List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1954

Last updated

Two hundred and forty-three Guggenheim Fellowships were awarded in 1954. [1] [2]


1954 U.S. and Canadian Fellows

CategoryField of StudyFellowNotesRef
Creative ArtsChoreography Merce Cunningham Also won in 1959 [3]
Drama and Performing Arts W. Denis Johnston [4]
Fiction Stephen Becker [5]
Julius Horwitz Also won in 1965 [5]
Virginia Eggertsen Sorensen Waugh Also won in 1946 [6] [7] [5]
Fine Arts Kenneth Callahan [8]
Naum Gabo [9]
Edward L. Haber [10]
Joseph Lasker [11]
Harold Paris Also won in 1953 [12]
Bernard Perlin Also won in 1959 [13]
Henry Rox (de) [14]
John Williams Taylor [15] [10]
Music Composition Louis Calabro Also won in 1959 [16]
Lou Silver Harrison Also won in 1952 [17] [18]
Alan Hovhaness Also won in 1953 [19]
Hunter Johnson Also won in 1941 [20]
Benjamin George Lees Also won in 1966 [21]
Julia Amanda Perry Also won in 1956 [22]
Robert L. Sanders [23]
Eugene Herbert Weigel [11]
Photography Wright Morris Also won in 1942, 1946 [24] [7] [5]
John Szarkowski Also won in 1961 [25]
Poetry Jorge Guillén Also won in 1959 [26]
Anthony Evan Hecht Also won in 1959 [27] [10]
May Sarton [28]
Peter R. Viereck Also won in 1948 [29]
HumanitiesAmerican History Carl Julius Bode [30] [31]
American Literature Edwin H. Cady Also won in 1975 [32] [10]
David Howard Dickason [33] [34] [11]
Andrew Reuben Hilen, Jr. [35]
Architecture, Planning and Design Kenneth John Conant Also won in 1926, 1928, 1929, 1930 [36] [37]
Biography Mary Wells Knight Ashworth [38]
Samuel Flagg Bemis Also won in 1960 [5] [9]
British History Margaret Atwood Judson [39]
Russell Amos Kirk [40]
Arthur Maheux [41]
Conyers Read Also won in 1951 [42]
Classics Milton Vasil Anastos (el) Also won in 1966 [28] [30]
Truesdell Sparhawk Brown [21]
Evelyn Byrd Harrison [43]
Jakob Aall Ottesen Larsen [44] [11] [18]
Berthe Marie Marti [7]
Ben Edwin Perry Also won in 1930 [45] [11]
East Asian Studies James Irving Crump [40]
Stanley K. Hornbeck [46]
Economic History Rondo Emmett Cameron Also won in 1969 [2]
English Literature Ralph Cohen [21]
Charlton Hinman Also won in 1953 [47] [31]
Samuel Frederick Johnson [48]
Ada Blanche Nisbet Also won in 1948 [21]
Arthur Hawley Scouten (de) [49] [7]
Ernest Albert Strathmann Also won in 1946 [21] [48]
Edward Surtz [48] [11]
Fine Arts Research Richard Bernheimer (de) [7]
Jane Costello Goldberg [50]
Sydney Joseph Freedberg Also won in 1949 [48]
Frederick Hartt Also won in 1946 [51] [48]
Charles Seymour, Jr. [9] [48]
Paul Stover Wingert [52]
Adja Yunkers Also won in 1949 [53]
Folklore and Popular Culture Marius Barbeau Also won in 1956 [54]
French History Arthur Layton Funk [55]
Louis R. Gottschalk Also won in 1928 [56]
French Literature Victor H. Brombert Also won in 1969 [9]
Lester G. Crocker [57] [31]
Nathan Edelman [58]
Norman Lewis Torrey Also won in 1932 [59]
General Nonfiction James Baldwin [5]
Marguerite Higgins [5]
Oscar W. Koch [60]
David T. W. McCord [61]
John Edward Pfeiffer Also won in 1952 [62]
German and East European History Hajo Holborn Also won in 1961 [9]
Arthur May [63] [10]
German and Scandinavian Literature Stuart P. Atkins Also won in 1968 [28] [48]
Bernhard Blume Also won in 1963 [64]
Heinrich Edmund Karl Henel Also won in 1951 [2]
Jack Madison Stein Also won in 1962 [65]
Hermann J. Weigand (de) [66]
History of Science and Technology Carl Benjamin Boyer [67]
Charles Coulston Gillispie Also won in 1970 [68]
Thomas S. Kuhn [69]
Intellectual and Cultural History Carl Emil Schorske [9]
Italian Literature Ernst Pulgram Also won in 1962 [40]
Charles S. Singleton Also won in 1950, 1962 [28]
Linguistics Yuen Ren Chao Also won in 1968 [44] [18]
Mark J. Dresden Also won in 1956 [49] [7]
Joseph Harold Greenberg Also won in 1982 [70]
Literary Criticism Mary Ethel Dichmann [71]
Samuel Holt Monk [72] [73]
Lewis Pearson Simpson [74] [71]
Medieval History Bryce Lyon Also won in 1972 [28]
Medieval Literature Cora Elizabeth Lutz Also won in 1949 [7]
Robert Armstrong Pratt Also won in 1946 [20]
Music Research David Dodge Boyden Also won in 1966, 1970 [44]
William Loran Crosten [17] [44] [18]
Eta Harich-Schneider Also won in 1953, 1955 [75]
Paul Henry Lang [76]
Kenneth Levy [48]
Frederick William Sternfeld [28]
Near Eastern Studies Theodor Herzl Gaster Also won in 1959 [7]
Ann Louise Perkins [9]
Philosophy Vianney Décarie [41]
Mortimer R. Kadish [64]
Armand Augustine Maurer, Jr. [41]
Reidar Thomte [77] [73]
Religion Robert Friedmann [40]
Abraham Joshua Heschel [78]
Renaissance History Sears Reynolds Jayne Also won in 1969 [44] [48] [18]
Craig R. Thompson Also won in 1942, 1955, 1968 [49] [48]
Russian Studies John Shelton Curtiss [20] [18]
Slavic Literature Elias Denissoff [34] [11]
Spanish and Portuguese Literature Enrique Anderson Imbert [40]
Joaquín Casalduero Also won in 1944 [79]
Juan Roura-Parella (ca) [9]
United States History Oscar Handlin [28]
Henry Lumpkin [30] [31]
John Francis McDermott [51]
Walter Prescott Webb Also won in 1938 [80]
Rubin Richard Wohl [11]
Natural SciencesApplied Mathematics Henry George Booker [32] [10]
Harold Levine [81]
Chia-Chiao Lin Also won in 1960 [82]
Milton Denman Van Dyke [17] [44] [18]
Astronomy and Astrophysics John Barrows Irwin [33] [34] [11]
Chemistry Berni Julian Alder [44] [18]
Fred Basolo [11]
Donald James Cram [21]
Paul J. Flory [32] [10]
Herbert Sander Gutowsky [83] [11]
Lester Guttman [56] [11]
Donald Frederick Hornig [84]
David Newton Hume [85]
Walter McClellan Lauer [73]
Chester Thomas O'Konski [44] [18]
George Claude Pimentel [44] [18]
John D. Roberts Also won in 1952 [86]
Max Tofield Rogers [40]
William Frederick Sager [30]
Robert Lane Scott [21]
Harrison Shull [33]
Walter H. Stockmayer [87]
Charles Gardner Swain [88]
Stanley Gerald Thompson Also won in 1965 [44] [18]
Geoffrey Wilkinson [28]
Mathew K. Wilson [28]
Earth Science Lloyd Arnold Brown [31]
Kenneth E. Caster (de) Also won in 1943, 1955 [89] [64]
John Wyatt Durham Also won in 1965 [44]
Albert E. J. Engel [21]
Fritiof Melvin Fryxell [90] [11]
Edward H. Graham [30]
Cornelius Searle Hurlbut, Jr. [28]
Hans Jenny Also won in 1942 [91]
Peter H. Misch [92]
Bryan Patterson Also won in 1951 [11]
Joanne Malkus Simpson Appointed as Joanne Starr Malkus [93]
Herbert Edgar Wright, Jr. [72] [73]
Engineering Neal Russell Amundson Also won in 1975 [72] [73]
Joseph William Johnson [94]
Osman Kamel Mawardi [95]
Dennis Granville Shepherd [32] [10]
Nelson Wax [11]
Arthur Henry Waynick [7]
Mathematics Douglas George Chapman [96]
Shiing-Shen Chern Also won in 1966 [11]
Magnus Rudolph Hestenes [21]
Ellis Robert Kolchin Also won in 1961 [97]
Friederich Ignaz Mautner [31]
Hans Rademacher [49] [7]
Maxwell A. Rosenlicht [11]
Alexander Weinstein Also won in 1955 [30] [31]
Medicine and Health Arpad Istvan Csapo [31]
Ladislas J. Meduna [11]
Robert Oliver Scow [98]
Julian Tobias [11]
Molecular and Cellular Biology Werner Bergmann [9]
Robert Harza Burris [2]
Louis-Paul Dugal [41]
Hans Gaffron [11]
Frank R. N. Gurd [33] [28]
Donald James Hanahan [99]
Teru Hayashi [100]
Norman H. Horowitz [21]
Bruce Connor Johnson [101]
Hardin Blair Jones [18]
Max Kleiber [18]
William N. Lipscomb Also won in 1972 [102] [73]
Arthur Hamilton Livermore [103]
Peter Reed Morrison [2]
Arthur Leslie Neal [32] [10]
Hans Neurath [104]
Man Chiang Niu Also won in 1955 [17] [44] [18]
Esmond Emerson Snell Also won in 1962, 1970 [105]
Cornelis Bernardus van Niel Also won in 1944 [106] [17] [44] [18]
John Lewis Wood [107]
Gerard R. Wyatt [41]
Organismic Biology and Ecology William J. Baerg (fr) [108]
Arthur Grover Humes [109]
Yoshio Kondo Also won in 1953 [110]
Eugene Rabinowitch [111]
Edward Shearman Ross [17]
Arthur Henry Whiteley [112]
Physics Herman Feshbach [113]
Henry M. Foley [114]
William A. Fowler Also won in 1961 [21]
David H. Frisch [115]
George Fred Koster [116]
John Henry Manley [117]
Norman F. Ramsey, Jr. [28]
Lewis Judson Stannard, Jr. [11]
John C. Wheatley Also won in 1980 [11]
William M. Woodward [118]
Plant Science Robert Wayne Allard Also won in 1960 [21]
Grant Cottam [2]
Herbert Bashford Currier Also won in 1961 [44]
Ralph O. Erickson [49] [7]
Roy N. Jervis [40]
George Hill Mathewson Lawrence [32] [10]
Jacob Levitt [51]
Harlan Lewis [21]
Marion Ownbey [119]
Johannes Max Proskauer [44] [18]
Edward Kemp Vaughan [103]
Social SciencesAnthropology and Cultural Studies Richard Stockton MacNeish [120]
Hallam Leonard Movius, Jr. [28]
Economics Eveline Mabel Burns [121]
John P. Carter [18]
Edgar Owen Edwards [122]
Walter Galenson [44] [18]
Alexander Gerschenkron [28]
Leo Grebler [123]
Melvin Warren Reed [56] [17] [18]
Lloyd George Reynolds Also won in 1966 [9]
George Joseph Stigler [124]
Lorie Tarshis [17] [44] [18]
Friedrich August von Hayek [11]
Law Max Rheinstein [11]
Political Science Robert Kenneth Carr [28]
Karl Deutsch Also won in 1971 [125]
Leslie W. Dunbar [126]
Carl J. Friedrich Also won in 1951 [127]
Arthur Maass [28]
Bertus Harry Wabeke [30]
Psychology Clarence J. Pfaffenberger Also won in 1953 [17] [44] [18]
Sociology Nathan Glazer Also won in 1966 [128]
Malcolm Jarvis Proudfoot [11]
George Lee Simpson, Jr. [129]

1954 Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

CategoryField of StudyFellowNotesRef
Creative ArtsFiction George Lamming [130]
René Marqués [131]
Fine Arts Rafael Tufiño [132]
Music Composition Juan A. Orrego-Salas Also won in 1945 [33]
Natural SciencesAstronomy and Astrophysics Víctor M. Blanco Also won in 1948 [133]
Chemistry Manuel García Morín Also won in 1955 [133]
Earth Science Félix González Bonorino Also won in 1980 [133]
Paulo Erichsen de Oliveira [133]
Medicine and Health Silvio Díaz Escobar [133]
Lauro Sollero (pt) [133]
Molecular and Cellular Biology Conrado Federico Asenjo Also won in 1937, 1938 [134]
Norberto José Palleroni Also won in 1953, 1955 [135] [133]
Américo Pomales-Lebrón Also won in 1963 [133]
Neuroscience Carlos E. Eyzaguirre (es) Also won in 1953 [136] [133]
Organismic Biology and Ecology Renato L. Araujo [133]
Jorge A. Crespo [133]
Teodoro G. Megia [133]
William H. Partridge [133]
Pedro Wygodzinsky Also won in 1959 [133]
Plant Science Gustavo Huertas González Also won in 1955 [133]
Mario Meneghini [133]
Gerardo Offimaria Ocfemia (nl) [133]
Raulino Reitz (es) (pt) Also won in 1968 [133]
Alfonso Trejos-Willis (es) Also won in 1955 [133]
Jorge Helios Morello Wyler Also won in 1955, 1958 [133]
Social SciencesAnthropology and Cultural Studies Jean Caudmont [133]
Alfredo Pacyaya [133]
Lauro José Zavala [133]
Sociology Orlando Fals-Borda Also won in 1953 [137] [133]

See also


  1. "1954". Guggenheim Foundation. Archived from the original on 2005-09-13. Retrieved 2022-11-12.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "5 U. faculty members win Guggenheim awards". The Capital Times. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 1954-05-01. p. 3. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  3. "Legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham to appear at U-M". University of Michigan. 2004-03-01. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  4. "W. Denis Johnston". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "243 fellowships to authors, artists, educators". Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 1954-05-16. p. 239. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  6. "Virginia Sorensen (February 17, 1912–December 24, 1991)". University of Alabama Libraries. 2009-12-12. Retrieved 2022-10-25.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "11 from state share Guggenheim awards". The Philadelphia Inquirerer. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 16. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  8. "Kenneth Callahan - Paintings". Greg Kucera Gallery. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Nine professors and artist given fellowship grants". The Journal. Meriden, Connecticut, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 11. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Upstaters' research awards". Press and Sun-Bulletin. Binghamton, New York, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 1. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "26 win awards for research work in state". Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 73. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  12. "Harold Paris". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  13. "Bernard Perlin". Smithsonian American Art Museum. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  14. "Henry Rox". National Academy of Design. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  15. "Taylor is awarded Guggenheim grant". The Kingston Daily Freeman. Kingston, New York, USA. 1954-05-11. p. 15. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  16. "Louis Calabro". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Guggenheim awards go to 6 local teachers". The Peninsula Times Tribune. Palo Alto, California, USA. 1954-05-03. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "Guggenheim grants given two S.F. men". The San Francisco Examiner. San Francisco, California, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 10. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  19. "Alan Hovhaness". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  20. 1 2 3 "Duke, UNC faculty members receive Guggenheim awards". The Durham Sun. Durham, North Carolina, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 13. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 "13 Southlanders win Guggenheim Fellowships". The Los Angeles Times. 1954-05-03. p. 31. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  22. "Julia Perry". Macdowell. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
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  24. "Wright Morris". Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona. Retrieved 2022-10-23.
  25. "Monday's Photography Inspiration – John Szarkowski". Photography & Vision. 2020-12-14. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
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  27. "Bard College English instructor discusses Guggenheim award". The Kingston Daily Freeman. Kingston, New York, USA. 1954-05-17. p. 10. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  28. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "Fellowships given 243". Rutland, Vermont, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 3. Retrieved 2022-07-14 via
  29. "Peter R. Viereck". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  30. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Nine from D.C. area receive Guggenheim awards". Evening Star. Washington, DC, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 3. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "8 Marylanders win fellowships". The Baltimore Sun. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 9. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  32. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "Dr. Cady, SU prof, wins Guggenheim study fellowship". The Post-Standard. Syracuse, New York, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 6. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  33. 1 2 3 4 5 "University Honors & Awards". Iowa University. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  34. 1 2 3 "Three Indiana professors get fellowships". The Indianapolis Star. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 3. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  35. "Andrew R. Hilen Jr". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  36. Fergusson, Peter J. (1985). "Kenneth John Conant (1895-1984)". Gesta. 24 (1). International Center of Medieval Art. doi:10.1086/ges.24.1.766935 . Retrieved 2022-10-11.
  37. "Kenneth J. Conant". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-10-12.
  38. "Mary Ashworth dies; won Pulitzer". UPI. 1992-09-13. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  39. "Teacher winner of fellowship". The Central New Jersey Home News. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 9. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  40. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Fellowships granted". Lansing State Journal. Lansing, Michigan, USA. 1954-05-04. p. 23. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  41. 1 2 3 4 5 "Six Canadians given awards by foundation". The Gazette. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 1954-05-31. p. 31. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  42. "Conyers Read". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  43. "Richmonder wins award for study". Richmond Times-Dispatch. Richmond, Virginia, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 3. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  44. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 "Bay residents get scholarships". The Fresno Bee. Fresno, California, USA. 1954-05-05. p. 19. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  45. "PERRY, Ben Edwin". Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  46. "Stanley K. Hornbeck". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  47. "Charlton Hinman". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  48. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Projects & News". Renaissance News. 7 (2): 56–59, 62–63. 1954.
  49. 1 2 3 4 5 "Guggenheim Fellowship". University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 2022-11-13.
  50. "Costello, Jane". Dictionary of Art Historians. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  51. 1 2 3 "Two Washington U. faculty men given Guggenheim grants". St. Louis Globe-Democrat. St. Louis, Missouri, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 17. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  52. "Paul Stover Wingert". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  53. "Adja Yunkers". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  54. "Marius Barbeau". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  55. "Arthur L. Funk Papers". University of Florida. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  56. 1 2 3 "Guggenheim Fellowships". University of Chicago. Retrieved 2022-10-12.
  57. "Goucher doctor wins 2 awards". The Evening Sun. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 1954-05-06. p. 45. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  58. "For Members Only". PMLA. 81 (6): A20.
  59. Perkins, Jean A. "Norman L. Torrey 1894-1980". Eighteenth-Century Studies. 14 (4): 500.
  60. "Oscar W. Koch". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
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  62. "John E. Pfeiffer". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-09.
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  64. 1 2 3 "Guggenheim grant awards". The Daily Reporter. Dover, Ohio, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 3. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  65. "Jack M. Stein". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  66. "Hermann J. Weigand". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
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  70. "Joseph H. Greenberg". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
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  72. 1 2 3 "Guggenheim Fellowship". University of Minnesota. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
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  75. "Eta Harich-Schneider". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  76. "Paul Henry Lang". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  77. "Concordia Memory Project: Reidar Thomte". Concordia College. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  78. "Abraham Joshua Heschel". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  79. "Joaquín Casalduero". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  80. Rundell, Walter Jr. (1983). "Walter Prescott Webb and the Texas State Historical Association". Journal of the Southwest. 25 (2): 109–136. Retrieved 2022-10-11.
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  82. "Pioneering applied mathematician Chia-Chiao Lin dies at 96". Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2013-01-14. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  83. "Herbert Sander Gutowsky". Biographical Memoirs. Vol. 88. National Academies Press. 2006. p. 168. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  84. "Donald F. Hornig". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
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  86. "John D. Roberts". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  87. Kovac, Jeffrey; Fixman, Marshall (2017). Walter H. Stockmayer (PDF). Biographical Memoirs. National Academy of Sciences.
  88. "C. Gardner Swain". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  89. "UC teacher author of geology study". The Cincinnati Enquirer. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. 1954-08-14. p. 5. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  90. "Augustana man gets Fellowship from Guggenheim". The Rock Island Argus. Rock Island, Illinois, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 4. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  91. "Hans Jenny". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  92. "Peter Misch". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  93. "The Robert H. and Joanne Simpson Mentorship Award". American Meteorological Society. Retrieved 2022-11-14.
  94. "Joseph William Johnson". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  95. "Osman K. Mawardi". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  96. "Douglas G. Chapman". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
  97. Hevesi, Dennis (1991-11-03). "Prof. Ellis R. Kolchin Dies at 75; A Shaper of Differential Algebra". The New York Times. New York City, New York, USA. p. 46.
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  102. Rees, Douglas C. (2019). William N. Lipscomb (PDF). Biographical Memoirs. National Academy of Sciences. p. 11.
  103. 1 2 "2 professors in state win fellowships". Salem, Oregon, USA. 1954-05-03. p. 9. Retrieved 2022-11-14 via
  104. "Hans Neurath". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
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  106. Barker, H.A.; Hungate, Robert E. (1990). Cornelius Bernardus Van Niel (PDF). Biographical Memoir. National Academy of Sciences.
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  108. "William J. Baerg". John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Retrieved 2022-11-15.
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