List of New Brunswick by-elections

Last updated

The list of New Brunswick by-elections includes every by-election held in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. By-elections occur whenever there is a vacancy in the Legislative Assembly, although an imminent general election may allow the vacancy to remain until the dissolution of parliament. Between 1842 and 1927 incumbent members were required to recontest their seats upon being appointed to Cabinet. These Ministerial by-elections were almost always uncontested.


60th New Brunswick Legislature 2020–2024

Bathurst East-Nepisiguit-Saint-Isidore April 24, 2023 Denis Landry      Liberal Susan Holt      Liberal Resigned to run for Mayor of Hautes-Terre, elected.Yes
Restigouche-Chaleur Daniel Guitard      Liberal Marco LeBlanc      Liberal Resigned to run for Mayor of Belle-Baie, elected.Yes
Dieppe Roger Melanson      Liberal Richard Losier      Liberal Resigned.Yes
Southwest Miramichi-Bay du Vin June 20, 2022 Jake Stewart      Progressive Conservative Michael Dawson      Progressive Conservative Resigned to run federally in Miramichi—Grand Lake; elected.Yes
Miramichi Bay-Neguac Lisa Harris      Liberal Réjean Savoie      Progressive Conservative Resigned to run federally in Miramichi—Grand Lake; defeated.No

59th New Brunswick Legislature 2018–2020

No by-elections were held during the 59th New Brunswick Legislature's term.

58th New Brunswick Legislature 2014–2018

Carleton October 5, 2015 David Alward      Progressive Conservative Stewart Fairgrieve      Progressive Conservative Resignation to become Consul to BostonYes
Saint John East November 17, 2014 Gary Keating      Liberal Glen Savoie      Progressive Conservative ResignationNo

57th New Brunswick Legislature 2010–2014

Kent April 15, 2013 Shawn Graham      Liberal Brian Gallant      Liberal ResignationYes
Rothesay June 25, 2012 Margaret-Ann Blaney      Progressive Conservative Ted Flemming      Progressive Conservative Resignation to become CEO of Efficiency New BrunswickYes

56th New Brunswick Legislature 2006–2010

Restigouche-La-Vallée March 9, 2009 Percy Mockler      Progressive Conservative Burt Paulin      Liberal Appointed to SenateNo
New Maryland-Sunbury West November 3, 2008 Keith Ashfield      Progressive Conservative Jack Carr      Progressive Conservative Resignation to contest the 2008 Federal ElectionYes
Moncton East March 5, 2007 Bernard Lord      Progressive Conservative Chris Collins      Liberal ResignationNo

55th New Brunswick Legislature 2003–2006

Saint John Harbour November 14, 2005 Elizabeth Weir      New Democratic Ed Doherty      Liberal ResignationNo
Shediac-Cap-Pelé October 4, 2004 Bernard Richard      Liberal Victor Boudreau      Liberal Resignation to become Provincial OmbudsmanYes

54th New Brunswick Legislature 1999–2003

Kent South April 23, 2001 Camille Thériault      Liberal Claude Williams      Progressive Conservative ResignationNo
Caraquet February 5, 2001 Bernard Thériault      Liberal Gaston Moore      Progressive Conservative Resignation to contest the 2000 Federal ElectionNo
Campbellton February 5, 2001 Edmond Blanchard      Liberal Jean F. Dubé      Progressive Conservative Appointed to the Federal Court of CanadaNo

53rd New Brunswick Legislature 1995–1999

Moncton East October 19, 1998 Ray Frenette      Liberal Bernard Lord      Progressive Conservative ResignationNo
Kent Alan R. Graham      Liberal Shawn Graham      Liberal ResignationYes
Fredericton South Russell King      Liberal Brad Green      Progressive Conservative ResignationNo
Tantramar November 17, 1997 Marilyn Trenholme Counsell      Liberal Peter Mesheau      Progressive Conservative Appointed Lieutenant GovernorNo
Miramichi-Bay du Vin Frank McKenna      Liberal James Doyle      Liberal ResignationYes
Victoria-Tobique June 23, 1997 Larry Kennedy      Liberal Larry Kennedy      Liberal Void ElectionYes

52nd New Brunswick Legislature 1991–1995

Tracadie September 26, 1994 Denis Losier      Liberal Elvy Robichaud      Progressive Conservative ResignationNo
Madawaska South November 29, 1993 Pierrette Ringuette      Liberal Percy Mockler      Progressive Conservative Resignation to contest the 1993 Federal ElectionNo
Carleton North June 28, 1993 Fred Harvey      Liberal Dale Graham      Progressive Conservative Resignation following conviction for election fraudNo
Moncton North February 15, 1993 Michael McKee      Liberal John Lebans      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes

51st New Brunswick Legislature 1987–1991

Tracadie November 14, 1988 Doug Young      Liberal Denis Losier      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1988 Federal ElectionYes

50th New Brunswick Legislature 1982–1987

Edmundston February 10, 1986 Jean-Maurice Simard      Progressive Conservative Robert Beaulieu      Liberal Appointed to the SenateNo
Riverview April 29, 1985 Brenda Robertson      Progressive Conservative Hubert Seamans      Liberal Appointed to the SenateNo
Madawaska-Centre November 26, 1984 Gérald Clavette      Liberal Donald Marmen      Progressive Conservative Resignation to contest the 1984 Federal ElectionNo
East Saint John Gerald Merrithew      Progressive Conservative Peter Trites      New Democratic Resignation to contest the 1984 Federal ElectionNo

49th New Brunswick Legislature 1978–1982

Bay du Vin November 5, 1979 Norbert Thériault      Liberal Reginald MacDonald      Liberal Appointed to the SenateYes

48th New Brunswick Legislature 1974–1978

Victoria-Tobique November 29, 1976 J. Stewart Brooks      Progressive Conservative J. Douglas Moore      Progressive Conservative ResignationYes

47th New Brunswick Legislature 1970–1974

YorkSeptember 30, 1974 Harry Ames      Progressive Conservative David Bishop      Progressive Conservative DeathYes
Campbellton Charles Van Horne      Progressive Conservative Fernand Dubé      Progressive Conservative ResignationYes
Saint John CentreJune 25, 1973 George E. McInerney      Progressive Conservative John W. Fernhill      Liberal DeathNo
Saint John East December 11, 1972 Charles A. McIlveen      Progressive Conservative Gerald Merrithew      Progressive Conservative DeathYes
Charlotte John E. Rigby      Progressive Conservative James N. Tucker, Jr.      Progressive Conservative DeathYes
Bathurst H. H. Williamson      Liberal Eugene McGinley      Liberal DeathYes
GloucesterSeptember 18, 1972 Bernard Jean      Liberal Lorenzo Morais      Progressive Conservative ResignationNo
KentOctober 1, 1971 Louis Robichaud      Liberal Omer Léger      Progressive Conservative ResignationNo

46th New Brunswick Legislature 1967–1970

NorthumberlandJune 16, 1969 J. L. A. Savoie      Liberal Frank E. Kane      Liberal DeathYes
RestigoucheNovember 4, 1968 J.M. Joffre Daigle      Liberal Charles Van Horne      Progressive Conservative DeathNo
Fredericton CityJune 10, 1968 John F. McInerney      Progressive Conservative Lawrence Garvie      Progressive Conservative DeathYes

45th New Brunswick Legislature 1963–1967

RestigoucheFebruary 6, 1967 Georges Dumont      Liberal Charles Van Horne      Progressive Conservative DeathNo
Saint John CitySeptember 12, 1966 Daniel Aloysius Riley      Liberal Stephen Weyman      Liberal ResignationYes
WestmorlandSeptember 27, 1965 Donald C. Harper      Liberal W. Wynn Meldrum      Liberal DeathYes
KentMarch 16, 1964 Hugh A. Dysart      Liberal Camille Bordage      Liberal DeathYes

44th New Brunswick Legislature 1960–1963

KingsDecember 3, 1962 Gordon Fairweather      Progressive Conservative John B. M. Baxter, Jr.      Progressive Conservative Resignation to contest the 1962 Federal ElectionYes
Harry N. Jonah      Progressive Conservative George E. Horton      Progressive Conservative Appointed a judgeYes
NorthumberlandJune 19, 1961 Paul B. Lordon      Liberal J. Fraser Kerr      Liberal ResignationYes
Carleton Hugh John Flemming      Progressive Conservative Richard Hatfield      Progressive Conservative Resignation to contest a federal by-electionYes

43rd New Brunswick Legislature 1956–1960

no by-elections

42nd New Brunswick Legislature 1952–1956

no by-elections

41st New Brunswick Legislature 1948–1952

CharlotteJanuary 9, 1950 James Joseph Hayes Doone      Liberal William N. Campbell      Liberal Appointed to the SenateYes

40th New Brunswick Legislature 1944–1948

Saint John CountyJuly 30, 1945 Alphonso Colby Smith      Progressive Conservative Edward Claude Seeley      Independent DeathNo
RestigoucheJuly 30, 1945† Benoît Michaud      Liberal Jean-Baptiste D'Astous      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1945 Federal ElectionYes
GloucesterJuly 30, 1945† Clovis-Thomas Richard      Liberal J. Michel Fournier      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1945 Federal ElectionYes
VictoriaMay 21, 1945† Frederick William Pirie      Liberal Michael F. McCloskey      Liberal Appointed to the SenateYes

† Won by acclamation

39th New Brunswick Legislature 1939–1944

GloucesterAugust 19, 1940† Frederick T. B. Young      Liberal Joseph E. Connolly      Liberal DeathYes
KentMarch 27, 1940† Allison Dysart      Liberal J. Killeen McKee      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
VictoriaJanuary 24, 1940 John W. Niles      Liberal John B. McNair      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for McNairYes

† Won by acclamation

38th New Brunswick Legislature 1935–1939

no by-elections

37th New Brunswick Legislature 1930–1935

GloucesterOctober 26, 1931 John P. Lordon      Liberal Wesley H. Coffyn      Conservative DeathNo
Saint John CountyJune 29, 1931 John Babington Macaulay Baxter      Conservative Robert McAllister      Conservative Appointed Chief Justice of New BrunswickYes
WestmorlandOctober 7, 1930† Melville A. Oulton      Conservative Lewis Smith      Conservative Appointed Medical Officer of the New Brunswick Worker's Compensation BoardYes

† Won by acclamation

36th New Brunswick Legislature 1925–1930

AlbertFebruary 22, 1927† John L. Peck      Conservative Conrad J. Osman      Conservative DeathYes
GloucesterDecember 17, 1926† Peter Veniot      Liberal Clovis-Thomas Richard      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1926 Federal ElectionYes
Saint John CountyDecember 10, 1926† Frank L. Potts      Conservative H. Colby Smith      Conservative DeathYes
St. Stephen-MilltownDecember 13, 1925† John M. Flewelling      Conservative Arthur R. MacKenzie      Conservative DeathYes
WestmorlandSeptember 26, 1925† Antoine Joseph Léger      Conservative Antoine Joseph Léger      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary-TreasurerYes
Saint John CountySeptember 26, 1925† John Babington Macaulay Baxter      Conservative John Babington Macaulay Baxter      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Attorney GeneralYes
RestigoucheSeptember 26, 1925† David A. Stewart      Conservative David A. Stewart      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public WorksYes
Fredericton CitySeptember 26, 1925† Charles Dow Richards      Conservative Charles Dow Richards      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Lands and MinesYes
CharlotteSeptember 26, 1925† Henry I. Taylor      Conservative Henry I. Taylor      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public HealthYes
AlbertSeptember 26, 1925† Lewis Smith      Conservative Lewis Smith      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of AgricultureYes

† Won by acclamation

35th New Brunswick Legislature 1920–1925

GloucesterFebruary 5, 1925 James P. Byrne      Liberal Ivan Rand      Liberal Appointed a judgeYes
Moncton CityDecember 1, 1924 Clifford William Robinson      Liberal E. Albert Reilly      Conservative Appointed to the SenateNo
GloucesterFebruary 8, 1923† Jean George Robichaud      Liberal J. André Doucet      Liberal Resignation to contest a federal by-electionYes
KingsJune 17, 1922 George Burpee Jones      Conservative James D. McKenna      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1921 Federal ElectionNo
Saint John CountyJune 10, 1922 John Babington Macaulay Baxter      Conservative Allister Bentley      Liberal Resignation to contest the 1921 Federal ElectionNo
MadawaskaJune 3, 1922† Donat L. Daigle      Liberal Lorne J. Violette      Liberal Appointed Sheriff of MadawaskaYes
NorthumberlandOctober 3, 1921 John Vanderbeck      Liberal Abram V. Vanderbeck      Liberal DeathYes
SunburyDecember 27, 1920† David W. Mersereau      Liberal David W. Mersereau      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of AgricultureYes
QueensDecember 27, 1920† Judson Hetherington      Liberal Judson Hetherington      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary-TreaurerYes

† Won by acclamation

34th New Brunswick Legislature 1917–1920

Saint John CityJune 14, 1920† William F. Roberts      Liberal William F. Roberts      Liberal Sought re-election upon the Minister of Public Health becoming a salaried officeYes
WestmorlandApril 23, 1917† Ernest A. Smith      Liberal Ernest A. Smith      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Lands and MinesYes
VictoriaApril 23, 1917† John F. Tweeddale      Liberal John F. Tweeddale      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of AgricultureYes
James Burgess      Liberal Walter Edward Foster      Liberal Resignation to provide a seat for FosterYes
NorthumberlandApril 23, 1917† Robert Murray      Liberal Robert Murray      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary-TreasurerYes
GloucesterApril 23, 1917† Peter Veniot      Liberal Peter Veniot      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public WorksYes
James P. Byrne      Liberal James P. Byrne      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney GeneralYes

† Won by acclamation

33rd New Brunswick Legislature 1912–1917

CarletonSeptember 21, 1916 Benjamin Franklin Smith      Conservative Benjamin Franklin Smith      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public WorksYes
Donald Munro      Conservative William S. Sutton      Conservative Appointed Registrar of DeedsYes
WestmorlandMay 30, 1916 Patrick G. Mahoney      Conservative Ernest A. Smith      Liberal Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of Public WorksNo
CarletonJanuary 11, 1915 James Kidd Flemming      Conservative Benjamin Franklin Smith      Conservative ResignationYes
Saint John CountyDecember 31, 1914† John Babington Macaulay Baxter      Conservative John Babington Macaulay Baxter      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney GeneralYes
YorkFebruary 19, 1914 Harry Fulton McLeod      Conservative Percy A. Guthrie      Conservative Resignation to contest a federal by-electionYes
CharlotteFebruary 19, 1914† George Johnson Clarke      Conservative George Johnson Clarke      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney GeneralYes
W.C.H. Grimmer      Conservative Robert Watson Grimmer      Conservative Appointed to the Supreme Court of New BrunswickYes
KingsFebruary 5, 1914† James Alexander Murray      Conservative James Alexander Murray      Conservative Sought re-election upon appointment as Minister of AgricultureYes

† Won by acclamation

32nd New Brunswick Legislature 1908–1912

CharlotteFebruary 10, 1912† Thomas Aaron Hartt Scott D. Guptill Resignation to contest the 1911 Federal Election
SunburyDecember 7, 1911† John Douglas Hazen George A. Perley Appointed to the Federal Cabinet
Saint John CountyDecember 7, 1911 James Lowell John Babington Macaulay Baxter Resignation to contest the 1911 Federal Election
YorkMarch 30, 1911 Thomas Robison Oscar E. Morehouse Death
Saint John CountyJuly 20, 1909 Harrison A. McKeown Allister F. Bentley Appointed to the Supreme Court of New Brunswick
NorthumberlandDecember 1, 1908 Donald Morrison John Percival Burchill Resignation to contest the 1908 Federal Election
CarletonDecember 1, 1908 Benjamin Franklin Smith George W. Upham Resignation to contest the 1908 Federal Election
YorkApril 7, 1908† Harry Fulton McLeod Harry Fulton McLeod Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
SunburyApril 7, 1908† John Douglas Hazen John Douglas Hazen Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Attorney General
NorthumberlandApril 7, 1908† John Morrissy John Morrissy Sought re-election upon appointment as Chief Commissioner of Public Works
KentApril 7, 1908† David-Vital Landry David-Vital Landry Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Agriculture
CharlotteApril 7, 1908† W.C.H. Grimmer W.C.H. Grimmer Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
CarletonApril 7, 1908† James Kidd Flemming James Kidd Flemming Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary

† Won by acclamation

31st New Brunswick Legislature 1903–1908

Saint John CountyNovember 8, 1907† Robert C. Ruddick Harrison A. McKeown Appointed Inspecting Physician at the Saint John Quarantine Station
WestmorlandApril 30, 1907† Clifford William Robinson Clifford William Robinson Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
RestigoucheJanuary 2, 1907 Henry F. McLatchy William Currie Appointed a County Court Judge
NorthumberlandMarch 11, 1905† W. S. Loggie Robert Murray Resignation to contest the 1904 Federal Election
CarletonFebruary 15, 1905† Wendell P. Jones Wendell P. Jones Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
WestmorlandDecember 30, 1904† Francis J. Sweeney Francis J. Sweeney Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
Saint John CountyDecember 30, 1904 Albert T. Dunn James Lowell Appointed Collector of the Port of Saint John
Saint John CityDecember 30, 1904 Harrison A. McKeown Robert Maxwell Resignation to contest the 1904 Federal Election
MadawaskaDecember 15, 1903† Narcisse A. Gagnon Cyprien Martin Death
Saint John CityApril 7, 1903† Harrison A. McKeown Harrison A. McKeown Sought re-election upon appointment at Solicitor General

† Won by acclamation

30th New Brunswick Legislature 1899–1903

KingsMarch 1, 1902 Albert Scott White Ora P. King Appointed to the Supreme Court of New Brunswick
Saint John CountyJanuary 18, 1902† John McLeod Robert C. Ruddick Death
WestmorlandFebruary 1901† W. Woodbury Wells Arthur Bliss Copp Death
CarletonFebruary 1901† Frank Broadstreet Carvell Stephen Burpee Appleby Resignation to contest the 1900 Federal Election
YorkFebruary 7, 1901† Alexander Gibson George W. Allen Resignation to contest the 1900 Federal Election
KentJanuary 1901† Pierre H. Léger Richard A. Poirier Death
QueensOctober 2, 1900 Laughlin Farris Laughlin Farris Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Agriculture
AlbertSeptember 29, 1900 Henry Emmerson Sanford S. Ryan Resignation to contest the 1900 Federal Election
KingsSeptember 27, 1900 William Pugsley William Pugsley Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney General
CarletonJanuary 1900 Charles L. Smith James Kidd Flemming Appointed Postmaster of Woodstock
GloucesterDecember 4, 1899 Peter Veniot John Young Appointed Collector of Customs at Bathurst

† Won by acclamation

29th New Brunswick Legislature 1895–1899

GloucesterFebruary 28, 1898 John Sievewright Joseph Poirier Death
CharlotteJanuary 15, 1898† James Mitchell John Dewolfe Chipman Death
RestigoucheJune 23, 1897† Charles H. LaBillois Charles H. LaBillois Sought re-election upon appointment as Commissioner of Agriculture
WestmorlandMay 29, 1897† Amasa E. Killam Clifford William Robinson Appointed Inspector of Railways for the Inter-Colonial Railway
AlbertJanuary 23, 1897 William James Lewis Charles J. Osman Resignation to contest the 1896 Federal Election
QueensSeptember 14, 1896† Andrew George Blair Isaac W. Carpenter Resignation to contest a federal by-election
NorthumberlandJuly 30, 1896† James Robinson Allan A. Davidson Resignation to contest a federal by-election
Saint John CountyJuly 28, 1896† Albert T. Dunn Albert T. Dunn Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General

† Won by acclamation

28th New Brunswick Legislature 1892–1895

CarletonJanuary 15, 1895† Henry A. Connell Marcus C. Atkinson Resignation due to election petition
MadawaskaJanuary 7, 1895 Lévite Thériault Cyprien Martin Appointed Registrar of Deeds
GloucesterNovember 5, 1894 Théotime Blanchard Peter Veniot Resignation to contest a federal by-election
KingsFebruary 15, 1893† Albert Scott White Albert Scott White Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
QueensNovember 22, 1892 Thomas Hetherington Andrew George Blair Resignation to provide a seat for Blair

† Won by acclamation

27th New Brunswick Legislature 1890–1892

KentSeptember 15, 1891 Olivier J. Leblanc Auguste Théophile Léger Resignation to contest the 1891 Federal Election
WestmorlandFebruary 14, 1891 H.T. Stevens Joseph A. McQueen Resignation to recontest over election petition
Henry Absalom Powell Henry Absalom Powell
YorkOctober 23, 1890 Andrew George Blair Andrew George Blair Void Election
William Wilson William Wilson
John Anderson John Anderson
Richard Bellamy Thomas Colter
VictoriaAugust 23, 1890 George Thomas Baird James Porter Resignation to recontest over election petition
NorthumberlandFebruary 20, 1890 Lemuel John Tweedie Lemuel John Tweedie Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General

26th New Brunswick Legislature 1886–1890

King'sMay 25, 1889† William Pugsley William Pugsley Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
AlbertFebruary 23, 1889 Henry Emmerson Henry Emmerson By-election results voided
AlbertSeptember 28, 1888 William James Lewis Henry Emmerson Resignation to recontest
NorthumberlandDecember 13, 1887 William A. Park John Morrissy Appointed Collector of Customs for the Port of Newcastle
KentAugust 10, 1887 William Wheten James D. Phinney Appointed High Sheriff of Kent
Olivier J. Leblanc Olivier J. Leblanc Resignation to recontest over election petition
MadawaskaApril 6, 1887 Lévite Thériault Lévite Thériault Resignation to contest the 1887 Federal Election
NorthumberlandMarch 16, 1887 Michael Adams John Percival Burchill Resignation to contest the 1887 Federal Election
Saint John CityMarch 8, 1887† John Valentine Ellis Silas Alward Resignation to contest the 1887 Federal Election

† Won by acclamation

25th New Brunswick Legislature 1882–1886

YorkJuly 4, 1885 Frederick P. Thompson William Wilson Appointed to the Legislative Council
KingsJuly 4, 1885 Edwin Arnold Vail William Pugsley Appointed to the Legislative Council
RestigoucheJune 1885† Joseph Cunard Barberie William Murray Appointed to the Legislative Council
SunburyJanuary 9, 1885 Arthur Glasier Arthur Glasier By-election results voided
VictoriaJune 28, 1884 Richard Tibbits George Thomas Baird Appointed Deputy Provincial Secretary
SunburyDecember 4, 1883 George A. Sterling Arthur Glasier Death
WestmorlandOctober 13, 1883 Pierre-Amand Landry Amasa E. Killam Resignation to contest a federal by-election
Saint John County & CityAugust 23, 1883 William Elder Alfred Augustus Stockton Death
David McLellan David McLellan Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
CharlotteMarch 26, 1883† James Mitchell James Mitchell Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
YorkMarch 24, 1883 Andrew George Blair Andrew George Blair Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Attorney General
GloucesterMarch 21, 1883† Patrick G. Ryan Patrick G. Ryan Sought re-election upon appointment as Chief Commissioner of Public Works
Saint John County & CityMarch 16, 1883† William Elder William Elder Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
Robert J. Ritchie Robert J. Ritchie Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
WestmorlandJanuary 9, 1883 Pierre-Amand Landry Pierre-Amand Landry Resignation to recontest over election petition
Charles A. Black Charles A. Black
Daniel Lionel Hanington Daniel Lionel Hanington
John A. Humphrey John A. Humphrey
MadawaskaOctober 7, 1882† Patrick Lynott Mathias Nadeau Resignation due to election petition
KingsSeptember 27, 1882 Finnemore E. Morton Finnemore E. Morton Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
John Herbert Crawford Gabriel Flewelling Death
KentSeptember 25, 1882 William Wheton William Wheton Resignation to recontest over election petition
Olivier J. Leblanc Olivier J. Leblanc

† Won by acclamation

24th New Brunswick Legislature 1878–1882

SunburyApril 6, 1881 John S. Covert James S. WhiteDeath
KingsMay 28, 1879 John Herbert Crawford John Herbert Crawford Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
YorkNovember 14, 1878 Andrew George Blair Andrew George Blair Resignation to recontest over election petition
Frederick P. Thompson Frederick P. Thompson
WestmorlandJuly 24, 1878† Pierre-Amand Landry Pierre-Amand Landry Sought re-election upon appointment as Chief Commissioner of Public Works
NorthumberlandJuly 24, 1878† Michael Adams Michael Adams Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General

† Won by acclamation

23rd New Brunswick Legislature 1874–1878

Saint John CityJanuary 19, 1877† Robert Marshall Robert Marshall By-election results voided
Saint John CityNovember 18, 1876 William H.A. Keans Robert Marshall Death
GloucesterJanuary 31, 1876 Théotime Blanchard Patrick G. Ryan Appointed Inspector of Weights and Measures for Restigouche County
AlbertJanuary 18, 1876 Alexander Rogers Alexander Rogers By-election results voided
James Ryan James Ryan
AlbertAugust 28, 1875 Alexander Rogers Alexander Rogers Void Election
James Ryan James Ryan
Saint John County & CityMarch 6, 1875 Joseph Coram William Elder Death

† Won by acclamation

22nd New Brunswick Legislature 1870–1874

KentDecember 24, 1873 William Shand Caie Henry O'Leary Death
CarletonNovember 4, 1873 George W. White David Irvine Resignation to contest a federal by-election
KingsOctober 24, 1873 George Otty James William Nowlan Appointed a judge
AlbertAugust 16, 1873 Rufus Palmer Martin B. Palmer Death
CharlotteSeptember 20, 1872 John McAdam John Cameron Brown Resignation to contest the 1872 Federal Election
YorkAugust 3, 1872† George Luther Hathaway John James Fraser Death
QueensJune 21, 1872 Gideon D. Bailey Walter S. Butler Appointed to the Legislative Council
WestmorlandFebruary 24(?), 1872 Joseph Lytle Moore John A. Humphrey Death
WestmorlandSeptember 12, 1871 Daniel Lionel Hanington Daniel Lionel Hanington By-election results voided
QueensApril 4, 1871 Robert Thorne Babbit Ebenezer Williams Appointed Registrar of Deeds
CharlotteMarch 16, 1871 Benjamin Robert Stephenson Benjamin Robert Stephenson Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
YorkMarch 10, 1871† George Luther Hathaway George Luther Hathaway Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Provincial Secretary
WestmorlandDecember 26, 1870 Bliss Botsford Daniel Lionel Hanington Appointed a judge
RestigoucheDecember 3, 1870 Alexander C. DesBrisay John Phillips Resignation to contest a federal by-election
CarletonOctober 26, 1870† William Lindsay William Lindsay Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General

† Won by acclamation

21st New Brunswick Legislature 1866–1870

NorthumberlandMay 27, 1869 William Moore Kelly William Moore Kelly Sought re-election upon appointment as Chief Commissioner of Public Works
KingsMarch 8, 1869† William P. Flewelling William P. Flewelling Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
NorthumberlandFebruary 20, 1869† Jacob C. Gough Jacob C. Gough Resignation to contest a federal by-election
KentFebruary 12, 1869 Owen McInerney Urbain Johnson Appointed to the Legislative Council
VictoriaFebruary 9, 1869 Benjamin Beveridge Charles A. Hammond Appointed to the Legislative Council
YorkNovember 1868 John Pickard William Hayden Needham Resignation to contest a federal by-election
CarletonNovember 14, 1868 James Hartley George W. White Death
SunburySeptember 22, 1868 John Glasier John S. Covert Appointed to the Senate
Saint John County & CityApril 4, 1868† Charles Nelson Skinner John Waterbury Cudlip Appointed a judge
VictoriaJanuary 3, 1868 Vital Hébert Lévite Thériault Death
GloucesterJanuary 1–6, 1868 Robert Young William Taylor Appointed to the Legislative Council
NorthumberlandOctober 22, 1867† Richard Sutton Richard Sutton Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
YorkOctober 19, 1867† John Adolphus Beckwith John Adolphus Beckwith Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
KingsOctober 19, 1867 George Ryan Gideon McLeod Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
Saint John CityOctober 16, 1867 Samuel Leonard Tilley William Keans Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
Saint John County & CityOctober 15, 1867 John Hamilton Gray Joseph Coram Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
Robert Duncan Wilmot George Edwin King Appointed to the Senate
WestmorlandOctober 14, 1867† Albert James Smith Joseph Lytle Moore Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
CharlotteOctober 10, 1867 James Watson Chandler Henry Frye Appointed County Court judges
James G. Stevens Benjamin Robert Stephenson
Saint John CityOctober 4, 1867 Andrew Rainsford Wetmore Andrew Rainsford Wetmore Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney General
YorkOctober 2, 1867 Charles Fisher John Pickard Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
QueensSeptember 23, 1867† John Ferris Walter S. Butler Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
CarletonSeptember 21, 1867 Charles Connell James Hartley Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
AlbertSeptember 14, 1867 Abner Reid McClelan Charles Peck Appointed to the Senate
John Lewis Amos Atkinson Bliss Appointed to the Legislative Council
RestigoucheSeptember 11, 1867 John McMillan William Montgomery Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
Saint John County & CitySeptember 4, 1867† Charles Nelson Skinner Charles Nelson Skinner Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
NorthumberlandAugust 10, 1867† John Mercer Johnson William Moore Kelly Resignation to contest the 1867 Federal Election
Edward Williston Jacob C. Gough Appointed a County Court judge
CharlotteJuly 1867† John McAdam John McAdam Sought re-election upon appointment as Chief Commissioner of Public Works
CarletonJuly 24, 1866† Charles Connell Charles Connell Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General

† Won by acclamation

20th New Brunswick Legislature 1865–1866

YorkNovember 6, 1865 John Campbell Allen Charles Fisher Appointed to the Supreme Court
WestmorlandOctober 9, 1865† Albert James Smith Albert James Smith Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney General
CarletonApril 20, 1865† Arthur Hill Gillmor Arthur Hill Gillmor Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
WestmorlandApril 1865† Bliss Botsford Bliss Botsford Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
YorkApril 17, 1865† George Luther Hathaway George Luther Hathaway Sought re-election upon appointment as Chief Commissioner of Public Works
John Campbell Allen John Campbell Allen Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney General

† Won by acclamation

19th New Brunswick Legislature 1861–1865

NorthumberlandJanuary 13, 1865 Robinson Crocker Richard Hutchison Death
CharlotteJuly 25, 1864 George S. Grimmer John McAdam Appointed Clerk of the Peace
CarletonJune 23, 1864 David Munro Charles Connell Appointed Registrar of Deeds
QueensJune 22, 1864 Samuel H. Gilbert Joseph B. Perkins Death
Saint John County & CityMarch 18, 1863 John Jordan John Hamilton Gray Death
VictoriaJanuary 5, 1863 David B. Raymond Benjamin Beveridge Death
NorthumberlandOctober 28, 1862† John Mercer Johnson John Mercer Johnson Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney General
RestigoucheAugust 16, 1861 John McMillan John McMillan Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
YorkAugust 15, 1861 George Luther Hathaway George Luther Hathaway Sought re-election upon appointment as Chief Commissioner of Public Works

† Won by acclamation

18th New Brunswick Legislature 1857–1861

WestmorlandJune 8, 1860† James Steadman James Steadman Sought re-election upon appointment as Postmaster General
CarletonNovember 15, 1858 Charles Connell Charles Connell Sought re-election upon appointment as Postmaster General
Saint John CityJuly 14, 1858 James A. Harding Joseph Lawrence Appointed Sheriff of Saint John
WestmorlandDecember 28, 1857 Robert K. Gilbert Daniel Hanington Death
NorthumberlandDecember 26, 1857 Richard Sutton Edward Williston Sought re-election upon appointment as Deputy Treasurer of the port of Newcastle
CharlotteJuly 1857 James Brown James Brown Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
NorthumberlandJuly 22, 1857† John Mercer Johnson John Mercer Johnson Sought re-election upon appointment as Postmaster General
VictoriaJuly 18, 1857† Charles Watters Charles Watters Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
Saint John CityJuly 6, 1857 Samuel Leonard Tilley Samuel Leonard Tilley Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
YorkJune 13, 1857† Charles Fisher Charles Fisher Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Attorney General

† Won by acclamation

17th New Brunswick Legislature 1856–1857

YorkSeptember 1856† Charles Macpherson Charles Macpherson Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
RestigoucheAugust 20, 1856† John Montgomery John Montgomery Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General

† Won by acclamation

16th New Brunswick Legislature 1854–1856

YorkFebruary 28, 1856 James Taylor John Campbell Allen Death
Saint John County & CitySeptember 22, 1855 John Richard Partelow John F. Godard Appointed Auditor General
William Johnstone Ritchie R. Sands Armstrong Appointed to the Supreme Court
VictoriaSeptember 10, 1855 Francis Rice Charles Watters Appointed to the Legislative Council
CharlotteDecember 1854 James Brown James Brown Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor General
Saint John CityNovember 15, 1854† Samuel Leonard Tilley Samuel Leonard Tilley Sought re-election upon appointment as Provincial Secretary
NorthumberlandNovember 14, 1854† John Mercer Johnson John Mercer Johnson Sought re-election upon appointment as Solicitor General
YorkNovember 12, 1854† Charles Fisher Charles Fisher Sought re-election upon appointment as Premier and Attorney General

† Won by acclamation

15th New Brunswick Legislature 1850–1854

WestmorlandMay 1853 William Crane Amand Landry Death
CarletonApril 18, 1853 Horace H. Beardsley Charles Connell Death
Saint John County & CityJuly 19, 1852 John Johnston John Jordan Appointed Police Magistrate for Saint John
NorthumberlandJuly 6, 1852 Alexander Rankin George Kerr Death
WestmorlandMay 18, 1852 Robert B. Chapman Albert James Smith Void Election
AlbertJanuary 1852 William Steeves John Lewis Appointed to the Legislative Council
QueensJanuary 1852 Thomas Gilbert Samuel H. Gilbert Appointed to the Legislative Council
RestigoucheNovember or December 1851 Andrew Barberie Andrew Barberie Sought re-election upon appointment as Clerk of the Crown in the Supreme Court
Saint John CityNovember 15, 1851 Samuel Leonard Tilley James A. Harding Resignation
Saint John County & CityNovember 14, 1851 Charles Simonds John F. Goddard Resignation
Saint John County & CityNovember 11, 1851† William Johnstone Ritchie John Johnston Resignation
Saint John County & CityOctober 18, 1851 Robert Duncan Wilmot Robert Duncan Wilmot Sought re-election upon appointment as Surveyor-General
GloucesterSeptember 29, 1851 Joseph Read Joseph Read Sought re-election upon appointment as Deputy Treasurer of Gloucester
CarletonFebruary 1851 Charles Connell Richard English Appointed to the Legislative Council
YorkFebruary 1851 Lemuel Allan Wilmot Charles McPherson Appointed a judge
NorthumberlandFebruary 16, 1851† John Ambrose Street John Ambrose Street Sought re-election upon appointment as Attorney General

† Won by acclamation

14th New Brunswick Legislature 1846–1850

Saint John CityMarch 6, 1849 Robert Leonard Hazen Barzilla Ansley Appointed to the Legislative Council
QueensMarch 1847 Hugh Johnston John Earle Void Election

13th New Brunswick Legislature 1843–1846

KingsMay 1844 Samuel Freeze William McLeod Death
NorthumberlandJuly 1843 John T. Williston John Ambrose Street Void Election
YorkJune 1843† Lemuel Allan Wilmot Lemuel Allan Wilmot Sought re-election upon appointment to the Executive Council
Saint John CityJune 7, 1843† Robert Leonard Hazen Robert Leonard Hazen Sought re-election upon appointment to the Executive Council

† Won by acclamation

12th New Brunswick Legislature 1837–1842

CharlotteNovember 1839 Thomas Wyer James Boyd Appointed to the Legislative Council
RestigoucheNovember 5, 1838†New Seat Andrew Barberie Restigouche County created

† Won by acclamation

11th New Brunswick Legislature 1835–1837

YorkJanuary 1837 Jedediah Slason D. L. Robinson Death
WestmorlandNovember–December 1836 Edward Barron Chandler William Wilson Appointed to Legislative Council

10th New Brunswick Legislature 1830–1834

YorkJune 16, 1834† William Taylor Lemuel Allan Wilmot Death
NorthumberlandFebruary 28, 1833† Joseph Cunard John Ambrose Street Appointed to Legislative Council
YorkSeptember 1832 John Dow Jeremiah Connell Death
Jeremiah Connell James Taylor By-election results reversed March 1833

† Won by acclamation

9th New Brunswick Legislature 1827–1830

NorthumberlandDecember 28, 1828 Richard Simonds Joseph Cunard Appointed Provincial Treasurer
QueensAugust 14–27, 1828 Harry Peters Thomas Gilbert Appointed to the Council

8th New Brunswick Legislature 1820–1827

Saint John County & CityFebruary 2, 1826† Ward Chipman Robert Parker Appointed a judge and to the Council
WestmorlandApril 27, 1825 Benjamin Wilson Robert Scott Death
SunburyMarch 1824 William Wilmot Samuel Nevers Unseated for being a member of the clergy
WestmorlandMarch 2, 1824 William Botsford William Crane Appointed a judge and to the Council
SunburyMay 1823 William Wilmot William Wilmot Unseated for being a member of the clergy
SunburyMarch 1823 Amos Perley William Wilmot Death
WestmorlandMarch 19, 1822 Joseph Crandall Malcolm Wilmot Unseated for being a member of the clergy
YorkMarch 1, 1822 Stair Agnew Jedediah Slason Death

† Won by acclamation

7th New Brunswick Legislature 1819–1820

no by-elections

6th New Brunswick Legislature 1816–1819

Saint John CityMay 12, 1818 Stephen Humbert Stephen Humbert Expulsion for writing a newspaper editorial criticizing another member of the House.
QueensAugust 10, 1817 Richard Yeamans Richard Yeamans Void Election

5th New Brunswick Legislature 1809–1816

YorkJanuary 26, 1814 Duncan McLeod John Murray Bliss Death
WestmorlandFebruary 24, 1813† Amos Botsford William Botsford Death
Saint John CityNovember 7, 1810 John Garrison John Robinson Death
KingsMarch 1810 John Coffin Jasper Belding Void Election
George Pitfield George Leonard

† Won by acclamation

4th New Brunswick Legislature 1802–1809

Saint John County & CityNovember 9, 1803 Edward Sands Munson Jarvis Void Election
WestmorlandNovember 1803 Hugh McMonagle Titus Knapp Death

3rd New Brunswick Legislature 1795–1802

KingsMay 1, 1801 David Fanning George Leonard Expulsion following conviction for rape.
CharlotteApril 1799 David Owen Ninian Lindsay Did not take seat

2nd New Brunswick Legislature 1793–1795

no by-elections held

1st New Brunswick Legislature 1785–1792

KingsMarch 2–12, 1791 John Hamilton David Fanning Left the Province
YorkFebruary 25–26, 1791 Edward Stelle John Saunders Left the Province
NorthumberlandMarch 1791 William Davidson Harris William Hailes Death
Saint John County & CityNovember 24-December 1, 1789 Stanton Hazard Nehemiah RogersDeath
SunburyNovember 9, 1789 Richard Vandeburg James Glenie Left the Province
CharlotteNovember 1789 William Paine Colin Campbell Left the Province
KingsSeptember 1788 Ebenezer Foster John Hamilton Death

See also
