List of symphonies with names

Last updated

While most symphonies have a number, many symphonies are known by their (nick)name.


This article lists symphonies that are numbered and have an additional nickname, and symphonies that are primarily known by their name and/or key. Also various compositions that contain "symphony" or "sinfonia" in their name are included, whether or not strictly speaking they adhere to the format of a classical symphony.

Sinfonia concertante is a different genre, and works of that genre are not included here, unless for those named works that are usually known as a symphony.

ComposerNo.KeyOriginal nameTranslationDateAdditional information
Selman Ada 1Turkish2004
Fritz Adam 2Symphonie vosgienneVosges symphonySee Vosges
Kalevi Aho 7Insect Symphony1988
12Luosto2002–03See: Luosto
13Symphonic Characterizations2003
17Sinfonisia freskojaSymphonic Frescoes2017
Necil Kazım Akses 4Sinfonia Romanesca Fantasia1982–84
5Thus spoke Atatürk; Sinfonia RhetoricaRhetoric Symphony1988
6Ölümsüz KahramanlarImmortal Heroes1992
Yasushi Akutagawa Trinita SinfonicaSymphonic Trinity1948
1Prima SinfoniaFirst Symphony1954, revised 1955
Twin Stars1957For Children's choir, text made by Kenji Miyazawa, and for youth symphony
Ellora Symphony 1958
Hugo Alfvén 4C minor Från havsbandet From the Outskirts of the Archipelago1919
Charles-Valentin Alkan C minor–E-flat minorSymphonie pour piano seul Symphony for solo piano 1857Numbers 4–7 of Douze Études dans tous les tons mineurs, Op. 39, for solo piano
Zoltan Almashi Symphony of Dialogues
Flor Alpaerts 1LentesymfonieSlow Symphony1906
Louis Andriessen Symfonie voor losse snaren Symphony for Open Strings1978
Edmund Angerer G major Toy Symphony Cassation for toys, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings and continuo
George Antheil 1Zingaresca1920–22, revised 1923
3American1936–39, revised 1946
6After Delacroix1947–48
Blaž Arnič 1Te Deum1932
5Vojne vihreWar Whirlwinds1941Also called Partikularna
7Simfonija delaLabour Symphony1948
8Na domači grudiOn Native Land1951
9Vojna in mirWar and Peace1960
Malcolm Arnold Toy Symphony1957See Toy Symphony (section "Other Toy Symphonies") for more information.
Florencio Asenjo 2Maximalist1978
6Passion and Apotheosis2004In 2 movements
1. Passion 2. Apotehosis
Kurt Atterberg 3D majorVästkustbilderWest-Coast Images1914-16Inspired by the coast village of Lysekil, located in the west coast of Sweden
4G minorSinfonia piccolaLittle Symphony1918Based on themes of Swedish folk music
5D minorSinfonia funebreFuneral Symphony1917-22
6C majorDollar symphony1927-28Popularly nicknamed for winning the 1928 International Columbia Graphophone Competition.
7A minorSinfonia RomanticaRomantic Symphony1941-42Based on themes from his 1932 opera "Fanal".
9B flat minorSinfonia visionariaVisionary Symphony1955-56
Lera Auerbach 1 Chimera 2006The final two movements form a symphonic poem called Icarus
2 Requiem for a Poet 2006For mezzo-soprano, cello, choir and orchestra
3 The Infant Minstrel and His Peculiar Menagerie 2016
Zvi Avni Desert Scenes Symphony
Henk Badings 6PsalmensymphoniePsalm Symphony1953
11Sinfonia GiocosaPlayful Symphony1964
12Symphonische KlangfigurenSymphonic Sound Figures1964
14Symphonic Triptych1968
15Conflicts and Confluences1983
Acario Cotapos Baeza El Pajaro Burlón The Mockingbird
Konstantin Batashov 2КиевскаяKyiv1982
Amy Beach 1E minor Gaelic Symphony 1894Op. 32
Gustavo Becerra-Schmidt 2De Profundis1957
Ludwig van Beethoven 3E-flat major Eroica Heroic1803–1804Op. 55. Premiered 1805
see also List of works by Beethoven#Symphonies
5C minorSchicksalssinfonie Fate Symphony 1804–1808Op. 67. Premiered 1808
6F major Pastorale Pastoral1804–1808Op. 68. Premiered 1808
Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria
Battle Symphony
Wellington's Victory, or, the Battle of Vitoria
1813Op. 91. Premiered 1813
for panharmonicon commissioned by instrument's inventor, later arranged for orchestra
9D minor Choral 1817–1824Op. 125. Premiered 1824
Victor Bendix 1C majorFjældstigningMountain Climbing1882
2D majorSommerklange fra SydruslandSummer sound from South Russia1888
Pascal Bentoiu 6CuloriColours1985Op. 28
8ImaginiImages1987Op. 30
Theodor Berger 1Chronique symphonieChronic symphony1940–53Op. 10
2Homerische SymphonieHomeric Symphony1948Was used in the 1948–49 Austrian drama film On Resonant Shores
3Sinfonia ParabolicaParabolic Symphony1956
4Symphonischer Triglyph "Drei Fenster"Triglyph Symphony "Three Windows"1957"Metamorphoses" for orchestra on motifs by Franz Schubert
5Symphonie JahreszeitenSymphony of Seasons1957
6Hydromelos1965Based on water-tone music[ clarification needed ] [1]
William Bergsma 2Voyages1976
Hector Berlioz 1 Symphonie fantastique Fantastic Symphony1830
2 Harold en Italie Harold in Italy1834
3 Roméo et Juliette Romeo and Juliet1839
4 Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale Grand Funereal and Triumphal Symphony1840
Leonard Bernstein 1 Jeremiah 1939-42
2 The Age of Anxiety 1947-49
3 Kaddish 1961-63
Franz Berwald 1 Sérieuse Serious Symphony
2 Capricieuse Capricious Symphony
3 Singulière Singular Symphony
4 Naïve
Georges Bizet 2C major Roma Rome Symphony1860-66, revised until Bizet's death
Arthur Bliss A Colour Symphony 1921-22
Karl-Birger Blomdahl 3FacetterFacets1950
Felix Blumenfeld 1C minorÀ la mémoire des chers défunts To the Dear Beloved 1906Op. 39
Manuel Palau Boix 2D majorMurcianaMurcian1943
Emmanuel Bondeville 1Symphonie lyriqueLyrical symphony1956
2Symphonie chorégraphiqueChoreographic symphony1961
Jacques Bondon 1Symphonie LatineLatin Symphony1973
Hakon Børresen 2A majorHavetThe Ocean1904
Alexander Borodin 2 Богатырская Симфония Symphony of Heroesnickname first used by Vladimir Stasov
Sergei Bortkiewicz 1D majorЗ моєї БатьківщиниFrom my homeland1945Op. 52
Derek Bourgeois 4A Wine Symphony1978
6A Cotswold Symphony1988
7The First Two Thousand Years1999
8The Mountains of Mallorca2002
13The Unlucky2003
16Songs of Mallorca2004
41Sinfonia AndaluciaAndalusian Symphony2007
42Life, the Universe and Everything2009
45What Ho! Symphony2009
46A Dorset Symphony2009
52The Halfway2009
53Sinfonia SempliceSimple Symphony2010
59Percussion Symphony2010
67The Tuneful2011
72The Ghost2012
87Four British Seasons2013
94The Predictable2014
98Organ Symphony2015
101The Sundial2015
103The Swiss Roll2015
104The Esterhazy2015
105Symphony of Classical Forms2015
111The Nelson2016
Francis Bousquet Hannibal1942
Ina Boyle 1 Glencree 1927
2 The Dream of the Rood 1930
Johannes Brahms 1 Beethoven's Tenth nickname first used by Hans von Bülow
3 suggested to be called "Heroic", name rejected by Brahms
Havergal Brian 1D minor The Gothic 1919-27
4C majorDas SiegesliedThe Song of Victory1932-33
5Wine of Summer1937
6Sinfonia TragicaTragic Symphony1947-48
22F minorSymphonia BrevisShort Symphony
23C majorSinfonia GrandisGrand Symphonyconceived, but rejected in the end by the composer
George Frederick Bristow Arcadian1872Also called "The Pioneer"
2D minorJullien1856
Benjamin Britten Simple Symphony
Sinfonia da Requiem Requiem Symphony
Spring Symphony
Cello Symphony 1963full title: Symphony for Cello and Orchestra
Op. 68. Premiered 1964
Stephen Brown The Northern Journey
Yevgeny Brusilovsky 3The Golden Steppe1944
6On a Theme of Kurmangazy1965
Anton Bruckner 00F minor 00 student work written prior to No. 1
0D minor Nullte written after No. 1 and before No. 2
2C minor Symphony of Pauses
3D minor Wagner Symphony
4E-flat major Romantic
5B-flat major Pizzicato/Tragic/Church of Faith/Fantastic the name is not used anymore
8C minor Apocalyptic the name is not used anymore
Alfredo Buenaventura 2Dakilang Lahi1974
Charles Wakefield Cadman E minorPennsylvania Symphony1939
Pierre Capdevielle 3Sinfonia da camera1952–53
Carlos Chávez 1 Sinfonía de Antígona Symphony of Antigone
2 Sinfonía india Indian Symphony
4 Sinfonía romántica Romantic Symphony
Caballos de vapor: sinfonía de baileHorse Power: Dance Symphony1926–1932
Llamadas: sinfonía proletariaCalls [to Arms]: Proletarian Symphony1934
Jeffrey Ching 2 Symphony No. 2, "The Imp of the Perverse" 1992Based on a story by Edgar Allan Poe
3 Rituals 1997–98Philippine government commission for the centennial of the country's independence. Single movement.
4明律回音 (in China) or Souvenir des Mings Echo of the Ming Pitch-pipes (in China) or Memories of the Ming [dynasty]2002
5 Kunstkammer Cabinet of curiosities2004–05See Cabinet of curiosities
Zhang Chun Shengli jiaoxiangyueVictory Symphony1956 [2]
Ján Cikker 2Spring1937
Richard Clayderman 1 Zodiacal Symphony 1988
Muzio Clementi 3 The Great National
Gloria Coates 1Music on Open Strings1972
2Illuminatio in TenebrisEnlightenment in the Dark1973/74Also called Music on Abstract Lines
4Chiaroscuro1984 revised 1989/1990
5Drei mystische GesängeThree mystical Chants1985For choir and orchestra, choir text by the composer's daughter Alexandra Coates
6Music in Microtones1985/86
8Indian Sounds1990/91
9Homage to Van Gogh1992/94
10Drones of Druids on Celtic Ruins1993
14The Americans2001/02
15Homage to Mozart2004/05
16Time Frozen1993
Edward Joseph Collins 1B minorNos habeit humus1925
Paul Constantinescu 2Simfonia PloieșteanăThe Ploieștean Symphony1961
Aaron Copland Organ Symphony Copland's Symphony No. 1 is an arrangement of this symphony without the organ
2 Short Symphony 1934
Dance Symphony arrangement of music from the ballet Grohg
Henry Cowell 2Anthropos
4Short Symphony1946
11Seven Rituals of Music1954
13 Madras 1958Madras is the former name of Chennai, where the composer studied Indian music
Frederic Cowen 3C minor Scandinavian 1880
4B-flat minor The Welsh 1884
6E major Idyllic 1897
Paul Creston 3Three Mysteries1950Sheet music available here
Dimitrie Cuclin 16 Triumful păcii Triumphs of Peace1959
20Triumful infrăţirii popolarelorTriumph in the Union of People1972
Ikuma Dan 4 1965 Kanagawa 1965
5 Suruga 1965
6 Hiroshima 1985For soprano, nohkan, shinobue, and orchestra with text being written by Edmund Blunden
7 Jashūmon Unfinished
Richard Danielpour 3 Journey without Distance
Michael Daugherty 1 Metropolis Symphony 1988-93
Félicien David Le désert The desert1844An "ode-symphonie", for more information read: here
Christoph ColombChristopher Columbus1847Also an "ode-symphonie", for the text (ode), see: here
William L. Dawson 1 Negro Folk Symphony 1934
Peter Maxwell Davies 8 Antarctic 2001Op. 215
10 Alla ricerca di Borromini Looking for Borromini2013Op. 327
Edmond Dédé 1Quasimodo Symphony1865
Yvonne Desportes 1Saint-Gingolph1958See Saint-Gingolph
3L'Éternel fémininThe Eternal Feminine1969
Bernard van Dieren 1Chinese1914
Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf Sinfonia nel gusto di cinque nazioniSymphony in the style of five nations1767
Grande symphonie: Le carnaval ou La redouteGrand Symphony: The carnival or The redoubt
A minorIl deliro delli compositori, ossia Il gusto d'oggidiThe delirium of the composers, namely The style of today
A majorNazionale nel gustoNational in taste
D majorIl combattimento delle passioni umanethe fight of human passions
1C majorDie vier WeltalterThe Four WorldsThe first symphony by Dittersdorf that is based on Ovid's Metamorphoses (Kr. 73–84; Kr. 79–84 only exist in parts)
2D majorDer Sturz PhaëtonsThe Fall of PhaetonThe second symphony by Dittersdorf that is based on Ovid's Metamorphoses
3G majorVerwandlung Actæons in einen HirschThe Metamorphosis of Acteon Into a StagThe third symphony by Dittersdorf that is based on Ovid's Metamorphoses
4F majorDie Rettung der Andromeda durch PerseusThe Rescue of Andromeda by PerseusThe fourth symphony by Dittersdorf that is based on Ovid's Metamorphoses
5D majorDie Versteinerung des Phineus und seiner FreundeThe Petrification of Phineus and his FriendThe fifth symphony by Dittersdorf that is based on Ovid's Metamorphoses
6A majorVerwandlung der lycischen Bauern in FröscheThe Transformation of the Lycian Peasants into FrogsThe sixth symphony by Dittersdorf that is based on Ovid's Metamorphoses
Felix Draeseke 3 Symphonia Tragica
4 Symphonia Comica
Franco Donatoni Souvenir1967
Anton Webern1983
Cornelis Dopper 1Diana1895, revised 1921
3Rembrandt1892, rewritten 1904dedicated to Rembrandt
5Symphonia epicaEpic Symphony1908based on Homer's Iliad
Vladimir Dovgan 4Romantic2001
Tan Dun 1 Eroica 2009A theme from Beethoven's Eroica symphony is borrowed
Antonín Dvořák 1 Zlonické zvony The Bells of Zlonice
9Z nového světa From the New World A.k.a. New World Symphony; Previously listed as No. 8
Petr Eben 1Simphonia GregorianaGregorian Symphony1954For Organ and Orchestra
Hanns Eisler Deutsche Sinfonie German Symphony
Halim El-Dabh Symphonies in Sonic Vibration: Spectrum No. 1 1957
Einar Englund 1The War Symphony1946
5Sinfonia FennicaFennec Symphony1977
6Aphorisms1984For choir and orchestra
Maurice Emmanuel 2A majorBretonneBreton1930prem. 1935
Arthur Farwell Rudolf Gott1934Written based on the music by Rudolf Gott (who might have been a friend of Arthur Farwell)
John Fernström 11Utan Mask1945
Josef Bohuslav Foerster 3D majorŽivotLife1895
4C minorVeliká nocEaster Eve1905
Wolfgang Fortner 119471947
Nils-Eric Fougstedt Trittico sinfonicoSymphonic triptych1958The first Finnish dodecaphonic orchestral work (along with Paavo Heininen's first symphony written the same year)
Bohdana Frolyak 1Orbis TerrarumThe world1998
Luca Fumagalli 1Sinfonia MarinarescaMarine SymphonyBefore 1908
Giovanni Gabrieli Sacrae SymphoniaeSacred Symphonies1597 (motets for voices and instruments)
Symphoniae Sacrae IISacred Symphonies II1615 (motets for voices and instruments)
Emmanuele Galea B-flat majorSinfonia PastoralePatorale Symphonyc. 1825Rearranged and reorchestrated by Manuel Farrugia
José Maurício Nunes Garcia 1Sinfonia FunebreFuneral Symphony1790
2Sinfonia TempestadeTempest Symphony
Remus Georgescu Simfonia TriadeTriad symphony~2005?
Robert Gerhard Leo1969A Chamber Symphony
Homenaje a PedrellHommage to Pedrell1941Homage to Carlos Pedrell, who died that year
2bMetamorphosis1967–68This was a rewrite of Gerhard's symphony 2 under a different name, this rewrite was left incomplete.
4New York1967
Edward German 2 Norwich
Friedrich Gernsheim 3C minor Mirjam 1887
Vittorio Giannini In memoriam Theodore Roosevelt1935
IBM Symphony1937Dedicated to IBM
Don Gillis 1An American Symphony
2Symphony of Faith
3A Symphony for Free Men
5In Memoriam
A Symphony for Fun
6The Pioneers
7Saga of the Prairie School
8A Dance Symphony
Louis Glass 3D major Forest Symphony 1901
5C major Sinfonia Svastika Swastika Symphony1919While the Swastika is often associated with the Nazis, at the time the symphony was written the Swastika was a common symbol of good luck, or even a religious symbol. By the time this symphony was written the Nazi Movement had not begun
6 Skjoldungeæt The Birth of Scyldings 1924
Philip Glass 1 Low 1992
4 Heroes 1996
5 Requiem, Bardo, Nirmanakaya 1999
6 Plutonian Ode 2002
7 A Toltec Symphony 2005
12 Lodger 2019
14 Liechtenstein Suite 2020
Alexander Glazunov 1E major Slavonian
7F major Pastoral
Evgeny Glebov 5To the Peace
Reinhold Glière 3 Ilya Muromets
Felix Glonti 1Romantic Symphony1974A revision of Glonti's first symphony (1961)
6Vita novaNew Life1974Based on La Vita Nuova by Dante Alighieri.
7Fiat luxLet there be light1981See Let there be light
8Symphonic Groups, Their Invariants and Representations1982
11Mundus apertusThe World is open1987
12Liturgical Symphony1989Based on David IV of Georgia
Radamés Gnattali 1-5Sinfonia PopularPopular Symphony
Radamés Gnattali, Antônio Carlos Jobim, and Billy Blanco Rio de Janeiro, a montanha, o sol, o marRio de Janeiro, mountain, sun, sea1954A popular symphony in Samba beat. [3]
Benjamin Godard Symphonie OrientaleOriental symphony
Karl Goldmark Ländliche Hochzeit Rustic Wedding Symphony literally "Rural Wedding"
Marin Goleminov 1 Children Symphony 1963
3 To Peace in the World 1970
4 Shopophonia 1978
Evgeny Golubev 7B minorHeroic1972
Henryk Górecki 2Kopernikowska Copernican 1972Op. 31
3Symfonia pieśni żałosnych Symphony of Sorrowful Songs 1976Op. 36
Ida Gotkovsky 1Symphonie de PrintempsSpring Symphony1973
2Brilliante SymphonieBrilliant Symphony1988–89
3Symphonie à la jeunesseYouth Symphony1993
Louis Moreau Gottschalk 1La Nuit des Tropiques Night of the Tropics 1859 
2À MontevideTo Montevideo1868
Morton Gould 2 Symphony on Marching Tunes 1944
4 West Point 1952
Kurt Graunke 1E majorDie Heimat(The) Homeland1969
Alexander Gretchaninov 2A majorPastoral1908
Ferde Grofé 1A Symphony in Steel1936
Ricard Lamote de Grignon Simfonia CatalanaCatalan Symphony1950
Richard John Gualtieri Symphony for John DowlandDedicated to John Dowland
Camargo Guarnieri 2Uirapuru1946
César Guerra-Peixe 2 Brasília 1960
Adalbert Gyrowetz Op. 6 n. 2E-flat majorJupiterNote that Opus 6 contains multiple symphonies, this is the 2nd in this opus.
Op. 8D majorGreat
Jacob Adolf Hägg 2E-flat majorNordic1899Op. 2
Jovdat Hajiyev 4In Memory of Lenin
5Man, the Earth, the Glory1984
Johan Halvorsen 2D minor Fatum 1924, revised 1928
Asger Hamerik 1F major Symphonie poétique Poetic Symphony1879–80Technically Hamerik's second symphony as the 1860 symphony is lost.
2C minor Symphonie tragique Tragic Symphony1882–83
3E major Symphonie lyrique Lyrical Symphony1883–84
4C major Symphonie majestueuse Majestic Symphony1884–89
5G minor Symphonie sérieuse Serious Symphony1889–91
6G major Symphonie spirituelle Spiritiual Symphony1897
7D minor Korsymfoni Choral Symphony1897, revised 1901–06For mixed choir, mezzo-soprano, and orchestra; also called Chor-Symphonie
Howard Hanson 1 Nordic
2 Romantic
4 Requiem
5 Sinfonia sacra
7 Sea
Roy Harris 1 Symphony 1933
4 Folksong
6 Gettysburg
8 San Francisco
Lou Harrison Symphony on GThe word "on" is a deliberate part of the composer's title
Emil Hartmann 5A minor Fra Riddertiden From Knights' time1887Published as Symphony No. 2 at the time
Karl Amadeus Hartmann 1 Miserae later retitled simply as 'symphonic poem'
1 Versuch eines Requiem
5 Symphonie concertante
Hamilton Harty 1An Irish Symphony1904, rev. 1914, 1924
Siegmund von Hausegger Natursymphonie Nature Symphony1911With chorus at the end based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Proömium
Hanna Havrylets 2In Memoriam1995
Joseph Haydn 6D major Le matin Morning1761see also List of symphonies by Joseph Haydn
7C major Le midi Noon1761
8G major Le soir Evening1761
22E-flat majorDer Philosoph Philosopher 1764
26D minor Lamentatione 1768
30C majorAlleluja Alleluia 1765
31D majorHornsignal Hornsignal 1765
38C major Echo
43E-flat majorMerkur Mercury 1770–1771
44E minor Trauer Mourning 1770–1771
45F-sharp minorAbschiedssinfonie Farewell 1772
47G major The Palindrome 1772
48C major Maria Theresia 1769
49F minor La Passione 1768
53D major L'Impériale 1778–1779
55E-flat majorDer Schulmeister The Schoolmaster 1774
59A major Feuer 1768
60C major Il distratto 1774
63C major La Roxelane 1779
64A major Tempora mutantur 1773
69C major Laudon
73D major La Chasse
82C majorL'Ours The Bear 1786(?)
83G minorLa Poule The Hen 1785
84E-flat major In nomine Domini 1786
85B-flat major La Reine The Queen1785(?)
92G major Oxford 1789premiered 1789
94G majorMit dem Paukenschlag The Surprise 1791premiered 1791
96D majorLe Miracle The Miracle 1791premiered 1791
100G majorMilitär Military 1794premiered 1794
101D majorDie Uhr The Clock 1794premiered 1794
103E-flat majorMit dem Paukenwirbel Drumroll 1795Premiered 1795
104D major London 1795a.k.a. Salomon. Premiered 1795
107B-flat majorSinfonie A A 1760–1761
108B-flat majorSinfonie B B 1762
Paavo Heininen 2Petite symphonie joyeuseA small joyous symphony1962
Heinrich von Herzogenberg D minorOdysseus1872
Alfred Hill 1 Maori
2 Joy of Life 1941
3 Australia
4 The pursuit of happiness
5 Carnival
6 Celtic
8 The Mind of Man
9 Melodious
10 Short symphony
11 The Four Nations 1950s
Mirrie Hill Arnhem Land1954
Paul Hindemith Mathis der Maler The painter Matthiasa reference to Matthias Grünewald
see also Mathis der Maler (opera)
Pittsburgh Symphony
Symphonia Serena 1946
Alun Hoddinott 9Vision of Eternity1992For soprano and orchestra
Heinrich Hofmann Frithjof1874
Joseph Holbrooke Les HommagesThe Homages1900, revised 1904Originally intended to be a symphonic suite, first movement is homage to Edvard Grieg, second movement to Antonín Dvořák, and the final moment to Tchiakovsky
1 Homage to E. A. Poe Homage to Edgar Allan Poe
2 Apollo and the Seaman
3E minor Ships 1925Also called "Nelson Symphony", or "Our Navy".
4B minor Homage to Schubert 1928, revised 1933, then 1943Also called "The Little One".
5E-flat minor Wild Wales
6G major Old England
7D major Al Aaraaf 1929Arrangement of Holbrooke's String Sextet ("Henry Vaughan") in D major (1902)
8B-flat Dance Symphony
9 Milton
Vagn Holmboe 3 Sinfonia rustica
4 Sinfonia sacra
8 Sinfonia boreale
Arthur Honegger 3 Symphonie Liturgique
4 Deliciae basiliensis
5 Di tre re
Gustav Holst The Cotswolds1900
Joseph Horovitz Jubilee Toy Symphony1977For the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II. See Toy Symphony (section "Other Toy Symphonies") for more information.
Izaäk Albertus Houck 2C majorDe vier leeftijdenThe Four SeasonsBefore 1890Op. 44
Alan Hovhaness 1 Exile
2 Mysterious Mountain
6 Celestial Gate
7 Nanga Parvat
8 Arjuna
9 Saint Vartan
10 Vahaken
11 All Men are Brothers
12 Choral
13 Ardent Song re-arrangement of music composed for the Martha Graham ballet Ardent Song
14 Ararat
15 Silver Pilgrimage
16 Kayagum
17 Symphony for Metal Orchestra
18 Circe re-arrangement of music composed for the 1963 Martha Graham ballet Circe
19 Vishnu
20 Three Journeys to a Holy Mountain
21 Etchmiadzin
22 City of Light
23 Ani
24 Majnun
25 Odysseus
32 The Broken Wings
46 To the Green Mountains
47 Walla Walla, Land of Many Waters
48 Vision of Andromeda
49 Christmas Symphony
50 Mount St. Helens
52 Journey to Vega
53 Star Dawn
57 Cold Mountain
58 Symphony Sacra
60 To the Appalachian Mountains
62 Oh Let Man Not Forget These Words Divine
63 Loon Lake
64 Agiochook
65 Artstakh
66 Hymn to Glacier Peak
67 Hymn to the Mountains
Mountains and Rivers Without End 1968Chamber Symphony for 10 Players
Georges Hugon 2La Genèse d'OrThe Golden Genesis
Jeno Hubay 2Háborús-szimfóniaWar-Symphony1914Revised in 1922, op. 93
Petőfi1922Based on words by Sándor Petőfi, op. 119
Bertold Hummel 2 Reverenza
3 Jeremiah
Victor Hely-Hutchinson Carol Symphony 1927Choral work, based on 5 Christmas songs
Akira Ifukube Ballet symphonique après EtenrakuSymphonic ballet after Etenraku1940Based on the melody of Etenraku
Ballata SinfonicaBallad Symphony1943
Arctic Forest1944
Sinfonia TapkaaraTapkaara Symphony1954, revised 1979
Vincent d'Indy 1 Italienne Italiannever published
3 Sinfonia brevis de bello Gallico Brief sinfonia of the war in Gaul
Symphonie sur un chant montagnard français
a.k.a. Symphonie Cévenole
Symphony on a French Mountain Air
("Cévennes Symphony")
Konstatin Ivanov 1F-sharp minorКосмическая симфонияSpace Symphony1975In memory of Yuri Gagarin
Jānis Ivanovs 4 Atlantīda Atlantic1941
6 Latgales Latgalian1949
12 Sinfonia energica 1967
13 Symphonia humana 1969
14 Sinfonia da caméra 1971
15 Sinfonia Ipsa 1972
Charles Ives 3 The Camp Meeting
New England Holidays a.k.a. Holidays Symphony
Universe Symphony
Werner Jaegerhuber 1L'île enchantéeThe Enchanted Island
James Price Johnson Harlem Symphony1932
Robert Sherlaw Johnson 1Northumbrian Symphony1999Uses the Northumbrian pipes
Miloslav Kabeláč 5B-flat minorDrammaticaDramatic1960For textless soprano and orchestra
8 Antiphonies 1970
Pierre Kaelin Symphonie des deux mondes Symphony of the Two Worldson a text by Helder Camara
Mykhalio Kalachevsky A minorUkrainskaya simfoniya(The) Ukrainian Symphony1876
Imants Kalniņš 4 Rock Symphony 1972, revised 1973, then 1998The last movement was originally in the symphony, however was cut out, it only returned back in the 1998 revision.
Giya Kancheli 2 Chants 1970
4 In memoria di Michelangelo In memory of Michelangelo1974–75
7 Epilogue 1986
Artur Kapp 4Youth Symphony1948
Eugen Kapp 1C minorPatriootilinePatriotic1942–43
2G minorEesti sümfooniaEstonian Symphony1953–54
3F majorKevadineSpring1963–64
Alemdar Karamanov 4May1956
7Lunnoe moreMoon Night1958
11–14SovershishasjaAccomplished1965–66Symphony cycle
15–16In Amorem Et VivificantemIn Love and Giving Life1974The symphonies are meant to be together
18–23BystWas1976–1980Symphony cycle [note 1]
24Adzhimushkaj1983Adzhimushkaj is a World War II battle site, and is also the name of a minor planet
Dezider Kardoš 2O rodnej zemiOn Native Health1955
Rudolf Karel 3Sinfonie DémonDemon symphony1918–20
4Symphonie renaissanceRenaissance symphony1921
5Spring symphony1938
Mieczysław Karłowicz E minor Rebirth Op. 7
Tolga Kashif The Queen Symphony based on the music of the pop group Queen
Elena Kats-Chernin Symphonia EluviumEluvium Symphony2011
Bernhard Kaun 1Romantic Symphony1969
Hugo Kaun 1D minorAn mein Vaterland. Dem Andenken meines VatersTo my fatherland. My father's memory1895The score is published by Breitkopf & Härtel since 1898.
Hershy Kay Western Symphony 1954This work is a ballet, Kay arranged some American Folk Tunes and worked with choreographer George Balanchine.
Donald Keats 2Elegiac Symphony1960–62See: Elegy
Edgar Stillman Kelley 1FGulliver1914–35
2B-flatNew England1913, rev. 1922
Robert Kelly 1AMiniature Symphony1950
3Emancipation1961For band
Aaron Jay Kernis 1Symphony in Waves1989
Hidayat Inayat Khan Message Symphony1972The composer said the symphony "message" is "Love, Harmony and Beauty"; Op. 30 [5]
Jack Frederick Kilpatrick 7The Republic of Texas1957Kilpatrick is from the Cherokee Nation
8Oklahoma1957For dancers, narrator, and orchestra
Byong-Kon Kim 2Symphony of Three Metaphors1983
3Festival Symphony1984
Oliver King 1F majorNight1880
Theron Wilford Kirk 2Saga of the Plains
Koichi Kishi E-flat minor Buddha
Dmitri Klebanov 1Бабий яр In Memoriam to the Martyrs of Babi Yar 1945Banned by the Soviet Government
8Poeme about Bread1983
Yves Klein 1Monotone-Silence Symphony1949One chord is played continuously for 20 minutes, and then silence follows for another 20 minutes.
Paul von Klenau 4Dante-SymphonieDante Symphony1913
6Nordische SymphonieNordic Symphony1940
7Die SturmsymphonieThe Storm Symphony1941
8Im Alten StilIn Old-Style1942
August Klughardt WaldlebenLife in the forest1871withdrawn
Ernst Gernot Klussmann 6 Rodope or Rhodope 1964Op. 39
Erland von Koch 2 Sinfonia dalecarlia Dalecarlian Symphony1945
4 Sinfonia Seria Serious Symphony1952–53, revised 1963
5 Lapponica 1977
6 Salvare la terra Salvage the Earth1992
Charles Koechlin Seven Stars Symphony
Lev Kolodub 2Shevchenko's images1964A Symphony-Duma
3Symphony in the style of the Ukrainian Baroque1980
5Pro memoria1990In memory of those who died in Ukrainian disasters
6C major and AC major and A. Schoenberg1999Dedicated to Arnold Schoenberg
7Metamorphoses2000, revised 2003
8Pryluky2003Written for youth orchestra. Dedicated after Pryluky
9New Feelings2004
10According to sketches of young years2005
11New Shores2007
12ZeitheistAlso called The spirit of time
Thomas Koppel Symfoni for gadens børn Symphony for children in the streets
Nikolai Korndorf 4Underground Music1996See Underground music
Meyer Kupferman Icon
Franz Lachner 5C minorPassionataPassionate1835Also known as the "Prize Symphony" for winning an 1835 competition. Heavily criticized by Robert Schumann. [6]
Ignaz Lachner Toy SymphonySee Toy Symphony (section "Other Toy Symphonies") for more information.
László Lajtha 4D major Le Printemps The Spring1951Op. 52
7 Révolution Revolution1957Also called the Autumn
Édouard Lalo Symphonie espagnole Spanish Symphonyfor violin and orchestra
Serge Lancen Manhattan SymphonieManhattan Symphony1962For wind orchestra
Symphonie de NoëlSymphony of Christmas1964For wind orchestra
Mini SymphonieMini Symphony1967For wind orchestra
Symphonie de ParisParis Symphony1975For wind orchestra
Symphonie de l'EauWater Symphony1986For wind orchestra
Symphonie IbériqueIberian Symphony1991For wind orchestra
Symphonie JoyeuseJoyous Symphony1993For wind orchestra
Zwiefache SymphonieDouble Symphony1993For wind orchestra
Marcel Landowski 1Jean de la PeurJean the Feared1949
3Des EspacesSpaces1964
5Les Lumieres de la NuitThe Lights of the Night1998
Peter Lange-Müller 1D minor Efterår AutumnOp. 17
Rued Langgaard 1KlippepastoralerCliffside Pastorals1908–09, revised 1910–11
2VårbrudAwakening of Spring1912–14, revised (as version 2) 1926–33
3UngdomsbrusThe Flush of Youth1915–16, revised 1925–33
5SteppenaturNature of the Steppe1917–18, revised 1920–1931The name only applies for the revised version
6Det HimmelrivendeThe Stormy Sky1919–20, revised 1928–30
7Ved Tordenskjold i Holmens Kirkeauthor=Tordenskjold in Holmen Church1925–26, revised 1930–32The name only applies to the revised version
8Minder ved AmalienborgMemories at Amalienborg1926–28, revised 1929–34
9Fra Dronning Dagmars ByFrom Queen Dagmar's City1942
10Hin TordenboligYon Hall of Thunder1944–45
13UndertroBelief in Wonders1946–47
14MorgenenMorning1947–48, revised 1951
15SøstormenStorm at Sea1937–49
16Syndflod af SolDeluge of the Sun1951
Sfærernes Musik Music of the Spheres 1916–18
Claude Lapham Symphonie JaponaiseJapanese Symphony1934First American symphony to include a Shakuhachi [7]
Aleksander Lasoń 3 1999 1996–97"Apokalypsis" for choir and orchestra
Dieter Lehnhoff 1 Sinfonia poetica Poetic Symphony1975
2 Sinfonia festiva Festive Symphony1990
3 Sinfonia Caribe Caribe Symphony2014Drawn from the opera "Caribe"
Jón Leifs 1SögusinfóníaSaga Symphony1941–42
Jeanne Leleu Transparences1931
Jean-Yves Daniel Lesur 1Symphonie de dansesSymphony of dances1958
2d'ombre et de lumièreshadow and light1974
Sheng Lihong 1 Ocean Symphony
Malcolm Lipkin 1Sinfonia di RomaRoman Symphony1958–65
2The Pursuit1975–79
Franz Liszt Dante Symphony full name: A symphony to Dante's Divina Commedia
Eine Faust-Symphonie Faust Symphony
George Lloyd 10November Journeys1981
Oscar Lorenzo Fernandez 2O Caçador de EsmeraldasThe Emerald Hunter1947
Aleksi Machavariani 4Youthful1983
7Gelati1989For choir and orchestra, with texts based on the stories of King David
Tod Machover Toy Symphony2002–03Uses Machover's Hyperviolin. See Toy Symphony (section "Other Toy Symphonies") for more information.
1A Toronto Symphony2013For orchestra and electronic
2A Symphony for Our Times2015Written for the closing performance of the World Economic Forum 2015 meeting.
Gustav Mahler 1D major Der Titan Titan1884-88, rev 1892Initially conceived as a symphonic poem
2C minorAuferstehung Resurrection 1888-94
6A minorTragische Tragic 1903-04
7Lied der Nacht Song of the Night 1904-05
8E-flat majorSinfonie der Tausend Symphony of a Thousand 1906Mahler disapproved of the name
Das Lied von der Erde The Song of the Earth1908a symphony in the guise of a song cycle.
see Curse of the ninth
Gyula Major 2Symphonie hongroiseHungarian Symphonypub. 1900
6Scenen aus dem WeltkriegScenes from the world war1915–16
Jan Adam Maklakiewicz 2Święty BożeThe Holy Lord1927
Irina Manukian 2Ecce Homo
3Thirty-two Variations On Descending Bass
John Marsh 10E-flat majorA Conversation Symphony1778Part of the "Salisbury Symphonies"
24E-flat majorLa ChasseThe Chase1790Symphony No. 7 of the "Chinchester Symphonies"
Jean Martinon 1 Voyages Voyage1956Unpublished
2 Hymne a la Vie Hymn to Life1944Unpublished, Op. 37
3 Irlandaise Irish1948Op. 45
4 Altitudes 1965Op.53; There are 3 versions of the symphony, the "Originaux" (Original), the Corrections, and the New coda final, all three revisions were from the same year.
Bohuslav Martinů 6Fantaisies SymphoniquesSymphonic Fantasies1951-53
Joseph Marx Eine Herbstsymphonie Autumn Symphony1921
Eine symphonische Nachtmusik Symphonic Night music1922
John McCabe Six-minute Symphony
John Blackwood McEwen 5C-sharp minor Solway 1911
Johan de Meij 1 The Lord of the Rings
2 The Big Apple – A New York Symphony
3 Planet Earth
Erkki Melartin 4 Kesäsinfonia Summer Symphony
5 Sinfonia brevis Short Symphony
7 Sinfonia gaia Joyous Symphonyunfinished
Felix Mendelssohn 2 Lobgesang Hymn of Praise
3Schottische Scottish
4Italienische Italian
5 Reformation
KindersymphonienToy Symphony3 total, 1st 1827, 2nd 1828, the 3rd is unknown.Now lost. See Toy Symphony (section Other Toy Symphonies) for more information.
Flô Menezes Sinfonias Symphonies1997–19988-channel electronic work using snippets from hundreds of symphonies in the classical repertoire
Louis Mennini 2 Da Festa The Festive1963
Gian Carlo Menotti 1Halcyon1976
Aarre Merikanto 2 War 1918
Olivier Messiaen Turangalîla-Symphonie Turangalîla Symphony1946–1948Premiered 1949. Revised 1990.
Krzysztof Meyer 2 Epitaphium Stanisław Wiechowicz Epitaph for Stanisław Wiechowicz1967Dedicated to Stanisław Wiechowicz
3 Symphonie d'Orphée Symphony of Orpheus1986
D majorin Mozartean style1976–77
6 Polish 1982
7 Sinfonia del tempo che passa Symphony of passing time2002–2003
8 Sinfonia da requiem Requiem Symphony2009
9 Fidae speique Faithful and Hopeful2016
Francisco Mignone Sinfonia do Trabalho Labour Symphony1939
Sinfonia tropical Tropical Symphony1958
Sinfonia transamazônica Transamazonic Symphony1972
Darius Milhaud Le printemps Spring1917Little Symphony No. 1
Pastorale 1918Little Symphony No. 2
Sérénade Serenade1921Little Symphony No. 3
Dixtuor pour instruments à cordes Decet for string instruments1921Little Symphony No. 4
Dixtuor pour instruments à vents Decet for wind instruments1922Little Symphony No. 5
3 Te Deum 1946
8 Rhôdanienne Rhone Symphony1957
11 Romantique Romantic Symphony1960
12 La Rurale Rural Symphony1961
Pacem in terrisPeace on Earth1963Choral symphony, with text by Pope John XXIII
Symphonie pour l'univers claudélienSymphony for the Claudelian Universe1968Dedicated to Paul Claudel
Richard Mohaupt 1 Rhythm and Variations 1939–1940premiered 1942
Stephen Montague Toy Symphony1999For chamber orchestra. See Toy Symphony (section "Other Toy Symphonies") for more information.
Emánuel Moór 2 In Memoriam to Ludwig Kossuth 1894Ludwig Kossuth is most likely Lajos Kossuth; Premiered on November 1, 1894, by the London Symphony Orchestra. [8]
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart A minor Odense Symphony K. Anh 220 (16a) – spurious
G major Old Lambach Symphony 1766(?) 45a
25G minor Little G minor see also List of compositions by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart#Symphonies
31 Paris
32 Overture in the Italian style
35 Haffner
36 Linz
38 Prague
40G minor Great G minor Also: The Fortieth (number as nickname)
41 Jupiter
Gottfried Müller Symphony "Dürer"Dedicated to Albrecht Dürer
Karl-Franz Muller 1Symphony des MachinesSymphony of the Machines1959
2Arcadian Symphony1970–72
3Altische SymphonieOld Symphony
4Sardinian Symphony
5Sarda Symphony
6–9 Sinfonia Breve Short Symphony1960sHe wrote 3 of these symphonies. The 2nd was written in 1963.
10Sinfonia imitandaImitative Symphony1957
11–15Sinfonia MazedoniaMacedonian Symphony1963–87He wrote 4 of these symphonies
16–17Preclassical SymphonyHe wrote 2 of these symphonies
19Thelassian Symphony
Askold Murov ТобольскаяTobolsk1971
Nikolai Myaskovsky 6E-flat minorРеволюционнаяRevolutionary1921-23Popularly nicknamed due to its use of the French revolutionary songs Ah! ça ira and Carmagnole, more used in the West than in Russia.
12G minorКолхознаяCollective Farm1931-32Conceived as a programmatic symphony, the composer later disowned the title, which is still being widely used.
16F majorАвиационная Aviation 1933-34Inspired by the crash of the plane Tupolev ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky". The finale also quotes a song written by Myaskovsky: "The Aeroplanes are Flying".
21F-sharp minorСимфония-ФантазияSymphony-Fantasy1940
22B minorСимфония-баллада Symphony-Ballad 1941Conceived as a programmatic symphony with a further subtitle: "On the Great Patriotic War". All of these were removed before publication in 1944.
23A minorCимфония-сюитаSymphony-Suite1941Also known as "Symphony-Suite on Kabardanian Folk Themes"
Richard Nanes 1B-flat majorAtlantis – The Sunken City
2B majorThe False Benediction
3The Holocaust
4The Eternal Conflict
Sulkhan Nassidse 4Colchian1975
Carl Nielsen 2De fire Temperamenter The Four Temperaments
3 Sinfonia Espansiva Expansive Symphony
4Det Uudslukkelige The Inextinguishable
6 Sinfonia Semplice Simple Symphony
Kai Nieminen 1La SelvaThe Jungleprem. 2013Commissioned by the Sinfonia Finlandia Jyväskylä
2Nello specchio della notteIn the mirror of the nightprem. 2015
Serge Nigg 1Jérôme BoschHieronymus Bosch1960See: Hieronymus Bosch
Per Nørgård 1Sinfonia austeraAustere Symphony1953–55
4Indischer Roosen-Gaarten und Chinesischer HexenseeIndian Rose Garden and Chinese Witch's Lake1981
6Når alt kommer til altAt the End of the Day1999
Ib Nørholm 2Isola Bella
3Day's Nightmare1973
5The Elements
7Ecliptic Instincts
8Faith and Longing
9The Sun Garden in Three Shades of Light
13Contrappunto con AmoreCounterpoint with Love2013
Zygmunt Noskowski 2C minor Elegiac 1875–79
3F major From Spring to Spring 1903
Feliks Nowowiejski 3Bialowieska1940
Gösta Nystroem 1Sinfonia breveShort Symphony1929–31
2Sinfonia EspressivaExpressive Symphony1932–35 revised 1937
3Sinfonia del MareSymphony of the Sea1946–48After Ebba Lindqvist
4Sinfonia ShakespearianaShakespearian Symphony1952Dedicated to William Shakespeare, (see -ana#In music)
5Sinfonia SeriaSerious Symphony1962–63
Sinfonia di LotanoSymphony from Distance1963
6Sinfonia Tramontana1965
Hisato Ohzawa 3D major『建国の交響楽』Symphony of the Founding of Japan1937Written for the 2600th anniversary on the founding of Japan
Hisatada Otaka 1 Society for the Construction of the Bell Tower of Peace 1948–1949The symphony is either incomplete or partially lost
Ignacy Jan Paderewski 1B minor Polonia 1903–08
John Knowles Paine 2A major Im Frühling In Spring1879
Andrzej Panufnik 1 Sinfonia rustica
2 Sinfonia elegiaca Elegiac Symphony
3 Sinfonia sacra Sacred Symphony
4 Sinfonia concertante Concertant Symphony
5 Sinfonia di sfere Symphony of the Spheres
6 Sinfonia mistica Mystic Symphony
7 Metasinfonia Metasymphony
8 Sinfonia votiva Votive Symphony
9 Sinfonia di speranza Symphony of Hope
Paul Paray Symphonie d'archetsSymphony of Bows1919Orchestration of his String Quartet in E-minor
2A minorLe Tréport1936–39See: Le Tréport
Hubert Parry 2 Cambridge
3 English
5 Symphonic fantasia
Arvo Pärt 1 Polyphonic
4 Los Angeles
Alla Pavlova 1Farewell, Russia1994
2For the New Millennium1998
Georgs Pelēcis Trīspadsmitā Londonas simfonijaThirteenth London Symphony2000
Krzysztof Penderecki 2 Christmas
4 Adagio
5 Korean
6 Chinese Poems 2008–17
7 The Seven Gates of Jerusalem
8 Lieder der Vergänglichkeit Songs of Transience
Vincent Persichetti 7 Liturgical
9 Sinfonia Janiculum Symphony of the Janiculum
Wilhelm Peterson-Berger 1B-flat major Baneret The Banner1889–1903, revised 1932–1933
2E-flat major Sunnanfärd The Journey of Southerly Winds1910
3F minor Same Ätnam Lappland Symphony1913–1915
4A major Holmia Stockholm1929
5B major Solitudo Solitude1923–1933
6 Hellas Greece1935–1936Unfinished
Václav Pichl D majorMars
D majorSinfonia PastoralePastorale Symphonyc. 1800
Willem Pijper 1Pan1917
Ildebrando Pizzetti Sinfonia del FuocoSymphony of Fire1914For the silent film Cabiria
Sergei Prokofiev 1 Classical
David del Puerto 1 Boreas
2 Nusantara
3 En la melancolía de tu recuerdo, Soria In the Melancholy of your Memory, Soria
Lu Qiming Bai Qiu'enBethunesome point between 1959 and 1966 [2]
Robin de Raaff 1Tanglewood Tales2007–2015
2Two Worlds Colliding2010for saxophone quartet and orchestra
4Melodies unheard2016–2017for (mezzo) soprano and orchestra
5Allegory of Time2003–2022
Allan Rae 1In the Shadow of Atlantis1972
2Winds of Change1978
Joachim Raff 1 An das Vaterland To the Father Land
3 Im Walde In the Forest
5 Lenore
6 Gelebt, Gestrebt, Gelitten, Gestritten, Gestorben, Umworben
7 In den Alpen In the Alps
8 Frühlingsklänge Sounds of Spring
9 Im Sommer In Summer
10 Zur Herbstzeit To Autumn Time
11 Der Winter The Winter
Ture Rangström 1C-sharp minor August Strindberg in memoriam 1914Dedicated in memory of August Strindberg
2D minorMitt landMy Country1919
3D-flat majorSång under stjärnornaSinging under the stars1929
4D minorInvocatioInvocation1935
Einojuhani Rautavaara 2Sinfonia IntimaIntimate Symphony1957
5Monologue with Angels1985-86Name removed by the composer later on
6 Vincentiana 1992based on themes of his opera Vincent
7 Angel of Light 1994
8 The Journey 1999
Alan Rawsthorne 2A Pastoral Symphony1959
Gardner Read The Temptation of St. AnthonySoon after World War IIA Dance Symphony
Carl Reinecke 2C minorHåkon Jarl1874–75, rev. 1888See Haakon Sigurdsson
Kinder-SinfonieToy Symphony1897See Toy Symphony (section "Other Toy Symphonies") for more information.
Leonid Rezetdinov 2 Симфония планет Symphony of the Planets
3 Матрица Matrix
4 Босх. Сады земных наслаждений Bosch's Garden of Earthly DelightsBased on Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights
Маленькая инструментальная мессаThe Little Instrument MassA Chamber Symphony
МодернModernA Chamber Symphony
Kleine WeltenSmall WorldA Chamber Symphony
Josef Rheinberger 1D minorWallenstein1866–67
Knudåge Riisager 4Sinfonia GaiaSymphony Theme1939–40
5Sinfonia serenaSerene Symphony1949–50
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov 2 Antar
Jean Rivier 6E minorLes PrésagesThe Omens1958See Omen, unrelated to the ballet Les Présages
7F majorLes ContrastesContrasts1971
Eric Rogers Palladium Symphony
Bernhard Romberg 1C minorTrauer-SymphonieMourning Symphony1810?Dedicated in memory of Queen Louise of Prussia
4C majorSymphonie Burlesque and KindersymphonieBurlesque Symphony and Toy Symphony1836?This is Op. 62, not to be confused by Op. 53 symphony in C.
Julius Röntgen 5 Der Schnitter Tod The Grim Reaper
10 Walzersymphonie Waltz Symphony
11 Wirbelsymphonie Vortex Symphony
Bitonal Symphony
Symphonietta Humoristica Humouristic Sinfonietta
Guy Ropartz 1Sur un choral BretonOn a Breton Song1894–95
John Luke Rose 1The Mystic1973
Hilding Rosenberg 3De fyra livsåldrarnaThe Four ages of Man1939, rev. 1943 and 1949Third movement added in the 1949 revision
4Johannes uppenbarelseRevelation of Johannes1940For choir and orchestra, text based on the Bible by Hjalmar Gullberg
5ÖrtagårdsmästarenThe Master of the Herb Garden1944
6Sinfonia SimpliceSimple Symphony1951
8In candidum1974For choir and orchestra with text by Vilhelm Ekelund
Antonio Rosetti D majorSymphony de chasse1786
Sinfonia di Caccia1786
Nobert Rosseau 2Sinfonia liturgicaLiturgical Symphony1961For Orchestra and Choir. [9]
Anton Rubinstein 2 Ocean
4 Dramatic
Edmund Rubbra 8 Hommage à Teilhard de Chardin
9 Resurrection a.k.a. Sinfonia Sacra
10 da Camera Chamber Symphony
11 à Colette
Johann Rufinatscha 1D major Mein erstes Studium 1834
Camille Saint-Saëns F majorUrbs RomaCity of Rome1856
3C minorAvec Orgue With Organ 1886
Luis H. Salgado 1G minor Andina 1949Revised in 1972 with the name Sinfonía de Ritmos Vernaculares (Symphony of Vernacular Rhythms)
2D minor Sintética N. 1 Synthetic N. 11953In one movement
3D major Sobre un Tema Rococó: A-D-H-G-E On a Rococo Theme: A-D-H-G-E1955
4D major Ecuatoriana Ecuadorian1957
5 Neo-Romántica Neo-Romantic1958
D major Sintética N. 2 Synthetic 21977In one movement
Aulis Sallinen 2Symphonic Dialogue(All his symphonies listed here)
5Washington Mosaics
6From a New Zealand Diary
7The Dreams of Gandalf
8Autumnal Fragments
Robert Levine Sanders 1GLittle Symphony1936–37In 1938, won the New York Philharmonic Symphony Society award. The 1943 symphony in B-flat major is for concert band.
Cláudio Santoro 4 Sinfonia da Paz Symphony of Peace1953
7 Brasília 1960
10 Amazonas 1982
Joly Braga Santos 5Virtus LusitaniaeVirtue of Portugal1966
Fazıl Say 1 Istanbul Symphony 2009
2 Mesopotamia 2011
3 Universe 2012
Pierre Schaeffer and
Pierre Henry
Symphonie pour un homme seul Symphony for One Man Alone1949–1950multi-movement musique concrète composition, premiered 1950
several revisions including a 1966 one by Henry
Philipp Scharwenka 1HerbstfeierFall Celebration
Josef Schelb Sinfonia ApocalipticaApocalyptic Symphony
Hans Bronsart von Schellendorff 1In die AlpenIn the AlpsFor choir and orchestra, lost
2SchicksalsgewaltenForces of FateLost
Martin Scherber 1–3D minor, B minor, F minor Metamorphosis-Symphonies 1938, 1951–52, 1954–55This is the name given by the composer to his 3 symphonies
Christopher Schlegel 1C majorOdyssey
2E minorViking
3F majorVirtues of a Man1999?
4F majorAmerica
5G-sharp minorAthena
Gaetono Maria Schiassi Christmas Symphony
Heather Schmidt 1 Manufactured Landscapes 2005
Florent Schmitt 3Janiana1941
Franz Schubert 4C minorTragische Tragic 1816D 417
See also List of compositions by Schubert#Symphonies
6C majorKleine Sinfonie C-Dur Little C major 1817–18D 589
8B minorUnvollendete Unfinished 1822D 759. Occasionally listed as No. 7
9C majorGroße Sinfonie C-Dur Great C major 1825–1828D 944. Also listed as No. 7 or No. 8
Identified as the elusive Gmunden-Gasteiner Sinfonie (Gastein Symphony)
10D major The Last 1828D 936a. Reconstruction based on sketches
Erwin Schulhoff Symphonia GermanicaGermanic Symphony1919A satirical symphony
6SvobodyFreedom1940For chorus and orchestra
Georg Schumann 1B minorPreis-SymphoniePrize Symphony1887
Robert Schumann 1Frühling Spring
3Rheinische Rhenish
Daniel Bruno Schvetz 4 Sinfonía Apocalíptica Apocalyptic Symphony2006Dedicated to Edoardo Sanguineti for his Abecedario Apocalíptico
Alexander Scriabin 3C minorLe Divin Poème The Divine Poem 1902-04
4Le Poème de l'extase The Poem of Ecstasy 1905-07Despite being considered a symphonic poem, the composer referred to it as his fourth symphony
5Prométhée: Le Poème du Feu Prometheus: The Poem of Fire 1908-10Also referred to by the composer as his fifth symphony
Antonio Scontrino Sinfonia marinescaMarine Symphony
Sinfonia romanticaRomantic Symphony
Giovanni Sgambati Sinfonia festivaFestive Symphony1878This is not a numbered symphony. It is also called "Ouverture d'fete".
Epitalamio sinfonicoSymphonic epithalamium1887The Naxos recording calls it "Sinfonia epitalamio" (Nuptial Symphony). Not a numbered symphony.
Ding Shande ChangzengLong Marchsome point between 1959 and 1966 [2]
Harold Shapero Symphony for Classical Orchestra 1947
Michael Jeffrey Shapiro 1 Pomes Penyeach
Rodion Shchedrin 225 прелюдий25 Preludes1965
3Лица русских сказокScenes of Russian Fairy Tales2000
Vladimir Shcherbachov 2 Blok 1925For choir and orchestra, choir text based on works by Alexander Blok. [10] Also spelled as Blokovskaya.
4 Ижорская Izhora1932–1934 (1935?)Also spelled as Izhorskaya, or "History of the Izhorsky Factory". [11]
5 Русская Russian1948, revised 1950Also spelled Russkaya, or "The Russian".
Minao Shibata 2ゆく河の流れは絶えずしてThe neverending flow of the river1975For chorus and orchestra
Dmitri Shostakovich 2B major To October
3E-flat major The First of May
7C major Leningrad
11G minor The Year 1905
12D minor The Year 1917
13B-flat minor Babi Yar
Andriy Shtoharenko 1Україна мояMy Ukraine1942–43Symphony-cantata
2Пам`яті товаришаIn Memory of a Comrade1965
4Симфонічні казкиSymphony tales1973
Rudolph Simonsen 1Zion1920s
Roman Simovych 1ГуцульськаHutsul1945
2ЛемківськаLemkivska [or Lemko]1947
Ādolfs Skulte 1F minorOn Peace1954
2G-sharp minorAve Sol1959Based on words by Rainis
3C minorCosmic1963
4A majorYouth1965
7Preserve Nature!1981
Klement Slavický 4Pax hominibus in universo orbiPeace to people all over the world1985Dedicated to the United Nation's 40 year anniversary.
Sergei Slonimsky 10Cercles de l'enferThe Circles of Hell1992
Bedřich Smetana 1E majorTriumfální symfonieTriumphal Symphony1853–1854, revised 1881Dedicated to the wedding of Franz Joseph I of Austria
Robert W. Smith 1 The Divine Comedy
2The Odyssey
3 Don Quixote
Symphony of Souls
Arthur Sommervell 1D minorThalassa1912
Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji 1Tāntrik Symphony for Piano Alone1938–39for piano
2Jāmī1942–51for orchestra, chorus and baritone
5Symphonia brevis for PianoBrief Symphony for Piano1973for piano
6Symphonia claviensisSymphony for Piano1975–76for piano
Enrique Soro 1A major Sinfonía romántica Romantic SymphonyOne of the first symphonies composed in Chile [12]
Vladimír Soukup 1Youth1954
3Canto AllegroSong of Joy1964
Phillip Sparke 1A Pittsburg Symphony1990–92
2Earth, Water, Sun, Wind1999
3Colour Symphony2014
Carl Stamitz D majorSymphonie de Chasse
Charles Villiers Stanford 2 Elegiac
3 Irish
5 L'Allegro ed il Penseroso
6 In Memoriam G. F. Watts
Yevhen Stankovych 2Heroic
In memory of a poetCahmber Symphony 4
Secret DesiresChamber Symphony 5
Maxim BerezovskyChamber Symphony 10; Dedicated to Maxim Berezovsky
Bernard Stevens 1A Symphony of Liberation1945
William Grant Still 1A-flat major Afro-American 1930
2G minor Song of A New Race 1936-37
3 Sunday Symphony 1958
4 Autochthonous 1947
5 Western Hemisphere 1945, rev 1947
Richard Strauss Eine Alpensinfonie An Alpine Symphony
Symphonia Domestica Domestic Symphony
Igor Stravinsky Symphony of Psalms
Symphonies d'instruments à vent Symphonies of Wind Instruments single-movement work for wind ensemble, not actually a symphony
Josef Suk 2 Asrael Azrael
Stjepan Šulek 2 Eroica 1946
Franz Xaver Süssmayr C majorSinfonia TurchescaTurkish Symphony1790See Turkish music (style)
Lubawa Sydorenko 1Ab InitoFrom the Beginning2004Premiered in 2009; With a violin solo
Takashi Yoshimatsu 1カムイチカプ交響曲Kamui-Chikap Symphony1988–90Kamui-Chikap meaning "divine bird"
2地球にてOn Earth1990–91
6鳥と天使たちBirds and Angels2013
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 1 Winter Daydreams
2 Little Russian
3 Polish
Ма́нфред Manfred Symphony 1885Op. 58. Premiered 1886
6 Pathétique Pathetic Symphony
Jivan Gurgeni Ter-T'at'evosian 2 Sud'ba cheloveka The Fate of a Man
5 Paganini
Johannes Paul Thilman 1–3G major, F major, and D majorKleine SinfonieLittle Symphony1951, 1952, 1953
Virgil Thomson 1 Symphony on a Hymn Tune 1926–28The hymns which the symphony is based on are Jesus Loves Me and How Firm a Foundation
Ernst Toch 5Jephtha, Rhapsodic Poem
Charles Tournemire 1A majorRomantiqueRomantic1900
2B majorQuessant1908–09
3D majorMoscauMoscow1912–13
4Pages SymphoniquesSymphonic Pages1912–13
5F majorDe la montagneThe Mountain1913–14
7Les danses de la VieDances of Life1918–22
8Le triomphe de la mortTriumph of Death1920–24
Symphonie-ChoralChoral Symphony1935For organ
Symphonie sacrée Sacred SymphonyFor organ
Nguyễn Lân Tuất 1Dự cảm nội chiếnPremonition to Civil War1981
2Tổ quốc tôiMy Fatherland1984
3Tiếng hát trong tùThe Condemned one's dreams1989Also called "Singing in Prison"
4Gửi người yêu nơi xaTo a faraway lover1995
5Đời nghệ sĩArtist's life2013–Incomplete as the composer died in 2014.
Eduard Tubin 2Legendary
9Sinfonia sempliceSimple Symphony
Joaquín Turina Sinfonía sevillanaSeville Symphony1920
Sinfonía del marSymphony of the sea1945–1981Turina died in 1949, at that point the symphony was still incomplete, the symphony would only be completed in 1981 by Manuel Castillo Navarro-Aguilera
Viktor Ullmann 1Von meiner JugendFrom my YouthSome point between September 1942 and October 1944This was written while Ullmann was in the Theresienstadt concentration camp. [13]
Galina Ustvolskaya 2 True and Eternal Bliss! 1979Text based on work by Hermann of Reichenau
3 Jesus Messiah, Save Us! 1983Based on works by Hermann of Reichenau
4 Prayer 1985–87Based on work by Hermann of Reichenau
5 Amen 1989–90
Jan Van der Roost 1Sinfonia HungaricaHungarian Symphony
Ralph Vaughan Williams 1 A Sea Symphony
2 A London Symphony
3 Pastoral Symphony
7 Sinfonia antartica
Ernest Vanjura C majorUkrainian Symphony~1790The Piano form of the symphony was published, in fact being the only symphony part of Vanjura's Trois Sinfonies Nationales to be published during the composer's lifetime. From this, the orchestration was done by Mykhailo Verykivsky, however Margarita Pavlovna Prâšnikova rediscovered the original score of all 3.
E-flat majorRussian Symphony~1790Part of Vanjura's Trois Sinfonies Nationales
B-flat majorPolish Symphony~1790Part of Vanjura's Trois Sinfonies Nationales
Solon C. Verret 2?Symphonie des glaïeulsGladiolus SymphonySee Gladiolus
3?Symphonie des nuits tropicalesSymphony of Tropical Nights
Anatol Vieru 1Oda taceriiOde to Silence1967
3La un cutremurAt an Earthquake1978
7Anul soarelui calmThe Year of the Tranquil Sun1992–93
Heitor Villa-Lobos 1 O Imprevisto The Unforeseen
2 Ascenção The Ascension
3 A Guerra The War
4 A Vitória The Victory
5 A Paz The Peacelost
6 Sobre a linha das montanhas do Brasil On the Outline of the Mountains of Brasil
10 Sumé Pater Patrium: Sinfonia Amerindia Sumé, Father of Fathers: Amerindian Symphony
Antonio Vivaldi B minorSinfonia al Santo SepolcroSymphony for the Holy Sepulchersonata for 2 violins, viola & continuo, RV 169
Vladimir Vlasov Симфония "Патетическая""Pathetic" Symphony1980For coloratura soprano, women choir and orchestra
Georg Joseph Vogler C majorLa ScalaThe Stairs1799
William Wallace 1Creation Symphonyprem. 1899
Hermann Wolfgang von Waltershausen Apokalyptische SymphonieApocalyptic Symphony~1925
Leyou Wang 1XiangshengCrosstalks~2019
Robert Ward 5Canticles of America1976
7The Savannah2003
Egan Wegan 4D majorSaturn
Mieczysław Weinberg 8Flowers of Poland1964
9Everlasting Time1940–67
11Festive Symphony1969
12In Memoriam of D. Shostakovich1975–76Dedicated to Dmitri Shostakovich
15I Believe in This Earth1977
18War, there is no word more cruel1986
19The Bright May1986
21 Kaddish 1991
Karl Weigl 5Apocalyptic Symphony1945
Julius Weismann Sinfonia BrevisShort Symphony
Paul W. Whear 1 Stonehenge Symphony
Charles-Marie Widor 9C minorSymphonie GothiqueGothic Symphony1895for organ solo
10D majorSymphonie RomaneRoman Symphony1899for organ solo
C minorSinfonia sacraSacred Symphony1908for organ and orchestra
Symphonie antiqueAncient Symphony1911for soloists, chorus, organ and orchestra
Alberto Williams 2C minorLa bruja de las montañasThe witch of the mountains1910
3F majorThe Sacred Forest1911
4E-flat majorEl ataja-caminos1935
5E-flat majorEl corazón de la muñecaThe Doll's heart1936
6B majorThe Death of the Comet1937
7DEterno ReposoEternal Rest1937
8F minorThe Sphinx1938
9B-flatLos batracios (La humorística)1939
Malcolm Williamson 1 Elevamini
2 Pilgrim på Havet
3 The Icy Mirror
4 Jubilee
5 Aquerò
6 Liturgy of Homage full title: Liturgy of Homage to the Australian Broadcasting Commission in its Fiftieth Year as University to the Australian Nation
Meredith Willson 1 A Symphony of San Francisco
2 Missions of California
Thomas Wilson 4Passeleth Tapestry1988Commissioned by Renfrew District Council together with Strathclyde Regional Council to mark Paisley's 500th anniversary as a Burgh of Barony.
Jason Wright Wingate 2 Kleetüden
Friedrich Witt 6A minorTurqueTurkish
14C majorJenaer Sinfonie Jena Symphony 1793?Upon its discovery (1909) attributed to Beethoven, later more probable attribution to Witt
William Wordsworth 6ElegiacaElegiac1977Dedicated to the composer's son, Tim Wordsworth, after he was killed in a car crash in 1971. Words based on works by Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Donne, and Edna St. Vincent Millay. For baritone, mezzo-soprano, chorus, and orchestra.
8Pax HominibusPeace to Men1986
Bolesław Woytowicz 2 Warszawska Warsaw1945
Wang Xilin Symphony of Shangdang Bangzi1974
6Song of Life2004
7He Yi Zhuang Cheng2007
8Comedic Dialogue2009Chamber symphony
9China Requiem2015
Xian Xinghai 1民族解放Liberation of the Nation1941
2神圣之战The Holy War1943
Oleg Yanchenko 1ЭроикаEroica1966
2Андрей РублёвAndriy Rublev1977
3Белая ВежаBelaya Vezha1982
4Слово о полку ИгоревеThe Tales of Igor's Campaign1985
5Мемориал МикеланджелоMichelangelo Memorial1988
Boris Yarovinsky 2A minorРомантичнаRomantic
Shi Yong-Kang Dongfang de shuguangDawn in the Eastsome point between 1959 and 1966 [2]
Webster A. Young 11977 – Davis to Paris1977
5The Gold Guitar2014
Bao Yuan-kai Son of the people2004
2Sketch of War2005
3Beijing Opera2006
Wang Yunjie 1 To Construct the Motherland 1956 [2]
2Kang Ri zhanzheng The War of Resistance Against Japan some point between 1959 and 1966 [2]
Eugene Zador A children's symphony [14]
Mario Zafred 3Canto del CarsoSong of Carso1949See Carso
4In onore della resistenzaIn honor of the resistance1950
5Prati e boschi della primaveraSpring meadows and woods1952
Winfried Zillig TanzsymphonieDance Symphony
Ján Zimmer 6 Improvisata 1965Op. 51
10 Homage to Haydn 1979Op. 92; Dedicated to Franz Haydn
Niccolò Antonio Zingarelli In order: D major, E-flat major, F major, D major, G minor, C major, D major, and finally E majorSinfonia MilaneseMilanese SymphonyThis is a series of symphonies called "Sinfonia Milanese", in this series there are 8 symphonies.
C minorSinfonia FunebreFuneral Symphony1836
Bernard Zweers 3B-flat major Aan Mijn Vaderland To my Fatherland1886–90
Ellen Taaffe Zwilich 1 Three Movements for Orchestra
Sergey Zyatov 1Symphonia in PrataSymphony in the Meadows2019
Peter Mennin 4The Cycle1947-48
Allan Pettersson 12De Döda på TorgetThe Dead of the Market Square1974
José Ignacio Blesa Lull1La Balada de la TríadaThe Ballad of the TriadBased on the trilogy of novels "Memorias de Idhún" by Laura Gallego García
2El Gran MísticoThe Great MysticBased on the life of philosopher and mystic Ramon Llull
3El Compositor de TormentasThe Composer of StormsInspired by the novel "The Composer of Storms" by Andrés Pascual
Pedro Vilarroig 3FilosóficaPhilosophical1979
Guan Xia 2希望Hope1999
Jean Sibelius E minor Kullervo 1891-92The piece is a large-scale hybrid of a symphony and a symphonic poem
Elliott Carter 3Symphonia: "Sum fluxae pretium spei"Symphony: "I am the prize of flowing hope"1993-96Inspired by the poem "Bulla" (The Bubble) by Richard Crashaw
Gavriil Popov 2A minorРодинаMotherland1943Based on music from the film score She Defends the Motherland
3G minorГероическаяHeroic1939-46Also known as the "Spanish" for its use of Hispanic themes. It is partially derived from the soundtrack of the 1939 film "Spain".
4Слава ОтчизнеGlory to the Fatherland1948-49Originally conceived as a concerto for a cappella chorus based on texts by Mikhail Golodniy
5A majorПасторальнаяPastoral1956
Kosaku Yamada F majorかちどきと平和Triumph and Peace1912
舞踏交響曲『マグダラのマリア』"Choreographic Symphony "Mary Magdalene"1916-18After sketches from an unrealise ballet
交響曲『明治頌歌』Symphony "Inno Meiji"1921
長唄交響曲『鶴亀』 Nagauta Symphony "Tsurukane" 1934
Viktor Kalabis 2Sinfonia PacisSymphony of Peace1961-62
Arnold Bax Spring Fire1913Mixture of a symphony and a symphonic poem
Alan Bush 2G majorThe Nottingham Symphony1949
3The Byron Symphony1959-60
4Lascaux Symphony1982-83
Mikis Theodorakis 1Proti Simfonia1948-54
2Song of the Earth1980-82
4Of the Choral Odes1986-87
5Spring Symphony1978-84
Borys Lyatoshynsky 1B minorМир переможе війну Peace will Defeat War 1951, rev 1954Name removed in the revision by political pressures
5C majorСлов'янськаSlavonic1965-66
Zhu Jian'er 3西藏Tibet1988
7天籁、地籁、人籁Sounds of Paradise, Earth & Mankind1994
10江雪River Snow1997-98Based on the poem by Liu Zongyuan
Jesús Rueda 1LaberintoLabyrinth2000
2Acerca del LímiteAbout/On the Limit2001
6Huida a las TinieblasFlight Into Darkness2020
7Visiones NórdicasNordic Visions2021
10La Era RealThe Real/Royal Era2022
11El CaminoThe Way2023
13Memoria y DeseoMemory and Desire2024

See also

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  1. Inge Ute Brunner, Walter Szmolyan (1989) Das Porträt | österreichische Komponisten der Gegenwart in Wort und Bild p. 10 "Zu den davon inspirierten Werken mit „ Wassertöniger Musik gehört etwa die dreiteilige Komposition „ Hydromelos ""
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jingzhi Liu (20 July 2010). A Critical History of New Music in China. Chinese University Press. p. 328. ISBN   9789629969707.
  3. Peter Freeman (2019). "2". The Music of Antônio Carlos Jobim. Intellect Books Limited. ISBN   9781783209385 . Retrieved 20 November 2022.
  4. Alemdar Karamanov. "Alemdar Karamanov – List of Major Works" . Retrieved 3 April 2022.
  5. "Message Symphony, Op.30 (Khan, Hidayat Inayat)". IMSLP . Retrieved 6 January 2022.
  6. David Brodbeck (2013). Julian Horton (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to the Symphony. Cambridge University Press. p. 66. ISBN   9780521884983 . Retrieved 24 December 2022.
  7. W. Anthony Sheppard (2019). Extreme Exoticism: Japan in the American Musical Imagination. Oxford University Press. p. 289. ISBN   9780190072704.
  8. Musical News. Vol. 7. London Publishing Office – 130 Fleet Street. 1894. p. 379.
  9. Kristien Heirman (2018). "ROSSEAU Norbert (1907–1975)". MATRIX | New Music Centre |. Archived from the original on 20 March 2022. Retrieved 3 August 2022.
  10. Francis Maes (20 February 2006) [The book was originally published in Russian in 1996, it was translated by Arnold Pomerans and Erica Pomerans in 2006]. A History of Russian Music. University of California Press. p. 247. ISBN   9780520248250.
  11. Don Michael Randel (30 October 2002). The Harvard Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Harvard University Press. ISBN   9780674255722.
  12. "SORO, E.: Sinfonía romántica / Danza fantástica / 3 Aires chilenos / Andante appassionato (Chile Symphony, Domínguez)". Naxos . Retrieved 4 January 2022.
  13. Phyllis Rodriquez-Peralta (2009). "3". Philadelphia Maestros. Temple University Press. ISBN   9781592134892.
  14. Walter de Gruyte (23 October 2017). Bonner Katalog: Verzeichnis reversgebundener musikalischer Aufführungsmateriale. West Deutsches Musikarchiv. p. 523. ISBN   9783111646091 . Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  1. The symphonies have their own name, the collection of them is called Was (or Byst however that can also refer to symphony 22). Symphony 18, Lubjashchu ny (To He Who loves us); Symphony 19, Kroviju Agncheju (Blood of the Lamb); Symphony 20, Blazhennii mertvii (Blessed are the Death); Symphony 21, Grad Velij (The Great City); Symphony 22, Byst (Let it Be); Symphony 23, Az Iisus (I am Jesus) [4]