List of comics awards

Last updated

[1] This list of comics awards is an index to articles about notable awards for comics from around the world. The list includes awards given out for achievements in cartooning, comic books, comic strips and graphic novels. Some works in comics are also eligible for, and in some instances have won literary awards.


American awards

In chronological order from date of first award presentation:

Timeline of notable U.S. comics awards

The following is a timeline of notable U.S. comics awards that feature multiple categories. Awards voted on by professionals are in shades of blue; fan awards are in shades of red. (The Ignatz Award is a mixture, as the nominees are selected by professionals, but the winners are determined by the attendees of that year's Small Press Expo.)

List of comics awards

Australian awards

Belgian awards

Brazilian awards

Timeline of Brazilian comics awards

List of comics awards

British awards

Timeline of British comics awards

List of comics awards

Canadian awards

Dutch awards

French awards

German awards

Greek awards

Irish awards

Indian awards

Italian awards

Japanese awards

Norwegian awards

Polish awards

Portugal awards

Qatar awards

Singaporean awards

Spanish awards

Swedish awards

See also

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Festival Internacional de Quadrinhos</span>

Festival Internacional de Quadrinhos (FIQ) is a comic convention held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, every two years.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cris Peter</span> Brazilian colorist

Cris Peter is a Brazilian colorist. She works mainly in the American comics market for publishers like DC Comics and Marvel Comics. She was nominated for the Eisner Award for her colors in comic series Casanova. She also did the colors of important Brazilian comics, as Astronauta – Magnetar and Petals. In 2013, she published the theoretical book O Uso das Cores, by Marsupial Editora. She won the Troféu HQ Mix in 2016 and 2017, in the category "Best Colorist".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">André Diniz</span>

André Diniz is a Brazilian comics artist. He began working with comics in 1994 with the fanzine Grandes Enigmas da Humanidade, which had a circulation of 5,000 copies.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Omar Viñole</span>

Omar Viñole is a Portuguese-born Brazilian comics artist, colorist and inker.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Jefferson Costa</span> Brazilian illustrator and comics artist

Jefferson Costa is a Brazilian illustrator and comics artist. He has worked in several comic books, such as the adaptation of the book Kiss Me, Judas, as well as publications such as Quebra Queixo Technorama, A Dama do Martinelli and La Dansarina and works in Brazilian compilations Front and Bang Bang. He also published works in the North American anthologies Gunned Down and Outlaw Territory # 3. Jefferson also works with character design and animation scenarios, having worked on Cartoon Network Brazil's Historietas Assombradas para Crianças Malcriadas, as well as the Brazilian MTV series Megaliga, Fudêncio, The Jorges and Rockstarghost. In 2013, he won the Troféu HQ Mix in the "Best Comic Adaptation" category with Coleção Shakespeare em Quadrinhos Volume 4. In 2016 he won again the Troféu HQ Mix, this time with the graphic novel "La Dansarina" as "Best National Special Edition". In 2018, he published Jeremias - Pele, part of Graphic MSP collection, with scripts of Rafael Calça. The book earned them the 2019 Prêmio Jabuti for Best Comic Book.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Prêmio Angelo Agostini</span> Award

Prêmio Angelo Agostini, sometimes also called Troféu Angelo Agostini, is the most traditional comics award in Brazil. It was created in 1985 by the Associação dos Quadrinhistas e Caricaturistas do Estado de São Paulo (AQC-ESP), which still organizes the event today.

Universo HQ is a Brazilian website about comics and considered the most important Brazilian information source on comics-related news.

Guia dos Quadrinhos is a Brazilian comic book database created with the objective of cataloging all comics published in Brazil, whether graphic novels, magazines, fanzines or independent publications.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">André Vazzios</span> Brazilian colorist, artist, and architect

André Luiz da Silva Pereira, well known as André Vazzios is a Brazilian colorist, comics artist and architect. Graduated in Architecture from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, he began his career as an illustrator in 1995 at the Abril Jovem publishing house.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lucio Luiz</span> Brazilian journalist, editor and comic book writer

Lucio Luiz is a Brazilian journalist, writer, editor, podcaster and comics author. He holds a degree in Journalism and has Master's degree and Doctorate in Education.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Prêmio Angelo Agostini for Master of National Comics</span> Comics award winners in Brazil

Master of National Comics is one of the categories of Prêmio Angelo Agostini, the most traditional Brazilian award dedicated to comics that has been held since 1985 by Associação dos Quadrinhistas e Caricaturistas do Estado de São Paulo (AQC-ESP).

Rodolfo Zalla was an Argentine comics artist. He started drawing comics while still in Argentina in 1953, but his career gained prominence after moving to Brazil with fellow comic artist José Delbo in 1963. He started producing comic strips of characters such as Targo, O Vingador and O Escorpião. He has worked for several comic book publishers and has produced stories in various genres, such as war and terror. He also produced Disney Comics about Zorro for editora Abril. In 1985, he was awarded the Prêmio Angelo Agostini for Master of National Comics, an award that aims to honor artists who have dedicated themselves to Brazilian comics for at least 25 years. He remained active drawing comics until his death in 2016, at 84 years old.

Flavio Colin was a Brazilian comic artist and illustrator, considered one of the most important comic artists in Brazil. He began his career in the 1950s with an adaptation for the comic book radio series As Aventuras do Anjo, influenced by Milton Caniff, but began to gain prominence with the development of his own stylized artist style. In 1987, he was awarded with the Prêmio Angelo Agostini for Master of National Comics, an award that aims to honor artists who have dedicated themselves to Brazilian comics for at least 25 years. He also won the Troféu HQ Mix in 1994 and 1995. Flávio Colin died in Rio de Janeiro on 2002.

Sérgio Marques de Lima (1925–1988) was a Brazilian illustrator and comics artist. In the 1960s, he worked at the publishing house Prelúdio, where he illustrated cordel leaflets and comic books such as Juvêncio, o justiceiro do sertão, as well as adaptations of cordel literature. He also illustrated the comic book biography of Silvio Santos, written by R. F. Lucchetti, as well as horror comics. In the 1970s, he started to create Disney comics at editora Abril and worke in Os Trapalhões comic book. In 1987, he was awarded with the Prêmio Angelo Agostini for Master of National Comics, an award that aims to honor artists who have dedicated themselves to Brazilian comics for at least 25 years.

Cláudio Seto was a Brazilian journalist, visual artist, comic artist, poet, photographer, cultural animator and bonsai artist. Of Japanese descent, at age nine he went to study at a Zen monastery in Japan, where he took the opportunity to visit Osamu Tezuka's studio on weekends. When he returned to Brazil in the 1960s, he was hired by Edrel publishing house, where he published stories about samurai and ninja, who were still little known by Brazilians. Seto is considered the forerunner of the use of the manga style in Brazilian comics and his best-known character was O Samurai. In the 1970s, he moved to Curitiba to work at the Grafipar publishing house, which had hired some of the best Brazilian comic artists of the time. In 1988, he was awarded with the Prêmio Angelo Agostini for Master of National Comics, an award that aims to honor artists who have dedicated themselves to Brazilian comics for at least 25 years.

Flavio Soares is a Brazilian comics artist.

Bienal de Quadrinhos de Curitiba is a Brazilian comic book festival held since 2011 in Curitiba.

Bigorna was a Brazilian website about comics with an almost exclusive focus on Brazilian comics.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mary Cagnin</span> Brazilian comic artist

Mariana Cagnin, better known as Mary Cagnin is a Brazilian comic artist.


  1. english
  2. Miller, John Jackson. "Goethe/Comic Fan Art Award winners, 1971–74," CBGXtra (July 19, 2005).
  3. Harvey, R. C. "Blood & Thunder: Two for Cho," The Comics Journal #219 (Jan. 2000), p. 3.
  4. Souza, Manoel de; Muniz, Maurício (2020). O Império dos Gibis. São Paulo: Heroica. p. 543. ISBN   978-65-80135-00-4.
  5. "Tudo sobre o Dia do Quadrinho Nacional e o Troféu Angelo Agostini". December 16, 2005.
  6. Folha de S.Paulo (April 18, 1989). "O cínico Amigo da Onça ressuscita em "Semanário"". Folha de S.Paulo. p. 3 (Ilustrada).
  7. "HQ Festival 2003 acontece em Aracaju". Universo HQ. October 8, 2003.
  8. "Confira a relação dos homenageados do 6º Prêmio DB Artes". Universo HQ. December 6, 2010.
  9. "Conheça os vencedores do 1° Troféu Alfaiataria de Fanzines". Universo HQ. June 26, 2007.
  10. "Resultado do Troféu Bigorna 2008". Impulso HQ. October 10, 2008.
  11. "Prêmio Bigorna 2010 anuncia vencedores". Revista O Grito. November 9, 2010.
  12. "Gibicon de Curitiba vai reunir oficinas e exposições a partir desta quinta". G1. September 4, 2014.
  13. "Inspirado na Comic-Con, evento geek pretende colocar Fortaleza no mapa das grandes convenções". Tribuna do Ceará. September 11, 2015.
  14. "Sana Fest 2018 transformará Fortaleza na capital do mundo pop e geek de 14 a 16 de dezembro". Tribuna do Ceará. December 12, 2018.
  15. "Nacional é premiada pela Academia Brasileira de Histórias em Quadrinhos". EBC. January 22, 2016.
  16. "Gonçalense Eberton Ferreira ganha prêmio nacional de HQ". Jornal Daki. February 2, 2017.
  17. "Prêmio Grampo: surgem os vencedores da primeira edição". Terra Zero. January 19, 2016.
  18. "Prêmio Dente de Ouro para publicações impressas". Vitralizado. February 22, 2016.
  19. "Conheça os vencedores do Prêmio Dente 2020". Correio Braziliense. September 13, 2020.
  20. "Categoria Quadrinho é incluída no Prêmio Jabuti". Carta Capital. May 22, 2017.
  21. "Anunciados os finalistas do prêmio Le Blanc". Mais QI Nerds. May 7, 2018.
  22. "Vem aí o Dia do Super-Herói Brasileiro 2021". Duas Torres. October 20, 2021.
  23. "Prêmio Odisseia de Literatura Fantástica cria categoria para histórias em quadrinhos". Universo HQ. January 26, 2021. Archived from the original on 1 March 2021.
  24. "Prêmio Mapinguari de Quadrinhos está com inscrições abertas". PublishNews. February 10, 2022.
  25. "CCXP Awards ganha data; entenda como será premiação". Omelete. March 28, 2022.
  26. "True Believers Comic Awards announce 2014 winners" by Kevin Melrose, at CBR, 14 July 2014
  27. SICBA official website.
  28. Excelsior Award official website. Accessed Feb. 5, 2016.
  29. British Comic Awards official website Archived 2018-12-07 at the Wayback Machine . Accessed Feb. 5, 2016.
  30. 9th Art Festival official website Archived 2016-01-18 at the Wayback Machine . Accessed Feb. 5, 2016.
  31. "Ελληνικά Βραβεία Κόμικς". 3 April 2015.
  32. "Home | The Drunken Druid Award™". The Drunken Druid Awards.
  33. ""ComiIdol 2007" – First Digital Artist Superstars Contest!". ComiPress. 2007-02-03.
  34. "Welcome to ComiIdol 2007". Archived from the original on 2008-04-20.