List of Phi Beta Kappa members

Last updated

This is a list of notable members of the Phi Beta Kappa who have Wikipedia biographies.


Notable members elected as undergraduates

NameYearCollege or UniversityNotabilityReferences
Bushrod Washington 1778 College of William & Mary
John Heath 1779 College of William & Mary
Richard Bland Lee 1780 College of William & Mary
John Marshall 1780 College of William & Mary
James Kent 1781 Yale College
Stephen Van Rensselaer 1782 Harvard University [1]
John Quincy Adams 1787 Harvard University
Eli Whitney 1792 Yale College
David Sherman Boardman 1792 Yale College
Joseph Story 1798 Harvard University
Oliver Ellsworth 1799 Yale College
Daniel Webster 1801 Dartmouth College
John Calhoun 1804 Yale College
Levi Woodbury 1809 Dartmouth College
Samuel Morse 1810 Yale College
William H. Prescott 1814 Harvard University
Joseph Tracy 1814 Dartmouth College
William H. Seward 1819 Union College
Rufus Choate 1819 Dartmouth College
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1824 Bowdoin College
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1825 Bowdoin College
Salmon Portland Chase 1826 Dartmouth College
William Strong 1828 Yale College
Ralph Waldo Emerson 1828 Harvard University [2]
Benjamin Robbins Curtis 1829 Harvard University
Lorenzo Langstroth 1831 Yale College
Asa Fowler 1833 Dartmouth College
Timothy P. Redfield 1836 Dartmouth College
Morrison Remick Waite 1837 Yale College
Chester A. Arthur 1848 Union College
William S. Clark 1848 Amherst College
Timothy Dwight V 1848 Yale College
Joshua Chamberlain 1852 Bowdoin College
Joseph H. Choate 1852 Harvard University
Melville Weston Fuller 1853 Bowdoin College
George Shiras Jr 1853 Yale College
David Josiah Brewer 1856 Yale College
Henry Billings Brown 1856 Yale College
James A. Garfield 1856 Williams College
John B. Hinkson 1860 Lafayette College
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. 1861 Harvard University
George Moulton Carpenter 1864 Brown University
William T. Sherman 1866 Dartmouth College [3]
Henry Adams 1872 Harvard University [4]
Henry James 1872 Harvard University [5]
William Henry Moody 1876 Harvard University
Robert Peary 1877 Bowdoin College
William Howard Taft 1878 Yale College
John Dewey 1879 University of Vermont
Theodore Roosevelt 1880 Harvard University
Charles Evans Hughes 1881 Brown University
Edward Bouchet 1874 Yale College
John Hessin Clarke 1877 Case Western Reserve University
Henry Clay Folger 1879 Amherst College
George Santayana 1886 Harvard University
Henry Stimson 1888 Yale University
Bernard Baruch 1889 City College of New York
Benjamin Cardozo 1889 Columbia College
W. E. B. Du Bois 1890 Fisk University
Bainbridge Colby 1890 Williams College
Henrietta Swan Leavitt 1892 Radcliffe College
Edward E. Wilson 1892 Williams College
Learned Hand 1893 Harvard University
Alexander Meiklejohn 1893 Brown University
Andrew Sledd 1894 Randolph-Macon College
Harlan Fiske Stone 1894 Amherst College
Owen Roberts 1895 University of Pennsylvania
John Barlow 1895 Brown University
Louis Brandeis 1895 Harvard University [6]
Caroline Ransom Williams 1896 Mount Holyoke College [7]
John D. Rockefeller Jr. 1897 Brown University [8]
Richard B. Carter 1898 Harvard University
Mary Annette Anderson 1899 Middlebury College
John Gresham Machen 1901 Johns Hopkins University
Felix Frankfurter 1902 City College of New York
Elihu Root 1903 Hamilton College
Stanley King 1903 Amherst College
John J. Tigert 1904 Vanderbilt University
Booker T. Washington 1904 Harvard University [9]
Jessie Redmon Fauset 1905 Cornell University
Christine Iverson Bennett 1907 University of Michigan [10]
Ernest Everett Just 1907 Dartmouth College
John J. Parker 1907 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
William Burke Belknap 1908 Yale College
John Foster Dulles 1908 Princeton University
John Hall Wheelock 1908 Harvard University
Owen Brewster 1909 Bowdoin College
Harold Hitz Burton 1909 Bowdoin College
Walter Lippmann 1909 Harvard University
Harold Medina 1909 Princeton University
C.T. Wang 1910 Yale University
Paul Douglas 1913 Bowdoin College
Jane Barus 1913 Smith College
Katharine Lambert Richards Rockwell 1913 Smith College
Pearl Buck 1914 Randolph-Macon Woman's College
James Bryant Conant 1914 Harvard University
Carroll A. Edson 1914 Dartmouth College
Hu Hsen-Hsu 1914 University of California, Berkeley [11]
Dean Acheson 1915 Yale University
Archibald MacLeish 1915 Yale University
Charles Hamilton Houston 1915 Amherst College
Alfred Kinsey 1916 Bowdoin College
Robert Frost 1916 Harvard University [12]
Irwin Edman 1917 Columbia University
Jarvis Offutt 1917 Yale University
Thomas Granville Pullen Jr. 1917 College of William & Mary
Oliver Waterman Larkin 1918 Harvard University
Paul Robeson 1919 Rutgers University [13]
K. K. Chen 1920 University of Wisconsin-Madison
William O. Douglas 1920 Whitman College
Percy Lavon Julian 1920 DePauw University
David E. Lilienthal 1920 DePauw University
Countee Cullen 1922 New York University
Henry Friendly 1923 Harvard University
Nathan F. Leopold 1923 University of Chicago
Herbert Brownell Jr. 1924 University of Nebraska
Grayson L. Kirk 1924 Miami University
J. Robert Oppenheimer 1925 Harvard University [14]
Alger Hiss 1926 Johns Hopkins University
Martin Dobelle 1926 Fordham University
Joseph J. Spengler 1927 Ohio State University
George H. Hitchings 1927 University of Washington
Mildred Grosberg Bellin 1928 Smith College
Grace Hopper 1928 Vassar College
John C. Stennis 1928 University of Virginia
Carl Sandburg 1928 Harvard University [15]
Leroy Anderson 1929 Harvard University
Harry Blackmun 1929 Harvard University
Paul S. Dunkin 1929 DePauw University
Margaret Burnham Geddes 1929 Vassar College
James Michener 1929 Swarthmore College
Lewis Franklin Powell Jr. 1929 Washington & Lee University
Nelson Rockefeller 1930 Dartmouth College
Jonas Salk 1930 City College of New York
Carl Albert 1931 University of Oklahoma
Dean Rusk 1931 Davidson College
Fred Sington 1931 University of Alabama
Edward H. Levi 1932 University of Chicago
Eugene O'Neill Jr. 1932 Yale University
Eugene V. Rostow 1932 Yale University
Barry Wood 1932 Harvard University
Paul Weston (as Paul Wetstein)1933 Dartmouth College
Frank Oppenheimer 1933 Johns Hopkins University
John Howard 1934 Case Western Reserve University
Daniel Boorstin 1934 Harvard University
Richard Helms 1935 Williams College
T. S. Eliot 1935 Harvard University
Samuel Belkin 1935 Brown University
Milton Babbitt 1936 New York University
Ed Muskie 1936 Bates College
Robert McNamara 1936 University of California Berkeley
Alan Lomax 1936 University of Texas
Potter Stewart 1937 Yale University
Byron White 1937 University of Colorado
Caspar Weinberger 1938 Harvard University
Doris Grumbach 1939 New York University
John L. Loos 1939 University of Nebraska
Nile Kinnick 1939 University of Iowa
Wilma Dykeman 1940 Northwestern University
Orville Freeman 1940 University of Minnesota
Bernard Epstein 1940 New York University
Ella T. Grasso 1940 Mount Holyoke College
Allen Ludden 1940 University of Texas
Robie Macauley 1941 Kenyon College
Ruth Barcan Marcus 1941 New York University
Wade H. McCree 1941 Fisk University
William Kunstler 1941 Yale University
John Paul Stevens 1941 University of Chicago
Betty Friedan 1942 Smith College
Carl W. Gottschalk 1942 Roanoke College
Jade Snow Wong 1942 Mills College
George C. Baldwin 1943 Kalamazoo College
James F. Howard Jr. 1943 Yale University
Phyllis Schlafly 1943 Washington University in St. Louis
Cid Corman 1945 Tufts University
Frank Church 1947 Stanford University
Jack St. Clair Kilby 1947 University of Illinois
Peter D. Lax 1947 New York University
Tom Lehrer 1947 Harvard University
Robert Bork 1948 University of Chicago
George H. W. Bush 1948 Yale University
Edward D. White Jr. 1948 Columbia University
Martin Lewis Perl 1948 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
William Rehnquist 1948 Stanford University
Judith Tobin 1948 Mount Holyoke College
Brock Adams 1949 Washington University in St. Louis
Bill Naito 1949 Reed College
Edward O. Wilson 1949 University of Alabama
Jane Dempsey Douglass c.1950s Syracuse University
Henry Kissinger 1950 Harvard University
Marv Levy 1950 Coe College
William Dickey 1951 Reed College
Ursula K. Le Guin 1951 Radcliffe College
Susan Sontag 1951 University of Chicago
Arlen Specter 1951 University of Pennsylvania
David Lee 1952 Harvard University
Arthur Levitt 1952 Williams College
Stephen Sondheim 1952 Williams College
John Shelby Spong 1952 University of North Carolina
Guido Calabresi 1953 Yale University
Clive Davis 1953 New York University
Ronald Dworkin 1953 Harvard University
John Hope Franklin 1953 Fisk University [16]
Fredric Jameson 1953 Haverford College [17]
Paul Donnelly Paganucci 1953 Dartmouth College
Thomas R. Pickering 1953 Bowdoin College
Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1954 Cornell University
Sheldon Glashow 1954 Cornell University
Richard Lugar 1954 Denison University
Victor Navasky 1954 Swarthmore College
Joan Rivers 1954 Barnard College
John Updike 1954 Harvard University
Steven Weinberg 1954 Cornell University
Franklin M. Fisher 1955 Harvard University
Ralph Nader 1955 Princeton University
Reynolds Price 1955 Duke University
John L. Hall 1956 Carnegie Mellon University
Gloria Steinem 1956 Smith College
Akira Iriye 1957 Haverford College
Elizabeth Dole 1958 Duke University
Anthony Kennedy 1958 Stanford University
Kris Kristofferson 1958 Pomona College
Joseph Nye 1958 Princeton University
Paul Comi 1958 University of Southern California
Robert Coleman Richardson 1958 Virginia Tech
Stephen Breyer 1959 Stanford University
Francis Ford Coppola 1959 Hofstra University
John W. Dower 1959 Amherst College
Bob Graham 1959 University of Florida
Robert Nozick 1959 Columbia University
Thomas Ruggles Pynchon Jr. 1959 Cornell University
Richard Posner 1959 Yale University
Richard Lindzen 1960 Harvard University
Robert E. Rubin 1960 Harvard University
David H. Souter 1960 Harvard University
Daniel Gillespie 1960 Rice University
Lester Thurow 1960 Williams College
Fay Vincent 1960 Williams College
Pat Schroeder 1961 University of Minnesota
Sheldon Goldman 1961 New York University
Elizabeth Parr-Johnston 1961 Wellesley College
Lamar Alexander 1962 Vanderbilt University
Tom Brokaw 1962 University of South Dakota
Lynne Cheney 1962 Colorado College
Robert Christgau 1962 Dartmouth College
Edward Ng 1962 University of Minnesota
Barack Obama Sr. 1962 University of Hawaii
Daniel C. Tsui 1962 Augustana College
David L. Boren 1963 Yale University
Richard Epstein 1963 Columbia University
David Satcher 1963 Morehouse College
John Edgar Wideman 1963 University of Pennsylvania
James Woolsey 1963 Stanford University
David Boies 1964 University of Redlands
Michael Crichton 1964 Harvard University
Leonard Bernstein 1964 Harvard University [8]
Joseph Lieberman 1964 Yale University
Angela Davis 1965 Brandeis University
Carl Gershman 1965 Yale University [18] [19]
Terrence Malick 1965 Harvard University
Walter Murch 1965 Johns Hopkins University
W. Taylor Reveley III 1965 Princeton University
Paul Wellstone 1965 University of North Carolina
William Weld 1966 Harvard University
Philip Lader 1966 Duke University
George Smoot 1966 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jane Harman 1966 Smith College
John Postlethwait 1966 Purdue University
Douglas D. Osheroff 1967 California Institute of Technology
Richard Blumenthal 1967 Harvard University
Janet Yellen 1967 Brown University
Bill Clinton 1968 Georgetown University
Michio Kaku 1968 Harvard University
John C. Mather 1968 Swarthmore College
Henry Paulson 1968 Dartmouth College
Isaac Asimov 1972 Boston University [9]
Laurie Anderson 1969 Barnard College
Jon Corzine 1969 University of Illinois
Hugh David Politzer 1969 University of Michigan
Frank J. Fabozzi 1969 City University of New York
E. Annie Proulx 1969 University of Vermont
Steven Chu 1970 University of Rochester
Frank Easterbrook 1970 Swarthmore College
Mazie Hirono 1970 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Frank Wilczek 1970 University of Chicago
David Rubenstein 1970 Duke University
Louis Freeh 1971 Rutgers University
Michael Katze 1971 Boston University
Mike Nifong 1971 University of North Carolina
Chuck Schumer 1971 Harvard University
Pat Quinn 1971 Georgetown University
Roger Tsien 1971 Harvard University
Nadine Strossen 1972 Radcliffe College
Samuel Alito 1972 Princeton University
Robert B. Laughlin 1972 University of California Berkeley
Jeffrey K. Tulis 1972 Bates College
Benazir Bhutto 1973 Radcliffe College
Jeb Bush 1973 University of Texas
E.J. Dionne 1973 Harvard University
John N. Kennedy 1973 Vanderbilt University
Rita Dove 1973 Miami University
Austin Ligon 1973 University of Texas
Renée Montagne 1973 University of California Berkeley
Diana Nyad 1973 Lake Forest College
Carl Wieman 1973 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Glenn Close 1974 College of William & Mary
Christie Hefner 1974 Brandeis University
Mark E. Kalmansohn c. 1974 University of California, Los Angeles
Condoleezza Rice 1974 University of Denver
Ben Bernanke 1975 Harvard University
Susan Collins 1975 St. Lawrence University
Griffith R. Harsh 1975 Harvard University
Harold Hongju Koh 1975 Harvard University
Gale Norton 1975 University of Denver
Robert Zoellick 1975 Swarthmore College
Michael Burns 1976 University of California, Los Angeles actor and historian
Lawrence B. Lindsey 1976 Bowdoin College
Jack A. Goldstone 1976 Harvard University
Alfredo Jocelyn-Holt 1976 Johns Hopkins University
John G. Roberts 1976 Harvard University
Sonia Sotomayor 1976 Princeton University
Joseph C. Nuesse 1976 Catholic University of America
Mark Warner 1977 George Washington University
Michael Stuart 1977 DePauw University [20]
Dale Archer 1978 Tulane University
Maurice Berger 1978 Hunter College
Karen Hughes 1978 Southern Methodist University
David Addington 1978 Georgetown University
Paula Franzese 1979 Barnard College
Debra Lehrmann 1979 University of Texas at Austin
David Merritt 1979 University of Santa Clara
Stavros Lambrinidis 1984 Amherst College
Jennifer Granholm 1980 University of California, Berkeley
Michael R. Barratt 1981 University of Washington
Lynn Barry 1981 College of William & Mary
Nicholas D. Kristof 1981 Harvard University
Elena Kagan 1981 Princeton University
I Michael Leitman 1981 Boston University
Eliot Spitzer 1981 Princeton University
Matthew Kramer 1981 Cornell University
Jill Zimmerman 1981 Purdue University
George Stephanopoulos 1982 Columbia University
Kateryna Yushchenko 1982 Georgetown University
Patrick Fitzgerald 1982 Amherst College
David Duchovny 1982 Princeton University [21]
Jeffrey W. Legro 1982 Middlebury College
Jean Rhodes 1983 University of Vermont
Christopher Eisgruber 1983 Princeton University
Miguel Estrada 1983 Columbia University
Dinesh D'Souza 1983 Dartmouth College
Christiane Amanpour 1983 University of Rhode Island [22]
Lisa Randall 1984 Harvard University
Lee Siegel 1984 Columbia University
Eric Allin Cornell 1985 Stanford University
Ken Stern 1985 Haverford College
Daniel Pearl 1985 Stanford University
Carol Queen 1985 University of Oregon
Anne Applebaum 1986 Yale University
Jeff Bezos 1986 Princeton University
Sabine Hyland 1986 Cornell University
Susan Rice 1986 Stanford University
Rafael Resendes 1987 University of California, Berkeley
Laura J. Snyder 1987 Brandeis University
Paul Clement 1988 Georgetown University
Neil Gorsuch 1988 Princeton University
KellyAnne Conway 1989 Trinity Washington University
Eudora Welty 1989 Millsaps College [9]
Ashley Judd 1990 University of Kentucky
Rosa Brooks 1990 Harvard University
Joshua Redman 1991 Harvard University
Paul Adelstein 1991 Bowdoin College
Peter R. Orszag 1991 Princeton University
Carson Kressley 1991 Gettysburg College
Jimmy Carter 1991 Kansas State University [23]
Dena Grayson 1991 University of Florida
Julie Story Byerley 1992 Rhodes College
Doris Eaton Travis 1992 University of Oklahoma
Danielle Allen 1993 Princeton University
Benjamin Radford 1993 University of New Mexico
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin 1993 Georgetown University
Amit Mehta 1993 Georgetown University
Bobby Jindal 1993 Brown University
Matt Sherman 1994 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amy Coney Barrett 1994 Rhodes College
Robb LaKritz 1994 University of Michigan
Burton Rocks 1994 Stony Brook University
Mamphela Ramphele 1994 Harvard University [24]
James Kerwin 1995 Texas Christian University
Griff Aldrich 1996 Hampden-Sydney College
Matthew Kleban 1996 Reed College
Andrew Mueller 1996 University of California, Santa Cruz
Dan O'Brien 1996 Middlebury College playwright
Emily Bergl 1997 Grinnell College
Richard Carrier 1997 University of California, Berkeley
Susan Haack 1997 University of Miami [25]
Peyton Manning 1997 University of Tennessee [26]
Michael Schur 1997 Harvard University
Ro Khanna 1998 University of Chicago [27] [28]
Kerry Washington 1998 George Washington University
Sufjan Stevens 1998 Hope College
Brad Delson 1999 University of California, Los Angeles
Rita Ng 2000 Stanford University [29]
Heidi Cruz 2000 Claremont McKenna College [30]
Holly A. Thomas 2000 Stanford University [31]
Brianna Keilar 2001 University of California, Berkeley
Josh Hawley 2002 Stanford University
Pete Buttigieg 2004 Harvard University [32]
Ben Shapiro 2004 University of California, Los Angeles
Rivers Cuomo 2006 Harvard University
Oludamini Ogunnaike 2007 Harvard University [33]
Vivek Ramaswamy 2007 Harvard University
Isaiah Andrews 2009 Yale College
Lena Park 2010 Columbia University
Kurt Hugo Schneider 2010 Yale University
Annie E. Clark 2011 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Tamar Kaprelian 2016 Columbia University
Sylvia Swayne 2019 University of Alabama
Amanda Gorman 2020 Harvard University

Honorary members

Alexander Graham Bell
Leonard Bernstein [34]
Barbara Bush [35]
Jimmy Carter [36] [37]
Rosalynn Carter [38]
Ta-Nehisi Coates [39]
Calvin Coolidge [36] [40]
John Hope Franklin
R. Buckminster Fuller [41] [42]
Susan Haack
Rutherford B. Hayes [43]
David Johnston [44]
Helen Keller [9]
Sandra Day O'Connor [45]
Mary Oliver [46]
Mamphela Ramphele
John D. Rockefeller [34]
Fred Rogers [47]
Eleanor Roosevelt [48]
Franklin D. Roosevelt [40] [36]
Anne Sexton
Harry S. Truman [40] [36]
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) [49] [50]
Booker T. Washington [9] [34]
Woodrow Wilson

[40] [36]

Fictional members

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Allison Blakely is an academic historian.

In North America, fraternities and sororities are social organizations at colleges and universities. They are sometimes collectively referred to as Greek life. Generally, membership in a fraternity or sorority is obtained as an undergraduate student but continues thereafter for life. Some accept graduate students as well. Individual fraternities and sororities vary in organization and purpose, but most share five common elements:

  1. Secrecy
  2. Single-sex membership
  3. Selection of new members based on a two-part vetting and probationary process known as rushing and pledging
  4. Ownership and occupancy of a residential property where undergraduate members live
  5. A set of complex identification symbols that may include Greek letters, armorial achievements, ciphers, badges, grips, hand signs, passwords, flowers, and colors


  1. Phi Beta Kappa. Massachusetts Alpha (Harvard University) (1912). Catalogue of the Harvard Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Massachusetts. Harvard University. p. 5. Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  2. "Phi Beta Kappa". CSULB Phi Beta Kappa. 2018-01-16. Retrieved 2023-07-20.
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  4. "Who Is a Member of PBK? - PBK - UNCG". Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  5. "Phi Beta Kappa | Willamette University". Retrieved 3 March 2017.
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  7. Lesko, Barbara S. "Caroline Louise Ransom Williams, 1872–1952" (PDF). Breaking Ground: Women in Old World Archaeology. Retrieved 14 June 2023.
  8. 1 2 "Phi Beta Kappa : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site". Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 "Phi Beta Kappa: Alpha of Delaware Chapter | Honors Program". Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  10. Franklin, James Henry (1919). Ministers of mercy. New York: Methodist Book Concern.
  11. Hu, Xiaojiang, ed. (March 2023). 胡先骕全集[H. H. Hu: complete works] (in Chinese). Vol. 19 (1st ed.). Jiangxi People's Publishing House. pp. 48–53. ISBN   978-7-210-10955-6.
  12. Tuten, N.L.; Zubizarreta, J. (2001). The Robert Frost Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press. p. 15. ISBN   9780313294648 . Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  13. "Paul Robeson, a brief biography". CPSR University of Chicago. Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  14. Cassidy, David C. (2005). J. Robert Oppenheimer and the American Century. New York: Pi Press. ISBN 978-0-13-147996-8. OCLC 56503198, pp. 75–76, 88–89.
  15. Callahan, N. (2010). Carl Sandburg: His Life and Works. Pennsylvania State University Press. p. 33. ISBN   9780271038179 . Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  16. "John Hope Franklin » John Hope Franklin". Archived from the original on 13 May 2017. Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  17. "Honor Societies", Haverford College Bulletin, 52 (4): 67, 1954
  18. Conference on World affairs, University of Colorado (29 March – 2 April 1971), Who is who: 24th annual conference on world affairs (PDF), Boulder, Colorado: Prosopography Archive, Conference on World Affairs Archives at Norlin Library, University of Colorado, p. 1, archived from the original (PDF) on 29 April 2011
  19. Reed, Dale (1999), Register of the Carl Gershman Papers (PDF), Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, archived from the original (PDF) on 7 August 2011, retrieved 13 August 2011
  20. "Michael J. Stuart, M.D." Mayo Clinic . 2022. Retrieved March 15, 2023.
  21. "PBK Famous Members". Retrieved 3 March 2017.
  22. "Weddings; Jamie Rubin, Christiane Amanpour". The New York Times. 9 August 1998.
  23. "PBK - Phi Beta Kappa Presidents" (PDF).
  24. "Things you may not know about Mamphela Ramphele - Sowetan LIVE". Archived from the original on 30 April 2017. Retrieved 3 March 2017.
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  26. "Plain and Simply Outstanding". ESPN . Retrieved 1 December 2013. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa in three years.
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  29. "Meet Miss California 2000, Rita Ng". Miss California. Archived from the original on 4 May 2009. Retrieved 1 December 2013. At Stanford, Rita graduated with a 3.99 GPA (honors distinction) and was named to Phi Beta Kappa.
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  31. "Questionnaire for Judicial Nominees" (PDF). United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. p. 5. Retrieved October 18, 2021.
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  33. Sung, Victoria D. (2007-05-02). "Oludamini D. Ogunnaike '07". The Harvard Crimson . Retrieved 2024-09-28.
  34. 1 2 3 "Phi Beta Kappa : The Colonial Williamsburg Official History & Citizenship Site". Retrieved 3 March 2017.
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  36. 1 2 3 4 5 "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 9 September 2015. Retrieved 2 June 2016.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
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