Emotional selection (dreaming)

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Emotional selection is a psychological theory of dreaming that describes non-REM dreams as modifying mental schemas and REM dreams as testing prior non-REM modifications. [1] [2] Schemas hold concepts that contribute to a mental model of the self and external reality. Consequently, according to emotional selection theory, dreams modify and test a person's perceived self and perceived reality.

As an example of emotional selection in action, a dreamer's sense of independence may be elevated by processing a non-REM dream in which he or she acts independently, such as competently completing a complex task or successfully navigating a challenging social situation. During this non-REM dream, schemas accommodate the dream's theme, resulting in an elevated sense of independence at the close of the non-REM sleep phase. Despite the goal of enhancing schemas, such accommodations can be unintentionally maladaptive. For instance, children typically benefit from a blend of dependence and independence, as an overly developed sense of independence can result in them wandering into dangerous situations. Due to such potential maladaptations, during subsequent REM sleep, a second set of dreams is executed in the form of test scenarios that test the prior non-REM accommodations. In our example, the dreamer may find himself or herself exercising their newfound elevated independence during a REM dream of exploring a dangerous environment or singlehandedly coping with a complex problem. Regardless of the dream scenario, during a REM dream, the mind monitors its emotional response. If the prior accommodations alleviate anxiety, frustration, sadness, or in other ways appear emotionally adaptive during the REM dream test, the accommodations are selected for retention. Those accommodations that exacerbate the emotional response are abandoned or further modified and tested.

Emotional selection's descriptions of REM dreams as tests explains why dreams are often bizarre. Common dream scenarios that incorporate outwardly bizarre scenarios, such as teeth falling out, accidental nudity in public, monsters, flying, and other surreal objects, characters, and situations, provide the extreme conditions necessary to test whether mental schemas can cope with trauma and other severities while awake.

Emotional selection also explains why dreams can be both pleasant and unpleasant. As summarized in Emotional Selection: How Your Dreams Evolve Your Mind:

...after the accommodation phase, the dream process moves to the emotional selection phase, in which dreams serve as test scenarios that tax prior tentative accommodations. These dream tests can be unpleasant, including themes of being chased, falling, being rejected, and performing poorly. Such unpleasant themes test schema modifications that cope with thwarted needs. Conversely, emotional selection also processes dream tests with pleasant themes, such as flying, finding treasure, making discoveries, and achieving success. These enjoyable themes ensure schemas can embrace occasions when our needs are satisfied. [3]

Emotional selection theory is akin to natural selection. Charles Darwin described evolution as a process that includes two phases: a modification phase (variation) and a selection phase (natural selection). Emotional selection also includes two phases: a modification phase (accommodation) and a selection phase (emotional selection). However, unlike the life-or-death tests described by natural selection theory to evolve a genome, emotional selection theory employs dreams to both modify and test mental schemas during sleep.

The schemas targeted by emotional selection are typically those essential for meeting human needs, such as those define by Abraham Maslow and Henry Murray. Consequently, emotional selection theory agrees with evolutionary forces by describing a role for dreams as improving an individual's mental fitness.

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  1. Coutts, Richard (2008). "Dreams as modifiers and tests of mental schemas: an emotional selection hypothesis". Psychological Reports. 102 (2): 561–74. doi:10.2466/pr0.102.2.561-574. PMID   18567225. S2CID   32853481.
  2. Coutts, Richard (2010). "A Pilot Study for the Analysis of Dream Reports Using Maslow's Need Categories: An Extension to the Emotional Selection Hypothesis". Psychological Reports. 107 (2): 659–73. doi:10.2466/09.PR0.107.5.659-673. PMID   21117494. S2CID   13407795.
  3. Coutts, Richard (2024). Emotional Selection: How Your Dreams Evolve Your Mind. Wonders Publishing. ISBN   978-0-578-45447-4.