Liberal Eugène Godbout      Liberal ResignationYes
Montréal–Ste-Marie December 22, 1921 Napoléon Séguin      Liberal Joseph Gauthier      Parti ouvrier Appointed Governor of Bordeaux PrisonNo
Wolfe December 15, 1921† Joseph-Eugène Rhéault      Liberal Cyrinus Lemieux      Liberal DeathYes
Trois-Rivières December 15, 1921† Joseph-Adolphe Tessier      Liberal Louis-Philippe Mercier      Liberal Appointed Chairman of the Running Streams CommissionYes
Richmond December 15, 1921† Walter George Mitchell      Liberal Jacob Nicol      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1921 federal electionYes
Beauce December 15, 1921† Arthur Godbout      Liberal Joseph-Hughes Fortier      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Saint-Maurice October 19, 1920 Georges-Isidore Delisle      Liberal Léonide-Nestor-Arthur Ricard      Liberal DeathYes
Kamouraska October 19, 1920 Charles-Adolphe Stein      Liberal Nérée Morin      Liberal Resignation to enter federal politicsYes
Portneuf October 11, 1920† Lomer Gouin      Liberal Édouard Hamel      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Terrebonne September 6, 1919† Athanase David      Liberal Athanase David      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial SecretaryYes
Bellechasse September 6, 1919† Antonin Galipeault      Liberal Antonin Galipeault      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public Works and LabourYes
Arthabaska September 6, 1919† Joseph-Édouard Perrault      Liberal Joseph-Édouard Perrault      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Colonization, Mines and FisheriesYes

† Won by acclamation

14th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1916–1919

Napierville December 27, 1918 Cyprien Doris      Liberal Amédée Monet      Liberal DeathYes
Montréal-St-Laurent December 27, 1918 John Thomas Finnie      Liberal Henry Miles      Liberal Appointed Collector of Provincial RevenueYes
Matane December 27, 1918 Donat Caron      Liberal Octave Fortin      Liberal DeathYes
Ottawa December 15, 1917† Ferdinand-Ambroise Gendron      Liberal Joseph Caron      Liberal DeathYes
Nicolet December 15, 1917† Arthur Trahan      Liberal Joseph-Alcide Savoie      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1917 federal electionYes
Labelle December 15, 1917† Hyacinthe-Adélard Fortier      Liberal Honoré Achim      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1917 federal electionYes
Dorchester December 15, 1917† Lucien Cannon      Liberal Ernest Ouellet      Liberal Resignation to enter federal politicsYes
Montcalm November 12, 1917† Joseph-Alcide Dupuis      Liberal Joseph-Ferdinand Daniel      Liberal DeathYes
Brome November 12, 1917† William Frederick Bilas      Liberal William Robert Oliver      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes

† Won by acclamation

13th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1912–1916

Richmond November 21, 1914† Peter Samuel George Mackenzie      Liberal Walter George Mitchell      Liberal DeathYes
Châteauguay May 9, 1914† Honoré Mercier Jr.      Liberal Honoré Mercier Jr.      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Colonization, Mines and FisheriesYes
Bonaventure May 7, 1914† John Hall Kelly      Liberal Joseph-Fabien Bugeaud      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Trois-Rivières March 18, 1914 Joseph-Adolphe Tessier      Liberal Joseph-Adolphe Tessier      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of HighwaysYes
St-Jean November 10, 1913 Lomer Gouin      Liberal Marcellin Robert      Liberal Chose to sit for PortneufYes
Huntingdon November 10, 1913 William H. Walker      Liberal Andrew Philps      Liberal DeathYes
Nicolet June 2, 1913 Charles Ramsay Devlin      Liberal Laetare Roy      Liberal Chose to sit for TémiscamingueYes
Dorchester June 2, 1913 Alfred Morissett      Liberal Lucien Cannon      Liberal Appointed Clerk of the Executive CouncilYes
Stanstead January 16, 1913† Prosper-Alfred Bissonnet      Liberal Alfred-Joseph Bissonnett      Liberal Appointed Collector of RevenueYes
Bagot January 16, 1913† Frédéric-Hector Daigneault      Liberal Joseph-Émery Phaneuf      Liberal Appointed Inspector of Asylums and PrisonsYes
Verchères October 16, 1912† Amédée Geoffrion      Liberal Joseph-Léonide Perron      Liberal Appointed Recorder of MontrealYes

† Won by acclamation

12th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1908–1912

Lévis September 21, 1911 Jean-Cléophas Blouin      Liberal Laetare Roy      Liberal Appointed SheriffYes
Sherbrooke August 17, 1911† Jean-Marie-Joseph-Pantaléon Pelletier      Liberal Calixte-Émile Therrien      Liberal Appointed Agent-General in LondonYes
St. Jean December 29, 1910 Gabriel Marchand      Liberal Marcellin Robert      Liberal DeathYes
Drummond March 5, 1910 Joseph Laferté      Liberal Jules Allard      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Argenteuil March 5, 1910 William Alexander Weir      Liberal John Hay      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Gaspé February 17, 1910 Louis-Joseph Lemieux      Liberal Joseph-Léonide Perron      Liberal Appointed SheriffYes
Richmond January 27, 1910† Peter Samuel George Mackenzie      Liberal Peter Samuel George Mackenzie      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial TreasurerYes
Kamouraska December 6, 1909† Louis-Rodolphe Roy      Liberal Louis-Auguste Dupuis      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
L'Islet November 29, 1909† Joseph-Édouard Caron      Liberal Joseph-Édouard Caron      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of AgricultureYes
St. Sauveur November 12, 1909 Charles-Eugene Côté      Liberal Joseph-Alphonse Langlois      Parti ouvrier Appointed registrarNo
Montréal division no. 2 November 12, 1909 Henri Bourassa Ligue nationaliste canadienne Clement Robillard      Liberal Chose to sit for St. HyacintheNo
Chambly November 12, 1909 Maurice Perrault      Liberal Lesieur Desaulniers      Liberal DeathYes
Hochelaga February 2, 1909† Louis-Jérémie Décarie      Liberal Louis-Jérémie Décarie      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of AgricultureYes
Bellechasse February 2, 1909† Adélard Turgeon      Liberal Antonin Galipeault      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Montréal division no. 6 December 28, 1908 Denis Tansey      Conservative Michael James Walsh      Liberal Void ElectionNo
Laval December 28, 1908 Joseph-Wenceslas Lévesque      Liberal Joseph-Wenceslas Lévesque      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Châteauguay December 28, 1908 Hospice Dumtremble      Conservative Honoré Mercier Jr.      Liberal Void ElectionNo
Québec Centre December 23, 1908 Amédée Robitaille      Liberal Eugène Leclerc      Liberal Appointed a prothonotaryYes
Montréal division no. 1 December 21, 1908† Georges-Albini Lacombe      Liberal Napoléon Séguin      Liberal Appointed registrarYes
Rouville October 26, 1908 Alfred Girard      Liberal Joseph-Edmond Robert      Liberal Appointed a prothonotaryYes
Lac-Saint-Jean October 14, 1908† Theodore-Louis-Antoine Broet      Liberal Jean-Baptiste Carbonneau      Liberal Death (railroad accident)Yes

† Won by acclamation

11th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1904–1908

Châteauguay December 16, 1907 François-Xavier Dupuis      Liberal Honoré Mercier Jr.      Liberal Appointed Recorder of the Municipal Court of MontrealYes
Rimouski November 4, 1907 Auguste Tessier      Liberal Pierre-Émile D'Anjou      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Nicolet November 4, 1907 Alfred Marchildon      Liberal Charles Ramsey Devlin      Liberal Resignation pending appointment as a judgeYes
Montmorency November 4, 1907 Louis-Alexandre Taschereau      Liberal Louis-Alexandre Taschereau      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public Works and LaborYes
Bellechasse November 4, 1907 Adélard Turgeon      Liberal Adélard Turgeon      Liberal Sought re-election against Henri Bourassa Yes
Montréal division no. 5 January 24, 1907 Christopher Benfield Carter      Liberal Charles Ernest Gault      Conservative DeathNo
Îles-de-la-Madeleine November 20, 1906 Robert Jamieson Leslie      Liberal Louis-Albin Thériault      Liberal Death (shipwreck)Yes
Iberville November 5, 1906 François Gosselin      Liberal Joseph-Aldéric Benoit      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
L'Assomption October 29, 1906† Joseph-Edouard Duhamel      Liberal Louis-Joseph Gauthier      Liberal Appointed Inspector of the Registration OfficeYes
Brome September 10, 1906† John Charles McCorkill      Liberal William Frederick Vilas      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Argenteuil September 10, 1906† William Alexander Weir      Liberal William Alexander Weir      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public Works and LaborYes
Napierville December 14, 1905 Dominique Monet      Liberal Cyprien Dorris      Liberal Appointed ProtonotaryYes
St. Sauveur October 14, 1905 Simon-Napoléon Parent      Liberal Charles-Eugène Côté      Liberal Resignation to be appointed Chairman of the Transcontinental Railway CommissionYes
Montréal division no. 4 October 7, 1905† James Cochrane      Liberal George Washington Stephens, Jr.      Liberal DeathYes
Terrebonne July 17, 1905† Jean Prévost      Liberal Jean Prévost      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Colonization, Mines and FisheriesYes
Yamaska June 20, 1905† Jules Allard      Liberal Guillaume-Édouard Ouellet      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Montréal division no. 2 April 10, 1905 Lomer Gouin      Liberal Lomer Gouin      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Attorney GeneralYes
Rimouski April 3, 1905† Auguste Tessier      Liberal Auguste Tessier      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of AgricultureYes
Kamouraska April 3, 1905† Louis-Rodolphe Roy      Liberal Louis-Rodolphe Roy      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial SecretaryYes
Bellechasse April 3, 1905† Adélard Turgeon      Liberal Adélard Turgeon      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Lands, Mines and FisheriesYes

† Won by acclamation

10th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1900–1904

Shefford March 10, 1904 Tancrède Boucher de Grandbois      Liberal Auguste Mathieu      Liberal ResignationYes
Portneuf March 10, 1904 Jules Tessier      Liberal Damase-Épiphane Naud      Conservative Appointed to the SenateNo
Maskinongé March 10, 1904 Hector Caron      Liberal Georges Lafontaine      Conservative Appointed Superintendent of Game and FisheriesNo
Berthier March 10, 1904 Cuthbert-Alphonse Chênevert      Liberal Joseph Lafontaine      Liberal Appointed Recorder for the Quebec Court of AppealYes
Brome October 29, 1903 Henry Thomas Duffy      Liberal John Charles McCorkill      Liberal DeathYes
Stanstead October 3, 1902 Moodie Brock Lovell      Liberal Georges-Henri Saint-Pierre      Conservative DeathNo
Soulanges October 3, 1902 Avila-Gonzague Bourbonnais      Liberal Arcand-Momer Bissonnette      Conservative DeathNo
L'Islet September 26, 1902† François-Gilbert Miville Dechêne      Liberal Joseph-Édouard Caron      Liberal DeathYes
Québec Centre July 11, 1902† Amédée Robitaille      Liberal Amédée Robitaille      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial SecretaryYes
Beauce January 31, 1902 Henri Sévérin Béland      Liberal Arthur Godbout      Liberal Resignation to enter federal politicsYes
Vaudreuil October 31, 1901 Émery Lalonde      Liberal Hormidas Pilon      Liberal Appointed RegistrarYes
Québec Comté October 31, 1901 Némèse Garneau      Liberal Cyrille-Fraser Delâge      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Drummond October 31, 1901 William John Watts      Liberal Joseph Laferté      Liberal Appointed RegistrarYes
Lévis October 24, 1901† Charles Langelier      Liberal Jean-Cléophas Blouin      Liberal Appointed SheriffYes

† Won by acclamation

9th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1897–1900

Matane January 11, 1899 Louis-Félix Pinault      Liberal Donat Caron      Liberal Appointed Deputy Minister of MilitiaYes
Verchères December 19, 1898 Étienne Blanchard      Liberal Étienne Blanchard      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Missisquoi December 19, 1898 John Charles McCorkill      Liberal Cedric Lemoine Cotton      Liberal Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Lévis December 19, 1898 Nazaire-Nicolas Olivier      Liberal Charles Langelier      Liberal DeathYes
Beauharnois December 19, 1898 Élie-Hercule Bisson      Liberal Arthur Plante      Conservative Appointed Prothonotary for BeauharnoisNo
Bonaventure December 22, 1897 Victor Gladu      Liberal Jules Allard      Liberal DeathYes
Lévis December 22, 1897 François-Xavier Lemieux      Liberal Nazaire-Nicolas Olivier      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Bonaventure December 22, 1897 François-Xavier Lemieux      Liberal William Henry Clapperton      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Yamaska November 16, 1897 Albéric-Archie Mondou      Conservative Victor Gladu      Liberal Void ElectionNo
Brome June 19, 1897 Henry Thomas Duffy      Liberal Henry Thomas Duffy      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Public WorksYes
St. Sauveur June 12, 1897† Simon-Napoléon Parent      Liberal Simon-Napoléon Parent      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Lands, Forests and FisheriesYes
St. Jean June 12, 1897† Félix-Gabriel Marchand      Liberal Félix-Gabriel Marchand      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Provincial TreasurerYes
L'Islet June 12, 1897† François-Gilbert Miville Dechêne      Liberal François-Gilbert Miville Dechêne      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of AgricultureYes
Châteauguay June 12, 1897† Joseph-Émery Robidoux      Liberal Joseph-Émery Robidoux      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial SecretaryYes
Bellechasse June 12, 1897† Adélard Turgeon      Liberal Adélard Turgeon      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Colonization and MinesYes

† Won by acclamation

8th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1892–1897

Montmorency June 23, 1896 Thomas Chase-Casgrain      Conservative Édouard Bouffard      Conservative Resignation to contest the 1896 federal electionYes
Montréal division no. 4 June 4, 1896† Alexander Webb Morris      Conservative Albert William Atwater      Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for AtwaterYes
Montréal division no. 6 October 22, 1895 Patrick Kennedy      Conservative James John Edmund Guerin      Liberal DeathNo
Stanstead March 21, 1895 Michael Felix Hackett      Conservative Michael Felix Hackett      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as President of the Executive CouncilYes
Bonaventure December 11, 1894 Honoré Mercier      Liberal François-Xavier Lemieux      Liberal DeathYes
Compton October 19, 1894 John McIntosh      Conservative Charles McClary      Conservative Appointed SheriffYes
Chambly December 31, 1892† Louis-Olivier Taillon      Conservative Louis-Olivier Taillon      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as PremierYes
Trois-Rivières November 3, 1892 Télesphore-Eusèbe Normand      Conservative Télesphore-Eusèbe Normand      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Matane November 3, 1892 Edmund James Flynn      Conservative Louis-Félix Pinault      Liberal Chose to sit for GaspéNo
Beauharnois June 7, 1892 Moïse Plante      Conservative Élie-Hercule Bisson      Liberal DeathNo

† Won by acclamation

7th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1890–1891

Vaudreuil November 22, 1890 Émery Lalonde      Liberal Émery Lalonde      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Montmorency July 12, 1890† Charles Langelier      Liberal Charles Langelier      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as President of the Executive CouncilYes

† Won by acclamation

6th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1886–1890

Berthier January 15, 1890 Louis Sylvestre      Liberal Omer Dostaler      Liberal Resignation to be appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Québec Ouest December 30, 1889 Owen Murphy      Liberal Owen Murphy      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Rimouski December 4, 1889 Édouard-Onésiphore Martin      Liberal Auguste Tessier      Liberal DeathYes
Brome November 28, 1889 William Warren Lynch      Conservative Rufus Nelson England      Conservative Appointed a judgeYes
Joliette October 23, 1889 Louis Basinet      Liberal Louis Basinet      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Laprairie January 24, 1889 Odilon Goyette Parti national Odilon Goyette Parti national Void ElectionYes
Mégantic December 27, 1888 Andrew Stuart Johnson      Liberal William Rhodes      Liberal Void ElectionYes
L'Assomption December 27, 1888 Ludger Forest      Liberal Ludger Forest      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Dorchester December 20, 1888† Louis-Napoléon Larochelle      Liberal Louis-Philippe Pelletier      Nationalist Conservative Appointed to the Legislative CouncilNo
Nicolet July 17, 1888 Louis-Trefflé Dorais      Independent Conservative Honoré Brunelle Tourigny      Conservative Void ElectionNo
Chicoutimi et Saguenay June 18, 1888 Élie Saint-Hilaire      Independent Conservative Séverin Dumais Parti national DeathNo
Trois-Rivières May 25, 1888 Arthur Turcotte      Liberal Arthur Turcotte      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney GeneralYes
Shefford May 18, 1888 Thomas Brassard      Liberal Tancrède Boucher de Grosbois      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Laval May 8, 1888 Pierre-Évariste Leblanc      Conservative Pierre-Évariste Leblanc      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Missisquoi April 28, 1888 Elijah Edmund Spencer      Conservative Elijah Edmund Spencer      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Maskinongé April 28, 1888 Édouard Caron      Conservative Joseph-Hormisdas Legris Parti national Void ElectionNo
Hochelaga April 28, 1888 Joseph-Octave Villeneuve      Conservative Charles Champagne      Liberal Void ElectionNo
Ottawa September 14, 1887 Narcisse-Édouard Cormier      Conservative Alfred Rochon      Liberal Resignation in exchange for withdrawal of election petitionNo
Laprairie July 30, 1887 Léon-Benoît-Alfred Charlebois      Conservative Odilon Goyette Parti national DeathNo
St. Hyacinthe February 12, 1887† Honoré Mercier      Liberal Honoré Mercier      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Attorney GeneralYes
Québec Est February 12, 1887† Joseph Shehyn      Liberal Joseph Shehyn      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial TreasurerYes
Montréal Centre February 12, 1887† James McShane      Liberal James McShane      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Agriculture and Public WorksYes
Kamouraska February 12, 1887† Charles-Antoine-Ernest Gagnon      Liberal Charles-Antoine-Ernest Gagnon      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial SecretaryYes
Iberville February 12, 1887† Georges Duhamel Parti national Georges Duhamel Parti national Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor GeneralYes
Montcalm December 11, 1886 Jean-Baptiste-Trefflé Richard      Conservative Louis-Olivier Taillon      Conservative Appointed crown lands agentYes
Iberville December 11, 1886 Alexis-Louis Demers      Liberal Georges Duhamel Parti national*DeathYes

† Won by acclamation

* The Parti National was the official name of the Quebec Liberal Party during this period

5th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1881–1886

Verchères May 5, 1886 Abraham Bernard      Liberal Abraham Bernard      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Drummond et Arthabaska March 24, 1886 William John Watts      Liberal Joseph-Éna Girouard      Liberal Resignation over disagreement with his party over Louis Riel Yes
Lotbinière January 30, 1886 Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière      Liberal Édouard-Hippolyte Laliberté      Liberal Resignation over disagreement with his party over Louis Riel Yes
Joliette September 24, 1885 Vincent-Paul Lavallée      Conservative Joseph-Norbert-Alfred McConville      Conservative Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Mégantic October 29, 1884 George Irvine      Liberal John Whyte      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Laval July 14, 1884 Amédée Gaboury      Liberal Pierre-Évariste Leblanc      Conservative Void ElectionNo
Vaudreuil June 19, 1884† François-Xavier Archambault      Conservative Alfred Lapointe      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Gaspé April 2, 1884 Edmund James Flynn      Conservative Edmund James Flynn      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of RailwaysYes
Trois-Rivières March 26, 1884 Sévère Dumoulin      Conservative Arthur Turcotte      Independent Conservative Void ElectionNo
Jacques Cartier March 26, 1884 Joseph-Alfred Mousseau      Conservative Arthur Boyer      Liberal Appointed a judgeNo
Deux-Montagnes March 26, 1884 Benjamin Beauchamp      Conservative Benjamin Beauchamp      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Chateauguay March 26, 1884 Édouard Laberge      Liberal Joseph-Émery Robidoux      Liberal DeathYes
Sherbrooke February 9, 1884† Joseph Gibb Robertson      Conservative Joseph Gibb Robertson      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial TreasurerYes
Montreal Est February 9, 1884† Louis-Olivier Taillon      Conservative Louis-Olivier Taillon      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney GeneralYes
Lévis November 16, 1883 Étienne-Théodore Pâquet      Conservative François-Xavier Lemieux      Liberal Appointed SheriffNo
Jacques Cartier September 26, 1883 Joseph-Alfred Mousseau      Conservative Joseph-Alfred Mousseau      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Laval June 13, 1883 Pierre-Évariste Leblanc      Conservative Amédée Gaboury      Liberal Void ElectionNo
Nicolet February 5, 1883 Charles-Édouard Houde      Conservative Louis-Trefflé Dorais      Independent Conservative Void ElectionNo
Kamouraska January 30, 1883 Charles-Antoine-Ernest Gagnon      Liberal Charles-Antoine-Ernest Gagnon      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Bonaventure October 31, 1882† Louis-Joseph Riopel      Conservative Henri-Josué Martin      Conservative Resignation to contest the 1882 federal electionYes
Vaudreuil October 30, 1882 Émery Lalonde      Conservative François-Xavier Archambault      Conservative Resignation upon appointment as an official at the Palace of Justice in MontrealYes
Laval October 30, 1882 Louis-Onésime Loranger      Conservative Pierre-Évariste Leblanc      Conservative Appointed a judgeYes
Deux-Montagnes October 21, 1882 Charles Champagne      Conservative Benjamin Beauchamp      Conservative Sought re-election following dismissal of election petitionYes
Jacques-Cartier August 26, 1882 Narcisse Lecavalier      Conservative Joseph-Alfred Mousseau      Conservative Appointed RegistrarYes
Terrebonne August 19, 1882† Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau      Conservative Guillaume-Alphonse Nantel      Conservative Resignation upon appointment to the federal cabinetYes
Beauce August 14, 1880† Jean Blanchet      Conservative Jean Blanchet      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary and RegistrarYes
Pontiac March 6, 1882 Thomas Bryson      Conservative William Joseph Poupore      Conservative DeathYes
Yamaska February 6, 1882† Jonathan Saxton Campbell Würtele      Conservative Jonathan Saxton Campbell Würtele      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial TreasurerYes

† Won by acclamation

4th Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1878–1881

Berthier December 30, 1880 Joseph Robillard      Conservative Joseph Robillard      Conservative Void ElectionYes
L’Assomption June 4, 1880 Onuphe Peltier      Conservative Joseph Marion      Conservative DeathYes
Chicoutimi et Saguenay March 27, 1880† William Evan Price      Conservative Joseph-Élisée Beaudet      Conservative ResignationYes
Rimouski March 3, 1880 Alexandre Chauveau      Liberal Joseph Parent      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Gaspé December 6, 1879† Edmund James Flynn*     Conservative Edmund James Flynn      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Crown LandsYes
Sherbrooke November 20, 1879 Joseph Gibb Robertson      Conservative Joseph Gibb Robertson      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial TreasurerYes
Lévis November 20, 1879 Étienne-Théodore Pâquet*     Conservative Étienne-Théodore Pâquet      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary and RegistrarYes
Brome November 20, 1879 William Warren Lynch      Conservative William Warren Lynch      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor GeneralYes
Terrebonne November 13, 1879† Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau      Conservative Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Commissioner of Agriculture and Public WorksYes
Laval November 13, 1879† Louis-Onésime Loranger      Conservative Louis-Onésime Loranger      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney GeneralYes
Verchères July 17, 1879 Jean-Baptiste Brousseau      Liberal Achille Larose      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Chambly June 26, 1879 Michel-Dosithée-Stanislas Martel      Conservative Raymond Préfontaine      Liberal Void ElectionNo
Rouville June 18, 1879 Solime Bertrand      Conservative Flavien-Guillaume Bouthillier      Liberal Void ElectionNo
St. Hyacinthe June 3, 1879 Pierre Bachand      Liberal Honoré Mercier      Liberal DeathYes

† Won by acclamation

* Flynn and Pacquet were former Liberals who crossed the floor to topple the Joly government

3rd Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1875–1878

Québec Ouest December 17, 1877 John Hearn      Conservative Richard Alleyn      Conservative Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes
Gaspé July 2, 1877 Pierre-Étienne Fortin      Conservative Pierre-Étienne Fortin      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Kamouraska March 19, 1877 Charles-François Roy      Conservative Joseph Dumont      Liberal Resignation to enter federal politicsNo
Bonaventure February 22, 1877 Pierre-Clovis Beauchesne      Conservative Joseph Israël Tarte      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Montmagny November 30, 1876 Auguste Charles Philippe Robert Landry      Conservative Louis-Napoléon Fortin      Liberal Void ElectionNo
Nicolet August 18, 1876 François-Xavier-Ovide Méthot      Conservative Charles-Édouard Houde      Conservative Void ElectionYes
Bagot July 7, 1876 Pierre-Samuel Gendron      Conservative Flavien Dupont      Conservative Resignation to become Prothonotary for the Quebec Superior Court in Montreal DistrictYes
Huntingdon April 24, 1876† Alexander Cameron      Liberal Alexander Cameron      Liberal Void ElectionYes
Trois-Rivières April 18, 1876 Henri-Gédéon Malhiot      Conservative Arthur Turcotte      Independent Conservative Appointed Commissioner of the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway No
Mégantic April 18, 1876 George Irvine      Liberal Andrew Kennedy      Conservative Appointed Commissioner of the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental RailwayNo
Deux-Montagnes March 3, 1876 Gédéon Ouimet      Conservative Charles Champagne      Conservative Appointed Superintendent of Public InstructionYes
Terrebonne February 10, 1876† Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau      Conservative Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary and RegistrarYes
Missisquoi February 10, 1876† George Barnard Baker      Conservative George Barnard Baker      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor GeneralYes

† Won by acclamation

2nd Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1871–1875

Pontiac October 26, 1874† John Poupore      Conservative Levi Ruggles Church      Conservative Resignation to provide a seat for ChurchYes
Québec-Comté October 5, 1874† Pierre Garneau      Conservative Pierre Garneau      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Agriculture and Public WorksYes
Montmorency October 5, 1874† Auguste-Réal Angers      Conservative Auguste-Réal Angers      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor GeneralYes
Trois-Rivières October 3, 1874† Henri-Gédéon Malhiot      Conservative Henri-Gédéon Malhiot      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Crown LandsYes
Bonaventure August 4–5, 1874 Théodore Robitaille      Conservative Pierre-Clovis Beauchesne      Conservative Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateYes
Huntingdon May 30, 1874 Thomas Sanders      Conservative Alexander Cameron      Conservative DeathYes
Chicoutimi et Saguenay May 2, 1874† Pierre-Alexis Tremblay      Liberal Michel Guillaume Baby      Conservative Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateNo
Québec Est April 16–17, 1874 Charles Alphonse Pantaléon Pelletier      Liberal Pierre-Vincent Valin      Conservative Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateNo
Québec Centre April 16–17, 1874 Hector-Louis Langevin      Conservative Rémi-Ferdinand Rinfret      Conservative Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateYes
Montcalm March 13, 1874 Firmin Dugas      Conservative Louis-Gustave Martin      Conservative Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateYes
Beauce February 24, 1874 Christian Pozer      Liberal François-Xavier Dulac      Conservative Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateNo
Drummond-Arthabaska February 20, 1874 Wilfrid Laurier      Liberal William John Watts      Conservative Resignation to contest the 1874 federal electionNo
Yamaska February 11–12, 1874 Charles-Ignace Gill      Conservative Joseph Nestor Duguay      Conservative Resignation to contest the 1874 federal electionYes
Montmorency February 10–11, 1874 Joseph-Édouard Cauchon      Conservative Auguste-Réal Angers      Conservative Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateYes
Montréal Centre February 6, 1874† Luther Hamilton Holton      Liberal Charles Alexander      Liberal Resignation upon abolition of the dual mandateYes
Montmagny December 16, 1873 Télesphore Fournier      Liberal François Langelier      Liberal Resignation following appointment to the federal cabinetYes
Montréal Ouest August 22, 1873 Francis Cassidy      Conservative John Wait McGauvran      Conservative DeathYes
Beauharnois July 12, 1873 George-Étienne Cartier      Conservative Élie-Hercule Bisson      Liberal DeathNo
Gaspé April 7, 1873† Pierre-Étienne Fortin      Conservative Pierre-Étienne Fortin      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Crown LandsYes
Québec-Comté March 21, 1873† Pierre-Joseph-Olivier Chauveau      Conservative Pierre Garneau      Conservative Appointed to the SenateYes
Terrebonne March 12, 1873† Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau      Conservative Joseph-Adolphe Chapleau      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor GeneralYes
Québec-Est March 3–4, 1873 Jacques-Philippe Rhéaume      Conservative Charles Alphonse Pantaléon Pelletier      Liberal Appointed an agent for the Seigneurial CommissionNo
Montmorency December 23, 1872† Joseph-Édouard Cauchon      Conservative Joseph-Édouard Cauchon      Conservative Sought re-election due to a scandal involving an asylum in BeauportYes
Rimouski April 29, 1872 Louis Honoré Gosselin      Conservative Alexandre Chauveau      Conservative ResignationYes

† Won by acclamation

1st Legislative Assembly of Quebec 1867–1871

Napierville October 11, 1870† Pierre Benoit      Liberal Laurent-David Lafontaine      Liberal DeathYes
Huntingdon November 6, 1869 Julius Scriver      Conservative William Cantwell      Conservative Resignation to enter federal politicsYes
Sherbrooke November 5, 1869† Joseph Gibb Robertson      Conservative Joseph Gibb Robertson      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial TreasurerYes
Richelieu October 29, 1869 Joseph Beaudreau      Conservative Pierre Gélinas      Conservative DeathYes
Trois-Rivières October 19, 1869 Sévère Dumoulin      Conservative Charles-Borromée Genest      Conservative Appointed SheriffYes
Kamouraska February 11, 1869Vacant Charles-François Roy      Conservative No Election held in 1867 due to riotsN/A
Trois-Rivières October 16, 1868† Louis-Charles Boucher de Niverville      Conservative Sévère Dumoulin      Conservative Resignation to become SheriffYes
Champlain December 16, 1867† John Jones Ross      Conservative Jean-Charles Chapais      Conservative Appointed to the Legislative CouncilYes

† Won by acclamation


    See also