List of Digambara Jain ascetics

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Idol of Kundakunda, the most revered Digambara acharya Acharya KundaKunda.jpg
Idol of Kundakunda, the most revered Digambara acharya
Acharya Vidyasagar(Jain monk) Acharya5.jpg
Acharya Vidyasagar(Jain monk)
A mural depicting Ganeshprasad Varni Varnimuralkatni.jpg
A mural depicting Ganeshprasad Varni

This is a list of the ascetics belonging to the Digambara sect of Jainism . These ascetics are known for their contributions to Jain philosophy and Jainism in general. According to Digambar jain history there are about three less than ten million jain ascetics till this date that have achieved Moksha.


Before the Common Era

Common Era

20th century

Common Era - Muni


  1. Jain 2012, p. v.
  2. Lal, Mohan (2006). The Encyclopedia of Indian Literature (Volume five: Sasay to Zorgot). Sahitya Akademi. p. 4098. ISBN   8126012218.

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