List of natural disasters in New Zealand

Last updated

This list of natural disasters in New Zealand documents notable natural disasters and epidemics that have occurred in New Zealand since 1843. Of these natural disasters, the 1918 flu pandemic resulted in the highest loss of life with 8,600 deaths in New Zealand. [1] [2]


Notable natural disasters

Colour pink scheme used in this table:
Health Crisis
Volcanic eruption
1843Earthquake2WanganuiManawatuM 7+ 1843 Wanganui earthquake
1846Landslide60Lake TaupoWaikatoWorst landslide in New Zealand History [3]
1848Earthquake3BlenheimMarlboroughM 7.5 1848 Marlborough earthquake
1855Earthquake9WairarapaWellingtonM 8.3 1855 Wairarapa earthquake
1855TsunamiCook StraitCook StraitMaximum wave heights of 11m [4]
1858Flooding14Hutt ValleyWellington
1863Flooding200Central OtagoOtagoFloods and snowstorm
1868Weather40New ZealandNationwideCyclone Great storm of 1868
1868Flooding9Totara, Waiareka ValleyOtago
1868Tsunami1East coast of New ZealandChileMaximum wave heights of 7m [5]
1877TsunamiEast coast of New ZealandChileMaximum wave heights of 3m [6]
1878Flooding3Clutha ValleyOtago Great Clutha flood of 1878 [7]
1885Earthquake3PaekakarikiWellingtonM 5–6 [8]
1886Volcanic153Mount TaraweraBay of PlentyDeath toll ranges 108–153 depending on source 1886 eruption of Mount Tarawera
1888Earthquake1Hanmer SpringsCanterburyM 7+ 1888 North Canterbury earthquake
1897Flooding12CliveHawke's Bay
1901Earthquake1CheviotCanterburyM 6.8 1901 Cheviot earthquake
1904Landslide8BrunnerWest Coast [9]
1904Earthquake1Cape TurnagainManawatuM 7 1904 Cape Turnagain earthquake
1913Earthquake1MastertonWellingtonM 5.6 [8]
1914Landslide1NgatapaGisborne [10]
1914Volcanic10White IslandBay of PlentyLahar
1914Earthquake1East CapeGisborneM 6.6 1914 East Cape earthquakes
1918Wildfire3RaetihiManawatu Raetihi forest fire
1918Health Crisis8,600NationwideNew ZealandInfluenza virus struck between October and December 1918 [11]
1923Landslide17TaumaranuiManawatuLandslide hit Auckland to Wellington express train near Taumaranui, killing 17 and injuring 30 [3]
1923Landslide2Little RiverCanterbury [12]
1924Flooding1KaiwakaHawke's Bay [13]
1924Landslide1NapierHawke's BaySlip happened on Shakespeare Rd. [13]
1924TsunamiChatham IslandsUnknownMaximum wave heights of 6m [14]
1929Weather1East coast of New ZealandBay of Plenty, OtagoCyclone, caused violent wind in northeastern North Island and flooding throughout Dunedin and coastal Otago 1929 New Zealand cyclone
1929Earthquake17MurchisonTasmanM 7.8 1929 Murchison earthquake
1931Earthquake256Napier/HastingsHawke's BayOfficial death toll of 256, reported death toll of 258. M 7.8 1931 Hawke's Bay earthquake
1934Earthquake2PahiatuaManawatuM 7.2 1934 Pahiatua earthquake
1936Weather12New ZealandNorth IslandCyclone, caused widespread flooding and destruction 1936 New Zealand cyclone
1938Flooding21KopuawharaHawke's Bay Kopuawhara flash flood of 1938
1942Earthquake1WairarapaWellingtonM 6.9 1942 Wairarapa earthquakes
1942Weather1KaitaiaNorthlandTornado [15]
1947TsunamiEast CoastGisborneMaximum wave heights of 10m. 25 March [16]
1947TsunamiEast CoastGisborneMaximum wave heights of 5m. 17 May [16]
1948Weather3HamiltonWaikato$65,434,000 (2010 dollars)Tornado [17] [18]
1953Volcanic151TangiwaiManawatuLahar destroyed rail bridge, sending train into river Tangiwai disaster
1953Weather1AucklandAucklandTornado [19]
1960TsunamiEast coast of New ZealandChileMaximum wave heights of 4.5m [20]
1967Weather1North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Dinah
1968Earthquake3InangahuaWest CoastM 7.1 1968 Inangahua earthquake
1968Weather59 [a] [21] North IslandNorth IslandCyclone Cyclone Giselle
1973Weather1OpunakeTaranakiTornado [22]
1975Weather2NationwideNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Alison
1976Weather1Hutt Valley, WellingtonWellingtonHeavy rain caused slips and flooding 1976 Wellington storm
1978FloodingClutha ValleyOtago 1978 Otago flood
1979LandslideDunedinOtago69 houses destroyed 1979 Abbotsford landslip
1980Weather1AucklandAucklandTornado [19]
1982Weather2Northern North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Bernie
1984FloodingInvercargillSouthland$100,000,000+ [23] 1984 Southland floods
1985Landslide3Te ArohaWaikato [24]
1987Earthquake1EdgecumbeBay of Plenty$300,000,000 [25] M 6.3 1987 Edgecumbe earthquake
1988Weather7East Coast of North IslandNorth Island$229,000,000Cyclone Cyclone Bola
1989WeatherNorthlandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Delilah
1990WeatherTaranakiNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Hilda
1991Weather1AucklandAucklandTornado [26]
1994WeatherSouthwestern South IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Rewa
1994WeatherHastingsHawke's Bay$10,800,000 [27] Hailstorm
1996WeatherEastern North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Beti
1996Weather2Northern North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Fergus
1997Weather3NationwideNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Drena
1997WeatherNorth IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Gavin
1998Weather1NationwideNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Yali
2001Weather4Northern North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Sose
2003TsunamiFiordlandSouthlandMaximum wave heights of 5m [28]
2004Weather3NationwideNew Zealand$148,000,000 [27] A storm brought high winds, heavy rain, flooding, and slips to much of the North Island as well as the upper South Island. Manawatū-Whanganui and Wellington were particularly hard hit. Two people drowned in the sea in Wellington and one person is presumed to have drowned in the Marlborough Sounds. [29]
2004Weather2Northeastern North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Ivy
2004Landslide2OwiraBay of Plenty [30]
2004Earthquake1Lake RotomāBay of PlentyM 5.4 [31] [32]
2004Weather2WaitaraTaranakiTornado [17]
2006Volcanic1Raoul IslandKermedec Islands 2006 Raoul Island eruption
2007Earthquake1GisborneGisborne$50,000,000 [33] M 6.7 2007 Gisborne earthquake
2008WeatherNorth IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Funa
2009Weather1NationwideNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Innis
2009Health Crisis19NationwideNew ZealandSwine flu infects 3,175 people and results in 19 deaths 2009 flu pandemic in New Zealand
2010Earthquake2DarfieldCanterbury$4,000,000,000M 7.1 2010 Canterbury earthquake
2011WeatherNorthern North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Wilma
2011Earthquake185ChristchurchCanterbury$42,000,000,000M 6.3 2011 Christchurch earthquake
2011Weather1AucklandAuckland$6,300,000Tornado [17]
2011Earthquake1ChristchurchCanterburyM 6.4 June 2011 Christchurch earthquake
2011WeatherNationwideNew ZealandSnowstorm 2011 New Zealand snowstorms
2011Earthquake1ChristchurchCanterburyM 5.9 December aftershock [8]
2012Weather3AucklandAucklandTornado [34]
2012Weather1North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Evan
2013WeatherNationwideNew Zealand 2013 New Zealand winter storm
2013Earthquake1SeddonMarlboroughM 6.5 2013 Seddon earthquake
2013Earthquake1Lake GrassmereMarlboroughM 6.6 2013 Lake Grassmere earthquake
2013Landslide2Haast Pass / TioripateaWest Coast [35]
2014Earthquake1EketāhunaManawatū-WhanganuiM 6.2 2014 Eketāhuna earthquake
2014WeatherNationwideNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Ita
2014Flooding2NorthlandNorth Island
2014Earthquake1East CapeGisborneM 6.5 [8]
2015Flooding1PetoneWellington [36]
2015Flooding South Dunedin Otago$138,000,000 [37] On 3 June 2015, a low weather system brought heavy rain to the coastal Otago Region. South Dunedin experienced heavy flooding, which was exacerbated by the area's high water table and the breakdown of the Portobello pumping station. 1,200 homes and businesses were damaged by flood damage. [37] [38] 2015 Otago flood
2016Health Crisis3Havelock NorthHawke's Bay$21,000,000 [39] Campylobacter infects 5,200 people and results in 3 deaths [40]
2016Earthquake2KaikōuraCanterbury$2,270,000,000 [27] M 7.8 2016 Kaikōura earthquake
2017Wildfire1Port HillsCanterbury$18,300,000 [27] 2017 Port Hills fires
2017FloodingEdgecumbeBay of Plenty$91,460,000 [27] Cyclone Cyclone Debbie
2017WeatherNorth IslandNew Zealand$17,200,000 [27] Cyclone Cyclone Cook
2018WeatherNorthwestern South IslandNew Zealand$45,900,000 [27] Cyclone Cyclone Fehi
2018WeatherNorthwestern South IslandNew Zealand$35,600,000 [27] Cyclone Cyclone Gita
2019WildfirePigeon ValleyTasman Pigeon Valley Fire
2019Health Crisis2NationwideNew Zealand 2019 New Zealand measles outbreak
2019WeatherTimaruCanterbury$170,000,000Hailstorm 2019 Timaru hailstorm [41]
2019Volcanic22Whakaari / White IslandBay of Plenty 2019 Whakaari / White Island eruption
2020Flooding3Southern South IslandSouthland and Otago$29,640,000 [27] [42] [43]
2020Health Crisis2,502NationwideNew Zealand COVID-19 leads to nationwide lockdowns in late March 2020 and August 2021 and an Auckland-wide lockdown in August 2020. Over a million people get infected. [44] [45] COVID-19 pandemic in New Zealand
2020WildfireLake ŌhauCanterbury$35,180,000 [27] Lake Ōhau Fire
2020FloodingNapierHawke's Bay$87,720,000 [27] [46]
2021FloodingCanterbury PlainsCanterbury$46,440,000 [27] [47]
2021Weather1AucklandAuckland$32,000,000 [27] Tornado [48]
2021FloodingNorthern South Island Buller District, Tasman District, and Marlborough Region $140,470,000 [49] Torrential rain in mid-July 2021 led to flooding in the West Coast's Buller District, Tasman District, and Marlborough regions of the South Island, prompting evacuations of residents and state of emergency. [50] [51] [52] The extreme rain event of 15–18 July brought over 690 mm (27 in) of rain to parts of the West Coast Region in under 72 hours. [53] 2021 central New Zealand floods
2021Flooding1AucklandAuckland$62,290,000 [27] Heavy rainfall caused extensive flooding and slips in western Auckland. One person drowned in floodwaters in the suburb of Henderson. [54]
2022TsunamiNorthern North IslandTonga$5,930,000 [27] The tsunami from the eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai caused a 1.33 metre tsunami at Great Barrier Island, while millions dollars of damage was done at a marina in Tutukaka. [55] [56]
2022WeatherNorth IslandNew Zealand$54,840,000 [27] Cyclone Cyclone Dovi
2022Wildfire Waituna Lagoon Southland$1,600,000A peat fire broke out southeast of Invercargill during April 2022, ultimately burning through 1,370 ha of the Awarua Wetlands [57]
2022Weather5North IslandNew Zealand$119,640,000 [27] A low-pressure system that migrated across the North Island from the Tasman Sea to off East Cape caused severe thunderstorms and extensive flooding in the Auckland and Gisborne regions. Five people were killed when their boat capsized off North Cape in the stormy weather. [58] [59] [60]
2022Weather1North IslandNew Zealand$11,050,000 [27] A line of thunderstorms accompanied by gale-force winds passed across the North Island. A tornado in Levin caused extensive damage, while in Cambridge a woman was killed after a tree fell on her. [61]
2022FloodingNationwideNew Zealand$67,840,000 [27] Heavy persistent rain in mid-August led to widespread evacuations, flooding, and landslides in Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough, West Coast, Northland, Taranaki, and Wellington. [62] [63] [64] 2022 New Zealand floods
2023Weather1 [b] North IslandNew ZealandCyclone Cyclone Hale
2023Flooding4Northern North IslandNew ZealandAt least $1,300,000,000From 27 January to 2 February, catastrophic floods occurred in the Auckland, Northland and Waikato regions which resulted in states of emergency, with Auckland being the worst affected. NIWA reported a record breaking 160.6 millimetres (10 in) of rainfall across the city in a span of 3 hours. [65] 2023 Auckland Anniversary Weekend floods
2023Weather11North IslandNew ZealandEstimated $13,000,000,000From Sunday 12 February to Wednesday 15 February, Cyclone Gabrielle struck the North Island, resulting in significant damage and flooding, and a national state of emergency being declared, the third time in the nation's history. Cyclone Gabrielle
2023WeatherAuckland, Tasman, Kapiti and TaranakiNew ZealandBetween Monday 10 April and Tuesday 11 April, four significant tornadoes struck. There was one in Tasman District, one in East Auckland, one in Paraparaumu, and one in Waitara, resulting in over 60 homes being damaged and 10 homes yellow stickered. Several people were injured. [66] [67]
2023Flooding1Northern North Island and Northern South IslandNew ZealandOn Tuesday 9 May, a state of emergency was declared in Auckland after torrential rains caused severe flooding. There were also impacts in Northland, Waikato, and Bay of Plenty. A school student was swept away in floodwaters on a field trip to the Abbey Caves. Additionally a few days prior on Saturday 6 May parts of the upper South Island were evacuated due major flooding. [68] [69] [70] [71]
2023FloodingGisborneNew ZealandHeavy rains between the 22 and 23 June caused over 130 people evacuated and a state of emergency declared in Gisborne. [72]
2023Flooding Southland Region and Otago New ZealandHeavy rain on 21 September caused flooding in several places across the Southland and Otago regions including Gore and Queenstown. 100 homes were evacuated in Queenstown and Tuatapere's water treatment plant was damaged. A state of emergency was declared in the Southland Region. [73] [74] 2023 southern New Zealand floods
2024WildfirePort HillsCanterburyA wildfire broke out on 14 February, seven years and one day since the 2017 Port Hills fires. A state of emergency was declared, with evacuations of residential properties. [75] 2024 Port Hills fire
2024Wildfire Weka Pass CanterburyA wildfire broke out at 8pm on 18 February which caused evacuations of homes in Waipara. [76]
2024Flooding Hastings and Wairoa Gisborne District and Hawke's Bay Torrential rain leads to flooding in the East Coast regions, resulting in evacuations and local states of emergency being declared in Hastings and Wairoa. [77] 400 properties were flooded in Wairoa. [78] Wairoa sustained NZ$40 million worth of flood damage. [79] 2024 East Coast floods
2024Flooding Dunedin, North Otago and the Clutha District Coastal Otago NZ$33.8 million in insurance claims [80] Heavy rainfall leads to significant flooding and lanslides in the coastal Otago region. [81] States of emergency were declared by local authorities in Dunedin and the Clutha District on 3 and 4 October. [82] [83] The flood event damaged 50 homes, businesses, farms, roads, water treatment plants in the coastal Otago region. [84] [85] [83] 2024 Otago floods
2024Wildfire Whangamarino Wetland, Meremere Waikato A wildfire breaks out on 20 October and burns over 2,471 acres of the protected Whangamarino Wetland. Fire and Emergency New Zealand manages to contain the fire by 27 October. [86] [87] [88]
2024Flooding Haast, New Zealand and Franz Josef Glacier, Westland District West Coast Region On 9 November, Mayor of Westland Helen Lash declares a state of emergency in southern Westland after the region experienced 375 mm of rain in the past 24 hours. [89] Heavy rainfall had led to road closures including New Zealand State Highway 6 between Haast and Franz Josef, and homes being flooded in Haast. [90] [91]
2024WildfireBridge Hill, Castle Hill Canterbury A wildfire breaks out at 4:25 am on 5 December, engulfing an area of 535 hectares. The fire had crossed State Highway 73, therefore requiring the closure of roada from Springfield to Arthur's Pass, whilst leaving State Highway 7 as the only road connecting Canterbury to the West Coast. By 8 December, the fire had engulfed nearly 1,000 hectares of land northwest of Springfield. [92] [93]
2025Weather Mangawhai Northland Region A tornado and severe storm hit Mangawhai and the surrounding areas at about 3 am on 26 January, causing two serious injuries, damage to about 50 properties and about 4700 homes to lose power. Mayor of Kaipara Craig Jepson confirmed the destruction of at least four homes. [94] [95]
2025Wildfire Tiwai Point Southland A wildfire, caused by an electrical fault on the 30 January, burnt through 1,200 hectares of scrubland to the northeast of the Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter. The fire took around 12 days to fully extinguish. [96]

See also


  1. 53 on TEV Wahine and 6 elsewhere in the country
  2. indirect


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