Timeline of antisemitism in the 19th century

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This timeline of antisemitism chronicles the acts of antisemitism, hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group, in the 19th century. It includes events in the history of antisemitic thought, actions taken to combat or relieve the effects of antisemitism, and events that affected the prevalence of antisemitism in later years. The history of antisemitism can be traced from ancient times to the present day.


Some authors prefer to use the terms anti-Judaism or religious antisemitism for religious sentiment against Judaism before the rise of racial antisemitism in the 19th century. For events specifically pertaining to the expulsion of Jews, see Jewish refugees.


1805, June 29
Two to five hundred Algerian Jews are massacred. [1]


The anti-Jewish riots in Copenhagen, Denmark in September 1819 Jodefejden 1819.jpg
The anti-Jewish riots in Copenhagen, Denmark in September 1819
Head of the Jewish community of Algiers David ben Joseph Coen Bakri is decapitated by the Dey Hadj Ali.
Eight Jews are burned at the stake in Algiers. [1]
Pope Pius VII reestablishes the ghetto in Rome after the defeat of Napoleon.
Turks from Algiers attack Constantine, massacre and pillage Jewish homes, and abduct 17 young Jewish girls whom they bring to their commander. [2]
A series of anti-Jewish riots in Germany that spread to several neighboring countries: Denmark, Latvia and Bohemia known as Hep-Hep riots, from the derogatory rallying cry against the Jews in Germany.


Compulsory military service for the Jews of Russia: Jewish boys under 18 years of age, known as the Cantonists , were placed in preparatory military training establishments for 25 years. In practice, Jewish children were often forcibly conscripted as young as eight or nine years old. Cantonists were encouraged and sometimes forced to baptize.
The law in Canada requiring the oath "on my faith as a Christian" was amended in 1829 to provide for Jews to not take the oath.


The Persian Jewish population of Tabriz, Iran is attacked by a mob, resulting in most of the Jewish community either being killed or fleeing. [3]
The Jews of Shiraz are forced to convert to Islam.
The prominent French-Canadian politician Louis-Joseph Papineau sponsored a law which granted full equivalent political rights to Jews in Lower Canada, twenty-seven years before anywhere else in the British Empire.
Partly because of the work of Ezekiel Hart, a law was passed that guaranteed Jews the same political rights and freedoms as Christians in Canada.
Clemens Brentano published The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich . The "Dolorous Passion" is claimed to reveal a "clear antisemitic strain throughout", [4] with Brentano writing that Emmerich believed that "Jews ... strangled Christian children and used their blood for all sorts of suspicious and diabolical practices." [5]
The 1834 looting of Safed was a month-long attack on the Jewish population of Safed by local Arab and Druze villagers. It was full of large scale looting, as well as the killing and raping of Jews and the destruction of many homes and synagogues. Before the attacks Jews made up over 50% of the population, but many of them fled to nearby cities which reduced their presence drastically.
Jewish heroine and martyr Sol Hachuel is publicly decapitated at 17 years old in Fez, Morocco. She is executed for refusing to convert to Islam.
Oppressive constitution for the Jews issued by Czar Nicholas I of Russia.
The 1838 Druze attack on Safed was a plunder of the Jewish community of Safed by the local Druze during the Druze revolt.
Forty-plus Persian Jews are killed and the entire Jewish community of Mashhad is forced to convert to Islam in the Allahdad. [6] Many of them practised Judaism in secret, which led to the Mashhadi Jews, whom today number in the thousands.


The Damascus affair: false blood libel accusations cause arrests and atrocities, culminating in the seizure of 63 Jewish children and attacks on Jewish communities throughout the Middle East.:
Mosul blood libel [7]
Karl Marx publishes his work On the Jewish Question : "What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money... Money is the jealous God of Israel, besides which no other god may exist... The god of the Jews has been secularized and has become the god of this world", "In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism." [8] [9]
Muslims accuse jews of murdering a Christian for his blood in Cairo [10]
Maronites in the lebanese village of Dayr al-Qamar raised a blood Libel, that jews were murdering Christians for their blood. [11]
Blood Libel in Ottoman Southern Syria [12]


Das Judenthum in der Musik (German for "Jewishness in Music", but normally translated Judaism in Music; spelled after its first publications, according to modern German spelling practice, as 'Judentum'), is an essay by Richard Wagner which attacks Jews in general and the composers Giacomo Meyerbeer and Felix Mendelssohn in particular. It was published under a pseudonym in the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik (NZM) of Leipzig in September 1850 and was reissued in a greatly expanded version under Wagner's name in 1869. It is regarded by some as an important landmark in the history of German antisemitism.
Blood libels in Saratov and throughout Russia. [13]
Edgardo Mortara, a six-year-old Jewish boy whom a maid had baptized during an illness, is taken from his parents in Bologna, an episode which aroused universal indignation in liberal circles.


The Jews of Hamadan are accused of mocking the Ta'zieh ceremonies for Imam Husain, several of them are fined and some have their ears and noses cut off as punishment. [14]
During the American Civil War General Grant issues General Order No. 11, ordering all Jews out of his military district, suspecting them of pro-Confederate sympathy. President Lincoln directs him to rescind the order. Polish Jews are given equal rights. Old privileges forbidding Jews to settle in some Polish cities are abolished.
A Jew in Hamadan is lynched by a Muslim mob, and many others are severely injured after being accused of insulting Muhammad. [15]
At least 500 Moroccan Jews are massacred in Marrakech and Fez.
The Jews of Barforush are forcibly converted to Islam. When they are allowed to revert to Judaism thanks to French and British ambassadors, a Muslim mob kills 18 Jews, burning two of them alive. [16] [17]
Samuel Bierfield (d. 15 August 1868) is believed to be the first Jew lynched in the United States. Bierfield and his African-American clerk, Lawrence Bowman, were apprehended in Bierfield's store in Franklin, Tennessee and fatally shot by a group of masked men believed to belong to the Ku Klux Klan, on 15 August 1868. No one was ever convicted of the crime, however. [18] [19] [20]
18 Tunisian Jews are killed in a pogrom and an Arab mob loots Jewish homes and stores, burns synagogues, on Jerba Island. [21] [22]


The 35,000 Jews living in Algeria are granted French citizenship as a result of the Crémieux Decree. This leads to a rise of antisemitism in Algeria and across the Middle East.
Speech of Pope Pius IX in regard to Jews: "of these dogs, there are too many of them at present in Rome, and we hear them howling in the streets, and they are disturbing us in all places."
The Southern Baptist Convention passed a "Resolution On Anti-Semitism" stating, "RESOLVED, That we do gratefully remember this day our unspeakable indebtedness to the seed of Abraham, and devoutly recognize their peculiar claims upon the sympathies and prayers of all Gentile Christians, and we hereby record our earnest desire to partake in the glorious work of hastening the day when the superscription of the Cross shall be the confession of all Israel 'Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews'." [23]
Twenty Jews are killed by a Muslim mob in Demnat, Morocco.
Adolf Stoecker, German antisemitic preacher and politician, founds the Christian Social Party , which marks the beginning of the political antisemitic movement in Germany.
Nine Jews in Kutaisi are accused of ritual murder, and eventually are tried and found not guilty. [24]
Heinrich von Treitschke, German historian and politician, justifies the antisemitic campaigns in Germany, bringing antisemitism into learned circles.
Wilhelm Marr coins the term Anti-Semitism to distinguish himself from religious Anti-Judaism .


Massacre of jews in Larache [25]
Pogrom against the Jews in Tlemcen, Algeria. [26]
The German Reichstag receives and rejects a petition with more than 250,000 signatures, and supported by the Kaiser's personal chaplain, Adolf Stoecker, calling for the removal of Jews from public life. [27]
Georg Ritter von Schönerer, a pan-German Austrian leader and antisemite styles himself as "Führer" and he and his followers use the greeting "Heil!" [28]
Pogroms sweep southern Russia, propelling mass Jewish emigration from the Pale of Settlement: about 2 million Russian Jews emigrated in period 1880–1924, many of them to the United States (until the National Origins Quota of 1924 and Immigration Act of 1924 largely halted immigration to the U.S. from Eastern Europe and Russia). The Russian word "pogrom" becomes international.
Jewish population of Algiers is attacked by a Muslim mob. [29]
The Tiszaeszlár blood libel in Hungary arouses public opinion throughout Europe.
The International Anti-Jewish Congress, led by Adolf Stoecker, convenes at Dresden, Germany; it appeals to "the Government and Peoples of Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism" to expel "the Semitic race of Jews" from Europe.
A series of "temporary laws" by Tsar Alexander III of Russia (the May Laws ), which adopted a systematic policy of discrimination, with the object of removing the Jews from their economic and public positions, in order to "cause one-third of the Jews to emigrate, one-third to accept baptism and one-third to starve" (according to a remark attributed to Konstantin Pobedonostsev)
Jews are attacked by Arabs in Petah Tikva [30] [31] [32] [33]
Russia introduces measures to limit Jews access to education, known as the quota.
Blood libel in Xanten, Germany.


5 January 1895: The treason conviction of Captain Alfred Dreyfus Degradation alfred dreyfus.jpg
5 January 1895: The treason conviction of Captain Alfred Dreyfus
Expulsion of 20,000 Jews from Moscow, Russia. The Congress of the United States eases immigration restrictions for Jews from the Russian Empire. (Webster-Campster report)
Leading Muslims in Jerusalem asked the Ottoman authorities in Constantinople to prohibit the entry of Jews arriving from Russia. [34]
Blood libels in Corfu and Zakynthos last several weeks; several Jews murdered. [35]
Mulla Abdullah issues a fatwa to kill all the Jews of Hamadan if they refuse to abide by Jewish restrictions. The local Persian Jews were later ordered to become Muslims or face death. [36]
Two Persian Jews go out to sell merchandise and end up killed with all of their property stolen. Their relatives went out to search for the bodies and when they found them, they were killed by the same villagers. Even after many attempts to plea for their lives, the governor of Savojbolagh County paid them no mind. [15]
Justinas Bonaventure Pranaitis writes The Talmud Unmasked an antisemitic and misleading inaccurate anti-Talmudic work.
Karl Lueger establishes antisemitic Christian Social Party and becomes the Mayor of Vienna in 1897.
The Dreyfus affair in France. In 1898 Émile Zola publishes open letter J'accuse!
A. C. Cuza organizes the Alliance Anti-semitique Universelle in Bucharest, Romania.
Captain Alfred Dreyfus being dishonorably discharged in France.
Synagogues and Jewish homes are pillaged in Oran. [37]
Synagogues are ransacked and Jews are murdered in Tripolitania. [38]
Violent anti-Jewish riots erupt in Algiers. [37]
Houston Stewart Chamberlain, racist and antisemitic author, publishes his Die Grundlagen des 19 Jahrhunderts which later became a basis of National-Socialist ideology.
Blood libel in Bohemia (the Hilsner case).

See also

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Antisemitism or Jew-hatred is hostility to, prejudice towards, or discrimination against, Jews. This sentiment is a form of racism, and a person who harbours it is called an antisemite. Primarily, antisemitic tendencies may be motivated by negative sentiment towards Jews as a people or by negative sentiment towards Jews with regard to Judaism. In the former case, usually presented as racial antisemitism, a person's hostility is driven by the belief that Jews constitute a distinct race with inherent traits or characteristics that are repulsive or inferior to the preferred traits or characteristics within that person's society. In the latter case, known as religious antisemitism, a person's hostility is driven by their religion's perception of Jews and Judaism, typically encompassing doctrines of supersession that expect or demand Jews to turn away from Judaism and submit to the religion presenting itself as Judaism's successor faith—this is a common theme within the other Abrahamic religions. The development of racial and religious antisemitism has historically been encouraged by anti-Judaism, which is distinct from antisemitism itself.

Antisemitism has increased greatly in the Arab world since the beginning of the 20th century, for several reasons: the dissolution and breakdown of the Ottoman Empire and traditional Islamic society; European influence, brought about by Western imperialism and Arab Christians; Nazi propaganda and relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world; resentment over Jewish nationalism; the rise of Arab nationalism; and the widespread proliferation of anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist conspiracy theories.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Blood libel</span> False claim that Jews killed Christians to use blood in ceremonies

Blood libel or ritual murder libel is an antisemitic canard which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christians in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals. Echoing very old myths of secret cultic practices in many prehistoric societies, the claim, as it is leveled against Jews, was rarely attested to in antiquity. According to Tertullian, it originally emerged in late antiquity as an accusation made against members of the early Christian community of the Roman Empire. Once this accusation had been dismissed, it was revived a millennium later as a Christian slander against Jews in the medieval period. The first examples of medieval blood libel emerged in England in the mid 1100s before spreading into other parts of Europe, especially France and Germany. This libel, alongside those of well poisoning and host desecration, became a major theme of the persecution of Jews in Europe from that period down to modern times.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pogrom</span> Violent attack on an ethnic or religious group, usually Jews

A pogrom is a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring or expelling an ethnic or religious group, particularly Jews. The term entered the English language from Russian to describe 19th- and 20th-century attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire. Retrospectively, similar attacks against Jews which occurred in other times and places also became known as pogroms. Sometimes the word is used to describe publicly sanctioned purgative attacks against non-Jewish groups. The characteristics of a pogrom vary widely, depending on the specific incident, at times leading to, or culminating in, massacres.

There is considerable debate about the nature of antisemitism in Islam, including Muslim attitudes towards Jews, Islamic teachings on Jews and Judaism, and the treatment of Jews in Islamic societies throughout the history of Islam. Islamic literary sources have described Jewish groups in negative terms and have also called for acceptance of them. Some of these descriptions overlap with Islamic remarks on non-Muslim religious groups in general.

The history of antisemitism, defined as hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group, goes back many centuries, being called "the longest hatred". Jerome Chanes identifies six stages in the historical development of antisemitism:

  1. Pre-Christian anti-Judaism in Ancient Greece and Rome that was primarily ethnic in nature
  2. Christian antisemitism in antiquity and the Middle Ages that was religious in nature and has extended into modern times
  3. Muslim antisemitism that was—at least in its classical form—nuanced, in that Jews were a protected class
  4. Political, social, and economic antisemitism during the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment Europe that laid the groundwork for racial antisemitism
  5. Racial antisemitism that arose in the 19th century and culminated in Nazism
  6. Contemporary antisemitism, which has been labeled by some as the new antisemitism
<span class="mw-page-title-main">Damascus affair</span> 1840 antisemitic accusation

The Damascus affair of February 1840 was the disappearance of an Italian monk and his servant, for which a large number of Jews were summarily tortured until they "confessed" to murder. As an instance of antisemitism and a blood libel, news of the case spread, across the Middle East, to Europe, and the Western world.

Religious antisemitism is aversion to or discrimination against Jews as a whole based on religious doctrines of supersession, which expect or demand the disappearance of Judaism and the conversion of Jews to other faiths. This form of antisemitism has frequently served as the basis for false claims and religious antisemitic tropes against Judaism. Sometimes, it is called theological antisemitism.

The persecution of Jews has been a major event in Jewish history prompting shifting waves of refugees and the formation of diaspora communities. As early as 605 BCE, Jews who lived in the Neo-Babylonian Empire were persecuted and deported. Antisemitism was also practiced by the governments of many different empires and the adherents of many different religions (Christianity), and it was also widespread in many different regions of the world.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Adolf Stoecker</span> German politician (1835–1909)

Adolf Stoecker was a German court chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm I, a politician, leading antisemite, and a Lutheran theologian who founded the Christian Social Party to lure members away from the Social Democratic Workers' Party.

This is a list of countries where antisemitic sentiment has been experienced.

Antisemitism in the history of the Jews in the Middle Ages became increasingly prevalent in the Late Middle Ages. Early instances of pogroms against Jews are recorded in the context of the First Crusade. Expulsions of Jews from cities and instances of blood libel became increasingly common from the 13th to the 15th century. This trend only peaked after the end of the medieval period, and it only subsided with Jewish emancipation in the late 18th and 19th centuries.

Antisemitic tropes, also known as antisemitic canards or antisemitic libels, are "sensational reports, misrepresentations or fabrications" about Jews as an ethnicity or Judaism as a religion.

This timeline of antisemitism chronicles events in the history of antisemitism, hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as members of a religious and ethnic group. It includes events in Jewish history and the history of antisemitic thought, actions which were undertaken in order to counter antisemitism or alleviate its effects, and events that affected the prevalence of antisemitism in later years. The history of antisemitism can be traced from ancient times to the present day.

Pogroms in the Russian Empire were large-scale, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting that began in the 19th century. Pogroms began to occur after Imperial Russia, which previously had very few Jews, acquired territories with large Jewish populations from the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Ottoman Empire from 1772 to 1815. These territories were designated "the Pale of Settlement" by the Imperial Russian government, within which Jews were reluctantly permitted to live. The Pale of Settlement primarily included the territories of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Bessarabia, Lithuania and Crimea. Jews were forbidden from moving to other parts of European Russia, unless they converted from Judaism or obtained a university diploma or first guild merchant status. Migration to the Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East or Central Asia was not restricted.

Antisemitism, the prejudice or discrimination against Jews, has had a long history since the ancient times. While antisemitism had already been prevalent in ancient Greece and Roman Empire, its institutionalization in European Christianity after the destruction of the ancient Jewish cultural center in Jerusalem caused two millennia of segregation, expulsions, persecutions, pogroms, genocides of Jews, which culminated in the 20th-century Holocaust in Nazi German-occupied European states, where 67% European Jews were murdered.

Martyrdom in Judaism is one of the main examples of Jews doing a kiddush Hashem, a Hebrew term which means "sanctification of the Name". An example of this is public self-sacrifice in accordance with Jewish practice and identity, with the possibility of being killed for no other reason than being Jewish. There are specific conditions in Jewish law that deal with the details of self-sacrifice, be it willing or unwilling.

Antisemitism in Turkey refers to acts of hostility against Jews in the Republic of Turkey, as well as the promotion of antisemitic views and beliefs in Turkey.

Antisemitism in Pakistan is the presence of hostility and discrimination against Jews in Pakistan based on prejudices against the Jewish people and/or the religion of Judaism. Alongside the prevalence of general stereotypes, Jews are commonly subjected to negative views, feelings and rhetoric in Pakistan, most of which overlap with and are directly related to the antisemitic views prevalent throughout the Islamic world. Widely regarded as miserly within Pakistani Muslim circles, Jews residing in Pakistan have also faced periodic intolerance by the state, which has intensified since the Islamization period of the 1980s under Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, who propelled Pakistan towards the adoption of strict and highly-conservative Islamic practices and laws. The Jewish population of Pakistan has rapidly decreased since the state's founding and separation from neighbouring India in August 1947, and as of 2019 estimates, stands at less than 200 people amidst Pakistan's total population of over 200 million, the majority of whom are Muslims.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1934 Constantine riots</span>

The 1934 Constantine riots were an incident of antisemitic violence in the Algerian city of Constantine, targeting the local Jewish population. A mob of around 300 local Algerians attacked the Jewish quarter and targeted Jewish businesses and homes over a period of several hours, with the violence spreading to nearby towns. The French colonial authorities did little to rein in the violence.


  1. 1 2 "Algiers". JVL.
  2. "Encyclopedia Judaica: Constantine, Algeria". JVL.
  3. A History of Iran: Empire of the Mind By Michael Axworthy
  4. Melissa Croteau, Apocalyptic Shakespeare: Essays of Vision and Chaos in Recent Film Adaptations, McFarland, 2009
  5. Paula Frederiksen, On the Passion of the Christ, California, 2006, p. 203
  6. Patai, Raphael (1 June 2015). Jadid al-Islam: The Jewish "New Muslims" of Meshhed. Wayne State University Press. ISBN   978-0-8143-4185-8.
  7. Kurumu, Türk Tarih (1991). Belleten (in Turkish). Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi.
  8. Karl Marx and the Jewish Question, William H. Blanchard (1984) published by the International Society of Political Psychology
  9. Johnson, Paul (2013). Intellectuals: A fascinating examination of whether intellectuals are morally fit to give advice to humanity. Hachette Book Group. ISBN   9781780227139.
  10. Israeli, Raphael (8 September 2017). Blood Libel and Its Derivatives: The Scourge of Anti-Semitism. Routledge. ISBN   978-1-351-29718-9.
  11. Curtis, Michael (18 November 2021). Antisemitism In The Contemporary World. Routledge. ISBN   978-0-429-71788-8.
  12. Kurumu, Türk Tarih (1991). Belleten (in Turkish). Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi.
  13. https://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/13198-saratof
  14. Between Foreigners and Shi‘is: Nineteenth-Century Iran and its Jewish Minority, Daniel Tsadik, page 50, Stanford University Press, 2007.
  15. 1 2 Yeroushalmi, David (2009). Jews of Iran in the Nineteenth Century . BRILL. p.  277. ISBN   9789004152885. For another similar outbreak, which occurred in Hamadan during the month of May 1863, and in the course of which a Jew in the city was lynched and several others were severely injured on charges of vilifying the Prophet Muhammad, see in the detailed letter from the Jews of Hamadan, published also in Hamagid, year 7, No. 32 (August 12, 1863), pp. 251–252.
  16. Littman (1979), p. 4.
  17. Lewis (1984), p. 168.
  18. "Midnight in Tennessee", Paul Berger, Forward.com, 12 December 2014
  19. "ISJL – Tennessee Nashville Encyclopedia" . Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  20. "Av – Orthodox Union" . Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  21. Baruch, Benzion (25 May 2022). Israel is Real: Our Answer to the Critics of Zionism. Dorrance Publishing. ISBN   978-1-63764-304-4.
  22. "Die »jüdische Nakba« (Teil 8): Die Flucht der Juden aus Algerien, Tunesien und Libyen" (in German). 16 April 2023. Retrieved 13 October 2024.
  23. "Southern Baptist Convention > Resolution On Anti-Semitism". Sbc.net. Retrieved 17 June 2017.
  24. "Georgia Virtual Jewish History Tour". JVL.
  25. Fenton, Paul B.; Littman, David G. (5 May 2016). Exile in the Maghreb: Jews under Islam, Sources and Documents, 997–1912. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN   978-1-61147-788-7.
  26. "Tlemcen". JVL.
  27. Röhl, John The Kaiser and his court : Wilhelm II and the government of Germany, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, page 198.
  28. Hamann, Brigitte (2010). Hitler's Vienna: A Portrait of the Tyrant as a Young Man. Tauris Parke Paperbacks. pp. 13, 244. ISBN   978-1-84885-277-8.
  29. "Algeria Virtual Jewish History Tour". JVL.
  30. "Petach Tikva 1886". www.geocities.ws.
  31. "March". Orthodox Union. Retrieved 19 July 2024.
  32. Dowty, Alan (1 March 2019). Arabs and Jews in Ottoman Palestine: Two Worlds Collide. Indiana University Press. ISBN   978-0-253-03866-1.
  33. Halperin, Liora (Fall 2017). "Petah Tikva, 1886: Gender, Anonymity, and the Making of Zionist Memory". Jewish Social Studies. 23 (1): 1–28. doi:10.2979/jewisocistud.23.1.01. ProQuest   1943480261.
  34. Yegar, Raphael Israeli and Moshe (6 August 2021). The Great Delusion: Zionism and the Elusive Peace. Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency. ISBN   978-1-68235-517-6.
  35. "15 Facts About the Jews of Greece". www.chabad.org. Retrieved 15 August 2024.
  36. "Encyclopedia Judaica: Hamadan, Iran".
  37. 1 2 Marçais, W. "Algeria". Jewish Encyclopedia.
  38. Gilbert, Martin. Letters to Auntie Fori: The 5,000-Year History of the Jewish People and Their Faith, HarperCollins, 2002, pp 179–82.