List of left-wing rebel groups

Last updated

This is a list of left-wing rebel groups around the world. These groups are seeking change through armed conflict or illegal protest in opposition to an established government. This list does not contain those legal armed forces in communist states.


List of active groups

All groups still engaging in armed struggle today.

CountryGroupStrengthOfficial Ideology
International Animal Liberation Front Unknown Animal rights
Earth Liberation Front Environmentalism
Antifa movements Unknown Militant anti-fascism
Flag of Afghanistan.svg  Afghanistan Afghanistan Liberation Organization Maoism
Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Maoist Bolshevik Reorganisation Movement of the Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party Unknown Maoism
Purbo Banglar Communist Party Unknown Maoism
Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party Unknown Communism
Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan Bhutan Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist) 600–1,000 Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia People's Revolutionary Front (Marxist−Leninist−Maoist) Unknown Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Résistance internationaliste Unknown Anarchism
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Maoist Communist Party of China Unknown Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia National Liberation Army 1,380–3,000 Marxism
Popular Liberation Army 1,000 Hoxhaism
Indigenous Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Pacific 80 Indigenous rights
Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador Communist Party of Ecuador–Red Sun Unknown Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Group of Popular Combatants Hoxhaism
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Revolutionary Actioncells Communism
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece Anti-State Justice Unknown Anarchism
Black Star Unknown Anarchism
Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei Unknown Anarchism
Revolutionary Nuclei Unknown Far-left politics
Revolutionary Struggle Unknown Anarchist communism
Sect of Revolutionaries Unknown Far-left politics
Thieves in Black Unknown Anarchism
Flag of India.svg  India Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj Unknown Maoism
Communist Party of India (Maoist) People's Liberation Guerrilla Army: 8,000–9,000 (September 2013)
People's Militia: 38,000 (armed with bows, arrows, and machetes)
Maoist Communist Party of Manipur
  • New People's Militia
Unknown Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
People's Liberation Army of Manipur 3,800 (2008) Maoism
United National Liberation Front of Western South East Asia National Socialist Council of Nagaland: ~4,500 Socialism
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Communist Party of Iran (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist) Unknown Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan Unknown Democratic socialism
Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan 800–900 Revolutionary socialism
Kurdistan Free Life Party Unknown Democratic confederalism
People's Mujahedin of Iran Unknown Islamic socialism
Worker-communist Party of Iran – Hekmatist Unknown Workerism
Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq Al-Awda Unknown Ba'athism
General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries: 75,000 [1]
Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order: 5,000+ [2]
Jeish Muhammad Unknown Ba'athism
Sinjar Alliance Sinjar Resistance Units: 1,500 [3] Democratic confederalism
Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation 1,000+ Ba'athism
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Informal Anarchist Federation Unknown Insurrectionary anarchism
Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Real Irish Republican Army Unknown Left wing nationalism
Continuity Irish Republican Army Unknown Left wing nationalism
Óglaigh na hÉireann Unknown Left wing nationalism
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) Trotskyism
Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Popular Nasserist Organization Unknown Nasserism
As-Sa'iqa Unknown Ba'athism
Lebanese Communist Party Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Libya.svg  Libya Green Resistance Unknown Islamic socialism
Brigade 93 Unknown Islamic socialism
Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Tommunist Party Luxembourg21 All-Encompassing Retro progressive Liberal Conservative Secular Theological Brutalist Midget-Friendly Fasco communism
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Popular Revolutionary Army Unknown Maoism
Zapatista Army of National Liberation Unknown Neozapatismo
Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar Kachin Independence Army 8,000 Communism
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army 2,000 [4] –4,000 [5] Communism
National Democratic Alliance Army 3,000–4,000 [6] [7] Communism
Flag of Palestine.svg  Palestine Abu Nidal Organization Unknown Arab socialism
Fatah al-Intifada Unknown Socialism
Palestine Liberation Organization Unknown Socialism
Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay Paraguayan People's Army 50–80 Communism
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru Communist Party of Peru (Shining Path)
  • People's Guerilla Army
4,200 Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Communist Party of the Philippines more than 120 guerilla fronts all over the country Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Moro National Liberation Front Unknown Egalitarianism
Revolutionary Workers' Party Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Revolutionary Workers Party – Mindanao [8] Unknown Trotskyism
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia New Revolutionary Alternative Unknown Insurrectionary anarchism
Vanguard of Red Youth Unknown Communism, Bolshevism
Flag of Syria.svg  Syria Democratic Union Party 50,000 [9] Democratic confederalism
International Freedom Battalion Unknown Revolutionary socialism
Ba'ath Brigades 7,000 claimed [10] Ba'athism
Syrian Resistance 2,000 [11] Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Civil Protection Units
  • Civil Protection Units-Women
1,000 Democratic confederalism
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist (Maoist Party Centre) Unknown Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Peoples' United Revolutionary Movement Kurdistan Workers' Party: Over 32,800 active fighters (2015 Turkish claim) [12] Revolutionary socialism
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist
  • Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey
Unknown Marxism–Leninism–Maoism
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Borotba Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Continuity Irish Republican Army 50 or less "hard-core" operatives [13] and fewer than 200 members in total [14] Irish republican socialism
Irish Republican Liberation Army Unknown Irish republicanism
Óglaigh na hÉireann 50 members [15] Irish republicanism
Real Irish Republican Army 250–300 [16] Irish republicanism
Flag of the United States.svg  United States Black Guerrilla Family 100-300 full members with 50,000 associates Marxism–Leninism [17]
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Bolivarian Forces of Liberation 4,000(2005) Bolivarianism, communism
Flag of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.svg  Western Sahara Polisario Front 6–7,000 active soldiers Islamic socialism
Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen Southern Movement Unknown Socialism

List of successful groups

All groups who no longer exist because they have met their goals, some are now the established government in their respective region.

CountryGroupStrengthOfficial Ideology
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria National Liberation Front 300,000 Arab socialism
Algerian Communist Party Communism
Flag of Albania.svg  Albania National Liberation Movement 70,000 Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Angola.svg  Angola MPLA Unknown Left-wing nationalism
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Front de l'Indépendance Broadly Socialist-Communist [18]
Milices Patriotiques 22,006 Communism
Österreichische Freiheitsfront 75+ Communism
Partisans Armés 13,246 Communism
Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Mukti Bahini 150,000 Socialism, Bengali nationalism
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Fatherland Front Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia Khmer Rouge Maoism
Khmer Việt Minh3,000–5,000 Communism
Kampuchean United Front for National Salvation Marxism–Leninism
Khmer Issarak Communism
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Communist Party of China 2,285,000 active and 510,000 reserve (as government army) Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 26th of July Movement Unknown Revolutionary socialism
Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea Eritrean People's Liberation Front Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia All-Ethiopia Socialist Movement Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front Unknown Marxism
Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Afar Liberation Front Unknown Self-determination
Flag of Greece.svg  Greece National Liberation Front Communism
Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde 10,000 Marxism
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Hungarian Social Democratic Party Unknown Social democracy
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Italian resistance movement Mainly various forms of Communism, Socialism,
Anarchism and Republicanism
Flag of Laos.svg  Laos Pathet Lao Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia Mongolian People's Party Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique FRELIMO 10,000–15,000 Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia SWANU Unknown Democratic socialism
SWAPO Unknown Democratic socialism
Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua Sandinista National Liberation Front Sandinismo
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Gwardia Ludowa Communism
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Bolsheviks Unknown Leninism
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa African National Congress Unknown Left-wing nationalism
Azanian People's Organisation Unknown Socialism
Pan Africanist Congress of Azania Unknown African socialism
Flag of South Vietnam.svg  South Vietnam Viet Cong Marxism–Leninism
Flag of South Yemen.svg  South Yemen National Liberation Front Unknown Marxism
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia Yugoslav Partisans Communism
Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Việt Minh 80,000 – 800,000 Communism
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe Zimbabwe African National Union Democratic socialism
Zimbabwe African People's Union 20,000 in 1979 Left-wing nationalism

List of failed groups

All groups that have failed at their end goal or have dissolved, and no longer exist.

CountryGroupStrengthOfficial Ideology
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina Montoneros Peronism
People's Revolutionary Army Guevarism
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Republikanischer Schutzbund 80,000 Social democracy
Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain Popular Front for the Liberation of Bahrain Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Partisans Armés Communism
Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia Ñancahuazú Guerrilla 29 Bolivians 25 Cubans 3 Peruvians 1 Argentine-Cuban (Che) 1 Argentine-German (Tania) Revolutionary socialism
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Ação Libertadora Nacional Marxism–Leninism
Marx, Mao, Marighella, and Guevara Communism
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Bulgarian Communist Party Marxism–Leninism
Bulgarian Agrarian National Union Agrarianism
Anarchists Anarchism
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada FLQ Left-wing nationalism
Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Lautaro Youth Movement 2,000 - 2,500 Revolutionary socialism
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China East Turkestan People's Revolutionary Party 60,000 (claimed) [19] Marxism–Leninism
United Revolutionary Front of East Turkestan Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Workers Revolutionary Party of Colombia 200 [20] Communism
19th of April Movement 1,500–2,000 Revolutionary socialism, Left-wing nationalism
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People's Army 7,000–10,000 Marxism–Leninism
Peasant Student Workers Movement Socialism
Movimiento Armado Quintin Lame 130 Indigenismo
Ernesto Rojas Commandos 25 Marxism–Leninism
Guevarista Revolutionary Army 45 Guevarism
Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea Eritrean Liberation Front Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia Soviet Republic of Naissaar Revolutionary socialism
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Red Guards Revolutionary socialism
Flag of France.svg  France Action directe Libertarian socialism
Paris Commune On paper, 200,000; in reality, probably between 25,000 and 50,000 actual combatants Revolutionary socialism
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Alsace Soviet Republic 14 Soviet republicanism
Anti-Imperialist Cell 2 Anti-imperialism
Bavarian Council Republic Unknown Socialism
Communist Party of Germany 360,000 in 1932 Marxism
Das K.O.M.I.T.E.E.Unknown Autonomism
European Union Socialism
Free Workers' Union of Germany Unknown Anarcho-syndicalism
German ChekaUnknown Communism
Militante gruppe (mg) Unknown Communism
Spartacus League Unknown Luxemburgism
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran Organization of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas 3,000 (estimate) Marxism–Leninism
Organization of Iranian People's Fedai Guerrillas (Minority) Marxism–Leninism
Union of Iranian Communists (Sarbedaran) Maoism
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Armed Proletarians for Communism Communism
Autonomia Operaia Autonomism
Lotta Continua Communism
October 22 Group Marxism–Leninism
Political-Military Communist Party Communism
Potere Operaio Workerism
Prima Linea Marxism–Leninism
Red Brigades Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Arab Communist Organization Unknown Communism
Front of Patriotic and National Parties Unknown Left-wing nationalism
Lebanese National Movement 18,700 in 1976 Arab socialism
Lebanese National Resistance Front 1,000–2,000 Arab socialism
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Liga Comunista 23 de Septiembre Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Party of the Poor Unknown Socialism
Flag of North Yemen.svg  North Yemen National Democratic Front Unknown Socialism
Flag of Oman.svg  Oman Dhofar Liberation Front Unknown Marxism
Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman Unknown Marxism
Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf Unknown Marxism
Flag of Palestine.svg  Palestine Arab Palestine Organization Unknown Nasserism
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – Special Command Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Peru.svg  Peru National Liberation Army Guevarism
Puka Llacta Maoism
Revolutionary Left Movement Marxism
Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement Guevarism
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Black Guards Unknown Anarchist communism
Green armies UnknownVague Leftism
Kronstadt rebels 17,961 at highest Leftist Anti-Leninism
Left Socialist Revolutionaries Unknown Socialism
Mensheviks Unknown Socialism
Socialist Revolutionary Party Unknown Agrarian socialism
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia Arab Socialist Action Party – Arabian Peninsula Unknown Nasserism
Arabian Peninsula People's Union Unknown Nasserism
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia Slovak Soviet Republic Unknown Socialism
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea South Korean People's Front Preparation Committee Unknown Socialism
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Andecha Obrera Marxism–Leninism
Canary Islands Independence Movement Left-wing nationalism
Catalan Liberation Front Marxism–Leninism
Catalan Red Liberation Army Marxism–Leninism
Communist Party of Spain (international) (1975) Communism
Exército Guerrilheiro do Povo Galego Ceive Revolutionary socialism
First of May Group Left anarchism
Iberian Liberation Movement Council communism
Liga Armada Galega Marxism–Leninism
Loita Armada Revolucionaria Marxism–Leninism
Los Solidarios About 11 Anarcho-syndicalism
Organización Obreira 100+ [21] Marxism–Leninism
Popular Liberation Front New Left
Revolutionary Antifascist Patriotic Front Marxism–Leninism
Segi Socialism
Spanish National Liberation Front Marxism–Leninism
Terra Lliure Marxism
Workers' Front of Catalonia Socialism
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist – Hareketi Hoxhaism
People's Liberation Army of Turkey Marxism–Leninism
People's Liberation Party-Front of Turkey Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Donetsk–Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic Unknown Revolutionary socialism
Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine 103,000 (December 1919) Anarchist communism
Odessa Soviet Republic Unknown Revolutionary socialism
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Irish People's Liberation Organisation Unknown Irish republican socialism
Irish Republican Army 14,500 (at maximum) 1,000 (at minimum) Irish republicanism
King Mob Unknown Situationism
Official Irish Republican Army Unknown Marxism
Saor Éire Unknown Irish republican socialism
Saor Uladh Unknown Irish republicanism
The Angry Brigade Unknown Left anarchism
Flag of the United States.svg  United States Black Liberation Army Unknown Socialism
Black Panther Party Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Black Revolutionary Assault Team Unknown African-American leftism
Boricua Popular Army 1,100 - 5,700 Left-wing Nationalism
Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña Marxism-Leninism
George Jackson Brigade 5 at highest Communism
John Brown Anti-Klan Committee Unknown Radical left
May 19th Communist Organization Unknown Communism
MOVE Most famous the "MOVE 9" Anarcho-primitivism
National Black Antiwar Antidraft Union African-American leftism
Seattle Liberation Front Most famous the "Seattle Seven". New Left
Symbionese Liberation Army 16 in total Communism
The Camden 28 28 Christian left
United Freedom Front Known as the "Ohio 7" Marxism
Weather Underground Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers Left anarchism
White Panther Party Unknown Revolutionary socialism
Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany 2 June Movement 14 Left anarchism
Central Council of the roving HashrebelsUnknown Far-left politics
Red Army Faction Marxism–Leninism
Revolutionary Cells New Left
Rote Zora New Left
Tupamaros MünchenUnknown Marxism
Tupamaros West-Berlin Unknown Marxism
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Revolutionary Left Movement Unknown Marxism
Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen Yemeni Socialist Party Arab socialism, Social democracy Factions: Marxism, Democratic socialism
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe Communism

List of former groups

All groups that still exist today, but no longer engage in armed struggle as they did in the past.

CountryGroupStrengthOfficial Ideology
Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front 1,000 - 1,500 Marxism–Leninism
Revolutionary Left Movement Unknown Marxism
Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front Marxism–Leninism
Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Al-Mourabitoun 1,000 regular fighters and 2,000 reservists Nasserism
Communist Action Organization in Lebanon Unknown Marxism–Leninism
Lebanese Communist Party 2,000 Marxism–Leninism
Nasserist Unionists Movement Unknown Nasserism
Popular Nasserist Organization Unknown Nasserism
Progressive Socialist Party 5,000 Socialism
Toilers League Unknown Nasserism
Flag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho Basutoland Congress Party Left-wing nationalism
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Communist Party of Spain Unknown Communism
Communist Party of Spain (Reconstituted) Marxism–Leninism
Confederación Nacional del Trabajo Unknown Anarcho-syndicalism
ETA 50 in the year 2011 Revolutionary socialism
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Cumann na mBan Irish republicanism
Irish National Liberation Army Marxism–Leninism
Provisional Irish Republican Army Irish republicanism
Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay Tupamaros Communism
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Communist Party of Venezuela Marxism–Leninism
Red Flag Party Marxism–Leninism

See also

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