Condensed matter physics |
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In condensed matter physics, a supersolid is a spatially ordered (i.e. solid) material with superfluid properties. In the case of helium-4, it has been conjectured since the 1960s that it might be possible to create a supersolid. [1] Starting from 2017, a definitive proof for the existence of this state was provided by several experiments using atomic Bose–Einstein condensates. [2] The general conditions required for supersolidity to emerge in a certain substance are a topic of ongoing research.
A supersolid is a special quantum state of matter where particles form a rigid, spatially ordered structure, but also flow with zero viscosity. This is in contradiction to the intuition that flow, and in particular superfluid flow with zero viscosity, is a property exclusive to the fluid state, e.g., superconducting electron and neutron fluids, gases with Bose–Einstein condensates, or unconventional liquids such as helium-4 or helium-3 at sufficiently low temperature. For more than 50 years it was thus unclear whether the supersolid state can exist. [3]
While several experiments yielded negative results, in the 1980s, John Goodkind discovered the first anomaly in a solid by using ultrasound. [4] Inspired by his observation, in 2004 Eun-Seong Kim and Moses Chan at Pennsylvania State University saw phenomena which were interpreted as supersolid behavior. [5] Specifically, they observed a non-classical rotational moment of inertia [6] of a torsional oscillator. This observation could not be explained by classical models but was consistent with superfluid-like behavior of a small percentage of the helium atoms contained within the oscillator.
This observation triggered a large number of follow-up studies to reveal the role played by crystal defects or helium-3 impurities. Further experimentation has cast some doubt on the existence of a true supersolid in helium. Most importantly, it was shown that the observed phenomena could be largely explained due to changes in the elastic properties of the helium. [7] In 2012, Chan repeated his original experiments with a new apparatus that was designed to eliminate any such contributions. In this experiment, Chan and his coauthors found no evidence of supersolidity. [8]
In 2017, two research groups from ETH Zurich and from MIT reported on the creation of an ultracold quantum gas with supersolid properties. The Zurich group placed a Bose–Einstein condensate inside two optical resonators, which enhanced the atomic interactions until they started to spontaneously crystallize and form a solid that maintains the inherent superfluidity of Bose–Einstein condensates. [9] [10] This setting realises a special form of a supersolid, the so-called lattice supersolid, where atoms are pinned to the sites of an externally imposed lattice structure. The MIT group exposed a Bose–Einstein condensate in a double-well potential to light beams that created an effective spin–orbit coupling. The interference between the atoms on the two spin–orbit coupled lattice sites gave rise to a characteristic density modulation. [11] [12]
In 2019, three groups from Stuttgart, Florence, and Innsbruck observed supersolid properties in dipolar Bose–Einstein condensates [13] formed from lanthanide atoms. In these systems, supersolidity emerges directly from the atomic interactions, without the need for an external optical lattice. This facilitated also the direct observation of superfluid flow and hence the definitive proof for the existence of the supersolid state of matter. [14] [15]
In 2021, confocal cavity quantum electrodynamics with a Bose–Einstein condensate was used to create a supersolid that possesses a key property of solids, vibration. That is, a supersolid was created that possesses lattice phonons with a Goldstone mode dispersion exhibiting a 16 cm/s speed of sound. [16]
In 2021, dysprosium was used to create a 2-dimensional supersolid quantum gas, [17] in 2022, the same team created a supersolid disk in a round trap [18] and in 2024 they reported the observation of quantum vortices in the supersolid phase [19] [20]
In most theories of this state, it is supposed that vacancies – empty sites normally occupied by particles in an ideal crystal – lead to supersolidity. These vacancies are caused by zero-point energy, which also causes them to move from site to site as waves. Because vacancies are bosons, if such clouds of vacancies can exist at very low temperatures, then a Bose–Einstein condensation of vacancies could occur at temperatures less than a few tenths of a Kelvin. A coherent flow of vacancies is equivalent to a "superflow" (frictionless flow) of particles in the opposite direction. Despite the presence of the gas of vacancies, the ordered structure of a crystal is maintained, although with less than one particle on each lattice site on average. Alternatively, a supersolid can also emerge from a superfluid. In this situation, which is realised in the experiments with atomic Bose–Einstein condensates, the spatially ordered structure is a modulation on top of the superfluid density distribution.[ citation needed ]
In condensed matter physics, a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter that is typically formed when a gas of bosons at very low densities is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero, i.e., 0 K. Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which microscopic quantum-mechanical phenomena, particularly wavefunction interference, become apparent macroscopically. More generally, condensation refers to the appearance of macroscopic occupation of one or several states: for example, in BCS theory, a superconductor is a condensate of Cooper pairs. As such, condensation can be associated with phase transition, and the macroscopic occupation of the state is the order parameter.
Superfluid helium-4 is the superfluid form of helium-4, an isotope of the element helium. A superfluid is a state of matter in which matter behaves like a fluid with zero viscosity. The substance, which resembles other liquids such as helium I, flows without friction past any surface, which allows it to continue to circulate over obstructions and through pores in containers which hold it, subject only to its own inertia.
This is a timeline of states of matter and phase transitions, specifically discoveries related to either of these topics.
Quantum turbulence is the name given to the turbulent flow – the chaotic motion of a fluid at high flow rates – of quantum fluids, such as superfluids. The idea that a form of turbulence might be possible in a superfluid via the quantized vortex lines was first suggested by Richard Feynman. The dynamics of quantum fluids are governed by quantum mechanics, rather than classical physics which govern classical (ordinary) fluids. Some examples of quantum fluids include superfluid helium, Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs), polariton condensates, and nuclear pasta theorized to exist inside neutron stars. Quantum fluids exist at temperatures below the critical temperature at which Bose-Einstein condensation takes place.
In theoretical physics, a roton is an elementary excitation, or quasiparticle, seen in superfluid helium-4 and Bose–Einstein condensates with long-range dipolar interactions or spin-orbit coupling. The dispersion relation of elementary excitations in this superfluid shows a linear increase from the origin, but exhibits first a maximum and then a minimum in energy as the momentum increases. Excitations with momenta in the linear region are called phonons; those with momenta close to the minimum are called rotons. Excitations with momenta near the maximum are called maxons.
A fermionic condensate is a superfluid phase formed by fermionic particles at low temperatures. It is closely related to the Bose–Einstein condensate, a superfluid phase formed by bosonic atoms under similar conditions. The earliest recognized fermionic condensate described the state of electrons in a superconductor; the physics of other examples including recent work with fermionic atoms is analogous. The first atomic fermionic condensate was created by a team led by Deborah S. Jin using potassium-40 atoms at the University of Colorado Boulder in 2003.
The Bose–Hubbard model gives a description of the physics of interacting spinless bosons on a lattice. It is closely related to the Hubbard model that originated in solid-state physics as an approximate description of superconducting systems and the motion of electrons between the atoms of a crystalline solid. The model was introduced by Gersch and Knollman in 1963 in the context of granular superconductors. The model rose to prominence in the 1980s after it was found to capture the essence of the superfluid-insulator transition in a way that was much more mathematically tractable than fermionic metal-insulator models.
A sonic black hole, sometimes called a dumb hole or acoustic black hole, is a phenomenon in which phonons are unable to escape from a region of a fluid that is flowing more quickly than the local speed of sound. They are called sonic, or acoustic, black holes because these trapped phonons are analogous to light in astrophysical (gravitational) black holes. Physicists are interested in them because they have many properties similar to astrophysical black holes and, in particular, emit a phononic version of Hawking radiation. This Hawking radiation can be spontaneously created by quantum vacuum fluctuations, in close analogy with Hawking radiation from a real black hole. On the other hand, the Hawking radiation can be stimulated in a classical process. The boundary of a sonic black hole, at which the flow speed changes from being greater than the speed of sound to less than the speed of sound, is called the event horizon.
Atomtronics is an emerging field concerning the quantum technology of matter-wave circuits which coherently guide propagating ultra-cold atoms. The systems typically include components analogous to those found in electronics, quantum electronics or optical systems; such as beam splitters, transistors, and atomic counterparts of Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs). Applications range from studies of fundamental physics to the development of practical devices.
Superstripes is a generic name for a phase with spatial broken symmetry that favors the onset of superconducting or superfluid quantum order. This scenario emerged in the 1990s when non-homogeneous metallic heterostructures at the atomic limit with a broken spatial symmetry have been found to favor superconductivity. Before a broken spatial symmetry was expected to compete and suppress the superconducting order. The driving mechanism for the amplification of the superconductivity critical temperature in superstripes matter has been proposed to be the shape resonance in the energy gap parameters ∆n that is a type of Fano resonance for coexisting condensates.
Superfluidity is the characteristic property of a fluid with zero viscosity which therefore flows without any loss of kinetic energy. When stirred, a superfluid forms vortices that continue to rotate indefinitely. Superfluidity occurs in two isotopes of helium when they are liquefied by cooling to cryogenic temperatures. It is also a property of various other exotic states of matter theorized to exist in astrophysics, high-energy physics, and theories of quantum gravity. The theory of superfluidity was developed by Soviet theoretical physicists Lev Landau and Isaak Khalatnikov.
Immanuel Bloch is a German experimental physicist. His research is focused on the investigation of quantum many-body systems using ultracold atomic and molecular quantum gases. Bloch is known for his work on atoms in artificial crystals of light, optical lattices, especially the first realization of a quantum phase transition from a weakly interacting superfluid to a strongly interacting Mott insulating state of matter.
Tilman Esslinger is a German experimental physicist. He is Professor at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and works in the field of ultracold quantum gases and optical lattices.
Bose–Einstein condensation can occur in quasiparticles, particles that are effective descriptions of collective excitations in materials. Some have integer spins and can be expected to obey Bose–Einstein statistics like traditional particles. Conditions for condensation of various quasiparticles have been predicted and observed. The topic continues to be an active field of study.
Bose–Einstein condensation of polaritons is a growing field in semiconductor optics research, which exhibits spontaneous coherence similar to a laser, but through a different mechanism. A continuous transition from polariton condensation to lasing can be made similar to that of the crossover from a Bose–Einstein condensate to a BCS state in the context of Fermi gases. Polariton condensation is sometimes called “lasing without inversion”.
Randall Gardner Hulet is an American physicist.
In condensed matter physics, the quantum dimer magnet state is one in which quantum spins in a magnetic structure entangle to form a singlet state. These entangled spins act as bosons and their excited states (triplons) can undergo Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). The quantum dimer system was originally proposed by Matsubara and Matsuda as a mapping of the lattice Bose gas to the quantum antiferromagnet. Quantum dimer magnets are often confused as valence bond solids; however, a valence bond solid requires the breaking of translational symmetry and the dimerizing of spins. In contrast, quantum dimer magnets exist in crystal structures where the translational symmetry is inherently broken. There are two types of quantum dimer models: the XXZ model and the weakly-coupled dimer model. The main difference is the regime in which BEC can occur. For the XXZ model, the BEC occurs upon cooling without a magnetic field and manifests itself as a symmetric dome in the field versus temperature phase diagram centered about H = 0. The weakly-coupled dimer model does not magnetically order in zero magnetic field, but instead orders upon the closing of the spin gap, where the BEC regime begins and is a dome centered at non-zero field.
Francesca Ferlaino is an Italian-Austrian experimental physicist known for her research on quantum matter. She is a professor of physics at the University of Innsbruck.
Tin-Lun "Jason" Ho is a Chinese-American theoretical physicist, specializing in condensed matter theory, quantum gases, and Bose-Einstein condensates. He is known for the Mermin-Ho relation.
Benjamin Leonard Lev is an American physicist and Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Stanford University. He studies quantum many-body physics, both in and out of equilibrium, by combining the tools of ultracold atomic physics, quantum optics, and condensed matter physics.