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This is a list of pro-European political parties in Europe, both active and defunct.
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Party of the Vlachs of Albania | Albanian : Partia e Vllehëve të Shqipërisë | |
Freedom Party of Albania | Albanian : Partia e Lirisë | [1] [2] |
G99 | ||
Libra Party | Albanian : Partia Libra | [3] |
Macedonian Alliance for European Integration | Albanian : Aleanca Maqedonase për Integrimin Europian, Macedonian : Македонска Алијанса за Европска Интеграција | |
New Democratic Spirit | Albanian : Fryma e Re Demokratike | |
Republican Party of Albania | Albanian : Partia Republikane e Shqipërisë | |
Unity for Human Rights Party | Albanian : Partia Bashkimi për të Drejtat e Njeriut, Greek : Κόμμα Ένωσης Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων | |
Volt Albania | Albanian : Volt Shqipëria | [4] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Armenian National Movement Party | Armenian : Հայկական ազգային շարժում, romanized: Hayots' hamazgayin sharzhum kusakts'ut'yun | |
Bright Armenia | Armenian : Լուսավոր Հայաստան, romanized: Lusavor Hayastan | |
Civil Contract | Armenian : Քաղաքացիական պայմանագիր, romanized: K’aghak’atsiakan paymanagir | [5] |
Conservative Party | Armenian : Հայաստանի պահպանողական կուսակցություն, romanized: Hayastani pahpanoghakan kusakts'ut'yun | |
European Party of Armenia | Armenian : Հայաստանի եվրոպական կուսակցություն, romanized: Hayastani yevropakan kusakts'ut'yun | |
Fair Armenia Party | Armenian : Արդար Հայաստան կուսակցություն, romanized: Ardar Hayastan kusakts'ut'yun | |
For The Republic Party | Armenian : Հանրապետություն կուսակցության համար, romanized: Hanrapetut'yun kusakts'ut'yan hamar | |
Free Democrats | Armenian : Ազատ դեմոկրատներ, romanized: Azat demokratner | [6] |
Heritage | Armenian : Ժառանգություն, romanized: Zhaṙangut'yun | [7] |
Meritocratic Party of Armenia | Armenian : Հայաստանի Մերիտոկրատական կուսակցություն, romanized: Hayastani Meritokratakan kusakts’ut’yun | |
National Democratic Pole | Armenian : Ազգային ժողովրդավարական բեւեռ, romanized: Azgayin zhoghovrdavarakan beverr | [8] |
Republic Party | Armenian : Հանրապետություն կուսակցություն, romanized: Hanrapetut'yun kusakts'ut'yun | |
Rule of Law | Armenian : Օրինաց երկիր, romanized: Orenk'i gerakayut'yun | |
Sasna Tsrer Pan-Armenian Party | Armenian : Սասնա Ծռեր համահայկական կուսակցություն, romanized: Sasna Tsřer hamahaykakan kusaktsutyun | |
Sovereign Armenia Party | Armenian : Ինքնիշխան Հայաստան կուսակցություն, romanized: Ink'nishkhan Hayastan kusakts'ut'yun | |
Union for National Self-Determination | Armenian : Ազգային ինքնորոշում միավորում, romanized: Azgayin ink'noroshum miavorum |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Austrian People's Party | German : Österreichische Volkspartei | [9] |
Social Democratic Party of Austria | German : Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | [10] |
The Greens – The Green Alternative | German : Die Grünen – Die Grüne Alternative | [11] [12] |
NEOS – The New Austria and Liberal Forum | German : NEOS – Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum | [13] |
Der Wandel (Change) | [14] | |
Volt Austria | German : Volt Österreich |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Republican Alternative Party | Azerbaijani : Respublikaçı Alternativ Partiyası | |
Musavat Party | Azerbaijani : Müsavat Partiyası | [15] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Belarusian Christian Democracy | Russian : Белорусская христианская демократия, romanized: Belorusskaya khristianskaya demokratiya Belarusian : Беларуская хрысьціянская дэмакратыя, romanized: Bielaruskaja chryścijanskaja demakratyja | |
Belarusian Social Democratic Assembly | Russian : Белорусская социал-демократическая Грамада, romanized: Belorusskaya sotsial-demokraticheskaya Gramada, Belarusian : Беларуская сацыял-дэмакратычная Грамада, romanized: Bielaruskaja sacyjal-demakratyčnaja Hramada | |
Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Assembly) | Russian : Белорусская социал-демократическая партия (Громада́), romanized: Belarusskaya Social-Demokraticheskaya Partiya (Hromada), Belarusian : Беларуская сацыял-дэмакратычная партыя (Грамада́) | |
BPF Party | Russian : Партия БНФ, romanized: Partiya BNF, Belarusian : Партыя БНФ, romanized: Partyja BNF | |
Party of Freedom and Progress | Russian : Партия свободы и прогресса, romanized: Partiya svobody i progressa, Belarusian : Партыя свабоды і прагрэсу, romanized: Partyja svabody i prahresu | |
United Civic Party | Russian : Объединённая гражданская партия, romanized: Obyedinonnaya grazhdanskaya partiya, Belarusian : Аб'яднаная грамадзянская партыя, romanized: Abjadnanaja hramadzianskaja partyja | |
United Democratic Forces of Belarus | Russian : Объединённые демократические силы, Belarusian : Аб'яднаныя дэмакратычныя сілы Беларусі |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Democratic and Flemish | Dutch : Christen-Democratisch en Vlaam, West Flemish : Christen Democratisch en Vlaams | |
DéFI | ||
Ecolo | ||
Groen (Green) | ||
Les Engagés (The Committed Ones) | ||
Open Flemish Liberals and Democrats | Dutch : Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten, French : Libéraux et Démocrates Flamands Ouverts | [16] |
Reformist Movement | French : Mouvement Réformateur | |
Socialist Party | French : Parti Socialiste, Walloon : Pårti Socialisse | |
Volt Belgium | Dutch : Volt België, French : Volt Belgique, German : Volt Belgien | |
Vooruit (Forward) |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Front | Bosnian : Демократски фронт, romanized: Demokratska fronta | |
Independent Bloc | Bosnian : Независни блок, romanized: Nezavisni blok | |
Our Party | Bosnian : Наша странка, romanized: Naša stranka | |
Party of Democratic Progress | Serbian : Партија демократског прогреса, romanized: Partija demokratskog progresa, Bosnian : Partija Demokratskog Progresa | |
Social Democratic Party | Bosnian : Социјалдемократска партија, romanized: Socijaldemokratska partija | |
Union for a Better Future of BiH | Bosnian : Savez za Bollju Budućnost BiH |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Bulgaria for Citizens Movement | Bulgarian : Движение България на гражданите, romanized: Bulgariya na grazhdanite | |
Bulgarian Euro-Left | Bulgarian: Българска Евролевица, romanized:Bulgarska Evrolevitsa | |
Bulgarian Socialist Party (factions) | Bulgarian : Българска социалистическа партия, romanized: Balgarska sotsialisticheska partiya | [17] [18] |
Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria | Bulgarian : Демократи за силна България, romanized: Demokrati za silna Balgariya | [19] |
GERB | Bulgarian : ГЕРБ | [20] [21] |
Movement 21 | Bulgarian : Движение 21, romanized: Dvizhenie 21 | [22] |
Republicans for Bulgaria | Bulgarian : Републиканци за България, romanized: Republikantsi za Balgariya | [23] |
Stand Up.BG | Bulgarian : Изправи се.БГ, romanized: Izpravi se.BG | |
Union of Democratic Forces | Bulgarian : Съюз на демократичните сили, romanized: Sayuz na demokratichnite sili | [24] [25] [19] |
United People's Party | Bulgarian : Единна народна партия, romanized: Edinna narodna partiya | [22] |
Volt Bulgaria | Bulgarian : Волт България | [4] |
We Continue the Change | Bulgarian : Продължаваме промяната, romanized: Prodalzhavame promyanata | [26] |
Yes, Bulgaria! | Bulgarian : Да, България!, romanized: Da, Bulgariya! |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre | Croatian : Centar | |
Civic Liberal Alliance | Croatian : Građansko-Liberalni Savez | [27] |
Croatian Democratic Union | Croatian : Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica, lit. 'Croatian Democratic Community' | [28] |
Croatian Peasant Party | Croatian : Hrvatska Seljačka Stranka | [29] [30] |
Croatian People's Party – Liberal Democrats | Croatian : Hrvatska Narodna Stranka – Liberalni Demokrati | [29] |
Croatian Social Liberal Party | Croatian : Hrvatska Socijalno-Liberalna Stranka | [31] |
Istrian Democratic Assembly | Croatian : Istarski Demokratski Sabor, Italian : Dieta Democratica Istriana | |
People's Party – Reformists | Croatian : Narodna Stranka – Reformisti | |
Social Democratic Party of Croatia | Croatian : Socijaldemokratska Partija Hrvatske | [32] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party | Greek : Δημοκρατικό Κόμμα, romanized: Dimokratikó Kómma, Turkish : Demokrat Parti | |
Democratic Rally | Greek : Δημοκρατικός Συναγερμός, romanized: Dimokratikós Sinagermós, Turkish : Demokratik Seferberlik | |
Movement for Social Democracy | Greek : Κίνημα Σοσιαλδημοκρατών, romanized: Kinima Sosialdimokraton | |
New Wave – The Other Cyprus | Greek : Νέο Κύμα - Η Άλλη Κύπρος | |
Volt Cyprus | Greek : Βολτ Κύπρος |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Mayors and Independents | Czech : Starostové a nezávislí | |
TOP 09 | Czech : TOP 09 | [33] |
Czech Pirate Party | Czech : Česká pirátská strana | [34] |
KDU-ČSL | Czech : KDU-ČSL | [35] [36] |
Social Democracy | Czech : Sociální demokracie | [37] |
Green Party | Czech : Strana zelených, lit. 'Party of Greens' | [38] |
Volt Czech Republic | Czech : Volt Česko |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Conservative People's Party | Danish : Det Konservative Folkeparti | [39] |
Danish Social Liberal Party | Danish : Radikale Venstre, lit. 'Radical Left' | [40] |
Moderates | Danish : Moderaterne | |
Social Democrats | Danish : Socialdemokraterne | [41] |
The Alternative | Danish: Alternativet | [42] |
Venstre | Danish : Venstre, lit. 'Left' | [43] |
Volt Denmark | Danish : Volt Danmark |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Estonian Greens | Estonian : Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised | |
Estonian Reform Party | Estonian : Eesti Reformierakond | |
Isamaa (Fatherland) | ||
Social Democratic Party | Estonian : Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond | [44] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre Party | Finnish : Suomen Keskusta, Swedish : Centern i Finland | |
Green League | Finnish : Vihreä Liitto, Swedish : Gröna Förbundet | |
National Coalition Party | Finnish : Kansallinen Kokoomus, Swedish : Samlingspartiet | |
Social Democratic Party of Finland | Finnish : Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue, Swedish : Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti | |
Swedish People's Party of Finland | Swedish : Svenska Folkpartiet i Finland, Finnish : Suomen Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Agir (Act) | ||
Centrist Alliance | French : Alliance Centriste | |
Democratic European Force | French : Force Européenne Démocrate | |
Democratic Movement | French : Mouvement Démocrate | [45] |
En Commun (In Common) | ||
Europe Ecology – The Greens | French : Europe Écologie les Verts | |
Génération.s | ||
Horizons | ||
New Deal | French : Nouvelle Donne | |
Ecologist Party | French : Parti Écologiste | |
Place Publique (Public Place) | ||
Radical Party of the Left | French : Parti Radical de Gauche | [46] |
Radical Party | French : Parti Radical | [47] |
Renaissance | ||
Socialist Party | French : Parti Socialiste | |
Territories of Progress | French : Territoires de Progrès | |
The Centrists | French : Les Centristes | [48] |
The New Democrats | French : Les Nouveaux Démocrates | |
The Republicans | French : Les Républicains | |
Union of Democrats and Independents | French : Union des Démocrates et Indépendants | |
Volt France | French : Volt France |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Ahali | Georgian :ახალი | |
Citizens | Georgian :მოქალაქეები | |
Droa | Georgian :დროა | |
Free Democrats | Georgian :თავისუფალი დემოკრატები | |
European Georgia — Movement for Liberty | Georgian :ევროპული საქართველო – მოძრაობა თავისუფლებისთვის | |
For Georgia | Georgian :საქართველოსთვის | |
For the People | Georgian :ხალხისთვის | |
Georgian Labour Party | Georgian :საქართველოს ლეიბორისტული პარტია | |
Girchi | Georgian :გირჩი | |
Girchi — More Freedom | Georgian :გირჩი — მეტი თავისუფლება | |
Lelo for Georgia | Georgian :ლელო საქართველოსთვის | |
Republican Party of Georgia | Georgian :საქართველოს რესპუბლიკური პარტია | |
Solidarity Alliance of Georgia | Georgian :ჩვენი საქართველო — სოლიდარობის ალიანსი | |
Strategy Aghmashenebeli | Georgian :სტრატეგია აღმაშენებელი | |
United National Movement | Georgian :ერთიანი ნაციონალური მოძრაობა |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance 90/The Greens | German : Bündnis 90/Die Grünen | |
Christian Democratic Union of Germany | German : Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands | |
Christian Social Union in Bavaria | German : Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern | |
Die PARTEI (The PARTY) | [49] | |
Free Democratic Party | German : Freie Demokratische Partei | |
MERA25 | German : Europäische realistische Ungehorsamfront, lit. 'European realistic disobedience front' | [50] |
Party of Humanists | German : Partei der Humanisten | [51] |
Social Democratic Party of Germany | German : Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | |
Volt Germany | German : Volt Deutschland |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
MeRA25 | Greek : Μέτωπο Ευρωπαϊκής Ρεαλιστικής Ανυπακοής, lit. 'European Realistic Disobedience Front' | [52] |
Movement of Democratic Socialists | Greek : Κίνημα Δημοκρατών Σοσιαλιστών, romanized: Kinima Dimokraton Sosialiston | |
New Democracy | Greek : Νέα Δημοκρατία, romanized: Néa Dimokratía | |
PASOK – Movement for Change | Greek : ΠΑΣΟΚ – Κίνημα Αλλαγής | |
Syriza | Greek : Συριζα | |
Union of Centrists | Greek : Ένωση Κεντρώων, romanized: Énosi Kentróon | |
Volt Greece | Greek : Βολτ Ελλάδας | [4] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Coalition | Hungarian : Demokratikus Koalíció | [53] |
Dialogue – The Greens' Party | Hungarian : Párbeszéd - A Zöldek Pártja | |
Hungarian Liberal Party | Hungarian : Magyar Liberális Párt | |
Hungarian Socialist Party | Hungarian : Magyar Szocialista Párt | |
Jobbik | Hungarian : Jobbik | [54] |
LMP – Hungary's Green Party | Hungarian : LMP – Magyarország Zöld Pártja | |
Momentum Movement | Hungarian : Momentum Mozgalom | [55] [56] [57] |
New Start | Hungarian : Új Kezdet | |
Respect and Freedom Party | Hungarian : Tisztelet és Szabadság Párt |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Viðreisn | Icelandic : Viðreisn | [58] |
Social Democratic Alliance | Icelandic : Samfylkingin | [59] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Fianna Fáil (Soldiers of Destiny) | ||
Fine Gael (Family of the Irish) | [60] | |
Green Party | Irish : Comhaontas Glas, lit. 'Green Alliance' | |
Labour Party | Irish : Páirtí an Lucht Oibre, lit. 'Party of the Working People' | |
Social Democrats | Irish : Na Daonlathaithe Sóisialta | |
Volt Ireland | Irish : Volt Éire |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Action | Italian : Azione | |
Alliance of the Centre | Italian : Alleanza di Centro | |
Article One | Italian : Articolo Uno | |
Centrists for Europe | Italian : Centristi per l'Europa | |
Civic Commitment | Italian : Impegno Civico | [61] |
Democratic Party | Italian : Partito Democratico | |
Europeanists | Italian : Europeisti | |
European Republicans Movement | Italian : Movimento Repubblicani Europei | |
èViva | Italian : It is Alive | |
Forza Europa (Forward Europe) | ||
Forza Italia (Forward Italy) | ||
Green Europe | Italian : Europa Verde | |
Italia Viva (Italy Alive) | ||
Italian Radicals | Italian : Radicali Italiani | |
Italian Republican Party | Italian : Partito Repubblicano Italiano | |
Italian Socialist Party | Italian : Partito Socialista Italiano | |
Liberal Democratic Alliance for Italy | Italian : Alleanza Liberaldemocratica per l'Italia | |
Moderates | Italian : Moderati | |
More Europe | Italian : Più Europa | |
Possible | ||
Sicilian Socialist Party | Italian : Partito Socialista Siciliano, Sicilian : Partitu Sucialista Sicilianu | |
Social Democrats | Italian : Socialdemocratici | |
Solidary Democracy | Italian : Democrazia Solidale | |
Team K | [62] | |
Together for the Future | Italian : Insieme per il Futuro | [63] |
Us of the Centre | Italian : Noi di Centro | |
Volt Italy | Italian : Volt Italia |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Kazakhstan | Kazakh : Қазақстанның Демократиялық Партиясы, romanized: Qazaqstannıñ Demokratïyalıq Partïyası | |
Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan | Kazakh : Қазақстанның Демократиялық Таңдауы, romanized: Qazaqstannıñ Demokratïyalıq Tañdawı | |
Aq Jol | Kazakh : Қазақстанның «Ақ жол» демократиялық партиясы, romanized: Qazaqstannyñ «Aq jol» demokratialyq partiasy | [64] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance for the Future of Kosovo | Albanian : Aleanca për Ardhmërinë e Kosovës | [65] |
Democratic League of Kosovo | Albanian : Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës | |
Partia e Fortë (Strong Party) |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
For Latvia's Development | Latvian : Latvijas Attīstībai | |
Movement For! | Latvian : Kustība Par! | |
The Conservatives | Latvian : Konservatīvie | |
The Progressives | Latvian : Progresīvie | |
Unity | Latvian : Vienotība |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Freedom Party | Lithuanian : Laisvės Partija | |
Homeland Union | Lithuanian : Tėvynės Sąjunga | [66] |
Liberals' Movement | Lithuanian : Liberalų sąjūdis | |
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania | Lithuanian : Lietuvos Socialdemokratų Partija |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Social People's Party | Luxembourgish : Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei, French : Parti Populaire Chrétien-Social, German : Christlich Soziale Volkspartei | [67] |
Democratic Party | (Luxembourgish : Demokratesch Partei, French : Parti Démocratique, German : Demokratische Partei | |
Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party | Luxembourgish : Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei, French : Parti Ouvrier Socialiste Luxembourgeois, German : Luxemburger Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei | |
The Greens | Luxembourgish : Déi Gréng, French : Les Verts, German : Die Grünen | [68] |
Volt Luxembourg | Luxembourgish : Volt Lëtzebuerg, French : Volt Luxembourg, German : Volt Luxemburg |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
AD+PD | ||
Labour Party (factions) | Maltese : Partit Laburista | |
Nationalist Party | Maltese : Partit Nazzjonalista | |
Volt Malta |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Moldova | Romanian : Partidul Democrat din Moldova | [69] |
European People's Party of Moldova | Romanian : Partidul Popular European din Moldova | |
Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova | Romanian : Partidul Liberal Democrat din Moldova | [70] |
Liberal Party | Romanian : Partidul Liberal | |
National Alternative Movement | Romanian : Mișcarea Alternativa Națională | |
Party of Action and Solidarity | Romanian : Partidul Acțiune și Solidaritate | |
People's Party of the Republic of Moldova | Romanian : Partidul Popular din Republica Moldova | |
Pro Moldova |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Bosniak Party | Bosnian : Bošnjačka stranka, Montenegrin : Бошњачка странка | |
Civis | Montenegrin : Цивис | |
Democratic Montenegro | Montenegrin : Демократска Црна Гора, romanized: Demokratska Crna Gora | [71] |
Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro | Montenegrin : Демократска партија социјалиста Црне Горе, romanized: Demokratska partija socijalista Crne Gore | |
DEMOS | Montenegrin : ДЕМОС | |
Liberal Party of Montenegro | Montenegrin : Либерална партија Црне Горе, romanized: Liberalna partija Crne Gore | |
Social Democratic Party of Montenegro | Montenegrin : Социјалдемократска партија Црне Горе, romanized: Socijaldemokratska partija Crne Gore | |
Social Democrats of Montenegro | Montenegrin : Социјалдемократе Црне Горе, romanized: Socijaldemokrate Crne Gore | |
Socialist People's Party of Montenegro | Montenegrin : Социјалистичка народна партија Црне Горе, romanized: Socijalistička narodna partija Crne Gore | |
United Reform Action | Montenegrin : Грађански покрет Уједињена реформска акција, romanized: Građanski pokret Ujedinjena reformska akcija | |
We Won't Give Up Montenegro | Montenegrin : Не дамо Црну Гору, romanized: Ne damo Crnu Goru |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Democratic Appeal | Dutch : Christen-Democratisch Appèl | |
Democrats 66 | Dutch : Democraten 66 | |
GroenLinks (GreenLeft) | ||
Labour Party | Dutch : Partij van de Arbeid | |
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy | Dutch : Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie | |
Volt Netherlands | Dutch : Volt Nederland |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance for Albanians | Albanian : Aleanca për Shqiptarët, Macedonian : Алијанса за Албанците, romanized: Alijansa za Albancite | |
Besa Movement | Albanian : Lëvizja Besa, Macedonian : Движење Беса, romanized: Dviženje Besa | |
Democratic Union for Integration | Albanian : Bashkimi Demokratik për Integrim, Macedonian : Демократска унија за интеграција, romanized: Demokratska unija za integracija | [72] |
Liberal Democratic Party | Macedonian : Либерално-демократска Партија, romanized: Liberalno-demokratska Partija | |
New Social Democratic Party | Macedonian : Нова социјалдемократска партија, romanized: Nova socijaldemokratska partija | |
Social Democratic Union of Macedonia | Macedonian : Социјалдемократски сојуз на Македонија, romanized: Socijaldemokratski sojuz na Makedonija, Albanian : Lidhja socialdemokrate e Maqedonisë | |
VMRO – People's Party | Macedonian : ВMPO–Народна Партија, romanized: VMRO–Narodna Partija | [73] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Conservative Party | Bokmål : Høyre, lit. 'Right', Nynorsk : Høgre, lit. 'Right', Northern Sami : Olgešbellodat | |
Labour Party (factions) | Bokmål : Arbeiderpartiet, Nynorsk : Arbeidarpartiet, Northern Sami : Bargiidbellodat | |
Liberal Party | Norwegian : Venstre, lit. 'Left', Northern Sami : Gurutbellodat | [74] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Civic Platform | Polish : Platforma Obywatelska | [75] |
Together Party | Polish : Partia Razem | [76] |
Modern | Polish : Nowoczesna | |
New Left | Polish : Nowa Lewica | [77] |
Poland 2050 | Polish : Polska 2050 | [78] |
Polish Initiative | Polish : Inicjatywa Polska | |
Polish People's Party | Polish : Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe | |
Polish Socialist Party | Polish : Polska Partia Socjalistyczna | [79] |
The Greens | Polish : Partia Zieloni | |
Union of European Democrats | Polish : Unia Europejskich Demokratów |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Liberal Initiative | Portuguese : Iniciativa Liberal | |
LIVRE (FREE) | [80] | |
People–Animals–Nature | Portuguese : Pessoas–Animais–Natureza | |
Social Democratic Party | Portuguese : Partido Social Democrata | |
Socialist Party | Portuguese : Partido Socialista | |
Volt Portugal |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania | Hungarian : Romániai Magyar Demokrata Szövetség, Romanian : Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România | |
Green Party | Romanian : Partidul Verde | |
National Liberal Party | Romanian : Partidul Național Liberal | |
People's Movement Party | Romanian : Partidul Mișcarea Populară | [81] |
PRO Romania | Romanian : PRO România | [82] |
Party of the Roma | Romanian: Partida Romilor "Pro Europa" lit. 'Party of the Roma "Pro Europe"', Vlax Romani: Partida le Romenge | [83] |
Renewing Romania's European Project | Romanian : Reînnoim Proiectul European al României | [84] [85] |
Romanian Socialist Party | Romanian : Partidul Socialist Român | [86] |
Save Romania Union | Romanian : Uniunea Salvați România | |
Social Democratic Party | Romanian : Partidul Social Democrat | |
Volt Romania | Romanian : Volt România |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Russia | Russian : Демократическая Партия России, romanized: Demokraticheskaya Partiya Rossii | |
Green Alternative | Russian : Зелёная альтернатива, romanized: Zelyonaya al'ternativa | |
People's Freedom Party | Russian : Партия народной свободы, romanized: Partiya narodnoy svobody | |
Russia of the Future | Russian : Россия Будущего, romanized: Rossiya Budushchego | |
Yabloko | Russian : Яблоко | [87] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Civic 10 | Italian : Civico 10 | |
Euro-Populars for San Marino | Italian : Europopolari per San Marino | |
Future Republic | Italian : Repubblica Futura | |
Party of Democrats | Italian : Partito dei Democratici | |
Party of Socialists and Democrats | Italian : Partito dei Socialisti e dei Democratici | [88] |
Sammarineses for Freedom | Italian : Sammarinesi per la Libertà | |
Socialist Party | Italian : Partito Socialista | [89] |
Union for the Republic | Italian : Unione per la Repubblica | [90] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Civic Democratic Forum | Serbian : Грађански демократски форум, romanized: Građanski demokratski forum | |
Democratic Party | Serbian : Демократска странка, romanized: Demokratska stranka | |
Liberal Democratic Party | Serbian : Либерално демократска партија, romanized: Liberalno demokratska partija | |
Movement for Reversal | Serbian : Покрет за преокрет, romanized: Pokret za preokret | |
Movement of Free Citizens | Serbian : Покрет слободних грађана, romanized: Pokret slobodnih građana | |
New Party | Serbian : Нова странка, romanized: Nova stranka | |
Party of Freedom and Justice | Serbian : Странка слободе и правде, romanized: Stranka slobode i pravde | |
Party of Modern Serbia | Serbian : Странка модерне Србије, romanized: Stranka moderne Srbije | |
People's Party | Serbian : Народна странка, romanized: Narodna stranka | |
Serbia 21 | Serbian : Србија 21, romanized: Srbija 21 | |
Serbian Progressive Party | Serbian : Српска напредна странка, romanized: Srpska napredna stranka | |
Social Democratic Party | Serbian : Социјалдемократска странка, romanized: Socijaldemokratska stranka | |
Together for Serbia | Serbian : Заједно за Србију, romanized: Zajedno za Srbiju | [91] [92] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Christian Democratic Movement | Slovak : Kresťanskodemokratické Hnutie | [93] |
Democrats | Slovak : Demokrati | |
For the People | Slovak : Za Ľudí | |
Hungarian Alliance | Hungarian : Magyar Szövetség, Slovak : Maďarská Aliancia | [94] |
Progressive Slovakia | Slovak : Progresívne Slovensko | |
Slovakia | Slovak : Slovensko | |
Voice – Social Democracy | Slovak : Hlas – Sociálna Demokracia | [94] |
Volt Slovakia | Slovak : Volt Slovensko |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia | Slovene : Demokratična Stranka Upokojencev Slovenije | [95] |
Freedom Movement | Slovene : Gibanje Svoboda | [96] |
New Slovenia | Slovene : Nova Slovenija | [97] [98] |
Slovenian People's Party | Slovene : Slovenska Ljudska Stranka | [99] |
Social Democrats | Slovene : Socialni Demokrati | [100] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Citizens | Spanish : Ciudadanos, Catalan : Ciutadans, Basque : Hiritarrak, Galician : Cidadáns | [101] |
For a Fairer World | Spanish : Por un Mundo más Justo | [102] |
Greens Equo | Spanish : Verdes Equo | |
People's Party | Spanish : Partido Popular | [103] |
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party | Spanish : Partido Socialista Obrero Español | |
Volt Spain | Spanish : Volt España |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Centre Party | Swedish : Centerpartiet | |
Christian Democrats | Swedish : Kristdemokraterna | |
Liberals | Swedish : Liberalerna | |
Moderate Party | Swedish : Moderata Samlingspartiet, lit. 'Moderate Coalition Party' | |
Swedish Social Democratic Party | Swedish : Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Parti | |
Volt Sweden | Swedish : Volt Sverige |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Green Liberal Party of Switzerland | German : Grünliberale Partei, French : Parti Vert'libéral, Italian : Partito Verde-Liberale, Romansh : Partida Verda-Liberala | |
Green Party of Switzerland (factions) | German : Grüne Schweiz, French : Les Vertes Suisses, Italian : Verdi Svizzeri, Romansh : Verda Svizra | [104] |
Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (factions) | German : Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz, French : Parti Socialiste Suisse, lit. 'Swiss Socialist Party', Italian : Partito Socialista Svizzero, lit. 'Swiss Socialist Party', Romansh : Partida Socialdemocrata da la Svizra | [105] [106] |
Volt Switzerland | German : Volt Schweiz, French : Volt Suisse, Italian : Volt Svizzera, Romansh : Volt Svizra |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Democratic Left Party | Turkish : Demokratik Sol Parti | [107] |
Democrat Party | Turkish : Demokrat Parti | [108] |
Democracy and Progress Party | Turkish : Demokrasi ve Atılım Partisi, lit. 'Democracy and Enterprise Party' | [109] |
Future Party | Turkish : Gelecek Partisi | [110] |
Good Party | Turkish : İyi Parti | [111] [112] |
Homeland Party | Turkish : Memleket Partisi | [113] |
Liberal Democratic Party | Turkish : Liberal Demokrat Parti | |
Peoples' Democratic Party | Turkish : Halkların Demokratik Partisi, Kurdish : Partiya Demokratîk a Gelan [114] | |
Republican People's Party | Turkish : Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi | [115] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Batkivshchyna (Fatherland) | Ukrainian : Батьківщина | [116] |
European Party of Ukraine | Ukrainian : Європейська партія України, romanized: Yeropeys'ka partiya Ukraïni | |
European Solidarity | Ukrainian : Європейська солідарність, romanized: Yevropeis'ka solidarnist' | |
Holos (Voice/Vote) | Ukrainian : Голос | [117] [118] |
Our Ukraine | Ukrainian : Наша Україна, romanized: Nasha Ukraïna | |
People's Front | Ukrainian : Народний фронт, romanized: Narodiny front | [116] |
Platform for Life and Peace | Ukrainian : Платформа за життя та мир, romanized: Platforma za zhyttia ta myr | [119] [120] [121] [122] |
Self Reliance | Ukrainian : Самопоміч, romanized: Samopomich | [123] |
Servant of the People | Ukrainian : Слуга народу, romanized: Sluha narodu | |
Ukrainian People's Party | Ukrainian : Українська Народна Партія, romanized: Ukrains'ka Narodna Partiya | |
Volt Ukraine | Ukrainian: Вольт Україна |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Alliance EPP: European People's Party UK | [124] | |
Alliance Party of Northern Ireland | [125] | |
Animal Welfare Party | [126] | |
Co-operative Party | [127] | |
Green Party Northern Ireland | [128] | |
Green Party of England and Wales | Welsh : Plaid Werdd Cymru a Lloegr, Cornish : Party Gwer Pow an Sowson ha Kembra | [129] |
Labour Party (factions) | [130] | |
Liberal Democrats | [131] [132] | |
Mebyon Kernow (Sons of Cornwall) | [133] | |
Rejoin EU Party | [134] | |
Scottish Greens | Scots : Scots Green Pairty, Scottish Gaelic : Pàrtaidh Uaine na h-Alba | [135] |
Scottish National Party | Scots : Scots National Pairty, Scottish Gaelic : Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba | [136] |
Social Democratic and Labour Party | Irish : Páirtí Sóisialta Daonlathach an Lucht Oibre | [137] |
Volt UK | [138] | |
Women's Equality Party | [139] |
Name | Native name(s) | Reference(s) |
Union of Reform Forces of Yugoslavia | Serbo-Croatian : Савез реформских снага Југославије, Savez reformskih snaga Jugoslavije |
MeRA25 is, as of this Monday, the only pro-European party in Greece that is proposing the end of austerity.
Turkey needs to maintain full EU membership
Boyko called the promise of EU leaders to give Ukraine the status of a candidate member of the union a good signal (Title Translation)
Boyko and the EU Ambassador discussed the creation of a body that will deal with IDPs (Title Translation)