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AVL tree | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type | Tree | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Invented | 1962 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Invented by | Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Complexities in big O notation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In computer science, an AVL tree (named after inventors Adelson-Velsky and Landis) is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at any time they differ by more than one, rebalancing is done to restore this property. Lookup, insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst cases, where is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation. Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more tree rotations.
The AVL tree is named after its two Soviet inventors, Georgy Adelson-Velsky and Evgenii Landis, who published it in their 1962 paper "An algorithm for the organization of information". [2] It is the first self-balancing binary search tree data structure to be invented. [3]
AVL trees are often compared with red–black trees because both support the same set of operations and take time for the basic operations. For lookup-intensive applications, AVL trees are faster than red–black trees because they are more strictly balanced. [4] Similar to red–black trees, AVL trees are height-balanced. Both are, in general, neither weight-balanced nor -balanced for any ; [5] that is, sibling nodes can have hugely differing numbers of descendants.
In a binary tree the balance factor of a node X is defined to be the height difference
of its two child sub-trees rooted by node X.
A node X with is called "left-heavy", one with is called "right-heavy", and one with is sometimes simply called "balanced".
Balance factors can be kept up-to-date by knowing the previous balance factors and the change in height – it is not necessary to know the absolute height. For holding the AVL balance information, two bits per node are sufficient. [7]
The height (counted as the maximal number of levels) of an AVL tree with nodes lies in the interval: [6] : 460
where is the golden ratio and This is because an AVL tree of height contains at least nodes where is the Fibonacci sequence with the seed values
Read-only operations of an AVL tree involve carrying out the same actions as would be carried out on an unbalanced binary search tree, but modifications have to observe and restore the height balance of the sub-trees.
Searching for a specific key in an AVL tree can be done the same way as that of any balanced or unbalanced binary search tree. [8] : ch. 8 In order for search to work effectively it has to employ a comparison function which establishes a total order (or at least a total preorder) on the set of keys. [9] : 23 The number of comparisons required for successful search is limited by the height h and for unsuccessful search is very close to h, so both are in O(log n). [10] : 216
As a read-only operation the traversal of an AVL tree functions the same way as on any other binary tree. Exploring all n nodes of the tree visits each link exactly twice: one downward visit to enter the subtree rooted by that node, another visit upward to leave that node's subtree after having explored it.
Once a node has been found in an AVL tree, the next or previous node can be accessed in amortized constant time. [11] : 58 Some instances of exploring these "nearby" nodes require traversing up to h ∝ log(n) links (particularly when navigating from the rightmost leaf of the root's left subtree to the root or from the root to the leftmost leaf of the root's right subtree; in the AVL tree of figure 1, navigating from node P to the next-to-the-right node Q takes 3 steps). Since there are n−1 links in any tree, the amortized cost is 2×(n−1)/n, or approximately 2.
When inserting a node into an AVL tree, you initially follow the same process as inserting into a Binary Search Tree. If the tree is empty, then the node is inserted as the root of the tree. If the tree is not empty, then we go down the root, and recursively go down the tree searching for the location to insert the new node. This traversal is guided by the comparison function. In this case, the node always replaces a NULL reference (left or right) of an external node in the tree i.e., the node is either made a left-child or a right-child of the external node.
After this insertion, if a tree becomes unbalanced, only ancestors of the newly inserted node are unbalanced. This is because only those nodes have their sub-trees altered. [12] So it is necessary to check each of the node's ancestors for consistency with the invariants of AVL trees: this is called "retracing". This is achieved by considering the balance factor of each node. [6] : 458–481 [11] : 108
Since with a single insertion the height of an AVL subtree cannot increase by more than one, the temporary balance factor of a node after an insertion will be in the range [–2,+2]. For each node checked, if the temporary balance factor remains in the range from –1 to +1 then only an update of the balance factor and no rotation is necessary. However, if the temporary balance factor is ±2, the subtree rooted at this node is AVL unbalanced, and a rotation is needed. [9] : 52 With insertion as the code below shows, the adequate rotation immediately perfectly rebalances the tree.
In figure 1, by inserting the new node Z as a child of node X the height of that subtree Z increases from 0 to 1.
The height of the subtree rooted by Z has increased by 1. It is already in AVL shape.
Example code for an insert operation |
In order to update the balance factors of all nodes, first observe that all nodes requiring correction lie from child to parent along the path of the inserted leaf. If the above procedure is applied to nodes along this path, starting from the leaf, then every node in the tree will again have a balance factor of −1, 0, or 1.
The retracing can stop if the balance factor becomes 0 implying that the height of that subtree remains unchanged.
If the balance factor becomes ±1 then the height of the subtree increases by one and the retracing needs to continue.
If the balance factor temporarily becomes ±2, this has to be repaired by an appropriate rotation after which the subtree has the same height as before (and its root the balance factor 0).
The time required is O(log n) for lookup, plus a maximum of O(log n) retracing levels (O(1) on average) on the way back to the root, so the operation can be completed in O(log n) time. [9] : 53
The preliminary steps for deleting a node are described in section Binary search tree#Deletion. There, the effective deletion of the subject node or the replacement node decreases the height of the corresponding child tree either from 1 to 0 or from 2 to 1, if that node had a child.
Starting at this subtree, it is necessary to check each of the ancestors for consistency with the invariants of AVL trees. This is called "retracing".
Since with a single deletion the height of an AVL subtree cannot decrease by more than one, the temporary balance factor of a node will be in the range from −2 to +2. If the balance factor remains in the range from −1 to +1 it can be adjusted in accord with the AVL rules. If it becomes ±2 then the subtree is unbalanced and needs to be rotated. (Unlike insertion where a rotation always balances the tree, after delete, there may be BF(Z) ≠ 0 (see figures 2 and 3), so that after the appropriate single or double rotation the height of the rebalanced subtree decreases by one meaning that the tree has to be rebalanced again on the next higher level.) The various cases of rotations are described in section Rebalancing.
The height of the subtree rooted by N has decreased by 1. It is already in AVL shape.
Example code for a delete operation |
The retracing can stop if the balance factor becomes ±1 (it must have been 0) meaning that the height of that subtree remains unchanged.
If the balance factor becomes 0 (it must have been ±1) then the height of the subtree decreases by one and the retracing needs to continue.
If the balance factor temporarily becomes ±2, this has to be repaired by an appropriate rotation. It depends on the balance factor of the sibling Z (the higher child tree in figure 2) whether the height of the subtree decreases by one –and the retracing needs to continue– or does not change (if Z has the balance factor 0) and the whole tree is in AVL-shape.
The time required is O(log n) for lookup, plus a maximum of O(log n) retracing levels (O(1) on average) on the way back to the root, so the operation can be completed in O(log n) time.
In addition to the single-element insert, delete and lookup operations, several set operations have been defined on AVL trees: union, intersection and set difference. Then fast bulk operations on insertions or deletions can be implemented based on these set functions. These set operations rely on two helper operations, Split and Join. With the new operations, the implementation of AVL trees can be more efficient and highly-parallelizable. [13]
The function Join on two AVL trees t1 and t2 and a key k will return a tree containing all elements in t1, t2 as well as k. It requires k to be greater than all keys in t1 and smaller than all keys in t2. If the two trees differ by height at most one, Join simply create a new node with left subtree t1, root k and right subtree t2. Otherwise, suppose that t1 is higher than t2 for more than one (the other case is symmetric). Join follows the right spine of t1 until a node c which is balanced with t2. At this point a new node with left child c, root k and right child t2 is created to replace c. The new node satisfies the AVL invariant, and its height is one greater than c. The increase in height can increase the height of its ancestors, possibly invalidating the AVL invariant of those nodes. This can be fixed either with a double rotation if invalid at the parent or a single left rotation if invalid higher in the tree, in both cases restoring the height for any further ancestor nodes. Join will therefore require at most two rotations. The cost of this function is the difference of the heights between the two input trees.
Pseudocode implementation for the Join algorithm |
function JoinRightAVL(TL, k, TR) (l, k', c) = expose(TL) if (Height(c) <= Height(TR)+1) T' = Node(c, k, TR) if (Height(T') <= Height(l)+1) then return Node(l, k', T') else return rotateLeft(Node(l, k', rotateRight(T'))) else T' = JoinRightAVL(c, k, TR) T'' = Node(l, k', T') if (Height(T') <= Height(l)+1) return T'' elsereturn rotateLeft(T'') function JoinLeftAVL(TL, k, TR) /* symmetric to JoinRightAVL */ function Join(TL, k, TR) if (Height(TL)>Height(TR)+1) return JoinRightAVL(TL, k, TR) if (Height(TR)>Height(TL)+1) return JoinLeftAVL(TL, k, TR) return Node(TL, k, TR) Here Height(v) is the height of a subtree (node) v. (l,k,r) = expose(v) extracts v's left child l, the key k of v's root, and the right child r. Node(l,k,r) means to create a node of left child l, key k, and right child r. |
To split an AVL tree into two smaller trees, those smaller than key k, and those greater than key k, first draw a path from the root by inserting k into the AVL. After this insertion, all values less than k will be found on the left of the path, and all values greater than k will be found on the right. By applying Join, all the subtrees on the left side are merged bottom-up using keys on the path as intermediate nodes from bottom to top to form the left tree, and the right part is asymmetric. The cost of Split is O(log n), order of the height of the tree.
Pseudocode implementation for the Split algorithm |
function Split(T, k) if (T = nil) return (nil, false, nil) (L,m,R) = expose(T) if (k = m) return (L, true, R) if (k<m) (L',b,R') = Split(L,k) return (L', b, Join(R', m, R)) if (k>m) (L',b,R') = Split(R, k) return (Join(L, m, L'), b, R')) |
The union of two AVL trees t1 and t2 representing sets A and B, is an AVL t that represents A ∪ B.
Pseudocode implementation for the Union algorithm |
function Union(t1, t2): if t1 = nil: return t2if t2 = nil: return t1 (t<, b, t>) = Split(t2, t1.root) return Join(Union(left(t1), t<), t1.root, Union(right(t1), t>)) Here, Split is presumed to return two trees: one holding the keys less its input key, one holding the greater keys. (The algorithm is non-destructive, but an in-place destructive version exists as well.) |
The algorithm for intersection or difference is similar, but requires the Join2 helper routine that is the same as Join but without the middle key. Based on the new functions for union, intersection or difference, either one key or multiple keys can be inserted to or deleted from the AVL tree. Since Split calls Join but does not deal with the balancing criteria of AVL trees directly, such an implementation is usually called the "join-based" implementation.
The complexity of each of union, intersection and difference is for AVL trees of sizes and . More importantly, since the recursive calls to union, intersection or difference are independent of each other, they can be executed in parallel with a parallel depth . [13] When , the join-based implementation has the same computational DAG as single-element insertion and deletion.
If during a modifying operation the height difference between two child subtrees changes, this may, as long as it is < 2, be reflected by an adaption of the balance information at the parent. During insert and delete operations a (temporary) height difference of 2 may arise, which means that the parent subtree has to be "rebalanced". The given repair tools are the so-called tree rotations, because they move the keys only "vertically", so that the ("horizontal") in-order sequence of the keys is fully preserved (which is essential for a binary-search tree). [6] : 458–481 [11] : 33
Let X be the node that has a (temporary) balance factor of −2 or +2. Its left or right subtree was modified. Let Z be the child with the higher subtree (see figures 2 and 3). Note that both children are in AVL shape by induction hypothesis.
In case of insertion this insertion has happened to one of Z's children in a way that Z's height has increased. In case of deletion this deletion has happened to the sibling t1 of Z in a way so that t1's height being already lower has decreased. (This is the only case where Z's balance factor may also be 0.)
There are four possible variants of the violation:
Right Right | ⟹ Z is a right | child of its parent X and BF(Z) ≥ 0 | |
Left Left | ⟹ Z is a left | child of its parent X and BF(Z) ≤ 0 | |
Right Left | ⟹ Z is a right | child of its parent X and BF(Z) < 0 | |
Left Right | ⟹ Z is a left | child of its parent X and BF(Z) > 0 |
And the rebalancing is performed differently:
Right Right | ⟹ X is rebalanced with a | simple | rotation rotate_Left | (see figure 2) | |
Left Left | ⟹ X is rebalanced with a | simple | rotation rotate_Right | (mirror-image of figure 2) | |
Right Left | ⟹ X is rebalanced with a | double | rotation rotate_RightLeft | (see figure 3) | |
Left Right | ⟹ X is rebalanced with a | double | rotation rotate_LeftRight | (mirror-image of figure 3) |
Thereby, the situations are denoted as C B, where C (= child direction) and B (= balance) come from the set { Left, Right} with Right := −Left. The balance violation of case C == B is repaired by a simple rotation rotate_
(−C), whereas the case C != B is repaired by a double rotation rotate_
The cost of a rotation, either simple or double, is constant.
Figure 2 shows a Right Right situation. In its upper half, node X has two child trees with a balance factor of +2. Moreover, the inner child t23 of Z (i.e., left child when Z is right child, or right child when Z is left child) is not higher than its sibling t4. This can happen by a height increase of subtree t4 or by a height decrease of subtree t1. In the latter case, also the pale situation where t23 has the same height as t4 may occur.
The result of the left rotation is shown in the lower half of the figure. Three links (thick edges in figure 2) and two balance factors are to be updated.
As the figure shows, before an insertion, the leaf layer was at level h+1, temporarily at level h+2 and after the rotation again at level h+1. In case of a deletion, the leaf layer was at level h+2, where it is again, when t23 and t4 were of same height. Otherwise the leaf layer reaches level h+1, so that the height of the rotated tree decreases.
Input: | X = root of subtree to be rotated left |
Z = right child of X, Z is right-heavy | |
with height == Height(LeftSubtree(X))+2 | |
Result: | new root of rebalanced subtree |
Figure 3 shows a Right Left situation. In its upper third, node X has two child trees with a balance factor of +2. But unlike figure 2, the inner child Y of Z is higher than its sibling t4. This can happen by the insertion of Y itself or a height increase of one of its subtrees t2 or t3 (with the consequence that they are of different height) or by a height decrease of subtree t1. In the latter case, it may also occur that t2 and t3 are of the same height.
The result of the first, the right, rotation is shown in the middle third of the figure. (With respect to the balance factors, this rotation is not of the same kind as the other AVL single rotations, because the height difference between Y and t4 is only 1.) The result of the final left rotation is shown in the lower third of the figure. Five links (thick edges in figure 3) and three balance factors are to be updated.
As the figure shows, before an insertion, the leaf layer was at level h+1, temporarily at level h+2 and after the double rotation again at level h+1. In case of a deletion, the leaf layer was at level h+2 and after the double rotation it is at level h+1, so that the height of the rotated tree decreases.
Input: | X = root of subtree to be rotated |
Z = its right child, left-heavy | |
with height == Height(LeftSubtree(X))+2 | |
Result: | new root of rebalanced subtree |
Both AVL trees and red–black (RB) trees are self-balancing binary search trees and they are related mathematically. Indeed, every AVL tree can be colored red–black, [14] but there are RB trees which are not AVL balanced. For maintaining the AVL (or RB) tree's invariants, rotations play an important role. In the worst case, even without rotations, AVL or RB insertions or deletions require O(log n) inspections and/or updates to AVL balance factors (or RB colors). RB insertions and deletions and AVL insertions require from zero to three tail-recursive rotations and run in amortized O(1) time, [15] : pp.165, 158 [16] thus equally constant on average. AVL deletions requiring O(log n) rotations in the worst case are also O(1) on average. RB trees require storing one bit of information (the color) in each node, while AVL trees mostly use two bits for the balance factor, although, when stored at the children, one bit with meaning «lower than sibling» suffices. The bigger difference between the two data structures is their height limit.
For a tree of size n ≥ 1
AVL trees are more rigidly balanced than RB trees with an asymptotic relation AVL/RB ≈0.720 of the maximal heights. For insertions and deletions, Ben Pfaff shows in 79 measurements a relation of AVL/RB between 0.677 and 1.077 with median ≈0.947 and geometric mean ≈0.910. [4]
In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a rooted binary tree data structure with the key of each internal node being greater than all the keys in the respective node's left subtree and less than the ones in its right subtree. The time complexity of operations on the binary search tree is linear with respect to the height of the tree.
In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, referred to as the left child and the right child. That is, it is a k-ary tree with k = 2. A recursive definition using set theory is that a binary tree is a tuple (L, S, R), where L and R are binary trees or the empty set and S is a singleton set containing the root.
In computer science, a B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data and allows searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. The B-tree generalizes the binary search tree, allowing for nodes with more than two children. Unlike other self-balancing binary search trees, the B-tree is well suited for storage systems that read and write relatively large blocks of data, such as databases and file systems.
In computer science, a red–black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree data structure noted for fast storage and retrieval of ordered information. The nodes in a red-black tree hold an extra "color" bit, often drawn as red and black, which help ensure that the tree is always approximately balanced.
A splay tree is a binary search tree with the additional property that recently accessed elements are quick to access again. Like self-balancing binary search trees, a splay tree performs basic operations such as insertion, look-up and removal in O(log n) amortized time. For random access patterns drawn from a non-uniform random distribution, their amortized time can be faster than logarithmic, proportional to the entropy of the access pattern. For many patterns of non-random operations, also, splay trees can take better than logarithmic time, without requiring advance knowledge of the pattern. According to the unproven dynamic optimality conjecture, their performance on all access patterns is within a constant factor of the best possible performance that could be achieved by any other self-adjusting binary search tree, even one selected to fit that pattern. The splay tree was invented by Daniel Sleator and Robert Tarjan in 1985.
In computer science, the treap and the randomized binary search tree are two closely related forms of binary search tree data structures that maintain a dynamic set of ordered keys and allow binary searches among the keys. After any sequence of insertions and deletions of keys, the shape of the tree is a random variable with the same probability distribution as a random binary tree; in particular, with high probability its height is proportional to the logarithm of the number of keys, so that each search, insertion, or deletion operation takes logarithmic time to perform.
In computer science, a self-balancing binary search tree (BST) is any node-based binary search tree that automatically keeps its height small in the face of arbitrary item insertions and deletions. These operations when designed for a self-balancing binary search tree, contain precautionary measures against boundlessly increasing tree height, so that these abstract data structures receive the attribute "self-balancing".
In computer science, a search tree is a tree data structure used for locating specific keys from within a set. In order for a tree to function as a search tree, the key for each node must be greater than any keys in subtrees on the left, and less than any keys in subtrees on the right.
In computer science a T-tree is a type of binary tree data structure that is used by main-memory databases, such as Datablitz, eXtremeDB, MySQL Cluster, Oracle TimesTen and MobileLite.
In computer science, a scapegoat tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, invented by Arne Andersson in 1989 and again by Igal Galperin and Ronald L. Rivest in 1993. It provides worst-case lookup time and amortized insertion and deletion time.
In computer science, an interval tree is a tree data structure to hold intervals. Specifically, it allows one to efficiently find all intervals that overlap with any given interval or point. It is often used for windowing queries, for instance, to find all roads on a computerized map inside a rectangular viewport, or to find all visible elements inside a three-dimensional scene. A similar data structure is the segment tree.
An AA tree in computer science is a form of balanced tree used for storing and retrieving ordered data efficiently. AA trees are named after their originator, Swedish computer scientist Arne Andersson.
In computer science, a leftist tree or leftist heap is a priority queue implemented with a variant of a binary heap. Every node x has an s-value which is the distance to the nearest leaf in subtree rooted at x. In contrast to a binary heap, a leftist tree attempts to be very unbalanced. In addition to the heap property, leftist trees are maintained so the right descendant of each node has the lower s-value.
Left rotation refers to the following
In computer science, weight-balanced binary trees (WBTs) are a type of self-balancing binary search trees that can be used to implement dynamic sets, dictionaries (maps) and sequences. These trees were introduced by Nievergelt and Reingold in the 1970s as trees of bounded balance, or BB[α] trees. Their more common name is due to Knuth.
Right rotation refers to the following:
In computer science, a fractal tree index is a tree data structure that keeps data sorted and allows searches and sequential access in the same time as a B-tree but with insertions and deletions that are asymptotically faster than a B-tree. Like a B-tree, a fractal tree index is a generalization of a binary search tree in that a node can have more than two children. Furthermore, unlike a B-tree, a fractal tree index has buffers at each node, which allow insertions, deletions and other changes to be stored in intermediate locations. The goal of the buffers is to schedule disk writes so that each write performs a large amount of useful work, thereby avoiding the worst-case performance of B-trees, in which each disk write may change a small amount of data on disk. Like a B-tree, fractal tree indexes are optimized for systems that read and write large blocks of data. The fractal tree index has been commercialized in databases by Tokutek. Originally, it was implemented as a cache-oblivious lookahead array, but the current implementation is an extension of the Bε tree. The Bε is related to the Buffered Repository Tree. The Buffered Repository Tree has degree 2, whereas the Bε tree has degree Bε. The fractal tree index has also been used in a prototype filesystem. An open source implementation of the fractal tree index is available, which demonstrates the implementation details outlined below.
In computer science, a WAVL tree or weak AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. WAVL trees are named after AVL trees, another type of balanced search tree, and are closely related both to AVL trees and red–black trees, which all fall into a common framework of rank balanced trees. Like other balanced binary search trees, WAVL trees can handle insertion, deletion, and search operations in time O(log n) per operation.
In computer science, the list-labeling problem involves maintaining a totally ordered set S supporting the following operations:
In computer science, join-based tree algorithms are a class of algorithms for self-balancing binary search trees. This framework aims at designing highly-parallelized algorithms for various balanced binary search trees. The algorithmic framework is based on a single operation join. Under this framework, the join operation captures all balancing criteria of different balancing schemes, and all other functions join have generic implementation across different balancing schemes. The join-based algorithms can be applied to at least four balancing schemes: AVL trees, red–black trees, weight-balanced trees and treaps.
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