2017 opinion polling on the Donald Trump administration

Last updated


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of South Carolina.svg South Carolina Likely voters Trafalgar GroupDecember 29–30, 201753%42%4%2,223telephone and online [1]
Flag of Minnesota.svg Minnesota Registered voters Public Policy Polling December 26–27, 201744%53%2%671 [2]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )December 24–26, 201738%52%9%1,500online [3]
Morning Consult (for Politico )December 21–24, 201741%53%6%2,201 [4]
American Research Group December 17–20, 201734%62%4%1,100telephone [5]
YouGov (for The Economist )December 17–19, 201738%52%10%1,500online [6]
Ipsos (for Reuters )December 15–19, 201735%60%5%2,492 [7]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )December 14–18, 201741%55%1,991 [8]
Likely voters McLaughlin & Associates45%53%2%1,000 [9]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University December 13–18, 201737%59%5%1,230telephone [10]
All adults CNN December 14–17, 201735%6%1,001 [11]
Flag of California.svg California Registered voters University of California, Berkeley December 7–16, 201730%66%4%1,000 [12]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults NBC News/ The Wall Street Journal December 13–15, 201741%56%3%900 [13]
Flag of Mississippi (2001-2020).svg Mississippi Registered voters Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. 51%43%6%625 [14]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults CNBC December 10–13, 201742%49%9%800 [15]
SurveyMonkey December 7–13, 201740%58%2%11,427online [16]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling December 11–12, 201741%56%3%862telephone and online [17]
Flag of Tennessee.svg Tennessee Gravis Marketing52%41%7%563 [18]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )December 10–12, 201738%51%12%1,500online [19]
Monmouth University 32%56%806telephone [20]
Ipsos (for Reuters )December 8–12, 201733%61%5%1,457online [21]
Registered voters Harvard University/The Harris Poll December 8–11, 201741%59%---1,989 [22]
Morning Consult (for Politico )43%52%5%1,955 [23]
All adults Associated Press/NORC at the University of Chicago December 7–11, 201732%67%---1,020telephone and online [24]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University December 6–11, 201737%57%7%1,211telephone [25]
Flag of New York.svg New York All adults NY1 News/Baruch College November 30 – December 10, 201727%64%800 [26]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters Monmouth University December 6–9, 201753%44%3%546telephone [27]
Gravis MarketingDecember 5–8, 201755%42%1,254telephone and online [28]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Marist College December 4–7, 201737%56%7%1,267telephone [29]
Flag of Iowa.svg Iowa The Des Moines Register /Mediacom December 3–6, 201735%60%5%802 [30]
Flag of the United States.svg United States SurveyMonkey November 30 – December 6, 201739%58%2%16,149online [31]
CBS News December 3–5, 201736%57%6%1,120telephone [32]
YouGov (for The Economist )37%51%11%1,500online [33]
Flag of Tennessee.svg Tennessee Registered voters Vanderbilt University November 16 – December 5, 201748%47%3%1,013telephone [34]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Pew Research Center November 29 – December 4, 201732%63%5%1,503 [35]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University 35%58%7%1,508 [36]
All adults Investor's Business Daily November 27 – December 4, 201736%59%2%901 [37] [38]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )December 1–3, 201745%51%4%1,997online [39]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters Gravis Marketing51%45%1,276telephone and online [40]
Registered voters YouGov (for CBS News)November 28 – December 1, 201757%42%---1,067online [41]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove



Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters The Washington Post /Schar School of Policy and Government November 27–30, 201753%45%2%739telephone [42]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults LucidNovember 28–29, 201735%52%12%923online [43]
SurveyMonkey (for NBC News)November 27–29, 201740%58%1%3,772 [44]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters JMC AnalyticsNovember 27–28, 201752%43%6%650telephone [45]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )November 26–28, 201739%53%8%1,500online [46]
Ipsos (for Reuters )November 24–28, 201738%57%5%1,969 [47]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )November 21–25, 201743%52%1,994 [48]
All adults Saint Leo University November 19–24, 201741%54%1,000 [49]
Ipsos (for Reuters )November 17–22, 201736%59%1,489 [50]
LucidNovember 21, 201738%50%13%965 [51]
Flag of Minnesota.svg Minnesota Registered voters SurveyUSA (for KSTP-TV Minneapolis)November 20–21, 201731%54%14%518telephone [52]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )November 19–21, 201737%9%1,500online [53]
American Research Group November 17–20, 201735%61%4%1,100telephone [54]
Flag of Tennessee.svg Tennessee Registered voters Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. November 17–20, 201751%42%7%625 [55]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina 43%52%5%625 [56]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Quinnipiac University November 15–20, 201738%55%7%1,415 [57]
Morning Consult (for Politico )November 16–19, 201744%50%6%2,586online [58]
Flag of California.svg California All adults Public Policy Institute of California November 10–19, 201728%68%5%1,687telephone [59]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina High Point University#HPU Poll/High Point University November 10–16, 201733%54%13%469 [60]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters Gravis MarketingNovember 14–15, 201753%43%4%628telephone and online [61]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist November 13–15, 201739%55%6%1,019telephone [62]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Registered voters Fox News November 13–15, 201753%45%2%823 [63]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults SurveyMonkey November 9–15, 201741%57%2%19,325online [64]
YouGov (for The Economist )November 12–14, 201734%55%11%1,500 [65]
Registered voters Harvard University/The Harris Poll November 11–14, 201741%59%---2,350 [66]
All adults Ipsos (for Reuters )November 10–14, 201737%59%4%1,520 [67]
Likely voters McLaughlin & AssociatesNovember 9–13, 201744%53%2%1,000 [68]
All adults Kaiser Family Foundation November 8–13, 201740%56%4%1,201telephone [69]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University November 7–13, 201735%58%7%1,577 [70]
Morning Consult (for Politico )November 9–11, 201742%52%5%1,993online [71]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters Emerson College 58%36%6%600telephone and online [72]
JMC Analytics52%41%7%575telephone [73]
Gravis MarketingNovember 10, 201756%3%478telephone and online [74]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Registered voters Public Policy Polling November 9–10, 201742%54%4%797 [75]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Marist College November 6–9, 201739%53%7%1,074telephone [76]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina Registered voters Elon University 37%57%5%771 [77]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults LucidNovember 7–8, 201738%47%15%1,274online [78]
SurveyMonkey November 2–8, 201741%57%2%19,325 [79]
YouGov (for The Economist )November 5–7, 201737%54%9%1,500 [80]
Ipsos (for Reuters )November 3–7, 201735%60%5%1,572 [81]
Flag of Maryland.svg Maryland Registered voters OpinionWorksOctober 25 – November 7, 201734%63%4%850telephone and online [82] [83]
Flag of Massachusetts.svg Massachusetts Western New England University October 24 – November 7, 201719%76%5%437telephone [84] [85]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Likely voters Zogby Analytics November 3–6, 201737%60%4%884online [86]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )November 2–6, 201744%51%5%1,991 [87]
Flag of California.svg California Los Angeles Times /USC Dornsife October 27 – November 6, 201722%66%8%1,296 [88]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults CNN November 2–5, 201736%58%6%1,021telephone [89]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Monmouth University 41%53%5%713 [90]
Flag of Florida.svg Florida Registered voters Florida Atlantic University 41%47%12%500telephone and online [91]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina All adults High Point University#HPU Poll/High Point University October 27 – November 4, 201733%55%352telephone [92]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Investor's Business Daily October 26 – November 3, 201736%58%1%917 [93] [94]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Siena College (for The New York Times )October 29 – November 2, 201739%51%10%985 [95]
Roanoke College 36%53%2%781 [96]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults LucidOctober 31 – November 1, 201737%52%11%1,315online [97]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Suffolk University October 30 – November 1, 201755%7%500telephone [98] [99]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults ABC News/ The Washington Post October 29 – November 1, 201759%4%1,005 [100]
SurveyMonkey October 26 – November 1, 201741%58%2%13,308online [101]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )October 29–31, 201740%52%8%1,500online [102]
Ipsos (for Reuters )October 27–31, 201736%60%4%1,798 [103]
CBS News October 27–30, 201739%55%6%1,109telephone [104]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )October 26–30, 201744%52%4%1,990online [105]
All adults Pew Research Center October 25–30, 201734%59%7%1,504telephone [106]
Public Religion Research Institute October 18–30, 201741%54%5%2,019 [107]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling October 27–29, 201738%56%6%572telephone and online [108]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters The Washington Post /Schar School of Policy and Government October 26–29, 201759%3%921telephone [109]
Quinnipiac University October 25–29, 201734%60%6%916 [110]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Suffolk University/USA Today Network October 25–28, 201731%59%10%500 [111] [112]
Flag of Kentucky.svg Kentucky All adults Western Kentucky University October 16–27, 201750%42%8%562 [113]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults NBC News/ The Wall Street Journal October 23–26, 201738%58%4%900 [114]
LucidOctober 24–25, 201737%51%12%1,300online [115]
SurveyMonkey October 19–25, 201739%59%2%13,572 [116]
Likely voters Zogby Analytics 44%53%3%1,514 [117]
Registered voters Fox News October 22–24, 201738%57%5%1,005telephone [118]
All adults YouGov (for The Economist )October 22–24, 201737%53%9%1,500online [119]
Ipsos (for Reuters )October 20–24, 201735%60%5%2,352 [120]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Likely voters Quinnipiac University October 19–24, 201733%65%2%1,049telephone [121]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )October 19–23, 201742%53%5%1,988online [122]
Flag of Tennessee.svg Tennessee Middle Tennessee State University October 16–23, 201750%40%10%600telephone [123]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Hampton University October 18–22, 201739%56%5%750 [124]
Flag of Arkansas.svg Arkansas All adults University of Arkansas October 12–22, 201747%40%14%801 [125]
Flag of the United States.svg United States American Research Group October 17–20, 201734%61%5%1,100 [126]
Flag of Wisconsin.svg Wisconsin Registered voters Public Policy Polling October 17–18, 201740%52%8%1,116telephone and online [127]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina Civitas Institute October 16–18, 201747%50%3%600telephone [128]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Harvard University/The Harris Poll October 14–18, 201742%58%---2,159online [129]
All adults Marist College October 15–17, 201737%55%8%1,093telephone [130]
SurveyMonkey (for NBC News)October 13–17, 201740%59%2%5,047online [131]
Ipsos (for Reuters )38%58%4%1,678 [132]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Quinnipiac University October 12–17, 201735%62%2%1,088telephone [133]
Flag of Florida.svg Florida Registered voters University of North Florida October 11–17, 201737%59%3%834 [134]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )October 15–16, 201752%10%1,500online [135]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )October 12–16, 201744%51%5%1,991 [136]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Monmouth University 38%55%6%408telephone [137]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults CNN October 12–15, 201737%57%1,010 [138]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Likely voters Fairleigh Dickinson University October 11–15, 201731%62%5%658 [139]
Flag of Texas.svg Texas Registered voters University of Texas/ The Texas Tribune /YouGov October 6–15, 201745%49%6%1,200online [140]
Flag of New Hampshire.svg New Hampshire All adults University of New Hampshire October 3–15, 201733%61%573telephone [141]
Flag of Indiana.svg Indiana Old National Bank/Ball State University October 2–15, 201741%45%---600 [142] [143]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Emerson College October 12–14, 201744%50%6%820 [144]
Likely voters McLaughlin & AssociatesOctober 10–14, 201747%51%2%1,000online [145]
Flag of Utah.svg Utah Registered voters The Salt Lake Tribune /Dan Jones & Associates October 10–13, 201752%46%2%605telephone [146]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Roanoke College October 8–13, 201735%58%2%607 [147]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults LucidOctober 10–11, 201734%52%15%1,323online [148]
SurveyMonkey October 5–11, 201741%57%2%16,203 [149]
YouGov (for The Economist )October 7–10, 201736%52%12%1,500 [150]
Ipsos (for Reuters )October 6–10, 201759%5%1,584 [151]
Kaiser Family Foundation October 5–10, 201738%58%4%1,215telephone [152]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University 56%5%1,482 [153]
Morning Consult (for Politico )October 5–9, 201742%53%1,996online [154]
All adults Investor's Business Daily September 29 – October 8, 201733%61%2%887telephone [155] [156]
Flag of Minnesota.svg Minnesota Registered voters SurveyUSA/KSTP-TV October 6–7, 201737%53%10%473 [157]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Democracy Corps/Greenberg Research September 30 – October 6, 201741%55%---1,000 [158]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina All adults High Point University#HPU Poll/High Point University September 28 – October 6, 201735%51%14%404 [159]
Flag of the United States.svg United States The Washington Post /University of Maryland September 27 – October 5, 201737%63%1%1,663telephone and online [160]
LucidOctober 3–4, 201736%52%12%1,105online [161]
SurveyMonkey September 29 – October 4, 201741%57%2%15,120 [162]
YouGov (for The Economist )October 1–3, 201739%54%8%1,500 [163]
Ipsos (for Reuters )September 29 – October 3, 201737%58%5%1,659 [164]
Associated Press/NORC September 28 – October 2, 201732%67%---1,150telephone and online [165]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia The Washington Post /Schar School of Policy and Government 33%59%8%1,121telephone [166]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters JMC AnalyticsSeptember 30 – October 1, 201751%41%500 [167]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )September 29 – October 1, 201745%52%3%1,992online [168]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Likely voters Monmouth University September 28 – October 1, 201733%59%8%452telephone [169]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina Registered voters Spectrum News /SurveyUSA 37%49%14%680 [170]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Suffolk University/ USA Today September 27 – October 1, 201738%56%6%1,000 [171]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of West Virginia.svg West Virginia Likely voters Zogby Analytics September 27–30, 201759%36%5%320online [172]
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina Registered voters Elon University September 25–29, 201734%58%8%931telephone [173]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults CNN September 26–28, 201737%56%7%1,037 [174]
SurveyMonkey September 22–28, 201740%57%2%16,638online [175]
PBS NewsHour/Marist College September 25–27, 201737%54%9%1,105telephone [176]
CNBC September 24–27, 201738%52%10%900 [177] [178]
Registered voters Fox News September 24–26, 201742%53%5%1,017 [179]
All adults YouGov (for The Economist )September 24–26, 201737%10%1,500online [180]
Ipsos (for Reuters )September 22–26, 201738%57%6%3,429 [181]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University September 21–26, 201736%1,412telephone [182]
Public Policy Polling September 22–25, 201742%53%5%865telephone and online [183]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Monmouth University September 21–25, 201740%55%6%499telephone [184]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )September 22–24, 201743%54%3%1,987online [185]
All adults CBS News September 21–24, 201735%55%10%1,202telephone [186]
Flag of Florida.svg Florida Likely voters Florida Chamber of Commerce September 17–24, 201748%50%2%615 [187]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Registered voters Public Policy Polling (for Equality Virginia)September 21–23, 201742%53%5%849telephone and online [188]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Likely voters Suffolk University/USA Today Network September 19–23, 201735%56%9%500telephone [189] [190]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Roanoke College September 16–23, 201736%56%1%596 [191]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Public Policy Polling (for Save My Care)September 20–21, 201742%54%4%638telephone and online [192]
All adults ABC News/ The Washington Post September 18–21, 201739%57%1,002telephone [193]
SurveyMonkey September 15–21, 201745%53%2%9,061online [194]
Registered voters Harvard University/The Harris Poll September 17–20, 201755%---2,177 [195]
All adults CNN 40%5%1,053telephone [196]
American Research Group 35%59%6%1,100 [197]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Registered voters Fox News September 17–19, 201740%54%804 [198]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )39%49%12%1,500online [199]
Ipsos (for Reuters )September 15–19, 201755%6%1,557 [200]
Monmouth University 40%49%11%1,009telephone [201]
Flag of California.svg California Public Policy Institute of California September 10–19, 201727%69%4%1,721 [202]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Registered voters Fox News September 17–18, 201742%53%5%507 [203]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults NBC News/ The Wall Street Journal September 14–18, 201743%52%900 [204]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Quinnipiac University 39%58%3%850 [205]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Kaiser Family Foundation September 13–18, 201738%57%4%1,179 [206]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )September 14–17, 201743%52%5%1,994online [207]
Flag of New York City.svg New York City NBC 4 New York/Marist College September 13–17, 201721%72%7%898telephone [208]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Suffolk University/ USA Today 42%51%6%500 [209]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Saint Leo University September 10–16, 201743%53%4%1,000online [210]
Morning Consult (for the Bloomberg Global Business Forum)September 12–14, 201741%51%8%2,094 [211]
YouGov (for HuffPost )40%10%1,000 [212]
SurveyMonkey September 8–14, 201742%55%3%16,343 [213]
Flag of Minnesota.svg Minnesota Minnesota Public Radio August 22 – September 14, 201736%58%4%1,654telephone [214] [215]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Marist College September 11–13, 201739%50%12%1,224 [216]
YouGov (for The Economist )September 10–12, 201752%8%1,500online [217]
Ipsos (for Reuters )September 8–12, 201735%59%7%1,669 [218]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Registered voters Quinnipiac University September 7–12, 201732%61%1,121telephone [219]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia All adults University of Mary Washington September 5–12, 201737%55%8%1,000 [220]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )September 7–11, 201742%51%1,976online [221]
Flag of Alabama.svg Alabama Likely voters Emerson College September 8–9, 201752%36%4%416telephone [222]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Zogby Analytics September 7–9, 201743%53%834online [223]
All adults SurveyMonkey September 1–7, 201740%57%3%13,443 [224]
YouGov (for The Economist )September 3–5, 201741%52%8%1,500 [225]
Ipsos (for Reuters )September 1–5, 201740%57%4%1,672 [226]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )August 31 – September 3, 201743%52%5%1,993 [227]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults SurveyMonkey August 25–31, 201740%59%2%12,032online [228]
Investor's Business Daily August 23–31, 201738%57%905telephone [229] [230]
Registered voters Fox News August 27–29, 201741%55%4%1,006 [231]
All adults YouGov (for The Economist )38%53%10%1,500online [232]
SurveyMonkey (for NBC News)August 24–29, 201739%59%2%10,129 [233]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )August 24–28, 201740%55%5%1,999 [234]
Likely voters McLaughlin & Associates 48%50%2%1,000 [235]
Flag of Florida.svg Florida Registered voters Florida Atlantic University August 24–26, 201737%47%16%800telephone and online [236]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for HuffPost )August 22–23, 201736%54%10%1,000online [237]
Ipsos (for Reuters )August 18–22, 201759%5%2,744 [238]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University August 17–22, 201735%6%1,514telephone [239]
Harvard University/The Harris Poll 43%57%---2,263online [240]
Public Policy Polling August 18–21, 201740%53%7%887telephone and online [241]
All adults Associated Press/NORC August 17–21, 201736%63%---1,038 [242]
Pew Research Center August 8–21, 20171%4,971telephone [243]
American Research Group August 17–20, 201733%62%5%1,100 [244]
ABC News/ The Washington Post August 16–20, 201737%58%1,014 [245]
Flag of West Virginia.svg West Virginia Likely voters West Virginia MetroNews August 11–20, 201748%39%13%400telephone and online [246]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for HuffPost )August 18–19, 201734%57%8%1,000online [247]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )August 17–19, 201739%56%5%1,987 [248]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Roanoke College August 12–19, 201728%57%2%599telephone [249]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters GW Battleground August 13–17, 201742%53%4%1,000 [250]
Flag of Michigan.svg Michigan All adults NBC News/Marist 36%55%10%907 [251]
Flag of Kentucky.svg Kentucky Registered voters Public Policy Polling August 15–16, 201760%36%4%645telephone and online [252]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist August 14–15, 201735%51%14%1,125telephone [253]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University August 9–15, 201739%57%4%1,361 [254]
Morning Consult (for Politico )August 10–14, 201744%52%5%1,997online [255]
All adults Monmouth University 41%49%10%805telephone [256]
Marist College August 8–12, 201735%55%9%1,009 [257]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling (for VoteVets.org)August 9–10, 201740%53%---948telephone and online [258] [259]
All adults NBC News/ The Wall Street Journal August 5–9, 201740%55%5%1,200telephone [260]
YouGov (for The Economist )August 6–8, 201737%53%11%1,500online [261]
Flag of New Hampshire.svg New Hampshire University of New Hampshire July 29 – August 8, 201734%55%502telephone [262]
Flag of the United States.svg United States CBS News August 3–6, 201736%58%6%1,111 [263]
CNN 38%56%5%1,018 [264]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )40%55%1,992online [265]
All adults Kaiser Family Foundation August 1–6, 201736%61%3%1,211telephone [266]
Investor's Business Daily July 28 – August 5, 201732%59%2%904 [267] [268]
Ipsos (for Reuters )July 28 – August 1, 201737%4%3,130online [269]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University July 27 – August 1, 201733%61%5%1,125telephone [270]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Ipsos (for Reuters )July 21–25, 201735%59%6%1,532online [271]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Likely voters Monmouth University July 20–23, 201737%57%502telephone [272]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults American Research Group July 17–20, 201735%8%1,100 [273]
USA Today /iMediaEthics/SurveyUSA July 17–19, 201744%51%5%1,250online [274]
Registered voters Fox News July 16–18, 201741%53%6%1,020telephone [275]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey All adults NBC 4 New York/Marist College July 13–18, 201733%60%7%895 [276]
Flag of California.svg California Public Policy Institute of California July 9–18, 201725%71%4%1,696 [277]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Public Policy Polling July 14–17, 201741%55%836telephone and online [278]
All adults YouGov (for HuffPost )July 15–16, 201740%50%10%1,000online [279]
Monmouth University July 13–16, 201739%52%9%800telephone [280]
ABC News/ The Washington Post July 10–13, 201736%58%6%1,001 [281]
Flag of Iowa.svg Iowa The Des Moines Register /Mediacom July 9–13, 201743%52%5%800 [282]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Bloomberg News July 8–12, 201740%56%4%1,001 [283]
YouGov (for The Economist )July 9–11, 201737%52%11%1,500online [284]
Kaiser Family Foundation July 5–10, 201738%57%3%1,183telephone [285]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )July 7–9, 201746%50%4%1,983online [286]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey All adults Monmouth University 35%58%6%800telephone [287]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for HuffPost )June 29–30, 201738%52%11%1,000online [288]
Investor's Business Daily/TIPPJune 23–29, 201737%58%1%900telephone [289]
Registered voters Fox News June 25–27, 201744%50%6%1,017 [290]
Suffolk University/ USA Today June 24–27, 201742%53%1,000 [291]
All adults Ipsos (for Reuters )June 23–27, 201735%58%7%1,620online [292]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University June 22–27, 201740%55%5%1,212telephone [293]
Flag of Wisconsin.svg Wisconsin Marquette University Law School June 22–25, 201741%51%7%800 [294]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College June 21–25, 201737%12%1,205 [295]
NBC News/ The Wall Street Journal June 17–20, 201740%55%5%900 [296]
American Research Group 37%59%4%1,100 [297]
Ipsos (for Reuters )June 16–20, 201738%1,544online [298]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Registered voters Quinnipiac University June 15–20, 201740%57%2%1,145telephone [299]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Kaiser Family Foundation June 14–19, 201756%3%1,208 [300]
CBS News June 15–18, 201736%57%7%1,117 [301]
Pew Research Center June 8–18, 201739%55%2,504 [302]
CNBC June 9–12, 201737%51%12%800 [303]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )June 8–12, 201745%50%5%1,990online [304]
Public Policy Polling June 9–11, 201741%52%7%811telephone and online [305]
All adults Associated Press/NORC June 8–11, 201735%64%1%1,068 [306]
Flag of Texas.svg Texas Registered voters University of Texas/ The Texas Tribune /YouGov June 2–11, 201743%51%---1,200online [307]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov (for The Economist )June 4–6, 201738%54%9%1,500 [308]
Ipsos (for Reuters )June 2–6, 201738%58%4%2,371 [309]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University 31 May – June 6, 201734%57%9%1,361telephone [310]
All adults Investor's Business Daily /TIPP30 May – June 6, 201737%55%1%903 [311]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Ipsos (for Reuters )May 26–30, 201740%55%6%2,081online [312]
Registered voters Fox News May 21–23, 201753%7%1,011telephone [313]
All adults YouGov (for The Economist )May 20–23, 201739%51%11%1,500online [314]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University May 17–23, 201737%55%7%1,404telephone [315]
All adults Kaiser Family Foundation/PSRAIMay 16–22, 201758%3%1,205 [316]
Flag of California.svg California Public Policy Institute of California May 12–22, 201727%67%6%1,690 [317]
Flag of the United States.svg United States American Research Group May 17–20, 201739%56%5%1,100 [318]
Ipsos (for Reuters )May 14–18, 201738%6%1,971online [319]
Monmouth University May 13–17, 201739%53%8%1,002telephone [320]
Flag of New York City.svg New York City Registered voters Quinnipiac University May 10–16, 201722%74%4%1,019 [321]
Flag of New Hampshire.svg New Hampshire All adults University of New Hampshire May 5–15, 201734%56%9%500 [322]
Flag of Tennessee.svg Tennessee Registered voters Vanderbilt University/PSRAIMay 4–15, 201752%42%3%1,004 [323]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Public Policy Polling May 12–14, 201740%54%6%692telephone and online [324]
Morning Consult (for Politico )43%51%8%2,001online [325]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia All adults The Washington Post /Schar School of Policy and Government May 9–14, 201736%59%5%1,602telephone [326]
Flag of the United States.svg United States NBC News/ The Wall Street Journal May 11–13, 201739%54%7%800 [327]
YouGov (for The Economist )May 6–9, 201741%51%8%1,500online [328]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University May 4–9, 201736%58%6%1,078telephone [329]
Morning Consult (for Politico )May 4–6, 201744%48%7%1,996online [330]
All adults Investor's Business Daily /TIPPApril 28 – May 4, 201739%54%1%904telephone [331]
Flag of New Hampshire.svg New Hampshire University of New Hampshire April 24 – May 4, 201743%47%9%518 [332]
Flag of the United States.svg United States YouGov (for The Economist )April 29 – May 2, 201711%1,500online [333]
Ipsos (for Reuters )April 28 – May 2, 201744%51%5%2,214 [334]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey Registered voters Quinnipiac University April 26 – May 1, 201735%56%9%1,209telephone [335]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Kaiser Family Foundation/ The Washington Post April 13 – May 1, 201743%51%5%1,686 [336] [337]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource(s)
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )April 27–30, 201748%45%7%1,998online [338]
Flag of Minnesota.svg Minnesota Star Tribune April 24–26, 201740%51%9%800telephone [339]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Fox News April 23–25, 201745%48%7%1,009 [340]
All adults CNN April 22–25, 201744%54%2% [341]
CBS News April 21–24, 201741%53%6%1,214 [342]
Kaiser Family Foundation April 17–23, 201745%50%3%1,171 [343]
NBC News/ The Wall Street Journal April 17–20, 201740%54%6%900 [344]
ABC News/ The Washington Post 42%53%5%1,004 [345]
American Research Group 39%56%1,100 [346]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling April 17–18, 201743%50%7%648telephone and online [347]
All adults YouGov (for The Huffington Post )41%48%11%1,000online [348]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University April 12–18, 201740%56%4%1,062telephone [349]
All adults Ipsos (for Reuters )April 13–17, 201743%52%1,843online [350]
Registered voters Marist College April 11–12, 201739%49%12%869telephone [351]
All adults Pew Research Center April 5–11, 201754%6%1,501 [352]
CBS News April 7–9, 201743%49%8%1,006 [353]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )April 6–9, 201748%47%5%1,988online [354]
All adults Gallup April 4–6, 201740%54%---1,500telephone [355]
Flag of Texas.svg Texas Texas LyceumApril 3–9, 201742%2%1,000 [356]
Flag of the United States.svg United States CNBC April 3–6, 201739%48%13%804 [357]
YouGov (for The Economist )April 2–4, 201740%11%1,500online [358]
Ipsos (for Reuters )March 31 – April 4, 201746%50%4%2,149 [359]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University March 30 – April 3, 201735%57%8%1,171telephone [360]
All adults Kaiser Family Foundation/Princeton Survey Research Associates InternationalMarch 28 – April 3, 201741%55%3%1,203 [361]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource
Flag of North Carolina.svg North Carolina All adults High Point University#HPU Poll/High Point University March 25–30, 201736%54%10%416telephone [362]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Investor's Business Daily March 24–30, 201734%56%1%904 [363]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling March 27–28, 201740%53%7%677telephone and online [364]
All adults Gallup March 26–28, 201735%59%---1,500telephone [365]
CBS News March 25–28, 201740%52%7%1,088 [366]
Ipsos (for Reuters )March 24–28, 201744%49%1,646online [367]
SurveyMonkey (for NBC News)42%56%1%7,832 [368]
Associated Press/NORC March 23–27, 201758%---1,110telephone and online [369]
Registered voters McClatchy/Marist College March 22–27, 201738%51%11%906telephone [370]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey All adults Fairleigh Dickinson University March 22–26, 201728%61%9%816 [371]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Likely voters Rasmussen Reports 45%54%---1,500telephone and online [372]
All adults SurveyMonkey March 17–23, 201742%56%2%12,306online [373]
Flag of New Hampshire.svg New Hampshire American Research Group March 19–22, 201731%61%8%600telephone [374]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Quinnipiac University March 16–21, 201737%56%7%1,056 [375]
Flag of Utah.svg Utah The Salt Lake Tribune /Hinckley Institute of Politics March 15–21, 201754%41%5%605 [376]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults American Research GroupMarch 17–20, 201741%54%1,100 [377]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico )March 16–19, 201750%44%6%1,927online [378]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports March 15–19, 201749%51%---1,500telephone and online [379]
All adults Gallup March 16–18, 201737%58%telephone [380]
YouGov (for The Economist )March 13–14, 201741%49%11%online [381]
Registered voters Fox News March 12–14, 201743%51%6%1,008telephone [382]
All adults Ipsos (for Reuters )March 10–14, 201745%49%1,750online [383]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports 46%53%---1,500telephone and online [384]
Flag of California.svg California All adults Public Policy Institute of California March 5–14, 201731%61%7%1,685 [385]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Gallup March 11–13, 201739%55%---1,500 [386]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling March 10–12, 201743%50%7%808 [387]
All adults Kaiser Family Foundation/Princeton Survey Research Associates InternationalMarch 6–12, 201736%58%3%1,206telephone [388]
SurveyMonkey March 3–9, 201747%52%2%12,257online [389]
YouGov (for The Economist )March 6–7, 201742%49%9%1,500 [390]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports March 5–7, 201749%51%---1,500telephone and online [384]
All adults Ipsos (for Reuters )March 3–7, 201748%46%6%1,662online [391]
Gallup March 4–6, 201743%51%---1,500telephone [392]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University March 2–6, 201741%52%7%1,283 [393]
Morning Consult (for Politico )50%45%6%1,992online [394]
All adults Monmouth University March 2–5, 201743%46%11%801telephone [395]
Registered voters Suffolk University/ USA Today March 1–5, 201747%44%9%1,000 [396]
All adults SurveyMonkey 48%51%1%4,551online [397]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports 52%48%---1,500telephone and online [398]
All adults CNN/ORC March 1–4, 201745%52%3%1,025telephone [399]
Investor's Business Daily February 24 – March 4, 201741%53%1%909 [363]
SurveyMonkey February 24 – March 2, 201745%2%12,273online [400]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports February 27 – March 1, 201752%48%---1,500telephone and online [401]
All adults YouGov (for The Economist)February 25 – March 1, 201741%50%9%online [402]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove


Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults Ipsos (for Reuters)February 24–28, 201746%48%6%1,847online [403]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico)February 24–26, 201750%45%5%2,000 [404]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports February 23–26, 201751%49%---1,500telephone and online [405]
All adults SurveyMonkey February 17–23, 201744%54%2%10,639online [406]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling February 21–22, 201745%48%7%941telephone and online [407]
All adults NBC News/Wall Street Journal February 18–22, 201744%8%1,000telephone [408]
YouGov (for The Economist)43%46%11%1,500online [409]
CBS News February 17–21, 201739%51%10%1,280telephone [410]
Ipsos (for Reuters)45%50%5%2,338online [411]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University February 16–21, 201738%55%7%1,323telephone [412]
All adults American Research GroupFebruary 17–20, 201743%51%6%1,100 [413]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico)February 16–19, 201749%44%7%2,013online [414]
McClatchy/Marist College February 15–19, 201741%49%9%865telephone [415]
All adults SurveyMonkey (for NBC News)February 13–19, 201743%54%2%11,512online [416]
YouGov (for The Huffington Post)February 17–18, 201741%47%12%1,000 [417]
Gallup February 16–18, 201755%---1,500telephone [418]
SurveyMonkey February 13–17, 201746%53%2%9,163online [419]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports February 15, 201753%47%---1,500telephone and online [420]
Flag of Virginia.svg Virginia Registered voters Quinnipiac University February 10–15, 201738%56%6%989telephone [421]
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults YouGov for The Economist February 12–14, 201743%47%10%1,500online [422]
Ipsos/Reuters February 10–14, 201746%50%4%1,774 [423]
Pew Research Center February 7–12, 201739%56%6%1,503N/A [424]
Gallup February 8–11, 201740%55%5%1,500telephone [425]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports February 10, 201752%48%---telephone and online [426]
Registered voters Morning Consult/Politico February 9–10, 201749%45%6%1,791online [427]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports February 9, 201753%47%---1,500telephone and online [428]
Flag of Iowa.svg Iowa All adults The Des Moines Register/Selzer & Co.February 6–9, 201742%49%9%802telephone [429]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Public Policy Polling February 7–8, 201743%53%3%712 [430]
Emerson College February 5–6, 201748%47%5%617 [431]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports February 6, 201753%---1,500telephone and online [432]
All adults Gallup February 3–6, 201742%53%5%1,500telephone [433]
Registered voters Morning Consult/Politico February 2–4, 201747%46%7%2,070online [434]
All adults CBS News February 1–2, 201740%48%12%1,019telephone [435]
CNN January 31 – February 2, 201744%53%3%1,002N/A [424]
Investor's Business Daily January 27 – February 2, 201742%48%10%885telephone [436]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove

January (post-inauguration)

Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource
Flag of the United States.svg United States Registered voters Public Policy Polling January 30–31, 201747%49%4%750telephone and online [437]
Likely voters Rasmussen Reports January 30, 201753%47%---1,500 [438]
Milwaukee County Registered voters Public Policy Polling January 27–29, 201730%63%7%1,260telephone [439]
Flag of New Jersey.svg New Jersey All adults Fairleigh Dickinson University January 25–29, 201737%50%11%921 [440]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Likely voters Rasmussen Reports January 27, 201755%45%---1,500telephone and online [441]
January 26, 201759%41% [442]
Flag of Russia.svg Russian Federation N/A VTsIOM 71%N/AN/A1,800N/A [443]
Flag of the United States.svg United States Likely voters Rasmussen Reports January 25, 201757%43%---1,500telephone and online [444]
All adults Gallup January 24–26, 201745%48%7%telephone [445]
YouGov (for The Economist )January 23–25, 201743%39%18%2,692online [445]
Quinnipiac University January 20–25, 201736%44%19%1,190telephone [446]
Registered voters Public Policy Polling January 23–24, 201744%44%12%1,043telephone and online [447]
All adults Gallup January 22–25, 201746%45%9%1,500telephone [448]
Ipsos (for Reuters)January 20–24, 201743%45%12%1,282online [449]
Gallup January 20–22, 201745%45%10%1,525telephone [450]
Registered voters Morning Consult (for Politico)46%37%17%1,992 [451]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove

January (pre-inauguration)

Area polledSegment polledPolling groupDateApproveDisapproveUnsureSample sizePolling methodSource
Flag of the United States.svg United States All adults CBS News January 13–16, 201737%48%15%1,257telephone [452]
CNN January 12–15, 201740%52%8%1,000 [453]
ABC News / The Washington Post 54%6%1,005 [454]
NBC News / The Wall Street Journal 44%52%4%500 [455]
Registered voters Quinnipiac University January 5–9, 201737%51%12%899 [456]
All adults Gallup January 4–8, 201744%5%1,032 [457]

  majority approve  plurality approve  majority disapprove  plurality disapprove

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2021 opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration</span>

This is a list of opinion polls taken on the presidency of Joe Biden in 2021. To navigate between years, see opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration. For 2022 opinion polling, see 2022 opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration.

This is a list of opinion polls taken on the presidency of Joe Biden in 2022. To navigate between years, see opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration.

This is a list of opinion polls taken on the presidency of Joe Biden in 2023. To navigate between years, see opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration.

This is a list of opinion polls taken on the presidency of Joe Biden in 2024. To navigate between years, see opinion polling on the Joe Biden administration.


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  2. "Subject: Minnesotans Don't Think Franken Should Resign; Franken Remains Popular, Especially With Women" (PDF). Public Policy Polling. December 28, 2017.
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