List of political parties in Catalonia

Last updated

This article lists political parties in Catalonia represented in Parliament, their ideologies, leaders, number of MPs and their positions on Catalan independence.


Parties and coalitions in the Catalan Parliament

PartyIdeologyCatalan independenceLeader MPs
Logotip del PSC.svg Socialists' Party of Catalonia
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
PSC–PSOE Social democracy, federalism, pro-Europeanism, Spanish unionism, Catalanism Dark Red x.svg Salvador Illa
42 / 135
Junts per Catalunya (2020).svg Together for Catalonia
Junts per Catalunya
Junts Catalan independence, populism Yes check.svg Laura Borràs
35 / 135
ERC logo 2017.svg Republican Left of Catalonia
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
ERC Republicanism, social democracy, Catalan independence, left-wing nationalism Yes check.svg Oriol Junqueras
20 / 135
Logo PP Cataluna 2022.svg People's Party of Catalonia
Partit Popular de Catalunya
PPC Conservatism, Christian democracy, Spanish unionism Dark Red x.svg Alejandro Fernández
15 / 135
VOX logo.svg Vox
VOX Ultranationalism, social conservatism, economic liberalism, national conservatism, right-wing populism, Euroscepticism, centralism, Spanish nationalism,Dark Red x.svg Ignacio Garriga
11 / 135
Comuns Sumar logotip 12M 2024.svg Commons Unite
Comuns Sumar
Comuns Sumar Eco-socialism, alter-globalization, left-wing populism, republicanism, democratic socialism, catalanism Right to self-determination Jéssica Albiach
6 / 135
CUP.svg Popular Unity Candidacy
Candidatura d'Unitat Popular
CUP Anti-capitalism, socialism, left-wing nationalism, pan-Catalanism, Catalan independence, feminism, direct democracy, Euroscepticism Yes check.svg Laia Estrada
4 / 135
AliancaCatalana logo.svg Catalan Alliance
Aliança Catalana
Alianç Catalan separatism, Catalan nationalism, anti-immigration, economic liberalism Yes check.svg Sílvia Orriols
2 / 135

Smaller parties

LogoNameAbbr.IdeologyCatalan independence
Logo PACMA (2022).svg Animalist Party with the Environment
Partit Animalista Amb el Medi Ambient
PACMA Animal welfare, animal rights, social justice, environmentalism, participatory democracy, pacifism, veganism Yes check.svg
Logo de Ciudadanos (2023).svg Citizens
CS Liberalism, Spanish nationalism Dark Red x.svg
Logotipo Comunistes de Catalunya.svg Communists of Catalonia
Comunistes de Catalunya Communism, republicanism, Catalanism, Catalan souverainism Yes check.svg
Logo ALTER.jpg Republican Alternative
Partit Republicà d'Esquerra - Alternativa Republicana de Catalunya
PRE - ALTER Republicanism, socialism, federalism, laïcité, eco-socialism, socialist feminism Right to self-determination
Its political proposal is the Spanish Federal Republic.
Logos Recortes Cero.svg Zero CutsGreen Group
Recortes Cero–Grupo Verde
Recortes Cero–GV Anti-austerity, green politics, eco-socialism, feminism, ecologism, Spanish unionism Dark Red x.svg
Logotip del Front Nacional de Catalunya..png National Front of Catalonia
Front Nacional de Catalunya
FNC Catalan independence, Catalan nationalism, anti-immigration Yes check.svg
Som Catalans Logo.png Som Catalans SOM Catalan independentism, anti-immigration Yes check.svg
Logotip de Pirates de Catalunya.svg Pirates of Catalonia
Pirates de Catalunya
PIRATA.CAT Pirate politics, freedom of information, direct democracy, protection of privacy, intellectual property reform, open government, Catalan independence Yes check.svg
Since October 2017 supports independence based on the results of the Catalan independence referendum

Former parties

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Democratic Convergence of Catalonia</span> Political party in Spain

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Socialists' Party of Catalonia</span> Political party in Spain

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia</span> Dissolved political party in Spain

The Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia was a communist political party active in Catalonia between 1936 and 1997. It was the Catalan branch of the Communist Party of Spain and the only party not from a sovereign state to be a full member of the Third International.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">People's Party of Catalonia</span> Political party in Spain

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The 2009–2011 Catalan independence referendums, a series of non-binding and unofficial referendums, "popular votes", took place in municipalities around Catalonia. In them voters indicated whether they supported Catalan independence from Spain. The first such referendum took place in Arenys de Munt on 13 September 2009: there followed votes in Sant Jaume de Frontanyà on 12 December and in 166 other municipalities on 13 December. Another vote ensued in April 2011 in Barcelona.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">2014 Catalan self-determination referendum</span>

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Democrats of Catalonia is a Christian-democratic, pro-Catalan independence political party in Catalonia founded in July 2015 from a split in Democratic Union of Catalonia (UDC). Its members included the then-Speaker of the Catalan parliament Núria de Gispert and former UDC president Joan Rigol. The party has received accusations of xenophobia for its controversial statements against Spaniards, and for having ties with xenophobic organizations.

The Democratic Pact for Catalonia was a Catalan electoral alliance established in May 1977 ahead of the Spanish Congress of Deputies 15 June election. It ran on a political platform emphasizing the need of approving a statute of autonomy for Catalonia. The coalition comprised members from two separate, previously established alliances: Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC) and Democratic Left of Catalonia (EDC) from the Democratic Front for Catalonia, and the Socialist Party of Catalonia–Regrouping (PSC–R) and the National Front of Catalonia (FNC) from the Left Front.

Left Movement of Catalonia is a social-democratic, pro-independence political party in Catalonia. The party was founded in November 2014 from the merger of New Catalan Left (NECat) and Catalonia Movement, which had both been formed by dissident members of the Socialists' Party of Catalonia (PSC) who were dissatisfied with what they saw as the party's lack of support for the independence movement. Its founders included Marina Geli and Ernest Maragall (NECat), but both have ever since left for other parties—Geli joined the Together for Catalonia alliance ahead of the 2017 Catalan regional election, whereas Maragall defected to Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) in 2018.

The Catalan European Democratic Party, initially branded as the Catalan Democratic Party, was a liberal political party in Spain that supported Catalan independence. The party was founded in Barcelona on 10 July 2016 and dissolved on 28 October 2023. PDeCAT was regarded as the successor party to Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC), which for most its history was a constituent party of the Convergence and Union (CiU) political formation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1980 Catalan regional election</span>

The 1980 Catalan regional election was held on Thursday, 20 March 1980, to elect the 1st Parliament of the autonomous community of Catalonia. All 135 seats in the Parliament were up for election. This was the first regional election to be held in Catalonia since the Spanish transition to democracy and the second democratic regional election in Catalan history after that of 1932.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Centrists of Catalonia</span> Defunct political party in Catalonia

Centrists of Catalonia was a Catalan-based electoral alliance formed in June 1978 ahead of the upcoming local and general elections, comprising the Catalan section of the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD), the Union of the Centre of Catalonia (UCC) and the Democratic Union–Broad Centre (UDCA). The alliance was maintained after the election, with UCD and UDCA agreeing to transform it into a full-fledged political party in December 1979 with the disagreement of the UCC, which chose not to join the new party. At its foundation congress held on 22 December 1979, Antón Cañellas was elected as new party president.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Together for Catalonia (2017)</span> Political party in Spain

Together for Catalonia was an electoral and parliamentary alliance in Catalonia, registered as a political party in the interior ministry in July 2018, originally envisaged as a platform comprising the Catalan European Democratic Party (PDeCAT), successor of the late Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC), and independents and centered around the candidacy of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont ahead of the 2017 Catalan regional election. Some of these independents went on to form the Action for the Republic (AxR) political party, which is also part of the alliance in the Parliament of Catalonia.

Democracy and Catalonia was a Catalan electoral alliance formed by Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (CDC), Democratic Left of Catalonia (EDC), Democratic Union of Catalonia (UDC) and Socialist Party of Catalonia–Regrouping (PSC–R) to contest the 1977 Spanish Senate election.
