List of senators in the 41st Parliament of Canada

Last updated

This is a list of members of the Senate of Canada in the 41st Canadian Parliament.


The province of Quebec has 24 Senate divisions which are constitutionally mandated. In all other provinces, a Senate division is strictly an optional designation of the senator's own choosing, and has no real constitutional or legal standing. A senator who does not choose a special senate division is designated a senator for the province at large.

Names in bold indicate senators in the 28th Canadian Ministry. [1]

List of senators

[2] NamePartyProvince (Division) Date appointedAppointed byLeft officeReasonStartEnd
  Raynell Andreychuk ConservativeSaskatchewanMarch 11, 1993MulroneyAugust 14, 2019RetirementYesYes
  W. David Angus ConservativeQuebec (Alma)June 10, 1993MulroneyJuly 21, 2012RetirementYesNo
  Salma Ataullahjan Conservative Ontario July 9, 2010HarperIncumbentYesYes
  George Baker LiberalNewfoundland and LabradorMarch 26, 2002ChrétienSeptember 4, 2017RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Tommy Banks LiberalAlberta (Edmonton)April 7, 2000ChrétienDecember 17, 2011RetirementYesNo
  Denise Batters ConservativeSaskatchewanJanuary 25, 2013HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Diane Bellemare Conservative Quebec (Alma)September 6, 2012HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Lynn Beyak ConservativeOntarioJanuary 25, 2013HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Doug Black ConservativeAlbertaJanuary 25, 2013HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu ConservativeQuebec (La Salle)January 29, 2010HarperIncumbentYesYes
  David Braley ConservativeOntarioMay 20, 2010HarperNovember 30, 2013ResignationYesNo
  Patrick Brazeau ConservativeQuebec (Repentigny)January 8, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Bert Brown ConservativeAlbertaJuly 10, 2007HarperMarch 22, 2013RetirementYesNo
  JoAnne Buth ConservativeManitobaJanuary 6, 2012HarperAugust 10, 2014ResignationNoNo
  Catherine Callbeck LiberalPrince Edward IslandSeptember 23, 1997ChrétienJuly 25, 2014RetirementYesNo
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Larry Campbell LiberalBritish Columbia (Vancouver)August 2, 2005MartinIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Claude Carignan ConservativeQuebec (Mille Isles)August 27, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Sharon Carstairs LiberalManitobaSeptember 15, 1994ChrétienOctober 17, 2011ResignationYesNo
  Andrée Champagne ConservativeQuebec (Grandville)August 2, 2005MartinJuly 17, 2014RetirementYesNo
  Maria Chaput LiberalManitobaDecember 12, 2002ChrétienMarch 1, 2016ResignationYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Marie-P. Charette-Poulin LiberalOntarioSeptember 22, 1995ChrétienApril 17, 2015ResignationYesNo
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Ethel Cochrane ConservativeNewfoundland and LabradorNovember 17, 1986MulroneySeptember 23, 2012RetirementYesNo
  Gerald J. Comeau ConservativeNova ScotiaAugust 30, 1990MulroneyNovember 30, 2013ResignationYesNo
  Anne Cools IndependentOntario (Toronto-Centre-York)January 13, 1984TrudeauAugust 12, 2018RetirementYesYes
  Jane Cordy LiberalNova ScotiaJune 9, 2000ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Jim Cowan LiberalNova Scotia (Halifax)March 24, 2005MartinJanuary 22, 2017RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Jean-Guy Dagenais ConservativeQuebecJanuary 17, 2012HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Roméo Dallaire LiberalQuebec (Gulf)March 24, 2005MartinJune 17, 2014ResignationYesNo
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Dennis Dawson LiberalQuebec (Lauzon)August 2, 2005MartinIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Joseph A. Day LiberalNew Brunswick (Saint John-Kennebecasis)October 4, 2001ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Pierre De Bané LiberalQuebec (De la Vallière)June 29, 1984TrudeauAugust 2, 2013RetirementYesNo
  Jacques Demers ConservativeQuebec (Rigaud)August 27, 2009HarperAugust 25, 2019RetirementYesYes
  Fred Dickson ConservativeNova Scotia (Halifax)January 2, 2009HarperFebruary 9, 2012DeathYesNo
  Consiglio Di Nino ConservativeOntarioAugust 30, 1990MulroneyJune 30, 2012ResignationYesNo
  Percy Downe LiberalPrince Edward Island (Charlottetown)June 26, 2003ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Norman Doyle ConservativeNewfoundland and LabradorJanuary 6, 2012HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Mike Duffy ConservativePrince Edward Island (Cavendish)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Lillian Dyck LiberalSaskatchewan (North Battleford)March 24, 2005MartinIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Nicole Eaton ConservativeOntario (Caledon)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Art Eggleton LiberalOntario (Toronto)March 24, 2005MartinSeptember 29, 2018RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Tobias C. Enverga Conservative Ontario September 6, 2012HarperNovember 16, 2017DeathNoYes
  Joyce Fairbairn LiberalAlberta (Lethbridge)June 29, 1984TrudeauJanuary 18, 2013ResignationYesNo
  Doug Finley ConservativeOntarioAugust 27, 2009HarperMay 11, 2013DeathYesNo
  Suzanne Fortin-Duplessis ConservativeQuebec (Rougemont)January 14, 2009HarperJune 20, 2015RetirementYesNo
  Francis Fox LiberalQuebec (Victoria)August 29, 2005MartinDecember 2, 2011ResignationYesNo
  Joan Fraser LiberalQuebec (De Lorimier)September 17, 1998ChrétienFebruary 2, 2018ResignationYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Linda Frum ConservativeOntarioAugust 27, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  George Furey LiberalNewfoundland and LabradorAugust 11, 1999ChrétienMay 12, 2023RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Irving Gerstein ConservativeOntario (Toronto)January 2, 2009HarperFebruary 10, 2016RetirementYesYes
  Stephen Greene ConservativeNova Scotia (Halifax — The Citadel)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Mac Harb LiberalOntarioSeptember 9, 2003ChrétienAugust 26, 2013ResignationYesNo
  Céline Hervieux-Payette LiberalQuebec (Bedford)March 21, 1995ChrétienApril 22, 2016RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Leo Housakos ConservativeQuebec (Wellington)January 8, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Elizabeth Hubley LiberalPrince Edward IslandMarch 8, 2001ChrétienSeptember 8, 2017RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Mobina Jaffer LiberalBritish ColumbiaJune 13, 2001ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Janis Johnson ConservativeManitoba (Winnipeg - Interlake)September 27, 1990MulroneySeptember 27, 2016ResignationYesYes
  Serge Joyal LiberalQuébec (Kennebec)November 26, 1997ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Colin Kenny LiberalOntario (Rideau)June 29, 1984TrudeauFebruary 2, 2018ResignationYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Noël Kinsella ConservativeNew Brunswick (Fredericton-York-Sunbury)September 12, 1990MulroneyNovember 27, 2014RetirementYesNo
  Vim Kochhar ConservativeOntarioJanuary 29, 2010HarperSeptember 21, 2011RetirementYesNo
  Daniel Lang ConservativeYukon (Whitehorse)January 2, 2009HarperAugust 15, 2017ResignationYesYes
  Marjory LeBreton ConservativeOntarioJune 18, 1993MulroneyJuly 4, 2015RetirementYesNo
  Rose-Marie Losier-Cool LiberalNew Brunswick (Tracadie)March 21, 1995ChrétienJune 18, 2012RetirementYesNo
  Sandra Lovelace Nicholas LiberalNew BrunswickSeptember 21, 2005MartinIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Michael L. MacDonald ConservativeNova Scotia (Dartmouth)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Frank Mahovlich LiberalOntarioJune 11, 1998ChrétienJanuary 10, 2013RetirementYesNo
  Ghislain Maltais ConservativeQuebecJanuary 6, 2012HarperApril 22, 2019RetirementNoYes
  Fabian Manning ConservativeNewfoundland and LabradorMay 25, 2011HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Elizabeth Marshall ConservativeNewfoundland and LabradorJanuary 29, 2010HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Yonah Martin ConservativeBritish Columbia (Vancouver)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Paul J. Massicotte LiberalQuebec (De Lanaudière)June 26, 2003ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Elaine McCoy Progressive ConservativeAlberta (Calgary)March 24, 2005MartinIncumbentYesYes
 Independent Progressive Conservative
  Tom McInnis Conservative Nova Scotia September 6, 2012HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Paul McIntyre Conservative New Brunswick September 6, 2012HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Michael Meighen ConservativeOntario (St. Marys)September 27, 1990MulroneyFebruary 6, 2012ResignationYesNo
  Terry Mercer LiberalNova Scotia (Northend Halifax)November 7, 2003ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Pana Merchant LiberalSaskatchewanDecember 12, 2002ChrétienMarch 31, 2017ResignationYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Don Meredith ConservativeOntarioDecember 20, 2010HarperMay 10, 2017ResignationYesYes
  Grant Mitchell LiberalAlberta (Edmonton)March 24, 2005MartinIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Percy Mockler ConservativeNew Brunswick (St. Leonard)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Wilfred P. Moore LiberalNova Scotia (Stanhope St./Bluenose)September 26, 1996ChrétienJanuary 14, 2017RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Jim Munson LiberalOntario (Ottawa/Rideau Canal)December 10, 2003ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Lowell Murray Progressive ConservativeOntario (Pakenham)September 13, 1979 Clark September 26, 2011RetirementYesNo
  Nancy Ruth ConservativeOntario (Toronto)March 24, 2005MartinJanuary 6, 2017RetirementYesYes
  Richard Neufeld ConservativeBritish Columbia (Charlie Lake)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Thanh Hai Ngo Conservative Ontario September 6, 2012HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Pierre Claude Nolin ConservativeQuebec (De Salaberry)June 18, 1993MulroneyApril 23, 2015DeathYesNo
  Kelvin Ogilvie ConservativeNova Scotia (Annapolis Valley - Hants)August 27, 2009HarperNovember 6, 2017RetirementYesYes
  Victor Oh ConservativeOntarioJanuary 25, 2013HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Donald Oliver ConservativeNova Scotia (South Shore)September 7, 1990MulroneyNovember 16, 2013RetirementYesNo
  Dennis Patterson ConservativeNunavutAugust 27, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Lucie Pépin LiberalQuebec (Shawinigan)April 8, 1997ChrétienSeptember 7, 2011RetirementYesNo
  Robert Peterson LiberalSaskatchewan (Regina)March 24, 2005MartinOctober 19, 2012RetirementYesNo
  Don Plett ConservativeManitoba (Landmark)August 27, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Rose-May Poirier ConservativeNew Brunswick (Saint-Louis-de-Kent)February 28, 2010HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Vivienne Poy LiberalOntario (Toronto)September 17, 1998ChrétienSeptember 17, 2012ResignationYesNo
  Nancy Greene Raine ConservativeBritish Columbia (Sun Peaks)January 2, 2009HarperMay 11, 2018RetirementYesYes
  Pierrette Ringuette LiberalNew BrunswickDecember 12, 2002ChrétienIncumbentYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Michel Rivard ConservativeQuebec (The Laurentides)January 2, 2009HarperAugust 7, 2016RetirementYesYes
  Jean-Claude Rivest IndependentQuebec (Stadacona)March 11, 1993MulroneyJanuary 31, 2015ResignationYesNo
  Fernand Robichaud LiberalNew Brunswick (Saint Louis de Kent)September 23, 1997ChrétienDecember 2, 2014RetirementYesNo
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Bill Rompkey LiberalNewfoundland and Labrador (North West River)September 22, 1995ChrétienMay 13, 2011RetirementYesNo
  Bob Runciman ConservativeOntarioJanuary 29, 2010HarperAugust 10, 2017RetirementYesYes
  Judith Seidman ConservativeQuébec (De la Durantaye)August 27, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Hugh Segal ConservativeOntario (Kingston)August 2, 2005MartinJune 15, 2014ResignationYesNo
  Asha Seth ConservativeOntarioJanuary 6, 2012HarperDecember 15, 2014RetirementNoNo
  Nick Sibbeston LiberalNorthwest TerritoriesSeptember 2, 1999ChrétienNovember 21, 2017ResignationYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  David P. Smith LiberalOntario (Cobourg)June 25, 2002ChrétienMay 16, 2016RetirementYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  Larry Smith ConservativeQuebec (Saurel)May 25, 2011HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Gerry St. Germain ConservativeBritish Columbia (Langley-Pemberton-Whistler)June 23, 1993MulroneyNovember 6, 2012RetirementYesNo
  Carolyn Stewart Olsen ConservativeNew BrunswickAugust 27, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Terry Stratton ConservativeManitoba (Red River)March 25, 1993MulroneyMarch 16, 2013RetirementYesNo
  Scott Tannas ConservativeAlbertaMarch 25, 2013HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Claudette Tardif LiberalAlberta (Edmonton)March 24, 2005MartinFebruary 2, 2018ResignationYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  David Tkachuk ConservativeSaskatchewanJune 8, 1993MulroneyIncumbentYesYes
  Betty Unger ConservativeAlbertaJanuary 6, 2012HarperAugust 21, 2018RetirementNoYes
  Josée Verner ConservativeQuebec (Montarville)June 13, 2011HarperIncumbentNoYes
  John D. Wallace ConservativeNew Brunswick (Rothesay)January 2, 2009HarperFebruary 1, 2017ResignationYesYes
  Pamela Wallin ConservativeSaskatchewan (Kuroki Beach)January 2, 2009HarperIncumbentYesYes
  Charlie Watt LiberalQuebec (Inkerman)January 16, 1984TrudeauMarch 16, 2018ResignationYesYes
 Liberal (Senate caucus)
  David Wells ConservativeNewfoundland and LabradorJanuary 25, 2013HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Vernon White ConservativeOntarioFebruary 20, 2012HarperIncumbentNoYes
  Rod Zimmer LiberalManitoba (Winnipeg)August 2, 2005MartinAugust 2, 2013ResignationYesNo

Resignations, retirements, deaths, and floor crossing

Left Senate during the 41st Parliament

DateNamePartyProvince (Division) Details
 May 13, 2011 William Rompkey LiberalNewfoundland and LabradorReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 September 7, 2011 Lucie Pépin LiberalQuebec (Shawinigan)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 September 21, 2011 Vim Kochhar ConservativeOntarioReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 September 26, 2011 Lowell Murray Progressive ConservativeOntario (Pakenham)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 October 17, 2011 Sharon Carstairs LiberalManitobaResigned
 December 2, 2011 Francis Fox LiberalQuebec (Victoria)Resigned
 December 17, 2011 Tommy Banks Liberal Alberta (Edmonton)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 February 6, 2012 Michael Meighen ConservativeOntarioResigned
 February 9, 2012 Fred Dickson ConservativeNova ScotiaDeath
 June 18, 2012 Rose-Marie Losier-Cool LiberalNew Brunswick (Tracadie)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 June 30, 2012 Consiglio Di Nino ConservativeOntarioResigned
 July 21, 2012 W. David Angus Conservative Quebec (Alma)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 September 17, 2012 Vivienne Poy LiberalOntario (Toronto)Resigned
 September 23, 2012 Ethel Cochrane ConservativeNewfoundland and LabradorReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 October 19, 2012 Robert Peterson LiberalSaskatchewan (Regina)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 November 6, 2012 Gerry St. Germain ConservativeBritish Columbia (Langley-Pemberton-Whistler)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 January 10, 2013 Frank Mahovlich LiberalOntarioReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 January 18, 2013 Joyce Fairbairn LiberalAlberta (Lethbridge)Resigned
 March 16, 2013 Terry Stratton ConservativeManitoba (Red River)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 March 22, 2013 Bert Brown ConservativeAlbertaReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 May 11, 2013 Doug Finley ConservativeOntarioDeath
 August 2, 2013 Pierre de Bané LiberalQuebecReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 August 2, 2013 Rod Zimmer LiberalManitobaResigned due to health issues [3]
 August 26, 2013 Mac Harb IndependentOntarioResigned due to expense scandal. [4]
 November 16, 2013 Donald Oliver ConservativeNova Scotia (South Shore)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 November 30, 2013 Gerald J. Comeau ConservativeNova ScotiaResigned [5]
 November 30, 2013 David Braley ConservativeOntarioResigned [6]
 June 15, 2014 Hugh Segal ConservativeOntarioResigned
 June 17, 2014 Romeo Dallaire LiberalQuebec (Gulf)Resigned
 July 17, 2014 Andrée Champagne ConservativeQuebec (Grandville)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 July 25, 2014 Catherine Callbeck LiberalPrince Edward IslandReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 August 10, 2014 JoAnne Buth ConservativeManitobaResigned [7]
 November 27, 2014 Noël Kinsella ConservativeNew Brunswick (Fredericton-York-Sunbury)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 December 2, 2014 Fernand Robichaud LiberalNew Brunswick (Saint Louis de Kent)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 December 15, 2014 Asha Seth ConservativeOntarioReached mandatory retirement age of 75
 January 31, 2015 Jean-Claude Rivest IndependentQuebec (Stadacona)Resignation
 April 17, 2015 Marie-P. Charette-Poulin Liberal (Senate caucus)OntarioResignation due to illness
 April 23, 2015 Pierre Claude Nolin ConservativeQuebec (De Salaberry)Death
 June 20, 2015 Suzanne Fortin-Duplessis ConservativeQuebec (Rougemont)Reached mandatory retirement age of 75
 July 4, 2015 Marjory LeBreton ConservativeOntarioReached mandatory retirement age of 75

Changes in party affiliation during the 41st Parliament

DateNameParty (subsequent)Party (previous)Details
 February 7, 2013 Patrick Brazeau IndependentConservativeConservative whip withdrawn
 February 11, 2013 Elaine McCoy Independent Progressive ConservativeProgressive Conservative [8]
 May 9, 2013 Mac Harb IndependentLiberalResigned Liberal whip
 May 16, 2013 Mike Duffy IndependentConservativeResigned Conservative whip [9]
 May 17, 2013 Pamela Wallin IndependentConservativeResigned Conservative whip [10]
 November 21, 2013 Colin Kenny IndependentLiberalWithdrew from Liberal caucus after sexual harassment complaint. [11] [12]
 January 29, 2014All 32 Liberal senatorsLiberal (Senate caucus)LiberalAll Liberal senators are removed from parliament caucus. [13]
 June 30, 2014 Colin Kenny Liberal (Senate caucus)IndependentInvited back into Liberal caucus. [12]
 June 15, 2015 Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu IndependentConservativeResigned from caucus due to RCMP investigation into his expenses. [14]
 June 17, 2015 Don Meredith IndependentConservativeConservative whip withdrawn

Party standings since the election

The party standings have changed as follows since the election of the 41st Parliament on May 2, 2011:

May 2, 2011 – May 9, 2013
Number of members
per party by date
May 2May 13May 25Jun 13Sep 7Sep 21Sep 26Oct 17Dec 2Dec 17Jan 6Jan 17Feb 6Feb 9Feb 20Jun 18Jun 30Jul 21Sep 6Sep 17Sep 23Oct 19Nov 6Jan 10Jan 18Jan 25Feb 7Feb 11Mar 16Mar 22Mar 25
Conservative 52545554596059585958576261606564636263
Liberal 4645444342414039383736
Independent 23
Senate Progressive Conservative Caucus210
 Independent Progressive Conservative01
 Total members102101103104103102101100999810310410310210310210110010510410310210110099104103102103
 Government majority235676789101516151415161514192019201920212624232223
May 9, 2013 – present
Number of members
per party by date
May 9May 11May 16May 17Aug 2Aug 26Nov 16Nov 21Nov 30Jan 29Jun 15Jun 17Jun 30Jul 17Jul 25Aug 10Nov 27Dec 2Dec 15Jan 31Apr 17Apr 23Jun 15Jun 17Jun 20Jul 4
Conservative 63626160595756555453525150494847
Liberal 3533320
Senate Liberal Caucus 0323132313029
Independent 456565456
 Independent Progressive Conservative1
 Total members10310210099989695949392919089888786858483
 Government majority2322201820212018171817181716171617181615131211

See also

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  1. "Senators members of the Ministry". Parliament of Canada. Retrieved May 24, 2011.
  2. "Senators: 41st Parliament of Canada". Parliament of Canada. Retrieved May 13, 2011.
  3. Canadian Press (August 6, 2013). "Liberal Rod Zimmer resigns from Senate for health reasons". The Star. Toronto. Retrieved August 6, 2013.
  4. "Mac Harb resigns from Senate, repays eight years' worth of expenses". CTV News. August 26, 2013. Retrieved August 26, 2013.
  5. "Gerald Comeau announces early retirement from Senate". CBC News. November 20, 2013. Retrieved December 4, 2013.
  6. "Hamilton senator David Braley resigns". CBC News. December 3, 2013. Retrieved December 4, 2013.
  7. "JoAnne Buth leaves Senate to return to her "roots" in agriculture". The Canadian Press. Retrieved November 1, 2014.
  8. "McCoy, The Hon. Elaine". Parliament of Canada. Retrieved January 29, 2014.
  9. "Senator Mike Duffy quits Tory caucus". CBC News. CBC/Radio-Canada. May 16, 2013. Retrieved April 15, 2015.
  10. "Senator Pamela Wallin leaves Conservative caucus". CBC News. CBC/Radio-Canada. May 17, 2013. Retrieved April 15, 2015.
  11. "Senator Colin Kenny resigns from Liberal caucus over investigation into sexual harassment allegations". National Post. November 21, 2013. Retrieved November 23, 2013.
  12. 1 2 "Kenny, The Hon. Colin". Parliament of Canada. Retrieved November 1, 2014.
  13. "Justin Trudeau removes senators from Liberal caucus". CBC. January 29, 2014. Retrieved January 29, 2014.
  14. "uebec senator says he's leaving Conservative caucus". Toronto Star. June 4, 2015. Retrieved June 4, 2015.