List of World Aquatics member federations

Last updated

This is a list of national federations that are members of World Aquatics, the international swimming federations. As at November 30, 2017, there are 209 countries/members (one national federation is allowed per sport nation). [1]


Continental Associations

Members are grouped by continent, and there are 5 continental associations of which they can choose to be a member: [2]

World Map FINA.svg

Note: The number following each continental name is the number of FINA members which fall into the given geographical area. It is not necessarily the number of members in the continental association.

List of FINA National Federations

This list is based on FINA Directory, [3] with founding and affiliated dates coming from FINA's 2009 membership report. [4]

AFGFlag of Afghanistan (2013-2021).svg  Afghanistan Asia2008
AGUFlag of Anguilla.svg  Anguilla Americas2017
ALBFlag of Albania.svg  Albania Europe19311991
ALGFlag of Algeria.svg  Algeria Africa19621963
AND Flag of Andorra.svg Andorra Europe19861986
ANGFlag of Angola.svg  Angola Africa19761980
ANTFlag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg  Antigua and Barbuda Americas19861986
ARGFlag of Argentina.svg  Argentina Americas19211924
ARMFlag of Armenia.svg  Armenia Europe19931993
ARUFlag of Aruba.svg  Aruba Americas19691985
ASAFlag of American Samoa.svg  American Samoa Oceania20032004
AUSFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Oceania19091909
AUTFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Europe18991909
AZEFlag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan Europe19921993
BAHFlag of the Bahamas.svg  Bahamas Americas1952
BANFlag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh Asia1974
BARFlag of Barbados.svg  Barbados Americas19471951
BDIFlag of Burundi.svg  Burundi Africa19942000
BELFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Europe19021908
BENFlag of Benin.svg  Benin Africa20002001
BERFlag of Bermuda.svg  Bermuda Americas19741974
BIH Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg Bosnia and Herzegovina Europe1946/19921993
BIZFlag of Belize.svg  Belize Americas
BHUFlag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan Asia2017
BLRFlag of Belarus.svg  Belarus Europe19591992
BOLBandera de Bolivia (Estado).svg  Bolivia Americas19351936
BOTFlag of Botswana.svg  Botswana Africa2006
BRAFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Americas19771978
BRNFlag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain Asia19741979
BRUFlag of Brunei.svg  Brunei Asia1984
BULFlag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria Europe19311933
BURFlag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso Africa20002001
CAFFlag of the Central African Republic.svg  Central African Republic Africa20092009
CAMFlag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia Asia19941996
CANFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Americas19091910
CAYFlag of the Cayman Islands.svg  Cayman Islands Americas1987
CGOFlag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Congo Africa19701976
CHAFlag of Chad.svg  Chad Africa2004
CHIFlag of Chile.svg  Chile Americas19201926
CHNFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Asia1957 [5] 1979
CIVFlag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Côte d'Ivoire Africa19601961
CMRFlag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon Africa1984
CODFlag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  DR Congo Africa2008
COKFlag of the Cook Islands.svg  Cook Islands Oceania1998
COLFlag of Colombia.svg  Colombia Americas19391940
COMFlag of the Comoros.svg  Comoros Africa1998
CPVFlag of Cape Verde.svg  Cape Verde Africa2009
CRCFlag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica Americas1963
CRO Flag of Croatia.svg Croatia Europe19911992
CUBFlag of Cuba.svg  Cuba Americas19201928
CURFlag of Curacao.svg  Curaçao Americas1928
CYPFlag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus Europe19721973
CZEFlag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Europe1919/19931919/1993
DENFlag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Europe19071908
DJIFlag of Djibouti.svg  Djibouti Africa2009
DMAFlag of Dominica.svg  Dominica Americas1992
DOMFlag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic Americas19741974
ECUFlag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador Americas19821982
EGYFlag of Egypt.svg  Egypt Africa19101924
ERIFlag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea Africa2009
ESAFlag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador Americas19501950
ESP Flag of Spain.svg Spain Europe19201920
ESTFlag of Estonia.svg  Estonia Europe19101991
ETHFlag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia Africa19801985
FARFlag of the Faroe Islands.svg  Faroe Islands Europe1981
FIJFlag of Fiji.svg  Fiji Oceania19631964
FINFlag of Finland.svg  Finland Europe19061908
FRA Flag of France.svg France Europe1920 [6] 1908
FSMFlag of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg  Federated States of Micronesia Oceania19971998
GABFlag of Gabon.svg  Gabon Africa
GAMFlag of The Gambia.svg  Gambia Africa2009
GBR Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Great Britain Europe19091908
GBSFlag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau Africa2004
GEOFlag of Georgia.svg  Georgia Europe19911992
GEQFlag of Equatorial Guinea.svg  Equatorial Guinea Africa20002000
GERFlag of Germany.svg  Germany Europe18861908
GHAFlag of Ghana.svg  Ghana Africa2004
GIBFlag of Gibraltar.svg  Gibraltar Europe19461966
GREFlag of Greece.svg  Greece Europe19271921
GRNFlag of Grenada.svg  Grenada Americas19921992
GUAFlag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala Americas1949
GUIFlag of Guinea.svg  Guinea Africa
GUMFlag of Guam.svg  Guam Oceania19651966
GUYFlag of Guyana.svg  Guyana Americas19731993
HAIFlag of Haiti.svg  Haiti Americas2014
HKGFlag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong Asia19511951
HONFlag of Honduras.svg  Honduras Americas1974
HUNFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Europe19071908
INAFlag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia Asia19511952
INDFlag of India.svg  India Asia1936
IRIFlag of Iran.svg  Iran Asia19461947
IRL Flag of Ireland.svg Ireland Europe18931927
IRQFlag of Iraq.svg  Iraq Asia19561957
ISL Flag of Iceland.svg Iceland Europe19511951
ISR Flag of Israel.svg Israel Europe19511952
ISV Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg Virgin Islands [7] Americas1973
ITA Flag of Italy.svg Italy Europe18991909
IVBFlag of the British Virgin Islands.svg  British Virgin Islands Americas2008
JAMFlag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica Americas1936
JORFlag of Jordan.svg  Jordan Asia19761984
JPN Flag of Japan.svg Japan Asia1920
KAZFlag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan Asia19921991
KENFlag of Kenya.svg  Kenya Africa19531954
KGZFlag of Kyrgyzstan (2023).svg  Kyrgyzstan Asia19941995
KORFlag of South Korea.svg  South Korea Asia19461948
KOSFlag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo Europe2015 [8]
KSAFlag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia Asia19741976
KUWFlag of Kuwait.svg  Kuwait Asia19641968
LAOFlag of Laos.svg  Laos Asia19952000
LATFlag of Latvia.svg  Latvia Europe1905/19881932/1991
LBAFlag of Libya.svg  Libya Africa1963
LBNFlag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Asia19611961
LBRFlag of Liberia.svg  Liberia Africa19992001
LCAFlag of Saint Lucia.svg  Saint Lucia Americas19881989
LESFlag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho Africa2001
LIEFlag of Liechtenstein.svg  Liechtenstein Europe19811982
LTU Flag of Lithuania.svg Lithuania Europe1924/19901992
LUXFlag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg Europe19241924
MAAFlag of Sint Maarten.svg  Sint Maarten Americas20102014
MACFlag of Macau.svg  Macau Asia19561988
MADFlag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar Africa19641992
MAR Flag of Morocco.svg Morocco Africa19561957
MASFlag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia Asia19551955
MAWFlag of Malawi.svg  Malawi Africa20002000
MDAFlag of Moldova.svg  Moldova Europe19891992
MDVFlag of Maldives.svg  Maldives Asia19831984
MEXFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Americas19591960
MGLFlag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia Asia1996
MHLFlag of the Marshall Islands.svg  Marshall Islands Oceania1987
MKDFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Europe19471993
MLIFlag of Mali.svg  Mali Africa1968/1975
MLT Flag of Malta.svg Malta Europe19251928
MNE Flag of Montenegro.svg Montenegro Europe2006
MONFlag of Monaco.svg  Monaco Europe19761977
MOZFlag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique Africa1980
MRIFlag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius Africa19751976
MTNFlag of Mauritania.svg  Mauritania Africa20002001
MYAFlag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar Asia19481952/1994
NAMFlag of Namibia.svg  Namibia Africa19631989
NCAFlag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua Americas19611962
NEDFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Europe18881909
NEPFlag of Nepal.svg    Nepal Asia1984
NGRFlag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria Africa19581958
NIGFlag of Niger.svg  Niger Africa1964
NMAFlag of the Northern Mariana Islands.svg  Northern Mariana Islands Oceania19741986
NORFlag of Norway.svg  Norway Europe1910 [9] 1912
NZLFlag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand Oceania18901910
OMAFlag of Oman.svg  Oman Asia19751981
PAKFlag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Asia19481948
PANFlag of Panama.svg  Panama Americas1950
PARFlag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay Americas1954
PERFlag of Peru.svg  Peru Americas19261928
PHIFlag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Asia19271928
PLEFlag of Palestine.svg  Palestine Asia19931999
PLWFlag of Palau.svg  Palau Oceania1996
PNGFlag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea Oceania1997
POLFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Europe19221923
PORFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal Europe19301930
PRKFlag of North Korea.svg  North Korea Asia19461964
PURFlag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico Americas19571958
QATFlag of Qatar.svg  Qatar Asia19921993
ROUFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Europe19301923
RSAFlag of South Africa.svg  South Africa Africa19081994
RUSFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Europe19911992
RWAFlag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda Africa20002000
SAMFlag of Samoa.svg  Samoa Oceania19981998
SENFlag of Senegal.svg  Senegal Africa19621962
SEYFlag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles Africa19851987
SKNFlag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg  Saint Kitts and Nevis Americas2009
SLEFlag of Sierra Leone.svg  Sierra Leone Africa1990
SLOFlag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia Europe19221992
SMRFlag of San Marino.svg  San Marino Europe19801981
SOLFlag of the Solomon Islands.svg  Solomon Islands Oceania20091998
SOMFlag of Somalia.svg  Somalia Africa19932005
SGPFlag of Singapore.svg  Singapore Asia19391993
SRBFlag of Serbia.svg  Serbia Europe19211923
SRIFlag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka Asia19751975
SUDFlag of Sudan.svg  Sudan Africa1961
SUIFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Europe19181920
SURFlag of Suriname.svg  Suriname Americas19531972
SVKFlag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia Europe19901993
SWE Flag of Sweden.svg Sweden Europe19041908
SWZFlag of Eswatini.svg  Swaziland Africa19791980
SYRFlag of Syria.svg  Syrian Arab Republic Asia19481952
TANFlag of Tanzania.svg  United Republic of Tanzania Africa20062006
TCNFlag of the Turks and Caicos Islands.svg  Turks and Caicos Islands Americas19962001
TGAFlag of Tonga.svg  Tonga Oceania2010
THAFlag of Thailand.svg  Thailand Asia19581959
TJKFlag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan Asia19961996
TKMFlag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan Asia1995
TLSFlag of East Timor.svg  Timor-Leste Asia
TOGFlag of Togo.svg  Togo Africa1984
TPEFlag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei Asia19731978
TTOFlag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago Americas19491951
TUNFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia Africa1957
TURFlag of Turkey.svg  Turkey Europe1928
UAEFlag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates Asia19741981
UGAFlag of Uganda.svg  Uganda Africa1995
UKRFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Europe19901992
URUFlag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay Americas19181920
USA Flag of the United States.svg USA Americas19091909
UZBFlag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan Asia19741981
VANFlag of Vanuatu.svg  Vanuatu Oceania2009
VENFlag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Americas19501955
VIEFlag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam Asia19631952/1983
VINFlag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Americas1998
YEMFlag of Yemen.svg  Yemen Asia2003
ZAMFlag of Zambia.svg  Zambia Africa1963
ZIMFlag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe Africa19151980

Note: Netherlands Antilles (AHO) was a member prior to its sports-nation status dissolution in 2011–12; Curaçao and Sint Maarten originated out of that. Tahiti (TAH) was also a member from 1992 onwards, but as of 2016 is no longer listed as a member on FINA's website.

As of 2019, Kiribati, Nauru, South Sudan, São Tomé and Príncipe and Tuvalu are not FINA members.

Anguilla, Curaçao, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Macau, Northern Mariana Islands, Sint Maarten, and Turks and Caicos Islands are not IOC members.

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  1. FINA Press Release 2010-02: FINA Bureau Meeting in Bangkok (THA) - Main decisions Archived 2012-08-01 at the Wayback Machine (a report on the January 14+15, 2010 FINA Bureau meeting). Published 2010-01-16; retrieved 2010-01-25.
  2. "Continental Organisations". World Aquatics. Retrieved 2024-07-13.
  3. FINA National Federations list Archived 2015-06-21 at the Wayback Machine from the FINA website (; retrieved 2010-02-20.
  4. ActionFINA: From Montreal 2005 to Rome 2009 (Volume 5). Published by FINA in 2009.
  5. Aquatics pages of the China Olympic Committee's website; retrieved 2010-03-05.
  6. The French Swimming Federation (Fédération Française de Natation, FFN), was created on November 20, 1920; and declared official on December 9, 1920 according to the (in French) Statuts et Règlements de la FFN Archived 2011-07-20 at the Wayback Machine page (trans: Rules and Regulations) of the FFN. This is after its affiliation date with FINA, which most likely means that an initial body/group was a member in 1908 on FINA's founding and that group later changed into/became FFN, upon its official recognition by the Government of France.
  7. Note on ISV: The United States Virgin Islands are referred to as simply "Virgin Islands" and not some variant with a "US" reference in them. This is most likely because for a time the USVIs were the only Virgin Islands that were a member of either the International Olympic Committee or FINA. When the British Virgin Islands became a FINA member (2008), they were given a separate country code (IVB); however, the U.S. Virgin Islands country label was not changed--it has remained "Virgin Islands".
  8. "FINA granted full membership to Kosovo". in News. InSerbia Network Foundation. 20 February 2015.
  9. Norwegian Swimming Federation was formed on August 19, 1910. Published by NSF on 2010-01-06; retrieved 2010-03-05.