De Quay cabinet

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De Quay cabinet
Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Cabinet of the Netherlands
Kabinet-De Quay.jpg ZetelsDeQuay.svg
The installation of the De Quay cabinet on 19 May 1959
Date formed16 May 1959 (1959-05-16)
Date dissolved24 July 1963 (1963-07-24)
4 years, 69 days in office
(Demissionary from 15 May 1963 (1963-05-15))
People and organisations
Monarch Queen Juliana
Prime Minister Jan de Quay
Deputy Prime Minister Henk Korthals
No. of ministers14
Ministers removed2
Total no. of members16
Member party Catholic People's Party
People's Party for
Freedom and Democracy

Anti-Revolutionary Party
Christian Historical Union
Status in legislature Centre-right
Majority government
Election 1959 election
Outgoing election 1963 election
Legislature terms 1959–1963
Incoming formation 1959 formation
Outgoing formation 1963 formation
Predecessor Second Beel cabinet
Successor Marijnen cabinet

The De Quay cabinet was the executive branch of the Dutch Government from 19 May 1959 until 24 July 1963. The cabinet was formed by the christian-democratic Catholic People's Party (KVP), Anti-Revolutionary Party (ARP) and Christian Historical Union (CHU) and the conservative-liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) after the election of 1959. The cabinet was a centre-right coalition and had a substantial majority in the House of Representatives with prominent Catholic politician Jan de Quay the former Queen's Commissioner of North Brabant serving as Prime Minister. Prominent Liberal politician Henk Korthals served as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Transport and Water Management and was given the portfolio of Suriname and Netherlands Antilles Affairs.


The cabinet served in the early years of the tumultuous 1960s; domestically it had to deal with the beginning of the counterculture and the discovery of the Groningen gas field and it was able to implement several major social reforms to the education system and the public sector and social security, internationally the West New Guinea dispute resulted in the disbandment of the Netherlands New Guinea territory following the Battle of Arafura Sea. The cabinet suffered several major internal conflicts including multiple cabinet resignations, but completed its entire term and was succeeded by a continuation of the coalition in the Marijnen cabinet following the election of 1963. [1]


Cabinet formation was again difficult due to the growing friction between Labour Party and the Catholic People's Party. Despite the fact that this was the first post-war cabinet with the right-wing VDD and without the socialist PvdA, it continued with the building up social security that was started after the war, made possible by the continually growing economy.


The free Saturday was introduced (for civil servants, in 1961), as well as laws for education (mammoetwet), unemployment benefit (bijstandwet) and child benefit (kinderbijslagwet). Natural gas was discovered in Slochteren, which would later turn out to be one of the biggest gas reserves in the world and a major source of income for the Netherlands in the decades to come.

On 23 December 1960 the cabinet fell over extra public housing (woningwetwoningen), but Gaius de Gaay Fortman reconciled matters and the cabinet resumed on 2 January 1961.

In August/September 1962, New Guinea was handed over to Indonesia, under supervision of the UN.

Shortly after the installation of the new government, minister of defence Ven den Bergh resigned for personal reasons (family affairs with his United States wife and children). In 1962, the new minister of defence Visser also had to resign after protests against his dismissal of a critical civil servant. In 1961 minister Van Rooy of social affairs resigned after criticism of how he dealt with the new child benefit law. His post was taken over by former state secretary Veldkamp, whose now vacant former position in turn was taken over by Gijzels.

In 1963, a proposal to install commercial television was not accepted.

President of the European Parliament Robert Schuman and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at Ministry of General Affairs on 16 June 1959. President van het Europees Parlement Robert Schumann door Minister president De , Bestanddeelnr 910-4473.jpg
President of the European Parliament Robert Schuman and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at Ministry of General Affairs on 16 June 1959.
Minister Albert Beerman, Minister Joseph Luns and Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion at Ypenburg Airport on 22 June 1960. David Ben Goerion met echtgenote arriveert op Ypenburg, Bestanddeelnr 911-3571.jpg
Minister Albert Beerman, Minister Joseph Luns and Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion at Ypenburg Airport on 22 June 1960.
President of Argentina Arturo Frondizi and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at the Dam Square in Amsterdam on 1 July 1960. President van Argentinie, Arturo Frondizi in Nederland Voor het monument op de , Bestanddeelnr 911-3853.jpg
President of Argentina Arturo Frondizi and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at the Dam Square in Amsterdam on 1 July 1960.
Prime Minister Jan de Quay and County Governor of Akershus Trygve Lie at the Norwegian embassy in The Hague on 18 October 1960. Premier De Quay ontvangt Trygve Lie , vlnr prof De Quay , Trygve Lie en Noo, Bestanddeelnr 911-6817.jpg
Prime Minister Jan de Quay and County Governor of Akershus Trygve Lie at the Norwegian embassy in The Hague on 18 October 1960.
King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen of Thailand Sirikit, Prime Minister Jan de Quay and Mayor of Amsterdam Gijs van Hall at the Dam Square in Amsterdam on 24 October 1960. Staatsbezoek Koning en Koningin van Thailand , begroeting met burgemeester Van H, Bestanddeelnr 911-6953.jpg
King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen of Thailand Sirikit, Prime Minister Jan de Quay and Mayor of Amsterdam Gijs van Hall at the Dam Square in Amsterdam on 24 October 1960.
British Field marshal Bernard Montgomery and Minister Joseph Luns at the University of Amsterdam on 9 November 1960. Veldmaarschalk Montgomery houdt lezing t.g.v. het 16e lustrum van de Koninklijke, Bestanddeelnr 911-7518.jpg
British Field marshal Bernard Montgomery and Minister Joseph Luns at the University of Amsterdam on 9 November 1960.
Minister Joseph Luns, Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at Ministry of General Affairs on 25 November 1960. Aankomst Prins Abdoel Rahman op Ypenburg, vlnr prof De Quay , Abdoel Rahman, Bestanddeelnr 911-8189.jpg
Minister Joseph Luns, Prime Minister of Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at Ministry of General Affairs on 25 November 1960.
United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and Minister Joseph Luns at the Ministry of General Affairs on 26 February 1962. De Amerikaanse minister van Justitie, Robert Kennedy begroet door minister Luns , Bestanddeelnr 913-5665.jpg
United States Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and Minister Joseph Luns at the Ministry of General Affairs on 26 February 1962.
Prime Minister of Japan Hayato Ikeda and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at Airport Schiphol on 21 November 1962. Hayato Ikeda and Jan de Quay 1962.jpg
Prime Minister of Japan Hayato Ikeda and Prime Minister Jan de Quay at Airport Schiphol on 21 November 1962.
Minister Joseph Luns and President of France Charles de Gaulle at Airport Schiphol on 16 March 1963. Actualiteiten binnenland, dhr j. luns, Bestanddeelnr 137-0057.jpg
Minister Joseph Luns and President of France Charles de Gaulle at Airport Schiphol on 16 March 1963.

Cabinet Members

Ministers Title/Ministry/Portfolio(s)Term of officeParty
Jan de Quay 1962 (1).jpg Dr.
Jan de Quay
Prime Minister General Affairs 19 May 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Henk Korthals 1962 (2).jpg Henk Korthals
Prime Minister
Transport and
Water Management
19 May 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
for Freedom and
Minister Interior Overseas Affairs 19 May 1959 –
1 September 1959
Suriname and
Antilles Affairs
1 September 1959 –
24 July 1963
Toxopeus, E.H. - SFA008007403.jpg Edzo Toxopeus
Minister Interior 19 May 1959 –
14 April 1965
People's Party
for Freedom and
Joseph Luns 1966 (1).jpg Joseph Luns
Minister Foreign Affairs 13 October 1956 –
6 July 1971
[Retained] [Continued]
People's Party
Jelle Zijlstra 1966 (cropped).jpg Dr.
Jelle Zijlstra
Minister Finance 22 December 1958 –
24 July 1963
Albert Beerman 1960 (1).jpg Albert Beerman
Minister Justice 19 May 1959 –
24 July 1963
Historical Union
Jan de Pous 1958 (1).jpg Jan de Pous
Minister Economic Affairs 19 May 1959 –
24 July 1963
Historical Union
Sidney J. van den Bergh 1968 (1).jpg Major general
Sidney J. van
den Bergh

Minister Defence 19 May 1959 –
1 August 1959
People's Party
for Freedom and
Jan de Quay 1962 (1).jpg Dr.
Jan de Quay
1 August 1959 –
4 September 1959
People's Party
Sim Visser 1961 (1).jpg Sim Visser
4 September 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
for Freedom and
Charles van Rooy 1960 (1).jpg Dr.
Charles van Rooy
Minister Social Affairs
and Health
19 May 1959 –
3 July 1961
People's Party
Victor Marijnen 1963 (1).jpg Victor Marijnen
3 July 1961 –
17 July 1961
[Ad Interim]
People's Party
Gerard Veldkamp 1964 (1).jpg Dr.
Gerard Veldkamp
17 July 1961 –
5 April 1967
People's Party
Jo Cals 1966.jpg Jo Cals
Minister Education, Arts
and Sciences
2 September 1952 –
7 November 1961
[Retained] [Note]
People's Party
Klompe, dr. Marga A. M. - SFA001011541.jpg Dr.
Marga Klompé
7 November 1961 –
4 February 1962
People's Party
Jo Cals 1966.jpg Jo Cals
4 February 1962 –
23 April 1963
People's Party
Klompe, dr. Marga A. M. - SFA001011541.jpg Dr.
Marga Klompé
23 April 1963 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Victor Marijnen 1963 (1).jpg Victor Marijnen
Minister Agriculture and
19 May 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Jan van Aartsen 1965 (2).jpg Jan van Aartsen
Minister Housing and
19 May 1959 –
24 July 1963
Klompe, dr. Marga A. M. - SFA001011541.jpg Dr.
Marga Klompé
Minister Social Work 13 October 1956 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
State Secretaries Title/Ministry/Portfolio(s)Term of officeParty
Schmelzer, Norbert - SFA005000409.jpg Norbert Schmelzer
State Secretary General Affairs Social Market

19 May 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Theo Bot (1966).jpg Theo Bot
State Secretary Interior Netherlands
New Guinea
23 November 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Hans van Houten 1950 (1).jpg Dr.
Hans van Houten
State Secretary Foreign Affairs European Union
24 August 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
for Freedom and
Berge, W.H. van den - SFA008007053.jpg Dr.
Willem Hendrik
van den Berge

State Secretary Finance Fiscal Policy
Tax and Customs
27 May 1959 –
14 April 1965
Social Democrat
Gerard Veldkamp 1964 (1).jpg Dr.
Gerard Veldkamp
State Secretary Economic Affairs Small and

• Consumer
10 October 1952 –
17 July 1961
[Retained] [App]
People's Party
Gijzels, drs. F.J.W. - SFA002019205.jpg Frans Gijzels
14 September 1961 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Michael Calmeyer 1963 (1).jpg Lieutenant general
Michael Calmeyer
State Secretary Defence Army
Air Force
19 June 1959 –
24 July 1963
Historical Union
Piet de Jong 1970.jpg Captain
Piet de Jong
Navy 25 June 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Bauke Roolvink 1968 (2).jpg Bauke Roolvink
State Secretary Social Affairs
and Health
• Social Security
• Unemployment

• Social Services
15 June 1959 –
24 July 1963
Gerard Stubenrouch 1961 (1).jpg Gerard

State Secretary Education, Arts
and Sciences

16 June 1959 –
22 April 1962
People's Party
Hendrikus Hubertus Janssen (1962).jpg Dr.
Harry Janssen
4 June 1962 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
Scholten, Mr. Y - Scholten, Ynso - Scholten, Minister Mr. Y. - SFA002005026.jpg Ynso Scholten
Youth Care
• Nature
• Recreation
16 June 1959 –
24 July 1963
Historical Union
Eddie Stijkel (1978).jpg Eddie Stijkel
State Secretary Transport and
Water Management

Rail Transport
15 October 1959 –
24 July 1963
People's Party
for Freedom and
Retained from the previous cabinet
Continued in the next cabinet
Ad Interim
Died in Office
Medical leave of absence from 7 November 1961 until 4 February 1962 and from 23 April 1963
Appointed as Minister of Social Affairs and Health


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  1. "Jan de Quay: politicus met een dubbel imago" (in Dutch). Historiek. 27 December 2014. Retrieved 21 March 2018.