Curly-tailed lizard

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Curly-tailed lizard
Leiocephalus carinatus
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Iguania
Clade: Pleurodonta
Family: Leiocephalidae
Frost & Etheridge, 1989
Genus: Leiocephalus
Gray, 1827 [1]

Leiocephalidae, also known as the curlytail lizards or curly-tailed lizards, is a family of iguanian lizards restricted to the West Indies . One of the defining features of these lizards is that their tail often curls over. They were previously regarded as members of the subfamily Leiocephalinae within the family Tropiduridae. There are presently 30 known species, all in the genus Leiocephalus.



Phylogenetic evidence supports Leiocephalidae being the most basal extant member of the clade Pleurodonta, with it diverging from the rest of the suborder as early as the Late Cretaceous, about 91 million years ago. [2] As with many other higher-order taxa endemic to the Caribbean, it likely colonized the Antilles from South America during the Cenozoic; however, its deep divergence time from other lizards supports a much more complex and less straightforward history in the West Indies compared to other modern taxa. [3]

Phylogenetic analysis on the genus supports some members of the now-extinct Lesser Antillean Leiocephalus radiation being the most basal of the recent Leiocephalus, with the last-surviving members of this group, L. herminieri and L. roquetus , sharing traits not present in other curlytail lizards from the Greater Antilles and other areas, such as the absence of enlarged snout scales. The second most basal of the recent curlytail lizards is another recently extinct species, L. eremitus from Navassa, followed by all other members of the genus from the Bahamas and Greater Antilles. Another extinct species from the Lesser Antilles known only from fossil remains, L. cuneus of Antigua and Barbuda, is thought to be more closely related to more derived Leiocephalus from the Bahamas and Greater Antilles, such as L. carinatus , L. greenwayi and L. punctatus , than to the other, more basal Lesser Antillean and Navassa species. [3]


Curlytail lizards are native to the West Indies, with the extant (living) species in the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic) and nearby small islands. [4] [5] Additionally, Leiocephalus carinatus and Leiocephalus schreibersii have been introduced to Florida. [6]

Former distribution

Curlytail lizards formerly had a much wider native range, being distributed south to Jamaica and east to Puerto Rico and several of the Lesser Antilles. [7] They went extinct in most of this range during the Quaternary extinction or Holocene extinction, with some members of the Lesser Antillean radiation surviving to recent times, perhaps remaining widespread until after European colonization. The last surviving members of the Lesser Antillean radiation, L. herminieri of Guadeloupe and L. roquetus of Martinique, went extinct during the early-mid 19th century. [3]

General anatomy

The curly-tailed lizards vary in size depending on species, but typically are approximately 9 cm (3.5 in) in snout-to-vent length. These lizards have no femoral pores, pterygoid teeth, or palatine teeth. Additionally, these lizards are observed to have overlapping scales. [4]


The curly-tailed lizards mostly forage on arthropods such as insects, but also commonly take flowers and fruits. [4] [8] Large individuals will eat small vertebrates, including anoles. [8] [9]

As suggested by their name, most species of this family often lift their tail and curl it. This is done both when a potential predator is present and when not present, although in some curly-tailed lizard species it increases when a predator is present. It shows the fitness of the lizard to a would-be predator and—in the case of an attack—draws attention to the tail, which increases the lizard's chance of escaping. [10] [11] Although it has been suggested that it also functions as a territorial display, [6] studies have been unable to find support for this, as the tail curling does not vary when another member of the same species is present. [11]

Conservation status and extinctions

The conservation status of the species in this family varies greatly. Several species, for example Leiocephalus carinatus, are common and widespread. Others are rare and highly threatened, especially those restricted to a single small island or a single location on a larger island, like the critically endangered Leiocephalus (barahonensis) altavelensis from Alto Velo Island and critically endangered Leiocephalus onaneyi from Guantánamo Province in Cuba. [5] Primary threats to their survival are habitat loss (for example, expanding agriculture, charcoal production and grazing goats) and introduced predators (for example, small Indian mongoose). [12] [13] [14]

Several species of Leiocephalus are already extinct, including all of the Jamaican, Puerto Rican and Lesser Antillean members of the genus. [7] [15] Some of these are only known from fossil or subfossil remains and became extinct in the Pleistocene or pre-Columbian era, but others such as two Lesser Antillean species and one from Navassa survived until comparatively recently, during the 19th century. Leiocephalus is the only known squamate genus to be entirely wiped out from the Lesser Antilles following European colonization; other reptilian genera that have also seen significant extirpations in the Lesser Antilles, such as Boa or Diploglossus , still retain relict populations on at least some islands, such as Dominica and Montserrat. This mass disappearance of Leiocephalus from the Lesser Antilles may be due to their inhabiting dry forests in littoral areas that were heavily exploited and deforested by early colonists. Few confirmed Leiocephalus fossil remains from after the early Holocene are known from the Lesser Antilles, which has raised doubts about their being only recently extirpated from this area; however, Leiocephalus fossil bones are small and closely resemble those of other lizard species, which may explain the lack of detection of Leiocephalus fossil bones from these areas aside from by the most highly trained palaeo-herpetologists. [3]

In modern times, three species, Leiocephalus endomychus, Leiocephalus pratensis and Leiocephalus rhutidira, have not been seen since the 1960s and 1970s and are recognized as critically endangered, possibly extinct, by the IUCN. They are among the "most wanted" EDGE species. [13] [14] [16]

Newly discovered species

Lizards of this family are diurnal and mostly inhabit fairly open habitats in a generally well-studied part of the world. Consequently, the majority of the species and subspecies already were scientifically described several decades ago. In 2016, the first new curly-tailed lizard since the early 1980s was described. The species was found in the coastal dunes of Bahía de las Calderas in the southwestern Dominican Republic. This species differs from the rest within Leiocephalidae in that its bony parietal table is U-shaped versus V-shaped, the males have 3–4 enlarged post-postcloacal scales versus 2, and there are specific sexual dimorphism trails. [17]

Species and subspecies

The following species and subspecies, listed alphabetically by scientific name, are recognized as being valid by the Reptile Database. [18]

Extant and recently extinct species

ImageScientific nameCommon NameSubspeciesDistribution
Leiocephalus barahonensis Schmidt, 1921orange-bellied curlytail
  • L. b. altavelensis Noble & Hassler, 1933Alto Velo curly-tailed lizard, Alto Velo curlytail (likely better regarded as a separate species) [19] [20]
  • L. b. aureus Cochran, 1934
  • L. b. barahonensisSchmidt, 1921
  • L. b. beatanusNoble, 1923
  • L. b. oxygaster A. Schwartz, 1967
Leiocephalus carinatus armouri.jpg Leiocephalus carinatus Gray, 1827saw-scaled curlytail, northern curly-tailed lizard
  • L. c. carinatus Gray, 1827
  • L. c. aquarius Schwartz & Ogren, 1956
  • L. c. armouri Barbour & Shreve, 1935
  • L. c. cayensisSchwartz, 1959
  • L. c. coryi K.P. Schmidt, 1936
  • L. c. granti Rabb, 1957
  • L. c. hodsdoniK.P. Schmidt, 1936
  • L. c. labrossytusSchwartz, 1959, South Central Cuba, Playa Larga
  • L. c. microcyonSchwartz, 1959
  • L. c. mogotensisSchwartz, 1959
  • L. c. virescens Stejneger, 1901
  • L. c. zayasiSchwartz, 1959
Bahama Islands, the Cayman Islands and Cuba
Cuban Brown Curlytail (Leiocephalus cubensis) (8591588491).jpg Leiocephalus cubensis (Gray, 1840)Cuban brown curlytail, Cuban curlytail lizard
  • L. c. cubensis(Gray, 1840)
  • L. c. gigasA. Schwartz, 1959
  • L. c. minor Varona & Garrido, 1970
  • L. c. pambasileusA. Schwartz, 1959
  • L. c. paraphrusA. Schwartz, 1959
Leiocephalus endomychus A. Schwartz, 1967 Hinche curlytail, Central Haitian curlytail (possibly extinct, last seen in 1976)Haiti
Leiocephalus eremitus (Cope, 1868) Navassa curlytail lizard (extinct, 19th century)Navassa Island
Leiocephalus greenwayi Barbour & Shreve, 1935 East Plana curlytail, Plana Cay curlytail lizardBahama Islands
Leiocephalus herminieri (A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron, 1837) Martinique curlytail lizard (extinct, 19th century)Trinidad and Tobago
Leiocephalus inaguae Cochran, 1931 Inagua curlytail lizardBahamas
Leiocephalus loxogrammus (Cope, 1887) San Salvador curlytail, Rum Cay curlytail lizard
  • L. l. loxogrammus(Cope, 1887)
  • L. l. parnelliBarbour & Shreve, 1935
Leiocephalus lunatus.jpg Leiocephalus lunatus Cochran, 1934 Hispaniolan maskless curlytail, Santo Domingo curlytail lizard
  • L. l. arenicolor Mertens, 1939
  • L. l. lewisiA. Schwartz, 1967
  • L. l. louisaeCochran, 1934
  • L. l. lunatusCochran, 1934
  • L. l. melaenoscelisA. Schwartz, 1967
  • L. l. thomasiA. Schwartz, 1967
Dominican Republic.
Cuban Side-blotched Curlytail (Leiocephalus macropus) (8592688740).jpg Leiocephalus macropus (Cope, 1863)Cuban side-blotched curlytail, Monte Verde curlytail lizard
  • L. m. aegialusA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1967
  • L. m. asbolomusA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1967
  • L. m. felinoiGarrido, 1979
  • L. m. hoplites Zug, 1959
  • L. m. hyacinthurusZug, 1959
  • L. m. immaculatus Hardy, 1958
  • L. m. koopmaniZug, 1959
  • L. m. lenticulatusGarrido, 1973
  • L. m. macropus(Cope, 1863)
  • L. m. phylaxA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1967
  • L. m. torreiGarrido, 1979
Tiburon Curlytail imported from iNaturalist photo 112020623 on 21 April 2022.jpg Leiocephalus melanochlorus (Cope, 1863) Tiburon curlytail, Jérémie curlytailed lizard
  • L. m. hypsistusSchwartz, 1966
  • L. m. melanochlorus(Cope, 1863)
Leiocephalus onaneyi Garrido, 1973 Guantanamo striped curlytail, Guantanamo striped curly-tailed lizard, Sierra curlytail lizardCuba.
Leiocephalus-personatus-maskenleguan.jpg Leiocephalus personatus (Cope, 1863)Hispaniolan masked curlytail, Haitian curlytail lizardHispaniola.
Leiocephalus pratensis (Cochran, 1928)Haitian striped curlytail, Atalaye curlytail lizard (possibly extinct, last seen in 1966)
  • L. p. chimarusA. Schwartz, 1979
  • L. p. pratensis(Cochran, 1928)
Leiocephalus psammodromus 189402506.jpg Leiocephalus psammodromus Barbour, 1920 Turks and Caicos curlytail, Bastion Cay curlytail lizard
  • L. p. aphretorA. Schwartz, 1967
  • L. p. apocrinusA. Schwartz, 1967
  • L. p. cacodoxusA. Schwartz, 1967
  • L. p. hyphantusA. Schwartz, 1967
  • L. p. mounaxA. Schwartz, 1967
  • L. p. psammodromusBarbour, 1920
Turks and Caicos Islands
Leiocephalus punctatus Cochran, 1931 Crooked Acklins curlytail, spotted curlytail lizardBahamas.
Leiocephalus raviceps (Cope, 1863)pallid curlytail, mountain curlytail lizard
  • L. r. delavaraiGarrido, 1973
  • L. r. jaumeiA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1968
  • L. r. kilinikowskiA. Schwartz, 1960
  • L. r. raviceps(Cope, 1863)
  • L. r. uzzelliA. Schwartz, 1960
Leiocephalus rhutidira A. Schwartz, 1979Haitian black-throated curlytail, Lapierre curlytail lizard (possibly extinct, last seen in 1978)Haiti.
Leiocephalus roquetus Bochaton, Charles, and Lenoble, 2021La Désirade curlytail lizard, curlytail roquet (extinct, late 19th century)Guadeloupe.
Leiocephalus schreibersii Prague Zoo.jpg Leiocephalus schreibersii (Gravenhorst, 1838)red-sided curlytail, red-sided curly-tailed lizard
  • L. s. nesomorusA. Schwartz, 1968
  • L. s. schreibersii(Gravenhorst, 1838)
Leiocephalus semilineatus Dunn, 1920Hispaniolan pale-bellied curlytail, Thomazeau curlytail lizard, Pale-bellied Hispaniolan curlytailHispaniola.
Leiocephalus sixtoi P1010419.jpg Leiocephalus sixtoi Kohler, Bobadilla, & Hedges, 2016Hispaniolan dune curlytailHispaniola.
Cabo Corrientes Curlytail lizard Leiocephalus stictigaster - Flickr - gailhampshire.jpg Leiocephalus stictigaster A. Schwartz, 1959Cuban striped curlytail, Cabo Corrientes curlytail lizard
  • L. s. astictusA. Schwartz, 1959
  • L. s. celeustesA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1968
  • L. s. exotheotusA. Schwartz, 1959
  • L. s. gibarensisA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1968
  • L. s. lipomatorA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1968
  • L. s. lucianusA. Schwartz, 1960
  • L. s. naranjoiA. Schwartz & Garrido, 1968
  • L. s. ophiplacodesA. Schwartz, 1964
  • L. s. parasphexA. Schwartz, 1964
  • L. s. septentrionalisGarrido, 1975
  • L. s. sierraeA. Schwartz, 1959
  • L. s. stictigasterA. Schwartz, 1959
Cayman curly-tailed lizard (Leiocephalus varius).jpg Leiocephalus varius Garman, 1887 Cayman curlytail, Cayman curly-tailed lizardCayman Islands.
Leiocephalus vinculum Cochran, 1928 Gonave curlytail, Cochran's curlytail lizardHaiti.

Fossil and subfossil species

Nota bene : A binomial authority or trinomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species or subspecies was originally described in a genus other than Leiocephalus.

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Leiocephalus pratensis, commonly known as the Haitian striped curlytail or Atalaye curlytail lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Leiocephalidae. It is native to Haiti.

<i>Leiocephalus psammodromus</i> Species of lizard

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Leiocephalus etheridgei, commonly known as the Morovis curlytail, is an extinct species of lizard in the family Leiocephalidae. The species was native to Puerto Rico.

Leiocephalus jamaicensis, commonly known as the Jamaican curlytail, is an extinct species of lizard in the family Leiocephalidae. It was native to Jamaica.

Leiocephalus roquetus, also known as the curlytail roquet or La Désirade curlytail lizard, is an extinct species of lizard in the family of curly-tailed lizard (Leiocephalidae). It was endemic to Guadeloupe.

Leiocephalus apertosulcus, also known as the Banica giant curlytail lizard is an extinct species of curly-tailed lizard from Hispaniola. This species stands out within the genus Leiocephalus for its unique skeletal characteristics and large size.

Leiocephalus anonymus, also known as the Atalaye giant curlytail lizard, is an extinct species of curly-tailed lizard discovered in cave deposits of northwestern Haiti. The species is notable for its large size among curly-tailed lizards and its unique combination of ancestral and derived skeletal features. Its fossils remained unstudied for over 50 years before their formal description in 1984.


  1. "Leiocepalus ". Dahms Tierleben.
  2. Zheng, Yuchi; Wiens, John J. (1 January 2016). "Combining phylogenomic and supermatrix approaches, and a time-calibrated phylogeny for squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes) based on 52 genes and 4162 species". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 94 (Pt B): 537–547. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2015.10.009. ISSN   1055-7903. PMID   26475614.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Bochaton, Corentin; Charles, Laurent; Lenoble, Arnaud (15 February 2021). "Historical and fossil evidence of an extinct endemic species of Leiocephalus (Squamata: Leiocephalidae) from the Guadeloupe Islands". Zootaxa. 4927 (3): 383–409. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4927.3.4. ISSN   1175-5334. PMID   33756701. S2CID   232337806.
  4. 1 2 3 J., Vitt, Laurie (2014). Herpetology : an introductory biology of amphibians and reptiles. Caldwell, Janalee P. (4th ed.). Amsterdam. ISBN   9780123869197. OCLC   839312807.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. 1 2 Hedges, B. "All Islands". CaribHerp. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  6. 1 2 Conant, R.; J.T. Collins (1998). A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America (3 ed.). Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. pp.  244–246. ISBN   978-0395904527.
  7. 1 2 "Search results | The Reptile Database". Retrieved 1 March 2021.
  8. 1 2 Kircher, B.L.; C.D. Robinson; M.A. Johnson (2014). "Herbivory in the Northern Curly-tailed Lizard (Leiocephalus carinatus)". Caribbean Herpetology. 50: 1–2. doi: 10.31611/ch.50 .
  9. Steinberg; Losos; Schoener; Spiller; Kolbe; Leal (2004). "Predation-associated modulation of movement-based signals by a Bahamian lizard". PNAS. 11 (25): 9187–9192. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1407190111 . PMC   4078856 . PMID   24843163.
  10. Cooper, W.E. (2007). "Escape and its relationship to pursuit-deterrent signaling in the Cuban curly-tailed lizard Leiocephalus carinatus". Herpetologica. 63 (2): 144–150. doi:10.1655/0018-0831(2007)63[144:EAIRTP]2.0.CO;2. S2CID   86526680.
  11. 1 2 Kircher, B.K.; M.A. Johnson (2017). "Why do curly tail lizards (genus Leiocephalus) curl their tails? An assessment of displays toward conspecifics and predators". Ethology. 123 (5): 342–347. Bibcode:2017Ethol.123..342K. doi: 10.1111/eth.12603 .
  12. Fong, A. (2017). "Leiocephalus onaneyi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2017: e.T75310301A75607524. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T75310301A75607524.en .
  13. 1 2 "57. Central Haitian Curlytail". EDGE species. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  14. 1 2 "73. Lapierre Curlytail Lizard". EDGE species. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  15. Meiri, S.; et al. (2017). "Extinct, obscure or imaginary: The lizard species with the smallest ranges" (PDF). Diversity and Distributions. 24 (2): 262–273. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12678 .
  16. "75. Atalaye Curlytail Lizard". EDGE species. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
  17. Köhler, Gunther; Bobadilla, Marcos J. Rodríguez; Hedges, S. Blair (13 June 2016). "A new dune-dwelling lizard of the genus Leiocephalus (Iguania, Leiocephalidae) from the Dominican Republic". Zootaxa. 4121 (5): 517–32. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4121.5.2. ISSN   1175-5334. PMID   27395240. S2CID   9386834.
  18. Leiocephalus at the Reptile Database . Accessed 2 July 2019.
  19. Inchaustegui, S.; Landestoy, M.; Powell, R. & Hedges, B. (2017) [errata version of 2016 assessment]. "Leiocephalus altavelensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . 2016: e.T75306189A115482003. doi: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T75306189A75607464.en . Retrieved 14 September 2021.
  20. Hedges, S. Blair (2021). "Isla Alto Velo". Caribherp: Amphibians and reptiles of Caribbean Islands. Retrieved 14 September 2021.

Further reading