Tunnel number

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In mathematics, the tunnel number of a knot, as first defined by Bradd Clark, is a knot invariant, given by the minimal number of arcs (called tunnels) that must be added to the knot so that the complement becomes a handlebody. The tunnel number can equally be defined for links. The boundary of a regular neighbourhood of the union of the link and its tunnels forms a Heegaard splitting of the link exterior.


    Every link L has a tunnel number. This can be seen, for example, by adding a 'vertical' tunnel at every crossing in a diagram of L. It follows from this construction that the tunnel number of a knot is always less than or equal to its crossing number.

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    1. Boileau, Michel; Rost, Markus; Zieschang, Heiner (1 January 1988). "On Heegaard decompositions of torus knot exteriors and related Seifert fibre spaces". Mathematische Annalen. 279 (3): 553–581. doi:10.1007/BF01456287. ISSN   1432-1807.