List of Grevillea species

Last updated

This is a comprehensive list of Grevillea species and subspecies accepted by Plants of the World Online and the International Union for Conservation of Nature as of June 2024: [1] [2]


Included in this list are the common and scientific names of the species, scientific names of the subspecies, the name of the country, state or territory where the species is distributed, the species' IUCN Red List status, other conservation statuses and an image of the species.

Other conservation statuses are at the regional level and include the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Act (EPBC) List of Threatened Flora of Australia, the Declared Rare and Priority Flora List (DEC) of Western Australia and the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Threatened List (FFG) of Victoria. [3] [4] [5]

384 grevillea species are endemic to Australia, with 241 of these being found in Western Australia and 132 in New South Wales. 10 species are endemic to New Caledonia and 4 species are endemic to Papua New Guinea. Only one species is endemic to Indonesia ( G. elbertii ) [1]


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Grevillea acacioides C.A.Gardner ex McGill.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea acacioides.jpg
Acanthus-leaved grevillea

Grevillea acanthifolia A.Cunn.

  • subsp. acanthifolia
  • subsp. paludosaA.Cunn.
  • subsp. stenomera(F.Muell. ex Benth.) McGill.
N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Endangered (subsp. paludosa)(EPBC) Grevillea acanthifolia.jpg
Grevillea acerata McGill.N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea acerata HRBG 1 orig.jpg
Grevillea acrobotrya Meisn. W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea acrobotrya.jpg
Grevillea acropogon MakinsonW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea acropogon.jpg
Grevillea acuaria F.Muell. ex Benth.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea acuaria.jpg
Grevillea adenotricha McGill.W.A. DD IUCN 3 1.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC)
Blue grevillea

Grevillea agrifolia A.Cunn. ex R.Br.

  • subsp. agrifolia
  • subsp. microcarpa(Olde & Marriott) Makinson
W.A, N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea agrifolia.jpg
White spider flower

Grevillea albiflora C.T.White

N.S.W, QLD, S.A, N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea albiflora.jpg
Alpine grevillea

Grevillea alpina Lindl.

N.S.W, A.C.T, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea alpina 2.jpg
Buffalo grevillea

Grevillea alpivaga Gand.

VIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea alpivaga.jpg
Split-leaved grevillea

Grevillea althoferorum Olde & Marriott

  • subsp. althoferorum
  • subsp. fragilisOlde & Marriott
W.A.Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (both subsp.) (DEC)

Grevillea althoferorum.jpg
Grevillea amplexans F.Muell. ex Benth.
  • subsp. adpressa(Olde & Marriott) Makinson
  • subsp. amplexans
  • subsp. semivestitaMakinson
W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority One (subsp. adpressa)(DEC)

Priority Two (subsp. semivestita)(DEC)

Grevillea amplexans.jpg
Spiny cream spider flower

Grevillea anethifolia R.Br.

W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea anethifolia.jpg
Red Lake grevillea

Grevillea aneura McGill.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea angulata R.Br. N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea angulata.jpg
Dissected holly-leaf grevillea

Grevillea angustiloba (F.Muell.) Downing

  • subsp. angustiloba
  • subsp. wirregaensisDowning
S.A, VIC. Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (subsp. angustiloba) (FFG)

Critically Endangered ( subsp. wirregaensis) (FFG)

Grevillea ilicifolia subsp angustiloba South-east corner ELD DSC 6365.jpg
Prickly plume grevillea

Grevillea annulifera F.Muell.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea annulifera.jpg
Holly grevillea

Grevillea aquifolium Lindl.

S.A, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea aquifolium 2.jpg
Sand grevillea

Grevillea arenaria R.Br.

  • subsp. arenaria
  • subsp. canescens(R.Br.) Olde & Marriott
N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea arenaria subsp. canescens.jpg
Silvery-leaved grevillea

Grevillea argyrophylla Meisn.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea argyrophylla.jpg
Prickly toothbrushes

Grevillea armigera Meisn.

W.A. Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea armigera.jpg
Grevillea asparagoides Meisn.W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea asparagoides.jpg
Rough grevillea

Grevillea aspera R.Br.

S.A, W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea aspera.jpg
Fern leaf grevillea

Grevillea aspleniifolia Knight

N.S.W. Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea aspleniifolia 03.jpg
Star-leaf grevillea

Grevillea asteriscosa Diels

W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea asteriscosa 6549.jpg
Golden grevillea

Grevillea aurea Olde & Marriott

N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea aurea.jpg
Alpine grevillea

Grevillea australis R.Br.

N.S.W, A.C.T, VIC, TAS. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea australis.jpg
Banks' grevillea

Grevillea banksii R.Br.

QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillia banksii0.jpg
Banyabba grevillea

Grevillea banyabba Olde & Marriott

N.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea banyabba flowers.jpg
Gully grevillea

Grevillea barklyana F.Muell. ex Benth.

VIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea barklyana.jpg


Mount Lesueur grevillea

Grevillea batrachioides F.Muell. ex McGill.

W.A.Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea batrachioides.jpg
Bauer's grevillea

Grevillea baueri R.Br.

  • subsp. asperulaMcGill.
  • subsp. baueri
N.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea baueri subsp. asperula.jpg
Cape Arid grevillea

Grevillea baxteri R.Br.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea baxteri.jpg
Beadle's grevillea

Grevillea beadleana McGill.

N.S.W.Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea beadleana (6217450004).jpg
Red combs

Grevillea beardiana McGill.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea beardiana - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Enfield grevillea

Grevillea bedggoodiana J.H.Willis ex McGill.

VIC.Vulnerable (EPBC)

Endangered (FFG)

Grevillea bedggoodiana.jpg
Grevillea bemboka Stajsic & MolyneuxN.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea bemboka 9821.jpg
Grevillea benthamiana McGill.N.T. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea benthamiana.jpg
Grevillea berryana Ewart & Jean WhiteW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea biformis Meisn.
  • subsp. biformis
  • subsp. cymbiformisOlde & Marriott
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. cymbiformis) (DEC) GrevilleaNwhtblt2.jpg
Fuchsia grevillea

Grevillea bipinnatifida R.Br.

  • subsp. bipinnatifida
  • subsp. pagnaCranfield
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. pagna ms) (DEC) Grevillea bipinnatifida.jpg
Grevillea biternata Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea biternata.jpg
Grevillea brachystachya Meisn.W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea brachystachya.jpg
Short-styled grevillea

Grevillea brachystylis Meisn.

W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Critically Endangered (subsp. grandis)(EPBC)

Vulnerable (subsp. australis) (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (Subsp. australis) (DEC)

Priority Three (DEC) (subsp. brachystylis)

Grevillea brachystylis.jpg
Bracted grevillea

Grevillea bracteosa Meisn.

  • subsp. bracteosa
  • subsp. howatharraOlde & Marriott
W.A.Critically Endangered (subsp. howatharra) (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (both subsp.) (DEC)

Grevillea bracteosa.jpg
Cobberas grevillea

Grevillea brevifolia F.Muell. ex Benth.

N.S.W, VIC. Status iucn VU icon.svg Endangered (FFG) Grevillea brevifolia.jpg
Grevillea brevis Olde & MarriottN.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea bronweniae KeigheryW.A.Priority Two — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea bronwenae Red Ochre.jpg
Burrowa grevillea

Grevillea burrowa Molyneux & Forrester

VIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) and (EPBC) Grevillea sp. Mt Burrowa.jpg
Grey spider flower

Grevillea buxifolia (Sm.) R.Br.

  • subsp. buxifolia
  • subsp. ecorniculataOlde & Marriott
N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea buxifolia.jpg
Grevillea byrnesii McGill.W.A, N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea byrnesii.jpg
Red toothbrushes

Grevillea cagiana McGill.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea cagiana.jpg
Grevillea calcicola A.S.GeorgeW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Caley's Grevillea

Grevillea caleyi R.Br.

N.S.W. Status iucn CR icon.svg Critically Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea caleyi murray fagg.jpg
Foote's grevillea

Grevillea calliantha Makinson & Olde

W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea calliantha.jpg
Mt. Benambra grevillea

Grevillea callichlaena Molyneux & Stajsic

VIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea callichlaena.JPG
Grevillea candelabroides C.A.GardnerW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea candelabroides mingenew email.jpg
Grevillea candicans C.A.GardnerW.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea candicans.jpg
Toodyay grevillea

Grevillea candolleana Meisn.

W.A.Priority Two — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea candolleana.jpg
Grevillea capitellata Meisn.N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Nowa Nowa grevillea, Colquhoun grevillea

Grevillea celata Molyneux

VIC.Vulnerable (EPBC)

Critically Endangered (FFG)

Grevillea celata.jpg
Grevillea centristigma (McGill.) KeigheryW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea centristigma.jpg
Grevillea ceratocarpa DielsW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea cheilocarpa MakinsonW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Christine's grevillea

Grevillea christineae McGill.

W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea christineae (9543047707).jpg
Golden grevillea

Grevillea chrysophaea F.Muell. ex Meisn

VIC.Vulnerable (FFG) Grevillea chrysophaea.jpg
Varied-leaf grevillea

Grevillea cirsiifolia Meisn.

W.A. DD IUCN 3 1.svg Varied-leaf Grevillea 01.jpg
Grevillea coccinea Meisn.
  • subsp. coccinea
  • subsp. lanataOlde & Marriott
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) (Subsp. lanata) Grevillea coccinea.jpg
Grevillea commutata F.Muell.
  • subsp. pinnatisectaMakinson
  • subsp. commutata
W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea commutata.jpg
Red combs, elegant grevillea

Grevillea concinna R.Br.

  • subsp. concinna
  • subsp. lemanniana(Meisn.) McGill.
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea concinna.jpg
Grampians grevillea, dense-leaf grevillea

Grevillea confertifolia F.Muell.

VIC.Endangered (FFG) Grevillea confertifolia (Grampians Grevillea), Grampians National Park, Victoria Australila (4872575367).jpg
Grevillea corrugata Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea corrugata.jpg
Grevillea costata A.S.GeorgeW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea costata.jpg
Grevillea crassifolia DominW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea cravenii MakinsonW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Two — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea crithmifolia R.Br.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Kings park gnangarra 250815-111.jpg
Grevillea crowleyae Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Two — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea cunninghamii R.Br.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea curviloba McGill.
  • McGill. subsp. curviloba
  • subsp. incurvaOlde & Marriott
W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (Both subsp.) (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (both subsp.) (DEC)

Grevillea curviloba.jpg
Carnarvon grevillea, green grevillea

Grevillea cyranostigma McGill.

QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Grevillea decipiens McGill.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea decora Domin
  • subsp. decora
  • subsp. telfordiiMakinson
QLD Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea decora 1.jpg
Clothes-peg tree

Grevillea decurrens Ewart

W.A, N.T Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea decurrens.jpg
Grevillea deflexa F.Muell.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Yin Hua Shu Grevillea deflexa -A Mu Si Te Dan Zhi Wu Yuan Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam- (9207604348).jpg
Grevillea delta (McGill.) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Two — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea delta.jpg
Grevillea depauperata R.Br.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea depauperata.jpg
Grevillea deplanchei Brongn. & GrisNew Caledonia
Grevillea didymobotrya Meisn.
  • subsp. didymobotrya
  • subsp. involutaMcGill.
W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea didymobotrya.jpg
Grevillea dielsiana C.A.GardnerW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea dielsiana.jpg
Grevillea diffusa Sieber ex Spreng.
  • subsp. constableiMakinson
  • subsp. diffusa
  • subsp. filipendula McGill.
N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea diffusa flowers (8708295479).jpg
Grevillea dilatata (R.Br.) DowningS.A Status iucn VU icon.svg
Caustic bush, willings tree

Grevillea dimidiata F.Muell.

W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea dimidiata.jpg
Grevillea diminuta L.A.S.JohnsonA.C.T, N.S.W Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea diminuta.jpg
Flame grevillea, olive grevillea

Grevillea dimorpha F.Muell.

VICEndangered (FFG) Grevillea dimorpha.jpg
Grevillea disjuncta F.Muell.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea disjuncta.jpg
Grevillea divaricata R.Br.N.S.W Status iucn CR icon.svg (possibly extinct)
Variable-leaved grevillea

Grevillea diversifolia Meisn

  • subsp. diversifolia
  • subsp. subtersericataMcGill.
W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea diversifolia subsp. subtersericata.jpg
Grevillea dolichopoda (McGill.) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea donaldiana KenneallyW.A DD IUCN 3 1.svg Priority Two — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Drummond's grevillea

Grevillea drummondii Meisn.

W.A Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea drummondii Jean &Fred.jpg
Grevillea dryandri R.Br.
  • subsp. dasycarpaMcGill.
  • subsp. dryandri
W.A, N.T, QLD Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea dryandri.jpg
Phalanx grevillea

Grevillea dryandroides C.A.Gardner

  • subsp. dryandroides
  • subsp. hirsutaOlde & Marriott
W.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (Both subsp.) (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (both subsp.) (DEC)

Grevillea dryandroides.jpg
Goldfields grevillea

Grevillea dryophylla N.A.Wakef.

VICEndangered (FFG) Grevillea dryophylla7027.jpg
Grevillea dunlopii MakinsonN.T Status iucn LC icon.svg
White oak

Grevillea edelfeltii F.Muell.

QLD, Papua New Guinea
Grevillea elbertii SleumerIndonesia
Ironstone grevillea

Grevillea elongata Olde & Marriott

W.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Spindly grevillea

Grevillea endlicheriana Meisn.

W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (subsp. Wongan Hills) (DEC) Grevillea endlicheriana.jpg
Grevillea epicroca Stajsic & MolyneuxN.S.W Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea epicroca.jpg
Grevillea erectiloba F.Muell.W.A Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea erectiloba.jpg
Grevillea eremophila (Diels) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea erinacea Meisn.W.A Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea erinacea.jpg
Woolly cluster grevillea

Grevillea eriobotrya F.Muell.

W.A Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea eriobotrya.jpg
Flame grevillea, orange grevillea, honey grevillea

Grevillea eriostachya Lindl

W.A, S.A, N.T Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea eriostachya shrub.jpg
Curly grevillea

Grevillea eryngioides Benth.

W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea eryngioides.jpg
Needle-leaf grevillea

Grevillea erythroclada W.Fitzg

W.A, N.T, QLD Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea erythroclada flowers.jpg
Grevillea evanescens Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea evanescens.jpg
Evans grevillea

Grevillea evansiana MacKee

N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea evansiana.jpg
Flame grevillea

Grevillea excelsior Diels

W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea excelsior.jpg
Grevillea exposita Olde & MarriottW.A DD IUCN 3 1.svg Grevillea exposita.jpg
Grevillea extorris S.MooreW.A DD IUCN 3 1.svg Grevillea extorris.jpg
Grevillea exul LindleyNew Caledonia Grevillea exul.jpg
Grevillea fasciculata R.Br.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea fasciculata.jpg
Grevillea fastigiata Olde & MarriotW.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Three — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea fastigiata.jpg
Grevillea fililoba (McGill.) Olde & MarriotW.APriority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea thelemanniana ssp filoloba 1.jpg
Grevillea fistulosa A.S.GeorgeW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg P4: Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea fistulosa.jpg
Zigzag grevillea, tangled grevillea

Grevillea flexuosa (Lindl.) Meisn

W.AVulnerable (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea flexuosa.jpg
Seven dwarfs grevillea

Grevillea floribunda R.Br.

  • subsp. floribunda
  • subsp. tenellaOlde & Marriott
N.S.W, QLD Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea floribunda.jpg
Grevillea florida (McGill.) MakinsonW.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea florida flowers.jpg
Ben Major grevillea, drooping grevillea

Grevillea floripendula R.V.Sm.

VICVulnerable (EPBC)

Critically Endangered (FFG)

Grevillea floripendula.jpg
Mount Brockman grevillea

Grevillea formosa McGill.

N.T Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea formosa.jpg
Grevillea fulgens C.A.GardnerW.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea fulgens.jpg
Grevillea fuscolutea KeigheryW.A Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority Four – Rare Taxa DEC)


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [1] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Grevillea gariwerdensis MakinsonVIC Grevillea gariwerdensis.jpg
Grevillea × gaudichaudii R.Br. ex Gaudich.N.S.W Grevillea x gaudichaudii.jpg
Grevillea georgeana McGill.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea georgiana HRBG 1 smaller.jpg
Grevillea gillivrayi Hook. & Arn.New Caledonia Grevillea gillivrayi (inflorescence depliee).jpg
Grevillea glabrescens Olde & MarriottN.T Status iucn LC icon.svg
Bushman's clothes-peg

Grevillea glauca Banks & Sol. ex Knight

Q.L.D, Papua New Guinea Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea glauca.jpg
Grevillea globosa C.A.GardnerW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea globosa.jpg
Grevillea glossadenia McGill.QLD Status iucn NT icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea glossadenia.jpg
Grevillea goodii R.Br.N.T Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea goodii.jpg
Grevillea gordoniana C.A.GardnerW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea gordoniana.jpg
Grevillea granulifera (McGill.) Olde & MarriottN.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea granulifera.jpg
Grevillea granulosa McGill.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea granulosa2.JPG
Grevillea guthrieana Olde & MarriottN.S.W Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea guthrieana.jpg
Grevillea hakeoides Meisn
  • subsp. hakeoides
  • subsp. stenophylla(W.Fitzg.) McGill.
W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea hakeoides - 51388062914.jpg
Grevillea halmaturina Tate
  • subsp. halmaturina
  • subsp. laevisMakinson
S.A Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea halmaturina.jpg
Grevillea haplantha F.Muell. ex Benth
  • subsp. haplantha
  • subsp. recedensOlde & Marriott
W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. recedens) (DEC) Grevillea haplantha.jpg

Subsp. haplantha

Rock grevillea

Grevillea heliosperma R.Br.

W.A, N.T, QLD Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea heliosperma 1.jpg
Grevillea helmsiae F.M.BaileyQLD Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea helmsiae cult.jpg
White silky oak, white yiel yiel, Hill's sikly oak, grey oak

Grevillea hilliana F.Muell.

QLD, N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea hilliana.jpg
Grevillea hirtella (Benth.) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea hirtella.jpg
Grevillea hislopii Olde & MarriottW.A Grevillea hislopii - 26893126571.jpg
Grevillea hockingsii Molyneux & OldeQLD
Coochin Hills Grevillea

Grevillea hodgei Olde & Marriott

QLD Status iucn EN icon.svg Critically Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea hodgei.jpg
Red toothrbrushes, Hooker's grevillea

Grevillea hookeriana Meisn.

  • subsp. apiciloba(F.Muell.) Makinson
  • subsp. digitata(F.Muell.) Makinson
  • subsp. hookeriana
W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea hookeriana.jpg
Grevillea hortiorum OldeW.A Grevillea hortiorum.jpg
Comb spider flower, comb grevillea

Grevillea huegelii Meisn.

W.A, S.A, VIC, N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea huegelii - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Spreading grevillea

Grevillea humifusa Olde & Marriott

W.A Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea humifusa.jpg
Grevillea humilis Makinson
  • subsp. humilis
  • subsp. lucensMakinson
  • subsp. maritimaMakinson
QLD, N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea humilis lucens.jpg

Subsp. lucens

Porcupine grevillea

Grevillea hystrix R.W.Davis

Wee Jasper Grevillea

Grevillea iaspicula McGill.

N.S.W Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC) G. iaspicula flower.jpg
Holly grevillea, holly bush

Grevillea ilicifolia (R.Br.) R.Br

  • subsp. ilicifolia
  • subsp. lobata(F.Muell.) Downing
S.A, VIC, N.S.W Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea ilicifolia.jpg
Grevillea imberbis MakinsonN.S.W Grevillea imberbis.jpg
Cue grevillea

Grevillea inconspicua Diels

W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea inconspicua.jpg
Grevillea incrassata DielsW.A Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea incrassata (15249304618).jpg
Grevillea incurva (Diels) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn CR icon.svg
Anglesea grevillea

Grevillea infecunda McGill

VIC.Vulnerable ( EPBC )

Endangered (FFG)

Grevillea infecunda.JPG
Fan-leaf grevillea

Grevillea infundibularis A.S.George

W.A Status iucn VU icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea infundibularis.jpg
Wax grevillea

Grevillea insignis Kippist ex Meisn.

  • subsp. elliotiiOlde & Marriott.
  • subsp. insignis
W.APriority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. elliotii)(DEC) Grevillea insignis subsp. insignis.JPG

Subsp. insignis

Entire-leaved grevillea

Grevillea integrifolia (Endl.) Meisn.

W.A Grevillea integrifolia q5832 gnangarra.JPG
Grevillea intricata Meisn.W.A Grevillea intricata.jpg
Lake Varley Grevillea

Grevillea involucrata A.S.George

W.A Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea involucrata.jpg
Grevillea irrasa Makinson
  • subsp. didymochitonMakinson
  • subsp. irrasaMakinson
N.S.W Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea irrasa.jpg

Subsp. didymochiton


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Grevillea jephcottii J.H.WillisVIC.Endangered (EPBC) and(FFG) Grevillea jephcottii Maranoa.jpg
Grevillea johnsonii McGill.N.S.W Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea johnsonii 15-05-2009 14-10-14.JPG
Grevillea juncifolia R.Br.
  • subsp. juncifolia
  • subsp. temulentaOlde & Marriott
W.A, N.T, S,A. QLD, N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea juncifolia 3.jpg
Grevillea juniperina Hook.
  • subsp. allojohnsoniiMakinson
  • subsp. amphitrichaMakinson
  • subsp. fortisMakinson
  • subsp. juniperina
  • subsp. sulphurea(A.Cunn.) Makinson
  • subsp. trinervis(R.Br.) Makinson
  • subsp. villosaMakinson
N.S.W, QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea juniperina.JPG
Grevillea kedumbensis (McGill.) Olde & MarriottN.S.W Status iucn EN icon.svg
Grevillea kenneallyi McGill.W.A Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Two — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea kenneallyi.jpg
Grevillea kennedyana F.Muell.N.S.W, QLD. Status iucn EN icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea kennedyana.jpg
Grevillea kirkalocka Olde & MarriottW.A DD IUCN 3 1.svg Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea lanigera A.Cunn. ex R.Br. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea lanigera.jpg
Grevillea latifolia C.A.GardnerW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea latifolia.jpg
Grevillea laurifolia Sieber ex Spreng.
  • subsp. caleyanaOlde
  • subsp. laurifolia
N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea laurifolia.jpg
Grevillea lavandulacea Schltdl.
  • subsp. lavandulacea
  • subsp. rogersii(Maiden) Makinson
S.A, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea lavandulacea.jpg
Grevillea lawrenceana Bosse
  • subsp. lawrenceana
Grevillea leiophylla F.Muell. ex Benth.QLD. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea leiophylla.jpg
Grevillea leptobotrys Meisn.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea leptobotrys flowers.jpg
Grevillea leptopoda McGill.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea leptopoda.jpg
Grevillea leucoclada McGill.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea leucoclada (9193451754).jpg
Grevillea leucopteris MeisnW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea leucopteris.jpg
Grevillea levis Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea levis.jpg
Grevillea linearifolia (Cav.) DruceN.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea linearifolia.jpg
Grevillea linsmithii McGill.N.S.W, QLD. Grevillea linsmithii.jpg
Grevillea lissopleura McGill.W.APriority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea longicuspis McGill.N.T. Status iucn EN icon.svg
Grevillea longifolia R.Br.N.S.W. Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea longifolia.jpg
Grevillea longistyla Hook.QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea longistyla.jpg
Grevillea lullfitzii McGill.W.A Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Grevillea maccutcheonii Keighery & CranfieldW.A Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea maccutcheonii flower growing in Bowral NSW.jpg
Grevillea macleayana (McGill.) Olde & MarriottN.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea macleayana.jpg
Grevillea macmillanii GuillauminNew Caledonia
Grevillea maherae Makinson & M.D.BarrettW.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg
Grevillea makinsonii McGill.W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea manglesii Pépin
  • subsp. manglesii
  • subsp. ornithopoda(Meisn.) McGill.
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. dissectifolia) (DEC)

Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. ornithopoda) (DEC)

Grevillea manglesii.jpg
Grevillea manglesioides Meisn.
  • subsp. ferricolaKeighery
  • subsp. manglesioides
  • subsp. metaxaMakinson.
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. ferricola) (DEC) Grevillea manglesioides.jpg
Grevillea marriottii OldeW.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea marriottii.jpg
Grevillea masonii Olde & MarriottN.S.W. Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea masonii.jpg
Grevillea maxwellii McGill.W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea maxwellii KP gnangarra-11.jpg
Grevillea mcgillivrayi I.M.TurnerQLD. Grevillea coriacea.jpg
Grevillea meisneri Montrouz.
  • var. argyrophyllaGuillaumin
  • var. meisneri
New Caledonia
Grevillea merceri Olde & MarriottW.A.
Grevillea metamorpha MakinsonW.A. DD IUCN 3 1.svg Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea micrantha Meisn.VIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea micrantha.jpg
Grevillea microstegia MolyneuxVIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea microstegia Streimann.jpg
Grevillea microstyla M.D.Barrett & MakinsonW.A.
Grevillea milleriana OldeN.S.W.
Grevillea mimosoides R.Br.W.A., N.T., QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea mimosoides flowers.jpg
Grevillea miniata W.Fitzg.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea miniata, Illawong, Sydney.jpg
Grevillea minutiflora McGill.W.A.Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea minutiflora.jpg
Grevillea miqueliana F.Muell.
  • subsp. cinctaMolyneux & Stajsic
  • subsp. miqueliana
  • subsp. morokaMolyneux & Stajsic
VIC.Critically Endangered (subsp. cincta) (FFG)

Endangered (subsp. miqueliana and moroka) (FFG)

Grevillea miqueliana subsp. cincta.JPG (Subsp. cincta)
Soft grevillea

Grevillea mollis Olde & Molyneux

N.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea mollis flowering.jpg
Wingello grevillea

Grevillea molyneuxii McGill.

N.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea molyneuxii.jpg
Grevillea mondorensis Molyneux & StajsicNew Caledonia
Lake Mountain grevillea

Grevillea monslacana Majourau & Pillon

VIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea monslacana.jpg
Grevillea montana R.BrN.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea montana 2012-06-19 14.27.28.jpg
Grevillea monticola Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea monticola 01.jpg
Mount Cole Grevillea

Grevillea montis-cole R.V.Sm.

  • R.V.Sm. subsp. brevistyla
  • subsp. montis-coleR.V.Sm.
VIC.Critically Endangered (both subsp.) (FFG)

Vulnerable (subsp. brevistyla) (EPBC)

Grevillea montis-cole subsp montis-cole.jpg (Subsp. montis-cole)
Green spider flower Grevillea mucronulata R.Br.N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea mucronulata.jpg
Grevillea muelleri Benth.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea muelleri.jpg
Grevillea murex McGill.W.A.Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea muricata J.M.BlackW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea muricata.jpg
Grevillea myosodes McGill.W.A., N.T. Grevillea myosodes.jpg
Grevillea nana C.A.Gardner
  • subsp. abbreviataMcGill.
  • subsp. nana
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. abbreviata) (DEC) Grevillea nana.jpg
Grevillea nematophylla F.Muell.
  • Makinson subsp. nematophylla
  • subsp. planicostaMakinson
  • C.A.Gardner subsp. supraplana
W.A., N.T., S.A., N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea neodissecta I.M.TurnerW.A.Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea neodissecta.jpg
Grevillea neorigida I.M.Turner
  • subsp. distans(Olde & Marriott) I.M.Turner
  • subsp. neorigida
W.A. Grevillea neorigida.jpg
Grevillea nepwiensis Majourau & PillonNew Caledonia
Grevillea neurophylla Gand.
  • subsp. fluviatilisMakinson
  • subsp. neurophylla
N.S.W., VIC. Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (Both subsp.) (FFG) Grevillea neurophylla subsp. fluviatilis.JPG
Grevillea newbeyi McGill.W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Three — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea newbeyi 6128.jpg
Grevillea nivea Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg
Grevillea nudiflora Meisn.W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea nudiflora.jpg
Grevillea obliquistigma C.A.Gardner
  • subsp. culleniiOlde & Marriott
  • subsp. funicularisOlde & Marriott
  • subsp. obliquistigma
W.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea obliquistigma.jpg
Fryerstown grevillea, Elphinstone grevillea, Taradale grevillea Grevillea obtecta MolyneuxVIC.Endangered (FFG) Grevillea obtecta 7806.jpg
Grevillea obtusiflora R.Br.
  • subsp. fecundaMakinson
  • subsp. obtusiflora
N.S.W. Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)
Grevillea obtusifolia Meisn.W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Grevillea obtusifolia Gingin Gem.jpg
Grevillea occidentalis R.Br.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea occidentalis.png
Grevillea oldei McGill.N.S.W. Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea oldei.jpg
Red spider flower

Grevillea oleoides Sieber

N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg GrevilleaRNP.jpg
Grevillea oligantha F.Muell.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea oligantha.jpg
Grevillea oligomera (McGill.) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea oligomera.jpg
Grevillea olivacea A.S.GeorgeW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea olivacea Fagg.jpg
Grevillea oncogyne DielsW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea oncogyne.jpg
Grevillea oxyantha Makinson
  • subsp. ecarinataMakinson
  • subsp. oxyantha
N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea oxyantha.jpg


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Grevillea pachylostyla (McGill.) Olde & MarriottVIC.Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea pachylostyla.jpg
Grevillea paniculata Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea paniculata - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea papillosa (McGill.) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea papillosa - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea papuana DielsPapua New Guinea Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea paradoxa F.Muell.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea paradoxa - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea parallela KnightW.A, N.T, QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea parallela Fagg.jpg
Grevillea parallelinervis CarrickS.A. Grevillea parallelinervis.jpg
Grevillea parviflora R.Br.
  • subsp. parvifloraMakinson
  • subsp. supplicans
N.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Vulnerable (subsp. parviflora) (EPBC) Grevillea parviflora.jpg
Grevillea parvula Molyneux & StajsicN.S.W, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Endangered (FFG) Grevillea parvula.JPG
Grevillea patentiloba F.Muell.
  • subsp. patentiloba
  • subsp. platypoda(F.Muell.) Olde & Marriott
W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea patentiloba.jpg
Grevillea patulifolia Gand.N.S.W, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Critically Endangered (FFG) Grevillea patulifolia.jpg
Grevillea pauciflora R.Br.
  • subsp. leptophyllaW.R.Barker
  • subsp. pauciflora
  • subsp. psilophyllaMcGill.
  • subsp. saxatilisMcGill.
W.A, S.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea pauciflora.jpg
Grevillea pectinata R.Br.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pectinata.jpg
Pink pokers, rock grevillea, poker grevillea

Grevillea petrophiloides Meisn.

  • subsp. magnificaMcGill.
  • subsp. petrophiloidesMcGill.
  • (Olde & Marriott) Makinson subsp. remotaMcGill.
W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea petrophiloides.jpg
Grevillea phanerophlebia DielsW.A.Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC) Grevillea phanerophlebia.jpg
Grevillea phillipsiana McGill.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea phillipsiana.jpg
Grevillea phylicoides R.Br.N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea phylicoides.jpg
Grevillea pieroniae OldeW.A.
Grevillea pilosa A.S.George
  • subsp. pilosa
  • subsp. redactaOlde & Marriott
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. redacta) (DEC) Grevillea pilosa.jpg (subsp. pilosa)
Grevillea pilulifera (Lindl.) DruceW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pilulifera (15248752099).jpg
Grevillea pimeleoides W.Fitzg.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four — Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea pimeleoides Fagg.jpg
Grevillea pinaster Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pinaster.jpg
Grevillea pinifolia Meisn.W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority One — Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea pityophylla F.Muell.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pityophylla 01.jpg
Grevillea pluricaulis (McGill.) Olde & MarriottN.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pluricaulis.jpg
Grevillea plurijuga F.Muell.
  • subsp. plurijuga
  • subsp. superba(Olde & Marriott) Makinson
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea plurijuga 'Purple Haze' 1247.jpg
Grevillea polyacida McGill.N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea polybotrya Meisn.W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea polybotrya.jpg
Grevillea polybractea H.B.Will.N.S.W, VIC. Status iucn EN icon.svg Endangered (FFG) Grevillea polybractea.jpg
Grevillea polychroma (Molyneux & Stajsic) Molyneux & StajsicVIC.Endangered (FFG) Grevillea polychroma.jpg
Grevillea prasina McGill.W.A, N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea prasina.jpg
Grevillea preissii Meisn.W.A. Grevillea preissii gnangarra 01.JPG (subsp. preissii)
Grevillea prominens Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea prostrata C.A.Gardner & A.S.GeorgeW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea prostrata.jpg
Grevillea psilantha McGill.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea psilantha.jpg
Grevillea pteridifolia KnightW.A, N.T, QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pteridifolia.jpg
Grevillea pterosperma F.Muell.W.A, N.T, S.A, N.S.W, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pterosperma.jpg
Grevillea pulchella (R.Br.) Meisn.
  • subsp. pulchella
  • subsp. ascendensOlde & Marriott
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pulchella - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea punctata Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg
Flame grevillea

Grevillea pungens R.Br.

N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pungens.jpg
Grevillea punicea R.Br.N.T
Caustic bush

Grevillea pyramidalis A.Cunn. ex R.Br.

  • subsp. leucadendron(A.Cunn. ex R.Br.) Makinson
  • subsp. longiloba(F.Muell.) Olde & Marriott
  • subsp. pyramidalis
W.A, N.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea pyramidalis.jpg
Grevillea pythara Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea pythara.jpg
Grevillea quadricauda Olde & MarriottQLD, N.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea quadricauda.jpg
Grevillea quercifolia R.Br.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea quercifolia flowers.jpg
Grevillea quinquenervis J.M.BlackS.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea quinquenervis.jpg
Grevillea ramosissima Meisn.
  • subsp. hypargyrea(F.Muell.) Olde & Marriott
  • subsp. ramosissima
N.S.W, VIC.Endangered (subsp. hypargyrea) (FFG) Grevillea ramosissima 44236083614 10fb2bc15a o.jpg
Rare grevillea

Grevillea rara Olde & Marriott

W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea rara.jpg
Grevillea raybrownii Olde & MarriottN.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea raybrownii.jpg
Silver-leaf grevillea

Grevillea refracta R.Br.

  • subsp. glanduliferaOlde & Marriott
  • subsp. refracta
W.A, N.T, QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea refracta flowers.jpg
Grevillea renwickiana F.Muell.N.S.W. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea renwickiana.jpg
Creeping grevillea

Grevillea repens F.Muell. ex Meisn.

VIC.Endangered (FFG) Grevillea repens.jpg
Tin Can Bay grevillea

Grevillea reptans Makinson

QLD. Grevillea reptans.jpg
Grevillea rhizomatosa Olde & MarriottN.S.W. Status iucn NT icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC)
Grevillea rhyolitica Makinson
  • subsp. rhyolitica
  • subsp. semivestitaMakinson
N.S.W. Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea rhyolitica 'Deua Flame'.jpg ('Deua Flame' cultivar)
Grevillea ripicola A.S.GeorgeW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea ripicola.jpg
Carrington Falls grevillea

Grevillea rivularis L.A.S.Johnson & McGill.

N.S.W. Status iucn CR icon.svg Critically Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea rivularis RBG.jpg
Silky Oak

Grevillea robusta A.Cunn. ex R.Br.

QLD, N.S.W. (Introduced worldwide) Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea robusta flowering 05.jpg
Rogerson's grevillea

Grevillea rogersoniana C.A.Gardner

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea rosieri McGill.W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea rosieri.jpg
Grevillea rosmarinifolia A.Cunn.
  • subsp. glabella(R.Br.) Makinson
  • subsp. rosmarinifolia
N.S.W, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Endangered (subsp. glabella) (FFG) Grevillea rosmarinifolia glabella.jpg (subsp. glabella)
Grevillea roycei McGill.W.A.Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea rubicunda S.MooreN.T. Status iucn LC icon.svg
Grevillea rubiginosa Brongn. & GrisNew Caledonia
Grevillea rudis Meisn.W.A.Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea rudis P4 - 51324518150.jpg


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Pouched grevillea

Grevillea saccata Benth.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC) Grevillea saccata 6473.jpg
Wheel grevillea

Grevillea sarissa S.Moore

  • subsp. anfractifoliaMcGill.
  • subsp. bicolorMcGill.
  • subsp. rectitepalaMcGill.
  • subsp. sarissa
  • subsp. succinctaMcGill.
  • subsp. umbellifera(J.M.Black) McGill.
W.A, S.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea sarissa Fagg.jpg (subsp. sarissa)
Grevillea saxicola S.J.DillonW.A.
Rough-leaved grevillea

Grevillea scabra Meisn.

W.A. Rough-leaved Grevillea.jpg
Grevillea scabrida C.A.GardnerW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Corrigin grevillea

Grevillea scapigera A.S.George

W.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Endangered (EPBC)

Threatened (Declared Rare Flora) – Extant Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea scapigera.jpg
Black grevillea

Grevillea scortechinii (F.Muell. ex Scort.) F.Muell.

  • subsp. sarmentosa(Blakely & McKie) McGill.
  • subsp. scortechinii
QLD, N.S.W. Status iucn CR icon.svg Critically Endangered (subsp. scortechinii) (EPBC) Grevillea scortechinii.jpg

(subsp. scortechinii)

Grevillea secunda McGill.W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Pink spider flower

Grevillea sericea (Sm.) R.Br.

  • subsp. riparia(R.Br.) Olde & Marriott
  • subsp. sericea
N.S.W Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea sericea.jpg
Grevillea sessilis C.T.White & W.D.FrancisQLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea sessilis (2218714726).jpg
Grevillea shiressii BlakelyN.S.W. Status iucn EN icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea shiressii leaves & flowers.jpg
Grevillea shuttleworthiana Meisn.
  • subsp. canarinaOlde & Marriott
  • subsp. obovata(Benth.) Olde & Marriott
  • subsp. shuttleworthiana
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea shuttleworthiana.jpg

(subsp. canarina)

Grevillea singuliflora F.Muell.QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea singuliflora.jpg


Grevillea sinuata Brongn. & GrisNew Caledonia
Grevillea sparsiflora F.Muell.W.A. Grevillea sparsiflora.jpg
Red spider flower

Grevillea speciosa (Knight) McGill.

N.S.W. Status iucn NT icon.svg Grevillea speciosa.jpg
Grevillea speckiana OldeW.A.
Grevillea sphacelata R.Br.N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea sphacelata.jpg
Grevillea spinosa McGill.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea spinosa.jpg
Grevillea spinosissima McGill.W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea spinosissima.jpg
Grevillea squiresiae Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea squiresiae.jpg
Brisbane Ranges grevillea

Grevillea steiglitziana N.A.Wakef.

VIC. Status iucn NT icon.svg Endangered (FFG) Grevillea steiglitziana.jpg
Grevillea stenobotrya F.Muell.W.A, N.T, S.A, QLD, N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea stenobotrya - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea stenogyne (Benth.) MakinsonW.A.Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Lace net grevillea

Grevillea stenomera F.Muell.

W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea stenomera.jpg
Grevillea stenostachya C.A.GardnerW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Beefwood, western beefwood, beef silky oak, silver honeysuckle

Grevillea striata R.Br.

W.A, N.T, S.A, QLD, N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea striata tree.jpg


Grevillea subterlineata MakinsonW.A.Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea subterlineata.png
Grevillea subtiliflora McGill.W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea subtiliflora 1.jpg
Grevillea sulcata C.A.Gardner ex Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn NT icon.svg Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea synapheae R.Br.
  • subsp. latiloba(Meisn.) Makinson
  • subsp. minyuloMakinson
  • subsp. pachyphyllaOlde & Marriott
  • subsp. synapheae
W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority One – Poorly Known Taxa (subsp. minyulo) (DEC) Grevillea synapheae gnangarra.JPG
Grevillea tenuiflora Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea tenuiflora foliage and flowers.jpg
Grevillea tenuiloba C.A.GardnerW.A. Status iucn CR icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea tenuiloba Fagg.jpg
Grevillea teretifolia Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea teretifolia - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea tesselata OldeW.A.
Grevillea tetragonoloba Meisn.W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea tetragonoloba.jpg
Grevillea tetrapleura McGill.W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC)
Grevillea thelemanniana Hügel ex Lindl.W.A.Critically Endangered (EPBC)

Priority Four – Rare Taxa (DEC)

Grevillea thelemanniana.jpg
Grevillea thyrsoides Meisn.
  • subsp. pustulataOlde & Marriott
  • subsp. thyrsoides
W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (both subsp.) (DEC) Grevillea thyrsoides.jpg
Grevillea trachytheca F.Muell.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea trachytheca flower.jpg
Grevillea treueriana F.Muell.S.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Vulnerable (EPBC) Grevillea treueriana.jpg
Grevillea trichantha OldeW.A.
Grevillea trifida (R.Br.) Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea trifida.jpg
Grevillea triloba Meisn.W.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea triloba Fagg.jpg
Grevillea tripartita Meisn.
  • subsp. macrostylis(F.Muell.) Makinson
  • subsp. tripartita
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea tripartita.jpg

(subsp. tripartita)

Grevillea triternata R.Br.N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea triternata.jpg
Grevillea umbellulata Meisn.W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea umbellulata - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea uncinulata DielsW.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea uncinulata - Flickr - Kevin Thiele.jpg
Grevillea uniformis (McGill.) Olde & MarriottW.A Status iucn NT icon.svg Priority Three – Poorly Known Taxa (DEC) Grevillea uniformis.jpg


Common and scientific names [1] Subspecies [1] Distribution [1] [2] IUCN status [2] Other statuses [3] [4] [5] Image
Cape Range grevillea

Grevillea variifolia C.A.Gardner & A.S.George

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea variifolia.jpg
Grevillea velutinella McGill.W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea velutinella.jpg
Byfield spider flower

Grevillea venusta R.Br.

QLD. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea venusta mygdn email.jpg
Grevillea versicolor McGill.N.T. DD IUCN 3 1.svg
Grevillea vestita (Endl.) Meisn.
  • subsp. isopogoidesMcGill.
  • subsp. vestita
W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea vestita.JPG
Royal grevillea, Mountain grevillea

Grevillea victoriae F.Muell.

  • subsp. brindabellaStajsic
  • subsp. nivalisStajsic & Molyneux
  • subsp. victoriae
N.S.W, VIC. Status iucn LC icon.svg Endangered (subsp. nilavis and victoriae) (FFG) Grevillea victoriae subsp. victoriae.jpg

(subsp. victoriae)

Nerong grevillea

Grevillea virgata Makinson

N.S.W. Status iucn EN icon.svg
Linear-leaf grevillea

Grevillea viridiflava Makinson

QLD, N.S.W. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea viridiflava.jpg
Grevillea vuniana PillonNew Caledonia Status iucn CR icon.svg
Mundubbera grevillea

Grevillea whiteana McGill.

QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea whiteana.jpg
Wickham's grevillea

Grevillea wickhamii Meisn.

  • subsp. apricaMcGill.
  • subsp. cratistaMakinson
  • subsp. hispidulaMakinson
  • subsp. macrodontaMakinson
  • subsp. pallidaMakinson
  • subsp. wickhamii
W.A, N.T, QLD. Status iucn LC icon.svg Grevillea wickhamii aprica grafted email.jpg

(subsp. aprica)

Tumut grevillea

Grevillea wilkinsonii Makinson

N.S.W. Status iucn CR icon.svg Critically Endangered (EPBC) Grevillea wilkinsonii.jpg
Grevillea williamsoni F.Muell.VIC.
Omeo grevillea, Rock grevillea

Grevillea willisii R.V.Sm. & McGill.

VIC.Endangered (FFG) Grevillea willisii Fagg.jpg
Wilson's Grevillea, Native fuchsia

Grevillea wilsonii A.Cunn.

W.A. Status iucn LC icon.svg Merry Christmas everyone!.jpg
Grevillea wiradjuri MakinsonN.S.W. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea wiradjuri.jpg
Grevillea wittweri McGill.W.A. Status iucn VU icon.svg Grevillea wittweri.jpg
Grevillea xiphoidea Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg
Grevillea yorkrakinensis C.A.GardnerW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea yorkrakinensis.jpg
Grevillea zygoloba Olde & MarriottW.A. Status iucn EN icon.svg Grevillea zygoloba.jpg
Grevillea × gaudichaudii R.Br. ex Gaudich.N.S.W. Grevillea x gaudichaudii.jpg

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "Plants of the World Online" . Retrieved 28 December 2023.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species" . Retrieved 10 June 2024.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "EPBC Act List of Threatened Flora". Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Retrieved 6 June 2024.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Atkins, KJ (6 October 2008). "Declared Rare and Priority Flora List for Western Australia" (PDF). Retrieved 6 June 2024.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Threatened List" (PDF). The State of Victoria Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. June 2024.