List of Eurosceptic political parties

Last updated

This is a list of Eurosceptic political parties in Europe. This list includes both active and defunct political parties, as well as both soft and hard Eurosceptic parties.


By country


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Adequate Party Armenian : Ադեկվադ, romanized: Adekvad
Constitutional Rights Union Armenian : Սահմանադրական իրավունքների միություն, romanized: Sahmanadrakan iravunk'neri miut'yun [1]
Hayazn Armenian : Հայազն
Prosperous Armenia Party Armenian : Բարգավաճ Հայաստան կուսակցություն, romanized: Bargavatch Hayastan kusaktsut'yun
United Communist Party of Armenia Armenian : Հայաստանի Միավորված Կոմունիստական Կուսակցության, romanized: Hayastani Miatsial Komunistakan Kusaktsutyun


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alliance for the Future of Austria Bündnis Zukunft Österreich
EU Exit Party for Austria German : EU-Austrittspartei für Österreich
Free Party Salzburg German : Freie Partei Salzburg
Freedom Party of Austria German : Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs [2]
International Socialist Alternative German : Internationale Sozialistische Alternative
KPÖ Plus
Party of Labour of Austria German : Partei der Arbeit Österreichs
Team HC Strache – Alliance for Austria German : Team HC Strache – Allianz für Österreich
Team Stronach for Austria German : Team Stronach für Österreich [3] [4]
The Reform Conservatives German : Die Reformkonservativen


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
New Azerbaijan Party Azerbaijani : Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyası


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Belarusian Agrarian Party Russian : Белорусская аграрная партия, romanized: Belorusskaya grarnaya partiya, Belarusian : Беларуская аграрная партыя, romanized: Bielaruskaja ahrarnaja partyja


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Flemish Interest Dutch : Vlaams Belang [5]
Liberal Democrats French : Libéraux Démocrates
Libertarian, Direct, Democratic Dutch : Libertair, Direct, Democratisch [6]
People's Party Dutch : Volkspartij, French : Parti Populaire [7]
Vivant [8]
Workers' Party of Belgium Dutch : Partij van de Arbeid van België, French : Parti du Travail de Belgique

Bosnia and Herzegovina

NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Bosnian Movement of National Pride Bosnian : Bosanski Pokret Nacionalnog Ponosa
Socialist Party Serbo-Croatian : Социјалистичка Партија, Socijalistička Partija [9]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Attack Bulgarian : Атака, romanized: Ataka
Bulgarian Patriots Bulgarian : Българските патриоти, romanized: Bŭlgarskite patrioti
Bulgarian Rise Bulgarian : Български възход, romanized: Balgarski vazhod
IMRO – Bulgarian National Movement Bulgarian : ВМРО – Българско Национално Движение [10]
National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria Bulgarian : Национален фронт за спасение на България, romanized: Natsionalen front za spasenie na Bŭlgariya
Party of the Bulgarian Communists Bulgarian : Партия на Българските комунисти, romanized: Partiya na Bulgarskite komunisti
Patriotic Front Bulgarian : Патриотичен фронт
People for Real, Open and United Democracy Bulgarian : Гражданско обединение за реална демокрация
Revival Bulgarian : Възраждане [11]
Union of Communists in Bulgaria Bulgarian : Съюз на комунистите в България, romanized: Sayuz na komunistite v Balgariya


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Bloc for Croatia Croatian : Blok za Hrvatsku
Croatian Liberation Movement Croatian : Hrvatski Oslobodilački Pokret
Croatian Party of Rights — Dr. Ante Starčević Croatian : Hrvatska Stranka Prava — Dr. Ante Starčević
Croatian Sovereignists Croatian : Hrvatski Suverenisti
Homeland Movement Croatian : Domovinski Pokret [12] [13]
Red Action Croatian : Crvena Akcija
Law and Justice Croatian : Pravo i Pravda [14] [15]

Czech Republic

NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
ANO 2011 Czech : ANO 2011
Civic Democratic Party Czech : Občanská Demokratická Strana
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia Czech : Komunistická Strana Čech a Moravy
Conservative Party Czech : Konzervativní Strana
Czech National Social Party Czech : Česká Strana Národně Sociální
Czech Sovereignty of Social Democracy Czech : Česká Suverenita Sociální Demokracie
Freedom and Direct Democracy Czech : Svoboda a Přímá Demokracie [16] [17]
Freeholder Party of the Czech Republic Czech : Strana Soukromníků České Republiky
Law, Respect, Expertise Czech : Právo, Respekt, Odbornost
Motorists for Themselves Czech : Motoristé Sobě
National Democracy Czech : Národní Demokracie
Oath Czech : Přísaha
Rally for the Republic – Republican Party of Czechoslovakia Czech : Sdružení pro Republiku – Republikánská Strana Československa
United Democrats – Association of Independents Czech : Spojení demokraté – Sdružení nezávislých
Svobodní Czech : Svobodní
Tricolour Czech : Trikolora [18]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Common Course Danish : Fælles Kurs
Danish People's Party Danish : Dansk Folkeparti [19]
Danish Unity Danish : Dansk Samling
Democratic Party Det Demokratiske Parti
Denmark Democrats Danish : Danmarksdemokraterne [20] [21]
Freedom Party Danish : Frihedspartiet
June Movement Danish : JuniBevægelsen
Justice Party of Denmark Danish : Retsforbundet
New Right Danish : Nye Borgerlige [22] [23]
Party of the Danes Danish : Danskernes Parti
People's Movement against the EU Danish : Folkebevægelsen mod EU
Red-Green Alliance Danish : Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Conservative People's Party of Estonia Estonian : Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond
Estonian Centre Party Estonian : Eesti Keskerakond
Estonian Independence Party Estonian : Eesti Iseseisvuspartei
Party of Estonian Christian Democrats Estonian : Erakond Eesti Kristlikud Demokraadid

Faroe Islands

NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
People's Party Faroese : Fólkaflokkurin, Danish : Folkeparti


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Blue and White Front Finnish : Sinivalkoinen Rintama
Finnish People First Finnish : Suomen Kansa Ensin
Foundational Finns Finnish : Perussuomalaiset, Swedish : Sannfinländarna
Forces for Change in Finland Finnish : Muutosvoimat Suomi, Swedish : Förändringskrafterna i Finland
Freedom Alliance Finnish : Vapauden Liitto, Swedish : Frihetsalliansen
Independence Party Finnish : Itsenäisyyspuolue, Swedish : Självständighetspartiet
Non-aligned Coalition Swedish : Obunden Samling
Power Belongs to the People Finnish : Valta Kuuluu Kansalle, Swedish : Makten Tillhör Folket


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Debout la France (France Arise) [24] [25]
Citizen and Republican Movement French : Mouvement Républicain et Citoyen [26]
Communist Revolutionary Party of France French : Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France
French Future French : L'Avenir Français
La France Insoumise (France Unbowed)
Left Front French : Front de Gauche [27]
Left Party French : Parti de Gauche
National Rally French : Rassemblement National [28]
New Anticapitalist Party French : Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste [29]
Pole of Communist Revival in France French : Pôle de Renaissance Communiste en France [30]
Popular Republican Union French : Union Populaire Républicain
Rally for France French : Rassemblement pour la France
Reconquête (Reconquest) [31]
Rurality Movement French : Le Mouvement de la Ruralité
Social Bastion French : Bastion Social
The Patriots French : Les Patriotes


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alternative for Germany German : Alternative für Deutschland [32]
Bavaria Party German : Bayernpartei
Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht) [33]
Freedom – Civil Rights Party for More Freedom and Democracy German : Die Freiheit – Bürgerrechtspartei für mehr Freiheit und Demokratie [34]
Liberal Conservative Reformers German : Liberal-Konservative Reformer [35]
National Democratic Party of Germany German : Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands
The Blue Party German : Die Blaue Partei
The German Conservatives German : Die Deutschen Konservativen
The Republicans German : Die Republikaner
The Right German : Die Rechte


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alliance of Patriots of Georgia Georgian :საქართველოს პატრიოტთა ალიანსი, romanized:sakartvelos p'at'riot'ta aliansi
Conservative Movement Georgian :კონსერვატიული მოძრაობა, romanized:k'onservat'iuli modzraoba
European Socialists Georgian :ევროპელი სოციალისტები, romanized:evrop'eli sotsialist'ebi [36]
Georgian Dream Georgian :ქართული ოცნება, romanized:kartuli otsneba [37] [38] [39]
Industry Will Save Georgia Georgian :მრეწველობა გადაარჩენს საქართველოს, romanized:mrets'veloba gadaarchens sakartvelos
People's Power Georgian :ხალხის ძალა, romanized:khalkhis dzala


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Antarsya Greek : Ανταρυα
Communist Party of Greece Greek : Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας, romanized: Kommounistikó Kómma Elládas [40]
Course of Freedom Greek : Πλεύση Ελευθερίας, romanized: Plefsi Eleftherias [41]
Democratic Social Movement Greek : Δημοκρατικό Κοινωνικό Κίνημα, romanized: Dimokratiko Koinoniko Kinima [42]
Drachmi Greek Democratic Movement Five Stars Greek : ΔΡΑΧΜΗ Ελληνική Δημοκρατικό Κίνηση Πέντε Αστέρια [43]
Free People Greek : Ελεύθεροι Άνθρωποι
Popular Association – Golden Dawn Greek : Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος – Χρυσή Αυγή, romanized: Laïkós Sýndesmos – Chrysí Avgí [44]
Greeks for the Fatherland Greek : Έλληνες για την Πατρίδα, romanized: Éllines gia tin Patrída
National Popular Consciousness Greek : Εθνική Λαϊκή Συνείδηση, romanized: Ethnikí Laïkí Syneídisi
New Right Greek : Νέα Δεξιά, romanized: Nea Dexia
People's Resistance Greek : Λαϊκή Αντίσταση, romanized: Laiki Antistasi
Popular Greek Patriotic Union Greek : Λαϊκή Ελληνική Πατριωτική Ένωση, romanized: Laiki Elliniki Patriotiki Enosi
Popular Orthodox Rally Greek : Λαϊκός Ορθόδοξος Συναγερμός, romanized: Laikós Orthódoxos Synagermós [45]
Popular Unity Greek : Λαϊκή Ενότητα, romanized: Laïkí Enótita [46]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Hungarian Workers' Party Hungarian : Magyar Munkáspárt
Our Homeland Movement Hungarian : Mi Hazánk Mozgalom [47]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Centre Party Icelandic : Miðflokkurinn
Freedom Party Icelandic : Frelsisflokkurinn
Icelandic National Front Icelandic : Íslenska Þjóðfylkingin
Independence Party Icelandic : Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn
Left-Green Movement Icelandic : Vinstrihreyfingin – Grænt Framboð [48]
Liberal Democratic Party Icelandic : Frjálslyndi lýðræðisflokkurinn
Liberal Party Icelandic : Frjálslyndi Flokkurinn [49]
People's Front of Iceland Icelandic : Alþýðufylkingin [50] [51]
People's Party Icelandic : Flokkur Fólksins [52]
Progressive Party Icelandic : Framsóknarflokkurinn [53] [52]
Rainbow Icelandic : Regnboginn [54] [55] [56] [57]
Right-Green People's Party Icelandic : Hægri Grænir Flokkur Fólksins
Sovereign Union Icelandic : Samtök Fullveldissinna


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Aontú (Unity) [58]
Catholic Democrats Irish : Daonlathaithe Caitliceacha [59]
Direct Democracy Ireland Irish : Daonlathas Díreach Éireann [60]
Éirígí [61]
Identity Ireland Irish : Aitheantas Éire
Immigration Control Platform Irish : An Feachtas um Smacht ar Inimirce
Irish Freedom Party Irish : Cumann na Saoirse [62]
Libertas Ireland
Militant Left
National Party Irish : An Páirtí Náisiúnta
Renua [63]
Saoradh (Liberation) [64]
Socialist Party Irish : Páirtí Sóisialach [65]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alternativa (Alternative)
Brothers of Italy Italian : Fratelli d'Italia
Communist Party Italian : Partito Comunista
Conservatives and Reformists Italian : Conservatori e Riformisti
Direction Italy Italian : Direzione Italia
Fatherland and Constitution Italian : Patria e Costituzione [66]
I Love Italy Italian : Io Amo l'Italia
Italexit [67] [68]
Italian Communist Party Italian : Partito Comunista Italiano
Lega (League) [69] [70]
Lega Nord (Northern League) [71]
National Movement for Sovereignty Italian : Movimento Nazionale per la Sovranità
National Front Italian : Fronte Nazionale
Network of Communists Italian : Rete dei Comunisti [72]
New Force Italian : Forza Nuova
No Euro Movement Italian : Movimento No Euro
Popular Unity Italian : Unità Popolare
Power to the People Italian : Potere al Popolo
Social Idea Movement Italian : Movimento Idea Sociale
Socialist Rebirth Italian : Risorgimento Socialista
Sovereign Popular Democracy Italian : Democrazia Sovrana Popolare [73]
Sovereignty Italian : Sovranità
The Right Italian : La Destra
Tricolour Flame Italian : Fiamma Tricolore
Us with Salvini Italian : Noi con Salvini


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Amanat (Trust) Kazakh : Аманат


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Action Party Latvian : Rīcības Partija
All for Latvia! Latvian : Visu Latvijai!
For a Humane Latvia Latvian : Par Cilvēcīgu Latviju
For Each and Every One Latvian : Katram un Katrai
For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Latvian : Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK
Latvia First Latvian : Latvija Pirmajā Vietā
Union of Greens and Farmers Latvian : Latvija Pirmajā Vietā


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Lithuanian People's Party Lithuanian : Lietuvos Liaudies Partija
Order and Justice Lithuanian : Tvarka ir Teisingumas
People and Justice Union Lithuanian : Tautos ir Teisingumo Sąjunga [74]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alternative Democratic Reform Party Luxembourgish : Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei, French : Parti Réformiste d'Alternative Démocratique, German : Alternative Demokratische Reformpartei [75]
Communist Party of Luxembourg Luxembourgish : Kommunistesch Partei vu Lëtzebuerg, French : Parti Communiste Luxembourgeois, German : Kommunistische Partei Luxemburgs
The Left Luxembourgish : Déi Lénk, French : La Gauche, German : Die Linken [76]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alliance for Change Maltese : Alleanza Bidla
Communist Party of Malta Maltese : Partit Komunista Malti
Libertas Malta
National Action Maltese : Azzjoni Nazzjonali
People's Party Maltese : Partit Popolari


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Collective Action Party – Civic Congress Romanian : Partidul Acțiunii Comune – Congresul Civic [77]
Our Party Romanian : Partidul Nostru
Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova Romanian : Partidul Socialiștilor din Republica Moldova, Russian : Партия социалистов Республики Молдова, romanized: Partya sotsialistov Respubliki Moldova [78]
Victory Romanian : Victorie


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Democratic Front Montenegrin : Демократски фронт, romanized: Demokratski front
Democratic People's Party Montenegrin : Демократска народна партија, romanized: Demokratska narodna partija
Party of Serb Radicals Serbian : Странка српских радикала, romanized: Stranka srpskih radikala
Serb List Serbian : Српска листа, romanized: Srpska lista


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
50PLUS [79]
Article 50 Dutch : Artikel 50
Centre Democrats Dutch : Centrum Democraten
Centre Party Dutch : Centrumpartij
Christian Union Dutch : ChristenUnie
Christian Union – Reformed Political Party Dutch : ChristenUnie – Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
Democratic Political Turning Point Dutch : Democratisch Politiek Keerpunt
Forum for Democracy Dutch : Forum voor Democratie [80] [81]
Forza! Netherlands Dutch : Forza! Nederland
Independent Citizen's Party Dutch : Onafhankelijke Burger Partij
Interest of the Netherlands Dutch : Belang van Nederland [82]
JA21 [83]
Jesus Lives Dutch : Jezus Leeft
Otten Group Dutch : Groep Otten [84]
Party for Freedom Dutch : Partij voor de Vrijheid [85] [86]
Party for Neighbourly Love, Freedom and Diversity Dutch : Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid en Diversiteit [87]
Pim Fortuyn List Dutch : Lijst Pim Fortuyn [88] [89]
Reformed Political Party Dutch : Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij [79] [90]
Socialist Party Dutch : Socialistische Partij
Proud of the Netherlands Dutch : Trots op Nederland
VoorNederland (For Netherlands) [91]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Capitalist Party Bokmål : Liberalistene, Nynorsk : Liberalistane
Centre Party Norwegian : Senterpartiet, Northern Sami : Guovddášbellodat
Christian Democratic Party Bokmål : Kristelig Folkeparti, Nynorsk : Kristeleg Folkeparti, Northern Sami : Risttalaš Álbmotbellodat
Democrats in Norway Bokmål : Demokratene, Nynorsk : Demokratane [92]
Progress Party Bokmål : Fremskrittspartiet, Nynorsk : Framstegspartiet, Northern Sami : Ovddádusbellodat
Red Party Bokmål : Rødt, Nynorsk : Raudt, Northern Sami : Ruoksat
Socialist Left Party Norwegian : Sosialistisk Venstreparti, Northern Sami : Sosialisttalaš Gurutbellodat
Society Party Norwegian : Samfunnspartiet


NameNative name(s(Reference(s)
Alliance for Poland Polish : Przymierze dla Polski
Confederation Liberty and Independence Polish : Konfederacja Wolność i Niepodległość
Confederation of the Polish Crown Polish : Konfederacja Korony Polskiej
Congress of the New Right Polish : Kongres Nowej Prawicy [93]
Forward Poland Polish : Naprzód Polsko
Libertas Poland Polish : Libertas Polska
New Hope Polish : Nowa Nadzieja
National League Polish : Liga Narodowa
National Movement Polish : Ruch Narodowy
National Revival Polish : Stronnictwo Narodowe
National Revival of Poland Polish : Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski
Party of Regions Polish : Partia Regionów
Poland Comes First Polish : Polska jest Najważniejsza
Poland Together Polish : Polska Razem
Real Politics Union Polish : Unia Polityki Realnej
Right Wing of the Republic Polish : Prawica Rzeczypospolitej
Union of Christian Families Polish : Zjednoczenie Chrześcijańskich Rodzin


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
CDS – People's Party Portuguese : CDS – Partido Popular
Chega (Enough) [94]
Left Bloc Portuguese : Bloco de Esquerda [95]
National Democratic Alternative Portuguese : Alternativa Democrática Nacional
New Democracy Party Portuguese : Partido da Nova Democracia [96]
People's Monarchist Party Portuguese : Partido Popular Monárquico [97]
Portuguese Communist Party Portuguese : Partido Comunista Português
Rise Up Portuguese : Ergue-te


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alliance for the Union of Romanians Romanian : Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor
Ecologist Party of Romania Romanian : Partidul Ecologist Român [98]
Greater Romania Party Romanian : Partidul România Mare [99]
National Identity Bloc in Europe Romanian : Blocul Identităţii Naţionale în Europa
Romanian Nationhood Party Romanian : Partidul Neamul Românesc [100]
S.O.S. Romania Romanian : S.O.S. România [101]
The Right Alternative Romanian : Alternativa Dreaptă
United Romania Party Romanian : Partidul România Unită


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Communist Party of the Russian Federation Russian : Коммунистическая Партия Российской Федерации, romanized: Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii
For Truth Russian : За правду, romanized: Za pravdu
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Russian : Либерально-демократическая партия России, romanized: Liberal'no-demokraticheskaya partiya Rossii
National Patriotic Forces of Russia Russian : Национально-патриотические силы России, romanized: Natsionalʹno-patrioticheskiye sily Rossii
Socialist Alternative Russian : Социалистическая альтернатива, romanized: Sotsialisticheskaya alternativa
United Russia Russian : Единая Россия, romanized: Yedinaya Rossiya


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Coalition of Refugee Associations in the Republic of Serbia Serbian : Коалиција удружења избјеглица у Републици Србији, romanized: Koalicija Udruženja Izbjeglica u Republici Srbiji
Dveri (Doors) Serbian : Двери
Enough is Enough Serbian : Доста је било, romanized: Dosta je bilo
Healthy Serbia Serbian : Здрава Србија, romanized: Zdrava Srbija
Liberation Movement Serbian : Покрет ослобођење, romanized: Pokret oslobođenje
Love, Faith, Hope Serbian : Љував, вера, нада, romanized: Ljvav, vera, nada
Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia Serbian : Покрет обнове Краљевине Србије, romanized: Pokret obnove Kraljevine Srbije
Movement of Socialists Serbian : Покрет социјалиста, romanized: Pokret socijalista
National Democratic Alternative Serbian : Национално демократска алтернатива, romanized: Nacionalno demokratska alternativa
National Network Serbian : Народна мрежа, romanized: Narodna mreža
New Democratic Party of Serbia Serbian : Нова демократска странка Србије, romanized: Nova demokratska stranka Srbije
Russian Party Serbian : Руска странка, romanized: Ruska stranka, Russian : Русская партия, romanized: Russkaya partiya
Serbian People's Party Serbian : Српска народна партија, romanized: Srpska narodna partija
Serbian Radical Party Serbian : Српска радикална странка, romanized: Srpska radikalna stranka
Sovereignists Serbian : Суверенисти, romanized: Suverenisti


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Conservative Democrats of Slovakia Slovak : Konzervatívni Demokrati Slovenska [102] [103]
Freedom and Solidarity Slovak : Sloboda a Solidarita [104]
People's Party Our Slovakia Slovak : Ľudová Strana Naše Slovensko [105] [106]
Republic Slovak : Republika
Slovak National Party Slovak : Slovenská Národná Strana [107]
Slovak PATRIOT Slovak : Slovenský PATRIOT
Slovak Togetherness Slovak : Slovenská Pospolitosť
We Are Family Slovak : Sme Rodina


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Initiative for Democratic Socialism Slovene : Iniciativa za Demokratični Socializem
Party of Slovenian People Slovene : Stranka Slovenskega Naroda
Slovenian National Party Slovene : Slovenska Nacionalna Stranka


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Endavant (Forward)
España 2000 (Spain 2000)
Podemos (We Can) [108] [109]
Popular Unity Candidacy Catalan : Candidatura d'Unitat Popular [110] [111]
Spanish Alternative Spanish : Alternativa Española
Vox (Latin for 'Voice') [112]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Alternative for Sweden Swedish : Alternativ för Sverige [113]
Citizens' Coalition Swedish : Medborgerlig Samling [114]
June List Swedish : Junilistan
New Future Swedish : Ny Framtid


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Federal Democratic Union of Switzerland German : Eidgenössisch-Demokratische Union, French : Union Démocratique Fédérale, Italian : Unione Democratica Federale, Romansh : Uniun Democrata Federala
Swiss Democrats German : Schweizer Demokraten, French : Démocrates Suisses, Italian : Democratici Svizzeri, Romansh : Democrats Svizers
Swiss People's Party German : Schweizerische Volkspartei, French : Union démocratique du centre, Italian : Unione Democratica di Centro, Romansh : Partida Populara Svizra [115]
Ticino League German : Liga der Tessiner, French : Ligue des Tessinois, Italian : Lega dei Ticinesi [116]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Centre Party Turkish : Merkez Parti
Communist Movement of Turkey Turkish : Türkiye Komünist Hareketi [117]
Conservative Ascension Party Turkish : Muhafazakar Yükseliş Partisi
Felicity Party Turkish : Saadet Partisi
Justice and Development Party Turkish : Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi [118] [119]
Nationalist Movement Party Turkish : Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi [120]
Nationalist Turkey Party Turkish : Milliyetçi Türkiye Partisi
People's Alliance Turkish : Cumhur İttifakı
Workers' Fraternity Party Turkish : İşçi Kardeşliği Partisi [121]


NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Communist Party of Ukraine Ukrainian : Комуністична партія України, romanized: Komunistychna partiya Ukrayiny, Russian : Коммунистическая партия Украины, romanized: Kommunisticheskaya partiya Ukrainy
Nashi (Ours) Ukrainian : Наші
National Corps Ukrainian : Національний корпус, romanized: Natsionalnyi korpus
Opposition Bloc Ukrainian : Опозиційний блок, Russian : Оппозиционный блок [122]
Opposition Bloc (2019) Ukrainian : Опозиційний блок
Opposition Platform — For Life Ukrainian : Опозиційна платформа – За життя, Russian : Оппозиционная платформа – За жизнь
Party of Christian Socialists Ukrainian : Партія Християнських соціалістів, Russian : Партия Христианских социалистов
Party of Regions Ukrainian : Партія регіонів, romanized: Partiia rehioniv, Russian : Партия регионов, romanized: Partiya regionov [123] [124]
Party of Shariy Ukrainian : Партія Шарія, Russian : Партия Шария [125] [126]
Peace to Luhanshchyna Ukrainian : Спокій Луганщині, romanized: Spokiy Luhanshchyni, Russian : Мир Луганщине, romanized: Mir Luganshchine
Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine Ukrainian : Прогресивна соціалістична партія України, romanized: Prohresyvna sotsialistychna partiya Ukrayiny, Russian : Прогрессивная социалистическая партия Украины, romanized: Progressivnaya sotsialisticheskaya partiya Ukrainy
Right Sector Ukrainian : Пра́вий се́ктор, romanized: Pravyi sektor [127]

United Kingdom

NameNative name(s)Reference(s)
Anti-Federalist League [128]
Brexit Party/Reform UK [129]
British National Party [130]
Communist Party of Britain [131]
Communist Party of Britain (Marxist–Leninist) [132]
Democratic Unionist Party [133]
Democrats and Veterans Direct Democracy Party [134]
English Democrats [135]
Liberal Party [136]
Independence from Europe [137]
National Front [138]
New Nationalist Party [139]
Scottish Family Party [140]
Scottish Libertarian Party [141]
Social Democratic Party [142]
Socialist Labour Party [143]
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition [144]
Traditional Unionist Voice [145]
UK Independence Party [146]
United Kingdom First Party [147]
Veritas [148]
We Demand a Referendum Now [149]

See also


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