Omer Bartov, John P. Birkelund Distinguished Professor of European History, Professor of History, and Professor of German Studies, Brown University: The origins of the Holocaust in Buczacz, Ukraine.
Mary Baine Campbell, Professor of English and American Literature, Brandeis University: Dream and metaphor in early modern literature, science, and personal life.
Christopher Cannon, University Lecturer and Fellow, Faculty of English and Pembroke College, University of Cambridge: Form as thought in early Middle English literature.
Rita Charon, Professor of Clinical Medicine and Director, Program in Narrative Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University: Narrative medicine as a model for empathy and clinical courage.
Brian R. Cheffins, S. J. Berwin Professor of Corporate Law, University of Cambridge: The foundations of the Anglo-American corporate economy.
Gang Chen, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Functional nanomechanical structures and devices.
Peter Cole, poet and translator, Jerusalem; Visiting Artist and Scholar, Jewish Studies Program, Wesleyan University: A translation of Hebrew poetry of Spain.
John Dorst, Professor of American Studies, University of Wyoming: Animal trophies and taxidermy displays in contemporary American culture.
Dennis Eberhard, Composer, Cleveland, Ohio; Director of Transitional Education Services, Services for Independent Living, Cleveland: Music composition.
Mitch Epstein, photographer, New York City; President, Black River Productions; Associate Professor of Photography, Bard College: Photography.
Rodney C. Ewing, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, Geological Sciences, and Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan: The impact of the nuclear fuel cycle on the environment.
Ann Fabian, Associate Professor of American Studies and History, Rutgers University: The collection and display of human remains in 19th-century United States.
Robin Fleming, Professor of History, Boston College: Material culture and the rewriting of Anglo-Saxon history.
Robert Fourer, Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University: Languages and systems for large-scale optimization.
William L. Fox, independent scholar, Portland, Oregon: The perception of space in Antarctica.
Daniel S. Freed, Professor of Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin: Applications of K-theory to geometry and physics.
Perry Hoberman, artist, Brooklyn, New York; Member of the MFA Adjunct Faculty in Computer Art and Photography and Related Media, School of Visual Arts: New media art.
Nicholas Howe, Professor of English and Director, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Ohio State University: Cultural geography of Anglo-Saxon England.
Barbara J. King, Associate Professor of Anthropology and University Professor for Teaching Excellence, College of William and Mary: The social emergence of communication and language in primates.
Margaret Levi, Jere L. Bacharach Professor of International Studies and Professor of Political Science, University of Washington, Seattle: Trustworthy governance and constituent engagement.
Laura A. Lewis, Associate Professor of Anthropology, James Madison University: Narratives of history, race, and place in the making of black Mexico.
Andrew W. Lo, Harris & Harris Group Professor and Director, MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: A cognitive map of financial risk perception and preferences.
Victor Lodato, playwright, Tucson, Arizona: Play writing.
Michael Lucey, Associate Professor of French and Comparative Literature and Director, Center for the Study of Sexual Culture, University of California, Berkeley: Same-sex sexualities in 20th-century French literature.
Robert L. Martensen, Professor of History of Medicine and Director, Clendending Library of History of Medicine, University of Kansas School of Medicine: The origins and cultural politics of the cerebral body.
Chris Martin, artist, Brooklyn, New York; Art Therapist, Rivington House Health Care Facility, New York: Painting.
Ian Morris, Jean and Rebecca Willard Professor of Classics and Professor of History, Stanford University: Greek democracy and standards of living in the first millennium BCE.
Howard Rosenthal, Roger Williams Straus Professor of Social Sciences and Professor of Politics, Princeton University: Empirical tests of theories of the legislative process.
Ilya R. Segal, Associate Professor of Economics, Stanford University: Prior knowledge and communication constraints in the design of multi-unit auctions.
Gary Taylor, Professor of English and Director, Hudson Strode Program in Renaissance Studies, University of Alabama: The publishing career of Edward Blount.
Richard Lowe Teitelbaum, composer, Bearsville, New York; Professor of Music, Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, Bard College: Music composition.
Howard Waitzkin, Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Sociology, University of New Mexico: Economic globalization and public health.
Craig Walsh (Craig T. Walsh), composer, Tucson, Arizona; Associate Professor Emeritus of Music, University of Arizona: Music composition.
Sheldon Weinbaum, CUNY Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, City College of New York: The structure and function of the endothelial glycocalyx.
Jonathan Weinberg, independent scholar and artist, Jersey City: Art and identity in the East Village.
Catherine Weis, choreographer, New York City; artistic director, Cathy Weis Projects; President and co-director, Roxanne Dance Foundation: Choreography.
Yu Xie, Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of Sociology and Statistics and Senior Research Scientist, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan: Economic reform and social inequality in contemporary China.
Charles F. Yocum, Alfred S. Sussman Collegiate Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology and Professor of Chemistry, University of Michigan: The role of calcium in photosynthetic oxygen production.
Carl Zimmer, writer, Sunnyside, New York: The discovery of the brain and the birth of the neurocentric age.
Karl Zimmerer, Professor of Geography and Director, Environment and Development Research Institute, University of Wisconsin–Madison: The rural-urban geography of conservation and resource management.
Eduardo M. Basualdo, independent researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET); Coordinator of Economics and Technology, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Buenos Aires: The evolution, characteristics, and impact of Argentine external debt between 1970 and 2000.
Pablo Cabado, photographer, Buenos Aires: Photography.
Jorge José Casal, Associate Professor of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires; Research Scientist, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): Light signaling circuitry in Arabidopsis.
Mauricio de Mello Dias, artist, Rio de Janeiro: Collaborative interdisciplinary public art (in collaboration with Walter Stephen Riedweg).
Sandra M. Diaz, Independent Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET); Associate Professor of Plant Biology, National University of Córdoba: Comparison of functional diversity and key traits in island and continental floras.
María Teresa Dova, Professor of Physics, National University of La Plata; Research Scientist, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): Cosmic rays and high energy experimental physics.
Antonio Escobar Ohmstede, Research Professor and Director, Archival History of Water Project, Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), Mexico City: Huastecan pueblos, 1750–1856.
Mario García Joya, cinematographer, Pasadena, California: The management and development of cinema in Cuba, 1960–2000.
Andrea Giunta, Associate Professor of Art History, University of Buenos Aires; Associate Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): The problem of the representation of violence in art.
Roberto Jacoby, artist, Buenos Aires; executive director, Fundacion Sociedad Tecnologia Arte (START), Buenos Aires: Networking interdisciplinary public art.
Diana Jerusalinsky, Associate Professor of Biology, University of Buenos Aires; Independent Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): In vivo gene transfer to the hippocampus with herpes simplex derived vectors.
María Moreno, writer, Buenos Aires; Editor, "Supplemento Las 12", Pagina 12, Buenos Aires: The Left, society, and sexuality in Argentine political culture.
Paulo A. S. Mourao, Professor of Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: New anticoagulant polysaccharides from marine invertebrates.
Delfina Muschietti, poet, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Professor of Theory and Literary Analysis, University of Buenos Aires: Poetry.
Federico Neiburg, Professor of Social Anthropology, National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: The social construction of a culture of economics in Argentina, 1950–2000.
Walter Stephan Riedweg, artist, Rio de Janeiro: Collaborative interdisciplinary public art (in collaboration with Mauricio de Mello Dias).
Eduardo Rivera López, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Universidad Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires; Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): Ethical issues in genetics and reproductive decisions.
Marcelo Rubinstein, independent researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): The role of central dopamine D2 receptors in mice carrying targeted conditional mutations.
Juan Carlos Rulfo, film maker, Mexico City; Administrative and Creative Manager, La Media Productions, Mexico City: Film making.
Graciela Speranza, Professor of Argentine Literature, University of Buenos Aires: Argentine literature and the visual arts.
Daniel Mario Ugarte, coordinator, Electron Microscopy Facility, National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas, Brazil: Characterization and manipulation of nanosystems.
André Vilaron, photographer, Rio de Janeiro: Photography.
Helen Marie Zout, photographer, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Photography.
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