This is a list of Eurosceptic political parties in Europe. This list includes both active and defunct political parties, as well as both soft and hard Eurosceptic parties.
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Adequate Party | Armenian : Ադեկվադ, romanized: Adekvad | |
Constitutional Rights Union | Armenian : Սահմանադրական իրավունքների միություն, romanized: Sahmanadrakan iravunk'neri miut'yun | [1] |
Hayazn | Armenian : Հայազն | |
Prosperous Armenia Party | Armenian : Բարգավաճ Հայաստան կուսակցություն, romanized: Bargavatch Hayastan kusaktsut'yun | |
United Communist Party of Armenia | Armenian : Հայաստանի Միավորված Կոմունիստական Կուսակցության, romanized: Hayastani Miatsial Komunistakan Kusaktsutyun |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance for the Future of Austria | Bündnis Zukunft Österreich | |
EU Exit Party for Austria | German : EU-Austrittspartei für Österreich | |
Free Party Salzburg | German : Freie Partei Salzburg | |
Freedom Party of Austria | German : Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs | [2] |
International Socialist Alternative | German : Internationale Sozialistische Alternative | |
KPÖ Plus | ||
Party of Labour of Austria | German : Partei der Arbeit Österreichs | |
Team HC Strache – Alliance for Austria | German : Team HC Strache – Allianz für Österreich | |
Team Stronach for Austria | German : Team Stronach für Österreich | [3] [4] |
The Reform Conservatives | German : Die Reformkonservativen |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
New Azerbaijan Party | Azerbaijani : Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyası |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Belarusian Agrarian Party | Russian : Белорусская аграрная партия, romanized: Belorusskaya grarnaya partiya, Belarusian : Беларуская аграрная партыя, romanized: Bielaruskaja ahrarnaja partyja |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Flemish Interest | Dutch : Vlaams Belang | [5] |
Liberal Democrats | French : Libéraux Démocrates | |
Libertarian, Direct, Democratic | Dutch : Libertair, Direct, Democratisch | [6] |
Nation | ||
People's Party | Dutch : Volkspartij, French : Parti Populaire | [7] |
Vivant | [8] | |
Workers' Party of Belgium | Dutch : Partij van de Arbeid van België, French : Parti du Travail de Belgique |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Bosnian Movement of National Pride | Bosnian : Bosanski Pokret Nacionalnog Ponosa | |
Socialist Party | Serbo-Croatian : Социјалистичка Партија, Socijalistička Partija | [9] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Attack | Bulgarian : Атака, romanized: Ataka | |
Bulgarian Patriots | Bulgarian : Българските патриоти, romanized: Bŭlgarskite patrioti | |
Bulgarian Rise | Bulgarian : Български възход, romanized: Balgarski vazhod | |
IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement | Bulgarian : ВМРО – Българско Национално Движение | [10] |
National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria | Bulgarian : Национален фронт за спасение на България, romanized: Natsionalen front za spasenie na Bŭlgariya | |
Party of the Bulgarian Communists | Bulgarian : Партия на Българските комунисти, romanized: Partiya na Bulgarskite komunisti | |
Patriotic Front | Bulgarian : Патриотичен фронт | |
People for Real, Open and United Democracy | Bulgarian : Гражданско обединение за реална демокрация | |
Revival | Bulgarian : Възраждане | [11] |
Union of Communists in Bulgaria | Bulgarian : Съюз на комунистите в България, romanized: Sayuz na komunistite v Balgariya |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Bloc for Croatia | Croatian : Blok za Hrvatsku | |
Croatian Liberation Movement | Croatian : Hrvatski Oslobodilački Pokret | |
Croatian Party of Rights — Dr. Ante Starčević | Croatian : Hrvatska Stranka Prava — Dr. Ante Starčević | |
Croatian Sovereignists | Croatian : Hrvatski Suverenisti | |
Homeland Movement | Croatian : Domovinski Pokret | [12] [13] |
Red Action | Croatian : Crvena Akcija | |
Law and Justice | Croatian : Pravo i Pravda | [14] [15] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) | |
ANO 2011 | Czech : ANO 2011 | ||
Civic Democratic Party | Czech : Občanská Demokratická Strana | ||
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia | Czech : Komunistická Strana Čech a Moravy | ||
Conservative Party | Czech : Konzervativní Strana | ||
Czech National Social Party | Czech : Česká Strana Národně Sociální | ||
Czech Sovereignty of Social Democracy | Czech : Česká Suverenita Sociální Demokracie | ||
Freedom and Direct Democracy | Czech : Svoboda a Přímá Demokracie | [16] [17] | |
Freeholder Party of the Czech Republic | Czech : Strana Soukromníků České Republiky | ||
Law, Respect, Expertise | Czech : Právo, Respekt, Odbornost | ||
Motorists for Themselves | Czech : Motoristé Sobě | ||
National Democracy | Czech : Národní Demokracie | ||
Oath | Czech : Přísaha | ||
Rally for the Republic – Republican Party of Czechoslovakia | Czech : Sdružení pro Republiku – Republikánská Strana Československa | ||
United Democrats – Association of Independents | Czech : Spojení demokraté – Sdružení nezávislých | ||
Svobodní | Czech : Svobodní | ||
Tricolour | Czech : Trikolora | [18] | |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Common Course | Danish : Fælles Kurs | |
Danish People's Party | Danish : Dansk Folkeparti | [19] |
Danish Unity | Danish : Dansk Samling | |
Democratic Party | Det Demokratiske Parti | |
Denmark Democrats | Danish : Danmarksdemokraterne | [20] [21] |
Freedom Party | Danish : Frihedspartiet | |
June Movement | Danish : JuniBevægelsen | |
Justice Party of Denmark | Danish : Retsforbundet | |
New Right | Danish : Nye Borgerlige | [22] [23] |
Party of the Danes | Danish : Danskernes Parti | |
People's Movement against the EU | Danish : Folkebevægelsen mod EU | |
Red-Green Alliance | Danish : Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Conservative People's Party of Estonia | Estonian : Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond | |
Estonian Centre Party | Estonian : Eesti Keskerakond | |
Estonian Independence Party | Estonian : Eesti Iseseisvuspartei | |
Party of Estonian Christian Democrats | Estonian : Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
People's Party | Faroese : Fólkaflokkurin, Danish : Folkeparti |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Blue and White Front | Finnish : Sinivalkoinen Rintama | |
Finnish People First | Finnish : Suomen Kansa Ensin | |
Foundational Finns | Finnish : Perussuomalaiset, Swedish : Sannfinländarna | |
Forces for Change in Finland | Finnish : Muutosvoimat Suomi, Swedish : Förändringskrafterna i Finland | |
Freedom Alliance | Finnish : Vapauden Liitto, Swedish : Frihetsalliansen | |
Independence Party | Finnish : Itsenäisyyspuolue, Swedish : Självständighetspartiet | |
Non-aligned Coalition | Swedish : Obunden Samling | |
Power Belongs to the People | Finnish : Valta Kuuluu Kansalle, Swedish : Makten Tillhör Folket |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Debout la France (France Arise) | [24] [25] | |
Citizen and Republican Movement | French : Mouvement Républicain et Citoyen | [26] |
Communist Revolutionary Party of France | French : Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France | |
French Future | French : L'Avenir Français | |
La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) | ||
Left Front | French : Front de Gauche | [27] |
Left Party | French : Parti de Gauche | |
National Rally | French : Rassemblement National | [28] |
New Anticapitalist Party | French : Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste | [29] |
Pole of Communist Revival in France | French : Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France | [30] |
Popular Republican Union | French : Union Populaire Républicain | |
Rally for France | French : Rassemblement pour la France | |
Reconquête (Reconquest) | [31] | |
Rurality Movement | French : Le Mouvement de la Ruralité | |
Social Bastion | French : Bastion Social | |
The Patriots | French : Les Patriotes |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alternative for Germany | German : Alternative für Deutschland | [32] |
Bavaria Party | German : Bayernpartei | |
Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht) | [33] | |
Freedom – Civil Rights Party for More Freedom and Democracy | German : Die Freiheit – Bürgerrechtspartei für mehr Freiheit und Demokratie | [34] |
Liberal Conservative Reformers | German : Liberal-Konservative Reformer | [35] |
National Democratic Party of Germany | German : Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands | |
The Blue Party | German : Die Blaue Partei | |
The German Conservatives | German : Die Deutschen Konservativen | |
The Republicans | German : Die Republikaner | |
The Right | German : Die Rechte |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance of Patriots of Georgia | Georgian :საქართველოს პატრიოტთა ალიანსი, romanized:sakartvelos p'at'riot'ta aliansi | |
Conservative Movement | Georgian :კონსერვატიული მოძრაობა, romanized:k'onservat'iuli modzraoba | |
European Socialists | Georgian :ევროპელი სოციალისტები, romanized:evrop'eli sotsialist'ebi | [36] |
Georgian Dream | Georgian :ქართული ოცნება, romanized:kartuli otsneba | [37] [38] [39] |
Industry Will Save Georgia | Georgian :მრეწველობა გადაარჩენს საქართველოს, romanized:mrets'veloba gadaarchens sakartvelos | |
People's Power | Georgian :ხალხის ძალა, romanized:khalkhis dzala |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Antarsya | Greek : Ανταρυα | |
Communist Party of Greece | Greek : Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας, romanized: Kommounistikó Kómma Elládas | [40] |
Course of Freedom | Greek : Πλεύση Ελευθερίας, romanized: Plefsi Eleftherias | [41] |
Democratic Social Movement | Greek : Δημοκρατικό Κοινωνικό Κίνημα, romanized: Dimokratiko Koinoniko Kinima | [42] |
Drachmi Greek Democratic Movement Five Stars | Greek : ΔΡΑΧΜΗ Ελληνική Δημοκρατικό Κίνηση Πέντε Αστέρια | [43] |
Free People | Greek : Ελεύθεροι Άνθρωποι | |
Popular Association – Golden Dawn | Greek : Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος – Χρυσή Αυγή, romanized: Laïkós Sýndesmos – Chrysí Avgí | [44] |
Greeks for the Fatherland | Greek : Έλληνες για την Πατρίδα, romanized: Éllines gia tin Patrída | |
National Popular Consciousness | Greek : Εθνική Λαϊκή Συνείδηση, romanized: Ethnikí Laïkí Syneídisi | |
New Right | Greek : Νέα Δεξιά, romanized: Nea Dexia | |
People's Resistance | Greek : Λαϊκή Αντίσταση, romanized: Laiki Antistasi | |
Popular Greek Patriotic Union | Greek : Λαϊκή Ελληνική Πατριωτική Ένωση, romanized: Laiki Elliniki Patriotiki Enosi | |
Popular Orthodox Rally | Greek : Λαϊκός Ορθόδοξος Συναγερμός, romanized: Laikós Orthódoxos Synagermós | [45] |
Popular Unity | Greek : Λαϊκή Ενότητα, romanized: Laïkí Enótita | [46] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Fidesz | ||
Hungarian Workers' Party | Hungarian : Magyar Munkáspárt | |
Our Homeland Movement | Hungarian : Mi Hazánk Mozgalom | [47] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre Party | Icelandic : Miðflokkurinn | |
Freedom Party | Icelandic : Frelsisflokkurinn | |
Icelandic National Front | Icelandic : Íslenska Þjóðfylkingin | |
Independence Party | Icelandic : Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn | |
Left-Green Movement | Icelandic : Vinstrihreyfingin – Grænt Framboð | [48] |
Liberal Democratic Party | Icelandic : Frjálslyndi lýðræðisflokkurinn | |
Liberal Party | Icelandic : Frjálslyndi Flokkurinn | [49] |
People's Front of Iceland | Icelandic : Alþýðufylkingin | [50] [51] |
People's Party | Icelandic : Flokkur Fólksins | [52] |
Progressive Party | Icelandic : Framsóknarflokkurinn | [53] [52] |
Rainbow | Icelandic : Regnboginn | [54] [55] [56] [57] |
Right-Green People's Party | Icelandic : Hægri Grænir Flokkur Fólksins | |
Sovereign Union | Icelandic : Samtök Fullveldissinna |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Aontú (Unity) | [58] | |
Catholic Democrats | Irish : Daonlathaithe Caitliceacha | [59] |
Direct Democracy Ireland | Irish : Daonlathas Díreach Éireann | [60] |
Éirígí | [61] | |
Identity Ireland | Irish : Aitheantas Éire | |
Immigration Control Platform | Irish : An Feachtas um Smacht ar Inimirce | |
Irish Freedom Party | Irish : Cumann na Saoirse | [62] |
Libertas Ireland | ||
Militant Left | ||
National Party | Irish : An Páirtí Náisiúnta | |
Renua | [63] | |
Saoradh (Liberation) | [64] | |
Socialist Party | Irish : Páirtí Sóisialach | [65] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Amanat (Trust) | Kazakh : Аманат |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Action Party | Latvian : Rīcības Partija | |
All for Latvia! | Latvian : Visu Latvijai! | |
For a Humane Latvia | Latvian : Par Cilvēcīgu Latviju | |
For Each and Every One | Latvian : Katram un Katrai | |
For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK | Latvian : Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK | |
Latvia First | Latvian : Latvija Pirmajā Vietā | |
Union of Greens and Farmers | Latvian : Latvija Pirmajā Vietā |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Lithuanian People's Party | Lithuanian : Lietuvos Liaudies Partija | |
Order and Justice | Lithuanian : Tvarka ir Teisingumas | |
People and Justice Union | Lithuanian : Tautos ir Teisingumo Sąjunga | [74] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alternative Democratic Reform Party | Luxembourgish : Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei, French : Parti Réformiste d'Alternative Démocratique, German : Alternative Demokratische Reformpartei | [75] |
Communist Party of Luxembourg | Luxembourgish : Kommunistesch Partei vu Lëtzebuerg, French : Parti Communiste Luxembourgeois, German : Kommunistische Partei Luxemburgs | |
The Left | Luxembourgish : Déi Lénk, French : La Gauche, German : Die Linken | [76] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
ABBA | ||
Alliance for Change | Maltese : Alleanza Bidla | |
Communist Party of Malta | Maltese : Partit Komunista Malti | |
Libertas Malta | ||
National Action | Maltese : Azzjoni Nazzjonali | |
People's Party | Maltese : Partit Popolari |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Collective Action Party – Civic Congress | Romanian : Partidul Acțiunii Comune – Congresul Civic | [77] |
Our Party | Romanian : Partidul Nostru | |
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova | Romanian : Partidul Socialiștilor din Republica Moldova, Russian : Партия социалистов Республики Молдова, romanized: Partya sotsialistov Respubliki Moldova | [78] |
Victory | Romanian : Victorie |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Front | Montenegrin : Демократски фронт, romanized: Demokratski front | |
Democratic People's Party | Montenegrin : Демократска народна партија, romanized: Demokratska narodna partija | |
Party of Serb Radicals | Serbian : Странка српских радикала, romanized: Stranka srpskih radikala | |
Serb List | Serbian : Српска листа, romanized: Srpska lista |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Capitalist Party | Bokmål : Liberalistene, Nynorsk : Liberalistane | |
Centre Party | Norwegian : Senterpartiet, Northern Sami : Guovddášbellodat | |
Christian Democratic Party | Bokmål : Kristelig Folkeparti, Nynorsk : Kristeleg Folkeparti, Northern Sami : Risttalaš Álbmotbellodat | |
Democrats in Norway | Bokmål : Demokratene, Nynorsk : Demokratane | [92] |
Progress Party | Bokmål : Fremskrittspartiet, Nynorsk : Framstegspartiet, Northern Sami : Ovddádusbellodat | |
Red Party | Bokmål : Rødt, Nynorsk : Raudt, Northern Sami : Ruoksat | |
Socialist Left Party | Norwegian : Sosialistisk Venstreparti, Northern Sami : Sosialisttalaš Gurutbellodat | |
Society Party | Norwegian : Samfunnspartiet |
Name | Native name(s( | Reference(s) |
Alliance for Poland | Polish : Przymierze dla Polski | |
Confederation Liberty and Independence | Polish : Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość | |
Confederation of the Polish Crown | Polish : Konfederacja Korony Polskiej | |
Congress of the New Right | Polish : Kongres Nowej Prawicy | [93] |
Forward Poland | Polish : Naprzód Polsko | |
Libertas Poland | Polish : Libertas Polska | |
New Hope | Polish : Nowa Nadzieja | |
National League | Polish : Liga Narodowa | |
National Movement | Polish : Ruch Narodowy | |
National Revival | Polish : Stronnictwo Narodowe | |
National Revival of Poland | Polish : Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski | |
Party of Regions | Polish : Partia Regionów | |
Poland Comes First | Polish : Polska jest Najważniejsza | |
Poland Together | Polish : Polska Razem | |
Real Politics Union | Polish : Unia Polityki Realnej | |
Right Wing of the Republic | Polish : Prawica Rzeczypospolitej | |
Union of Christian Families | Polish : Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańskich Rodzin |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
CDS – People's Party | Portuguese : CDS – Partido Popular | |
Chega (Enough) | [94] | |
Left Bloc | Portuguese : Bloco de Esquerda | [95] |
National Democratic Alternative | Portuguese : Alternativa Democrática Nacional | |
New Democracy Party | Portuguese : Partido da Nova Democracia | [96] |
People's Monarchist Party | Portuguese : Partido Popular Monárquico | [97] |
Portuguese Communist Party | Portuguese : Partido Comunista Português | |
Rise Up | Portuguese : Ergue-te |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance for the Union of Romanians | Romanian : Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor | |
Ecologist Party of Romania | Romanian : Partidul Ecologist Român | [98] |
Greater Romania Party | Romanian : Partidul România Mare | [99] |
National Identity Bloc in Europe | Romanian : Blocul Identităţii Naţionale în Europa | |
Romanian Nationhood Party | Romanian : Partidul Neamul Românesc | [100] |
S.O.S. Romania | Romanian : S.O.S. România | [101] |
The Right Alternative | Romanian : Alternativa Dreaptă | |
United Romania Party | Romanian : Partidul România Unită |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Communist Party of the Russian Federation | Russian : Коммунистическая Партия Российской Федерации, romanized: Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii | |
For Truth | Russian : За правду, romanized: Za pravdu | |
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia | Russian : Либерально-демократическая партия России, romanized: Liberal'no-demokraticheskaya partiya Rossii | |
National Patriotic Forces of Russia | Russian : Национально-патриотические силы России, romanized: Natsionalʹno-patrioticheskiye sily Rossii | |
Socialist Alternative | Russian : Социалистическая альтернатива, romanized: Sotsialisticheskaya alternativa | |
United Russia | Russian : Единая Россия, romanized: Yedinaya Rossiya |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Coalition of Refugee Associations in the Republic of Serbia | Serbian : Коалиција удружења избјеглица у Републици Србији, romanized: Koalicija Udruženja Izbjeglica u Republici Srbiji | |
Dveri (Doors) | Serbian : Двери | |
Enough is Enough | Serbian : Доста је било, romanized: Dosta je bilo | |
Healthy Serbia | Serbian : Здрава Србија, romanized: Zdrava Srbija | |
Liberation Movement | Serbian : Покрет ослобођење, romanized: Pokret oslobođenje | |
Love, Faith, Hope | Serbian : Љував, вера, нада, romanized: Ljvav, vera, nada | |
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia | Serbian : Покрет обнове Краљевине Србије, romanized: Pokret obnove Kraljevine Srbije | |
Movement of Socialists | Serbian : Покрет социјалиста, romanized: Pokret socijalista | |
National Democratic Alternative | Serbian : Национално демократска алтернатива, romanized: Nacionalno demokratska alternativa | |
National Network | Serbian : Народна мрежа, romanized: Narodna mreža | |
New Democratic Party of Serbia | Serbian : Нова демократска странка Србије, romanized: Nova demokratska stranka Srbije | |
Russian Party | Serbian : Руска странка, romanized: Ruska stranka, Russian : Русская партия, romanized: Russkaya partiya | |
Serbian People's Party | Serbian : Српска народна партија, romanized: Srpska narodna partija | |
Serbian Radical Party | Serbian : Српска радикална странка, romanized: Srpska radikalna stranka | |
Sovereignists | Serbian : Суверенисти, romanized: Suverenisti |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Conservative Democrats of Slovakia | Slovak : Konzervatívni Demokrati Slovenska | [102] [103] |
Freedom and Solidarity | Slovak : Sloboda a Solidarita | [104] |
People's Party Our Slovakia | Slovak : Ľudová Strana Naše Slovensko | [105] [106] |
Republic | Slovak : Republika | |
Slovak National Party | Slovak : Slovenská Národná Strana | [107] |
Slovak PATRIOT | Slovak : Slovenský PATRIOT | |
Slovak Togetherness | Slovak : Slovenská Pospolitosť | |
We Are Family | Slovak : Sme Rodina |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Initiative for Democratic Socialism | Slovene : Iniciativa za Demokratični Socializem | |
Party of Slovenian People | Slovene : Stranka Slovenskega Naroda | |
Slovenian National Party | Slovene : Slovenska Nacionalna Stranka |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Endavant (Forward) | ||
España 2000 (Spain 2000) | ||
Podemos (We Can) | [108] [109] | |
Popular Unity Candidacy | Catalan : Candidatura d'Unitat Popular | [110] [111] |
Spanish Alternative | Spanish : Alternativa Española | |
Vox (Latin for 'Voice') | [112] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alternative for Sweden | Swedish : Alternativ för Sverige | [113] |
Citizens' Coalition | Swedish : Medborgerlig Samling | [114] |
June List | Swedish : Junilistan | |
New Future | Swedish : Ny Framtid |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland | German : Eidgenössisch-Demokratische Union, French : Union Démocratique Fédérale, Italian : Unione Democratica Federale, Romansh : Uniun Democrata Federala | |
Swiss Democrats | German : Schweizer Demokraten, French : Démocrates Suisses, Italian : Democratici Svizzeri, Romansh : Democrats Svizers | |
Swiss People's Party | German : Schweizerische Volkspartei, French : Union démocratique du centre, Italian : Unione Democratica di Centro, Romansh : Partida Populara Svizra | [115] |
Ticino League | German : Liga der Tessiner, French : Ligue des Tessinois, Italian : Lega dei Ticinesi | [116] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre Party | Turkish : Merkez Parti | |
Communist Movement of Turkey | Turkish : Türkiye Komünist Hareketi | [117] |
Conservative Ascension Party | Turkish : Muhafazakar Yükseliş Partisi | |
Felicity Party | Turkish : Saadet Partisi | |
Justice and Development Party | Turkish : Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi | [118] [119] |
Nationalist Movement Party | Turkish : Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi | [120] |
Nationalist Turkey Party | Turkish : Milliyetçi Türkiye Partisi | |
People's Alliance | Turkish : Cumhur İttifakı | |
Workers' Fraternity Party | Turkish : İşçi Kardeşliği Partisi | [121] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Communist Party of Ukraine | Ukrainian : Комуністична партія України, romanized: Komunistychna partiya Ukrayiny, Russian : Коммунистическая партия Украины, romanized: Kommunisticheskaya partiya Ukrainy | |
Nashi (Ours) | Ukrainian : Наші | |
National Corps | Ukrainian : Національний корпус, romanized: Natsionalnyi korpus | |
Opposition Bloc | Ukrainian : Опозиційний блок, Russian : Оппозиционный блок | [122] |
Opposition Bloc (2019) | Ukrainian : Опозиційний блок | |
Opposition Platform — For Life | Ukrainian : Опозиційна платформа – За життя, Russian : Оппозиционная платформа – За жизнь | |
Party of Christian Socialists | Ukrainian : Партія Християнських соціалістів, Russian : Партия Христианских социалистов | |
Party of Regions | Ukrainian : Партія регіонів, romanized: Partiia rehioniv, Russian : Партия регионов, romanized: Partiya regionov | [123] [124] |
Party of Shariy | Ukrainian : Партія Шарія, Russian : Партия Шария | [125] [126] |
Peace to Luhanshchyna | Ukrainian : Спокій Луганщині, romanized: Spokiy Luhanshchyni, Russian : Мир Луганщине, romanized: Mir Luganshchine | |
Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine | Ukrainian : Прогресивна соціалістична партія України, romanized: Prohresyvna sotsialistychna partiya Ukrayiny, Russian : Прогрессивная социалистическая партия Украины, romanized: Progressivnaya sotsialisticheskaya partiya Ukrainy | |
Right Sector | Ukrainian : Пра́вий се́ктор, romanized: Pravyi sektor | [127] |
Ihre Mischung aus sozialkonservativer und sozialistisch orientierter Wirtschaftspolitik sei bei Anti-Establishment- und rechten Wählern beliebt, sagte der Politikwissenschaftler Constantin Wurthmann kürzlich in einem Interview mit Euractiv.[Its mixture of socially conservative and socialist-oriented economic policy is popular with anti-establishment and right-wing voters, said political scientist Constantin Wurthmann in a recent interview with Euractiv.]
Wagenknechts wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Ansätze sind im Kern sozialistisch.[Wagenknecht's economic and social policy approaches are essentially socialist.]
Der neuen Partei das passende Etikett zu verpassen, ist nicht einfach. Man kann sie als linkskonservativ einstufen, ebenso als national und sozialistisch.[It is not easy to give the new party the right label. It can be categorised as left-wing conservative, nationalist or socialist.]
Nationalismus scheint für Wagenknecht nicht mehr, wie bisher, der böse Gegner zu sein, sondern Mittel und Zweck, um Menschen für ihre Art von Sozialismus zu mobilisieren. National und sozialistisch, gepaart mit einer einzelnen Person als Dreh- und Angelpunkt, dazu noch eine Entourage aus im Bundestag bisher weitestgehend Ausgegrenzten, man könnte auch schreiben: Claqueuren, Spinnern und Querulanten.[For Wagenknecht, nationalism no longer seems to be the evil opponent, as before, but a means and an end to mobilise people for her kind of socialism. National and socialist, paired with a single person as the linchpin, plus an entourage of people who have so far been largely marginalised in the Bundestag: claqueurs, cranks and troublemakers.]
Hier national, dort sozialistisch – kein Wunder, dass die Medien Sahras Bündnis verschreckt dann doch lieber «linkskonservativ» nennen.[Nationalist here, socialist there - no wonder the media prefer to call Sahra's alliance "left-wing conservative" after all.]
Die Wirtschaftspolitik der neuen Partei dürfte nach innen eher sozialistisch ausgerichtet sein. "Soziale Gerechtigkeit" wollen zwar so ziemlich alle Parteien in Deutschland, doch verstehen sie Unterschiedliches.[The new party's economic policy is likely to be more socialist in nature. Although pretty much all parties in Germany want "social justice", they understand it differently.]
To be fair, Wagenknecht is still a socialist. But what sort of socialism? The kind obsessively focused on questions of the national.
Dazu Wagenknecht mit ihrer Ausstrahlung, verbal-radikal sozialistisch, wenn es (ihr) passt, mit kühler Rhetorik gegen die da oben und die Ampel-Koalition – und es wird ungemütlich für Rechte und Linke.[Add to this Wagenknecht with her charisma, verbally radical socialist when it suits (her), with cool rhetoric against those up there and the traffic light coalition - and it gets uncomfortable for the right and the left.]
Inhaltlich muss man sich eine solche Partei schillernd wie ihre Anführerin selbst vorstellen, wechselnd zwischen links- und rechtspopulistischen Tönen: national in der Außen- und Migrationspolitik, sozialistisch in der Sozial- und Wirtschaftspolitik, konservativ in der Gesellschaftspolitik und russlandfreundlich.[In terms of content, such a party must be as colourful as its leader herself, alternating between left-wing and right-wing populist tones: national in foreign and migration policy, socialist in social and economic policy, conservative in social policy and Russia-friendly.]
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: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)Vox holds positions of soft euroscepticism, arguing that Spain should make no sovereignty concessions to the EU, and its presence on the national stage pushed expectations towards an increased politicization of the debate around the European Union