Intraosseous infusion | |
![]() The tibia IO insertion site is just below the medial condyle, labeled in this picture. | |
MeSH | D017148 |
eMedicine | 80431 |
Intraosseous infusion (IO) is the process of injecting medication, fluids, or blood products directly into the bone marrow; [1] this provides a non-collapsible entry point into the systemic venous system. [2] The intraosseous infusion technique is used to provide fluids and medication when intravenous access is not available or not feasible. Intraosseous infusions allow for the administered medications and fluids to go directly into the vascular system. [3] The IO route of fluid and medication administration is an alternative to the preferred intravascular route when the latter cannot be established promptly in emergent situations. Intraosseous infusions are used when people have compromised intravenous access and need immediate delivery of life-saving fluids and medications. [3]
The use of the IV route to administer fluids has been around since the 1830s, and, in 1922, Cecil K. Drinker et al. saw that bone, specifically the sternum, could also be used as a route of administration for emergency purposes. [4] To continue the expansion of knowledge regarding IO administration, a successful blood transfusion took place in 1940 using the sternum, and afterward, in 1941, Tocantins and O'Neill demonstrated successful vascular access using the bone marrow cavity of a long bone in rabbits. [4] Because of Tocantins and O'Neill's success in their experiments with rabbits, human clinical trials were established using mainly the body of the sternum or the manubrium for access. [5] Emanuel Papper and others then continued to advocate, research, and make advances on behalf of the IO administration. [6] Once Papper showed that the bone marrow space could be used with comparable success to administer IV fluids and drugs, intraosseous infusion was popularized during World War II to prevent soldiers' deaths via hemorrhagic shock. [7] While popular in the field during WWII, the use of IO was not seen as a standard for emergencies until the 1980s, and only so for children. [7] With the rise of technology allowing the ease of technique of IO, and a lower risk of complications like bloodstream infections than when using peripheral access, the alternative of IO access has increased throughout the years for adults, as well. [7] IO is now recommended in Advanced Cardiac and Pediatric Advanced Life Support treatment protocols, in cases where access via IV cannot be established on time. [4]
Intraosseous access is indicated in emergency situations, such as when a person experiences some type of major trauma like shock, cardiac arrest, severe dehydration, [8] or severe gastrointestinal hemorrhage. [9] IO access can provide the quickest way to rapidly infuse needed medications and fluids in an emergency situation. [8] In people who experience critical trauma and who do not have adequate blood pressure, the IO route doubles the success rate of the peripheral IV route.[ citation needed ]
In addition to the emergency clinical scenario that can call for an IO route to be used, IO access is only indicated when access to peripheral veins is either not possible or delayed. When IV access is either not possible or delayed, other indications for utilizing the IO route include administering contrast if needed for radiology scans and drawing blood for laboratory testing and analysis. [10] Situations that can result in decreased or delayed access to peripheral veins, and thus necessitate the use of an IO route to infuse medications and fluids include circumstances such as burns, fluid accumulation (edema), past IV drug use, obesity, and very low blood pressure. [8]
An IO infusion can be used on adult or pediatric populations when traditional methods of vascular access are difficult or otherwise cause unwanted delayed management of the administration of medications. The IO site can be used for 24 hours and should be removed as soon as intravenous access has been gained. Prolonged use of an IO site, lasting longer than 24 hours, is associated with osteomyelitis (an infection in the bone). [3]
The needle is inserted through the bone's hard cortex and into the soft marrow interior, which allows immediate access to the vascular system. The IO needle is positioned at a 90-degree angle to the injection site, and is advanced through manual traction, impact driven force, or power driven. Each IO device has different designated insertion locations. The most common site of insertion is the antero-medial aspect of the upper, proximal tibia as this site lies just under the skin and is easily located. Other insertion sites include the anterior aspect of the femur, the superior iliac crest, proximal humerus, proximal tibia, distal tibia and the sternum (manubrium). [1] Although intravascular access is still the preferred method for medication delivery in the prehospital area, IO access for adults has become more common. As of 2010, the American Heart Association no longer recommends using the endotracheal tube (ET) for resuscitation drugs, except as a last resort when IV or IO access cannot be gained. [1] ET absorption of medications is poor, and optimal ET drug dosings are unknown. IO administration is becoming more common in civilian and military pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS) systems globally. [11]
Intraosseous access has roughly the same absorption rate as IV access, and allows for fluid resuscitation. For example, sodium bicarbonate can be administered IO during a cardiac arrest when IV access is unavailable. [1] High flow rates are attainable with an IO infusion, up to 125 milliliters per minute. This high rate of flow is achieved using a pressure bag to administer the infusion directly into the bone. Large volume IO infusions are known to be painful. 1% lidocaine is used to ease the pain associated with large volume IO infusions in conscious people. [3]
Like any medical procedure, intraosseous infusion has some potential complications. In a review by Tyler et al., an analysis across the included studies found the overall complication rate associated with IO infusions to be less than 1% (0.9%). [12]
Complications include:
Many of these potential complications can be prevented with simple measures like using good technique and keeping the period of IO infusion short by switching to IV as soon as it becomes feasible. [14] Bone fracture complications can be decreased by using modern techniques and requiring more regular training in the methods of intraosseous marrow access for infusion. Extravasation can lead to the more serious complication of compartment syndrome. The risk of developing compartment syndrome can be reduced by medical personnel checking the infusion site regularly for any signs of swelling. Swelling could indicate misplacement of the catheter. Avoiding puncturing the same bone in 48 hours can also lessen the risk of developing this complication. The risk of osteomyelitis, while very low ( <1%), can be further lessened by using sterile, hygienic practices and modern devices to make the puncture. Damage to the epiphyseal plate can be avoided by training medical personnel about proper landmarks to be used for determining puncture sites. [13]
Intraosseous devices allow quick and safe access to the vascular system for fluid and drug administration. After proper education and training, medical professionals can obtain vascular access via the IO route of administration by using one of the multiple devices that have been approved by the FDA for 24-hour use. [7] There are several FDA approved IO devices, categorized by their mechanism of action:
Each device is capable of achieving rapid vascular access, despite the mechanism of action, with insertion times comparable to the IV administration route. [16]
A comparison of intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), and intraosseous (IO) routes of administration concluded that the intraosseous (IO) route is the preferred method versus intramuscular (IM) and comparable to intravenous (IV) administration in delivering pediatric anaesthetic drugs. [17]
Intraosseous infusion (IO) is used in pediatric populations during anesthesia when other intravenous access, central venous catherization or venous cutdown, are difficult to use or cannot be used. When individuals are severely ill and need "rapid, efficient, and safe delivery of drugs", IO is used.[ citation needed ] When inserting the intraosseous needle into a conscious individual, this can be very painful. For children, anesthesia is not recommended before this procedure for non-emergency situations. Instead, distracting and holding the child is preferred. Intraosseous infusion is used in instances such as, "immediate indication/life-threatening emergency, cardiac/respiratory arrest, acute shock, hypothermia, obesity, edema, thermal injury, etc."[ citation needed ]
For children, the preferred sites of IO are the distal tibia, proximal tibia, and distal femur. The distal end of the tibia is the preferred site because it is easy to access and the most reliable. Depending on the procedure, a variety of needles are used for IO. For example, "standard steel hypodermic, butterfly, spinal, trephine, sternal, and standard bone marrow needles are used." Needles that have a short shaft are preferred and safe. For infants up to 6 to 8 months old, 18-gauge needles are used and for children more than 8 months old, 15- or 16- gauge needles are used. [18] A study by Glaeser et al., concluded that individuals who received IO vs. peripheral and central intravenous access were able to obtain much faster and more successful IO access. Another study, by Fiorito et al., observed the safety of IO use during the transportation of critically ill pediatric individuals. Based on the results, they concluded that the use of IO was safe, based on 78% successful placement of the IO needle and complications that occurred in only 12% of the cases. [19]
Similarly to adults, contradictions for IO infusion use in pediatrics include bone diseases such as osteogenesis imperfecta and osteopetrosis, and fractures. Others include cellulitis, burns, and infections at the access site. [20]
A central venous catheter (CVC), also known as a central line (c-line), central venous line, or central venous access catheter, is a catheter placed into a large vein. It is a form of venous access. Placement of larger catheters in more centrally located veins is often needed in critically ill patients, or in those requiring prolonged intravenous therapies, for more reliable vascular access. These catheters are commonly placed in veins in the neck, chest, groin, or through veins in the arms.
Intravenous therapy is a medical technique that administers fluids, medications and nutrients directly into a person's vein. The intravenous route of administration is commonly used for rehydration or to provide nutrients for those who cannot, or will not—due to reduced mental states or otherwise—consume food or water by mouth. It may also be used to administer medications or other medical therapy such as blood products or electrolytes to correct electrolyte imbalances. Attempts at providing intravenous therapy have been recorded as early as the 1400s, but the practice did not become widespread until the 1900s after the development of techniques for safe, effective use.
In pharmacology and toxicology, a route of administration is the way by which a drug, fluid, poison, or other substance is taken into the body.
Subcutaneous administration is the insertion of medications beneath the skin either by injection or infusion.
Battlefield medicine, also called field surgery and later combat casualty care, is the treatment of wounded combatants and non-combatants in or near an area of combat. Civilian medicine has been greatly advanced by procedures that were first developed to treat the wounds inflicted during combat. With the advent of advanced procedures and medical technology, even polytrauma can be survivable in modern wars. Battlefield medicine is a category of military medicine.
An injection is the act of administering a liquid, especially a drug, into a person's body using a needle and a syringe. An injection is considered a form of parenteral drug administration; it does not involve absorption in the digestive tract. This allows the medication to be absorbed more rapidly and avoid the first pass effect. There are many types of injection, which are generally named after the body tissue the injection is administered into. This includes common injections such as subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intravenous injections, as well as less common injections such as intraperitoneal, intraosseous, intracardiac, intraarticular, and intracavernous injections.
Epidural administration is a method of medication administration in which a medicine is injected into the epidural space around the spinal cord. The epidural route is used by physicians and nurse anesthetists to administer local anesthetic agents, analgesics, diagnostic medicines such as radiocontrast agents, and other medicines such as glucocorticoids. Epidural administration involves the placement of a catheter into the epidural space, which may remain in place for the duration of the treatment. The technique of intentional epidural administration of medication was first described in 1921 by Spanish military surgeon Fidel Pagés.
A peripherally inserted central catheter, also called a percutaneous indwelling central catheter or longline, is a form of intravenous access that can be used for a prolonged period of time or for administration of substances that should not be done peripherally. It is a catheter that enters the body through the skin (percutaneously) at a peripheral site, extends to the superior vena cava, and stays in place for days, weeks or even months.
Advanced Life Support (ALS) is a set of life saving protocols and skills that extend basic life support to further support the circulation and provide an open airway and adequate ventilation (breathing).
Extravasation is the leakage of intravenously (IV) infused, and potentially damaging, medications into the extravascular tissue around the site of infusion. The leakage can occur through brittle veins in the elderly, through previous venipuncture access, or through direct leakage from wrongly positioned venous access devices. When the leakage is not of harmful consequence it is known as infiltration. Extravasation of medication during intravenous therapy is an adverse event related to therapy that, depending on the medication, amount of exposure, and location, can potentially cause serious injury and permanent harm, such as tissue necrosis. Milder consequences of extravasation include irritation, characterized by symptoms of pain and inflammation, with the clinical signs of warmth, erythema, or tenderness.
Intracardiac injections are injections that are given directly into the heart muscles or ventricles. They can be used in emergencies, although they are rarely used in modern practice.
Venous cutdown is an emergency procedure in which the vein is exposed surgically and then a cannula is inserted into the vein under direct vision. It is used for venous access in cases of trauma, and hypovolemic shock when the use of a peripheral venous catheter is either difficult or impossible. The great saphenous vein is most commonly used. This procedure has fallen out of favor with the development of safer techniques for central venous catheterization such as the Seldinger technique, the modified Seldinger technique, intraosseous infusion, as well as the use of ultrasound guidance for placement of central venous catheters without using the cutdown technique.
In medicine, a port is a small appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical "needle stick".
An advanced emergency medical technician (AEMT) is a provider of emergency medical services in the United States. A transition to this level of training from the emergency medical technician-intermediate, which have somewhat less training, began in 2013 and has been implemented by most states. AEMTs are not intended to deliver definitive medical care in most cases, but rather to augment prehospital critical care and provide rapid on-scene treatment. AEMTs are usually employed in ambulance services, working in conjunction with EMTs and paramedics; however they are also commonly found in fire departments and law enforcement agencies as non-transporting first responders. Ambulances operating at the AEMT level of care are commonplace in rural areas, and occasionally found in larger cities as part of a tiered-response system, but are overall much less common than EMT- and paramedic-level ambulances. The AEMT provides a low-cost, high-benefit option to provide advanced-level care when the paramedic level of care is not feasible. The AEMT is authorized to provide limited advanced life support, which is beyond the scope of an EMT.
In medicine, a peripheral venous catheter, peripheral venous line, peripheral venous access catheter, or peripheral intravenous catheter, is a catheter placed into a peripheral vein for venous access to administer intravenous therapy such as medication fluids.
The Hs and Ts is a mnemonic used to aid in remembering the possible reversible causes of cardiac arrest. A variety of disease processes can lead to a cardiac arrest; however, they usually boil down to one or more of the "Hs and Ts".
ICU Medical, Inc. is a San Clemente, California-based company with global operations. ICU Medical products are designed to prevent bloodstream infections and protect healthcare workers from exposure to infectious diseases or hazardous drugs. ICU Medical product line includes intravenous therapy (IV) products, pumps, needle-free vascular access devices, custom infusion sets, closed system hazardous drug handling devices and systems, sensor catheters, needle-free closed blood sampling systems, and hemodynamic monitoring systems.
Established in 2001, Vidacare Corporation was the developer of intraosseous medical devices. Its devices were used in vascular access, emergency and disaster medicine, oncology, and spinal surgery. Privately held, the company was based in San Antonio, Texas, and its products were marketed in over 50 countries worldwide.
Venous access is any method used to access the bloodstream through the veins, either to administer intravenous therapy, parenteral nutrition, to obtain blood for analysis, or to provide an access point for blood-based treatments such as dialysis or apheresis. Access is most commonly achieved via the Seldinger technique, and guidance tools such as ultrasound and fluoroscopy can also be used to assist with visualizing access placement.
Intracerebroventricular injection is a route of administration for drugs via injection into the cerebral ventricles so that it reaches the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This route of administration is often used to bypass the blood-brain barrier because it can prevent important medications from reaching the central nervous system. This injection method is widely used in diseased mice models to study the effect of drugs, plasmid DNA, and viral vectors on the central nervous system. In humans, ICV injection can be used for the administration of drugs for various reasons. Examples include the treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), the administration of chemotherapy in gliomas, and the administration of drugs for long-term pain management. ICV injection is also used in the creation of diseased animal models specifically to model neurological disorders.