Although Hinduism and Buddhism are no longer the major religions of Indonesia, Sanskrit, the language vehicle for these religions, is still held in high esteem, and its status is comparable with that of Latin in English and other Western European languages. Sanskrit is also the main source for neologisms; these are usually formed from Sanskrit roots. For example, the name of Jayapura city (former Hollandia) and Jayawijaya Mountains (former Orange Range) in the Indonesian province of Papua were coined in the 1960s; both are Sanskrit origin name to replace its Dutch colonial names. Some Indonesian contemporary medals of honor and awards, such as Bintang Mahaputra medal, Kalpataru award and Adipura award, are also Sanskrit derived names.
The loanwords from Sanskrit cover many aspects of religion, art and everyday life. The Sanskrit influence came from contacts with India long ago before the 1st century. [1] The words are either directly borrowed from India or through the intermediary of the Old Javanese language. In the classical language of Java, Old Javanese, the number of Sanskrit loanwords is far greater. The Old Javanese — English dictionary by Prof. P.J. Zoetmulder, S.J. (1982) contains no fewer than 25,500 entries. Almost half are Sanskrit loanwords. Sanskrit loanwords, unlike those from other languages, have entered the basic vocabulary of Indonesian to such an extent that, for many, they are no longer perceived to be foreign.
There are some rules of forming loans from Sanskrit: s, ṣ, and ś merge to single s; v changes to w, and the original aspiration, retroflexion, and vowel length is lost (most similar to some earliest stages of Insular Indic, including the ancestor of Sinhala, Elu).
Indonesian Word | Indonesian Meaning | Sanskrit Word | Sanskrit Transcription | Sanskrit Meaning | Note |
abrak | clear mining product, such as glass, mica | अभ्रक | abhraka | talc, mica | |
acara | event, item in a programme | आचार | ācāra | custom, practice, behaviour | |
adakala | sometimes | यदा काल | yada-kāla | yada: from time to time, kala: time | lit. whenever-time |
adi- (b.m.) | ultimate (poetic) | आदि | adi | infinite, primitive, beginning, | |
adicita | ideology | अधि चित्त | adhi citta | above, beside thinking, aim, reason | |
adikara | powerful, rampant | अधिकार | adhikāra | supremacy, authority | |
adikarya | masterpiece | अधि कार्य | adhi kārya | above, beside work, oeuvre, product | |
adikuasa | superpower | अधि वश | adhi vaśa | above, beside power, control, dominion | |
adimarga | great road | अधि मार्गः | adhi mārgaḥ | above, beside road | |
adipati, dipati | noble (title), local government | अधि पति | adhi pati | above, beside govern | |
adiraja | High king | अधि राज | adhi raja | above, beside king | |
adiratna | great jewel | अधि रत्न | adhi ratna | above, beside jewel | |
adisiswa | honor student, valedictorian | अधि शिष्यः | adhi śiṣyah | above, beside student | |
aditokoh | hero, protagonist | अधि | adhi | above, beside | tokoh means character. |
adiwangsa | great nation, nobleman | अधि वंश | adhi vaṁśa | above, beside lineage, dynasty | see bangsa. |
adiwarna | very beautiful, very good | अधि वर्ण | adhi varṇa | above, beside color | |
agama | religion | आगम | āgama | traditional doctrine, sacred teaching | |
agung | grand, great | agūṁ | grand | see adi- | |
ahimsa | not injuring anything | अहिंसा | ahiṃsā | not injuring anything | |
aksara | letter | अक्षर | akṣara | letter | |
alpa | negligent | अल्प | alpa | small, minute | |
amerta | immortal, eternal, unforgotten | अमृत | amṛta | immortal, drink of the gods | |
ananta | endless, infinity | अनन्त | ananta | Ananta | |
aneka | multifarious, varied, all sorts | अनेक | aneka | many, various | a- (not), eka (one) |
anekaragam | variety show | अनेक ग्रामः | aneka-rāgam | various scale | |
anekawarna | multi-colored | अनेक वर्ण | aneka-varṇa | various color | |
anggota | limb, member | अङ्गता | aṅga-jāḥ | born from the body, limbs, member | |
angka | numerical figure | अङ्क | aṅka | numerical constant | |
angkara | insolence, cruel | अहंकार | ahaṁ-kāra | ego, pride-maker | |
angkasa | sky | आकाश | ākāśa | sky | |
angkasawan | astronaut | आकाश वन | ākāśa-vān | the sky + having; possessing | |
angsa | goose | हंस | haṁsa | swan | |
angsana | Pterocarpus indicus | असन | asana | Terminalia Tomen Indica | |
aniaya | maltreatment, abuse, injustice, tyranny | अन्याय | anyāya | sinful activities, mischief | |
antara, antar- | among, (in) between | अन्तर् | antar | among, between, in the middle | |
antariksa | outer space | अन्तरिक्ष | antarikṣa | the middle of the three spheres or regions of life atmosphere or space deity | |
anugerah | award, honour, grace | अनुग्रह | anugraha | to bestow blessings, compassion | |
anumerta | posthumous, posthumous military award for achievement | अनुमृत् | anumṛt | dying after, following in death | |
anuswara | nasal sound, especially nasal consonants | अनुस्वारः | anusvāra | nasal sound, see anusvara | |
arti | meaning | अर्थ - | artha krti | meaning understanding | for example, अर्थकथा (arthakathā) = explaining meanings. |
arya | 1. title for high official in Java in the past 2. ancestor of Indian, Persian and European | आर्य | ārya | (honourable) man, master | see Aryan |
asa | hope | आशा | āśā | hope | |
asana | 1. foot position (representing the deva) 2. chair, throne | आसन | āsana | sitting (according peculiar pose to the custom of devotees), see asana | |
asmara | love, passion | स्मरः | smaraḥ | love | |
asrama | dormitory | आश्रम | āśrama | religious order, college, hermitage | |
asta- (b.m.) | eight | अष्ट | aṣṭa | eight | |
atau | or | अथवा | athavā | alternatively, or, either | |
atma | soul, life | आत्मन् | ātman | breath, life, spirit, soul | see atman |
baca | read | वाच् | vāc | words, talk | |
bagai | as if, like | भग | bhaga | good fortune | |
bagi | for, give | भाग | bhāga | (to) divide | |
baginda | majesty | भाग्य | bhāgya | good fortune | + -nda: Austronesian suffix |
bagus | fine, good, exemplary | भग | bhaga | good fortune, happiness, welfare | |
bahagia | blissful, lucky, blessed, happy | भाग्य | bhāgya | good fortune, luck, happiness | |
bahasa | language | भाषा | bhāṣā | sign, description | |
bahaya | danger | भय | bhaya | fear | |
bahtera | ship | वहित्र | vahitra | a boat, ship | |
bahu | shoulder | बाहु | bāhu | arm | |
bahu- (b.m.) | many | बहु | bahu | many | |
bahwa | that (conj.) | भव | bhava | become, state of being | |
baiduri | opal (gem) | वैडूर्य | vaiḍūrya | cat's eye (gem) | |
baja, waja | steel, strong metal | वाज | vāja | strength | |
bakti, bhakti | homage, devotion, service etc. | भक्ति | bhakti | bhakti | |
bala | disaster, calamity; also means help, assist | बल | bala | power, strength, force | |
bangsa | nation, race | वंश | vaṁśa | lineage, dynasty | see vaṃsa |
bangsawan | noble | वंश वन | vaṁśa-vān | of the dynasty + having, possessing | |
baruna | sea god | वरुण | varuṇa | Varuna | |
basmi | eliminate, destroy | भस्मन् | bhasman | devour, consume, pulverize (to ashes) | |
bau | an area measurement unit, 7.096 m² | बाहु | bāhu | arm | |
bayu | wind (poetic) | वायु | vāyu | Vayu: Hindu god of wind | |
bejana | vessel | भजनम् | bhajanam | ||
bela | defend | वेला | velā | time-limit, boundary, interval | |
belaka | merely | बालक | bālaka | young | |
belantara | jungle | वनान्तर | vanāntara | (interior of a) forest | |
belia | youth | बाल्य | bālya | childhood age, infancy | |
bencana | disaster, calamity | वञ्चन | vañcana | deception | |
benda | object | भाण्ड | bhāṇḍa | goods | |
bendahara | treasurer | भाण्डार | bhāṇḍāra | store, storehouse | |
berahi, birahi | passionate love | विरहिन् | virahin | separated (especially from beloved person) | |
berhala | idol, image of a god | भट्टार | bhaṭṭāra | lord | |
berita | news | वृत्त | vṛttá | news | see warta. |
bestari | clever (vast of knowledge) | विस्तारिन् | vistārin | extending, large, broad | |
biara | monastery | विहार | vihāra | Buddha or Jaina convent | see wihara. |
biarawan | male monasticism | विहारवन | vihāra van | Buddha or Jaina convent -man | see wihara. |
biasa | habitual, usual, ordinary | अभ्यास | abhyāsa | habit, repetition, custom, practice | |
biaya | expense | व्यय | vyaya | loss, expense, spending | |
bicara | speak | विचार | vicāra | discussion, consideration | |
bidadari | apsara, nymph, lesser female deities | विद्याधरी | vidyādhari | fairy, sylph, (fem.) bearer of knowledge | |
bidan | midwife | विद्वान | vidvān | wise, vidwan | vidvān: nom. masc. of vidvant |
bija | seed | बीजं | bījaṃ | seed | classical word, for the modern one see biji. |
bijak | clever, wise | विचक्ष् विचक्षण | vicakṣ vicakṣana | vicakṣ: to see distinctly | |
bijaksana | clever, wise | विचक्षण | vicakṣaṇa | clever, wise, experienced | |
biji | seed | बीजं | bījaṃ | seed | |
biksu | bhikkhu | भिक्षु | bhikṣu | beggar, bhikkhu | |
biksuni | bhikkhuni | भिक्षु | bhikṣu | beggar, bhikkhuni | |
bila | when | वेला | vela | time | |
bina | to build | भिन्न | bhinna | different, fresh, new | |
binaraga | bodybuilding | भिन्न | bhinna | from combined words bina: to build and raga: body | |
binasa | die, death, destroyed | विनाश | vināśa | destruction | |
bisa | venom, malice | विष | viṣa | poison | bisa also means can, able, potent |
boga | food | भोग | bhōga | object of enjoyment (such as food), eating | |
buana | world (poetic) | भुवन | bhuvana | world, earth, place of being | |
budaya | culture | बुद्धि दय | buddhi daya | combination of boddhi: virtue and dhaya: power. give, move, protect | |
budi | reason, virtue | बुद्धि | buddhi | intellect, discernment, judgment | |
budiman | kind, wise | बुद्धिमान | buddhimān | nom. of buddhi | |
bujangga | scholar | भुजंग | bhujaṅga | snake, dissolute friend of prince | |
bukti | proof | भुक्ति | bhukti | enjoyment, fruition, possession | |
bumi | earth | भूमि | bhūmi | land | |
bupati | head of second level administrative area in Indonesia | भूमिपति | bhūpati | lord of the earth | see bumi and patih |
busana | clothing | भूषण | bhūṣaṇa | ornament, decoration | |
cabai, cabe | Capsicum sp. (Chili Peppers) | चवि | cavi | Piper chaba (Pepper) | |
cahaya | light | छाया | chāyā | lustre, light | |
cakra | disk, sphere etc. Chakra | चक्र | chakra | wheel, circle, cycle, Chakra | |
cakram | disk, sphere etc. disc in discus throw | चक्र | chakra | wheel, circle, cycle, Chakra | |
cakrawala | horizon | चक्रवाल | cakravāla | mythical mountains at the edge of light and dark, horizon | |
canda | joke | छन्द | chanda | pleasing, alluring, lovely, delightful | |
candi | temple | चण्डिका | caṇḍika | another manifestation of Durga as goddess of death | |
candu | 1. opium ( Papaver somniferum ) 2. favorite, hobby | छन्दु | chandu | pleasing | |
candra, chandra | moon (poetic), lunar | चन्द्र | candra | Chandra: Hindu moon god | |
candradimuka | crater (poetic) | चन्द्र मुख | candra mukha | lunar surface | |
cangkang | shell | शङ्ख | śaṅkha | winged shell attribute of Vishnu, shell | |
cara | way, style, customs | चारी | cāra | course, way | |
cari | search, look for | चारी | cārī | particular step | |
catur | chess | चतुर चतुरंगं | catura caturaṃgaṃ | swift, quick, dexterous, clever, skilful chess | |
catur- (b.m.) | quad- | चतुर् | chatur | quad- | |
cedera | injury | छिद्र | chidra | defect | |
celaka | mishap | छलक | chalaka | delusive | |
cempaka | Magnolia sp. | चंपक | campaka | Magnolia sp. | |
cendala (classical) | lowly, bad person | चण्डाल | caṇḍāla | outcaste | |
cendana | Santalum album | चन्दन | candana | Santalum album | |
cenderawasih | Paradisaeidae (bird-of-paradise) | चन्द्र | candra | Chandra: Hindu moon god | |
ceria | 1. clean, holy, pure 2. shining, clear, 3. word expression during monarch accession (archaism) | चर्य | carya | due observance of all rites and customs, proceeding | |
cerita | story | चरित | carita | narration, story | e.g. Buddhacarita |
cerna | digest | जीर्ण | jīrṇa | old, digested, decayed | |
cinta | love | चिन्ता | cintā | thought (fem.) | |
cipta | create | चित्त | citta | thinking, aim, reason | |
cita | hope, idea, future goals | चित्त | citta | thinking, aim, reason | |
citarasa | delicious | चित्त रस | citta rasa | thinking, aim, reason flavor, taste | |
citra | image | चित्र | citra | picture | (Hindi, Sanskrit) |
citrum | pixel | चित्र | citra | picture | singular form back-formation of "citra" |
cuci | clean | शुचि | śuci | clean, pure, correct | |
cuka | vinegar | चुक्र | cukra | vinegar | |
curi | steal | चोर | cōra | thief, robber | |
curiga | suspicious | छुरिका | churikā | knife | |
dahaga | thirst | धागा | dhāgā | string, thread | |
dana | donation, funds | दान | dāna | donation, gift, oblation, paying back | |
darma, dharma | duty, good deeds (i.e. charity), truth etc. | धर्म | dharma | Dharma | |
dasawarsa | decade | दशन् वर्ष | daśan varṣa | ten year, rain | |
daya | power | दया | dayā | compassion, mercy | |
denda | fine, punishment | दण्ड | daṇḍa | punishment | |
derma | alms giving | धर्म | dharma | good works, justice | |
desa | village | देशा | deśa | place, spot, region, country | |
dewa | god | देव | deva | god | |
dewata | godness | देवता | devata | deity | |
dewi | goddess | देवी | devī | goddess | |
dina (classical) | day | दिनं | dinaṃ | day | |
dina (b.m.) | poor | दीन | dīna | poor | only in hina dina (phr.) |
dirgahayu | long live | दीर्घ आयु | dīrgha āyu | long age | āyuṣā = with a life span |
dosa | sin | दोष | doṣa | fault; vice | |
duga | guess, estimate | दुघ | dugha | yielding | |
duka | sadness | दुःख | duḥkha | pain, sorrow, affliction, distress, unhappiness, difficulty, trouble | |
dulu, dahulu | before, first, past | ढालू | ḍhālū | sloping, slant | |
dupa | incense | धूप | dhūpa | incense, see dhupa | |
duta | envoy | दूत | dūta | messenger, envoy, ambassador, negotiator | |
durjana | evil, wicked, malicious | दुर्जन | durjana | bad man, villain, scoundrel malicious, wicked | |
dusta | lie | दुष्ट | duṣṭā | wrong, false, guilty | |
dwi (b.m.) | two, bi- | द्वि | dvi | two, bi- | |
eka (b.m.) | one, mono- | एक | eka | one, mono- | |
gajah | elephant | गज | gaja | elephant | |
gapura | gate | गोपुरं | gōpuraṃ | gate | lit. city way (way + city) |
garuda, geroda | garuda | गरुड़ | garuḍa | garuda | |
gaya | stylish, fashionable | गय | gaya | wealth, property | |
gelita, gulita | dark | गलित | galita | waning, lost, perished | |
gembala | shepherd, herder | गोपाल | gopāla | cowherd, earth protector | |
genta | bell | घण्ट | ghaṇṭa | bell | |
gerha, graha | building, office, house, etc. | गृह | gṛha | house | |
gerhana | eclipse | ग्रहण | grahaṇa | seizure, possession, eclipse | |
gita | song (poetic) | गीत | gīta | singing, song | |
gua | cave | गुहा | gūḥa | burrow, cave | |
guna | utilize, use, purpose | गुण | guṇa | quality, attribute | |
guru | teacher, guru | गुरुः | guru | teacher | |
hamba | servant, slave | हम्बा | hambā | the lowing of cattle | |
harga | cost, price, value | अर्घ | argha | price | |
harta | asset | अर्थः | arthaḥ | wealth | |
hasta | forearm (measurement unit) | हस्तः | hastaḥ | hand | |
hina | lowly, inferior | हीन | hīna | small, lesser, petty, deficient, left, blamable | |
hina dina (phr.) | inferior and poor, unworthy, very inferior | हीन दीन | hīna dīna | lesser, etc. poor | |
husada | health | औषधं | auṣadhaṃ | medicine | as in panti husada, health center. |
indra | sense (organs) | इन्द्रिय | indriya | sense (organs) | |
istana | palace | आस्थान | āsthāna | place, site | |
istri | wife | स्त्री | strī | wife (lit. bearer of children) | |
jaga | awake, guard | जागृ जागर | jāgṛ jāgara | to watch over, awake | |
jagat | universe | जगत् | jagat | world, universe | |
jaksa | attorney | अध्यक्ष | adhyakṣa | inspector, superintendent | |
jala | net, casting net | जाल | jāla | net | |
jam | hour, clock | याम | yāma | time | |
jambu | Myrtaceae | जम्बु | jambu | Myrtaceae | |
jampi | incantation | जप | japa | muttering, whispering (prayer) | |
janda | widow | रण्डा | raṇḍā | widow | see randa. |
jasa | merit, service, etc. | यशस् व्यास | yaśas vyāsa | worth, glory; service | |
jati | Tectona grandis (Teak) | जाति | jāti | Jasminum grandiflorum | |
jawa | Java, Javanese | यव | yava | barley, grain | On Java context, it means rice or paddy. |
jaya | glorious | जय | jaya | conquest, victory, triumph | |
jelata | common people | जनता | janata | a number of men, assemblage of people, community, subjects, mankind | |
jelita | lovely | ललित | lalita | lovely, charming, favourite, liked | |
jelma | incarnation, to become, to turn into | जन्म | janma | birth | |
jentera | spinning, wheel | यन्त्र | yantra | instrument | |
jiwa | life, soul, sanity | जीव | jīva | (personal) soul | |
juta | million | अयुत | ayuta | ten thousand, myriad | |
jutawan | very rich | अयुत वन | ayuta+vān | ten thousand + having, possessing | |
kaca | glass | काच | kāca | glass | |
kacamata | glasses, spectacles | काच | kāca | glass | |
kala | time | काल | kāla | time | |
kalah | defeat | कलह | kalaha | quarrel, fight | |
kalau | if | काल | kāla | time | |
kali | time(s), in mathematics | काल | kāla | time | |
kalpataru | 1. tree of life and hope, 2. environmental award from government of Indonesia | कल्पतरु | kalpataru | wishing or wonder tree, see Kalpavriksha | |
kamboja | Plumeria acuminata | काम्बोज | kāmboja | 1. related to Kámbója, 2. Rottlera tinctoria, 3. white mimosa, 4. Gunja | |
kanta, suryakanta | lens | सूर्य्यकान्त कान्त | sūryyakānta kānta | sun-crystal, crystal lens precious stone | |
kapas | cotton | कर्पास | karpāsa | cotton | |
karena | because | कारण | kāraṇa | cause | |
karma | 1. personal work in world 2. law of causality | कर्म | karma | karma | |
karsa | initiative, will | कर्ष | karṣa | pulling, obtaining, mastering (√kṛṣ) | |
kartika | star (poetic) | कृत्तिका कार्त्तिक | kṛttikā kārttika | Pleiades, corresponding month (Oct-Nov) | |
karunia | blessing | करुण | karuṇa | compassion | |
karya | work, oeuvre, product | कार्य | kārya | work | see kerja. |
kasturi | Tapeinochilos ananassae | कस्तूरी | kastūrī | 1. musk, 2. Hibiscus abelmoschus, 3. Amaryllis zeylanica | |
kata | word | कथा | kathā | speech, talk, story | |
kati | a hundred thousand | कोटि | koṭi | ten million | |
kelahi | quarrel, fight | कलह | kalaha | quarrel, fight | |
keling | Indian, black-skinned | कालिङ्ग | kāliṅga | related to Kalinga | |
keluarga | family | कुल वर्ग | kula varga | kula: family, race, tribe or caste, kin. varga: group | see also, warga. |
kemala, gemala, kumala | jade, gemstone | कोमल | komala | gracious, charming | |
kencana | gold, golden, grand, glorious | काञ्चन | kāñcana | gold | |
kendi | water-pitcher | कुण्ड कुण्डी | kuṇḍa kuṇḍī | jar, pitcher | kuṇḍī: fem. form of kuṇḍa |
kepala | head | कपाल | kapāla | skull, cranium | |
keranda | coffin | करण्ड | karaṇḍa | basket, box | |
kerja | work | कार्य | kārya | the work, the manifest products | see karya. |
ketika | moment, when | घट | ghaṭa | G'har'í or Indian clock | |
kian | become more, as much (many) as | कियत् | kiyān | how much | |
kirana | 1. ray (lit.) 2. beautiful | किरण | kiraṇa | ray of light | |
kosakata | vocabulary | कोश कथा | kośa kathā | kośa:dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary kata: speech, talk, story | |
kota | city, town | कोट्ट | koṭa | stronghold | |
krida | 1. action 2. sport | क्रीडा | krīḍā | sport, play, amusement | |
ksatria | warrior, knight | क्षत्रिय | kṣatriya | military, reigning, princely caste, supremacy | |
kuasa | power | वश | vaśa | power, control, dominion | |
kuat | strong | उत्ताल | uttāla | strong | |
kuda | horse | घोटकः | ghōṭakaḥ | horse | |
kumba | pot | कुंभ | kuṃbha | pot, jar | |
kunci | key | कुञ्चिका | kuñcikā | key | |
kungkuma | saffron | कुंकुम | kuṅkuma | saffron | |
kurnia | mercy | कारुण्य | kāruṇya | compassion, praiseworthy, excellent | |
kusta | leprosy | कुष्ठ | kuṣṭha | leprosy | |
kusuma, kasuma, kesuma | flower | कुसुम | kusuma | flower, blossom, bud | |
labu | gourd | अलाबु | alābu | gourd | |
lagu | song | लघु | laghu | gentle (sound) | |
laksa | ten thousand | लक्ष | lakṣa | ten thousand, lakh | |
laksana | 1. like, as if 2. good sign (classical) | लक्षण | lakṣaṇa | indirect indication, favourable mark | |
laksamana | admiral | लक्ष्मण | lakṣmaṇa | Lakshmana | |
laksmi | beautiful, Lakshmi | लक्ष्मी | lakṣmī | Lakshmi, beautiful | |
lata | crawling, creeping animal (usually snake) | लता | latā | creeping plants, see vine | |
lawang | door, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp.), Nutmeg (Myristica sp.) | लवंग | lavaṅga | Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) | |
lela | graceful movement, elegant | लीला | līlā | play | |
lena | sleep soundly | लीन | līna | lying or resting on | |
lencana | seal, emblem, badge | लाञ्छन | lāñchana | mark, sign, vestige | |
lingga | lingam | लिङ्गम् | liṅgam | lingam | |
loba | greedy | लोभ | lobha | greed | |
loka | world, place, realm, abode | लोक | loka | space, room, place, world | |
madu | honey co-wife | मधु | madhu | sweet food or drink, incld. honey, milk, wine, etc. | |
madya, madia | middle | मध्य | madhya | middle | |
maha | great, super, hyper, very | महा | mahā | great | |
mahadewa | supreme god | mahā+deva | supreme god | ||
mahadewi | supreme goddess | mahā+devi | supreme goddess | ||
maha esa | all-mighty | महेश | maheśa = mahā+īśa | supreme lord | īśa (ईश): owning, possessing, powerful, supreme, capable, lord |
mahaguru | professor | mahā+guru | great teacher | ||
maharaja | emperor | महाराज | mahārāja | great king | |
maharani | queen | mahārani | see rani. | ||
mahasiswa | (male) college/university student | महा शिष्यः | mahā-śiṣyah | great-student | (masc.) |
mahasiswi | (female) college/university student | महा शिष्यः | mahā-śiṣyāh | great-student | (fem.) |
mahesa, mahisa | buffalo | महिषः | mahiṣaḥ | buffalo | |
mahkota | crown | मुकुट | mukuṭa | crown | |
mala | stain, dirt | मल | mala | dirt, filth, impurity | |
malapetaka | calamity, disaster | महा पातक | mahā pātaka | great sin or collapse | |
manakala | when | māna-kāla | in honor of time | ||
mandiri | autonomous, independent | mandhiri | |||
mani | sperm | मणि | maṇi | 1. pearls, gem, jewel, 2. glans penis | |
manik | bead, sequin, jewel | मणि | maṇi | 1. pearls, gem, jewel, 2. glans penis | |
mantra, mantera | mantra | मन्त्र | mantra | mantra | |
manusia | human | मनुष्य | mānuṣya | human being | |
marga | road | मार्गः | mārgaḥ | road | |
masa | period, time | मास | māsa | month | |
matra | measurement unit, of length, height, depth | मात्रा | mātrā | measurement unit | |
maya | illusion | माया | māyā | Maya (illusion) | |
menteri | minister (head of a government department) | मन्त्रि | mantri | king's counsellor, minister | |
merdeka | freedom, liberty | महा ऋद्धि | mahā ṛddhi-ka | great prosperity | |
merdu | sweet, melodious | मृदु | mṛdu | soft | |
merica | pepper | मरीचम् | marīcam | spices | |
mitra | partner | मित्र | mitra | friend | |
muda | young | मूढ | mūḍha | stupid, silly, simple | |
mudah | easy | मूढ | mūḍha | stupid, silly, simple | |
muka | face | मुख | mukha | face | |
mula | to start, to begin | मूल | mūla | origin | |
mulia | noble, honorable | मूल्य | mūlya | worth | |
nadi | blood vessel | नदि | nadi | stream, river | |
naga | dragon, nāga | नाग | nāga | serpent deities | |
nama | name | नामन् | nāman | name | |
nawa- (b.m.) | nine | नव | nava | nine | |
negara | country | नगर | nagara | city | |
negeri | city (lit.) | नगरी | nagarī | city (fem.) | |
neraca | scale, balance | नाराच | nārāca | metre | |
neraka | hell, underworld | नरक | naraka | naraka | |
nirwana | an ideal condition of harmony or joy | निर्वाण | nirvana | nirvana | |
niskala | amorph, abstract | निश्चल | niścala | immovable; steady; unal terable, immutable | |
nyata | 1. clearly shown, 2. real, 3. proven | नियत | niyata | Constant, Ascertained, Positive | |
paduka | foot, footwear | पादुक | pāduka | shoe, slipper | |
paduka | honorary title for official, nobility, or king | पादुका | pādukā | impression of the feet of a god or a holy person | for the idea, see Ciaruteun inscription. |
pahala | merit, reward (for moral conduct) | फल | phala | fruits, of results | |
paksa | to force | पक्ष | pakṣa | side, faction, partisan, adherent, army, position | |
pala | Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) | फल | phala | fruits, of results | see pahala. |
panca- (b.m.) | five | पञ्च | pañca | five | |
pariwisata | tourism | परि विशति | pari viśati | around enter | to enter around |
patih, -pati | 1. obedient, submissive 2. Lord (government) | पति | pati | master, owner | see bupati. |
pekerti | character, nature | प्रकृति | prakṛti | origin, character, nature, pattern | |
pendapa, pendopo | hall | मण्डप | maṇḍapa | open hall, pavilion, temple | through Javanese pendhapa |
pendeta | priest | पण्डित | paṇḍita | learned, scholar, skilled | |
penjara | prison | पञ्जर | pañjara | cage | |
percaya | believe | प्रत्ययः | pratyayaḥ | familiarity | |
perdana | first | प्रधान | pradhāna | first, chief | |
perkara | problem, affairs | प्रकार | prakāra | difference, similitude | |
perkasa | powerful, forceful, manly | प्रकाश | prakāśa | shining, manifest, renowned | |
perkosa | rape | प्रकाश | prakāśa | shining, manifest, renowned | |
perpustakaan | library | पुस्तक | pustaka | book, manuscript | see pustaka with circumfix per⟩...⟨an |
pertama | first | प्रथम | prathama | first | |
pertiwi | Mother Earth | पृथ्वी | pṛthvī pṛthivī | Prithvi, Hindu earth deity | |
perwira | high-ranked military official | प्रवीर | pravīra | brave or eminent man, hero, chief | |
pra (b.m.) | pre- | प्रा | pra | before, forward to, in front of, on, forth | |
prabu | king (title) | प्रभु | prabhu | master, lord, king | |
prakarya | handworks | प्रकार्य | prakārya | to be manifested | |
praja | city, state | प्रजा | prajā | people, subject (of prince), child | |
pria | man/men | प्रिय | priya | beloved, dear | |
puasa | fasting | उपवास | upavāsa | fasting, abstinence | |
puja | worship, adore | पूजा | pūjā | worship, respect, homage of superiors or adoration of the gods | |
puji | praise | पूजा | pūjā | worship, respect, homage of superiors or adoration of the gods | see puja |
punya | have, possessive verb | पुण्य | puṇya | merit, virtue | |
pura | Hindu temple, city | पुर | pura | city/walled enclosure | |
purba | ancient | पूर्व | pūrva | former, ancient, old, etc. | |
puri | palace | पुर | pura | city/walled enclosure | |
purna- (b.m.) | complete, finished | पूर्ण | pūrṇa | finished, complete, satisfied | see also sempurna, purnama |
purnama | full moon, a month | पूर्णमा | pūrṇamā | full-moon (day) | |
pustaka | book | पुस्तक | pustaka | book, manuscript | |
puspa | flower (poetic) | पुष्प | puṣpa | flower | |
putra, putera | son, prince | पुत्र | putra | son | |
putri, puteri | daughter, princess | पुत्री | putrī | princess | |
raga | body | राग | rāga | color, feeling, beauty | |
rahasia | secret | रहस्यं | rahasya | secret | |
raja | king | राजन् | rāja | king | |
rajalela | rage, raging, at large, rampant | राज लीला | raja līlā | king play | |
raksasa | giant, monster | राक्षस | rākṣasa | beast-like demon | |
randa, rangda | widow | रण्डा | raṇḍā | widow | see janda. |
rani | queen | राज्ञी राणी | rājñī rāṇī | queen | rāṇī (राणी) is corruption of rājñī (राज्ञी). |
rasa | emotion, feeling, taste | रस | rasa | to love, flavor, taste | |
ratna | jewel, gemstone (poetic) | रत्न | ratna | jewel, gem | |
resmi | official | रश्मि | raśmi | string, leash, ray of light | in Sanskrit, रश्मि (raśmi) is synonym of पक्ष (pakṣa). |
rupa | look, appearance | रूप | rūpa | form, likeness | |
sabda | proclamation (poetic) | शब्दः | śabda | voice, speech | |
sadu | best | साधु | sādhu | good, excellent | |
sahaya | servant | साहाय्य | sāhāyya | help, assistance | |
saksi | witness | साक्षिन् | sākṣin | witness | |
sakti | powerful | शक्ति | śakti | power, energy | |
sama | same | सम | sama | same, equal | |
samudra | ocean | समुद्र | samudra | ocean | |
sandi | sandhi | संधि | saṃdhí | joining | |
sandiwara | drama | sāndīvara | drama | ||
sangga | 1. monastic community of bhikkhus (monks) and bhikkhunis (nuns), see Sangha. 2. smallest unit in Scouting | संघ | saṃgha | association, clerical community, brotherhood of monks | |
sapta- (b.m.) | seven | सप्त | sapta | seven | |
sarira | body | शरीरं | śarīraṃ | body | via Javanese word sarira |
sasana | training hall | शासन | śāsana | teaching, order, ruling | |
sastra | literature | शास्त्र | śāstra | scripture, teaching, order, book | |
satwa | fauna, animals | सत्त्व | sattva | sentint being, "that which is", existence | |
sederhana | simple | साधारण | sādhāraṇa | common, ordinary | |
seka | wipe, rub | निषेक | niṣēka | wash | |
semadi, samadi, semedi, samedi | meditation, contemplation | समाधि | samādhi | deep meditation, silenece, religious vow | |
semesta | whole, total | समस्त | samasta | united, whole, all | |
sempurna | perfect | सम्पूर्ण | sampūrṇa | entirely, complete | |
sengsara | suffering | संसार | saṃsāra | continuous flow of reincarnation | |
senjata | weapon, arms | संयत्त | saṃyatta | prepared, ready, being on one's guard | |
senopati | general, military leader (archaic) | सेनापति | senāpati | senā "military" + pati "leader" | |
serakah | greedy | śraka | greedy | ||
serba | all, everything, complete | सर्व | sarva | all or everything | |
seru | to call loudly | श्रु | śru | to be heard | |
seteru | enemy | शत्रु | śatru | enemy | |
setia | loyal, truthful | सत्य सती | satya satī | truth, correct, sincere, faithful faithful wife | |
sila | base, courtesy, moral | शील | śīla | habit, custom, usage, character, moral precept | can mean cross-legged sitting or refined order |
singa | lion | सिंहः | siṃha | lion, breavest, king, ruler | |
singgasana | throne | सिंहासन | siṃhāsana | the lion throne | Lion is allusion to king. |
siswa | (school) student | शिष्यः | śiṣyah | student | for tertiary education student, see mahasiswa. |
sri | title for king | श्री | śrī | 1. Prefix to the names, 2. Fortune, prosperity, success, thriving, 3. Light | |
stupa | stupa | स्तूप | stūpa | heap, a pile of earth | |
suaka | asylum, sanctuary | सेवक | sevaka | servant, employee, follower | |
suami | husband | स्वामि | svāmī | master, lord, husband | |
suara | sound | स्वर | svara | sound, voice, accent, musical tone or note | |
suci | clean, holy | शुचि | śuci | clean, pure, correct | |
suka | like, happy | सुख | sukha | easy, pleasant, comfortable, happy | |
sukma | soul | सूक्ष्म | sūkṣma | subtle, atomic | |
sunyi | quiet (situation) | शून्य | śūnya | zero, nothing | |
surga | heaven | स्वर्ग | svarga | heaven | |
surya | sun (poetic), solar | सूर्य | sūrya | Surya, Hindu sun god | |
susila | modesty, appropriate | सुशील | suśīla | good character | |
swa- (b.m.) | do something by oneself | स्व | sva- | self, own | |
tapa | asceticism, meditation, self-discipline | तप | tapa | tapas | |
tata | order, to arrange | तथा | tathā | thus, in that manner | |
tenaga | energy, power | तानयति | tānayati | to extend | |
tri- (b.m.) | three (cardinal) | त्रि | tri | three | |
ubah | change | उभा | ubhā | erect | |
udara | air | उदार | udāra | rising fog or vapour, raising, sublime | |
upacara | ceremony | उपचार | upacāra | ceremony, religious ritual | |
usaha | effort | उत्साह | utsāha | effort, thread, happiness, firmness | |
usia | age | आयुष | āyuṣa | life-span | |
utama | ultimate, the most important, foremost | उत्तम | uttama | upmost, highest, first or best | |
utara | north | उत्तर | uttara | north | |
wacana | verbal communication, conversation | वचन | vacana | speech | |
wadah | container | आधारः | ādhāraḥ | container | |
wahana | ride, vehicle | वहन | vahana | conducting, carrying, bearing | |
wana | forest (poetic) | वन | vana | forest | |
wangsa | dynasty, royal house | वंश | vaṁśa | lineage | |
wanita | woman, lady | वनिता | vanitā | wife, woman | |
waras | sane, mentally healthy | वर | vara | best, excellent, most beautiful | |
warga | 1. members of family, society, etc., 2. social stratification (uncommon) | वर्ग | varga | class, tribe, club | |
warna | colour | वर्ण | varṇa | colour | |
warta | news | वार्ता | varta | news | see berita. |
wibawa | 1. authority, influence, 2. power | विभवः | vibhavaḥ | power | |
widyaiswara | teacher | विद्या ईश्वर | vidya īshvara | learning master | |
wihara | Buddhist Temple | विहार | vihāra | Buddha or Jaina convent | see biara. |
wira | hero, brave | वीर | vīra | heroic, brave | |
wisesa | supreme leader, supreme power | विशेष | viśēṣa | excellence, superiority | |
wreda, werda | 1. old age, geriatric 2. experienced | वृद्ध | vṛddha | 1. old, 2. wise | |
yoga | Yoga | योगः | yoga | Yoga | |
yudha | war, battle (poetic) | युद्ध | yuddha | battle |
Sanskrit is a classical language belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. It arose in South Asia after its predecessor languages had diffused there from the northwest in the late Bronze Age. Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism, the language of classical Hindu philosophy, and of historical texts of Buddhism and Jainism. It was a link language in ancient and medieval South Asia, and upon transmission of Hindu and Buddhist culture to Southeast Asia, East Asia and Central Asia in the early medieval era, it became a language of religion and high culture, and of the political elites in some of these regions. As a result, Sanskrit had a lasting effect on the languages of South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia, especially in their formal and learned vocabularies.
Indonesian is the official and national language of Indonesia. It is a standardized variety of Malay, an Austronesian language that has been used as a lingua franca in the multilingual Indonesian archipelago for centuries. Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world, with over 279 million inhabitants of which the majority speak Indonesian, which makes it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Indonesian vocabulary has been influenced by various regional languages such as Javanese, Sundanese, Minangkabau, Balinese, Banjarese, Buginese, etc. and foreign languages such as Arabic, Dutch, Portuguese, and English. Many borrowed words have been adapted to fit the phonetic and grammatical rules of Indonesian.
Shri is a Sanskrit term denoting resplendence, wealth and prosperity, primarily used as an honorific.
Balinese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken on the Indonesian island of Bali, as well as Northern Nusa Penida, Western Lombok, Eastern Java, Southern Sumatra, and Sulawesi. Most Balinese speakers also use Indonesian. The 2000 national census recorded 3.3 million people speakers of Balinese, however the Bali Cultural Agency estimated in 2011 that the number of people still using the Balinese language in their daily lives is under 1 million. The language has been classified as "not endangered" by Glottolog.
Javanese is a Malayo-Polynesian language spoken by the Javanese people from the central and eastern parts of the island of Java, Indonesia. There are also pockets of Javanese speakers on the northern coast of western Java. It is the native language of more than 68 million people.
Old Javanese or Kawi is the oldest attested phase of the Javanese language. It was spoken in the eastern part of what is now Central Java and the whole of East Java, Indonesia. As a literary language, Kawi was used across Java and on the islands of Madura, Bali, and Lombok. It had a sizable vocabulary of Sanskrit loanwords but had not yet developed the formal krama language register, to be used with one's social superiors that is characteristic of modern Javanese.
The Javanese are an Austronesian ethnic group native to the central and eastern part of the Indonesian island of Java. With more than 100 million people, Javanese people are the largest ethnic group in both Indonesia and in Southeast Asia as a whole. Their native language is Javanese, it is the largest of the Austronesian languages in number of native speakers and also the largest regional language in Southeast Asia. The Javanese as the largest ethnic group in the region have dominated the historical, social, and political landscape in the past as well as in modern Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
The Javanese script is one of Indonesia's traditional scripts developed on the island of Java. The script is primarily used to write the Javanese language, but in the course of its development has also been used to write several other regional languages such as Sundanese, Madurese, and Sasak; the lingua franca of the region, Malay; as well as the historical languages Kawi and Sanskrit. Javanese script was actively used by the Javanese people for writing day-to-day and literary texts from at least the mid-15th century CE until the mid-20th century CE, before its function was gradually supplanted by the Latin alphabet. Today the script is taught in DI Yogyakarta, Central Java, and the East Java Province as part of the local curriculum, but with very limited function in everyday use.
The Kawi or Old Javanese script is a Brahmic script found primarily in Java and used across much of Maritime Southeast Asia between the 8th century and the 16th century. The script is an abugida, meaning that characters are read with an inherent vowel. Diacritics are used, either to suppress the vowel and represent a pure consonant, or to represent other vowels.
Indonesian names and naming customs reflect the multicultural and multilingual nature of the over 17,000 islands in the Indonesian archipelago. The world's fourth most populous country, Indonesia is home to more than 1300 ethnic groups, each with their own culture, custom, and language. The Javanese are the largest single group, comprising around 40 percent of Indonesia's total population.
Greater India, also known as the Indian cultural sphere, or the Indic world, is an area composed of several countries and regions in South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia that were historically influenced by Indian culture, which itself formed from the various distinct indigenous cultures of South Asia. It is an umbrella term encompassing the Indian subcontinent and surrounding countries, which are culturally linked through a diverse cultural cline. These countries have been transformed to varying degrees by the acceptance and introduction of cultural and institutional elements from each other. The term Greater India as a reference to the Indian cultural sphere was popularised by a network of Bengali scholars in the 1920s, but became obsolete in the 1970s.
Recent archaeological and other evidence suggests Hinduism has had some cultural, economic, political and religious influence in the Philippines. Among these is the 9th century Laguna Copperplate Inscription found in 1989, deciphered in 1992 to be Kawi script with Sanskrit words; the golden Agusan statue discovered in another part of Philippines in 1917 has also been linked to Hinduism.
Arabic has had a great influence on other languages, especially in vocabulary. The influence of Arabic has been most profound in those countries visited by Islam or Islamic power.
The modern Malay and Indonesian alphabet consists of the 26 letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet. It is the more common of the two alphabets used today to write the Malay language, the other being Jawi. The Latin Malay alphabet is the official Malay script in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, while it is co-official with Jawi in Brunei.
Javanese culture is the culture of the Javanese people. Javanese culture is centered in the provinces of Central Java, Yogyakarta and East Java in Indonesia. Due to various migrations, it can also be found in other parts of the world, such as Suriname, the broader Indonesian archipelago region, Cape Malay, Malaysia, Singapore, Netherlands and other countries. The migrants bring with them various aspects of Javanese cultures such as Gamelan music, traditional dances and art of Wayang kulit shadow play.
Banyumasan or Banyumasan Javanese is a collective term for a Javanese subgroup native to the Indonesia's westernmost part of Central Java. At approximately ±9 million people, they are concentrated in Banyumas, Cilacap, Kebumen, Purworejo, Purbalingga, and Banjarnegara regencies. The Banyumasan-Javanese speak Banyumasan dialect of Javanese language, a dialect which is often called "basa ngapak-ngapak".
The Indian influences in early Philippine polities, particularly the influence of the Srivijaya and Majapahit thalassocracies on cultural development, is a significant area of research for scholars of Philippine, Indonesian, and Southeast Asian history, and is believed to be the source of Hindu and Buddhist elements in early Philippine culture, religion, and language. Because the Indonesian thalassocracies of Srivijaya and Majapahit acquired many of these Hindu and Buddhist elements through Indianization, the introduction of such elements to early Philippine cultures has sometimes been referred to as indianization. In more recent scholarship, it is termed localization, as in, e.g., localization of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Some scholars also place the Philippine archipelago within the outermost reaches of the Indosphere, along with Northern Vietnam, where the Hindu and Buddhist elements were not directly introduced by Indian travellers.