Emotional thought method

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The emotional thought method (Spanish : Pensamiento emocional) develops a group of activities that can be used in a personal or group-oriented way. This method concerns developing emotional intelligence in a similar way that Daniel Goleman proposed in his 1995 bestseller book Emotional Intelligence.



The emotional thought method was created by Carlos Hué, a Spanish psychologist who is a teacher at the University of Zaragoza. It is explained in the book Pensamiento emocional. Un método para el desarrollo de la autoestima y el liderazgo (Hué, 2007). This book has not yet been translated into English. Carlos Hué gathers a lot of exercises in this method in order to develop emotional skills.

Emotional thought method

Emotional intelligence is based on several competencies intended to help a person gain success in their personal, professional, and social lives. These kinds of competencies are usually acquired in the earliest stages of education and throughout adult life, but they are not taught in a specific way. The reason these competencies are said not to be taught, is that they are characteristic of each individual's personal maturation.

There are a great number of training actions favoured by companies, public administrations, entities, institutions, and social agents that develop some of these competencies. However, there are not complete methods to train emotional competencies.

The emotional thought method illustrates that emotional competencies can be learned throughout life, so they can be taught, learnt and even evaluated.

Emotional competencies

This method proposes seven emotional competencies, four pertaining to the self, like self-knowledge, self-evaluation, emotional control, and personal motivation; and three more pertaining to others, such as:  knowledge of others, appreciation of others, and control of them.

  1. The first group concerns the necessary capacities for a relationship: approximation, affability, and tolerance.
  2. The second group includes the capacities for creating a link: confidence, comprehension and sociability.
  3. The third group includes three levels of approximation: companionship, friendship and love.
  4. Finally, there is responsibility, as the summary of all of them.

These seven emotional competencies are developed through Several Exercises proposed in the Emotional thought method, as much as in the book of Hué quoted before, as in the TREIN project mentioned below. This method is a systematic project to develop all emotional competencies needed by people, in the workplace, in the family, between friends, in people's daily lives.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Daniel Goleman</span> American author and science journalist

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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to the human self:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Outline of thought</span> Overview of and topical guide to thought

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">David McClelland</span> American psychologist (1917–1998)

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