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Temporal range:
Middle Devonian (Givetian) – Present, 385–0  Ma [1]
(Possible Eifelian record, 395 Ma [2] )
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Clade: Sarcopterygii
Clade: Tetrapodomorpha
Clade: Eotetrapodiformes
Clade: Elpistostegalia
Camp & Allison, 1961
  • Panderichthyida Vorobyeva, 1989

Elpistostegalia is a clade containing Panderichthys and all more derived tetrapodomorph taxa. The earliest elpistostegalians, combining fishlike and tetrapod-like characters, such as Tiktaalik , are sometimes called fishapods. Although historically Elpistostegalia (referred to as Panderichthyida) was considered an order of prehistoric lobe-finned fishes, it was cladistically redefined to include tetrapods. [7]



A rise in global oxygen content allowed for the evolution of large, predatory fish that were able to exploit the shallow tidal areas and swamplands as top predators. [8] Several groups evolved to fill these niches, the most successful were the elpistiostegalians. In such environments, they would have been challenged by periodic oxygen deficiency. [9] In comparable modern aquatic environments like shallow eutrophic lakes and swampland, modern lungfish and some genera of catfish also rely on the more stable, atmospheric source of oxygen. [10] [11]

Being shallow-water fishes, the elpistostegalians evolved many of the basic adaptions that later allowed the tetrapods to become terrestrial animals. The most important ones were the shift of main propulsion apparatus from the tail fin to the pectoral and pelvic fins, and a shift to reliance on lungs rather than gills as the main means of obtaining oxygen. [12] Both of these appear to be a direct result of moving to an inland freshwater mode of living. [13]

Fossils of Panderichthys are dated to the Givetian (around 385 million years old) or the Frasnian (around 380–375 million years old [14] ). [1] Thus, the oldest bone remains of elpistostegalians appear in the late Middle Devonian or in the early Late Devonian. However, a series of trace fossils from the early Middle Devonian of Poland suggests that tetrapod-limbed animals may have existed as early as in the Eifelian, around 395 million years ago. [2]


Paleontologist and professor Per E. Ahlberg has identified the following traits as synapomorphic for Elpistostegalia (and thus Tetrapoda): [15]


The name, originally coined around the genus Elpistostege , later become a synonym for Panderichthyida. [12] In most analyses, the group as traditionally imagined is actually an evolutionary grade, the last "fishes" of the tetrapod stem line, though Chang and Yu (1997) treated them as the sister clade to Tetrapoda. [15] [16] Elpistostegalia was re-defined as a clade containing Panderichthys and tetrapods. [7]

Below is a cladogram from Swartz, 2012. [7]


The 2020 study by Cloutier et al. revealed that the paired fins of Elpistostege contained bones homologous to the phalanges (digit bones) of modern tetrapods. The analysis carried out in this study recovered Elpistostege as the sister taxon of all unequivocally digited vertebrates. [17]


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Innovations conventionally associated with terrestrially first appeared in aquatic elpistostegalians such as Panderichthys rhombolepis, Elpistostege watsoni, and Tiktaalik roseae. Phylogenetic analyses distribute the features that developed along the tetrapod stem and display a stepwise process of character acquisition, rather than abrupt. The complete transition occurred over a period of 30 million years beginning with the tetrapodomorph diversification in the Middle Devonian.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Intertemporal bone</span>

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The Zachelmie trackways are a series of Middle Devonian-age trace fossils in Poland, purportedly the oldest evidence of terrestrial vertebrates (tetrapods) in the fossil record. These trackways were discovered in the Wojciechowice Formation, an Eifelian-age carbonate unit exposed in the Zachełmie Quarry of the Świętokrzyskie Mountains (Holy Cross Mountains]. The discovery of these tracks has complicated the study of tetrapod evolution. Morphological studies suggest that four-limbed vertebrates are descended from a specialized type of tetrapodomorph fish, the epistostegalians. This hypothesis was supported further by the discovery and 2006 description of Tiktaalik, a well-preserved epistostegalian from the Frasnian of Nunavut. Crucial to this idea is the assumption that tetrapods originated in the Late Devonian, after elpistostegalians appear in the fossil record near the start of the Frasnian. The Zachelmie trackways, however, appear to demonstrate that tetrapods were present prior to the Late Devonian. The implications of this find has led to several different perspectives on the sequence of events involved in tetrapod evolution.

The evolution of fishes took place over a timeline which spans the Cambrian to the Cenozoic, including during that time in particular the Devonian, which has been dubbed the "age of fishes" for the many changes during that period.


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