Solanum pseudocapsicum

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Solanum pseudocapsicum
Solanum pseudocapsicum04.jpg
Fruiting plant
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Solanum
S. pseudocapsicum
Binomial name
Solanum pseudocapsicum
Dried fruits with seeds of Solanum pseudocapsicum Solanum pseudocapsicum MHNT.BOT.2011.3.92.jpg
Dried fruits with seeds of Solanum pseudocapsicum

Solanum pseudocapsicum is a nightshade species with mildly poisonous fruit. [1] It is commonly known as the Jerusalem cherry, [2] Madeira winter cherry, or, ambiguously, "winter cherry". These perennials can be grown decoratively as house plants, but in some areas of South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand it is regarded as a weed.



The plant is perennial in zones up to USDA 8. Native to Peru and Ecuador, they can survive frosts and cold weather. They generally live up to 10 years, producing fruit usually in their second or third year, and every year after that. They are congenics of tomatoes and the fruit is extremely similar to cherry tomatoes in taste and texture, and are therefore easily confused with them.

The Jerusalem cherry's poison is primarily solanocapsine, which is similar to other alkaloids found in their genus, such as solanine. Although the toxin is poisonous, it is generally not life-threatening to humans. It may cause gastric problems, including vomiting and gastroenteritis as referenced in the obsolete scientific name S. ipecacuanha (roughly "ipecac nightshade"). [3]

Jerusalem cherries are possibly poisonous to cats [4] and some birds. [5] Though Jerusalem cherry is distributed by certain birds in the wild – both where native and where introduced, e.g., in Australia by the pied currawong (Strepera graculina) – most popular pet birds, namely parrots and relatives, are not immune to its poison.


Supposedly, the plant described as Solanum capsicastrum and called false Jerusalem cherry is a closely related but distinct species, and the trade name "winter cherry" is also held to apply to this exclusively. It is said to be recognizable by more mediocre size, and/or a greyish hue to the foliage and/or stems, and/or fruit that have a pronounced yellow hue when unripe and whose pulp is not or less poisonous (though the seeds still are, making the whole fruit still inedible), and/or higher frost hardiness. But these supposed differences are inconsistently given in various horticultural sources, and no botanical source has in recent times distinguished between the two. Indeed, these taxa are now generally held to refer to the same species, and the "false Jerusalem cherry", if it is at all distinguishable, seems to be a chemotype at best, or just a motley collection of cultivars. [6]

The entire list of now-invalid synonyms of S. pseudocapsicum is long, and many homonyms are included within it: [6]

S. pseudocapsicum has large
flowers, typically borne singly. The synonym S. singuliflorum and the homonym S. uniflorum refer to this. Solanum pseudocapsicum3.jpg
S. pseudocapsicum has large flowers, typically borne singly. The synonym S. singuliflorum and the homonym S. uniflorum refer to this.
S. diffusumRoxb. ex Wall. is S. virginianum L..S. diffusum ssp. miozygumBitter and S. diffusum var. miozygum(Bitter) J.F.Macbr. are S. ternatum .
Not to be confused with S. angustifolium Mill..
S. diphyllumSessé & Moc. is S. nudum . S. diphyllumSw. ex Dunal in DC. is an undeterminable Lycianthes species. S. diphyllumOsbeck is a nomen nudum .
S. karsteniiA.Braun & Bouché is S. felinum .
S. lucidumMoric. is Aureliana fasciculata (Vell.) Sendtn..
S. microcarpum Cerv. ex Lag. is S. pubigerum Dunal. S. microcarpumPav. ex Dunal in DC. is S. corymbosum Jacq..
S. uniflorum Meyen ex Nees is S. elaeagnifolium Cav.. S. uniflorumDunal in Poir. and S. uniflorumSessé & Moc. are Lycianthes mociniana (Dunal) Bitter. S. uniflorumLag. is an undeterminable Lycianthes species.
The species' variable habitus has given rise to many supposed varieties. Aci biber.JPG
The species' variable habitus has given rise to many supposed varieties.

As can be seen by the "false Jerusalem cherry" case, several presumed forms, subspecies and varieties have been described of S. pseudocapsicum. But these are generally also not considered to be taxonomically distinct today: [6]

Not to be confused with S. parvifolium .
Not to be confused with S. sendtnerianum .

A Jerusalem cherry plant is given as a Christmas gift in Lucy Maud Montgomery's 1935 novel Mistress Pat . It is believed to be a symbol of bad luck, a notion that is apparently confirmed when the Gardiner family's Christmas celebrations go haywire. [8]

Alicia Silverstone, an actress best known for starring in the movie Clueless , posted a TikTok of herself eating an unknown, cherry-tomato-like fruit off the street in England in August 2024; fans identified this as a Jerusalem cherry, prompting concerns for her health and spawning many memes. [9]

See also

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  1. "Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa" - Watt & Brandwijk (E&S Livingstone, 1962)
  2. USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Solanum pseudocapsicum". The PLANTS Database ( Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
  3. D. G. Spoerke & S. C. Smolinske (1990). Toxicity of Houseplants. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
  4. "Plants and your cat". Cat Fanciers' Association. December 1997. Archived from the original on March 26, 2010. Retrieved September 29, 2008.
  5. "Bird safety: poisonous and safe plants for birds". 1997. Retrieved September 29, 2008.
  6. 1 2 3 "Solanum pseudocapsicum". Solanaceae Source. July 2004. Retrieved September 29, 2008.
  7. Solanum pseudocapsicum at the Royal Horticultural Society website. Retrieved 26 September 2015
  8. "Mistress Pat: A Novel of Silver Bush". Project Gutenberg Australia.
  9. "Alicia Silverstone alarms fans by appearing to eat poisonous fruit in TikTok video". NBC News.