Growth medium

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An agar plate - an example of a bacterial growth medium*: Specifically, it is a streak plate; the orange lines and dots are formed by bacterial colonies. Agar plate with colonies.jpg
An agar plate – an example of a bacterial growth medium*: Specifically, it is a streak plate; the orange lines and dots are formed by bacterial colonies.

A growth medium or culture medium is a solid, liquid, or semi-solid designed to support the growth of a population of microorganisms or cells via the process of cell proliferation [1] or small plants like the moss Physcomitrella patens . [2] Different types of media are used for growing different types of cells. [3]


The two major types of growth media are those used for cell culture, which use specific cell types derived from plants or animals, and those used for microbiological culture, which are used for growing microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi. The most common growth media for microorganisms are nutrient broths and agar plates; specialized media are sometimes required for microorganism and cell culture growth. [1] Some organisms, termed fastidious organisms, require specialized environments due to complex nutritional requirements. Viruses, for example, are obligate intracellular parasites and require a growth medium containing living cells.


US Food and Drug Administration scientist tests for Salmonella FDA Lab 3000 (4494152579).jpg
US Food and Drug Administration scientist tests for Salmonella
A culture of salmonella bacteria Salmonella growing on XLD agar.JPG
A culture of salmonella bacteria

The most common growth media for microorganisms are nutrient broths (liquid nutrient medium) or lysogeny broth medium. Liquid media are often mixed with agar and poured via a sterile media dispenser into Petri dishes to solidify. These agar plates provide a solid medium on which microbes may be cultured. They remain solid, as very few bacteria are able to decompose agar (the exception being some species in the genera: Cytophaga , Flavobacterium , Bacillus , Pseudomonas , and Alcaligenes ). Bacteria grown in liquid cultures often form colloidal suspensions. [4] [5]

The difference between growth media used for cell culture and those used for microbiological culture is that cells derived from whole organisms and grown in culture often cannot grow without the addition of, for instance, hormones or growth factors which usually occur in vivo . [6] In the case of animal cells, this difficulty is often addressed by the addition of blood serum or a synthetic serum replacement to the medium. In the case of microorganisms, no such limitations exist, as they are often unicellular organisms. One other major difference is that animal cells in culture are often grown on a flat surface to which they attach, and the medium is provided in a liquid form, which covers the cells. In contrast, bacteria such as Escherichia coli may be grown on solid or in liquid media.

An important distinction between growth media types is that of chemically defined versus undefined media. [1] A defined medium will have known quantities of all ingredients. For microorganisms, they consist of providing trace elements and vitamins required by the microbe and especially defined carbon and nitrogen sources. Glucose or glycerol are often used as carbon sources, and ammonium salts or nitrates as inorganic nitrogen sources. An undefined medium has some complex ingredients, such as yeast extract or casein hydrolysate, which consist of a mixture of many chemical species in unknown proportions. Undefined media are sometimes chosen based on price and sometimes by necessity – some microorganisms have never been cultured on defined media.

A good example of a growth medium is the wort used to make beer. The wort contains all the nutrients required for yeast growth, and under anaerobic conditions, alcohol is produced. When the fermentation process is complete, the combination of medium and dormant microbes, now beer, is ready for consumption. The main types are

Culture media

Culture media contain all the elements that most bacteria need for growth and are not selective, so they are used for the general cultivation and maintenance of bacteria kept in laboratory culture collections.

Physcomitrella patens plants growing axenically on agar plates (Petri dish, 9 cm diameter) Physcomitrella growing on agar plates.jpg
Physcomitrella patens plants growing axenically on agar plates (Petri dish, 9 cm diameter)

An undefined medium (also known as a basal or complex medium) contains:

This is an undefined medium because the amino-acid source contains a variety of compounds; the exact composition is unknown.

A defined medium (also known as chemically defined medium or synthetic medium) is a medium in which

Examples of nutrient media:

Minimal media

A defined medium that has just enough ingredients to support growth is called a "minimal medium". The number of ingredients that must be added to a minimal medium varies enormously depending on which microorganism is being grown. [7] Minimal media are those that contain the minimum nutrients possible for colony growth, generally without the presence of amino acids, and are often used by microbiologists and geneticists to grow "wild-type" microorganisms. Minimal media can also be used to select for or against recombinants or exconjugants.

Minimal medium typically contains:

Supplementary minimal media are minimal media that also contains a single selected agent, usually an amino acid or a sugar. This supplementation allows for the culturing of specific lines of auxotrophic recombinants.

Selective media

Blood-free, charcoal-based selective medium agar (CSM) for isolation of Campylobacter Campylobacter jejuni.jpg
Blood-free, charcoal-based selective medium agar (CSM) for isolation of Campylobacter
Blood agar plates are often used to diagnose infection. On the right is a positive Staphylococcus culture; on the left is a positive Streptococcus culture. Agarplate redbloodcells edit.jpg
Blood agar plates are often used to diagnose infection. On the right is a positive Staphylococcus culture; on the left is a positive Streptococcus culture.

Selective media are used for the growth of only selected microorganisms. For example, if a microorganism is resistant to a certain antibiotic, such as ampicillin or tetracycline, then that antibiotic can be added to the medium to prevent other cells, which do not possess the resistance, from growing. Media lacking an amino acid such as proline in conjunction with E. coli unable to synthesize it were commonly used by geneticists before the emergence of genomics to map bacterial chromosomes.

Selective growth media are also used in cell culture to ensure the survival or proliferation of cells with certain properties, such as antibiotic resistance or the ability to synthesize a certain metabolite. Normally, the presence of a specific gene or an allele of a gene confers upon the cell the ability to grow in the selective medium. In such cases, the gene is termed a marker.

Selective growth media for eukaryotic cells commonly contain neomycin to select cells that have been successfully transfected with a plasmid carrying the neomycin resistance gene as a marker. Gancyclovir is an exception to the rule, as it is used to specifically kill cells that carry its respective marker, the Herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase.

Four types of agar plate demonstrating differential growth depending on bacterial metabolism Agarplates.jpg
Four types of agar plate demonstrating differential growth depending on bacterial metabolism

Examples of selective media:

Differential media

UTI agar is a chromogenic medium for differentiation of main microorganisms that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTI agar.jpg
UTI agar is a chromogenic medium for differentiation of main microorganisms that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Differential or indicator media distinguish one microorganism type from another growing on the same medium. [12] This type of media uses the biochemical characteristics of a microorganism growing in the presence of specific nutrients or indicators (such as neutral red, phenol red, eosin y, or methylene blue) added to the medium to visibly indicate the defining characteristics of a microorganism. These media are used for the detection of microorganisms and by molecular biologists to detect recombinant strains of bacteria.

Examples of differential media:

Transport media

Transport media should fulfill these criteria:

Examples of transport media:

Enriched media

Enriched media contain the nutrients required to support the growth of a wide variety of organisms, including some of the more fastidious ones. They are commonly used to harvest as many different types of microbes as are present in the specimen. Blood agar is an enriched medium in which nutritionally rich whole blood supplements the basic nutrients. Chocolate agar is enriched with heat-treated blood (40–45 °C or 104–113 °F), which turns brown and gives the medium the color for which it is named. [15]

Physiological relevance

The choice of culture medium might affect the physiological relevance of findings from tissue culture experiments, especially for metabolic studies. [16] In addition, the dependence of a cell line on a metabolic gene was shown to be affected by the media type. [17] When performing a study involving several cell lines, utilizing a uniform culture media for all cell lines might reduce the bias in the generated datasets. Using a growth medium that better represents the physiological levels of nutrients can improve the physiological relevance of in vitro studies and recently such media types, as Plasmax [18] and human plasma-like medium (HPLM), [19] were developed.

See also

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In microbiology, the term isolation refers to the separation of a strain from a natural, mixed population of living microbes, as present in the environment, for example in water or soil, or from living beings with skin flora, oral flora or gut flora, in order to identify the microbe(s) of interest. Historically, the laboratory techniques of isolation first developed in the field of bacteriology and parasitology, before those in virology during the 20th century.

Diagnostic microbiology is the study of microbial identification. Since the discovery of the germ theory of disease, scientists have been finding ways to harvest specific organisms. Using methods such as differential media or genome sequencing, physicians and scientists can observe novel functions in organisms for more effective and accurate diagnosis of organisms. Methods used in diagnostic microbiology are often used to take advantage of a particular difference in organisms and attain information about what species it can be identified as, which is often through a reference of previous studies. New studies provide information that others can reference so that scientists can attain a basic understanding of the organism they are examining.

Columbia Nalidixic Acid (CNA) agar is a growth medium used for the isolation and cultivation of bacteria from clinical and non-clinical specimens. CNA agar contains antibiotics that inhibit Gram-negative organisms, aiding in the selective isolation of Gram-positive bacteria. Gram-positive organisms that grow on the media can be differentiated on the basis of hemolysis.


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