List of Gothic brick buildings in Poland

Last updated

This list is a part of the international List of Gothic brick buildings . For the parts of this list on the various countries see:



– In long tables, vertical arrows link to the navigation boards above (after the preceding table) and below (before the next table). –


Western Pomerania

– and other former territories of the House of the Griffins

Chojna  Darłowo  Gryfice  Myślibórz  Słupsk  Szczecin
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Banie St. George Chapel15th century
Banie - Kapliczka - panoramio.jpg
Barlinek Church of St. Mary (PL) 15th centurylot of alterations in 18th century
Barlinek kosciol nmp kolb2488.JPG
Baszewice Village church15th century
Baszewice Church 2008-02.jpg
Białogard St. Mary's Church (PL/DE)14th centurybasilica
Kosciol NMP w Bialogardzie.jpg
St. George's Church (PL) 14th century
Bierzwnik, Choszczno County Cistercian monastery of Bierzwnik [1] 14th/15th centuries
restored church,
ruins of a Gothic brewery
93 413-92. Klasztor pocysterski Bierzwnik jass sw.jpg
80 411-92. Browar gotycki (ruina) Bierzwnik jass sw.jpg
Bonin, Koszalin County St Isidor (Kościół św. Izydora) [2] 15th century
Bonin Kosciol sw. Izydora 3 Eleanor.jpg
Budzistowo Church of St. John the Baptist in Budzistowo (PL) centuryalterations
Budzistowo Church 2009-05b.jpg
Buk, Police County St. Anthony church13th centuryeastern gable triangle of mainly granite building
Buk (pow policki)-kosc sw Antoniego 2.jpg
Bukowo Morskie Church of the Sacred Heart (PL) 13th/14th century
Cistercian hall church Kosciolbukowownetrze.jpg
Polish Catholic Church a001 in Bukowo Morskie.JPG
(1329–1466 Teutonic Order,
–1329 and 1466–…
Griffin Pomerania)
Castle (PL/DE)1398–1405outer wall partly of stone
Bytow js.jpg
Old St. Catherine churchonly steeple preserved
Bytow wieza kosciola sw Katarzyny.jpg
Cerkwica Church Jesus' Heart (PL) 15th century
Cerkwica (Karnice, Powiat Gryficki) Kirche, f (2011-08-01) by Klugschnacker in Wikipedia.jpg
Charnowo, Pomeranian Voivodeship village church [3] 15th centuryonly steeple of brick, cross shaped nave of framework
Charnowo- church 001.jpg
in Neumark
(eastern part of the Margraviate
of Brandenburg
Town hall (PL) 15th century
Chojna ratusz.jpg
St. Mary (PL) Mainly 1389–1459
Chojna kosciol mariacki (2).jpg
Holy Trinity Church (PL) 13th–15. Jhformer Augustine monastery, 1536 secularized
Chojna kosciol sw trojcy kolb5098.JPG
St. Gertrude Chapeltoday ruins and memorial
Chojna kaplica sw Gertrudy.jpg
City gates14th–15th centuryBrama Świecka
& Brama Barnkowska
Chojna Schwedter Tor.jpg
(Gmina Chojna)
Mary Queen of Poland church [4] 2nd half of 13th centuryRomanesque/Gothic, window framings of brickalterations, steeple Gothic Revival
Kosciol w Naroscie, gmina Chojna 01.JPG
Choszczno St. Mary Church (PL) 14th centurypredecessor of granite 13th century
Choszczno Birth of Mary Church 2006-07.jpg
Defensive walls14th/15th centuries
103 245-79. Obwarowania miejskie Choszczno jass sw.jpg
Chwarszczany Saint Stanislaus Kostka church (PL) 1280
Chwarszczany - kaplica Templariuszy.adrrdga97.JPG
Cisowo Saint Stanislaus Kostka church in Cisowo (PL/DE)14th century
Cisowo, kosciol Stanislawa Kostki (Pfarrkirche von Zizow 2010).jpg
Czernin, W. P. Church of the Assumption in Czernin (PL) 14th–15th centuryalterations 17th & 19th centuries
Czernin - Kosciol Wniebowziecia Najswietszej Marii Panny 2015-11-08 15-27-05.JPG
Darłowo Castle of the Griffin Dukes since 1352
St. Mary's Church (PL/DE)since early 14th century
Darlowo kosciol MBC (1).jpg
High Gate (Brama Wysoka)
Brama Wysoka w Darlowie e1.JPG
Gryfice St. Mary's Church (PL) 15th centuryältere Vorgänger
Gryfice St. Mary's Church 2008-02.jpg
St. George's Chapel (PL) 14th centuryKapelle des 1337 gegründeten Lepraspitals
Gryfice Cemetery Chapel 2007-07a.jpg
Fortifications with the Powder Tower (PL) 14./15th centuryHigh Gate (PL) und Stone Gate (PL) zumindest heute verputzt
Gryfice Baszta Prochowa 2007-06b.jpg
Drawsko Pomorskie Resurrection Church (PL) mid 14th to mid 15th centuryhall church
Drawsko Pomorskie kosciol Zmartwychwstania01.jpg
Goleniów St. Catharine Church (PL) 15th century
Goleniow kosciol sw katarzyny kolb9447.JPG
Górki, Kamień County Our Lady of Częstochowa church15th & 18 th century
Kirche in Gorke Pommern Kreis Kamien NordWestseite.jpg
Gosław Christ King Church13th & 15th century
Goslaw Church 2008.jpg
Granowo Mary Help church [5] 13th/14th,
steeple 15th
boulders with edges of brick
Garnowo kosciol.jpg
Gryfino Nativity of the Virgin Mary (PL) 13th–15th centuriesbrick above level of the drippings
Gryfino kosciol kolb1324.JPG
Iwięcino St Mary Queen of Poland Church (PL)
Iwiecino Kosciol.JPG
Kamień Pomorski Cathedral of St. John (PL/DE)about 1175, altered in 15th centuryRomanesque-Gothic basilica
Town hall (PL) 13th centuryRenaissance alterations in the 16th century
Kamien Pomorski - ratusz 02.JPG
Klępicz St. Stanislaus (PL) steeple 13th centuryedges and older windows of the steeple of brick; nave 16th/17th century
Saint Stanislaus church in Klepicz (4).jpg
Klępino Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (PL) 14th/15th centurygable triangle of brick abov ewalls of boulders
Klepino, church (2).JPG
Kłodkowo St. Mary Church15th centurywooden steeple
Klodkowo, kosciol MB Krolowej Swiata (Kloetkow ev Kirche 3).jpg
Kołbacz Cistercian Abbey 1210–1347church and a magazin building; Historic Monument of Poland. [6]
Kolbacz kosciol3.jpg
Kołobrzeg Co-Cathedral of the Assumption 1288–1397hall church, five naves
Kolobrzeg Basilica 2007-07.jpg
Konikowo Sacred Heart Church (PL) 14th centurysince reconstruction in the 19th century only choir original
Konikowo - Kosciol Najswietszego Serca Pana Jezusa 02.jpg
Kościernica, Koszalin County St Marry Queen of Polandonly tower and upper eastern gable of brick
Kosciernica Kosciol MB Krolowej Polski 2 Eleanor.JPG
Koszalin St. Mary's Church (PL) 1300–1333cathedral since 1972
Koszalin Polen The town church 2.jpg
Dormition of St. Mary (PL) centurynowadays Orthodox church
Koszalin orthodox church 2.jpg
Kozielice, Kamień County Christ the King church (Kościół Chrystusa Króla) [7] 15th centurysteeple 1594
Kosciol parafii p.w. Chrystusa Krola, XIV-XVI w. -2.jpg
Krupy St. Mary church (DE) steeple 14th centurynave of framework behind brick, about 1570
Kosciol w Krupach.jpg
St. James' Church (PL) 14./15th century
Lebork kosciol sw Jakuba DSC 2922.jpg
Maszewo Our Lady of Częstochowa Church (PL) 14th centurybase of the steeple of stone
Maszewo kosciol kolb9067.JPG
St. Michael {Kościół św. Michała Archanioła}13th or 16th centurysteeple 1911
Mechowo (gmina Pyrzyce) kosciol (1).JPG
Mieszkowice Church of the Transfiguration (PL) 14th centuryhallchurch with flat ceilibgs; Gothic Revival additions
Mieszkowice kosciol kolb3845.JPG
Myślibórz Collegiate Church (PL) (13th–)15th centurypartly stone base of a predecessor
Mysliborz Collegiate church of John the Baptist.jpg
former Dominican monastery (PL) 1433 – about 1500
Mysliborz klasztor dominikanow (2).jpg
St. Gertrude Chapel (Kaplica św. Gertrudy)15th century
Mysliborz kaplica sw Gertrudy.jpg
Holy Ghost Chapel (Kaplica Św. Ducha)1514ground flour of stone
Mysliborz kaplica Sw Ducha (1).jpg

Gates 14th century:

  • Brama Nowogródzka
  • Brama Pyrzycka
  • Powder Tower (Baszta Prochowa)
Mysliborz Brama Nowogrodzka (1).jpg Mysliborz Brama Pyrzycka (1).jpg Mysliborz Baszta Prochowa.jpg
Niemierze Village church14th – 16th centuriesbrick & boulders;
later alterations
Niemierze-kosciol 2.JPG
Nowogard Church of the Assumption of St. Mary (PL) 15th/16th centuriesstepped hall
Nowogard kosciol kolb8028.JPG
Osieki St Anthony church (PL) 14th century
Osieki church.jpg
Police Gothic Chapel St. Boleslaw (PL) 15th centuryRest of the former St. Mary's Church from 13./14th century
Police kaplica gotycka (1).jpg
St. Peter and Paul (PL) in (Jasenica)1299alterations in 1725; other buildings of the monastery in ruins
Police Jasienica kosciol elewacja.jpg
Pyrzyce St-Maurice / Assumption od St-Mary1st half of 14th century
Pyrzyce kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP (2).jpg
pseudo-basilica, steeple replaced in 1739, after WW. II reconstruction 1958–1966
Pyrzyce kosciol sw maurycego kolb0122.JPG
Our Lady of Sorrows church (PL) 1260alterations 19th century
Pyrzyce kosciol mb bolesnej kolb9601.JPG
Recz Christ King Church (PL) 14th/15th centuriesalterations in 19th century
Recz kosciol kolb0371.JPG
Rożnowo (Banie)Our Lady of Częstochowa church [8] 15th centurybuilding of boulders with edges of brick
Kosciol M.B. Czestochowskiej w Roznowie.jpg
Rusowo Mother of God church (Kościół filialny Matki Bożej Różańcowej) [9] 14 & 16th centurytower of brick upon a nave of boulders
Rusowo, kosciol fil. p.w. Matki Boskiej Rozancowej 01.JPG
Sianów (PL) steeple 16th centuryframework nave 1793
Kosciol pw. sw. Stanislawa Kostki w Sianowie..JPG
Sierakowo Sławieńskie (PL) 15th & 17th centuriesbrick and boulders
Sierakowo Slawienskie, church II.jpg
Sławno Church of Our Lady 1326–1364
Assumption of Mary Church - panoramio (1).jpg
Słupsk St. Mary's Church1276/80–1350
Slupsk, Kosciol Mariacki 02.jpg
St. John's or St. Hyazinth Church (PL/DE)13th century
637172 Slupsk 01.JPG
Castle Mill (Młyn Zamkowy)
637187 Slupsk mlyn zamkowy 01.JPG
  • Mill Gate
  • New Gate (Brama Nowa)
  • Witches' Tower (Baszta Czarownic)
637186 Slupsk Brama Mlynska.JPG 637185 Slupsk Brama Nowa 02.JPG 637184 Slupsk Baszta Czarownic 03.JPG
Śmiechów Our Lady Queen of Poland church (PL) 13th/14th centuries
Kosciol Matki Bozej Krolowej Polski w Smiechowie 1b.jpg
Stargard St. Mary's 13th-century origins, 1388–1500 additions
Stargard Rynek2.JPG
Brama Młyńska (Mill Gate)15th centuryOne of only two surviving examples of such gates (see Waterpoort at Sneek)
Stargard Portowa.JPG
Towers of the defensive wall2nd half of 14th century
  • Red Sea
  • Ice Tower
  • Prisoners' Tower
Stargard Szczec Baszta Morze Czerwone (2).jpg Stargard Lodowa.JPG Stargard Szczec Baszta Jencow.jpg
Stary Jarosław Holy Cross churchsteeple about 1400nave younger
Stary Jaroslaw, kosciol pw. Sw. Krzyza .jpg
Stary Klukom Ascension of Lord (Wniebowstąpienia Pańskiego)2nd half of 15th centuryboulders; simple decorations of brick on eastern gable and at the windows; alterations in the 2nd half of 19th century
Świdwin St. Mary (PL/DE )centurybasilica, alterations
Kosciol Matki Boskiej Nieustajacej Pomocy w Swidwinie.jpg
Castle1382–1455founded by the Teutonic Order; alterations in 18th century
Pdsoki Swidwin zamek 02.jpg
Stone Gate (Brama Kamienna)
Brama Kamienna w Swidwinie.jpg
Świelino Sts. Peter & Paul [10] 15th centuryalterations in 1840
Swielino - Piotra i Pawla.JPG
Swobnica St. Casimir church (PL) 13th centuryeastern gable (above the newer presbytery) and some edges of brick
SWOBNICA-Kosciol P.W.SW.KAZIMIERZA. - panoramio (3).jpg
Szczecin Cathedral of St. James Several phases between 1375 and 1504hall church
0910 Bazylika archikatedralna sw Jakuba Szczecin.jpg
St. John PL/DE 13th to 15th century19th-century renovations; hall church
Szczecin kosciol Jana Ewangelisty (1).jpg
Old Town Hall 15th century
Szczecinek St Nicholas steeple (PL) 16th centurynave converted into a museum building
Wieza kosciola pw. sw. Mikolaja w Szczecinku - sciana poludniowa..JPG
Trzcińsko-Zdrój St. Mary Help church (PL) 13th & 15th centuryboulders with edges of brick, hall church
Trzcinsko kosciol kolb8367.JPG
Trzebiatów St. Mary's Church (PL) 14th & 15th centuryhall church, altered in the 17th century
Trzebiatow Saint Mary's Maternity Church NWbW 2009-04.jpg
Trzęsacz, Gryfice County Ruins of the church around 1270;ruins on top of the escarpment of the coast, destroyed by its erosion
Trzesacz-ruina kosciola.jpg
Tuczno (Hist.
to greater
Assumption of St. Mary church (PL) 1522
Tuczno church.jpg
Tychowo, Sławno County Mary Queen of Poland churchsteeple 14th centurynave 19th century
Tychowo kosciol MB Krolowej Polski DSC 5508.jpg
Wełtyń Our Lady of the Rosary church (PL) 15th centuryalterations in 1690 & 1784
Weltyn kosciol (4).jpg
Witnica (Moryn)Christ the King church (PL) 13th/14th centuryalterations in 15th & 19th centuries
Witnica (gmina Moryn) kosciol (1).jpg
Wolin St. Nicholas (PL) about 1300pseudo-basilica with galleries and flat ceilings
Kolegiata Wolin.jpg
Wrzosowo, Kołobrzeg County Transfiguration Church (PL) 13th, 15th & 16th centuries
Wrzosowo Church 2008-12.jpg

Western Pomerania ⬆ : Chojna  Darłowo  Gryfice  Myślibórz  Słupsk  Szczecin

Gdańsk Pomerania

– Subregion of the historic Pomerania region, part of Pomeranian Voivodeship west of Vistula river and a section of Kujavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship around Świecie;
ruled by the Teutonic Order from 1309/1317 to 1454/1466 –

Chojnice  Gdańsk  Gniew  Pelplin  Starogard Gdański  Tczew
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Cedry Wielkie
(Gdańsk County)
Church of the Holy Guardian Angels14th centuryin 17th century enlarged to be a pseudo-basilica
Cedry Wielkie, kosciol Aniolow Strozow 2.JPG
(Gmina Cedry Wielkie)
Sts. Peter and Paul church14th century
Trutnowy kosciol 3.jpg
(Gmina Cedry Wielkie)
Sts. Peter and Paul church14th centuryalterations in 1730; ruins since 1945
Woclawy - church ruins - panoramio (7).jpg
Chojnice St. John's Church (PL) 1340–1360
Bazylika Mniejsza pod wezwaniem Sciecia Swietego Jana Chrzciciela.JPG
City fortifications
  • Brama Człuchowska (gate)
  • Wronia tower
  • Szewska tower
  • Kurza Stopa tower
Brama Czluchowska - panoramio - geo573.jpg Chojnice, mury obronne z basztami, 2 pol. XIV.JPG
(Gmina Chojnice)
St. James church [11] 1403–1435choir and steeple of brick
Ostrowite sw. Jakuba2b-1,7degcut.jpg
Człuchow Castle PL/DE 1325–1365only tower preserved;
attached church from 1826–1828
Wieza krzyzackiego zamku w Czluchowie - panoramio.jpg
(Gmina Morzeszczyn)
St. James church (św. Jakuba Apostoła)1580 (!)steeple of framework 1768
Dzierzazno, church (3).JPG
(Sztum County)
Holy Trinity church (PL) 1310–1320alterations in 1730
Dzierzgon kosciol sw Trojcy bok.jpg
St. Anne Chapel (PL) 15th centuryalterations in 1737
Dzierzgon, kaplica cmentarna sw. Anny.jpg
Castle of the Teutonic order (PL) only foundations preserved
Dzierzgon-ruiny zamku.jpg
Gdańsk St. Mary's Church 1343–1502one of the two largest hall churches and
three 2nd largest Gothic brick churches
of the world (volume c. 190,000 m³)
Bazylika mariacka gdansk ubt.jpeg
St. Catherine's (PL) probably 14th and 15th century
Brosen katarzyna.jpg
St. Nicholas (PL/DE)1348-early 15th centuryDominican church
Brosen mikolaj.jpg
Church of Holy Trinity (PL) 1481–1514former Franciscan monastery
Gdansk Kosciol Swietej Trojcy (DerHexer) 2010-07-15 156.jpg
St. George guildhall (PL/DE)1487–94
Gdansk (DerHexer) 2010-07-12 072.jpg
Schlieff House (PL/DE)1520masonry made in Venice
– originally for Nuremberg
Gdansk DomSchlieffow.JPG
Great Mill (PL/DE)14th century
Brosen wmlyn.jpg
Crane Gate (PL/DE)1442–1444
Pl gdansk zuraw dlugiepobrzeze2006.jpg
St. Mary's gate (PL) 15th century
Gdansk Glowne Miasto - Brama Mariacka (2007).jpg
Gdańsk- Oliwa Oliwa Cathedral 14th centuryCistercian Abbey
Gdansk, Katedra Swietej Trojcy w Oliwie - (233345).jpg
Gdańsk- Oliwa House of Plague 14th centuryCistercian Abbey
Gniew Castle of the Teutonic Order Late 13th to 14tJh century
Gniew zamek fasada bok.JPG
St. Nicholas (PL) 1st half of 14th centuryalterations in 1870
Kosciol Gniew.jpg
(Gmina Gniew)
Nativity of the Virgin Mary (PL) 1348, 15th centuryalterations 1676 and later
Piaseczno - kosciol Narodzenia NMP (2).JPG
Hel Sts. Peter & Paul church (PL) 14th centurytoday a museum
Hel (Polska) - Muzeum Rybolowstwa Morskiego.jpg
(Gmina Ostaszewo)
St. George churchmid 14th centurywooden steeple 17th century
Jeziernik, kostel od jihu.JPG
Kartuzy Collegiate St. Mary's PL/DE 1383–1405Baroque alterations in 1731–1733
2012.05.12 KARTUZY (4).JPG
Lublewo Gdańskie
( Gmina Kolbudy )
St. Mary Queen of Poland14th centuryalterations in 1683
Kosciol w Lublewie (Gmina Kolbudy, woj. pomorskie) 7.jpg
(Gmina Kolbudy)
Corpus Christi church14th century18th century alterations
Kosciol w Pregowie (Gmina Kolbudy, woj. pomorskie) 8.jpg
(Gmina Stare Pole)
Saint Barbara church (PL) 14th/15th century
Krzyzanowo, kosciol.jpg
(Gmina Trąbki Wielkie)
Saint Bartholomew church14th centuryalterations in 18th and 20 th centuries,
only eastern gable almost original
Mierzeszyn, powiat gdanski, kosciol p.w. sw. Bartlomieja (2).JPG
Miłoradz St Michael church14th/15th century
20100702 Miloradz, church, 1.jpg
(Gmina Miłoradz)
St. Simon & Jude (św. Szymona i Judy Tadeusza)14th–16th centuriessteeple 1853/1854; 1945 half a ruin
Ruiny kosciola w Gnojewie - Ruins of a church in Gnojewo - panoramio.jpg
(Gmina Miłoradz)
Village church14th/15th century
Konczewice (Gmina Miloradz) kosciol.JPG
Mątowy Wielkie
(Gmina Miłoradz)
Sts. Peter and Paul church (PL) about 1340
20100702 Matowy Wielkie, church, 1.jpg
Stara Kościelnica (Gmina Miłoradz)St. George churchabout 1400alterations in 1816
20100702 Stara Koscielnica, church.jpg
(Gmina Stegna)
St. James (Kościół św. Jakuba)mid 14th centuryalterations in 19th century
SM Niedzwiedzica Kosciol sw Jakuba Apostola (3) ID 637001.jpg
(Świecie County)
St. Mathew church (PL) centuryalteratione 1910–1912
Nowe, kosciol sw. Mateusza 3.jpg
Castle of the Teutonic Order (PL) 14th century1266 seat of a noble family,
1313 bought by the Teutonic Order,
1465 military parts destroyed by the citizens
Nowe (js).jpg
Nowy Staw Collegiate St. Matthew (PL) th centuryalterations in 1573/1574
Kolegiata Zulawska.JPG
(Gmina Nowy Staw)
Holy Cross church1382western gable new
Myszewo - kosciol 02.jpg
( Gmina Nowy Dwór Gdański )
St. Nicholas church1352alterations in 1637–1674,
western part of the nave of framework
Cyganek, kosciol - panoramio - t.przechlewski.jpg
(Gm. Nowy Dwór Gd.)
Church of Elisabeth of Hungary14th & 16th centuryalterations 19th century
Lubieszewo kosciol tyl.jpg
(Gm. Nowy Dwór Gd.)
St. Anne churchmid 14th centuryalterations in 1619
SM Marynowy Kosciol sw Anny (2) ID 636928.jpg
(Gm. Nowy Dwór Gd.)
St. Barbara church (PL) mid 14 th centurywooden steepla late 17th century
SM Orlowo Kosciol sw Barbary (1) ID 636953.jpg
(Gm. Nowy Dwór Gd.)
St. James the Greater church (PL) 14th centuryhall church
SM Tuja Kosciol sw Jakuba (3) ID 636972.jpg
Oksywie (Gdynia)St. Michael church (PL) 13th & 14th centurybrick with intermingled boulders
Gdynia kosciol Michala Archaniola 3.jpg
(Nowy Dwór Gdański County)
Old church of St. John the Baptist (PL) mid 14th centuryalterations
Ostaszewo, rozvaliny kostela II.JPG
Puck Sts. Peter & Paul (PL) 1283 to 14th centuryalterations 17th century
Pelplin Cathedral of St. Mary's Assumption (PL) 13th/14th centuryoriginally Cistercian
Katedra 3.JPG
Corpus Christi church (Bożego Ciała)15th century17th century changes.
The outer skin looks like destroyed by overshooting recent renovation.
Pelplin - kosciol Bozego Ciala (widok od ulicy).jpg
Lignowy Szlacheckie
(Gmina Pelplin)
Sts. Martin & Margret2nd half of 14th century17th century alterations
Kosciol Parafialny pw. sw. Marcina i sw. Malgorzaty w Lignowach Szlacheckich.JPG
Wielki Garc
(Gmina Pelplin)
Church of the Immaculate Conception (PL) 16th centurymostly Gothic,
steeple completed in Renaissance style
Wielki Garc - kosciol Niepokalanego Poczecia NMP (3).JPG
Pruszcz Gdański
(Gdańsk County)
Church of the Exaltation of the Cross (PL) 15th century
Pruszcz Gdanski, Kosciol Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego - (301277).jpg
(Gmina Stary Dzierzgoń)
Castle of the Teutonic Order (PL) th centuryalterations in
2010.05.08 PRZEZMARK (28).jpg
(Starogard County)
St. Michel church14th centuryupper eastern gable of 1868
Skórcz All Saints church (Wszystkich Swietych)th centuryalterations
Kosciol Wszystkich Swietych w Skurczu.jpg
(Gmina Skórcz)
St. Martin church [12] 14th/15th centurybaroque alterations;
eastern gable Brick Gothic
Barlozno - kosciol sw. Marcina (2).JPG
(Gmina Skórcz)
St. Andrew church [13] 14th centuryaltered to Baroque in 17th century,
only eastern gable still Brick Gothic
Czarnylas (woj. pomorskie) 01.JPG
(Gmina Skórcz)
Church of the Annunciation14th centurybuilding of Boulders
with Gothic eastern gable
and Baroque steeple
Paczewo - kosciol (2).JPG
Kościelna Jania
( Gm. Smętowo Graniczne
Holy trinity church
(Kościół Świętej Trójcy) [14]
tower finished in 1622tower nevertheless of Gothic appearance,
nave consecrated in 1633
SM Koscielna Jania Kosciol Swietej Trojcy (1) ID 637746.jpg
(Gm. Smętowo Graniczne)
St. Barbara church14th/15th centurynew decorated gables
on steeple and nave
Kosciol w Lalkowach.JPG
Starogard Gdański St Matthew church (PL) 14th century
Starogard kosciol marcina z boku.jpg
Defensive walls (PL) th centuryTowers:
  • Baszta Gdańska
  • Baszta wodna
Starogard Baszta.jpg
(Gmina Starogard Gdański)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
(Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego)
14th/15th century
Dabrowka, pow. starogardzki - kosciol Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego (02).JPG
(Gm. Starograd Gd.)
St. Lawrence
(kościół św. Wawrzyńca)
th centurygables probably newer
Kosciol sw Wawrzynca w Jablowie (1).jpg
(Gm. Starograd Gd.)
St. Catherine (kościół św. Katarzyny)14th century
Klonowka 001.jpg
(Gm. Starograd Gd.)
St. Barbara (PL) 14th centurywindows & gables of brick on a building of boulders,
decorated gable with Renaissance elements
Wlz1209 ked kosciol p.w. Sw. Barbary Krag 02.jpg
( Gmina Stary Dzierzgoń )
Sts. Peter & Paul churchabout 1350alterations in 18th century
Lubochowo kosciol parafialny nr 637931 fota 4 cut.jpg
(Gmina Stary Dzierzgoń)
Church of the Assumption (PL) 14th centuryalterations in 1872
Myslice kosciol p.w. Wniebowziecia NMP nr 637935 fota 3.JPG
Stary Targ Sts. Simon and Jude church
(św. Apostołów Szymona i Judy Tadeusza)
1st half of 14th centuryalterations in 1821 & 1905–1906
Stary Targ kosciol bok.jpg
(Gmina Stary Targ)
St. Mary Magdalene church
(św. Marii Magdaleny)
1286, 1310, 1420lower and middling walls of boulders;
wooden steeple of 1821
KALWA the old church - panoramio (9).jpg
Nowy Targ
(Gmina Stary Targ)
Saint Roch church (kościoł fil. św. Rocha)first church on this site since 1340; 19th century alterations
Nowy Targ kosciol sw. Rocha.jpg
Subkowy St. Stanislaus14th/15th centuryalterations 1600, about 1850, 1907
Subkowy 007.jpg
(Gmina Subkowy)
St. Adalbert
(kościół św. Wojciecha)
15th century18th/19th century alterations
Gorzedziej panorama.jpg
Suchy Dąb St. Anna14th centuryalterations in 1732
20100707 Suchy Dab, church, 3.jpg
(Gmina Suchy Dąb)
St. Mary church1353eastern gable altered to Renaissance
Kozliny, kosciol p.w. MB Rozancowej 1.JPG
Krzywe Koło
(Gmina Suchy Dąb)
Church of the Holy Cross14th centuryalterations in 1685-1686 and 1748
Krzywe Kolo Kosciol bok.jpg
(Gmina Suchy Dąb)
St. Anthony church
(Świętego Antoniego z Padwy)
14th/15th centuryeastern gable new??
Osice, kosciol.jpg
(Gmina Suchy Dąb)
Church14th/15th centuryruins since 1945
Steblewo kosciol.jpg
Świecie Teutonic Castle in Świecie 1335–1350destroyed in 1664 (Deluge),
Swiecie zamek 2 7-2015.jpg
Parish Church (PL) 15th–early 16th centuryafter destruction by Swedish troops
reconstructed in 1626–1629 in Renaissance style
Swiecie Stara Fara 05.jpg
Tczew Holy Cross Church (PL) 13th centuryhall church
Tczew 015.jpg
St. Stanislas Kostka Church (PL) 14th centuryformer Dominican monastery
Tczew-Kosciol Sw. Stanislawa 01.jpg
Lubiszewo Tczewskie
(Gmina Tczew)
Holy Trinity churchth centuryalterations
Lubiszewo Tczewskie - kosciol pw. Sw. Trojcy (3).JPG
(Gmina Tczew)
St. Mary church
(Macierzyństwa NMP)
end 14th to 15th century
Milobadz church.jpg
(Gmina Krokowa)
Church of the Annunciation
(Zwiastowania NMP)
13th centuryformer monastery
Zarnowiec, klasztor, 4 cw. XIII, 1 pol. XIV, 1897-1907, 1959, 1976 08.JPG
(Kartuzy County)
Assumption of St. Mary church (PL) 14th/15th centuryalterations in 17th century
Zukowo Kosciol Norbertanow od dziedzinca.jpg

Gdańsk Pomerania ⬆ : Chojnice  Gdańsk  Gniew  Pelplin  Starogard Gdański  Tczew

Land of Chełmno

– Subregion of the historic Pomerania region, mostly within the Kujavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, with a small portion in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship; territory of the Teutonic Order from 1225 to 1454/1466 –

Bobrowo  Brodnica  Chełmno  Chełmza  Chełmża  Dębowa Łąka  Grudziądz  Kowalewo Porskie  Radzyń Chełmiński  Toruń
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
(Gmina Płużnica)
St, Michel church (PL) 14th and 15th centurydestroyed in 1410
Kosciol par. p.w. sw. Michala Archaniola, bledowo.jpg
(Brodnica County)
Saint James church (Kościół pw. św. Jakuba)13th/14th centurysteeple 1755
Bobrowo church.jpg
(Gmina Bobrowo
Św Andrzeja Apostoła [15] brick 15th centuryrestituted 1645
Brudzawy - Kosciol p.w Sw Andrzeja Apostola (2)cut.jpg
(Gmina Bobrowo)
Saint Nicholas church (św. Mikołaja)14th century
Kruszyny church.jpg
(Gmina Bobrowo)
Church of St John the Evangelist13th century/14th century
Niedzwiedz, kosciol sw. Jerzego (WLZ14).jpg
Brodnica St. Catherine (PL) 14th centuryhall church
Brodnica kosciol pw sw Katarzyny.jpg
Teutonic Knights' castle14th centuryMostly dismantled in 18th-19th centuries. 54-m tower is the best preserved part
Wieza zamkowa w Brodnicy.jpg
Chełmno and Mazurian City Gates14th century
Brodnica, Wieza Mazurska.JPG
Cielęta (hist.
in Michałów Land)
(Gmina Brodnica)
St. Nicholas church (PL) 1st half of 14th century,changes in 1783
Cieleta, kosciol sw. Mikolaja (WLZ14).jpg
Gorczenica (hist.
in  Michałów Land)
(Gmina Brodnica)
Exaltation of the cross (Kościół Podwyższenia Krzyża14th centurydecorated eastern gable; steeple looks newer
Kosciol Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego w Gorczenicy.jpg
Chełmno St. Mary (PL) 1290–1333hall church
Kosciol Wniebowziecia Najswietszej Maryi Panny w Chelmnie.JPG
St. Peter and Paul(PL) Built in 13th century, altered in 14thformer Dominican church, basilica
Chelmno kosciol dominikanow.jpg
St. James and Nicholas (PL) Built in 13th and 14th centuryFormer Franciscan church, hall church
Chelmno Church of St James and St Nicholas 1.jpg
Former Cistercian Nunnery (PL) 13th–14th centurywith presumed Teutonic Knights fortifications
Chelmno wieza Mestwina.jpg
City defensive walls with Grudziądzka gate13th–16th centuryAlmost completely preserved city defensive walls with 23 watchtowers and 1 gate
Mury obronne Chelmna.JPG
Chełmża Church of the Holy Trinity (PL) 13th–15th centuryFormer cathedral – seat of Bishopric of Chełmno, hall church
Wnetrze gotyckiej konkatedry w Chelmzy.JPG
Grzywna (PL)
(Gmina Chełmża)
kościół św. Katarzyny Aleksandryjskiej13th/14threnewed; steeple 1906
Grzywna Church.jpg
(Gmina Chełmża)
Nativity of the Virgin church14th/15thupper parts of the steeple 17th
Kosciol we wsi Kielbasin (Clerk).JPG
(Gmina Chełmża)
St. John the Baptist ch.about 1300farly deleted in 1856; gate (and windows) of brick in a building of boulers
Zajaczkowo, kosciol sw. Jana Chrzciciela.jpg
(Gm. Zławieś Wielka)
kościół p.w. św. Marcina14th century
Czarnowo church.jpg
Gmina Dąbrowa Chełmińska)
(PL) 14th centuryalterations15thII, 19th
Czarze kscNarodzeniaNMPl10 8-2015.jpg
Dębowa Łąka
(Wąbrzeźno County)
Sts Peter and Paul ch.14th century
Debowa Laka, kosciol Sw. Apostolow Piotra i Pawla 1 (WLZ14).jpg
(Gmina Dębowa Łąka)
St. Bartholomew church (PL) 14th century
Kurkocin, kosciol sw. Bartlomieja (WLZ14).jpg
(Gmina Dębowa Łąka)
St. Margaret church [św. Małgorzaty]1 poł. 14th century
Lobdowo church.jpg
Wielkie Radowiska
(Gmina Dębowa Łąka)
St. James church14th centuryalterations in 1558 & end 18th century
Wielkie Radowiska church.jpg
(Kwidzyn County)
St. Joseph church (PL) steeple 1330-1340only steeple original; nave modern
Kosciol sw. Jozefa w Gardei.jpg
Czarne Dolne
(Gmina Gardeja)
Our Lady of the Rosary church (PL) 1320alterations 1719 and 19th century (western façade)
Czarne Dolne, kosciol MB Rozancowej (01).JPG
(Gmina Gardeja)
Christ the King church [16] 14th centurysteeple & windows of brick; in 1892 stabilisation of the steeple
Trumieje church.jpg
(Gm. Golub-Dobrzyń)
St. Mary Magdalene ch.kon. 15thI centurylower parts of the walls of brick,
Gothic windows, Renaissance gable and steeple
Ostrowite, kosciol sw. Marii Magdaleny (WLZ14).jpg
(Gm. Golub-Dobrzyń)
St. Martin church13th/14th centuryrestituted in the 17th century
Wrocki church.jpg
Grudziądz St. Nicholas church (PL) about 1300several destructions and restitutions
Kosciol sw. Mikolaja w Grudziadzu.jpg
Grudziądz Granaries since mid 14th century
Grudziadz spichrze(WLZ12).jpg
Defensive walls14th/15th centuryespecially the water Water Gate (Brama Wodna)
Grudziadz, Brama Wodna.jpg
Castle of the Teutonic Order13th centuryalready destroyed by wars (Swedish Deluge),
most of the ruins were demolished 1796–1804
Grudziadz Remains of castle.JPG
(Grudziądz County)
Church of the Assumption of Mary14th centurymodernized in 1670
Gruta kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP.JPG
Dąbrówka Królewska
(Gmina Gruta)
St. James church (PL) about 1300decorated eastern gable of brick;
steeple 17th century
100 Dabrowka Krolewska, kosciol sw. Jakuba (03).JPG
(Gmina Gruta)
Sts. Cosmas &Damian church (Kościół pw. św. Kosmy i Damiana)1st half of 14th century
Okonin church.jpg
Kowalewo Pomorskie St Nicholas church (PL) 14th–15th centuryalterations in the west about 1900
Kowalewo Pomorskie kosciol pw sw Mikolaja.jpg
Tower of the defensive walls14th centuryonly upper part of brick
Kowalewo Pomorskie baszta 01.jpg
Castle of the Teutonic Order (PL) 1300–1330sparse relics
Kowalewo pom..jpg
(Gm. Kowalewo Pom.)
św. Bartłomieja (PL) pocz. 14th centuryalterations in 15thII & 19th
Chelmonie Kosciol.JPG
(Gm. Kowalewo Pom.)
St. John the Baptist ch. (PL) 14th centuryalterations
Pluskowesy church.jpg
(Gm. Kowalewo Pom.)
Our Lady of the Snow [kościół Matki Bożej Śnieżnej]13th & 14th centuryalterations
Srebrniki Kosciol 1.JPG
(Grudziądz County)
St. Catherine church (PL) brick 1320–13281568 Renaissance alterations, 1628 burnt in a war, 1710–1719 reconstruction
Lasin kosciol katarzyny.JPG
(Gmina Łasin)
St Lawrence (Kościół św. Wawrzyńca)1st half of 14th centurypredecessor sincs 1292;
Baroque alterations in the 18th century
Kosciol w Szczepankach, dekanat Lasin, gmina Lasin.JPG
(Gm. Jabłonowo Pom.)
Sts. Peter & Paul pl:Parafia św. Apostołów Piotra i Pawła w Lembargu|(PL)1st half of 14th centurychanges in 1507, 1700, late 18th century; steeple new?
Lembarg church.jpg
(Gm. Świecie n. Osą)
St. Michael church
(św. Michała Archanioła)
16th century
Linowo kosciol sw. Michala Archaniola (2).JPG
(Gmina Książki)
(PL) 2nd quarter of the 14th centuryalterations in 1865–1867
( Gmina Łubianka )
Church of the Assumption (Wniebowzięcia NMP)13th century/14th centuryCategory:Church of the Assumption in Bierzgłowo
Bierzglowo church.jpg
(Gmina Łubianka)
Exaltation of the Cross (Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego)about 1300later alterations
Przeczno, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship.jpg
( Gmina Lubicz )
St. Nicholas (Kościół pw Swiętego Mikołaja)14th centuryalterations in 15th centuryII/15th centuryIII
Gronowo Church.jpg
(Gmina Lubicz)
Exaltation of the Cross (Kościół pw. Podwyższenia Krzyża)13th/14th
Rogowo-Torun County.jpg
Papowo Toruńskie
( Gmina Łysomice )
Saint Nicholas churchbefore 1300steeple 1906/1907
Papowo Toru kosciol 01.jpg
(Gmina Łysomice)
St. John church (PL) 13th/14th centuryAlterations in 18th and early 18th centuries
Swierczynki kosciol 03.jpg
Nowa Wieś Królewska
(Gmina Płużnica)
St. John the Baptist church13th/14th century
Nowa w. Krolewska-kosciol1.JPG
(Gmina Wąbrzeźno)
St Mary Magdalene ch. (PL) 13th centuryalterations in 1685
Orzechowo, kosciol sw. Marii Magdaleny.JPG
(Brodnica County)
Church of the Assumption (Wniebowstąpienia NMP)14th century/15th centurychanges in 1796
Papowo Biskupie Saint Nicholas Churchtower modern simple substitute
Papowo Biskupie kosciol.JPG
Radzyń Chełmiński
(Grudziądz County)
Radzyń Chełmiński Castle first brick 1270–1285, rebuilt 1310–1330since 1242 wooden, 1278 destroyed by Prussian revolt, since 1772 dismantled in various steps
Zamek - Radzyn Chelminski 002.jpg
Saint Anne church (PL) 1310–1600
Radzyn Chelminski, the church of St. Ann.jpg
Saint George Chapelabout 1340alterations in 15th century and 1851
Radzyn Chelminski, kaplica cmentarna sw. Jerzego.jpg
(Chełmno County)
St-Martin Church14th or 15th century [17]
(Grudziądz County)
Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Kościół Narodzenia NMP) [18] 14th centuryreconstruction after war of 1453–1466,
further alterations in 17th, 18th & 19th centuries
Kosciol w Szynwaldzie.jpg
Toruń Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist 14th and 15th centuryFormer parish church of Toruń's Old Town.
Torun sw Janow from Zeglarska Str.jpg
St. Mary's Church (PL) 1350-1370Former Franciscan, hall church, with some alterations in late 18th century (roof over nave and western gable).
Torun koscol Wniebowziecia NMP.jpg
St. James's church (PL: Św. Jakuba) 1309-about 1340Parish church of Toruń's New Town, basilica, one of the most sophisticatedly decorated Gothiv brick churches
Torun kosciol sw Jakuba od Szpitalnej.jpg
Town hall PL/ES/FR 13th–14th century, rebuilt in 17th centuryThe oldest town hall tower in Central-Easter Europe in the type of Flemish belfries
Torun Ratusz Staromiejski 2010 03 04 7189.JPG
House no. 15 Kopernika Str. (PL) 15th centuryOne of the best examples of Gothic brick houses in Northern Europe.
Torun kamienice ul Kopernika 15 i 17.jpg
Several other particular houses13th to 15th century
Torun, ul. Zeglarska 10 (OLA Z.).JPG Torun kamienica ul Lazienna 5.jpg 28 Szczytna 17 Torun.JPG
"House of the Landlords"ab 1489club of advanced citizens; built of brick from the destroyed Teutonic Knights' Castle
Dwor mieszczanski, od strony bulwaru filadelfijskiego.jpg
Teutonic Knights' castle 13th – early 15th centuryOne of the earliest Teutonic Knights' castles in Chełmno Land, demolished by citizens of Toruń in 1454.
Torun zamek krzyz.jpg
City defensive walls with gates and watchtowersHalf of 14th century to early 16th centuryOne of the oldest and finest examples of city walls in Poland.
Torun - Baszta Golebnik 01.jpg
Dybów Castle 1424–1428Polish border castle on the opposite (southern) side of Vistula river, historically outside the Land of Chełmno
Dybow, Jagiellonian castle near Torun.jpg
Trzebcz Szlachecki
(Gm. Kijewo Król.)
Church of St. Mary's Assumption14th centuryinside simplified reconstruction in the 18th century; eastern brick gable above boulders wall
Widok kosciola p.w. W.N. Marii Panny. - panoramio (5).jpg
Wielkie Czyste
(Gmina Stolno)
St-Catherine of Alexandria Church13th century
Wielkie Czyste Kosciol (Clerk).JPG
(Chełmno County)
St-Bartholomew Church (PL) end 13th centuryadditions in 1841
Saint Bartholomew church in Unislaw 01.jpg
(Gmina Ryńsk)
Sts. Peter & Paul church14th/15th centuryalterations
Zielen - kosciol Swietych Apostolow Piotra i Pawla..jpg
(Gmina Zbiczno)
St. James (Kościół św. Jakuba)about 1330very much renewed in 1935
Zmijewo church.jpg

Land of Chełmno ⬆ : Bobrowo  Brodnica  Chełmno  Chełmza  Chełmża  Dębowa Łąka  Grudziądz  Kowalewo Porskie  Radzyń Chełmiński  Toruń

Warmia, Masuria and Powiśle

– Territory of the Old Prussians, conquered by the Teutonic Order in the 13th and 14th centuries, since 1454/1466 part of Poland (Warmia and part of Powiśle directly, remainder as a fief) –

Barciany  Bartoszyce  Biskupiec  Bisztynek  Frombork  Korsze  Kwidzyn  Malbork  Olsztyn  Prabuty  Reszel
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
(Kętrzyn County)
Barciany Castle late 14th century
Barciany Zamek Krzyzacki 05.JPG
Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Niepokalanego Serca Maryi)14th/15th centuryalterations in 18th & 19th centuries
2009-07 Barciany 1.jpg
(Gmina Barciany)
Church of the Assumption (PL) 15th centuryalterations in 1914; since 1958 Greek Catholic
2008-02 Asuny 02 Cerkiew.jpg
(Gmina Barciany)
Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn (PL) late 14th, 15th centuryeastern gable original, but most of the building a substitute, built 1589–1593
2008-02 Drogosze 09.jpg
(Gmina Barciany)
Saint Anne church (also St. Mary – Matki Boskiej Anielskiej)14th & 16th century
(Gmina Barciany)
St. Mary Help church (M. B. Nieustającej Pomocy)15th centuryalterations in 19th c.
2008-02 Winda 05.jpg
(Olsztyn County)
Sts. Anne & Steven ch. (PL) 14th centuryalterations in 16th & 17th centuries
Barczewo Kosciol sw Anny.jpg
(Gmina Stawiguda)
St John church (św. Jana Ewangelisty)t1348rebuilt in 1724
Kosciol w Bartagu - panoramio.jpg
Bartoszyce St. John the Evangelist (PL) 14th–15th century
POL Bartoszyce 21.jpg
St. John the Baptist (PL) 15th centurypredecessor
Bartoszyce, kosciol sw. Jana Chrzciciela (2).jpg
Lidzbark Gate (PL) 1468later alterations
POL Bartoszyce 02.jpg
(Gmina Bartoszyce)
St. Mary Assumption church (PL) 1350 & 1500 (steeple)alterations by renovation in 19th century
Galiny, 09.jpg
(Gmina Bartoszyce)
St. Michael church15th centuryBaroque 18th century, western part 1889
Grezda - panoramio.jpg
(Gmina Bartoszyce)
Our Lady of Victory church (PL) th centuryalterations
Labednik, kosciol Matki Boskiej Zwycieskiej.jpg
(Gmina Bartoszyce)
St. Anne14th century
Kosciol w Sokolicy.jpg
(Olsztyn County)
St. John the Baptist (PL) since 1505predecessor of 1395 destroyed in 1414
Kosciol sw. Jana Chrzciciela, ul. 1 Maja.JPG
(Gmina Biskupiec)
Saints Peter and Paul ch.1339alterations in 17th century
Kosciol w Lipinkach, warminsko-mazurskie.jpg
(Gmina Biskupiec)
Saint James the Greater ch. [19] 1330probable alterations
OSTROWITE k.Jablonowa kosciol 2.jpg
(Gmina Biskupiec)
Saint Nicholas ch. [20] mid 14th centuryalterations in baroque & Rococo
LAKORZ 10 kosciol gotycki p.w. Sw. Mikolaja.jpg
( Gmina Bisztynek )
Church of the Bearing Mary (Narodzenia NMP) [21] 1409 or 2nd half of 14th centuryenlargenent in 1890
Paluzy kosciol4.JPG
(Gmina Bisztynek)
Saint Judoc church (św. Jodoka) (PL) 14th centuryalterations in 1884-1886
Satopy Kosciol tyl 1.jpg
(Gmina Bisztynek)
Holy Cross church (Św. Krzyża)1380–1400 & 1500eastern gable of brick,
other walls mostly of boulders;
19th century alterations
Sulowo Kosciol Gotycki 003.jpg
(Gmina Bisztynek)
St. John the Baptist church15th century
Unikowo, 07.jpg
(Gmina Bisztynek)
St Anthony church1370–1380
Kosciol pw. Sw. Antoniego Opata w Wozlawkach - panoramio.jpg
Braniewo St. Catherine (PL) Badly damaged in World War II, rebuilt afterwards
Braniewo - Bazylika mniejsza pw. sw. Katarzyny.JPG
Holy Trinity church (PL) 1st half of 15th centuryalterations in 1583/84, 1681,19th century
Braniewo 022.jpg
Żelazna Góra
(Gmina Braniewo)
Holy Family church (kościoła Św. Rodziny)1st half of 16th century
Zelazna Gora, kosciol Swietej Rodziny.jpg
Dobre Miasto Collegial Church (PL) 14th century
Kolegiata Dobre Miasto 1.JPG
(Szczytno County)
Evangelical churchsteeple 14th centurynave after fire of 1691
Dzwierzuty - Lutheran church 05.jpg
Elbląg St. Nicholas (PL) 13th & 15th centuryin 15th century converted from basilica to hall church; burnt effigy in 1945, rebuilt 1969–1989
Elblag, Stary Rynek, pohled na katedralu svateho Mikulase.JPG
(Gmina Elbląg)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross churchmid 14th centuryalterations in 1901/02
Kosciol w Przezmarku 2.JPG
(Gmina Gronowo Elbląskie)
Old church13801754, 1897 alterations, since 1945 in ruins
Ruiny sredniowiecznego kosciola.jpg
Frombork Cathedral 1343–1383Bishopric of Warmia
Katedra we Fromborku.JPG
St. Nicholas church (PL) 1461–1507predecessor destroyed in the Thirteen Years' War
Frombork - kosciol sw. Mikolaja, ob. kotlownia.jpg
Holy Ghost hospital (PL) 1426–1433nowadays museum
Frombork 021.jpg
Cathedral Castle (PL) th century
  • Bell tower
  • West gate
  • Copernicus tower
Frombork Brama Zachodnia1.jpg Frombork, Wzgorze Katedralne - (17149).jpg Frombork mury wzgorza kat front.jpg
Górowo Iławeckie
(Bartoszyce County)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross church (PL/DE)th centuryalterations
A-215 Gorowo Ilaweckie cerkiew greckokatolicka (2).jpg
(Nowe Miasto County)
Saints Peter and Paul ch. [22] about 1500predecessors since 1340
Grodziczno kosciol parafialny.JPG
Iława Church of the Transfiguration (PL) 1317–1325steeple 1550, Renaissance
(Olsztyn County)
St. Barthomomew church (PL) 2nd half 14th centuryalterations in
Jeziorany 01,kosciol.JPG
(Gmina Jeziorany)
Saint John the Baptist15th centuryalterations in
Tlokowo - kosciol.jpg
(Gmina Jeziorany)
Saint George church14th/15th centuryalterations in 19th c.
Radostowo kosciol.JPG
(Olsztyn County)
St. John the Baptist church1350-1375 and late 16th centurymuch lost by alterations in the 19th century
Kosciol w Jonkowie1.JPG
Wrzesina (PL)
(Gmina Jonkowo)
Mary Magdalene churchabout 1500alterations in
WRZESINA 05 Kosciol p.w. Sw.Marii Magdaleny.jpg
Nowe Kawkowo
(Gmina Jonkowo)
St. John the Evangelist (PL) 14th century
Nowe Kawkowo - kosciol z przystanku, cut.jpg
Kętrzyn St. George's Church (PL) 14th century
2005-09 - Ketrzyn kosciol.JPG
Rastembork Castle (PL/DE)1345–13481797 destroyed by fire, since 1912 simplified reconstruction as an apartment house
Ketrzyn zamek 3.jpg
(Gmina Kętrzyn)
St. John the Evangelist14th centuryalterations in 18th century
Czerniki, kosciol.jpg
(Iława County)
Regina Mundi church (MB Królowej Świata)14th centuryalterations in 17th century
Kisielice church.jpg
(Olsztyn County)
Church of the Epiphanyabout 1400
Kolno, 03.jpg
( Gmina Korsze )
Our Lady Queen of Poland ch. (Matki Bożej Królowej Polski)1st half of 15th centurynave rebuilt in 1824
2008-02 Garbno 10.jpg
(Gmina Korsze)
Our Lady of Częstochowa ch. (MB Częstochowskiej)15th century
Kraskowo, 01.jpg
(Gmina Korsze)
St. John the Baptist ch.(PL) 14th/15th centurygables & steeple of brick; windows and parts of the steeple 19th century
Lankiejmy kosciol.JPG
(Gmina Korsze)
Our Lady of Help ch. (M. B. Nieustającej Pomocy)14th centuryalterations in 17th century
2009-07 Parys 4.jpg
(Gmina Korsze)
Christ King church (Chrystusa Króla)14th/15th centuryalterations in 1839–1842
2015-09 Satoczno 04 Kosciol pw. Chrystusa Krola.jpg
(Gmina Korsze)
St. Mary in the Dawn (Matki Bożej Ostrobramskiej)14th/15th century
2008-02 Tolkiny 05.jpg
(Gmina Pozezdrze)
(DE) (Św. Maksymiliana Marii Kolbe)1576–1586very much restored in 1973/1974
Kuty Kosciol 002.JPG
Kwidzyn Castle PL 1344–1355
Gdanisko i Zamek.jpg
Cathedral PL/DE 1343–1384
636552 Kwidzyn zespol zamkowy 03.JPG
(Gmina Kwidzyn)
St. Anthony church (PL) 14th/15th centuryalterations in 1725 & 1893
Rakowiec k. Kwidzyna.jpg
(Gmina Dąbrówno)
Holy Trinity church (PL) 14th centurybuilding of boulders with windows an edges of brick; alterations in 18th c.
Kosciol w leszczu.jpg
(Malbork County)
Church of Saint Ursula14th/15th centuryalterations in 1894
Lichnowy kosciol sw Urszuli.jpg
Lidzbark Warmiński Castle of Warmian Bishops One of the earliest brick buildings in the area
646547 Lidzbark Warminski zamek biskupi 03.JPG
(Iława County)
Sts. Mary and Anne (PL) (1330), 1533–1547alterations in 1600
Lubawa, Fara.jpg
(Ostróda County)
Our Lady of Częstochowa ch. (PL) 1407steeple 19th century
Lukta kosciol.JPG
Malbork Malbork Castle 1276 to late 14th century Teutonic Knights' castle, largest non-religious Brick Gothic structure, headquarter of the Teutonic Order 1309–1455.
Zespol Zamku Krzezackiego MALBORK 01.jpg
St. John the Baptist's Church (PL) 1467–1523
Malbork kosciol pw sw jana.jpg
Town hall (PL/DE)1365–1380
Malbork ratusz (1).jpg
Latin school (Szkoła Łacińska)1352nowadays in ruins
Malbork, szkola lacinska.JPG
City fortifications14th century
Malbork 3040.JPG
Malbork Brama Garncarska 1.jpg
(Ostróda County)
Sts, Elisabeth of Hungary & Adalbert of Prague (PL) 1320–1350alterations in 19th century
Kosciol sw.Elzbiety Turynskiej i sw. Wojciecha w Milakowie.JPG
(Elbląg County)
St. Stanislaus1380-1389alterations in 1639 & 1856-1860
Milejewo kosciol par. p.w. sw. Stanislawa-002.JPG
(Elbląg County)
St. Peter church [23] (PL) 14th & 16th centuryBaroque alterations, nave hence plastered
Mlynary kosciol.JPG
(Ostróda County)
Sts. Peter & Paul church (PL) 1305–1312
Kosciol Piotra i Pawla w Moragu.JPG
(Gmina Iłowo-Osada)
John the Baptist church15th century
Narzym kosciol-1 beax.jpg
Nidzica Teutonic Knights' castle 14th and 15th century
Zamek w Nidzicy.jpg
Nowe Miasto Lubawskie St. Thomas church (PL) 1330
Kosciol p.w. Sw. Tomasza Apostola w Nowym Miescie Lubawskim.jpg
Lubawa Gate tower
(Baszta brama Lubawska)
14th–16th centuries
Nowe Miasto Lubawskie - brama Lubawska (01).jpg
Olsztyn Castle of Warmian Bishops in Olsztyn 2nd half of the 14th centuryTeutonic Castle; in the 15. und 16th century rebuilt to be a palace
Schloss Allenstein.JPG
St. James Cathedral (PL) before 1445Late Gothic hall church
Sw. Jakuba w Olsztynie od polnocnego zachodu.jpg
St. Lawrence Church (PL) consecrated in 1500
Kosciol w Gutkowie.JPG
Old town hall (PL) 2. half of the 14th centurylater alterations
Olsztyn Stary Ratusz.jpg
High Gate (PL/DE)14th century
Olsztyn Hohes Tor Aussenseite.JPG
Orneta Cathedral of St. John pl:Kościół św. Jana Chrzciciela w Ornecie 14th and 15th centuriesbasilica
Poland Orneta church.jpg
Town hall pl:Ratusz w Ornecie 1375alterations in 17th and 18th centuries
Poland Orneta - town hall.jpg
Pasłęk St. Bartholomew (PL) about 1350massive alterations in the 18th century
SM Paslek Kosciol sw Bartlomieja (0) ID 645077.jpg
Pieniężno Capitular Castle of Warmia (PL) 1414in 17 century changed into Baroque and plastered; since 1945 ruins
Pieniezno (js).jpg
Town hall (PL) 14th/15th centuryvery much alteratied in 17th century
Pieniezno Rynek 3 ratusz-002.JPG
(Gmina Pieniężno)
St. Lawrence church (św. Wawrzyńca)2nd half of 14th centuryalterations in 1801
Pluty gmina Pieniezno-kosciol.JPG
(Gmina Pieniężno)
St. Anthony church (PL) 16th centurymany alterations in 1716 & 1840
Radziejewo kosciol swietego antoniego opata.jpg
(Braniewo County)
St. Catharine church1340–1360Baroque alterations in 17th century, steeple in 1881
Ploskinia kosciol par. p.w. sw. Katarzyny - 12.jpg
Prabuty St. Wojciech (Albert) (PL) 14th century
Konkatedra w Prabutach.jpg
Saint Mary chapel1387–1409called "the Polish church"
Prabuty-kosciol Polski001.JPG
Castle of the Bishops of Pomesania (PL) 2nd half of 13th centuryancient relics and a recent reconstruction beside
Ruiny Zamku Biskupow Pomezanskich.JPG
Kwidzyń Gate (Brama Kwidzyńska)14th century
Brama Kwidzynska.JPG
Reszel Castle of the Warmian bishops 1350–1401later alterations
Rossel. Ordensburg mit Kirche..jpg
Sts. Peter & Paul church (PL) 1348–1402hall church
Reszel - kosciol sw. Piotra i Pawla 02.jpg
"High" bridge
Most gotycki w Reszli.jpg
( Gmina Rychliki )
Sacred Heart church (Serca Pana Jezusa)14th centuryalterations mid 19th century
SM Jelonki kosciol Najswietszego Serca Pana Jezusa (5) ID 645133.jpg
(Gmina Rychliki)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross church1330–1350, 1536–1541alterations in 18th century
SM Kwietniewo Kosciol Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego (3) ID 645137.jpg
Święty Gaj
(Gmina Rychliki)
St. Anthony15th centuryalterations in 1878 and recently – The upper part of the gable is a young replica.
Kosciol w Swietym Gaju.jpg
(Gmina Lubawa)
St. Bartholomew [24] 1330
Samplawa, kosciol Bartlomieja - panoramio.jpg
(Bartoszyce County)
St. Michael church1360–1370 (–1450)16th century alterations
Gotycki kosciol sw. Michala Archaniola w Sepopolu. - panoramio.jpg
(Gmina Sępopol)
Mother of God church (Matkej Boskiej)15th centurydecorated brick gable ona nave of boulders;
17th century alterations
(Gmina Sępopol)
Our Lady of the Scapular church (PL) 1370–1374alterations in 1870
Kosciol Matki Boskiej Szkaplerznej we Lwowcu. - panoramio.jpg
(Kętrzyn County)
Holy Cross church (PL) 1409alterations in 17th c.
SROKOWO pow.ketrzynski 7.JPG
(Elbląg County)
(PL) 15th centurytransept 1901/1902
Tolkmincko Saint James church 01.JPG
Ostróda Dominic Savio church (PL) 14th century
Kosciol sw.Dominika Savio ul.filtrowa1 ujecie 2.JPG
(Szczytno County)
Evangelical church (PL) 15th/16th century
Pasym - kosciol ewangeicki na ul. Jednosci Slowianskiej.jpg
(Gmina Dobre Miasto)
St. Bartholomew church1580
Piotraszewo gm. Dobre Miasto.JPG
(Olsztyn County)
St. Michael church [25] (Świętego Krzyża i św. Michała)(PL) late 16th century
Purda - kosciol par. (cut).jpg
(Gmina Purda)
St. Valentin church (św. Walentego) [26] 1481
Klewki - kosciol (02).jpg
(Gmina Świątki)
Saint Matthew church1604-1606alterations in 18th
Kosciol Rozynka.JPG
(Gmina Płoskinia)
St. Margaret church1330–1341
Pierzchaly kosciol p.w. NMP-011.JPG
(Gmina Gietrzwałd)
St. Michael church15th centuryalterations in
Szabruk - kosciol 1.jpg
Sztum Teutonic Knights' Castleearly 14th centurydestructions in 1683 and 1945
Sztum zamek dlugi budynek.jpg
(Gmina Sztum)
Our Lady of the Scapular (kościół Matki Boskiej Szkaplerzne)14th centuryhallchurch; steeple 1867-1869
Postolin, kosciol MB Szkaplerznej (02)brighter+straightened.jpg
(Iława County)
St Anthony (PL) 1340–1350
Susz - kosciol pw. sw. Antoniego (5).JPG
(Braniewo County)
Church of the Transfiguration (Przemienienia Pańskiego)1330–1350alterations in 1665 & 1718
Wilczeta kosciol par. p.w. sw. Katarzyny-011.JPG
( Gmina Zalewo )
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (PL) 1330Edges, windows and a steeple of brick on a building mainly of boulders; alterations in 1632
Boreczno, kosciol par. p.w. Podwyzszenia Sw. Krzyza, ok. 1330, 1832 03.JPG
(Gmina Zalewo)
Sts. Peter and Paul church1320–1330choir Gothic, nave 17th century
Kosciol w Dobrzykach.JPG

Warmia, Masuria and Powiśle ⬆ : Barciany  Bartoszyce  Biskupiec  Bisztynek  Frombork  Korsze  Kwidzyn  Malbork  Olsztyn  Prabuty  Reszel

Greater Poland, Kujawy & Łęczyca

Bydgoszcz  Gniezno  Kalisz  Mogilno  Poznań  Żnin
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
(Tomaszow County)
Church of the Nativity of St. Mary (PL) 1462
Kosciol pw Narodzenia NMP w Bedkowie-011.JPG
(Łowicz County)
Church of the Visitation (PL) century1929/1930 intensively restored
Bielawy, kosciol parafialny pw. Nawiedzenia N.M.P. 01; Kot.JPG
(Gmina Bielawy)
Sts. Peter & Paul church1518
Wies Sobota.jpg
Borysławice Zamkowe Castlec. 1425Destroyed by Swedish forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins.
Boryslawice Zamkowe.jpg
(Gmina Stryków)
St.Augustine church (PL) end 15th centurymassively renewed in 1898–1901
Saint Augustinus church Bratoszewice-007.JPG
Brześć Kujawski St. Stanislaus Church (PL) after 1332, 15th centuryHall church, [27] rebuilt in 1710 (Baroque),
Gothic Revival in early 19th c. & 1908-1909.
Only parts of external walls are original.
Brzesc Kujawski - kosciol.jpg
(Turek County)
St. Nicholas (PL) 1455Baroque alterations
Kosciol Brudzew.jpg
Bydgoszcz Bernardine Church (PL) 1552–1557Late Gothic, aisleless.
Bdg kscBernardynow 2 07-2013.jpg
Cathedral of St. Martin and St. Nicolas1425–1502Late-Gothic, hall church.
Bdg Katedra 9 07-2013.jpg
White Granary (Biały Spichlerz)15th centuryabove ground of framework,
basement with Gothic vaults
Gotyckie piwnice Bialego Spichlerza w Bydgoszczy.JPG
Ceradz Kościelny
(Gmina Tarnowo Podgórne)
St. Stanisłaus church (PL) 1st half of 16th centurypresbytery in 1550–1575, western part in 1713
Kosciol sw. Stanislawa w Ceradzu Koscielnym 02.JPG
Chojnica (with proviso:) St. John the Baptist church (PL) 1531ruins since 19th Century,
probably originally plastered
Church of St. John the Baptist's Beheading in Chojnica.jpg
(Gmina Nowe Miasto
nad Wartą
Church of the Assumption of St. Mary (PL) 13th century (?)
Debno church 2.jpg
(Gmina Dalików)
St. Florian church16th century
Saint Florian church in Domaniew-007.JPG
(Opoczno County)
St. Luke church1460Gothic revival restoration in
1914, keeping old parts,
esp. the round steeple
Kosciol sw Lukasza w Drzewicy.jpg
(Inowrocław County)
Sts. Nicholas and Constantina ch. (PL) 14th centuryalterations in 1871
SM Gniewkowo kosciol Mikolaja i Konstancji (6) ID 601858.jpg
Gniezno Cathedral 1342–1415, northern tower 1512Rebuild in 18th century (Baroque-Neoclassical), after WW II restored in presumable Gothic forms.
Katedra Gnieznienska - panoramio - geo573 (1).jpg
Sts. Mary and Antony Church (PL) only the steeple still of visible brick
Gniezno NMP tower from north.jpg
St. John the Baptist church (PL/DE)mid 14th centurymost medieval structures replaced in18th/19th century
Kosciol Sw. Jana Chrzciciela.jpg
St. Lawrence (PL) 15th centurynave nowadays baroque
Kosciol sw. Wawrzynca I.jpg
St. Michael (PL) most medieval structures replaced in 1815 and later, nowadays a typical Gothic Revival building
Gniezno. Kosciol sw. Michala 2008-02brighter.JPG
Holy Trinity Church (PL) 1420–1430After 1613 rebuilt in Baroque style.
Iglesia de la Sagrada Trinidad, Gniezno, Polonia, 2012-12-24, DD 01.jpg
Gosławice (PL)
Castle (PL) 1414–1420only the defensive walls stillshow brick
Goslawice (js).jpg
Gostyń St. Margaret's Church14th century
Gostyn kosciol pw sw Malgorzaty.jpg
(Gm. Aleksandrów Kuj.)
St. Wenceslaus [św. Wacława]poł. 14th centuryalterations in 2 poł. 16th
Grabie, Aleksandrow County, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. Church of St Wenceslaus.jpg
Inowrocław St. Nicholas church (PL) 15th centurymassive Baroque alterations
Inowroclaw kosciol sw. Mikolaja(WLZ13).jpg
Izbica Kujawska
(Włocławek County)
Church of the Assumption of st. Mary (PL) 15th centuryalterations in early 20th century
5 kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP Izbica Kujawska HWsnajper 03.jpg
Jarocin Holy Ghost church (kościoł św. Ducha)1516ruins since 1856
Jarocin ruiny kosciola.jpg
Jaszkowo, Śrem County St. Barbara Church (PL) 15th century
Church Jaszkowo (6).jpg
(Gmina Błaszki)
St. Mary Magdalene (PL) 1465/1466
massive Baroque alterations Slady po przemurowaniu orginalnego okna gotyckiego w kosciele w Kalinowej , gm. Blaszki, pow.sieradzki.JPG
Sciana zachodnia kosciola w Kalinowej , gm. Blaszki, pow.sieradzki.JPG
Kalisz Cathedral St. Nicholas (PL) mid 13th centurymany Baroque & Gothic revival alterations
Kalisz 182-22.jpg
St. Stanislas Church (PL) 14th centuryAlterations 1537/1539 to 1599-1632. Zespol klasztorny franciszkanow kosciol pw. sw. Stanislawa w Kaliszu.jpg
Defensive walls14th century
651288 Kalisz mury miejskie z baszta Dorotka.JPG
Kamionna St. Mary (PL) 1499
Kamionna kosciol 23.08.2013 p.jpg
Kazimierz Biskupi
(Konin County)
St. Martin church (PL) centuryalterations
Klasztor w Kazimierzu Biskupim (1)brighter+str.jpg
Kaźmierz St. Mary church (PL) 1494
Kazmierz Church.JPG
(Gmina Kaźmierz)
Church of the Immaculate Conception (PL) 1534alterations in 1608
Bytyn, kosciol Niepokalanego Poczecia.jpg
(Konin County)
St. Andrew church (PL) 14th & 15th or 16th century
St. Andrew Church in Kleczew (2).JPG
(Krotoszyn County)
St. Stanislaus churchconsecrated 1518
Kobylin 274-44.jpg
Koło Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (PL) 14th–15th centuryhall church
Kolo - kosciol pw. Podwyzszenia Swietego Krzyza.jpg
Royal Castlebefore 1362Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge
Kolo castle Poland.jpg
Konin St Bartholomew Church (PL) 14th century
Konin - St Bartholomew's parish church.jpg
Renaissance alterations.
Saint Bartholomew church in Konin - 07.jpg
(Bydgoszcz County)
Narodzenia NMP (PL) 14th centuryCistercian monastery, 1687 massive Baroque alterations
Koronowo - kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP.jpg
św. Andrzeja Apostoła (PL) kon. 14th centuryRenaissance alterations 16th
Koronowo - Kosciol pod wezwaniem Swietego Andrzeja - panoramio (4).jpg
Kościan Church of the Assumption (PL) end 14th & 15th centuryalterations 1615-1620
Koscian figura NMP.jpg
Church of Holy Ghost pl:Kościół pw. Ducha Świętego w Kościanie|(PL)2nd half of 15th centuryRenaissance alterations
Koscian kosciol Swietego Ducha.jpg
(Poznań County)
Sts. Peter & Paul church (PL) 16th centuryalterations in the 18th century
Kostrzyn, Greater Poland Voivodeship, church of Saints Peter and Paul.jpg
Krerowo St. John the Baptist (PL) 16th century
Krerowo kosciol 1.jpg
Kruszwica Castle1350–1355Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, only house tower preserved
Kruszwica, Ruiny zamku, tzw. Mysia Wieza, pol. XIV w. (1).JPG
(Kościan County)
St. Michael the Bishop church (PL) 15th centurynew ceiling in 1824
Kosciol parafialny - Krzywin ul. koscielena.jpg
Łęczyca Royal castle1357–1370Mostly dismantled in 19th century, partially rebuild after 1964 with considerable reconstructions.
Zamek Krolewski w Leczycy.jpg
(Kościan County)
Abbey church of the Nativity of St. Mary (PL) 15th–16th centuryRebuild in 18th century in Baroque style.
Lubin kosciol.jpg
St. Leonard church [28] Gothic 1549–1556Benedictine;
Romanesque 13th century;
Mannerist end 16th century
Kosciol sw. Leonarda.jpg
(Nowy Tomyśl County)
St. Johns' church (PL) 2nd half of 15 centuryhall church,
shorter 4th nave,
inside Baroque alterations
58162 Lwowek kosciol par 2.JPG
Mogilno St. James church (PL) centuryalterations
St. John the Evangelist church (PL) 13th–16th centuryBenedictine monastery; outside altered to Rococo (18th C.)
Kosciol, ob. par. pw. sw. Jana Ewangelisty, 2 pol. XI, XIII-XVI-XVIII wnetrze (10).JPG
(Gmina Mogilno)
St. Matthew church (PL) 15th/16th centuryalterations 1768−1772 to Baroque, 1862−1874 back to Gothic
Kosciol par. pw. sw. Mateusza, XVXVI Gebice (23).JPG
(Gmina Mogilno)
St. Mary Magdallene ch. (PL) 1522mixture of Gothic & Renaissance style
Kosciol par. p.w. sw. Marii Magdaleny by AW.jpg
Murowana Goślina
(Poznań County)
St. James church (PL) [29] Gothic parts about 1500western section Romanesque of stone,
eastern section & gable Brick Gothic,
presbytery 1717
Murowana Goslina 053.jpg
(Aleksandrów County)
Saint Hedwig of Silesia (św. Jadwigi) (PL) 15th century
Kosciol pw.sw.Jadwigi w Nieszawie 01.jpg
Nowe Miasto nad Wartą
(Środa Wielkopolska County)
Holy Trinity church (PL) 17th centuryhall church
Kosciol, Nowe Miasto nad Warta.jpg
Oborniki Church of St. Mary's Assumption (PL) 15th/16th centuryafter fires in 1655, 1757 & 1814 outside only buttresses of visible brick, inside Baroque
Oborniki 132-21.jpg
Oporów Bishop Castle1434–1449Built for Władysław Oporowski, Bishop of Kujawy and Archbishop of Gniezno
Oporow zamek 2.jpg
(Gmina Bedlno)
Corpus Christi church(PL) 1430
Orlow, kosciol par. pw. Bozego Ciala 01; Kot.JPG
(Gm. Ostrów Wpl.)
Church of St. Mary & St. Joseph (PL) end 13th centuryBaroque alterations in 1783–1790
Sobotka-wczesnogotycki-kosciol-narodzenia NMP z konca XIII w. 1.jpg
Wysocko Wielkie
(Gm. Ostrów Wpl.)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (PL) centuryBaroque alterations
in 17th & 18th centuries
Ostrow Wlkp-Wysocko Wielkie Kosciol PW Podwyzszenia Krzyza z XVIw-52110.JPG
Ostrzeszów Church of the Assumption of St. Mary (PL) century, choir 1337
SM Ostrzeszow Kosciol Matki Boskiej Wniebowzietej (2) ID 653900.jpg
Castle tower14th centurySince 1785, the castle has fallen in ruins.
Ostrzeszow (js).jpg
(Gmina Czerwonak)
St. Nicholas church (PL) mid 16th centuryalterations
Owinska, kosciol par. p.w. sw. Mikolaja, pol XVI, 2359A z 6.06.1960 (1).JPG
(Gostyń County)
St. Hedwig church (św. Jadwigi) [30] 15th centurysteeple and parts of the nave 1830, Gothic Revival
01 Kosciol parafialny pw. Swietej Jadwigi.jpg
Piotrków Trybunalski Royal Castle 1512–1519Gothic-renaissance
Piotrkow (js).jpg
St-James Church (PL) 14th–15th centuriesvisible brick: Steeple and eastern gable;
Saint James church in Piotrkow Trybunalski view.jpg
(Szamotuły County)
St. Lawrence (kościół św. Wawrzyńca)1405rebuilt after fires of 1635 and 1772
Saint Lawrence church in Pniewy (3).jpg
Poznań Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul 14th and 15th centuryPre-Romanesque and Romanesque predecessors,
thoroughly rebuilt in late 18th century, after damage in WW II reconstructed in presumable Gothic forms.
Archikatedra poznanska 01.JPG
Corpus Christi Church1406, 1465–1470Church founded by Jogaila, partially rebuilt in the 18th century, pseudo-basilica.
Poznan Corpus Christi Church 423-32.jpg
Royal Castle mainly after 1434after long decay, nowadays almost all is a reconstruction
Castillo Real, Poznan, Polonia, 2014-09-18, DD 42.jpg
House of Psalterists1518Building founded by Jan Lubrański, bishop of Poznań.
Psalteria Poznan.jpg
St. Mary's Church in summo (PL) 1431–1448Hall church; the first church was founded by Dobrawa of Bohemia in 965.
Ostrow Tumski Poznan RB1.JPG
defensive wallssince 13. th centuriespreserved parts intensively reconstructed
Poznan mury ludgardy2.jpg
Agglomeration (PL))
St. Michael church (PL) centuryalterations
Pobiedziska, ul. Gnieznienska 2, kosciol parafialny pw. sw. Michala Archaniola z XIV w., nr rej. 2407A z 30.05.1933 (3).JPG
(Gmina Maków)
St. Dorothy & All Saints church [31] [32] 16th–19thGothic, Renaissance, Gothic Revival
Pszczonow, kosciol Wszystkich Swietych.jpg
Radziejów Church of the Assumption of St. Mary [33] (PL) 1331modernized in the 16th century;
1860–1864 rebuilt with massive alterations
Radziejow, kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP.jpg
Church of the Holy Cross (PL) centuryrebuilt after fires in 1657 & 1704,
the only visible Gothic relic is the eastern portal
Radziejow3 DSC0997.JPG
(Oborniki County)
St. Vitus church (PL) 1526
Kosciol sw. Wita w Rogoznie 05.JPG
(Gmina Władysławów)
St. Michael church (św. Michała Archanioła)early 16th centuryBaroque alterations in 1694
Russocice - kosciol.jpg
Sieradz Collegiate1370rebuild in the 17th century in Baroque style,
Kolegiata wszystkich swietych - Sieradz, Poland-2.jpg
St-Stanislas (PL) about 1380
Sieradz - kosciol sw. Stanislawa - portal gotycki (1).jpg
Baroque alterations in the 18th century;
Gothic portal preserved
Klasztor w Sieradzu.jpg
Śrem St. Mary's Church (PL) 15th centurySteeple from 16th century. 2427A (2).jpg
Holy Ghost church (PL) late 16th century (poss. parts older)
Srem sw duch 004.jpg
Środa Wielkopolska Collegiate church of the
Assumption of St. Mary (PL)
15th centuryPartially rebuilt in the 16th century (attic).
Stary Gostyń St. Martin church [34] about 1300overshoot restoration in 19th century
Stary Gostyn kosciol 1.jpg
(Mogilno County)
Holy Trinity church (PL) centuryGothic star vaults with ribs of brick;
whole church from Romanesque to Baroque;
Norbertine monastery
Strzelno, kosciol sw. Trojcy 3.jpg
(Piotrków County)
Chapter house of Sulejów Abbey mid 13th century
Sulejow cystersi17.JPG
(Zduńska Wola County)
Church of St. Mary's Assumption & St. James (Wniebowzięcia NMP i św. Jakuba Apostoła)1333–1335rebuilt mid 16th century and restored in 1868 & 1905
Kosciol Szadek.jpg
' Szamotuły Collegiate (PL) 1423–1430
Collegiate in Szamotuly.JPG
Watchtower Baszta Halszki (PL) 15th centuryrelic of a ducal castle
Szamotuly 422-65.jpg
(Gmina Stęszew)
St. Barbara church1463alterations in 18th century
Nithrarith 2412 A kosciol pw sw Barbary Tomice 04.jpg
(Gmina Janikowo)
Sts. Peter and Paul ch.14th centurypredecessors from 11th/12th centuries
Trlag, Gmina Janikowo.jpg
(Gmina Kleszczewo)
Assumption of St. Mary (PL) mid 13th, 15th, 16th …oldest brick building in Greater Poland;
originally Romanesque, Gothic and further alterations
(Gmina Góra Świętej Małgorzaty)
Collegiate church (PL) centuryGothic alterations of a Romanesque stone building;
further alterations in 18th century
612614 Klasztor w Tumie chor.JPG
(Poddębice County)
Archbishop Castle 1360–1365 & since 1525
Uniejow zamek 215.JPG
wooden predecessor destroyed in 1331,
first brick building destroyed by a fire in 1525
Uniejow zamek 218.JPG
Church of the Assumption of St. Mary(PL) mid 14th century
Kolegiata Wniebowziecia Najswietszej Marii Panny w Uniejowie(WLZ13).JPG
Wągrowiec St. James church (PL) ^6th century
Kosciol -strona wschodnia - 014.jpg
(Gmina Skulsk)
St. Stanislaus church [św. Stanisława] [35] 3rd quarter of 16 centurywooden predecessor;
Gothic with Renaissance elements
Kosciol w Warzymowie. ( XV w. ) - Kosciol filialny parafii w Skulsku - panoramio.jpg
Wieluń Cracow Gate14th centuryin the 19th century adapted for a town hall
Brama KrakowskWln2.JPG
(Konin County)
St. Ursula church (PL) 1566very late Gothic
SM Wilczyn kosciolUrszuli (2) ID 651976.jpg
Włocławek Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption 14th and 15th centuryExtensively rebuilt and altered 1883–1901
in Gothic Revival style.
Wloclawek Cathedral Bazylika katedralna WNMP we Wloclawku (cropped).jpg
Wlocławek Cathedral
St. Vitalis Church (PL) 1330–1411 Wloclawek - kosciol Witalisa.JPG
Września St. Mary's and St Stan's Church (PL) only tower still Gothic,
burnt during the Swedish Deluge in 1655,
rebuilt with alterations in 1672 and 1792
Wrzesnia, Kosciol farny Wniebowziecia NMP i sw. Stanislawa BM - (331318).jpg
(Gm. Janowiec Wpl.)
Bearing St. Mary church (PL) 1467
Zerniki, Gmina Janowiec Wielkopolski, Poland.jpg
Żnin St. Florian church (PL) 14th/15th centuryalterations
Saint Florian church in Znin 04.jpg
St. Martin church (PL) 13th–15th centuryalterations
Kosciol parafialny pod wezwaniem sw. Marcina z XIII-XIV w..JPG
Town hall tower (PL) 1447–1500alterations in 1692
Znin rynek.JPG
(Gmina Żnin)
St. Michael church [36] 13th/14th/15th century (?)important Gothic portal;
massive alterations in 1850
Cerekwica, kosciol.JPG

Greater Poland, Kujawy & Łęczyca ⬆ : Bydgoszcz  Gniezno  Kalisz  Mogilno  Poznań  Żnin

Mazovia and Dobrzyń Land

Navigation Mazowia: Warsaw (Warszawa)
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
(Sochaczew County)
Fortified church1551–1561, 1596Gothic-Renaissance church established by Jan Brochowski and his family as a three-nave church with three side towers
PL Brochow.jpg
Ciechanów Masovian Dukes Castle14th centuryDestroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
POL Ciechanow 1.JPG
St. Mary's Church (PL) early 16th centurylate gothic pseudo-basilica, alteraded restoration after the Deluge
Kosciol Narodzenia NMP, Ciechanow, Poland.jpg
Czersk Masovian Dukes Castle1388–1410Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
Zamek ksiazat mazowieckich w Czersku 1.jpg
Czerwińsk Abbey Church 12th centuryRomanesque, the façade was rebuilt in gothic style in the second half of the 15th century
Gate of Abbot Kula1457
(Gmina Baboszewo)
St. Catharine churchmid 15th centuryalterations in 18th and 19th centuries
Dziektarzewo, kosciol par. pw. sw. Katarzyny 01; Kot.JPG
(Gmina Sochaczew)
St. Peter and Paul church1439
160313 Saints Peter and Paul church in Gizyce - 01.jpg
(Ciechanow County)
St. John the Baptist church155h/16th century19th century alterations
Golymin-Osrodek, kosciol par. p.w. Jana Chrzciciela 02; Kot.JPG
Grójec St-Nicholas Church pl:Kościół św. Mikołaja Biskupa w Grójcu 1398 & 1520–1530already more Renaissance than Gothic elements [37]
Grojec, kosciol par. pw. sw. Mikolaja, XVI.jpg
Lipno Assumption of St. Mary ch. (PL) 1388
Poland. Lipno 008.JPG
Łęg Probostwo
(Gmina Drobin)
St. Catherine church1409 & 16th century
Leg Probostwo - kosciol par. p.w. sw. Katarzyny 02; Kot.JPG
Lipno Assumption of St. Mary ch. (PL) 1388
Poland. Lipno 008.JPG
Liw Masovian Dukes Castlebefore 1429Destroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
Liw zamek 1jg.jpg
Łomża Cathedral1504–1525Late Masovian Gothic
PL Lomza cathedral.JPG
Łowicz Holy Ghost Church pl:Kościół Świętego Ducha w Łowiczu 1404alterations in the 17th and 19th centuries
Lowicz kosciol Sw. Ducha.JPG
Maków Mazowiecki Corpus Christi (or St-Joseph) Church pl:Kościół Bożego Ciała w Makowie Mazowieckim 1490–1511alterations in 18th century
Makow maz kosciol bozego ciala2.jpg
Nowe Miasto
(Płońsk County)
Holy Trinity church (PL) end 14th centuryrebuilt after destruction of 1655
Nowe Miasto, kosciol par. p.w. Swietej Trojcy 01; Kot.JPG
Piaseczno St-Anna (Kościół świętej Anny w Piasecznie)
Kosciol pw. sw. Anny w Piasecznie 2.JPG
Very late Gothic
POL Piaseczno1.jpg
Płock Masovian Dukes Castle14th century
Plock Castle.JPG
Płock Cathedral towers13th–14th centuryRomanesque cathedral, rebuilt several times
6 Plock 073.jpg
Przasnysz Church of St. John and St. Anne1588–1618Considered to be the last gothic church in Poland [38]
6 Przasnysz 32.jpg
Pułtusk Tower of the city hall [39] 15th–16th centuriesseveral periods of construction
180415 - Town Hall in Pultusk - 01.jpg
Defensive wallssince 1508several periods of construction
Putusk baszta przy kosciele pojezuickim.jpg
(Golub-Dobrzyń County)
St. Nicholas church14th centuryalterations in XVIII/XIX
Radomin, kosciol sw. Mikolaja.jpg
Rawa Mazowiecka Masovian Dukes Castle14th centuryDestroyed by Swedish-Brandenburgian forces during the Deluge, currently in ruins
Rypin Holy Trinity church [40] centuryalterations, massive renovations in 1821, 1825, 1840 & 1865
Kosciol Sw. Trojcy w Rypinie - panoramio - geo573.jpg
Sierpc Sts. Vitus, Modest & Crescentius Church (PL) 1449only steeple of brick
Sierpc, kosciol par. p.w. sw. Wita, Modesta i Krescencji 01; Kot.JPG
Holy Ghost Church (PL) 1483baroquized reconstruction after destruction by fire Kosciol Wniebowziecia Najswietszej Marii Panny w Sierpcu (1).jpg
Warsaw (Warszawa) St. John's Cathedral 14th centuryCompletely destroyed by German artillery during the Warsaw Uprising, [41] rebuilt 1947–1957 in Masovian Brick Gothic
Warszawa, bazylika archikatedralna sw. Jana Chrzciciela w Warszawie DZolopa 2022-08-18 141753 1207.jpg
St. Mary's Church 1410–1411Completely destroyed by German artillery during the World War II, [42] rebuilt 1947–1966
Warsaw Barbican 1548reconstructed 1952–1954
Warsaw Barbican outside.JPG
Bridge Gate 1584, additions in 18th centuryGothic-renaissance gate.
(Płock County)
Our Lady of the Angels church (PL) early 15th centurymost of the present building from the 17th century
Wyszogrod - Kosciol Matki Boskiej Anielskiej.JPG
Złotoria Złotoria Castle (PL/DE)1343now ruins, one of the two Polish border strongholds near Toruń
Zlotoria Castle (4).jpg
Navigation Mazowia: Warsaw (Warszawa)

Mazovia and Dobrzyń Land ⬆ : Warsaw (Warszawa)

Lubusz Voivodeship

Parts of the historic regions of Lubusz Land, Greater Poland, Lower Silesia and Lower Lusatia

Place(s) in Lubusz Voivodeship with at least three Brick Gothic buildings: Gubin
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
(Gmina Trzciel)
Birth of St. John the Baptist14th/15th centurybell from 1500
17256 Chociszewo kosciol.JPG
(Gminia Świebodzin)
St. Catharine (św. Katarzyny)16th century
Chociule, kosciol sw. Katarzyny.jpg
Dębowa Łęka
(Gmina Wschowa)
hist. Greater Poland
St. Jagwiga church (PL) 15th century
Dobiegniew Christ the King church14th/15th centurysteeple 19th century
Dobiegniew kosciol kolb2079.JPG
(Gmina Żary)
Holy Cross church [43] 13th centuryGothic windows of brick of the 15th century at the tower
Drozkow, kosciol Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego.jpg
Gorzów Wielkopolski Cathedral of the Assumption of St Mary (PL) since end 13. Jh.hall church, cathedral since 1945
"IMG 2900"Gorzow Wielkopolski st. Mary's Cathedral.jpg
(Polish part of Guben)
Town halloldest parts in Gothic style and brick
Gubin, Ratusz (2).jpg
Main town churchruins since 1945
Niederlausitz 08-13 img12 Gubin (PL).jpg
Wieża Bramy Ostrowskiej (DE) 1523–1530originally part of a city gate
Gubin Werderturm.JPG
(Wschowa county)
St. John (kościół fil. św. Jana z Dukli)later enlargements
Kamień Wielki
(Gmina Witnica)
St. Anthony church [44] 14.–15. Jh.Südseite: Portikus mit backsteingot. Ziergiebel, sonst Mischmauerwerk
Kosciol parafialny Kamien Wielki gm. Witnica pow. gorzowski.adrrdga1.JPG
Lubin (historically
in Lower Lusatia)
Abbey church15th–16th centuryaltered in Baroque style in the 18th century
Lubin kosciol.jpg
Lubniewice St. Mary of the Rosary (PL) 13th, 16th, 17thTower Gothic Revival
Lubsko Visitation of St. Marybrick 15th centuryestaern gable of brick, rest of boulders
611773 Lubsko kosciol par. p.w. Nawiedzenia NMP (dec. p.w. Najsw. Serca Jezusa), 1 pol. XIII, XIVXV.JPG
(Gmina Lubiszyn)
Church13./14. Jh.window framings and simple decoration of the gable of brick
Międzyrzecz St. John the Baptist (PL) 15th century
Kosciol parafialny pw sw jana Chrzciciela w Miedzyrzeczu.jpg
Castle (PL) 1350 and newer
Castle in Miedzyrzecze.JPG
Ośno Lubuskie St. James Church(PL) 1298–15th centuryhall church
Church St. Jacob Osno Lubuskie 1.JPG
City fortifications
Osno Lubuskie baszta.png
(With proviso:)
Osowa Sień (Górna)
Church of St. Fabian and Sebastian14th/15th centurybrick probably new
20150908 atb osowa-sien kosciol-pano-a-alx.jpg
(gmina Sulęcin)
Church of the bearing Mary (PL) 1443steeple and western section of the nave renewed in 19th century
Połęcko, Słubice County St. Casimir church (PL) 15th centuryaltered in 17th century
MOs810 WG 41 2017 (Sulecin, Osno, Przewoz) (Church of St. Casimir in Polecko) (11).jpg
Przyczyna Górna
(Wschowa, hist.
Greater Poland)
St. George Church14th century17th century additions
H.16.0491 - Przyczyna Gorna, kosciol cut.jpg
(Gm. Skąpe)
St. Jadwiga16th centuryCistercian; alterations in 17th century and 1882
594200 Radoszyn kosciol fil. p.w. sw. Jadwigi, kon. XV.JPG
Rzepin Jesus'Heart Church (PL) chapel added in 14. Jh.combination of brick & stone;
the church itself was replaced by a Gothic Revival building in 1879/1880
Rzepin - Kosciol.jpg
Skwierzyna St. Nicholas church (PL) 15th centuryhall church
Skwierzyna kosciol sw Mikolaja 20. 08. 2013 p.jpg
(Wschowa, hist.
Greater Poland)
St. John Evangelist1300 and 1604
H.16.0585 - Siedlnica, kosciol 06.jpg
Starosiedle St. John from the Cross church [45] early 16th centuryalterations in 18th century
Strzelce Krajenskie St. Mary churchsince 1300, 15th century19th century alterations
Strzelce Krajenskie church.jpg
Defensive wallsWalls of boulders,
2 towers of brick
  • Mill Gate (Brama Młyńska)
  • Baszta Więzienia
Strzelce Krajenskie, Brama Mlynska (04).jpg
Sulechów Holy Cross Church(PL) 16. Jh.
19633 Sulechow kosciol par podw krzyza.JPG
Sulęcin St. Nicholas Church14./.15 Jh.aisleless brick church on an older base, tower in 1951 restored a bit simplified
Sulecin church.jpg
Świebodzin Saint Michael15th century & 15411855–1856 Gothic Revival façade by Alexis Langer
Kosciol sw. Michala - Swiebodzin brighter.jpg
(hist. Lower Silesia)
Our Dear Lady's Church ((PL) Gothic 1416–1424founded in 1260; hall church
Szprotawa Kosciol NMP 2007.jpg
Wschowa (hist.
Greater Poland)
City Church15th centuryBaroquified between 1720–1726
Wschowa kosciol farny 3.jpg
(hist. Lower Silesia)
St Mary of the Assumption (PL) tower Gothic, nave Renaissance
Zagan NMP.jpg
(hist. Lower Silesia)
Church of Jesus' Heart (PL/DE) 1401–1430Vorgänger 13. Jh.
Zary kosciol par. p.w. NMP, ob. p.w. Najsw. Serca Pana Jezusa, XIVXV.jpg
Zielona Góra
(hist. Lower Silesia)
Saint Hedwig Cathedral (PL/DE) Renaissance & Baroque changes
594697 jadwigi.JPG

Lubusz Voivodeship ⬆: Gubin

Eastern Poland

– Former Podlachian and Polesian (Brest Litovskian) Voivodeships –

PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
Kodeń Church of the Holy Ghost (PL) 1530
Koden church1.JPG
Supraśl Orthodox Monastery
– Church of the Annunciation
Suprasl orthodox church 3.jpeg



Silesian, Opole and Lower Silesian Voivodeships –

Brzeg  Byczyna  Głogów  Góra  Namysłów  Nysa  Gm. Olszanka  Opole  Prudnik  Wrocław
PlaceBuildingMain period
of construction
Special featuresImage
(Prudnik County)
Brama Prudnicka (Prudnik Gate) (PL) 15th century
2011-09 Biala 15.jpg
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PL) 14th & 16th centuriesrebuilt after fire
Biala Zulz Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2).jpg
(Oleśnica County )
St. Catherine church (PL) 1337, 1603rebuilt after fire
SM Bierutow kosciol sw Katarzyny (2) ID 596286.jpg
Bolesławiec Basilica of the Assumption and St. Nicholas(PL) 13th centurybrick decoration of the western gable
Bazylika w Boleslawcu, upper gable.jpg
Brzeg St. Nicholas' Church 1370–1420restoration of 1958 tried
to restore towers of 1370
Brzeg kosciol sw Mikolaja 02.jpg
Sts. Peter & Paul church (PL) 13th & 14th centuriesFranciscan; in between destroyed by a fire in 1338
Brzeg kosciol pofranciszkanski 1.jpg
Piast Castle
Brzeg a03a.jpg
  • St. Hedwig chapel (św. Jadwigi)
  • southwestern tower (altered)

Most of the Castle is Ranissance

Brzeg Zamek Piastow 3.jpg
(Gmina Miękinia)
St. Mary of the Rosary (PL) 14th centuryafter WW. II rebuilt in the 1950es
SM Brzezina kosciol Matki Boskiej Rozancowej (4) ID 597157.jpg
(Kluczbork County)
St. Nicholas church (PL) 14th centuryalterations in 1790/91;
has remained Lutheran since 1945
Sw. Mikolaja w Byczynie2.JPG
St. Hedwig chapel (PL) 1383alterations 1860 -1876
Kaplica cmentarna sw. Jadwigi Slaskiej w Byczynie.JPG
Defensive walls15th century
with three towers:
  • Polish Tower
  • German Tower
  • Southern Tower
Brama polska w Byczynie.JPG Brama niemiecka w Byczynie.JPG
Byczyna, mury obronne z baszta Piaskowa.jpg
(Legnica County)
Sts. Peter & Paul (former St. Mary) church (PL) 14th century
Chojnow sw Piotra i Pawla (4) ID 593384.jpg
Baszta Tkaczy (Weawers tower)14th centurypart of the defensive walls
SM Chojnow Baszta Tkaczy (1) ID 593387.jpg
(Gmina Długołęka)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross (PL) about 1520Baroque alterations
Domaszczyn kosciol Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego.JPG
(Gmina Długołęka)
Church of the Assumption15th/16th century
Lozina, Kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP - (78175).jpg
(Gmina Długołęka)
Bearing Mary church15th century
SM Stepin Narodzenia NMP (5)599565.jpg
Dzierżoniów St-George Church
(św. Jerzego)
14th–16th centuriesexcept of the bell tower and part of the western façade of brick
Dzierzoniow, kosciol par. p.w. sw. Jerzego, XIV.JPG
(Polkowice County)
St. Barbara church [47] steeple 16th centuryupper storeys of the steeple of brick
Gaworzyce kosciol 1 1.jpg
Gliwice All Saints church (PL/DE)centuryrebuilt after fire of 1711, hall church
Gliwice kosciol WW Swietych 2.jpg
Old church of St. Bartholomew (PL) [48] brick 15th centuryupper part of the (fortified) tower
Kosciol Rektorski sw. Bartlomieja w Gliwicach1.jpg
Głogów St-Mary's ChurchGothic 1413–1466collegiate
'zetem' Glogow -- Kolegiata (katedra Panny Marii).jpg
St-Nicholas ChurchGothic since 1291since 1945 in ruins
(zetem) Glogow -Kosciol sw. Mikolaja, ruina.jpg
St-Lawrence Church1399–1502in 1639 damaged by cannon fire, restored in Baroque style
Glogow Brzostow Kosciol 2005 2.JPG
Dukes' Castle13th–18th centuriesonly the donjon; rest of the castle plastered
(zetem) Glogow -- Zamek ksiazecy.jpg
(Gmina Głogów)
St. Lawrence church (PL) 14th/15th centuryalterations in 19th century, restoration in 1958
Rapocin kso 01.jpg
Głubczyce Nativity of St. Mary church 13th/14th centuriesalterations of the towers in 1579,
of the nave in 1903–1907
(transept added)
2012-04 Glubczyce 06.jpg
Sts. Fabian & Sebastian chapel1501
2012-04 Glubczyce 13.jpg
(Gmina Legnickie Pole)
St. Anthony churchtower about 1500tower of boulders with edges and windows of brick
SM Gniewomierz kosciol sw Antoniego ID 593479.jpg
Góra St-Catharine Church1307, 1457–1552hall church, in 18th century Baroque alteratione
(Gmina Góra)
St. Michael church1483
Kosciol parafialny p.w. sw. Michala Archaniola w Chroscinie.jpg
(Gmina Góra)
St. Martin church15th century
SM Glinka kosciol sw Marcina (4) ID 590998.jpg
(Gmina Góra)
St. Michael church (PL) 14th & 2nd half of 15th centurytower 1862
SM Osetno Kosciol Michala Archaniola (1) ID 591046.jpg
Stara Góra
(Gmina Góra)
St. James church1450alterations in 1613
Stara Gora kosciol Jakuba (3).jpg
(Brzeg County)
St. Michael church (PL) late 13th & late 15th ct.alterations 1671 to Baroque, 1893 back to Gothic
SM Grodkow kosciol sw Michala (2) ID 609910.jpg
Gates of the defensive walls14th century
Renaissance alterations
  • Brama Ziębicka (PL), only gateway visible brick
  • Brama Lewińska (PL), one side visible brick again
Brama grodkow.PNG Brama grodkow3.PNG
(Gmina Grodków)
St. Martin church15th/16th century
Lipowa sw Marcina SM609954.jpg
(Gmina Grodków)
St. Martin church15th/16th century
Mlodoszowice sw Marcina SM609955.jpg
(Gmina Otmuchów)
St. George church [49] 1210–1260
Romanesque & Gothic Kalkow kosciol.jpg Kalkow portal.jpg
(Gmina Kostomłoty)
Hols Cross church15th century17th cenetury Baroque alterations
SM Karczyce Kosciol Swietego Krzyza (0) ID 597073.jpg
Kąty Wrocławskie
(Wrocław County)
Sts Peter & Paul (PL) late 15th centurynow onla one storey of the steeple of visible brick, parts above 1825–1827
(Gmina Kąty Wrocławskie)
Church of the Ascension of Christ (PL) 1473windows enlarged in 1732
Jaszkotle- kosciol Wniebowstapienia.jpg
(Gmina Kąty Wrocławskie)
Holy Trinity church [50] centuryalterations
(Gmina Kąty Wrocławskie)
Exaltation of the Cross church (PL) Gothic 1487alterations in 1619 & 1776
Kędzierzyn-Koźle St. Sigismond Church(PL/DE)1323 St. Mary's Chapel1454 destruction by a fire except of St. Mary's Chapel, new nave until 1570; Gothic Revival alterations
Kedzierzyn-Kozle st. Sigismund church.jpg
Kluczbork Christ the Redeemer church (PL) 14th centuryalterations
Kosciol ewangelicko-augsburski pw.Chrystusa Zbawiciela w Kluczborku 02.jpg
Bielany Wrocławskie
( Gmina Kobierzyce )
St. Andrew (PL) 1520–1530
Tyniec Mały
(Gmina Kobierzyce)
Church of the Assumption (PL) 1493–1516
2011-08 Tyniec Maly 01.jpg
(Gmina Kobierzyce)
Corpus Christi & O. L. Częstochowa church15th century18th century alterations
(Gmina Lubsza)
St. Mary Assumption church14th/15th century
Koscierzyce, Kosciol Wniebowstapienia NMP - (227557).jpg
(Kłobuck County)
St. James church (PL) since 1357Renaissance & Baroque alterations
Krzepice IX 2005.jpg
(Gmina Wiązów)
St. Andrew churchcenturyalterations
SM Kucharzowice kosciol sw Andrzeja (0) ID 597038.jpg
(Gmina Grębocice)
St. Michel church (PL) 15th/16th century
Kosciol w Kwielicach p.w. sw. Michala Archaniola.jpg
Legnica Our-Dear-Lady's Church (PL) 1386Protestant (Augsburg Confession) parish
SM Legnica KosciolNMP (1) ID 593134.jpg
Cathedral Ss.-Peter-and-Paul (PL) 1330–1378
  • wooden predecessor
  • 1892 original brick walls covered with a skin of new bricks
  • 1945 re-catholized
St.peter and st. paul cathedral in legnica.jpg
Lubin God's Mother of Chęstochowa church (PL) 14th/15th centuryhall church
9987viki Lubin - kosciol MBCzestochowskiej. Foto Barbara Maliszewska.jpg
Castle chapel (PL) centurymodernized in the 18th century,
after stag eof ruins restored in 1908,
only western gable of visible brick
Lubin, Galeria Zamkowa - (242714).jpg
(Gmina Lubin)
St. Michael church (PL) 14th century
Siedlce (pwt lubinski)kosciolMichalaID 595675renaturized.jpg
(Gm. Oborniki Śląskie)
Holy Trinity church15th centuryalterations 19th century
Lubnow Kosciol pw Trojcy Przenajswietszej 01.JPG
Namysłów Castle (PL)
Namyslow1 (js).jpg
St. Peter & St. Pauls Church (Kościół Piotra i Pawła)
Namyslow kosciol Piotra i Pawla.JPG
Kraków Gate (Brama Krakowska)1390
Namyslow Brama Krakowska.JPG
St. Francis of Assisi &
Peter of Alcantara church (PL)
14th & 15th centuryalterations
Namyslow, kosciol pw. sw. Franciszka sw. Piotra z Alkantary.jpg
(with provido:)
Town hall
1360eastern gable Gothic of washed brick, but since renovation of 1838 rather a replique
Ratusz w Namyslowie.jpg
Church of the Immaculate Conception [51] 1233Google Maps [52]
Brama Krakowska (Kr. Gate)1390
Namyslow Brama Krakowska.JPG
(Gmina Namysłów)
Holy Trinity churchbrick 1414presbytery of brick, nave of wood
SM Baldwinowice Kosciol Trojcy Swietej (5) ID 611008.jpg
(Opole County)
St. Mary Assumption church (PL) 13th/14th centuryonly steeple and western façade still Gothic
Niemodlin FalkenbergOS Church of the Assumption2.JPG
Defensive walls15th centuryboulders with a skin of brick
Falkenberg Stadtmauer.JPG
Nysa Basilica of St. James and St. Agnes some decorations of stone
2014 Nysa, zespol kosciola sw. Jakuba Starszego 02.JPG
Evangelical Jesus church (PL) 1428alterations in 18th century & 1810; interim plastered brick decorations recently uncovered
2014 Nysa, kosciol ewangelicki 03.JPG
Wieża Ziębice (tower) (PL)/DE)14th centurymore storey addes in 16th & 17th century
2014 Nysa, Brama Ziebicka 01.JPG
Oleśnica Wrocław Gate (Brama Wrocławska)14th century
Opole Cathedral (PL/DE)15th centuryäpredescessores; steeples Gothic Revival
Opole - Cathedral 01-1.jpg
Holy Trinity Church (PL/DE)Franciscan church, Baroque alterations
Franziskanerkirche Opole.jpg
Piast Tower (PL/DE)late 13th centurypart of the Piasts' Castle, which was demolished in 1931
Opole - Wieza Piastowska 01.jpg
Upper Castle (PL/DE)tower end 14th centuryupper storey and pinnacles Gothic Revival
Oberes Schloss Oppeln, Zamel Gorny Opole.JPG
Czeska Wieś
( Gmina Olszanka )
Jesus's Heart church13th century18th century alterations
SM CzeskaWies kosciol Najswietszego Serca Pana Jezusa (5) ID 610101.jpg
(Gmina Olszanka)
Our Lady of the Scapular (PL) about 1300, steeple 1503
Gierszowice, kosciol MB Szkaplerznej (1).jpg
Jankowice Wielkie
(Gmina Olszanka)
St. Mary Assumption church14th/15th centurylater alterations
Jankowice Wielkie, Kosciol Najswietszej Marii Panny - (253532).jpg
(Gmina Olszanka)
Jesus's Heart church14th century
SM Pogorzela kosciol Najswietszego Serca Jezusa (3) ID 610135.jpg
(Nysa County)
St. John Evangelist church (PL) 1341–1376several alterations
Paczkow - Katedra.JPG
Defensive walls
tops of two Towers of brick:
  • Brama Brama Wrocławska
  • Brama Nyska (Nysa Gate)
2014 Paczkow Brama Wroclawska, 01.JPG 4997viki Paczkow - mury obronne. Foto Barbara Maliszewska.jpg
(Legnica County)
Prochowice Castle (PL) since 14th centuryonly tower of visible brick
593541 Prochowice zespol zamkowy 09.JPG
Prudnik Prudnik Castle 1255so called "Wok's Tower" is now the only remnant of the castle
SM Prudnik Wieza Zamkowa Woka 2018 (0) ID 628462.jpg
Defensive walls15th century
Towers of the defensive walls:
  • Wieża Bramy Dolnej (Lower Gate Tower)
  • Mała Wieża
  • Wieża Katowska
Wieza Bramy Dolnej. pik.JPG Mala Wieza w Prudniku, 2018.11.05 (03).jpg Wieza Katowska, Prudnik 2018.11.05 (02).jpg
(Trzebnica County)
Saint James church (PL) 1492
Prusice Saint James church 2016.jpg
Racibórz Church of the Holy Ghost [53] 14th centuryprofanized in 1810, nowadays it houses the municipal museum
Kosciol sw. Ducha (obecnie muzeum miejskie) w Raciborzu 6.JPG
St-James Church (PL/DE) 1285after a fire in 1637 restored in Renaissance and Baroque styles, damages of World War II repaired 1946/47
Kosciol sw. Jakuba w Raciborzu 8.JPG
(Gmina Kunice)
Assumption of St. Mary (kościół Wniebowzięcia NMP)early 13th centurypresbytery later
SM Rosochata kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP (2) ID 593475.jpg
(Lubin County)
Holy Cross church (PL) 1474–1500changes in 1624;
/nowadays Orthodox
SM Rudna Cerkiew Podwyzszenia Krzyza Swietego (0) ID 595751.jpg
(Lubin County)
Church of the Exaltation of the Cross (Podwyższenia Krzyża)15th century
Scinawa Church.JPG
(Gmina Scinawa)
Holy Queen Mary church (Matki Bożej Królowej Świata)14th centuryalterations of the roof
SM Tymowa 77 Kosciol Matki Bozej Krolowej Swiata (2) ID 595841.jpg
( Gmina Skarbimierz )
St. Mary of the Rosary church (PL) early 16th century
SM Kruszyna KosciolMatkiBozejRozancowej (3) ID 610166.jpg
(Gmina Skarbimierz)
St. James church (PL) 1250
(Będzin County)
Holy Cross & St. Nicholas church (PL) mid 13th centurypresbytery in Romanesque-Gothic transitional style
Kosciol parafialny p. w. Podwyzszenia Krzyza i swietego Mikolaja z ok. 1250 r, Slawkow.jpg
(Świdnica County)
St. Lawrence church [54] present b. about 1500top storey of the steeple probably newer, nave later rebuilt
Kosciol w Smialowicach 08aw.jpg
(Wrocław County)
St. Anne church14th century, 1500blind stone building, windows of brick in the gable probably Gotic; hall church
SM Sobotka Kosciol sw Anny Samotrzeciej (2) ID 599793.jpg
Środa Śląska St-Andrew's Church13th century & 1388changes in 1670 and 1830
Sroda Slaska Church bell tower.jpg
Town Hall15th century
(Gmina Środa Śląska)
St. Martin churchsteeple 14th centurynave of boulders 16th & l18th century;
steeple rebuilt in the 21st century
(photo before reconstruction)
Cesarzowice wieza.jpg
Stary Grodków
(Gmina Skoroszyce)
Holy Trinity church [55] end 13th centurymuch enlarged in 1910
2013 Stary Grodkow 01 Kosciol par. pw. Swietej Trojcy.jpg
Strzegom Basilica St. Peter & St. Paul(PL)
Saint Anthony chapel15th & 16th centuriescity gate converted to a chapel; some parts and framings of brick
Strzegom, kosciol sw. Antoniego (Lipiec 2005).jpg
(Opole Voivodeship)
St. Anthony church about 1300alterations of 1688
Kosciol sw. Antoniego w Strzelnikach fragment2 30.07.2011 p.jpg
Świdnica Cathedral 1330, 1535–1545
Swidnica k2.jpg
except of the weternmost bays
(with the steeple and the
western façade) of brick
Swidnica, Katedra 11.jpg
Święta Katarzyna
(Gmina Siechnice)
St. Catherine church (PL) 13th century
Sw Katarzyna kosciol sw Katarzyny.jpg
(Gmina Żórawina)
Church of St. Mary Assumption14th centuryalterations in 1891
SM Wilczkow Kosciol Wniebowziecia NMP (3) ID 599865.jpg
(Wolów County)
Holy Trinity church (PL) 15th centuryhall church; tower 1876
Winsko kosciol Swietej Trojcy.jpg
( Gmina Wisznia Mała )
Saint Stanislaus churchend 15th century
(Gmina Wisznia Mała)
St. John the Baptist church 15th centuryalterations
Kosciol sw. Jana Chrzciciela Ozorowice-2.jpg
(Gmina Wisznia Mała)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross churchend 15th centurylower parts of boulders, upper parts of birck
Wołów St. Lawrence church (PL) centuryalterations
785viki Wolow. Foto Barbara Maliszewska.jpg
Defensive wallscenturyalterations
Rzezba wolow w wolowie.jpg
Wrocław Cathedral of St. John the Baptist 1234–1341,
later repairs
98-metre (322-foot) high towers
Wroclaw - Archikatedra sw. Jana Chrzciciela (1).jpg
Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew 1288-first half
of the 14th century
5 Wroclaw 142.jpg
St. Elisabeth's Basilica 1309–1387
598582 Wroclaw Bazylika Elzbiety 03.JPG
St. Mary Magdalene Church 1355–1360
Wroclaw Breslau Mary Magdalene Church.JPG
The Old Town Hall 13th & 15th century19th-century additions
598731 Wroclaw Ratusz Staromiejski 01.JPG
St. Martin's Church13th century
Breslau, Martinskirche von Norden, 3.jpeg
Nativity of Saint Mary Orthodox Church15th century
Wroclaw katedra prawoslawna.jpg
Church of St. Mary on the Sand1334–75,
Breslau, Maria auf dem Sande von Norden, 6.jpeg
Church of St. Adalbert1250–1487
Wroclaw swWojciech3.jpg
Church of St. Mathew1300–1569
SW Maciej.jpg
Church of St. Vincent and St. James XIV-XVc
Wroclaw kosciol swWincentego.jpg
Church of Sts. Dorothea, Wenceslaus, and Stanislaus 1351–1401
Wroclaw kosciol pw. sw Stanislawa, Doroty i Waclawa1.jpg
Corpus Christi Church XVc
Kosciol Bozego Ciala 1.JPG
Church of John of Capistrano1462 – 1505
Zespol pobernardynski Wroclaw.jpg
Wroclaw Arsenal1459
Herb Wroclawia na scianie Arsenalu.jpg
(Gmina Niechlów)
St. Michael church14th centurybrick tower joint to the brick nave
and separate wooden belltower
SM Zabin kosciol Michala Archaniola (2) ID 591122.jpg
(Ząbkowice Śląskie County)
St. George Basilica (PL) century
2014 Ziebice, kosciol sw. Jerzego 07.JPG
2014 Ziebice, kosciol sw. Jerzego 01.JPG
(Trzebnica County)
Holy Trinity church (PL) 1595–1601
SM Zmigrod kosciol sw Trojcy (2) ID 597993.jpg
Donjon of the medieval castle (PL/DE)15601655–1660, a Baroque palace was built, nearby
SM Zmigrod palac-baszta (3) ID 597995.jpg
Żory Sts. Philip & James (PL) 13th centuryafter fires rebuilt in 1663; hall church
Zory 3.jpg
(Głogów County)
St. Hedwig church (PL) 14th century
6.Zukowice 13.03.2007 (30).JPG
(Gmina Żukowice)
St. Bartholomew church14th century
SM Kloda kosciol sw Bartlomieja (1) ID 590937.jpg
(Gmina Żukowice)
St. Michel church (PL) 15th/16th centuryparish since 991;
only tower and eastern gable of brick
SM Nielubia kosciol sw Michala Archaniola (2) ID 590947.jpg

Silesia ⬆ : Brzeg  Byczyna  Głogów  Góra  Namysłów  Nysa  Gm. Olszanka  Opole  Wrocław

Lesser Poland

Lesser Poland, Subcarpathian, Świętokrzyskian & Lublin Voivodeships

Kraków  Oświęcim  Przeworsk  Sandomierz  Tarnów
PlaceBuildingMain period of constructionSpecial featuresImage
(Kazimierza County)
St. Nicholas church (PL/DE)2nd half of 14th century
Bejsce kosciol 20060624 5984.jpg
(Gmina Łubnice)
Pauline church (kościół paulinów)1407–1423upper gable of visible brick,
some other parts of originally invisible brick
Beszowa church (77).jpg
Biecz Corpus Christi Churchc. 1326–1480
Kosciol Biecz.JPG
Bell Tower15th centuryUpper parts – mannerist sgraffito decorations
Dzwonnica Biecz.JPG
Bochnia St. Nicolas' Church1440–1445
Bochnia, Bazylika sw. Mikolaja (od ul. Bernardynskiej).jpg
Chęciny Chęciny Castle 13th or 14th centuryUpper parts of brick, rest limestone. Destroyed in the Swedish Deluge, hebce in ruins
642805 zamek w Checinach-widok z wiezy 02.JPG
Chrzanów St. Nicolas church (PL) about 1429only presbytery medieval,
only window framings of brick,
nave & else 1912–1914
Chrzanow swmikolaja mpazdziora.JPG
Dębno Jakub Dembiński Castle15th century
Debno (js).jpg
Drzewica St. Luke's Church1321–1460
Drzewica.Kosciol 01.jpg
Mathew of Drzewica's Castle1527–1535Gothic-Renaissance, upper patrs of brick, lower parts brick & sandstone, nowadays in ruins
JKRUK 20080122 DRZEWICA ZAMEK DSC09240.jpg
(Gmina Tuczępy)
Mother of God of Częstochowa church [56] 14th & 20th centuryrests of medieval brick walls
in the 20th century stone building
(Sandomierz County)
St. Florian abbey church(PL/DE)Gothic 1507Church and monastery 1218–1238 of stone;gables of choir and transept augmented in Gothic style by brick
250513 Saint Florian church in Koprzywnica - 04.jpg
Kraków Barbican of Kraków 1498–1499
Barbakan Krakow z ulicy Basztowej 2.jpg
Collegium Maius 15th century
Collegium Maius 3.jpg
Corpus Christi Church1385–1405
Church of Corpus Christi in Krakow 3.jpg
Church of the Trinity14th and 15th century, rebuilt after 1850 fireFormer Dominican church
Krakow - Trinity Church 01.jpg
Florian Gate Early 14th centuryUpper parts of brick, rest limestone
Krakow gate 01.JPG
St. Gregory church (PL) 1416–1420predecendant from 1222;
Renaiscanec alterations;
hall church
Krakow Jeziorko 40 - Kosciol Sw. Grzegorza Wielkiego.JPG
St. Catherine church1342–1426
Krakow kosciol sw Katarzyny 20070930 1522.jpg
Corpus Christi church (PL) 1385–1405alterations around 1500 and in 1566–1582
Church of Corpus Christi in Krakow 3.jpg
St. Mary's Basilica 1321–1331, 14th–15th centuryHall church
Krakow - St. Mary Church 01.JPG
Old Synagogue 1407 or 1492
Palia Sunagoge Krakobias 7812.jpg
Town Hall Tower End of the 13th century
Krakow Buildings 11.jpg
Wawel Castle 13th–16th centuryatop a limestone outcrop, built at the behest of Casimir III the Great, in the 14th century rebuilt by Jogaila and Jadwiga of Poland.
01290 Krakow, zespol Wzgorza Wawelskiego.jpg
Wawel Cathedral 1320–1364Upper parts of brick, rest limestone
Krakow - panoramio (17).jpg
Cistercian Mogiła Abbey Baroque alterations,
Gothic elements partly restored
Opactwo Cystersow w Mogile.jpg
Kraśnik Assumption of St. Mary church (PL) 1469alterations in 1527–1541 and late 17th century; choir still of brick
Kosciol NMP w Krasniku 5.jpg
Krosno Basilica of the Holy Trinity in Krosno (PL) 1342
Fara Krosno - kosciol.JPG
Franciscan Church and Monastery in Krosno (PL) 1402
Krosno, kosciol Franciszkanow (panorama).jpg
(Gmina Sędziszów)
St. Procopius church (św. Prokopa)1531–1542
Krzciecice kosciol.jpg
Lublin Kraków Gate14th century.partly renewed in the 18th century
Brama Krakowska Q Aloans PLP3300310r2ok.jpg
Royal Castle 13th–14th centurydestroyed in the Swedish Deluge, reconstructions in the 19th century
Lublin zamek 2009.jpg
(Gm. Kocmyrzów-Luborzyca)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross church [57] since 1433
Kosciol par. p.w. Znalezienia i Podwyzszenia Krzyza Sw. 5, Luborzyca.jpg
Nowy Korczyn
(Busko County)
St. Stanislaus church (PL) 13th/14th centuryBaroque alterations
Nowy Korczyn, Poland - panoramio.jpg
Stary Korczyn
(Gmina Nowy Korczyn)
St. Nicholas church (św. Mikołaja)mid 14th century19th century alterations
Stary Korczyn church 20060513 0928.jpg
Nowy Sącz Church of St. Margaret13th and 14th century
  • Upper parts of brick, lower of sandstone
  • Southernmost building of northern/Baltic Brick Gothic region
Nowy Sacz 06.jpg
Olkusz St. Andrew's church (PL) 13th/14th centurieshall church, upper gables of visible brick
Olkusz Kosciol Andrzeja 2.JPG
Oświęcim St. Mary's Church14th century
Kosciol Matki Bozej Wspomozenia Wiernych w Oswiecimiu.jpg
St. Hyacinth chapel (św. Jacka, PL) early 14th & late 16th century Salesian
Oswiecim - Salezjanie kaplica sw. Jacka AL05.JPG
Oświęcim Castle 13th centurypaalce since 16th century,
reconstructions 1929–1931
Oswiecim zamek 07.JPG
Paczków Fortified church14th century
Paczkow - Katedra.JPG
Pilzno Church of John the Baptist in Pilzno14th century
Pilzno (woj podkarpackie)-fara.jpg
(Gmina Łaziska)
St. Thomas church1440/1441
Kosciol w Piotrawinie 3.jpg
a Crusader's grave chapel1440/1441Baroque alterations
Kaplica przykoscielna.jpg
(Gmina Słomniki)
(PL) brick 1480–1490Gothic presbytery of brick on a Romanesque building of ashlar
Prandocin 03.JPG
(Gmina Koszyce)
St. Catherine church (PL) 15th century16th & 17th century additions
Przemykow - kosciol 3.JPG
Przeworsk Collegiate of the Holy Ghost (PL) 1430–1473Baroque alterations
631598 podkarpackie gm Przeworsk Przeworsk koscielna k. sw Ducha 1.JPG
St-Barbara Church Kościół św. Barbary w Przeworsku|(PL) [58] 1461–1465
Kosciol sw. Barbary w Przeworsku fasada1.jpg
City walls (PL) 15th 16th centuries
631605 podkarpackie gm Przeworsk Przeworsk mury obronne 1.JPG
(Gmina Michałowice)
St. Margaret church (PL) 1460–1476
KosciolSwMalgorzaty-POL, Raciborowice(WojewodztwoMalopolskie).jpg
Sandomierz Cathedral 1360Partially rebuilt in 1670 (façade)
Sandomierz Katedra1.jpg
Długosz House1476
Dom J. Dlugosza w Sandomierzu3.jpg
Opatów Gate14th century
Sandomir Brama Opatowska.jpg
Royal Castle14th centuryPartially rebuilt in 1520 in renaissance style by Benedykt Sandomierski
Polska Sandomierz 025.jpg
(Włoszczowa County)
(PL) 14021558–1617 Protestant; alterations to Baroque in 18th century
Secemin kosciol.JPG
(Kazimierza County)
St. John the Baptist church (PL) Gothic 15th centurynorthern aisle added
to the choir of the Romanesque stone church
Skalbmierz kosciol 57.JPG
(Ryki County)
St. Martin church (PL) 1522–1532
Stezyca kosciol fara4.JPG
Szydłów St. Ladislaus' Churchc. 1355
Szydlow church 20060619 1235.jpg
Tarnobrzeg (PL) [59] 1132-1166 & 1340es,Gothic revision (arcs and vaults) in the 1340s
Kosciol par. p.w. sw. Marii Magdaleny (lewa strona).JPG
Tarnów Cathedral14th centuryRebuilt 1889–1897 in neo-Gothic style
Katedra p.w. Narodzenia NMP w Tarnowie, pl. Katedralny (-) 7 pavw..JPG
Mikołajowski House15th century, 1524
Tarnow, centrum mesta, ulice za kostelem.JPG
Town Hall14th centuryRebuilt in the renaissance style in the 16th century
Tarnow, centrum mesta, Rynek, budova radnice s vezi.JPG
(Gmina Igołomia-Wawrzeńczyce)
Sts. Sigismund & Mary Magdalene ch. (PL) 1223 & 15th centuryonly eastern gable still of visible brick
615808 pow krakowski gm Igolomia-Wawrzenczyce kosciol 1.jpg
Wiślica Długosz House1460
Wislica Dom Dlugosza 20070825 1509.jpg
Minor Basilica1350Two nave church, upper parts of brick, lower of limestone
Wislica Basilica 20070825 1510.jpg
( Gmina Zabierzów )
Sts. Peter & Paul church (PL) 14th/15th centurymiddling section replaced about 1625
Bolechowice kosciol 20080426 3077.jpg
(Gmina Zabierzów)
All Saints church (PL) presbytery 1470plastered nave of 1326; later alterations
Maloplska Rudawa kosciol parafialny 002 A-272M.JPG
(Oświęcim County)
Sts. Adalbert & George church (PL) 1391Baroque in 1766, regothicized in 1959–1973
Church in Zator.jpg
Zator Castle (PL) Gothic 15th centuryalterations in late 16th & 18th centuries
Zator palac BMa3.jpg
Zawichost St-John-the-Baptist Church (K. pw. Św. Jana Chrzciciela)1244–1257
Zawichost church 20060616 1141.jpg
(Gmina Proszowice)
St. Stanislaus church (PL) centurymassive alterations in the 18th century
Zebocin - kosciol (3.XI.2013) 2.JPG
(Kraków County)
(PL) 1533modern church added in 20th century; more informations missing
616295 malopolskie gm Zielonki Zielonki kosciol 1.JPG
Lesser Poland: Kraków  Oświęcim  Przeworsk  Sandomierz  Tarnów
Lesser Poland ⬆ : Kraków  Oświęcim  Przeworsk  Sandomierz  Tarnów
International navigation:  BELA  BEL  CZ  DK  ENG  EST  FIN  FRA  GER  HUNG  ITA  LAT  LIT  NL  • POL RUS  SK  SWE  SWI  UKR



  1. "Klasztor pocysterski w Bierzwniku - Bierzwnik".
  2. Polska Niezwykla – Bonin, Kościół św. Izydora
  3. Ustka – Kościół w Charnowie
  4. " – Narost – Kościół fil. pw. NMP Królowej Polski". Archived from the original on 2018-01-22. Retrieved 2018-06-06.
  5. GARNOWO (Reichenfelde) – Kościół MB Wspomożenia Wiernych z XIII/XIV w., gotycki, zbudowany z kamienia i cegły. Wieża z XV w.
  6. Rozporządzenie Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 3 lipca 2014 r. w sprawie uznania za pomnik historii "Kołbacz - założenie dawnego klasztoru cystersów, późniejszej letniej rezydencji książąt pomorskich i domeny państwowej" , Dz. U., 2014, No. 955
  7. IMPACT, Media. "Parafia Kozielice P.W Chrystusa Króla". Archived from the original on 2018-01-22. Retrieved 2018-06-06.
  8. Geocatching – Kościół Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej w Rożnowie
  9. "Rodzinne wczasy nad polskim morzem - Boski Raj". Boski Raj. Archived from the original on 2018-03-26. Retrieved 2018-06-06.
  10. "Kościół filialny pw. św. Piotra i Pawła - Pomorze Zachodnie Travel".
  11. Zabytek – Kościół par. pw. św. Jakuba (Ostrowite) Archived 2018-06-14 at the Wayback Machine
    Attention, there is also another Ostrowite, near Nowe Miasto Lubawskie, with another St. James church.
  12. "Kościoły w gminie Skórcz".
  13. "Google Maps". Google Maps.
  14. "Brudzawy".
  15. Kwidzynopedia – Kościół w Trumiejach
  16. Zabytek: Sarnowo – Kościół par. p.w. św. Marcina
  17. Oznaka kuj-pom – KOŚCIÓŁ P.W. NARODZENIA NMP W SZYNWAŁDZIE (gm. Łasin, pow. Grudziądz)
  18. "Ostrowite - Gotycki kościół św. Jakuba (1330). Atrakcje turystyczne Ostrowite. Ciekawe miejsca Ostrowite".
  19. "Łąkorz: kościół z połowy XIV wieku".
  20. "Poznaj historię kościoła w Paluzach i tragicznej śmierci proboszcza".
  21. Moje Mazury – Grodziczno: Kościół p.w. św. Piotra i Pawła
  22. "Młynary - Gotycki kościół pw.św. Piotra Apostoła (XIV). Atrakcje turystyczne Młynar. Ciekawe miejsca Młynar".
  23. Encyklopedia Warmii i Mazur – Parafia pw. św. Bartłomieja Apostoła w Sampławie
  24. "Kościół pw. św. Michała Archanioła w Purdzie Wielkiej – LEKSYKON KULTURY WARMII I MAZUR".
  25. Leksykon Warmii i Mazur – Kościół pw. św. Walentego i św. Rocha w Klewkach
  26. Sikorska, Anna. "Kościół p.w. św. Stanisława w Brześciu Kujawskim".
  27. "Kościół pw. św. Leonarda w Lubiniu - Katalog obiektów - Region Wielkopolska • miejsca które warto odwiedzić".
  28. "Google Maps". Google Maps.
  29. [TRAIL.PL – Pępowo - kościół św. Jadwigi ]
  30. "Gmina Maków – Kościół w Pszczonowie p.w. św. Doroty, dziewicy i męczennicy". Archived from the original on 2018-02-05. Retrieved 2018-06-06.
  31. Gmina Maków – 2. DZIEDZICTWO KULTUROWE (DOC)
  32. Mapio – Radziejów - Kościół parafii Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny. with some more pictures
  33. Region Wielkopolska – Kościół pw. św. Marcina w Starym Gostyniu
  34. "Warzymowo -". 28 July 2016. Archived from the original on 12 June 2018. Retrieved 6 June 2018.
  35. Polska niezwykla – Cerekwica – Kościół parafialny pw. św. Mikołaja
  36. "Grójec - Późnogotycki kościół św. Mikołaja".
  37. "Przasnysz-zabytki". (in Polish). Archived from the original on 2011-07-21. Retrieved 2009-12-17.
  38. "Wieża dawnego ratusza gotycko–renesansowa – Witamy – Pułtusk – nowoczesnym miastem z tradycjami".
  39. Hartwich, Anna. "kościół p.w. Świętej Trójcy w Rypinie".
  40. Maria Irena Kwiatkowska, Krystyna Kozłowska (1978). Katedra św. Jana (St. John's Cathedral) (in Polish). pp. 241–242
  41. "kościół p.w. Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny". (in Polish). Retrieved 2009-12-17.
  42. Kościół – Podwyższenia Krzyża Świętego, Drożków
  43. "Kamień Wielki - Kościół św. Antoniego. Atrakcje turystyczne Kamienia Wielkiego. Ciekawe miejsca Kamienia Wielkiego".
  44. "Kościół św. Jana od Krzyża, Starosiedle -".
  45. "Geschichte". (in German). Archived from the original on May 1, 2008. Retrieved 2009-12-17.
  46. Wzgorzadalkowskie: Kościół rzymskokatolicki św.Barbary, Gaworzyce, gm.Gaworzyce, woj.dolnośląskie
  47. "Gliwice - Stary kościół św. Bartłomieja. Atrakcje turystyczne Gliwic. Ciekawe miejsca Gliwic".
  48. "Kałków, kościół pod wezwaniem św. Jerzego z XIII w. - Album Romański".
  49. "Kościół Trójcy Świętej, ul. Główna, Małkowice -".
  50. "Kościół Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP, ul. Staromiejska, Namysłów - zdjęcia".
  51. "Google Maps". Google Maps.
  52. Kraków-Czestochowa Upland, The Church of the Holy Spirit in Racibórz Archived 2016-08-16 at the Wayback Machine
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