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Squirting cucumber
Ecballium elaterium1.jpg
A fruit of the squirting cucumber
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Cucurbitales
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Subfamily: Cucurbitoideae
Tribe: Bryonieae
Genus: Ecballium
A.Rich. [1]
E. elaterium
Binomial name
Ecballium elaterium
Synonyms [2]

Ecballium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cucurbitaceae containing a single species, Ecballium elaterium, [1] [3] also called the squirting cucumber, as well as the noli me tangere [ citation needed ] and its English translation touch-me-not[ citation needed ] (a reference to John 20:17). Its unusual common name derives from the ripe fruit squirting a stream of mucilaginous liquid containing its seeds as a means of seed dispersal, an example of rapid plant movement. [4]



E. elaterium is native to Europe, northern Africa, and temperate areas of Asia, and is considered an invasive species. [3] [5] It is grown as an ornamental plant elsewhere, and in some places it has naturalized. [5] [6]

Ecballium elaterium Ecballium elaterium..jpg
Ecballium elaterium

Seed dispersal

The tissue in the fruit of the Ecballium elaterium that surrounds the seeds is made of large, thin-walled cells facilitating the propulsive release of seeds by "squirting". [4] [7] Pressure to expel the seeds is created by the increased concentration of a glucoside called elaterinidin in the sap of the fruit tissue's cells, leading to a turgor pressure of up to 27 atms. The seeds are projected as far as 7–8 m (23–26 ft). [8] The pressure builds up until its force detaches the fruit from the stalk. At the same time, the pericarp contracts and the fruit and seeds are ejected through the hole produced by detachment. [7]  The pressure-building method may depend on the phloem sieve tubes, indicating that the squirting mechanism can be decreased in water stressed conditions. [9]

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Fruit and seeds

The fruit also uses hygroscopic movement and stored elastic energy to squirt the seeds out of the fruit. [4] This method is accomplished passively; the fruit changes its structure as it dehydrates and deteriorates, causing movement. [4] This movement may be due to coiling, bending, or twisting cells to change its morphological shape as the cells dry. [4] Because drying cells are mostly made up of cell wall, the shape is determined by the cell wall, providing a method for catapulting of seeds to eject them out of the plant. [4] [10]

Sudden movements in plant tissues are prone to different types of mechanical instabilities. [4] In the case of E. elaterium, due to the relationship between the duration of movement and the size of the tissue, the plant tissue fractures. [4] Effectiveness of the dispersal seems to be low; one study found that even thoughE. elaterium could have sprayed its seed to an entire plot, the sizes and locations of all infested areas remained relatively similar. [11]

History in folk medicine

Elaterine is the cucurbitacin extract used in ancient history as a purgative in folk medicine. Extracted from the juice of the fruit of E. elaterium, elaterium was discovered by Stirling in 1835. [12] Elaterin is extracted from elaterium by chloroform and then precipitated by ether. It has the formula C32H44O7. It forms colorless scales which have a bitter taste, with evidence as a poison when consumed through the nose or mouth. [13] The British pharmacopeia contained a preparation, the Pulvis Elaterini Compositus. [14]

According to the Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition, "[t]he action of this extract resembles that of the saline aperients, but is much more powerful. It is the most active hydragogue purgative known, 'causing also much depression and violent griping'. When injected subcutaneously, it is inert, as its action is entirely dependent upon its admixture with the bile. The drug is undoubtedly valuable in cases of dropsy and Bright's disease, and also in cases of cerebral haemorrhage, threatened or present. It must not be used except in urgent cases, and must invariably be employed with the utmost care, especially if the state of the heart be unsatisfactory." [14]

In the 21st century, elaterium and its constituents are considered a poison, with several case reports of hospitalization, edema of the uvula, and necrosis of the nasal mucosa resulting from nasal or oral consumption. [13] [15]

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  5. 1 2 "Ecballium elaterium". Germplasm Resources Information Network . Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture . Retrieved 21 December 2017.
  6. "Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich". USDA PLANTS.
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  8. Huxley, Anthony (1974). Plant and Planet. New York: Viking Press. p. 171. ISBN   0-670-55886-9.
  9. Sheikholeslam, Shahla N.; Currier, Herbert B. (1 March 1977). "Effect of Water Stress on Turgor Differences and 14 C-Assimilate Movement in Phloem of Ecballium elaterium". Plant Physiology. 59 (3): 381–383. doi: 10.1104/pp.59.3.381 . PMC   542407 . PMID   16659856.
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  11. Blank, Lior; Birger, Nitzan; Eizenberg, Hanan (13 November 2019). "Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ecballium elaterium in Almond Orchards". Agronomy. 9 (11): 751. doi: 10.3390/agronomy9110751 .
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  14. 1 2 Chisholm 1911.
  15. Raikhlin-Eisenkraft, Bianca; Bentur, Yedidia (January 2000). "Ecbalium elaterium (Squirting Cucumber)—Remedy or Poison?". Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology. 38 (3): 305–308. doi:10.1081/clt-100100936. PMID   10866331. S2CID   24658851.

Wikisource-logo.svg This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain :  Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Elaterium". Encyclopædia Britannica . Vol. 9 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 160.