List of fungi of South Africa – E

Last updated

This is an alphabetical list of fungal taxa as recorded from South Africa. Currently accepted names have been appended.



Genus: Echidnodella Theiss. & Syd. 1918

Genus: Echidnodes Theiss. & Syd. 1918

Genus: Ectotrichophyton Castell. & Chalm. 1919 accepted as Trichophyton Malmsten, (1848)


Genus: Elmerococcum Theiss. & Syd. 1915, accepted as Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not., (1863)

Genus: Elsinoë Racib. 1900


Genus: Empusa Cohn 1855


Genus: Endocarpiscum Nyl. 1864 (Lichens)

Genus: Endocarpon Hedw. 1789

Genus: Endodermophyton Castell. 1910 accepted as Trichophyton Malmsten, (1848)

Genus: Endodothella Theiss. & Syd. 1915 accepted as Phyllachora Nitschke ex Fuckel, (1870)

Order: Endomycetales [1] Gäum. & C.W. Dodge 1928

Family: Endomycetaceae [1] J. Schröt. 1893

Genus: Endophyllum Lév. 1826

Genus: Endopyrenium Flot. 1855 accepted as Catapyrenium Flot., (1850)

Genus: Englerula Henn. 1904

Genus: Englerulaster Höhn. 1910 accepted as Asterina Lév., (1845)

Genus: Enterographa Fée 1825 (Lichens)

Genus: Enterostigma Müll. Arg. 1885 accepted as Thelotrema Ach., (1803)

Genus: Entoloma P. Kumm. 1871

Genus Entomophaga A. Batko 1964,

Genus: Entomophthora Fresen. 1856

Order: Entomophthorales [1] G. Winter 1880

Family: Entomophthoraceae [1] A.B. Frank 1874

Genus: Entomosporium cLév. 1857 accepted as Diplocarpon F.A. Wolf, (1912)

Genus: Entopeltis Höhn. 1910 accepted as Vizella Sacc., (1883)

Genus: Entyloma de Bary 1874


Family: Ephebaceae [1] Th. Fr. 1861

Genus: Ephebe Fr. 1825

Genus: Ephelis Fr. 1849

Genus: Epichloë (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul. 1865

Genus: Epicoccum Link 1816

Genus: Epidermophyton Sabour. 1907

Genus: Epistigme Syd. 1924

Genus: Epochnium Link 1809 accepted as Monilinia Honey, (1928)


Family: Eremascaceae [1] Engl. & E. Gilg 1924

Eremascaceae imperfectae [1] C.W. Dodge 1935

Genus: Erikssonia Penz. & Sacc. 1898

Genus: Eriomycopsis Speg. 1910

Genus: Erostella (Sacc.) Sacc. 1906 accepted as Phaeoacremonium W. Gams, Crous & M.J. Wingf., (1996)

Family: Erysiphaceae [1] Tul. & C. Tul. 1861

Genus: Erysiphe R. Hedw. ex DC. 1805


Subclass: Eubasidii [2] *

Genus: Eubelonis Clem., (1909) accepted as Calycina Nees ex Gray, (1821)

Genus: Eucantharomyces Thaxt. 1895

Genus: Eudarluca Speg. 1908

Genus: Eudimeriolum Speg. 1912

Genus: Eumitra *

Genus: Eupelte Syd. 1924

Family: Eurotiaceae [2] Clem. & Shear 1931

Genus: Eurotium Link 1809

Genus: Euryachora Fuckel 1870

Genus: Eutypella (Nitschke) Sacc. 1875


Genus: Evernia Ach. 1809 (Lichens)


Genus: Exidia Fr. 1822

Genus: Exoascus Fuckel 1860

Family: Exobasidiaceae [2] J. Schröt. 1888

Genus: Exobasidium Woronin 1867

Genus: Exosporium Link 1809

See also

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