Herschel 400 Catalogue

Last updated

The Herschel 400 catalogue is a subset of William Herschel's original Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars , selected by Brenda F. Guzman (Branchett), Lydel Guzman, Paul Jones, James Morris, Peggy Taylor and Sara Saey of the Ancient City Astronomy Club in St. Augustine, Florida, United States c. 1980. They decided to generate the list after reading a letter [1] published in Sky & Telescope by James Mullaney of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. [2]


In this letter Mr. Mullaney suggested that William Herschel's original catalogue of 2,500 objects would be an excellent basis for deep sky object selection for amateur astronomers looking for a challenge after completing the Messier Catalogue.

The Herschel 400 is a subset of John Herschel's General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters published in 1864 of 5,000 objects, and hence also of the New General Catalogue .

The catalogue forms the basis of the Astronomical League's Herschel 400 club. In 1997, another subset of 400 Herschel objects was selected by the Rose City Astronomers of Portland, Oregon as the Herschel II list, which forms the basis of the Astronomical League's Herschel II Program.

Basic facts

Distribution of Herschel 400 objects

Distribution of Herschel 400 objects
Red = Galaxies, Green = Nebulae, Yellow = Star Clusters Herschel400StarChart.png
Distribution of Herschel 400 objects
Red = Galaxies, Green = Nebulae, Yellow = Star Clusters

Herschel 400 objects that are also Messier objects

The Herschel 400 contains 17 objects that are part of the Messier catalogue:

MessierNGCCommon nameNotes
M20 NGC 6514 Trifid Nebula
M33 NGC 598 Triangulum Galaxy
M47 NGC 2422
M48 NGC 2548
M51b NGC 5195 companion to the Whirlpool Galaxy
M61 NGC 4303 Swelling Spiral Galaxy
M76 NGC 651 Little Dumbbell Nebula,
Barbell Nebula (northern portion)
M82 NGC 3034 Cigar Galaxy
M91 NGC 4548
M102? NGC 5866 Spindle Galaxyuncertain Messier object designation
M104 NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy
M105 NGC 3379
M106 NGC 4258
M107 NGC 6171 Crucifix Cluster
M108 NGC 3556 Surfboard Galaxy
M109 NGC 3992 Vacuum Cleaner Galaxy
M110 NGC 205

Herschel 400 objects that are also Caldwell objects

The Herschel 400 catalogue pre-dates the Caldwell catalogue by about 15 years. The Caldwell catalogue contains 44 objects that are members of the Herschel 400: [3]

CaldwellNGCCommon name
C2 NGC 40 Bow-Tie Nebula
C6 NGC 6543 Cat's Eye Nebula
C7 NGC 2403
C8 NGC 559
C10 NGC 663
C12 NGC 6946 Fireworks Galaxy
C13 NGC 457 Owl Cluster
C14 NGC 869 Double Cluster
C15 NGC 6826 Blinking Planetary
C16 NGC 7243
C18 NGC 185
C20 NGC 7000 North America Nebula
C21 NGC 4449
C22 NGC 7662 Blue Snowball
C23 NGC 891 Silver Sliver Galaxy
C25 NGC 2419
C28 NGC 752
C29 NGC 5005
C30 NGC 7331
C32 NGC 4631 Whale Galaxy
C36 NGC 4559
C37 NGC 6885
C38 NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy
C39 NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula,
Clown Face Nebula
C40 NGC 3626
C42 NGC 7006
C43 NGC 7814
C44 NGC 7479
C45 NGC 5248
C47 NGC 6934
C48 NGC 2775
C50 NGC 2244 Satellite Cluster
C52 NGC 4697
C53 NGC 3115 Spindle Galaxy
C54 NGC 2506
C55 NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula
C56 NGC 246 Skull Nebula
C58 NGC 2360 Caroline's Cluster
C59 NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter
C60 NGC 4038 brighter of two Antennae Galaxies
C62 NGC 247
C64 NGC 2362 Tau Canis Majoris Cluster
C65 NGC 253 Sculptor Galaxy,
Silver Coin Galaxy
C66 NGC 5694

Number of objects by type in the Herschel 400

Type of objectNumber
of objects
Galaxies 231
Globular clusters 34
Nebulae 6
Star clusters 99
Star clusters and nebulae5
Planetary nebulae 24
Asterisms 1

Number of Herschel 400 objects in each constellation

ConstellationNo. of objects
Andromeda 6
Aquarius 4
Aquila 3
Aries 1
Auriga 6
Boötes 5
Camelopardalis 5
Cancer 1
Canes Venatici 17
Canis Major 4
ConstellationNo. of objects
Cassiopeia 16
Cepheus 7
Cetus 13
Coma Berenices 24
Corvus 3
Crater 1
Cygnus 10
Delphinus 3
Draco 5
Eridanus 3
ConstellationNo. of objects
Gemini 10
Hercules 2
Hydra 5
Lacerta 3
Leo 23
Leo Minor 10
Lepus 1
Libra 1
Lynx 3
Monoceros 14
ConstellationNo. of objects
Ophiuchus 15
Orion 8
Pegasus 5
Perseus 10
Pisces 2
Puppis 13
Pyxis 2
Sagittarius 18
Scorpius 2
Sculptor 3
ConstellationNo. of objects
Scutum 2
Serpens 1
Sextans 4
Taurus 2
Triangulum 1
Ursa Major 46
Ursa Minor 1
Virgo 50
Vulpecula 6

Herschel 400 objects


   Open cluster    Globular cluster    Diffuse nebula    Planetary nebula    Galaxy


Messier or
Caldwell ID
NGC number Common nameImageObject typeDistance (kly) Constellation Apparent magnitude
C2 NGC 40 Bow-Tie Nebula Ngc40.jpg Planetary Nebula 3.5 Cepheus 11
NGC 129   NGC 0129 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 6.0 Cassiopeia 6.5
NGC 136   Ngc 136.jpg Open Cluster 18.6 Cassiopeia 11
NGC 157   NGC 157.jpg Galaxy 75,000 Cetus 10.4
C18 NGC 185   Ngc185.jpg Galaxy 2,300 Cassiopeia 9.2
M110 NGC 205   Messier object 110.jpg Galaxy 2,200 Andromeda 8
NGC 225   NGC225HunterWilson.jpg Open Cluster 2.1 Cassiopeia 7
C56 NGC 246 Skull Nebula NGC 246.jpg Planetary Nebula 1.6 Cetus 8
C62 NGC 247   GALEX-NGC247.jpg Galaxy 6,800 Cetus 8.9
C65 NGC 253 Sculptor Galaxy
Silver Coin Galaxy
Ngc253 2mass barred spiral.jpg Galaxy 9,800 Sculptor 7.1
NGC 278   NGC278-hst-R814G606B450.jpg Galaxy 38,500 Cassiopeia 10.9
NGC 288   NGC 288 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Globular Cluster 28.7 Sculptor 8.1
NGC 381   NGC 381 PanS.jpg Open Cluster 3.8 Cassiopeia 9
NGC 404   NGC 404 Hubble.jpg Galaxy 10,000 Andromeda 10.1
NGC 436   NGC 0436 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 13.0 Cassiopeia 8.8
C13 NGC 457 ET Cluster
Owl Cluster
NGC457.jpg Open Cluster 9 Cassiopeia 6.4
NGC 488   N488s.jpg Galaxy 90,000 Pisces 10.3
NGC 524   NGC524.jpg Galaxy 90,000 Pisces 10.6
C8 NGC 559   NGC 559.png Open Cluster 3.7 Cassiopeia 9.5
NGC 584   NGC584 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 60,000 Cetus 10.4
NGC 596   NGC596 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 65,000 Cetus 10.9
M33 NGC 598 Triangulum Galaxy VST snaps a very detailed view of the Triangulum Galaxy.jpg Galaxy 2,590 Triangulum 5.7
NGC 613   ESO-NGS613-phot-33a-03-fullres.jpg Galaxy 67,000 Sculptor 10
NGC 615   NGC 0615 SDSS.jpg Galaxy 70,000 Cetus 11.5
NGC 637   NGC 0637 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 7 Cassiopeia 8.2
M76 NGC 650/651 Little Dumbbell Nebula
Cork Nebula
M76-RL5-DDmin-Gamma-LRGB 883x628.jpg Planetary Nebula 3.4 Perseus 12
NGC 654   NGC 654,VdB6,LDN 1332,1334,1337 (Cassiopeia).jpg Open Cluster 7.8 Cassiopeia 6.5
NGC 659   NGC 659.png Open Cluster 8.2 Cassiopeia 7.9
C10 NGC 663   NGC663HunterWilson.jpg Open Cluster 7.2 Cassiopeia 7.1
NGC 720   NGC 0720 DSS.jpg Galaxy 80,000 Cetus 10.2
C28 NGC 752   Ngc 752.jpg Open Cluster 1 Andromeda 5.7
NGC 772   Ngc772.jpg Galaxy 130,000 Aries 10.3
NGC 779   NGC779 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 59,000 Cetus 11
C14 NGC 869 Η Persei of Double Cluster NGC869NGC884.jpg Open Cluster 7.3 Perseus 4
C14 NGC 884 χ Persei of Double Cluster NGC869NGC884.jpg Open Cluster 7.4 Perseus 4
C23 NGC 891   Ngc 891.jpg Galaxy 31,000 Andromeda 10
NGC 908   NGC908.jpg Galaxy 56,000 Cetus 10.2
NGC 936   Potw1009a.jpg Galaxy 60,000 Cetus 10.1
NGC 1022   NGC 1022 -HST09042 h3-R814G606B450.png Galaxy 65,000 Cetus 11.4
NGC 1023   NGC1023 JeffJohnson.jpg Galaxy 30,000 Perseus 9.5
NGC 1027   NGC 1027.png Open Cluster 3.1 Cassiopeia 6.7
NGC 1052   N1042s.jpg Galaxy 63,000 Cetus 10.6
NGC 1055   NGC 1055 I FUV g2006.jpg Galaxy 52,000 Cetus 10.6
NGC 1084   A spiral home to exploding stars.jpg Galaxy 65,000 Eridanus 10.6
NGC 1245   NGC 1245 (8158753203).jpg Open Cluster 9.8 Perseus 8.4
NGC 1342   NGC 1342 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 2.2 Perseus 6.7
NGC 1407   Color cutout hst 9427 02 acs wfc f814w f435w sci NGC 1407.jpg Galaxy 75,000 Eridanus 9.8
NGC 1444   NGC 1444 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 3.8 Perseus 6.6
NGC 1501 Oyster Nebula NGC1501-HST-R656nGB502n.png Planetary Nebula 5.8 Camelopardalis 13
NGC 1502   NGC 1502 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 2.7 Camelopardalis 5.7
NGC 1513   NGC 1513 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 4.9 Perseus 8.4
NGC 1528   NGC 1528 Persee.jpg Open Cluster 2.5 Perseus 6.4
NGC 1535   N1535s.jpg Planetary Nebula 6.5 Eridanus 10
NGC 1545   NGC 1545.png Open Cluster 2.3 Perseus 6.2
NGC 1647   NGC 1647 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 1.8 Taurus 6.4
NGC 1664   NGC1664.jpg Open Cluster 3.9 Auriga 7.6
NGC 1788   ESO-NGC1788.jpg Nebula 1.3 Orion 9.0
NGC 1817   NGC 1817 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 6.4 Taurus 7.7
NGC 1857   NGC 1857 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 4.5 Auriga 7
NGC 1907   IC 405 - IC 410 - M38 dss B (18857141595).jpg Open Cluster 4.5 Auriga 8.2
NGC 1931   NGC1931HunterWilson.jpg Open Cluster and Nebula 7 Auriga 11.3
NGC 1961   N1961s.jpg Galaxy 175,000 Camelopardalis 11.1
NGC 1964   NGC 1964 - Potw1739a.tif Galaxy 65,000 Lepus 10.8
NGC 1980   NGC 1980 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 1.4 Orion 6
NGC 1999   Ngc1999.jpg Nebula 1.5 Orion
NGC 2022   NGC2022.jpg Planetary Nebula 6.1 Orion 12
NGC 2024 Flame Nebula NASA-FlameNebula-NGC2024-20140507.jpg Nebula 0.9 – 1.5 Orion 10
NGC 2126   NGC 2126 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 4.4 Auriga 10
NGC 2129   NGC2129 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Open Cluster 7.2 Gemini 6.7
NGC 2158   N2158s.jpg Open Cluster 11 Gemini 8.6
NGC 2169 37 Cluster NGC 2169 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 3.6 Orion 5.9
NGC 2185   N2183s.jpg Nebula 2.9 Monoceros
NGC 2186   NGC 2186 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 7.3 Orion 8.7
NGC 2194   NGC 2194 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 10 Orion 8.5
NGC 2204   NGC 2204 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 8.6 Canis Major 8.6
NGC 2215   NGC 2215 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 3.1 Monoceros 8.4
NGC 2232   NGC 2232.png Open Cluster 1.3 Monoceros 3.9
C50 NGC 2244 Satellite Cluster Rosette Nebula in Monoceros.jpg Open Cluster 4.9 Monoceros 4.8
NGC 2251   NGC 2251.jpg Open Cluster 5.5 Monoceros 7.3
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster
Cone Nebula
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Nebula.jpg Open Cluster and Nebula 2.6 Monoceros 3.9
NGC 2266   NGC2266 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Open Cluster 11 Gemini 10
NGC 2281   NGC 2281.png Open Cluster 1.8 Auriga 5.4
NGC 2286   NGC 2286.jpg Open Cluster 7.6 Monoceros 7.5
NGC 2301   NGC 2301 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 2.8 Monoceros 6
NGC 2304   NGC 2304 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 13.6 Gemini 10
NGC 2311   NGC 2311 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 7.4 Monoceros 10
NGC 2324   NGC 2324 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 17.2 Monoceros 8.4
NGC 2335   NGC 2335 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 5.6 Monoceros 7.2
NGC 2343   NGC 2343 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 3.7 Monoceros 6.7
NGC 2353   NGC 2353 PanS.jpg Open Cluster 4.1 Monoceros 7.1
NGC 2354   NGC 2354.png Open Cluster 4.3 Canis Major 6.5
NGC 2355   NGC2355 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Open Cluster 5.4 Gemini 10
C58 NGC 2360 Caroline's Cluster NGC 2360 in CMa.jpg Open Cluster 4 Canis Major 7.2
C64 NGC 2362 Tau Canis Majoris Cluster Taucanismajoris.jpg Open Cluster and Nebula 5.1 Canis Major 4.1
NGC 2371/2372   NGC 2371.jpg Planetary Nebula 4.4 Gemini 13
C39 NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula
Clown Face Nebula
Ngc2392.jpg Planetary Nebula 4 Gemini 10
NGC 2395   NGC 2395 DSS.png Asterism N/A Gemini 8
C7 NGC 2403   N2403s.jpg Galaxy 14,000 Camelopardalis 8.4
C25 NGC 2419   NGC 2419 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Globular Cluster 275 Lynx 10.4


Messier or
Caldwell ID
NGC number Common nameImageObject typeDistance (kly) Constellation Apparent magnitude
NGC 2420   NGC 2420 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Gemini 8.3
NGC 2421   NGC 2421 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 8.3
M47 NGC 2422   Eso1441a.jpg Open Cluster 1.6 Puppis 4.4
NGC 2423   NGC 2423 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 6.7
NGC 2438   N2438s-crop.jpg Planetary Nebula 2.9 Puppis 10
NGC 2440   Ngc 2440.jpg Planetary Nebula 4 Puppis 11
NGC 2479   NGC 2479 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 10
NGC 2482   NGC 2482 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 7.3
NGC 2489   NGC 2489 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 7.9
C54 NGC 2506   NGC 2506 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 10 Monoceros 7.6
NGC 2509   NGC 2509 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 9.5 Puppis 9
NGC 2527   NGC 2520 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 6.5
NGC 2539   NGC 2539.png Open Cluster 4.4 Puppis 6.5
M48 NGC 2548   M48a.jpg Open Cluster 1.5 Hydra 5.8
NGC 2567   NGC 2567 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 7.4
NGC 2571   NGC 2571 DSS.jpg Open Cluster Puppis 7
NGC 2613   NGC 2613 (captured by ESO's 1.5-metre Danish telescope).jpg Galaxy 50,000 Pyxis 10.4
NGC 2627   NGC 2627 DSS.jpg Open Cluster 6.63 Pyxis 8
NGC 2655   NGC2655 - HST - Potw1817a.tif Galaxy 63,000 Camelopardalis 10.1
NGC 2681   NGC 2681 HST 9788 10 R814GB658.png Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 10.3
NGC 2683   Ngc 2683.jpg Galaxy 16,000 Lynx 9.7
NGC 2742   NGC 2742 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Ursa Major 11.7
NGC 2768   Dusty detail in elliptical galaxy NGC 2768.jpg Galaxy 65,000 Ursa Major 10
C48 NGC 2775   NGC 2775.png Galaxy 55,000 Cancer 10.3
NGC 2782   NGC 2782 hst 06673 11134 R814GB555B606.png Galaxy 70,000-110,000 Lynx 11.5
NGC 2787   NGC 2787.jpg Galaxy 25,000 Ursa Major 10.8
NGC 2811   NGC 2811 DSS.jpg Galaxy Hydra 11.3
NGC 2841   NGC 2841.jpg Galaxy 31,000 Ursa Major 9.3
NGC 2859   NGC 2859 SDSS.jpg Galaxy 23,000 Leo Minor 10.7
NGC 2903   NGC 2903 GALEX.jpg Galaxy 20,500 Leo 8.9
NGC 2950   NGC 2950 SDSS.jpg Galaxy 49,800 Ursa Major 11
NGC 2964   NGC2964-hst-R814GB40.jpg Galaxy 60,800 Leo 11.3
NGC 2974   NGC 2974 R814GB547m.png Galaxy 89,000 Sextans 10.8
NGC 2976   NGC2976-hst-R814G606B475.jpg Galaxy 12,000 Ursa Major 10.2
NGC 2985   NGC2985.jpg Galaxy 70,100 Ursa Major 10.5
M82 NGC 3034 Cigar Galaxy Messier82.jpg Galaxy 11,000 Ursa Major 8.4
NGC 3077   NGC 3077 Hubble.jpg Galaxy 12,000 Ursa Major 9.9
NGC 3079   NGC 3079 SDSS.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 10.6
C53 NGC 3115 Spindle Galaxy NGC 3115.jpg Galaxy 22,000 Sextans 9.2
NGC 3147   NGC 3147 - HST.png Galaxy 130,000 Draco 10.7
NGC 3166   NGC 3169 NGC 3166.jpg Galaxy 57,000-75,000 Sextans 10.6
NGC 3169   NGC 3169 NGC 3166.jpg Galaxy 57,000-75,000 Sextans 10.5
NGC 3184   NGC3184 3.6 5.8 8.0 microns spitzer.png Galaxy 25,000 Ursa Major 9.8
NGC 3190   NGC 3190.jpg Galaxy 80,000 Leo 11
NGC 3193   NGC 3193 cutout hst 06357 18 wfpc2 total pc sci.jpg Galaxy 80,000 Leo 10.9
NGC 3198   NGC 3198 GALEX WikiSky.jpg Galaxy 45,000 Ursa Major 10.4
NGC 3226   NGC 3227 & 3226 (Arp 94).jpg Galaxy 58,700 Leo 11.4
NGC 3227   NGC 3227 & 3226 (Arp 94).jpg Galaxy 58,700 Leo 10.8
C59 NGC 3242 Ghost of Jupiter NGC 3242 "Ghost of Jupiter".png Planetary Nebula 1 Hydra 9
NGC 3245   NGC 3245 color cutout hst 07403 02 wfpc2 f702w f658n pc sci.jpg Galaxy Leo Minor 10.8
NGC 3277   NGC 3277 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Leo Minor 11.7
NGC 3294   N3294s.jpg Galaxy Leo Minor 11.7
NGC 3310   NGC 3310.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 10.9
NGC 3344   Multi-filter image of NGC 3344.jpg Galaxy 22,500 Leo Minor 10
NGC 3377   NGC 3377 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Galaxy 35,000 Leo 10.2
M105 NGC 3379   Messier105 - HST - Potw1901a.jpg Galaxy 38,000 Leo 9.3
NGC 3384   M105, NGC 3384 & NGC 3389.jpg Galaxy 35,000 Leo 10
NGC 3395   NGC 3395 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Leo Minor 12.1
NGC 3412   NGC 3412 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Leo 10.6
NGC 3414   NGC 3414 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Leo Minor 10.8
NGC 3432   Ngc3432-hst-625-R814GB450.jpg Galaxy Leo Minor 11.3
NGC 3486   NGC3486-hst-R814GB450 (crop).jpg Galaxy 27,000 Leo Minor 10.3
NGC 3489   NGC3489-hst-R814GB658.jpg Galaxy 29,000 Leo 10.3
NGC 3504   N3504s.jpg Galaxy Leo Minor 11.1
NGC 3521   NGC3521-eso1129a.jpg Galaxy 30,000 Leo 8.9
M108 NGC 3556   M108HunterWilson.jpg Galaxy 45,000 Ursa Major 10.1
NGC 3593   Ngc3593.jpg Galaxy 20,000 Leo 11
NGC 3607   NGC 3607.jpg Galaxy Leo 10
NGC 3608   NGC 3608 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Leo 11
NGC 3610   A young elliptical.jpg Galaxy 70,000 Ursa Major 10.8
NGC 3613   NGC 3613 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Ursa Major 12
NGC 3619   NGC 3619 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Ursa Major 13
NGC 3621   NGC 3621.jpg Galaxy 22,000 Hydra 10
C40 NGC 3626   NGC 3626 SDSS.jpg Galaxy 86,000 Leo 10.9
NGC 3628   NGC3628HunterWilson.jpg Galaxy 35,000 Leo 9.5
NGC 3631   Arp 27 - NGC 3631.png Galaxy 35,000 Ursa Major 10.4
NGC 3640   NGC3640 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 75,400 Leo 10.3
NGC 3655   NGC 3655 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Leo 11.6
NGC 3665   NGC3665 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 85,600 Ursa Major 10.8
NGC 3675   NGC3675 spiral galaxy in Schulman telescope.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 11
NGC 3686   NGC3686 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 53,000 Leo 11.4
NGC 3726   NGC 3726 SDSS.jpg Galaxy 45,000 Ursa Major 10.4
NGC 3729   NGC3729-hst-R658GB814.jpg Galaxy 65,700 Ursa Major 11.4
NGC 3810   NGC 3810 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).jpg Galaxy 51,200 Leo 10.8
NGC 3813   NGC 3813 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Ursa Major 11.7
NGC 3877   NGC3877 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 12
NGC 3893   NGC3893 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 51,400 Ursa Major 11
NGC 3898   NGC 3898 hst 09042 R814B450 06359 606.png Galaxy Ursa Major 10.8
NGC 3900   NGC 3900 hst 06359 606.png Galaxy Leo 11.4
NGC 3912   NGC3912 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Leo 13
NGC 3938   NGC3938 UArizona.jpg Galaxy 43,000 Ursa Major 10.4
NGC 3941   NGC3941 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 40,000 Ursa Major 11
NGC 3945   NGC 3945 lenticular Galaxy 13024680373 e2ca77db8d o.png Galaxy Ursa Major 10.6
NGC 3949   NGC 3949.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 11
NGC 3953   NGC3953.jpg Galaxy 56,000 Ursa Major 10.1
NGC 3962   NGC 3962 PanS.jpg Galaxy Crater 10.6
NGC 3982   Ngc.galaxy.arp.750pix.jpg Galaxy 67,000 Ursa Major 12
M109 NGC 3992   M109HunterWilson09.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Ursa Major 9.8
NGC 3998   NGC 3998 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Ursa Major 10.6
NGC 4026   NGC4026 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 52,000 Ursa Major 12


Messier or
Caldwell ID
NGC number Common nameImageObject typeDistance (kly) Constellation Apparent magnitude
NGC 4027   NGC 4027.jpg Galaxy 68,000 Corvus 11.1
NGC 4030   HAWK-I NGC 4030.jpg Galaxy 75,000 Virgo 12
NGC 4036   Hazy dust in Ursa Major NGC 4036.jpg Galaxy 62,000 Ursa Major 10.6
C60/C61 NGC 4038/4039 Antennae Galaxies Antennae.jpeg Galaxy 83,000 Corvus 10.7
NGC 4041   NGC 4041 hst 09042 R814G606B450.png Galaxy 70,000 Ursa Major 11.1
NGC 4051   NGC4051 Goran Nilsson & The Liverpool Telescope.jpg Galaxy 45,000 Ursa Major 10.3
NGC 4085   NGC 4085 SDSS.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 12.3
NGC 4088   NGC4088 4085 JeffJohnson.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Ursa Major 10.5
NGC 4102   This is no supermodel spiral.jpg Galaxy 69,000 Ursa Major 12
NGC 4111   Elegance conceals an eventful past.jpg Galaxy 45,000 Canes Venatici 10.8
NGC 4143   NGC 4143 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Canes Venatici 12
NGC 4147   NGC 4147 HST 10775 R814GB606.png Globular Cluster 60 Coma Berenices 10.3
NGC 4150   Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4150.jpg Galaxy Coma Berenices 11.7
NGC 4151   NGC 4151 - HST.png Galaxy 62,000 Canes Venatici 10.4
NGC 4179   NGC 4179 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Virgo 10.9
NGC 4203   SDSS NGC 4203.jpeg Galaxy 50,000 Coma Berenices 10.7
NGC 4214   NGC 4214.jpg Galaxy 10,000 Canes Venatici 9.7
NGC 4216   Ngc 4216.jpg Galaxy 40,000 Virgo 10
NGC 4245   NGC 4245 hst 05446 606.png Galaxy Coma Berenices 11.4
NGC 4251   NGC 4251 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Coma Berenices 12
M106 NGC 4258   Messier 106 visible and infrared composite.jpg Galaxy 25,000 Canes Venatici 8.3
NGC 4261   2MASS NGC 4261 JHK.jpg Galaxy 95,000 Virgo 10.3
NGC 4273   NGC 4273 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Virgo 11.9
NGC 4274   NGC4274 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 45,000 Coma Berenices 10.4
NGC 4278   NGC4278 - HST - Judy Schmidt, cropped.png Galaxy 55,100 Coma Berenices 10.2
NGC 4281   NGC 4281 hst 05446 606.png Galaxy Virgo 11.3
NGC 4293   NGC4293 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 54,000 Coma Berenices 11
M61 NGC 4303   Messier61 - ESO - Potw1901a.tif Galaxy 60,000 Virgo 9.7
NGC 4314   NGC 4314HST1998-21-b-full.jpg Galaxy 40,000 Coma Berenices 10.5
NGC 4346   NGC 4346 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Canes Venatici 12
NGC 4350   NGC 4350 color cutout hst 9401 21 acs wfc f850lp f475w sci.jpg Galaxy Coma Berenices 11.1
NGC 4361   N4361s.jpg Planetary Nebula Corvus 10
NGC 4365   NGC 4365 SDSS DR 14.png Galaxy Virgo 11
NGC 4371   NGC 4371 SDSS.jpg Galaxy Virgo 10.8
NGC 4394   Hubble spies NGC 4394.jpg Galaxy 40,000 Coma Berenices 10.9
NGC 4414   NGC 4414 (NASA-med).jpg Galaxy 62,000 Coma Berenices 10.3
NGC 4419   NGC4419 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Coma Berenices 11.1
NGC 4429   SDSS NGC 4429.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.2
NGC 4435 The Eyes NGC4438-NGC4435-eso1131a.jpg Galaxy 52,000 Virgo 10.9
NGC 4438 The Eyes NGC4438-NGC4435-eso1131a.jpg Galaxy 52,000 Virgo 10.1
NGC 4442   NGC4371 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Virgo 10.5
NGC 4448   NGC 4448 HST 09042 R814B606.png Galaxy 45,000 Coma Berenices 11.1
C21 NGC 4449   Starburst in NGC 4449 (captured by the Hubble Space Telescope).jpg Galaxy 10,000 Canes Venatici 9.4
NGC 4450   N4450s.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Coma Berenices 10.1
NGC 4459   NGC 4459 wikisky.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Coma Berenices 10.4
NGC 4473   SDSS NGC 4473.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Coma Berenices 10.2
NGC 4477   SDSS NGC 4477.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Coma Berenices 10.4
NGC 4478   SDSS NGC 4478.jpeg Galaxy 50,000 Virgo 11.2
NGC 4485   Starbursts in the wake of a fleeting romance.jpg Galaxy 25,000 Canes Venatici 12
NGC 4490   NGC4490 Galaxy from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg Galaxy 25,000 Canes Venatici 9.8
NGC 4494   NGC 4494 u3cm6602r core.jpg Galaxy 45,000 Coma Berenices 9.9
NGC 4526   SN1994D.jpg Galaxy 108,000 Virgo 9.6
NGC 4527   SDSS NGC 4527.jpeg Galaxy 50,000 Virgo 10.4
NGC 4535   NGC 4535.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 9.8
NGC 4536   N4536s-crop.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.4
NGC 4546   NGC 4546 cutout hst 05446 2a wfpc2 total pc sci.jpg Galaxy 45,600 Virgo 10.3
M91 NGC 4548   M91s.jpg Galaxy 60,000 Coma Berenices 10.2
NGC 4550   NGC 4550 hst 05375 R814 G555.png Galaxy 50,000 Virgo 11.6
C36 NGC 4559   NGC4559 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Galaxy 32,000 Coma Berenices 9.9
C38 NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy NGC4565 Galaxy from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg Galaxy 42,000 Coma Berenices 9.6
NGC 4570   SDSS NGC 4570.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.9
M104 NGC 4594 Sombrero Galaxy M104 ngc4594 sombrero galaxy hi-res.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Virgo 8.3
NGC 4596   SDSS NGC 4596.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.5
NGC 4618   NGC 4618 hst 09042 05446 R814B450 606.png Galaxy 30,000 Canes Venatici 10.8
C32 NGC 4631 Whale Galaxy Ngc 4631.jpg Galaxy 22,000 Canes Venatici 9.3
NGC 4636   NGC4636 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Galaxy 53,000 Virgo 9.6
NGC 4643   NGC4643 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Virgo 10.6
NGC 4654   Ngc4654-hst-R814GB450.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.5
NGC 4656 Hockey Stick Galaxy The Hockey Stick Galaxy.jpg Galaxy 30,000 Canes Venatici 10.4
NGC 4660   NGC 4660HST.jpg Galaxy 63,000 Virgo 11
NGC 4665   NGC 4665.png Galaxy 58,000 Virgo 12
NGC 4666   NGC 4666 - Eso1036a.jpg Galaxy 80,000 Virgo 10.8
NGC 4689   SDSS NGC 4689.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Coma Berenices 10.9
C52 NGC 4697   NGC 4697 HST 10003 R850 B475.png Galaxy 76,000 Virgo 9.3
NGC 4698   NGC 4698.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.7
NGC 4699   NGC 4699 color cutout rings.v3.skycell.1102.089.stk.3823539.3445854.3430118.unconv.fits sci.jpg Galaxy 65,000 Virgo 9.6
NGC 4725   N4725s.jpg Galaxy 41,000 Coma Berenices 9.2
NGC 4753   SDSS image NGC 4753.jpeg Galaxy 60,000 Virgo 9.9
NGC 4754   SDSS NGC 4754.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.6
NGC 4762   Potw1443a.tif Galaxy 60,000 Virgo 10.2
NGC 4781   NGC 4781 hst 05446 606.png Galaxy Virgo 12
NGC 4800   NGC 4800 hst 09042 R814B606.png Galaxy 95,000 Canes Venatici 12
NGC 4845   Ngc4845-hst-606R814GB450.jpg Galaxy 47,000 Virgo 12
NGC 4856   NGC 4856 PanS.jpg Galaxy Virgo 10.4
NGC 4866   NGC 4866 as imaged by Hubble.jpg Galaxy 80,000 Virgo 11
NGC 4900   Ngc4900-hst-R814GB450.jpg Galaxy Virgo 11.5
NGC 4958   NGC 4958 PanS.jpg Galaxy Virgo 10.5
NGC 4995   NGC 4995 KY Vir legacy dr10.jpg Galaxy Virgo 11
C29 NGC 5005   NGC 5005.jpg Galaxy 69,000 Canes Venatici 9.8
NGC 5033   N5033s.jpg Galaxy 38,000-60,000 Canes Venatici 10.1
NGC 5054   NGC 5054 cutout HST 7330 99 NIC NIC2 F160W sci.jpg Galaxy Virgo 11
NGC 5195 Messier 51b Messier51 sRGB.jpg Galaxy 25,000 Canes Venatici 9.6
C45 NGC 5248   N5248s.jpg Galaxy 74,000 Boötes 10.2
NGC 5273   NGC5273 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Canes Venatici 11.6
NGC 5322   Massive Galaxy NGC 5322.png Galaxy 80,000 Ursa Major 10
NGC 5363   NGC5363 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 63,600 Virgo 10.2
NGC 5364   N5364s.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Virgo 10.4
NGC 5466   NGC 5466 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Globular Cluster 52 Boötes 9.1
NGC 5473   NGC5473 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Ursa Major 11.4
NGC 5474   A dwarf galaxy ravaged by grand design.jpg Galaxy 21,000 Ursa Major 10.9


Messier or
Caldwell ID
NGC number Common nameImageObject typeDistance (kly) Constellation Apparent magnitude
NGC 5557   NGC5557 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Boötes 11.1
NGC 5566   NGC 5566 and NGC 5569.jpg Galaxy 65,000 Virgo 10.5
NGC 5576   NGC5576 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Virgo 10.9
NGC 5631   NGC5631 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy Ursa Major 13
NGC 5634   NGC 5634 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Globular Cluster 88 Virgo 9.6
NGC 5676   NGC5676 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 100,000 Boötes 10.9
NGC 5689   NGC 5689 hst 07450 R814B450.png Galaxy Boötes 11.9
C66 NGC 5694   NGC 5694.jpg Globular Cluster 113 Hydra 10.2
NGC 5746   NGC5746 by Goran Nilsson & The Liverpool Telescope.jpg Galaxy 95,000 Virgo 10.6
NGC 5846   NGC5850 Galaxy from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Schulman Telescope courtesy Adam Block.jpg Galaxy 93,000 Virgo 10.2
M102? NGC 5866 Spindle Galaxy Ngc5866 hst big.png Galaxy 50,000 Draco 10
NGC 5897   NGC5897-NRGBhi.jpg Globular Cluster 24 Libra 8.6
NGC 5907   N5907s.jpg Galaxy 55,000 Draco 10.4
NGC 5982   NGC 5982.png Galaxy 123,000 Draco 11.1
NGC 6118   NGC 6118 (captured by ESO's Very Large Telescope).jpg Galaxy 83,000 Serpens 12
NGC 6144   NGC 6144 hlsp acsggc HST 10775 R814 B 606.png Globular Cluster Scorpius 9.1
M107 NGC 6171   Messier object 107.jpg Globular Cluster 20 Ophiuchus 8.1
NGC 6207   Ngc6207-hst-R814GB606.jpg Galaxy 30,000 Hercules 11.6
NGC 6217   NGC 6217 hs-2009-25-bc-full jpg.jpg Galaxy 67,000 Ursa Minor 11.2
NGC 6229   NGC6229 - SDSS DR14 (panorama).jpg Globular Cluster 100 Hercules 9.4
NGC 6235   NGC 6235 SDSS2.jpg Globular Cluster Ophiuchus 10.2
NGC 6284   NGC 6284 hst 05899 R555G439B336.png Globular Cluster 50 Ophiuchus 9
NGC 6287   NGC 6287 hst 06561 R814G555B439.png Globular Cluster 30 Ophiuchus 9.2
NGC 6293   NGC 6293 hst 12516 R814G555B390.png Globular Cluster 31-52 Ophiuchus 8.2
NGC 6304   NGC 6304 HST 10775 R814B606.png Globular Cluster 19 Ophiuchus 8.4
NGC 6316   NGC 6316 hst 07470 R555B439.png Globular Cluster 35 Ophiuchus 9
NGC 6342   NGC 6342 hst 11628 R555B438.png Globular Cluster 28 Ophiuchus 9.9
NGC 6355   NGC 6355 hst 11628 R555B438.png Globular Cluster 31 Ophiuchus 9.6
NGC 6356   NGC 6356 hst 07470 R555B439.png Globular Cluster 50 Ophiuchus 8.4
NGC 6369 Little Ghost Nebula Littleghostnebula.jpg Planetary Nebula 2 Ophiuchus 13
NGC 6401   NGC 6401.jpg Globular Cluster 24 Ophiuchus 9.5
NGC 6426   NGC 6426 HST 11586 R814B606.png Globular Cluster 67 Ophiuchus 11.2
NGC 6440   NGC 6440 hst 12517 R814B606.png Globular Cluster 28 Sagittarius 9.7
NGC 6445 Box Nebula NGC 6445 PanSTARRS1 r.g.jpg Planetary Nebula Sagittarius 13
NGC 6451   NGC 6451 PanS.jpg Open Cluster Scorpius 8
M20 NGC 6514 Trifid Nebula Trifid.nebula.arp.750pix.jpg Open Cluster and Nebula 2 Sagittarius 6.3
NGC 6517   NGC 6517 hst 11628 R814B555.png Globular Cluster Ophiuchus 10.3
NGC 6520   Cluster NGC 6520 and the strangely shaped dark cloud Barnard 86.jpg Open Cluster Sagittarius 8
NGC 6522   NGC 6522 HST 9690 R625B435.png Globular Cluster 25 Sagittarius 8.6
NGC 6528   NGC 6528 hst 11664 51 R814G555B390 9453 62 R814G606B.png Globular Cluster 26 Sagittarius 9.5
NGC 6540   NGC6540 - HST - Potw2233a.jpg Open Cluster 17 Sagittarius 9.3
C6 NGC 6543 Cat's Eye Nebula N6543s.jpg Planetary Nebula 3 Draco 9
NGC 6544   NGC 6544 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Globular Cluster 10 Sagittarius 8.3
NGC 6553   NGC 6553 Hubble WikiSky.jpg Globular Cluster 20 Sagittarius 8.3
NGC 6568   NGC 6568 PanS.jpg Open Cluster Sagittarius 9
NGC 6569   NGC 6569 hst 08118 R555B439.png Globular Cluster 35 Sagittarius 8.7
NGC 6583   NGC 6583 PanS.jpg Open Cluster Sagittarius 10
NGC 6624   NGC 6624 HST 10573 R814G606B435.png Globular Cluster 26 Sagittarius 8.3
NGC 6629   NGC 6629.jpg Planetary Nebula Sagittarius 12
NGC 6633   NGC 6633.png Open Cluster 1 Ophiuchus 4.6
NGC 6638   NGC 6638 hst 08118 R555B439.png Globular Cluster Sagittarius 9.2
NGC 6642   Standing out from the Crowd.jpg Globular Cluster 26 Sagittarius 8.8
NGC 6645   NGC 6645.jpg Open Cluster Sagittarius 9
NGC 6664   NGC 6664.png Open Cluster Scutum 7.8
NGC 6712   NGC 6712 439 555 675 814 Wiki.jpg Globular Cluster 22.5 Scutum 8.2
NGC 6755   NGC 6755.png Open Cluster 4.6 Aquila 7.5
NGC 6756   NGC 6756 PanS.jpg Open Cluster 6.3 Aquila 11
NGC 6781   NGC-6781.jpg Planetary Nebula Aquila 12
NGC 6802   Ngc 6802 ver.jpg Open Cluster Vulpecula 8.8
NGC 6818 Little Gem Nebula Ngc6818.jpg Planetary Nebula Sagittarius 10
NGC 6823   Sh 2-86RGBHaRGBHunter.jpg Open Cluster 6 Vulpecula 7.1
C15 NGC 6826 Blinking Planetary NGC 6826HSTFull.jpg Planetary Nebula 2.2 Cygnus 10
NGC 6830   NGC 6830.jpg Open Cluster Vulpecula 7.9
NGC 6834   Ngc 6834.jpg Open Cluster 7 Cygnus 7.8
NGC 6866   NGC 6866.png Open Cluster 3.9 Cygnus 7.6
NGC 6882   NGC 6885 PanS.jpg Open Cluster Vulpecula 8.1
C37 NGC 6885   NGC 6885 large.png Open Cluster 2 Vulpecula 6
NGC 6905 Blue Flash Nebula NGC 6905 - VLT(FORS2) - RHaBOIII.png Planetary Nebula 7.5 Delphinus 12
NGC 6910   NGC6910.jpg Open Cluster Cygnus 7.4
C47 NGC 6934   NGC 6934.jpg Globular Cluster 57 Delphinus 8.9
NGC 6939   NGC 6939.png Open Cluster 3.9 Cepheus 7.8
NGC 6940   NGC 6940 AOFPK.jpg Open Cluster 2.5 Vulpecula 6.3
C12 NGC 6946 Fireworks Galaxy SpiralGalaxy NGC6946.jpg Galaxy 18,000 Cepheus 8.9
C20 NGC 7000 North America Nebula Nord america.jpg Nebula 2 Cygnus
C42 NGC 7006   NGC 7006 HST.jpg Globular Cluster 135 Delphinus 10.6
NGC 7008 Fetus Nebula N7008s.jpg Planetary Nebula 3 Cygnus 13
C55 NGC 7009 Saturn Nebula MUSE image of the Saturn Nebula.jpg Planetary Nebula 1.4 Aquarius 8
NGC 7044   NGC 7044 PanS.jpg Open Cluster Cygnus 11
NGC 7062   NGC 7062.png Open Cluster Cygnus 8.3
NGC 7086   NGC 7086.png Open Cluster Cygnus 8.4
NGC 7128   NGC 7128 PanS.jpg Open Cluster Cygnus 9.7
NGC 7142   NGC 7142.jpg Open Cluster 6.2 Cepheus 9.3
NGC 7160   NGC 7160.png Open Cluster Cepheus 6.1
NGC 7209   NGC 7209.jpg Open Cluster 3.8 Lacerta 6.7
NGC 7217   NGC7217.jpg Galaxy 50,000 Pegasus 10.2
C16 NGC 7243   NGC 7243 .jpg Open Cluster 3 Lacerta 6.4
NGC 7296    Open Cluster Lacerta 10
C30 NGC 7331   NGC 7331 Acquired with the Schulman Telescope at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter.jpg Galaxy 47,000 Pegasus 9.5
NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula NGC7380 Wizard nebula.jpg Open Cluster and Nebula 7.2 Cepheus 7.2
NGC 7448   NGC7448 - SDSS DR14.jpg Galaxy 79,500 Pegasus 11.7
C44 NGC 7479   Ngc7479.jpg Galaxy 106,000 Pegasus 11
NGC 7510   NGC7510 Open Cluster.png Open Cluster 11 Cepheus 7.9
NGC 7606   N7606s.jpg Galaxy 98,500 Aquarius 10.8
C22 NGC 7662 Blue Snowball Ngc7662.jpg Planetary Nebula 3.2 Andromeda 9
NGC 7686   NGC 7686.png Open Cluster Andromeda 5.6
NGC 7723   N7723s.jpg Galaxy 91,500 Aquarius 11.1
NGC 7727   Ngc7727-hst-R814GB555.jpg Galaxy 76,000 Aquarius 10.7
NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose NGC7789HunterWilson.jpg Open Cluster 7.6 Cassiopeia 6.7
NGC 7790   NGC 7790.png Open Cluster 11 Cassiopeia 8.5
C43 NGC 7814   N7814s.jpg Galaxy 49,000 Pegasus 10.5

See also

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  1. Mullaney, James (April 1976). "Letter to Sky & Telescope". Sky & Telescope: 235. Archived from the original (subscription required) on 2007-10-01. Retrieved 2006-08-24.{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  2. "Herschel 400 Club". The Astronomical League. Retrieved 2006-08-24.
  3. O'Meara, Stephen James (2002). The Caldwell Objects. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   0-521-82796-5.