Pesticide toxicity to bees

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Pesticides vary in their effects on bees. Contact pesticides are usually sprayed on plants and can kill bees when they crawl over sprayed surfaces of plants or other areas around it. Systemic pesticides, on the other hand, are usually incorporated into the soil or onto seeds and move up into the stem, leaves, nectar, and pollen of plants. [1] [2]


Of contact pesticides, dust and wettable powder pesticides tend to be more hazardous to bees than solutions or emulsifiable concentrates. When a bee comes in contact with pesticides while foraging, the bee may die immediately without returning to the hive. In this case, the queen bee, brood, and nurse bees are not contaminated and the colony survives. Alternatively, the bee may come into contact with an insecticide and transport it back to the colony in contaminated pollen or nectar or on its body, potentially causing widespread colony death. [3]

Actual damage to bee populations is a function of toxicity and exposure of the compound, in combination with the mode of application. A systemic pesticide, which is incorporated into the soil or coated on seeds, may kill soil-dwelling insects, such as grubs or mole crickets as well as other insects, including bees, that are exposed to the leaves, fruits, pollen, and nectar of the treated plants. [4]

Pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, have been investigated in relation to risks for bees such as Colony Collapse Disorder. A 2018 review by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concluded that most uses of neonicotinoid pesticides such as clothianidin represent a risk to wild bees and honeybees. [5] [6] Neonicotinoids have been banned for all outdoor use in the entire European Union since 2018, but has a conditional approval in the U.S. and other parts of the world, where it is widely used. [7] [8]


Insecticide toxicity is generally measured using acute contact toxicity values LD50 – the exposure level that causes 50% of the population exposed to die. Toxicity thresholds are generally set at [9] [10]

Pesticide toxicity

Acute toxicity

The acute toxicity of pesticides on bees, which could be by contact or ingestion, is usually quantified by LD50. Acute toxicity of pesticides causes a range of effects on bees, which can include agitation, vomiting, wing paralysis, arching of the abdomen similar to sting reflex, and uncoordinated movement. Acute toxicity may depend on the mode of exposure, for instance, many pesticides cause toxic effects by contact while neonicotinoids are more toxic when consumed orally. [11] The acute toxicity, although more lethal, is less common than sub-lethal toxicity or cumulative effects. [12]

Sublethal and chronic effects

Field exposure to pesticides, especially with relation to neonicotinoids, [13] may lead to multiple physiological and/or behavioral sublethal effects in exposed bees. [14] Sublethal effects to honey bees can include disruptions to behavioral and motor functions, compromised immunity, and delayed development. [15] [16] [17]

Colony collapse disorder

Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a syndrome that is characterized by the sudden loss of adult bees from the hive. Many possible explanations for it have been proposed, but no one primary cause has been found. The US Department of Agriculture indicated in a 2010 report to Congress that a combination of factors could be causing colony collapse disorder, including pesticides, pathogens, and parasites. Although pesticides were suspected to be part of the problem, a survey of healthy and CCD-affected colonies revealed similar levels of pesticides in wax and pollen. [18]

Bee kill rate per hive

The kill rate of bees in a single bee hive can be classified as: [19]

< 100 bees per day – normal die off rate
200–400 bees per day – low kill
500–900 bees per day – moderate kill
1000+ bees per day – high kill

Pesticide formulations

Pesticides come in different formulations: [3]


All substances listed are insecticides, except for 2,4-D, which is an herbicide. Some substances are arachnicides too.

Common name (ISO)Examples of Brand namesPesticide Classlength of residual toxicityCommentsBee toxicity
Aldicarb Temik Carbamate apply 4 weeks before bloomRelatively nontoxic
Carbaryl [20] Sevin,

(b) Sevin XLR

Carbamate High risk to bees

foraging even 10 hours after spraying; 3 – 7 days (b) 8 hours @ 1.5 lb/acre (1681 g/Ha) or less.

Bees poisoned with carbaryl can take 2–3 days to die, appearing inactive as if cold. Sevin should never be sprayed on flowering crops, especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination. Less toxic formulations exist.Highly toxic
Carbofuran [21] Furadan Carbamate 7 – 14 days U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ban on use on crops grown for human consumption (2009) carbofuran (banned in granular form) [21] Highly toxic
Methomyl [22] Lannate, Nudrin Carbamate 2 hoursShould never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Methiocarb Mesurol Carbamate Highly toxic
Mexacarbate [23] Zectran Carbamate Highly toxic
Pirimicarb Pirimor, Aphox Carbamate Relatively nontoxic
Propoxur [24] Baygon Carbamate Propoxur is highly toxic to honey bees. The LD50 for bees is greater than one ug/honey bee.[ citation needed ]Highly toxic
Acephate [25] Orthene Organophosphate 3 daysAcephate is a broad-spectrum insecticide and is highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects. [26] Moderately toxic
Azinphos-methyl [27] Guthion, Methyl-Guthion Organophosphate 2.5 daysBanned in EU since 2006. [28] Highly toxic
Chlorpyrifos [29] Dursban, Lorsban Organophosphate Banned in US for home and garden use. Should never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Coumaphos [30] Checkmite Organophosphate This is an insecticide that is used inside the beehive to combat varroa mites and small hive beetles, which are parasites of the honey bee. Overdoses can lead to bee poisoning.Relatively nontoxic
Demeton Systox Organophosphate <2 hoursHighly toxic
Demeton-S-methyl [31] Meta-systox Organophosphate Banned worldwide for toxicity to humansModerately toxic
Diazinon [32] Spectracide Organophosphate Sale of diazinon for residential use was discontinued in the U.S. in 2004. Should never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Dicrotophos [33] Bidrin Organophosphate Dicrotophos toxicity duration is about one week. [34] highly toxic
Dichlorvos [35] DDVP, Vapona Organophosphate Highly toxic
Dimethoate [36] Cygon, De-Fend Organophosphate 3 daysShould never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Fenthion [37] Entex, Baytex, Baycid, Dalf, DMPT, Mercaptophos, Prentox, Fenthion 4E, Queletox, Lebaycid Organophosphate Should never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Fenitrothion [38] Sumithion Organophosphate Highly toxic
Fensulfothion Dasanit Organophosphate Highly toxic
Fonofos [39] Dyfonate EC Organophosphate 3 hours List of Schedule 2 substances (CWC) Highly toxic
Malathion Malathion USB, ~ EC, Cythion, maldison, mercaptothion Organophosphate >8 fl oz/acre (58 L/km2) ⇒ 5.5 daysMalathion is highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects, some fish, and other aquatic life. Malathion is moderately toxic to other fish and birds, and is considered low in toxicity to mammals. [40] Highly toxic
Methamidophos [41] Monitor, Tameron Organophosphate Should never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Methidathion [42] Supracide Organophosphate Should never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Methyl parathion Parathion, [43] Penncap-M Organophosphate 5–8 daysIt is classified as a UNEP persistent organic pollutant and WHO Toxicity Class, "Ia, Extremely Hazardous".[ citation needed ]Highly toxic
Mevinphos [44] Phosdrin Organophosphate highly toxic
Monocrotophos [45] Azodrin Organophosphate Should never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Naled [46] Dibrom Organophosphate 16 hoursHighly toxic
Omethoate Organophosphate Should never be sprayed on flowering crops especially if bees are active and the crop requires pollination.Highly toxic
Oxydemeton-methyl [47] Metasystox-R Organophosphate <2 hoursHighly toxic
Phorate [48] Thimet EC Organophosphate 5 hoursHighly toxic
Phosmet [49] Imidan Organophosphate Phosmet is very toxic to honeybees. [50] Highly toxic
Phosphamidon Dimecron Organophosphate Highly toxic
Pyrazophos Afugan Organophosphate FungicideHighly toxic
Tetrachlorvinphos Rabon, Stirofos, Gardona, Gardcide Organophosphate Highly toxic
Trichlorfon, MetrifonateDylox, Dipterex Organophosphate 3 – 6 hoursRelatively nontoxic
Bifenthrin [51] [52] Agri-Medk, Abamectin, Talstar, Bifenthrine, Brigade, Capture, FMC 54800, OMS3024, Torant (with Clofentezine), and Zipak (with Amitraz) [53] Pyrethroid < 1 day RT

> 1 day ERT

Highly toxic
Permethrin [54] Ambush, Pounce Pyrethroid 1 – 2 daysSafened by repellency under arid conditions. Permethrin is also the active ingredient in insecticides used against the Small hive beetle, which is a parasite of the beehive in the temperate climate regions.Highly toxic
Cypermethrin [55] Ammo, Demon, Raid, Viper Pyrethroid Less than 2 hoursCypermethrin is found in many household ant and cockroach killers, including Raid and ant chalk.Highly toxic
Fenvalerate [56] Asana, Pydrin Pyrethroid 1 daySafened by repellency under arid conditionsHighly toxic
Resmethrin [57] [58] [59] Black Flag Mosquito Fog Solution, Chrysron, Crossfire, Pynosect, Raid Flying Insect Killer, Scourge, Sun-Bugger #4, SPB-1382, Synthrin, Syntox, Vectrin, Whitmire PT-110 Pyrethroid Resmethrin is highly toxic to bees, with an LD50 of 0.063 ug/bee.[ citation needed ]Highly toxic
Methoxychlor [60] DMDT, MarlateChlorinated cyclodiene 2 hoursavailable as a General Use Pesticide Highly toxic
Endosulfan [61] ThiodanChlorinated cyclodiene 8 hoursBanned in EU (2007?), Banned in NZ (2009)Moderately toxic
Clothianidin Poncho Neonicotinoid Banned in EU for outdoor use since 2018.Highly Toxic [62]
Thiamethoxam Actara Neonicotinoid Banned in EU for outdoor use since 2018.Highly Toxic
Imidacloprid Confidor, Gaucho, Kohinor, Admire, Advantage, K9 Advantix, Merit, Confidor, Hachikusan, Amigo, SeedPlus (Chemtura Corp.), Monceren GT, Premise, Prothor, Winner Neonicotinoid Banned in France since 1999. Banned in EU for outdoor use since 2018.Highly toxic
Fipronil Regent, Goliath, Nexa, Adonis, Termidor, Ultrathor, Fipforce, Taurus, Combat Ant-Rid, Anthem, Clearout, Radiate Phenylpyrazole Banned in EU for use on maize and sunflowers since 2014.Highly toxic
Sulfoxaflor Sulfoximine [63] [64]
Dicofol Acaricide Relatively nontoxic
Petroleum oilsRelatively nontoxic
2,4-D [65] Weed B Gon (also contains dicamba), ingredient in over 1,500 productsSynthetic auxin herbicide Relatively nontoxic

Highly toxic and banned in the US

Regulatory policy

Based on a risks to bee health as identified by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), in April 2013 the EU decided to restrict the use of the neonicotinoids thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and imidacloprid. [71] Fipronil was also banned for use on maize and sunflowers. [72]

In 2015, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to prohibit the application of certain pesticides and herbicides that are known to be toxic to bees during pollination periods when crops are in bloom. Seed treatments were not considered to present a risk to bee health. A modified form of these proposals was adopted as EPA policy in January 2017. [73]

In April 2018, member states of the European Union agreed upon a total ban on neonicotinoid insecticide use, except within closed greenhouses. [74] The vote on the proposed ban followed a February 2018 report from the EFSA which concluded that neonicotinoids posed a high risk to both domestic and wild bees. [75] The ban had strong public support, but faced criticism from the agrochemical industry, and from certain farmers' groups. [76]

In 2020, the EPA supplemented its policy with a proposal to restrict the use of neonicotinoids on residential lawns and turf, but otherwise confirmed that they would remain in use in the US. [77]

General measures to prevent pesticide bee kills

Application of pesticides at evening or night

Avoiding the application of pesticides directly to blooming flowers can help limit the exposure of honeybees to toxic materials. If blooming flowers must be sprayed with pesticides for any reason, they should be sprayed in the evening or night hours when bees are not in the field. The usual foraging hours of honeybees are during the daytime when the temperature is above 55–60 °F (13–16 °C). [3] [52] [78]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Clothianidin</span> Chemical compound

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thiamethoxam</span> Chemical compound

Thiamethoxam is the ISO common name for a mixture of cis-trans isomers used as a systemic insecticide of the neonicotinoid class. It has a broad spectrum of activity against many types of insects and can be used as a seed dressing.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thiacloprid</span> Chemical compound

Thiacloprid is an insecticide of the neonicotinoid class. Its mechanism of action is similar to other neonicotinoids and involves disruption of the insect's nervous system by stimulating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Thiacloprid was developed by Bayer CropScience for use on agricultural crops to control of a variety of sucking and chewing insects, primarily aphids and whiteflies.

The 2008 German beekill incident occurred in July 2008, when German authorities reported that more than 11,000 beehives were affected and millions of bees were killed in an agricultural chemical poisoning incident from late April to early May that year. Affected beekeepers reported that 50 to 100 percent of their hives had been lost after pneumatic equipment used to plant corn seed blew clouds of pesticide dust into the air, which was then pushed by the wind onto neighboring canola fields in which managed bees were performing pollinator services.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sulfoxaflor</span> Chemical compound

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