Peatland restoration is a term describing measures to restore the original form and function of peatlands, or wet peat-rich areas. [1] [2] This landscape globally occupies 400 million hectares or 3% of land surface on Earth. [3] [4] Historically, peatlands have been drained for several main reasons; peat extraction, creation of agricultural land, and forestry usage. However, this activity has caused degradation affecting this landscape's structure through damage to habitats, hydrology, nutrients cycle, carbon balance and more.
Due to peat formation, peatlands are carbon-rich and noted as carbon sinks. It has been projected that climate change, such as increased temperature and alterations of precipitation, affecting these landscapes under current status could increase releases of greenhouse gases (GHGs). [5] Climate projections indicate increased probability and intensity of weather events, which can increase risk of fires and additional GHG release. Peatlands home a variety of native flora and fauna put at risk by projected degradation from climatic or anthropogenic alternation, placing emphasis and need for restoration efforts. Policy for restoration is in action. In June 2002, the United Nations Development Programme launched its Wetland and Ecosystem and Tropical Peat Swamp Forest Rehabilitation Project and in November the International Peatland Society formed, which promotes restoration and balance of demands on peatlands.
Peatland restoration emphasises the reduction of GHG emissions to slow the effects of climate change. With discussion circulating on human impacts of damage from draining and clearing the landscape. As a result, restoration would involve balancing usage of peatlands for human needs and needs of the natural ecosystems. Presently, main methods of restoration circulate on re-wetting, restoring forestry, localised paludiculture and adaption of anthropogenic usage of peatlands.
Peatlands store carbon from dead plants and hence help mitigate climate change. However, draining and degrading peatlands release large amounts of greenhouse gases. Rewetting and restoring peatlands can significantly reduce these emissions by raising water tables which slower down the plant decomposition. [6] The resulting anaerobic decomposition produces the greenhouse gas methane, but since methane does not remain in the atmosphere as long as other GHGs, the net effect on the climate is likely cooling if a long time frame is considered (decades). The strength of this effect varies between different kinds of peatland, but it is generally most significant in tropical and agricultural peatlands. [7] A raised water table also results in a local direct cooling effect, moist vegetation and soil has a higher thermal conductivity and therefore solar radiation is rather used for evapotranspiration than warming the surface. [7]
The goals of peatland restoration in hydrological terms are primarily to improve the quality and regulate the quantity of water. A peatland as an intact ecosystem is a natural water purifier, it filters and stores organic substances, metals or other toxic matter and retains nutrients. [8] These pollutants are stored in the peat for long periods of time, improving the quality of drinking water. [8] The concept of peatlands regulating water quantity has often been compared to the way of a "sponge" works, [9] in times of high availability of water (periods of rainfall) it is sucked up and stored and afterwards, in times of less precipitation, slowly released to the environment. [8] Furthermore, as the water level rises, the risk of peat fire decreases. [10]
In some instances, peatlands may exhibit a comparatively lower number of species. [7] However, in the same biogeographic zone as dryland ecosystems, peatlands contain a greater percentage of specialized and distinctive species. [7] Due to the isolation and heterogeneity of their habitats, peatlands harbor significant populations of endangered and rare species, many of which are unique to peatland environments, and play a role for the conservation of genetic diversity. [7] Restoration seeks to counteract the process of habitat deterioration, which represents the most significant risk to biodiversity. [11] In drained sites there is a tendency for plant diversity to decrease, with mosses (including Sphagnum) facing difficulties in recolonizing such areas. [12] This could be attributed to the hydrological alterations, as well as the loss of the initial soil characteristics. [12]
Due to the formation of peat developing from partial decomposition of vegetation material, there is a high quantity of carbon within this landscape. As a result, peatlands can be seen as a carbon storage. [4] Carbon fluctuations are dominantly impacted by local hydrology within a peatland. [13]
However, these processes are interrupted by anthropogenic usage of peatlands. Peat extractions cause destabilisation of local ecosystems through physical landscape damage of digging, draining and isolation through habitat fragmentation. As a result of drainage and temperature increase, peatlands are becoming drier, which increases the likelihood of severe fires and the risk of larger carbon dioxide emissions. [14] [15]
Climatic regulation is key to monitored for peatland restoration. Due to the water-logged nature of this environment, consistent seasonality and fluctuations, are essential to restoring stability and protecting pristine peatlands. Climatic change of variables, such as precipitation and temperature, threaten significant factors mostly namely that of hydrology (due to its immediate effects on microbial decomposition within the soil). [2] [13]
Beyond climatic events on peatlands, their restoration offers climatic benefits also. Peatland restoration is noted for significantly reducing air temperature compared to neighbouring agricultural land. [16] This finding offers peatland restoration as a positive step to combat climate change.
Peat in general is poor in nutrients and due to its constantly condition of being waterlogged, it has a limited nutrient cycle. [17] Peatlands that have been degraded and used for agriculture, typically have high nutrient levels. Restoring these areas with surface water, which is also relatively nutrient-rich, leads to nutrient overload. To properly restore these peatlands, excess nutrients must be removed. One expensive but effective way is to remove the top layer before restoration and another option is to use paludiculture to remove nutrients over time. [7] Due to peatlands special Flora and Fauna a failure to remove excess nutrients can result in low biodiversity in affected peatlands. [7] However, a study showed that after the restoration of peatlands, the original concentrations of mineral elements such as Kalium and Calcium was restored. [18]
Recent initiatives on peatland restoration showed, that they help preventing and mitigating floodings in specific areas and under specific conditions. This happens within two particular effects. First by sucking up water and second through temporary surface-storage. When peat sucks up water, the groundwater level elevates and captures the rainwater, this is then only released by evapotranspiration, as the water does not flow down the rivers into the sea, but stays in the peatland, it too reduces the propability of droughts. [19] In the temporary surface-storage effect the vegetation acts as a barrier to the water runoff and thus delays it although the netflow of water stays the same, but the time expands and hence the flow rate is reduced. [19] This is a crucial point in flood prevention.
Peatland as an ecosystem is important for regulating soil quality. When the peat covering Sphagnum layer is degraded, the remaining bare peat soil releases sediment to water streams, which pollutes and reduces biodiversity of rivers and water reservoirs. [20] Additionally trough wind and water erosion carbon can be released if the peat is blank. [21] Hence a dense Sphagnum covering is important for soil regulation, as it can improve the physical, chemical, and biological flows and properties that allow soils to buffer, filter, and transform chemical substances. [22]
Restoration efforts can cause alterations in the hydrology of the system, resulting in hydrological conditions that are more advantageous for the recolonization of Sphagnum mosses. [23] Restoration can also lead to the successful succession of plant communities towards a targeted peatland vegetation by decreasing the abundance of species benefiting from drainage. [18] However, the restoration process may not always result in the full re-introduction of pristine peatland species. [18]
The rewetting of drained fen peatlands can lead to the growth of tall graminoid wetland plants, such as Common reed ( Phragmites australis ) and Broadleaf cattail ( Typha latifolia), which can become the dominant vegetation for many years to decades. [24] This can cause lasting changes to the biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and land cover characteristics of the area, particularly in terms of geochemistry and hydrology. [24] [25]
In restored areas, the recovery of animal species is more likely to be affected by the resulting variation in environmental conditions, compared to plant species. [7] Animal species have different requirements, and many of them need specific combinations of conditions, making them more sensitive to environmental changes. [7] The ability of species to disperse and the proximity of source populations in undamaged peatlands are crucial factors that contribute to the recolonization of animal species in restored areas. [7]
Of insects, Odonata species are negatively impacted by drainage. [26] However, according to a study in Finland, after the peatland restoration they tend to benefit and can colonize new water pools in just three years. [26] Compared to the pristine sites, the drained sites had fewer Odonata species and lower abundance. [26]
A study in Finland revealed that the composition of bird communities in restored areas is different from those in pristine areas and many bird species found in the restored peatlands are generalist in nature. [27] To assess the recovery of specialized bird species in peatlands and bird communities in general, long-term monitoring is necessary. [27]
A major peatland restoration project took place in Snowdonia (Eryri), Wales, where an upland farm witnessed the return of rare bird species after two decades of absence. [28] During the summer of 2021, European golden plover ( Pluvialis apricaria ) and Eurasian Curlew ( Numenius arquata) successfully bred in the rewetted habitats, and chicks sightings were recorded for both species. [28] This is the first case of successful breeding at this site since the 1990s. [28]
The impact of disturbance and restoration on microbial communities is not completely clear. [7] However, it has been observed that after disturbance in a bog, certain microbial communities were replaced by more broadly distributed species. [7] After restoring the moisture levels of peat soil, non-mycorrhizal species increased while obligatory mycorrhizal species decreased. [7] However, the proportion of non-mycorrhizal species found in undisturbed natural peatland was not achieved. [7] The microbiome can recover from the negative effects of drainage through the process of rewetting. [7] [29] But even with this considerable improvement, the microbial community could only attain a similarity to undrained areas when the soil organic matter content was over 70%, indicating a soil that is not highly degraded. [7] [29]
Studies conducted at Forsinard Flows, a natural reserve now undergoing large-scale peatland restoration, show that between 1998 and 2016: [30]
In the United Kingdom, research conducted to assess the value that society places on the benefits of peatland restoration found that restoring 20% of Scotland's peatland would result in economic benefits estimated at between £80 and £336 million per year. [20] A subsequent study found that if peatland restoration took place by 2027, it would provide £191 million of economic benefits annually for the country, net of restoration costs. [20] Delaying peatland restoration until 2039–2050 would lead to a significant loss of economic benefits to society. [20]
Peatland degradation, through exposure and increased dryness of landscapes, increases risks of fire. Peatland fires (dominantly caused by deforestation, human error or exposure) has led to immediate and longterm effects. [31] Primarily, immediate risks of death and loss of land. Secondly, the effect of hazes or smoke from fires can create longterm health impacts, particularly respiratory issues. [14] [32] Tackling effects of fires and assisting peatland stability and restoration assist human health and lives as well as reducing habitat fragmentation and assisting recovery of ecosystems and plant within these landscape.
Restoration of peatlands could address the above impacts through creation of policy and/or adjusting use of the landscape, to protect and therefore reduce event occupancy of fires. [33] Assisting stabilisation of this landscape could offer communities reassurance from risk while strengthening peatland ecosystems. [14]
The process of converting forests into open peatlands will result in modifications to the water table, vegetation, and the communities of vertebrates that serve as hosts for ticks, particularly the Castor bean tick ( Ixodes ricinus). [30] These ticks can carry various disease-causing pathogens, including the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium that is responsible for Lyme disease. [30]
In a study conducted in Forsinard Flows, Scotland the restoration process resulted in a progressive decline in the number of ticks. [30] The tick density was higher in recently felled areas than in older felled areas, declining over time. [30] After 13 years of restoration, the tick densities were almost as low as in areas that were undamaged. [30]
The surveys of host abundance that were conducted to determine the reason behind the low density of ticks in blanket bog revealed that deer, the main hosts for ticks in Scotland, preferred forest and felled areas instead of open blanket bog. [30] The presence of a dense forest canopy creates a favorable environment for tick activity and survival, and thus there were likely more ticks in forestry than in felled areas. [30]
Peatland restoration activities are site-specific and may call for a mixture of actions, depending on the initial conditions. [34]
Rewetting involves returning a degraded peatland to its original waterlogged conditions, which are critical to restoring peat-forming vegetation and suppressing aerobic microbial metabolism and enzyme activity. [29] By doing so, favorable conditions can be created for renewed peat accumulation, ultimately aiding in the peatland's restoration. [29] The purpose of rewetting is to preserve soil moisture and decrease the rate of drainage, achieved by blocking and filling canals, and digging deep wells. [35]
Restoration efforts in peatland ecosystems involve the implementation of measures to recover the original vegetation cover, species richness, and local abundance through replanting activities on peatlands. [35] Replanting activities in peatland ecosystems serve multiple objectives, such as introducing native and adapted plant species in open peatlands, enhancing degraded peat forest areas through enrichment planting, and using seed dispersal techniques to promote the regeneration of peatland vegetation. [35]
Paludiculture is a form of rewetting drained peatlands while it is further used for agriculture. [42] The idea is to regenerate wet peatlands and increase the water table to get the peatland-ecosystem back to work, which stores high amounts of carbon. A main benefit is, that the land is used in two ways, as carbon sinks (peat) and for agricultural purposes. Based on different types of peatlands and regional reservation restrictions there are different forms of agriculture recommended. [43] Among potential crops and usages are different kinds of berries, herbs, timber and biomass for biofuel.
Opportunity of restoring damaged anthropogenically used peatlands is key. However, there are peatlands unmapped as well as pristine peatlands globally. Protection and policy remains centred on reduces damages and restoring peatlands currently damaged. However, there is little policy to protect currently pristine peatlands. One method of restoration is to prevent damage from furthering or beginning. Which could be initiated through policy to help support goals or protecting and restoring peatland areas. [3]
Meeting the requirements of the Paris Agreement calls for carbon neutrality by 2050–2070, achieving this target entails rewetting 500,000 km2 of drained peatlands at an average rate of over one million hectares annually. [44] The later challenge also intertwines with the purposes of "The 2021–2030 UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration". [44]
During the COP21 negotiations in Paris, a map highlighting global peatland hotspots was released to showcase the areas that require immediate attention to decrease greenhouse emissions. [45]
At COP26, the Global Peatland Pavilion played a vital role in elevating discussions on the topic within the climate dialogue, served as both a physical and virtual gathering place for individuals involved in peatland management, research, policy-making, and other related areas across the globe. [46] [47] It provided a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and insights on the global protection, restoration, and sustainable management of peatlands among practitioners, researchers, policymakers, enthusiasts, and other stakeholders. [46] [47] On the final day of COP26 the talks for a future European Peatland Initiative where held. [46] [48]
The European Peatlands Initiative (EPI) takes advantage of the expertise, knowledge, and experience of existing networks such as the UNEP-led Global Peatlands Initiative, among others, to facilitate progress in peatland conservation and restoration efforts. [50] Through the establishment of strategic partnerships among countries the EPI serves as a unifying force in promoting knowledge-sharing, mutual learning, and increased investment, to protect valuable peatlands across Europe. [50]
The International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG) was founded in 1984 in Klagenfurt, Austria, as an international network of experts from a diverse range of specialities and interests, including research scientists, consultants, government agency specialists, and peatland site managers. [51] By promoting, encouraging, and coordinating the conservation of mires and associated ecosystems the group aims to enhance knowledge-sharing and experience regarding mires and the factors influencing them. [51] Over 550 members across almost 60 countries conform the network of IMGC. [51]
The International Peatland Society (IPS) is a group of members (including individuals, corporations, students, and institutions) who share a common goal of responsible management and use of peatlands and peat. [52] Established in Quebec, Canada in 1968, but now registered as an NGO in Finland. The IPS provides a platform for experts from various fields, involved in peat and peatlands, to connect with each other. [52] The society currently has 1,575 members from 37 countries as of 1 January 2023. [52]
This is an excerpt from the main page:
"Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is a Canadian non-profit organization that works to conserve, restore and manage Canadian wetlands in order to preserve habitat for North American waterfowl, wildlife and people. They work with industry leaders, government agencies, landowners and other non-profit organizations to collaboratively protect critical habitats."
The Peat Restoration Agency (BRG) is a specialized, integrated and comprehensive institution established on 6 January 2016. Its main objective is to expedite the recuperation and reinstatement of the hydrological functions of degraded peat, predominantly resulting from drying and fire, through a well-planned, systematized and targeted approach. [53]
This is an excerpt from the main page:
"The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) is an international wildfowl and wetland conservation charity in the United Kingdom. Its patron is Charles III, and its president is Kate Humble."
Established in 2009, the IUCN UK Peatland Programme encourages peatland restoration efforts in the United Kingdom. Through collaborations, scientific research, policy making, and effective practices, the Programme support the numerous benefits of peatlands. [54] The Programme has five main objectives:
Ducks Unlimited is the world's largest and most effective private organization dedicated to conserving, restoring, and managing wetlands and associated habitats for North America's freshwater aquatic birds. [55] They recognize the challenges waterbirds conservation face due to the degradation and destruction of wetlands and other habitats, and aim to turn this pattern by collaborating with various stakeholders, including private individuals, landowners, agencies, and scientific communities. [55]
Life to ad(d)mire project was initiated to address the decline of specific wetland habitats and species at Natura 2000 sites in Sweden. [56] The project aimed to accomplish that with hydrological restoration and vegetation rehabilitation. [56] The ultimate goal was for the hydrologically-restored bogs to become carbon sinks, to prevent the ongoing loss of CO2 into the atmosphere caused by drained peatlands. [56] The project was able to successfully and economically restore peatlands, leading to increased interest from both national and international stakeholders. [56] In total 2930 hectares of wetlands across 28 sites in Sweden were restored through methods such as excavation, dam-building, and ditch-filling. [56]
Policy creation and law building is a key to peatland restoration. One example is the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) targets specific restoration of Europe's degraded peatland ecosystems, habitats and species. With emphasis on wetland, rivers, forests, grasslands and marine ecosystems. A draft law within primarily targeted for restoring the drainage of peatlands from agricultural use. [57] These targets advocate strongly for agricultural peatlands, however, most EU countries land use of peatlands is for peat extraction or forestry. EU countries hold an estimate of 350,000km2 of peatland of which more than 50% is degraded mainly by drainage from agricultural use, forestry and peat extraction. [57] This demonstrate that although policy development is useful, it might be finely tuned to assist peatland restoration.
Another example is the UN's SDG (Sustainable Development Goals), focusing on positive action and recovery across a variety of global issues. Goal 15 on protection and restoration of the environment is specifically important for restoration, but does not mention peatlands. [58] Goal 13, to "take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts" is used ti advocate for peatland restoration. [58] These acknowledgements are key to encouraging and supporting restoration policy development.
Policies such as these, could raise awareness to the importance of peatland restoration. To be furthered, emphasis on peatlands, its differing types and protection from usage (e.g. agricultural, extraction or pristine protections) has been proposed. [57]
The more damaged an area of peatland is, the longer it will take to restore its ecosystems and natural biodiversity. [59] This can occur as a lag to restoration resulting in a need for prolonged measurement and supervision of the landscape to produce recovery in an area. [18] Consistency in action and regularly updates to goals are essential for accurate monitoring and restoration of peatlands. [18]
Due to this, local initiatives need consistent funding and interest. However, global strategies may have far-reaching positive implications if policy and protection is extended further into peatland recovery from groups and larger governing bodies (such as UN legislation or national governments). [46]
The development of renewable energy, transport and highways, extractive industries, housing, and other built infrastructure pose a threat to peatlands, which may have a negative effect on peatland conservation, on their biodiversity, and ecosystem function. [11] Therefore, it is essential to have effective planning, development policies, and guidance to ensure sustainable development that does not harm the peatlands and their ecosystem function. [11]
The effects of development on biodiversity can include:
Projects that cannot avoid peatland areas should aim to minimize their impact through mitigation measures, restoration of the development footprint, and broader peatland areas, as well as direct reinstatement efforts. [11]
Revegetation and rewetting of drained peatlands may involve the loss of agricultural production areas or a decrease in their productivity. [60] This may have a negative impact on the income of small farmers. [60] The selection of restoration sites must conform to local governance systems, land rights and administrations. [60] In parallel, it is essential to ensure that alternative livelihood options are available to the communities living in the restored areas. [60]
Sphagnum peat moss is a frequently used growth medium for the cultivation of houseplants and forest plants, is obtained by harvesting peat bogs in the circumboreal area and then distributed across the globe. [61] Peat moss is a crucial substrate for forest plant nursery production, as it significantly enhances the quality and survival of seedlings. [61] The selection of this substrate is based on several factors, including its organic and mineral composition, ability to retain water, cost, and availability. [61]
Peatlands have historically been considered unproductive and have been drained for economic purposes for many centuries. [24] In the Peruvian Amazonia, they are used for activities such as hunting, gathering palm fruits, and logging. [62] But they are also associated with fear due to the risks of becoming lost, sinking into the marshy terrain, and encountering dangerous fauna, including anacondas and mythical creatures. [62] A study conducted in Scotland demonstrated that the general public acknowledges the importance of the environmental advantages associated with peatlands; however, they also perceive a trade-off between preserving the peatlands and using their potential for productivity. [30]
Despite the fact that many people today are unfamiliar with peatlands, some recognize them through references such as the discovery of the Tollund Man in a Danish peatland or the depiction of wetland ecosystems in The Lord of the Rings series, such as the scene where the hobbit Frodo navigates through the "Dead marshes". [24]
A swamp is a forested wetland. Swamps are considered to be transition zones because both land and water play a role in creating this environment. Swamps vary in size and are located all around the world. The water of a swamp may be fresh water, brackish water, or seawater. Freshwater swamps form along large rivers or lakes where they are critically dependent upon rainwater and seasonal flooding to maintain natural water level fluctuations. Saltwater swamps are found along tropical and subtropical coastlines. Some swamps have hammocks, or dry-land protrusions, covered by aquatic vegetation, or vegetation that tolerates periodic inundation or soil saturation. The two main types of swamp are "true" or swamp forests and "transitional" or shrub swamps. In the boreal regions of Canada, the word swamp is colloquially used for what is more formally termed a bog, fen, or muskeg. Some of the world's largest swamps are found along major rivers such as the Amazon, the Mississippi, and the Congo.
Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation or organic matter. It is unique to natural areas called peatlands, bogs, mires, moors, or muskegs. Sphagnum moss, also called peat moss, is one of the most common components in peat, although many other plants can contribute. The biological features of sphagnum mosses act to create a habitat aiding peat formation, a phenomenon termed 'habitat manipulation'. Soils consisting primarily of peat are known as histosols. Peat forms in wetland conditions, where flooding or stagnant water obstructs the flow of oxygen from the atmosphere, slowing the rate of decomposition. Peat properties such as organic matter content and saturated hydraulic conductivity can exhibit high spatial heterogeneity.
A wetland is a distinct semi-aquatic ecosystem whose groundcovers are flooded or saturated in water, either permanently, for years or decades, or only seasonally. Flooding results in oxygen-poor (anoxic) processes taking place, especially in the soils. Wetlands form a transitional zone between waterbodies and dry lands, and are different from other terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems due to their vegetation's roots having adapted to oxygen-poor waterlogged soils. They are considered among the most biologically diverse of all ecosystems, serving as habitats to a wide range of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants and animals, with often improved water quality due to plant removal of excess nutrients such as nitrates and phosphorus.
A fen is a type of peat-accumulating wetland fed by mineral-rich ground or surface water. It is one of the main types of wetland along with marshes, swamps, and bogs. Bogs and fens, both peat-forming ecosystems, are also known as mires. The unique water chemistry of fens is a result of the ground or surface water input. Typically, this input results in higher mineral concentrations and a more basic pH than found in bogs. As peat accumulates in a fen, groundwater input can be reduced or cut off, making the fen ombrotrophic rather than minerotrophic. In this way, fens can become more acidic and transition to bogs over time.
A bog or bogland is a wetland that accumulates peat as a deposit of dead plant materials – often mosses, typically sphagnum moss. It is one of the four main types of wetlands. Other names for bogs include mire, mosses, quagmire, and muskeg; alkaline mires are called fens. A bayhead is another type of bog found in the forest of the Gulf Coast states in the United States. They are often covered in heath or heather shrubs rooted in the sphagnum moss and peat. The gradual accumulation of decayed plant material in a bog functions as a carbon sink.
In ecology, a marsh is a wetland that is dominated by herbaceous plants rather than by woody plants. More in general, the word can be used for any low-lying and seasonally waterlogged terrain. In Europe and in agricultural literature low-lying meadows that require draining and embanked polderlands are also referred to as marshes or marshland.
Sphagnum is a genus of approximately 380 accepted species of mosses, commonly known as sphagnum moss, also bog moss and quacker moss. Accumulations of Sphagnum can store water, since both living and dead plants can hold large quantities of water inside their cells; plants may hold 16 to 26 times as much water as their dry weight, depending on the species. The empty cells help retain water in drier conditions.
Wetlands International is a global organisation that works to sustain and restore wetlands and their resources for people and biodiversity. It is an independent, not-for-profit, global organisation, supported by government and NGO membership from around the world.
Peat swamp forests are tropical moist forests where waterlogged soil prevents dead leaves and wood from fully decomposing. Over time, this creates a thick layer of acidic peat. Large areas of these forests are being logged at high rates.
The Borneo peat swamp forests ecoregion, within the tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests biome, are on the island of Borneo, which is divided between Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia.
Ombrotrophic ("cloud-fed"), from Ancient Greek ὄμβρος (ómvros) meaning "rain" and τροφή (trofí) meaning "food"), refers to soils or vegetation which receive all of their water and nutrients from precipitation, rather than from streams or springs. Such environments are hydrologically isolated from the surrounding landscape, and since rain is acidic and very low in nutrients, they are home to organisms tolerant of acidic, low-nutrient environments. The vegetation of ombrotrophic peatlands is often bog, dominated by Sphagnum mosses. The hydrology of these environments are directly related to their climate, as precipitation is the water and nutrient source, and temperatures dictate how quickly water evaporates from these systems.
Minerotrophic refers to environments that receive nutrients primarily through groundwater that flows through mineral-rich soils or rock, or surface water flowing over land. Minerotrophic, “minerogenous”, and “geogenous” are now often used interchangeably, although the latter two terms refer primarily to hydrological systems, while the former refers to nutrient dynamics. The hydrologic process behind minerotrophic wetlands results in water that has acquired dissolved chemicals which raise the nutrient levels and reduce the acidity. This in turn affects vegetation assemblages and diversity in the wetland in question. If dissolved chemicals include chemical bases such as calcium or magnesium ions, the water is referred to as base-rich and is neutral or alkaline. In contrast to minerotrophic environments, ombrotrophic environments get their water mainly from precipitation, and so are very low in nutrients and more acidic. Of the various wetland types, fens and rich fens are often minerotrophic while poor fens and bogs are often ombrotrophic. Marshes and swamps may also be fed through groundwater sources to a degree.
Wetland conservation is aimed at protecting and preserving areas of land including marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens that are covered by water seasonally or permanently due to a variety of threats from both natural and anthropogenic hazards. Some examples of these hazards include habitat loss, pollution, and invasive species. Wetland vary widely in their salinity levels, climate zones, and surrounding geography and play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem services, and support human communities. Wetlands cover at least six percent of the Earth and have become a focal issue for conservation due to the ecosystem services they provide. More than three billion people, around half the world's population, obtain their basic water needs from inland freshwater wetlands. They provide essential habitats for fish and various wildlife species, playing a vital role in purifying polluted waters and mitigating the damaging effects of floods and storms. Furthermore, they offer a diverse range of recreational activities, including fishing, hunting, photography, and wildlife observation.
Paludification is the most common process by which peatlands in the boreal zone are formed.
A fen-meadow is a type of peatland, common in North America and Europe, that receives water from precipitation and groundwater.
Riparian-zone restoration is the ecological restoration of riparian-zonehabitats of streams, rivers, springs, lakes, floodplains, and other hydrologic ecologies. A riparian zone or riparian area is the interface between land and a river or stream. Riparian is also the proper nomenclature for one of the fifteen terrestrial biomes of the earth; the habitats of plant and animal communities along the margins and river banks are called riparian vegetation, characterized by aquatic plants and animals that favor them. Riparian zones are significant in ecology, environmental management, and civil engineering because of their role in soil conservation, their habitat biodiversity, and the influence they have on fauna and aquatic ecosystems, including grassland, woodland, wetland or sub-surface features such as water tables. In some regions the terms riparian woodland, riparian forest, riparian buffer zone, or riparian strip are used to characterize a riparian zone.
Greenhouse gas emissions from wetlands of concern consist primarily of methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Wetlands are the largest natural source of atmospheric methane in the world, and are therefore a major area of concern with respect to climate change. Wetlands account for approximately 20–30% of atmospheric methane through emissions from soils and plants, and contribute an approximate average of 161 Tg of methane to the atmosphere per year.
A peatland is a type of wetland whose soils consist of organic matter from decaying plants, forming layers of peat. Peatlands arise because of incomplete decomposition of organic matter, usually litter from vegetation, due to water-logging and subsequent anoxia. Peatlands are unusual landforms that derive mostly from biological rather than physical processes, and can take on characteristic shapes and surface patterning.
Paludiculture is wet agriculture and forestry on peatlands. Paludiculture combines the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from drained peatlands through rewetting with continued land use and biomass production under wet conditions. “Paludi” comes from the Latin “palus” meaning “swamp, morass” and "paludiculture" as a concept was developed at Greifswald University. Paludiculture is a sustainable alternative to drainage-based agriculture, intended to maintain carbon storage in peatlands. This differentiates paludiculture from agriculture like rice paddies, which involve draining, and therefore degrading wetlands.
Swamps, marshes, mires, bogs, and fens are important parts of the natural landscape in Belarus. Vast swamplands historically covered the country, and currently there are around 2.5 million hectares of wetlands in Belarus. Notable swamp regions are Pinsk Marshes and Olmany swamps in Polesia and Yelnya Swamp in Vitebsk region.