![]() | This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations .(September 2017) |
There are, as of 2020 [update] , 165 members of the International Organization for Standardization. Three types of membership status can be distinguished: [1]
Country A2 code | Country A3 code | Country code No. | Country name (English) | Standards body | ISO status |
AF | AFG | 004 | Afghanistan | ANSA | Member body |
AL | ALB | 008 | Albania | DPS | Correspondent member |
DZ | DZA | 012 | Algeria | IANOR | Member body |
AO | AGO | 024 | Angola | IANORQ | Correspondent member |
AG | ATG | 028 | Antigua and Barbuda | ABBS | Subscriber member |
AR | ARG | 032 | Argentina | IRAM | Member body |
AM | ARM | 051 | Armenia | SARM | Member body |
AU | AUS | 036 | Australia | SA | Member body |
AT | AUT | 040 | Austria | ASI | Member body |
AZ | AZE | 031 | Azerbaijan | AZSTAND | Member body |
BS | BHS | 044 | Bahamas | BBSQ | Correspondent member |
BH | BHR | 048 | Bahrain | BSMD | Member body |
BD | BGD | 050 | Bangladesh | BSTI | Member body |
BB | BRB | 052 | Barbados | BNSI | Member body |
BY | BLR | 112 | Belarus | BELST | Member body |
BE | BEL | 056 | Belgium | NBN | Member body |
BZ | BLZ | 084 | Belize | BZBS | Correspondent member |
BJ | BEN | 204 | Benin | CEBENOR | Member body |
BT | BTN | 064 | Bhutan | SQCA | Correspondent member |
BO | BOL | 068 | Bolivia, Plurinational State of | IBNORCA | Correspondent member |
BA | BIH | 070 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | BASMP | Member body |
BW | BWA | 072 | Botswana | BOBS | Member body |
BR | BRA | 076 | Brazil | ABNT | Member body |
BN | BRN | 096 | Brunei Darussalam | CPRU | Correspondent member |
BG | BGR | 100 | Bulgaria | BDS | Member body |
BF | BFA | 854 | Burkina Faso | FASONORM | Member body |
BI | BDI | 108 | Burundi | BBN | Correspondent member |
KH | KHM | 116 | Cambodia | ISC | Correspondent member |
CM | CMR | 120 | Cameroon | CDNQ | Member body |
CA | CAN | 124 | Canada | SCC | Member body |
CV | CPV | 132 | Cape Verde | — | [2] |
CF | CAF | 140 | Central African Republic | — | [2] |
TD | TCD | 148 | Chad | — | [2] |
CL | CHL | 152 | Chile | INN | Member body |
CN | CHN | 156 | China | SAC | Member body |
CO | COL | 170 | Colombia | ICONTEC | Member body |
KM | COM | 174 | Comoros | — | [2] |
CG | COG | 178 | Congo | — | [2] |
CD(ZR) | COD | 180 | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | OCC | Member body |
CR | CRI | 188 | Costa Rica | INTECO | Member body |
CI | CIV | 384 | Côte d'Ivoire | CODINORM | Member body |
HR | HRV | 191 | Croatia | HZN | Member body |
CU | CUB | 192 | Cuba | NC | Member body |
CY | CYP | 196 | Cyprus | CYS | Member body |
CZ | CZE | 203 | Czech Republic | ÚNMZ | Member body |
DK | DNK | 208 | Denmark | DS | Member body |
DJ | DJI | 262 | Djibouti | — | [2] |
DM | DMA | 212 | Dominica | DBOS | Correspondent member |
DO | DOM | 214 | Dominican Republic | INDOCAL | Member body |
EC | ECU | 218 | Ecuador | INEN | Member body |
EG | EGY | 818 | Egypt | EOS | Member body |
SV | SLV | 222 | El Salvador | CONACYT | Member body |
GQ | GNQ | 226 | Equatorial Guinea | — | [2] |
ER | ERI | 232 | Eritrea | ESI | Correspondent member |
EE | EST | 233 | Estonia | EVS | Member body |
SZ | SWZ | 748 | Eswatini | SWASA | Correspondent member |
ET | ETH | 231 | Ethiopia | IES | Member body |
FJ | FJI | 242 | Fiji | FTSQCO | Member body |
FI | FIN | 246 | Finland | SFS | Member body |
FR | FRA | 250 | France | AFNOR | Member body |
GA | GAB | 266 | Gabon | CNTT | Member body |
GM | GMB | 270 | Gambia | TGSB | Correspondent member |
GE | GEO | 268 | Georgia | GEOSTM | Correspondent member |
DE | DEU | 276 | Germany | DIN | Member body |
GH | GHA | 288 | Ghana | GSB | Member body |
GR | GRC | 300 | Greece | ELOT | Member body |
GD | GRD | 308 | Grenada | — | [2] |
GT | GTM | 320 | Guatemala | COGUANOR | Correspondent member |
GN | GIN | 324 | Guinea | INNM | Correspondent member |
GW | GNB | 624 | Guinea-Bissau | DSNPQ | [2] |
GY | GUY | 328 | Guyana | GNBS | Correspondent member |
HT | HTI | 332 | Haiti | BHN | Correspondent member |
HN | HND | 340 | Honduras | COHCIT | Subscriber member |
HK | HKG | 344 | Hong Kong (China) | ITCHKSAR | Correspondent member |
HU | HUN | 348 | Hungary | MSZT | Member body |
IS | ISL | 352 | Iceland | IST | Member body |
IN | IND | 356 | India | BIS | Member body |
ID | IDN | 360 | Indonesia | BSN | Member body |
IR | IRN | 364 | Iran, Islamic Republic of | ISIRI | Member body |
IQ | IRQ | 368 | Iraq | COSQC | Member body |
IE | IRL | 372 | Ireland | NSAI | Member body |
IL | ISR | 376 | Israel | SII | Member body |
IT | ITA | 380 | Italy | UNI | Member body |
JM | JAM | 388 | Jamaica | JBS | Member body |
JP | JPN | 392 | Japan | JISC | Member body |
JO | JOR | 400 | Jordan | JISM | Member body |
KZ | KAZ | 398 | Kazakhstan | KAZMEMST | Member body |
KE | KEN | 404 | Kenya | KEBS | Member body |
KI | KIR | 296 | Kiribati | — | [2] |
KP | PRK | 408 | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | CSK | Member body |
KR | KOR | 410 | Korea, Republic of | KATS | Member body |
KW | KWT | 414 | Kuwait | KOWSMD | Member body |
KG | KGZ | 417 | Kyrgyzstan | KYRGYZST | Correspondent member |
LA | LAO | 418 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | DISM | Subscriber member |
LV | LVA | 428 | Latvia | LVS | Member body |
LB | LBN | 422 | Lebanon | LIBNOR | Member body |
LS | LSO | 426 | Lesotho | LSQAS | Correspondent member |
LR | LBR | 430 | Liberia | — | [2] |
LY | LBY | 434 | Libya | LNCSM | Member body |
LI | LIE | 438 | Liechtenstein | — | [2] |
LT | LTU | 440 | Lithuania | LSB | Member body |
LU | LUX | 442 | Luxembourg | SEE | Member body |
MO | MAC | 446 | Macao (China) | CPTTM | Correspondent member |
MG | MDG | 450 | Madagascar | BNM | Correspondent member |
MW | MWI | 454 | Malawi | MBS | Member body |
MY | MYS | 458 | Malaysia | DSM | Member body |
MV | MDV | 462 | Maldives | — | [2] |
ML | MLI | 466 | Mali | MLIDNI | Member body |
MT | MLT | 470 | Malta | MSA | Member body |
MH | MHL | 584 | Marshall Islands | — | [2] |
MR | MRT | 478 | Mauritania | — | Correspondent member |
MU | MUS | 480 | Mauritius | MSB | Member body |
MX | MEX | 484 | Mexico | DGN | Member body |
FM | FSM | 583 | Micronesia, Federated States of | — | [2] |
MD | MDA | 498 | Moldova, Republic of | MOLDST | Correspondent member |
MC | MCO | 492 | Monaco | — | [2] |
MN | MNG | 496 | Mongolia | MASM | Member body |
ME | MNE | 499 | Montenegro | ISME | Correspondent member |
MA | MAR | 504 | Morocco | SNIMA | Member body |
MZ | MOZ | 508 | Mozambique | INNOQ | Correspondent member |
MM | MMR | 104 | Myanmar | MSTRD | Correspondent member |
NA | NAM | 516 | Namibia | NSIQO | Member body |
NR | NRU | 520 | Nauru | — | [2] |
NP | NPL | 524 | Nepal | NBSM | Member body |
NL | NLD | 528 | Netherlands | NEN | Member body |
NZ | NZL | 554 | New Zealand | SNZ | Member body |
NI | NIC | 558 | Nicaragua | DTNM | Correspondent member |
NE | NER | 562 | Niger | DNQM | Correspondent member |
NG | NGA | 566 | Nigeria | SON | Member body |
MK | MKD | 807 | North Macedonia | ISRM | Member body |
NO | NOR | 578 | Norway | SN | Member body |
OM | OMN | 512 | Oman | DGSM | Member body |
PK | PAK | 586 | Pakistan | PSQCA | Member body |
PW | PLW | 585 | Palau | — | [2] |
PS | PSE | 275 | Palestine, State of [3] | PSI | Correspondent member |
PA | PAN | 591 | Panama | COPANIT | Member body |
PG | PNG | 598 | Papua New Guinea | NISIT | Correspondent member |
PY | PRY | 600 | Paraguay | INTN | Correspondent member |
PE | PER | 604 | Peru | INACAL | Member body |
PH | PHL | 608 | Philippines | BPS | Member body |
PL | POL | 616 | Poland | PKN | Member body |
PT | PRT | 620 | Portugal | IPQ | Member body |
QA | QAT | 634 | Qatar | QS | Member body |
RO | ROU | 642 | Romania | ASRO | Member body |
RU | RUS | 643 | Russian Federation | GOST R | Member body |
RW | RWA | 646 | Rwanda | RBS | Member body |
KN | KNA | 659 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | — | [2] |
LC | LCA | 662 | Saint Lucia | SLBS | Member body |
VC | VCT | 670 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | SVGBS | Subscriber member |
WS | WSM | 882 | Samoa | — | [2] |
SM | SMR | 674 | San Marino | — | [2] |
ST | STP | 678 | Sao Tome and Principe | — | [2] |
SA | SAU | 682 | Saudi Arabia | SASO | Member body |
SN | SEN | 686 | Senegal | ASN | Member body |
RS | SRB | 891 | Serbia | ISS | Member body |
SC | SYC | 690 | Seychelles | SBS | Correspondent member |
SL | SLE | 694 | Sierra Leone | — | Correspondent member |
SG | SGP | 702 | Singapore | SPRING SG | Member body |
SK | SVK | 703 | Slovakia | SUTN | Member body |
SI | SVN | 705 | Slovenia | SIST | Member body |
SB | SLB | 090 | Solomon Islands | — | [2] |
SO | SOM | 706 | Somalia | — | [2] |
ZA | ZAF | 710 | South Africa | SABS | Member body |
SS | SSD | 728 | South Sudan | [2] | |
ES | ESP | 724 | Spain | AENOR | Member body |
LK | LKA | 144 | Sri Lanka | SLSI | Member body |
SD | SDN | 729 | Sudan | SSMO | Member body |
SR | SUR | 740 | Suriname | SSB | Correspondent member |
SE | SWE | 752 | Sweden | SIS | Member body |
CH | CHE | 756 | Switzerland | SNV | Member body |
SY | SYR | 760 | Syrian Arab Republic | SASMO | [2] |
TW | TWN | 158 | Taiwan | BSMI/TAF | [2] |
TZ | TZA | 834 | Tanzania, United Republic of | TBS | Member body |
TJ | TJK | 762 | Tajikistan | TJKSTN | Correspondent member |
TH | THA | 764 | Thailand | TISI | Member body |
TL | TLS | 206 | Timor-Leste | — | [2] |
TG | TGO | 768 | Togo | CSN | [2] |
TO | TON | 776 | Tonga | — | [2] |
TT | TTO | 780 | Trinidad and Tobago | TTBS | Member body |
TN | TUN | 788 | Tunisia | INNORPI | Member body |
TR | TUR | 792 | Turkey | TSE | Member body |
TM | TKM | 795 | Turkmenistan | MSST | Correspondent member |
TV | TUV | 798 | Tuvalu | — | [2] |
UG | UGA | 800 | Uganda | UNBS | Member body |
UA | UKR | 804 | Ukraine | SE UkrNDNC [4] | Member body |
AE | ARE | 784 | United Arab Emirates | ESMA | Member body |
GB | GBR | 826 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | BSI | Member body |
US | USA | 840 | United States of America | ANSI | Member body |
UY | URY | 858 | Uruguay | UNIT | Member body |
UZ | UZB | 860 | Uzbekistan | UZSTANDARD | Member body |
VU | VUT | 548 | Vanuatu | — | [2] |
VA | VAT | 336 | Vatican City | — | [2] |
VE | VEN | 862 | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | FONDONORMA | [2] |
VN | VNM | 704 | Viet Nam | TCVN | Member body |
EH | ESH | 732 | Western Sahara | — | [2] |
YE | YEM | 887 | Yemen | YSMO | Member body |
ZM | ZMB | 894 | Zambia | ZABS | Correspondent member |
ZW | ZWE | 816 | Zimbabwe | SAZ | Member body |
The American National Standards Institute is a private nonprofit organization that oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, services, processes, systems, and personnel in the United States. The organization also coordinates U.S. standards with international standards so that American products can be used worldwide.
ISO 3166 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that defines codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, special areas of geographical interest, and their principal subdivisions. The official name of the standard is Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions.
The International Organization for Standardization, French: Organisation internationale de normalisation, is an independent, non-governmental, international standard development organization composed of representatives from the national standards organizations of member countries.
The International Electrotechnical Commission is an international standards organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies – collectively known as "electrotechnology". IEC standards cover a vast range of technologies from power generation, transmission and distribution to home appliances and office equipment, semiconductors, fibre optics, batteries, solar energy, nanotechnology, and marine energy, as well as many others. The IEC also manages four global conformity assessment systems that certify whether equipment, system or components conform to its international standards.
ISO 3166-3 is part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and defines codes for country names which have been deleted from ISO 3166-1 since its first publication in 1974. The official name of the standard is Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions – Part 3: Code for formerly used names of countries. It was first published in 1999.
ISO 3166-1 is a standard defining codes for the names of countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. It is the first part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization.
A standards organization, standards body, standards developing organization (SDO), or standards setting organization (SSO) is an organization whose primary function is developing, coordinating, promulgating, revising, amending, reissuing, interpreting, or otherwise contributing to the usefulness of technical standards to those who employ them. Such an organization works to create uniformity across producers, consumers, government agencies, and other relevant parties regarding terminology, product specifications, protocols, and more. Its goals could include ensuring that Company A's external hard drive works on Company B's computer, an individual's blood pressure measures the same with Company C's sphygmomanometer as it does with Company D's, or that all shirts that should not be ironed have the same icon on the label.
The European Committee for Standardization is a public standards organization whose mission is to foster the economy of the European Single Market and the wider European continent in global trading, the welfare of European citizens and the environment by providing an efficient infrastructure to interested parties for the development, maintenance and distribution of coherent sets of standards and specifications.
Ecma International is a nonprofit standards organization for information and communication systems. It acquired its current name in 1994, when the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) changed its name to reflect the organization's global reach and activities. As a consequence, the name is no longer considered an acronym and no longer uses full capitalization.
The Barbados Stock Exchange or BSE is Barbados' main stock exchange. Its headquarters are in the capital-city Bridgetown. The body was established in 1987 by the Parliament of Barbados as the Securities Exchange of Barbados (SEB), and remained known as such until August 2, 2001. The unique four symbol alphanumeric Market Identifier Code (MIC) used to identify the BSE as defined under ISO 10383. of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is: XBAB.
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces is a standardization subcommittee of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) that develops and facilitates standards within the fields of programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 is also sometimes referred to as the "portability subcommittee". The international secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), located in the United States.
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is a volunteer-driven, membership-supported, not-for-profit, standards development organization. CLSI promotes the development and use of voluntary laboratory consensus standards and guidelines within the health care community.
The European Underwater Federation (EUF) is an umbrella organisation representing the interests of scuba diver training organisations operating in both the not for profit and for profit sectors within Europe.
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection is a standardization subcommittee of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 develops International Standards, Technical Reports, and Technical Specifications within the field of information security. Standardization activity by this subcommittee includes general methods, management system requirements, techniques and guidelines to address information security, cybersecurity and privacy. Drafts of International Standards by ISO/IEC JTC 1 or any of its subcommittees are sent out to participating national standardization bodies for ballot, comments and contributions. Publication as an ISO/IEC International Standard requires approval by a minimum of 75% of the national bodies casting a vote. The international secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 is the Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) located in Germany.
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 Information Technology for Learning, Education and Training is a standardization subcommittee (SC), which is part of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), that develops and facilitates standards within the field of information technology (IT) for learning, education and training (LET). ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 was established at the November 1999 ISO/IEC JTC 1 plenary in Seoul, Korea. The subcommittee held its first plenary meeting in March 2000 in London, United Kingdom. The international secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 36 is the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), located in the Republic of Korea.
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 Software and systems engineering is a standardization subcommittee of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), that develops and facilitates standards within the field of engineering of software products and systems. The international secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 is the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) located in India.
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 Coded character sets is a standardization subcommittee of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), that develops and facilitates standards within the field of coded character sets. The international secretariat of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 is the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), located in Japan. SC 2 is responsible for the development of the Universal Coded Character Set standard, which is the international standard corresponding to the Unicode Standard.
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 Telecommunications and information exchange between systems is a standardization subcommittee of the Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1. It is part of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which develops and facilitates standards within the field of telecommunications and information exchange between systems.
ECLASS is a data standard for the classification of products and services using standardized ISO-compliant properties. The ECLASS Standard enables the digital exchange of product master data across industries, countries, languages or organizations. Its use as a standardized basis for a product group structure or with product-describing properties of master data is particularly widespread in ERP systems.