An enacting clause is a short phrase that introduces the main provisions of a law enacted by a legislature. It is also called enacting formula or enacting words. [1] It usually declares the source from which the law claims to derive its authority.
In many countries, an enacting formula is not considered necessary and is simply omitted. When it is required, a common tactic by a bill's opponent is a motion to "strike the enacting clause", which would make the law unenforceable.[ citation needed ]
The simplest enacting clauses merely cite the legislature by which the law has been adopted; for example the enacting clause used in Australia since 1990 is "The Parliament of Australia enacts".
This section needs additional citations for verification .(October 2007) |
Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda:
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda as follows:"
"The Senate and House of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, in Congress assembled, ... enact or approve with the force of law:"
Spanish: "El Senado y Cámara de Diputados de la Nación Argentina, reunidos en Congreso,... decretan o sancionan con fuerza de ley."
"The Parliament of Australia enacts:"
For constitutional amendments passed at a referendum: [5]
"The Parliament of Australia, with the approval of the electors, as required by the Constitution, enacts:"
1973 - October 1990:
"BE IT ENACTED by the Queen [King], and the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:"
"BE IT ENACTED by the Queen [King], and the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, with the approval of the electors, as required by the Constitution, as follows:"
1901–1972: [8]
"BE IT ENACTED by the King's [Queen's] Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, as follows:"
"BE IT ENACTED by the King's [Queen's] Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, with the approval of the electors, as required by the Constitution, as follows:"
"The National Council has enacted:"
German: "Der Nationalrat hat beschlossen:"
"WHEREAS it is expedient and necessary to make provisions for the [purpose of the enactment] THEREFORE, it is hereby enacted as follows :"
"BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Assembly of Barbados and by the authority of the same as follows:-"
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Barbados as follows:"
For bills amending the constitution:
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Barbados in accordance with section 49 of the Constitution as follows:"
"Enacted by the Parliament of The Bahamas."
In Belgium the enacting formula appears in the Belgian official journal (Belgisch Staatsblad/Moniteur belge) when the law is promulgated and published, but is usually thereafter not included when the law is printed in compilations, or stored in internet databases, even official ones. The enacting clause is as follows.
N. (e.g. PHILIPPE), King of the Belgians: To all, present and to come, greeting. The Chambers have adopted and We sanction the following: (the articles of the law then follow. After the last article of the law the enacting formula continues). We promulgate the present law, order it to be sealed with the State Seal and published in the Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad
French: N. (PHILIPPE), Roi des Belges, A tous, présents et à venir, Salut. Les Chambres ont adopté et Nous sanctionnons ce qui suit (...) Promulguons la présente loi, ordonnons qu'elle soit revêtue du sceau de l'Etat et publiée par le Moniteur belge.
Dutch: N. (FILIP), Koning der Belgen, Aan allen die nu zijn en hierna wezen zullen, Onze Groet. De Kamers hebben aangenomen en Wij bekrachtigen hetgeen volgt (...) Kondigen deze wet af, bevelen dat zij met 's Lands zegel zal worden bekleed en door het Belgisch Staatsblad zal worden bekendgemaakt.
"BE IT ENACTED, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives and the Senate of Belize and by the authority of the same, as follows:-"
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Botswana."
"THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC: I make it known that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following Law:"
Portuguese: "O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA: Faço saber que o Congresso Nacional decreta e eu sanciono a seguinte Lei:"'
In Brazil the presidential assent to a bill is called "sanction". After passing both Houses of Congress (the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate), the final version of the bill, duly signed by the presiding officers of both Houses, is sent to the President of the Republic. The document is still called a "proposed law", with a bill number, and with the header "The National Congress decrees:" (In Portuguese: "O Congresso Nacional decreta:"). If the President approves the bill, a different copy of the act is prepared by the Presidency of the Republic, with the official number of the Law and the date of enactment of the law, and also with the replacement of the clause "The National Congress decrees:" with the above mentioned formula "THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC: I make it known that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following Law:". The signatures of the presiding officers of Congress are therefore not present in this version of the act. This is the version of the statute that is published in the Official Journal and that is included in the statute books. When granting his approval to a bill, the President signs both the bill sent to him by Congress and the final version of the statute with the presidential enacting formula. The signed Bill is returned to Congress by means of a presidential message; the signed statute with the presidential enacting formula is printed in the Official Journal, and the original is thereafter sent to the National Archive. Thus, in Brazil, the President is always seen signing two different documents at bill signing ceremony (the two documents are called the "autographs"): one is the text of the proposed law, the other is the final text of the statute. Technically, the first signature (on the autograph of the Bill sent by Congress) is the "sanction to the proposed law", that is, the approval of the bill, that transforms it in a Law, and the second signature (on the final version of the statute with the presidential enacting formula and a law number) is the promulgation, the announcement to the people that the Law has been adopted. While the signature of the President on the bill includes the addition of the formula "I sanction it" (in Portuguese: "Sanciono") above the signature, this is not seen in the final "promulgation" autograph of the statute. On the other hand, the promulgated statute contains not only the signature of the president, but also the countersignatures of his ministers principally charged with applying the law.
When the president vetoes a bill, and the veto is overridden, the Bill is returned by Congress to the President not for sanction (approval), but merely for promulgation. In that case, the president is expected to promulgate the bill in 48 hours. In that situation, the enacting formula that appears in the final text of the adopted statute is as follows:
"THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC: I make it known that the National Congress maintained and I promulgate the following Law:"
Portuguese: "O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA: Faço saber que o Congresso Nacional manteve e eu promulgo a seguinte Lei:"
Tacit sanction (i.e. implicit approval) is deemed to take place if the president fails to sign or veto a bill within the constitutionally mandated timeframe of fifteen working days from receiving the bill. Once the bill is considered implicitly sanctioned, the president is expected to promulgate the new law and the same 48-hour timeframe applies. The formula in this case is:
"THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC: I make it known that the National Congress decrees and I promulgate the following Law:"
Portuguese: "O PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA: Faço saber que o Congresso Nacional decreta e eu promulgo a seguinte Lei:"
Should the president refuse to promulgate, or fail to promulgate in the period of 48 hours, a bill, after his veto has been overridden by Congress, then the authority to promulgate the bill passes to the President of the Senate. In that case, the formula of promulgation is:
"The President of the FEDERAL SENATE promulgates, in accordance with art. 66 §7, of the Federal Constitution, the following Law, that results from bill vetoed by the President of the Republic and maintained by the National Congress:"
Portuguese: "O Presidente do SENADO FEDERAL promulga, nos termos do art. 66, § 7, da Constituição Federal, a seguinte Lei, resultante de Projeto vetado pelo Presidente da República e mantido pelo Congresso Nacional:"
Should the president of the Republic refuse to promulgate, or fail to promulgate in the period of 48 hours, a bill, after the bill has been implicitly sanctioned due to his failure to sign or veto it within the constitutionally mandated timeframe, then the authority to promulgate the bill passes to the President of the Senate. In that case, the formula of promulgation is:
"I make it known that the NATIONAL CONGRESS enacted, the President of the Republic, in accordance with the provisions of §3 of the art. 66 of the Constitution, sanctioned, and I, (NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS), President of the Federal Senate, in accordance with the §7 of the same article, do promulgate the following Law:"
Portuguese: "Faço saber que o CONGRESSO NACIONAL aprovou, o Presidente da República, nos termos do § 3o do art. 66 da Constituição, sancionou, e eu, (NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS), Presidente do Senado Federal, nos termos do § 7o do mesmo artigo promulgo a seguinte Lei:"
Whenever the president adopts a provisional measure and the provisional measure is approved by Congress with changes, a normal bill is sent to the president for approval or veto, and the same formulas used for other bills are employed; once enacted, the new statute replaces the provisional measure. However, if the provisional measure adopted by the president is approved by Congress without changes, the bill does not need to be presented for approval or veto; in that case, the law that both corresponds fully to the provisional measure and replaces it is promulgated directly by the President of the Senate, with the following words:
"I make it known that the President of the Republic adopted the Provisional Measure number NNN of YYYY, that the National Congress approved, and I, (NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS), President of the Federal Senate, for the effects of the provision of the sole paragraph of art. 62 of the Federal Constitution, do promulgate the following Law:"
Portuguese: "Faço saber que o Presidente da República adotou a Medida Provisória no NN, de YYYY, que o Congresso Nacional aprovou e eu, (NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS), Presidente do Senado Federal, para os efeitos do disposto no parágrafo único do art. 62 da Constituição Federal, promulgo a seguinte Lei:"
Historical: General Assembly of the Empire of Brazil (1822-1889)
Whenever the General Assembly of the Empire (made up of a Senate and of a Chamber of Deputies) passed a bill, a decree of the General Assembly containing the articles of the approved bill was sent to the Emperor for sanction or veto. The Decree of the General Assembly began with the following formula (that did not appear in the final version of the statute, after the imperial sanction): "The General Assembly decrees:" (in Portuguese: "A Assembleia Geral decreta:"). The decree was still only a proposed law, that would become an actual law if sanctioned by the Emperor. The General Assembly sent its decree to the Emperor for sanction or veto by means of a message with the words following: "The General Assembly sends to the Emperor the enclosed decree, that it considers advantageous, and useful to the Empire, and it asks that His Imperial Majesty may be pleased to grant it His sanction" (in Portuguese: "A Assembleia Geral dirige ao Imperador o decreto incluso, que julga vantajoso e útil ao Império, e pede a Sua Majestade Imperial, se digne dar a Sua sanção"). If the Emperor decided to sanction the decree, then he sent the message of the General Assembly back to the Legislature, adding after the text of the Decree of the General Assembly the following words, together with the date and his signature: ""The Emperor consents" (in Portuguese: "O Imperador consente"). Then, the Executive branch prepared a formal document to promulgate the new law, and this document was known in the imperial period as a Charter of Law (in Portuguese: Carta de Lei). It was the chartered version of the law that was included in the statute books and that was printed and published for the knowledge of the people. Thus, the Charter of Law was the final version of the statute as adopted. It was signed by the Emperor and countersigned by his responsible Ministers, and contained an enacting formula as follows:
NAME OF THE EMPEROR PRECEDED BY THE TITLE "DOM" (e.g. "DOM PETER THE SECOND"), by the grace of God and unanimous acclamation of the peoples, Constitutional Emperor and Perpetual Defender of Brazil: We make it known to all Our subjects that the General Assembly has decreed and We will the following law:
(the provisions of the Law then followed, and after the last article of the Law the text of the statute finished with a continuation of the enacting formula, as follows).
We command, therefore, all the authorities whom the knowledge and execution of this present Law may concern, that they comply with it and that they make it be complied with and kept, as faithfully and as fully as provided herein. The Secretary of State of the Affairs of... (title of the responsible Minister of the Crown who countersigns the Act with the Emperor and who heads the Department principally charged with applying the Law) is to make this Law be printed, published and circulated. Given at the Palace of... on (day) of (month) of (year), in the (year) of the Independence and of the Empire.
Portuguese: NAME OF THE EMPEROR PRECEDED BY THE TITLE "DOM" (e.g. "DOM PEDRO SEGUNDO"), por graça de Deus e unânime aclamação dos povos, Imperador Constitucional e Defensor Perpétuo do Brasil: Fazemos saber a todos os Nossos súditos que a Assembleia Geral decretou e Nós queremos a seguinte lei:
(the provisions of the Law then followed, and after the last article of the Law the text of the statute finished with a continuation of the enacting formula, as follows)
Portuguese: Mandamos, portanto, a todas as autoridades a quem o conhecimento e execução da referida lei pertencer, que a cumpram, e façam cumprir e guardar tão fiel e inteiramente como nela se contém. O Secretário de Estado dos Negócios... (title of the responsible Minister of the Crown who countersigns the Act with the Emperor and who heads the Department principally charged with applying the Law) a faça imprimir, publicar e correr. Dada no palácio... no (day) de (month) de (year), no (year) da Independência e do Império.
When the powers of the Emperor were discharged by Regents on behalf of the monarch the formula was as follows:
The Regency (or "The Regent"; or "The Princess Imperial Regent"), in the Name of His Majesty the Emperor, the Lord (name of the Emperor preceded by the title "Dom", e.g., "Dom Pedro II"), makes it known to all the subjects of the Empire that the General Assembly has decreed and it (or "He" or "She") sanctioned the following law:
(the provisions of the Law then followed, and after the last article of the Law the text of the statute finished with a continuation of the enacting formula, as follows).
(He, She, It) commands, therefore, all the authorities whom the knowledge and execution of this present Law may concern, that they comply with it and that they make it be complied with and kept, as faithfully and as fully as provided herein. The Secretary of State of the Affairs of... (title of the responsible Minister of the Crown who countersigns the Act with the Regent and who heads the Department principally charged with applying the Law) is to make this Law be printed, published and circulated. Given at the Palace of... on (day) of (month) of (year), in the (year) of the Independence and of the Empire.
Portuguese: A Regência (or "O Regente; or "A Princesa Imperial Regente), em Nome de Sua Majestade o Imperador, o Senhor (name of the Emperor preceded by the title "Dom", e.g., "Dom Pedro II"), faz saber a todos os súditos do Império que a Assembleia Geral decretou e ela (or ele) sancionou a seguinte lei:
(the provisions of the Law then followed, and after the last article of the Law the text of the statute finished with a continuation of the enacting formula, as follows)
Portuguese: Manda, portanto, a todas as autoridades a quem o conhecimento e execução da referida lei pertencer, que a cumpram, e façam cumprir e guardar tão fiel e inteiramente como nela se contém. O Secretário de Estado dos Negócios... (title of the responsible Minister of the Crown who countersigns the Act with the Regent and who heads the Department principally charged with applying the Law) a faça imprimir, publicar e correr. Dada no palácio... no (day) de (month) de (year), no (year) da Independência e do Império.
"His [Her] Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:"
French: "Sa Majesté, sur l'avis et avec le consentement du Sénat et de la Chambre des communes du Canada, édicte :"
The enacting clause for money bills differs. For example, in the Appropriation Act No. 4, 2015–16, it reads as follows:
Whereas it appears by message from His Excellency the Right Honourable (Governor General), Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, and the Estimates accompanying that message, that the sums mentioned below are required to defray certain expenses of the federal public administration, not otherwise provided for, for the financial year ending March 31, 2016, and for other purposes connected with the federal public administration;
May it therefore please Your Majesty, that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, that:
Attendu qu'il est nécessaire, comme l'indiquent le message de Son Excellence le très honorable David Johnston, gouverneur général et commandant en chef du Canada, et le budget des dépenses qui y est joint, d'allouer les crédits ci-dessous précisés pour couvrir certaines dépenses de l'administration publique fédérale faites au cours de l'exercice se terminant le 31 mars 2016 et auxquelles il n'est pas pourvu par ailleurs, ainsi qu'à d'autres fins d'administration publique,
Il est respectueusement demandé à Votre Majesté de bien vouloir édicter, sur l'avis et avec le consentement du Sénat et de la Chambre des communes du Canada, ce qui suit :
THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC: "Bearing in mind that the Hon. National Congress has given its approval to the following Bill ... And because I have seen fit to approve and sanction it; therefore it enacted and take effect as a law of the Republic"
Spanish: EL PRESIDENTE DE LA REPÚBLICA: "Teniendo presente que el H. Congreso Nacional ha dado su aprobación al siguiente proyecto de ley ... Y por cuanto he tenido a bien aprobarlo y sancionarlo; por tanto promúlguese y llévese a efecto como Ley de la República."
"The Congress of Colombia, Decrees:"
Spanish: "El Congreso de Colombia, Decreta"
Words "Hrvatski sabor" (Croatian Parliament) are printed in uppercase as a header on all laws, thereby starting the enacting clause and symbolizing that there is no authority higher than the Parliament. This might be rooted in a popular quote from Ante Starčević in a parliamentary discussion in June 1861, as he stated that there is no-one above the parliamentary sovereignty (other than God and the people of Croatia). [19] A brief statement follows, signed by the President of Croatia, promulgating the law, referring to his constitutional right to do so and the session of the parliament where the legislation has been passed.
Based on the art. 89 of the Constitution of Croatia, I have decided as follows:
Decision to enact the law on... [name of the law]
I hereby proclaim the law on...[name of the law] passed by the Croatian Parliament at its nth session on [date]:"
Na temelju članka 89. Ustava Republike Hrvatske, donosim
Odluku o proglašenju Zakona o...[ime zakona]
Proglašavam Zakon o...[ime zakona], koji je Hrvatski sabor donio na sjednici [datum]"
"WE FREDERIK THE TENTH, by the Grace of God King of Denmark, hereby proclaim: The Folketing has passed and We by Our consent have assented the following act:"
Danish: "VI FREDERIK DEN TIENDE, af Guds Nåde Danmarks Konge, gør vitterligt: Folketinget har vedtaget og Vi ved Vort samtykke stadfæstet følgende lov:"
"BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Dominica as follows:
Parliament of Finland (from 1917 onwards):
"In accordance with the decision of Parliament, it is enacted:"
Swedish: "I enlighet med riksdagens beslut föreskrivs:" [21]
"In accordance with the decision of Parliament, made in accordance with § 73 of the Constitution, it is enacted:"
Finnish: "Eduskunnan päätöksen mukaisesti, joka on tehty perustuslain 73 §:ssä määrätyllä tavalla, säädetään:" [22]
Swedish: "I enlighet med riksdagens beslut, tillkommit på det sätt som bestäms i 73 § i grundlagen, föreskrivs:" [23]
"In accordance with the proposal of the General Synod and the decision of Parliament, the following Church Act for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is enacted:"
Finnish: "Kirkolliskokouksen ehdotuksen ja eduskunnan päätöksen mukaisesti säädetään Suomen evankelis-luterilaiselle kirkolle seuraava kirkkolaki:" [24]
Swedish: "På förslag av kyrkomötet och enligt riksdagens beslut stiftas för Finlands evangelisk-lutherska kyrka följande kyrkolag:" [25]
Before 1917 (examples):
"His Majesty the Emperor has, in accordance with the humble submission by the Estates of Finland, while in Petergof, on 7 (20) of July, 1906, been pleased to Graciously ratify the following Election Act for the Grand Duchy of Finland:"
— (1906)
Finnish: "Hänen Majesteettinsa Keisari on, Suomenmaan Valtiosäätyjen alamaisesta esityksestä, Pietarhovissa ollessaan 7 (20) p:nä heinäkuuta 1906 suvainnut Armossa vahvistaa seuraavan vaalilain Suomen Suuriruhtinaanmaalle::—" [26]
"We Alexander the Third, by Grace of God the Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias, Czar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, etc., etc., etc., make it known: it is our will to hereby promulgate, in accordance with the humble submission of the Estates of Finland, the following Criminal Code for the Grand Duchy of Finland, on execution of which, as well as on enforcement of punishments, a special decree will be given"
Finnish: "Me Aleksander Kolmas, Jumalan Armosta, koko Venäjänmaan Keisari ja Itsevaltias, Puolanmaan Zsaari, Suomen Suuriruhtinas, y. m., y. m., y. m. Teemme tiettäväksi: Suomenmaan Valtiosäätyjen alamaisesta esityksestä tahdomme Me täten armosta vahvistaa seuraavan rikoslain Suomen Suuriruhtinaanmaalle, jonka voimaanpanemisesta, niinkuin myöskin rangaistusten täytäntöönpanosta erityinen asetus annetaan:" [27]
Swedish: "Wi Alexander den Tredje, med Guds Nåde, Kejsare och Sjelfherrskare öfver hela Ryssland, Tsar af Polen, Storfurste till Finland, etc., etc., etc., Göre veterligt: På Finlands ständers underdåniga framställning vele Wi härigenom i nåder stadfästa följande strafflag för Storfurstendömet Finland, om hvars införande, såsom ock angående verkställighet af straff, särskild förordning utfärdas:" [28]
"ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of Fiji—"
"The National Assembly and the Senate have adopted,
The President of the Republic promulgates the law of which content follows:"
French: "L'Assemblée nationale et le Sénat ont adopté,
Le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit:"
For acts which do not need the consent of the Bundesrat:
"The Bundestag has enacted the following law:"
German: "Der Bundestag hat das folgende Gesetz beschlossen:"
For acts which need the consent of the Bundesrat:
"With the consent of the Bundesrat, the Bundestag has enacted the following law:"
German: "Der Bundestag hat mit Zustimmung des Bundesrates das folgende Gesetz beschlossen:"
For acts which need an absolute majority and the consent of the Bundesrat:
"With the majority of its members and the consent of the Bundesrat, the Bundestag has enacted the following law:"
German: "Der Bundestag hat mit der Mehrheit seiner Mitglieder und mit Zustimmung des Bundesrates das folgende Gesetz beschlossen:"
For acts that change the Basic Law:
"With the consent of the Bundesrat, the Bundestag has enacted the following law; article 79 paragraph 2 of the Basic Law has been complied with:"
German: "Der Bundestag hat mit Zustimmung des Bundesrates das folgende Gesetz beschlossen; Artikel 79 Absatz 2 des Grundgesetzes ist eingehalten:"
All laws conclude with the following formula before the place and date of signature, the signature of the Federal President and the countersignatures of the Federal Chancellor and of the Federal Ministers responsible for the subject-matter of the law:
"The above law is hereby promulgated and shall be published in the Federal Law Gazette"
German: "Das vostehende Gesetz wird hiermit ausgefertigt und wird in Bundesgesetzblatt verkundet"
"PASSED by Parliament and assented to by the President."
According to the current Constitution of Greece (since March, 1986) each law is approved by the Parliament and promulgated by the President of the Republic.
"We, the President of the Hellenic Republic, do promulgate the following law approved by the Parliament:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Εκδίδομε τον ακόλουθο νόμο που ψήφισε η Βουλή:..."
Before the first amendment of the current Constitution of Greece [31] (until March, 1986) each law had to be approved by the Parliament and then to be ratified and promulgated by the President of the Republic.
"We, the President of the Hellenic Republic, do ratify and promulgate the following law approved by the Parliament:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Κυρώνουμε και εκδίδουμε τον ακόλουθο νόμο που ψήφισε η Βουλή:..." [32]
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Κυρούμεν και εκδίδομεν τον κατωτέρω υπό της Βουλής ψηφισθέντα νόμον:..." [33]
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Κυροῦμεν καὶ ἐκδίδομεν τὸν κατωτέρω ὑπὸ τῆς Βουλῆς ψηφισθέντα νόμον:... [34] "
"We, the President of the Hellenic Republic, unanimously approved along with the Parliament, decided:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Ψηφισάμενοι ὁμοφώνως μετὰ τῆς Βουλῆς, ἀπεφασίσαμεν:... [35] "
Under the presidential parliamentary Constitution of 1927 and since the Senate's formation in June, 1929, each law had to be approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate and then to be promulgated by the President of Republic.
"We, Hellenic Republic, taking into account the article 75 of the Constitution, do promulgate the following Law, approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate:..."
Greek: "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Ἔχοντες ὑπ' ὄψει τὸ ἄρθρο 75 τοῦ Συντάγματος, ἐκδίδομεν τὸν επόμενο Νόμο, ψηφισθέντα ὑπὸ τῆς Βουλῆς καὶ τῆς Γερουσίας:..."
"We, Hellenic Republic, taking into account the article 75 of the Constitution, do promulgate the following Law, approved by the Parliament:..."
Greek: "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Ἔχοντες ὑπ' ὄψει τὸ ἄρθρο 75 τοῦ Συντάγματος, ἐκδίδομεν τὸν επόμενο Νόμο, ψηφισθέντα ὑπὸ τῆς Βουλῆς:..." [36]
"We, Hellenic Republic, unanimously approved along with the Parliament, decided and do decree the following:..."
Greek: "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Ψηφισάμενοι ὁμοφώνως μετὰ τῆς Βουλῆς, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..." [37]
"We, Hellenic Republic, unanimously approved along with the Fourth National Assembly at Athens, decided and do decree the following:..."
Greek: "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Ψηφισάμενοι ὁμοφώνως μετὰ τῆς Δ' ἐν Ἀθήναις Συντακτικῆς Συνελεύσεως, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
Also, during constitutional monarchy regime, under the Constitutions of 1864 (as amended in 1911 and re-enacted in 1935) and 1952, each law had to be approved by both the Parliament and the King and then promulgated by the later.
"We, [Name] King of the Hellenes, unanimously approved along with the Parliament, decided and do decree:..."
Greek: "[Όνομα] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ Ψηφισάμενοι ὁμοφώνως μετὰ τῆς Βουλῆς, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
"We, Otto by Grace of God the King of the Greece, unanimously approved along with the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, do decree the following:..."
Greek: "ΟΘΩΝ ΕΛΕΩι ΘΕΟΥ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ Ψηφισάμενοι ὁμοφώνως μετὰ τῆς Βουλῆς καὶ τῆς Γερουσίας, διατάττομεν ὡς ἐφεξής:..."
In case of extremely urgent unforeseen situations, the Constitution grants the Greek government along with the President of the Republic to issue legislative acts bypassing the parliamentary approval, in order to deal with urgent issues, provided that act to be later submitted for sanction in Parliament within forty days after either its promulgation or the parliamentary session convocation, in order to acquire legal power.
"We, the President of the Hellenic Republic, taking into account: 1) the paragraph 1 of Constitution article 44. 2) The extremely urgent and unforeseen need [...], do decide:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Έχοντας υπόψη: 1) Την παράγραφο 1 του άρθρου 44 του Συντάγματος. 2) Την εξαιρετικά επείγουσα και απρόβλεπτη ανάγκη [...], αποφασίζουμε:..."
Under the previous presidential parliamentary Constitutions, Emergency laws and legislative decrees were enacted by the following clause:
"We, the President of the Hellenic Republic, on the proposal of Our Cabinet, decided and do decree:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Προτάσει τοῦ Ἠμετέρου Ὑπουργικοῦ Συμβουλίου, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
"We, Hellenic Republic, on the proposal of Our Cabinet, decided and do decree:..."
Greek: "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Προτάσει τοῦ Ἠμετέρου Ὑπουργικοῦ Συμβουλίου, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
During the Kingdom of Greece period, emergency laws and legislative decrees were enacted by the following clause:
"We, [Name] King of the Hellenes, on the proposal of Our Cabinet, decided and do decree:..."
Greek: "[Όνομα] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ Προτάσει τοῦ Ἠμετέρου Ὑπουργικοῦ Συμβουλίου, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
"We, [Name] King of the Hellenes, taking into account the provisions of Constitution article 35 and the consent of the according to paragraph 2 of the same article 35 special parliamentary committee, provided in [Date], on the proposal of Our Cabinet, decided and do decree:..."
Greek: "[Όνομα] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ Ἔχοντες ὑπ' ὄψει τὰς διατάξεις τοῦ ἄρθρου 35 τοῦ Συντάγματος καὶ τὴν ἀπὸ [ημερομηνία] σύμφωνον γνώμην τῆς κατὰ τὴν παράγραφον 2 τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἄρθρου 35 Εἰδικῆς Ἐπιτροπῆς ἐκ Βουλευτῶν, προτάσει τοῦ Ἡμετέρου Ὑπουργικοῦ Συμβουλίου, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
Currently, any amendment of the Constitution Law must be published in the official government gazette of the Hellenic Republic, directly ordered by the Speaker of the Parliament.
"We, the Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament, taking into account: The second paragraph of the resolution provided in [date] by the [numbering] Revising Assembly of Hellenes, do order the whole text of the Constitution to be published on the official Government Gazette, including its modern Greek language reform introduced by the second resolution of the sixth Revising Assembly of Hellenes in March 6th, 1986 and the (following) amendments [...], as follows:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΒΟΥΛΗΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ Έχοντας υπόψη: Τη Β' παράγραφο του Ψηφίσματος της [ημερομηνία] της [αρίθμηση] Αναθεωρητικής Βουλής των Ελλήνων, παραγγέλλουμε: να δημοσιευθεί στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως ολόκληρο το κείμενο του Συντάγματος, όπως μεταφέρθηκε στη δημοτική γλώσσα με το Β' Ψήφισμα της 6ης Μαρτίου 1986 της ΣΤ' Αναθεωρητικής Βουλής των Ελλήνων και όπως (έκτοτε) αναθεωρήθηκε [...], το οποίο έχει ως εξής:..."
Likewise, any amendment of the Work Regulation Law of the Hellenic Parliament must be published in the official government gazette of the Hellenic Republic, directly ordered by the Speaker of the Parliament.
"We, the Speaker of the Parliament, taking into account: 1) the paragraph 1 of Constitution article 65. 2) [...], do order the Work Regulation of the Parliament to be published on the official Government Gazette, as follows:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΒΟΥΛΗΣ Έχοντας υπόψη: 1) το άρθρο 65 παράγρ. 1 του Συντάγματος. 2) [...] . Παραγγέλουμε να δημοσιευθεί στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως ο Κανονισμός Εργασιών της Βουλής, που έχει ως εξής:..."
The President of Hellenic Republic is the sole authorized state official to promulgate decrees, according to the current Constitution. In case of President's absence/incapacity/retirement, the decrees are legally promulgated by the President of the Parliament, performing as Acting President of the Republic.
"We, the President of the Hellenic Republic, taking into account: 1) the provisions [...]. The No[numbering/year] opinion of the Council of State, on the Minister of [portfolio] proposal, do decide:..."
Greek: "Ο ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Έχοντας υπόψη: 1) τις διατάξεις [...]. Την υπ' αρ. [αριθμ./έτος] γνωμοδότηση του Συμβουλίου της Επικρατείας, με πρόταση του Υπουργού [χαρτοφυλάκιο], αποφασίζουμε:..."
"We, Hellenic Republic, taking into account: [...], on Our Minister of [portfolio] proposal, decided and do decree:..."
Greek: "ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Ἔχοντες ὑπ' ὄψει: [...], προτάσει τοῦ Ἡμετέρου ἐπὶ [χαρτοφυλάκιο] Ὑπουργοῦ, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
During the Kingdom of Greece period, the clause of the equivalent Royal decrees, issued only by the King or the authorized regent, was:
"We, [Name] King of the Hellenes, taking into account: 1) the provisions [...]. The No[numbering/year] opinion of the Council of State, on Our Minister of [portfolio] proposal, decided and do decree:..."
Greek: "[Όνομα] ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ Ἔχοντες ὑπ' ὄψει τὰς διατάξεις [...], τὴν ὑπ' ἀριθμ. [αριθμ./έτος] γνωμοδότησιν τοῦ Συμβουλίου τῆς Ἐπικρατείας, προτάσει τοῦ Ἡμετέρου ἐπὶ [χαρτοφυλάκιο] Ὑπουργοῦ, ἀπεφασίσαμεν καὶ διατάσσομεν:..."
Acts issued by the Cabinet, being inferior than decrees, enact secondary legislation. Distinctively, various Constituent Acts (i.e. constitutional amendentments without parliamentary approval), occasionally issued for politically transitional periods (and sometimes be submitted for sanction by the next National Assembly, in order to be formal constitutional amendements), are also enacted like:
"The Cabinet, taking into account: [...], does decide:..."
Greek: "ΤΟ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΙΚΟ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ Έχοντας υπόψη: [...], αποφασίζει:..."
Greek: "ΤΟ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΙΚΟΝ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΝ Ἔχοντας ὑπ' ὄψει [...], ἀποφασίζει:..." [38]
"Be it enacted by the King's [Queen's] Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Representatives of Grenada, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—"
Governor-General and the Advisory Council of Grenada:
"Enacted by the Governor-General with the advice and consent of the Advisory Council of Grenada:—"
People's Revolutionary Government:
"In the exercise of the powers vested in the People's Revolutionary Government by People's Law No. 2 (Establishment of People's Revolutionary Government) and in exercise of the powers vested in the Prime Minister by People's Law No. 10 (Declaration and Effect of Laws) it is hereby ORDERED and PROCLAIMED as follows:
"Enacted by the Parliament of Guyana:—"
"BE it enacted by Parliament in the [number of years since 1950] Year of the Republic of India as follows:—"
Indonesian laws have a preamble stating the aims of the law and the clauses of the Constitution relevant to the law. The enacting clause is both before and after the preamble.
People's Representative Council:
Before constitutional amendments in year 2000, the phrase after the preamble was as follows:
The Oireachtas (parliament of the Republic of Ireland):
"Be it enacted by the Oireachtas as follows:—"
Irish: "Achtaitear ag an Oireachtas mar a leanas:—"
"Be it enacted by the Oireachtas of Saorstát Éireann as follows:—"
Irish: "Achtuigheadh Oireachtas Shaorstáit Éireann mar leanas:—"
For an act with a preamble:[ citation needed ]
"Be it therefore enacted by the Oireachtas as follows:—"
Irish: "Achtuigheadh an tOireachtas ar an ábhar san mar leanas:—"
"Be it therefore enacted by the Oireachtas of Saorstát Éireann as follows:—"
Irish: "Achtuigheadh Oireachtas Shaorstáit Éireann ar an ábhar san mar leanas:—"
Currently, Israel does not use enacting clauses in its final laws, but a pseudo-enacting clause is usually printed at the beginning of bills:
Hebrew: "מתפרסמת בזה הצעת חוק מטעם ...........:—"
"A bill made by ........... is hereby published:—"
However, the Law and Administration Ordinance did have an enacting clause:
Hebrew: "בתוקף הסמכות שנקבעה למועצת המדינה הזמנית בהכרזה על הקמת מדינת ישראל מיום ה' באייר תש"ח (14 במאי 1948) ובמנשר מאותו יום, מחוקקת בזה מועצת המדינה הזמנית לאמור:—"
"By virtue of the authority granted to the Provisional State Council in the Declaration of Establishment of the State of Israel dated 14 May 1948, and the Proclamation dated the same day, the Provisional State Council hereby legislates as follows:—"
Italian laws are published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (the official gazette) with the following enacting clauses:
The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic have approved; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC promulgates the following law
Italian: La Camera dei deputati ed il Senato della Repubblica hanno approvato; IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA promulga la seguente legge:
Constitutional amendments passed by a two-thirds majority in each House:
The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, in the second vote and with a two-thirds majority of the members of each Assembly, have approved; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC promulgates the following constitutional law
Italian: La Camera dei deputati ed il Senato della Repubblica, in seconda votazione e con la maggioranza dei due terzi dei componenti di ciascuna Assemblea, hanno approvato; IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA promulga la seguente legge costituzionale:
The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic have approved; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC promulgates the following constitutional law
Italian: La Camera dei deputati ed il Senato della Repubblica hanno approvato; IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA promulga la seguente legge costituzionale:
Constitutional amendments passed by a majority of the entire membership in each House of Parliament and approved by referendum:
The Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate of the Republic have approved; The referendum called on [date on which the referendum was called] passed; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC promulgates the following constitutional law
.Italian: La Camera dei deputati ed il Senato della Repubblica hanno approvato; Il referendum indetto in data [...] ha dato risultato favorevole; IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA promulga la seguente legge costituzionale:
Constitutional amendments passed by a majority of the entire membership in each House of Parliament and on which a referendum has not been requested:
The Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate of the Republic have approved, an absolute majority of their respective members voting in favor; A referendum has not been requested; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC promulgates the following constitutional law:
Italian: La Camera dei deputati ed il Senato della Repubblica hanno approvato, con la maggioranza assoluta dei rispettivi componenti; Nessuna richiesta di referendum é stata presentata; IL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA promulga la seguente legge costituzionale:
After the text of the law itself, the enacting clause continues:
The present law, bearing the seal of the State, shall be inserted in the official collection of the normative acts of the Italian Republic. It is mandatory for everyone bound to observe it and to see that it is observed as a law of the State.
Italian: La presente legge, munita del sigillo dello Stato, sara' inserita nella Raccolta ufficiale degli atti normativi della Repubblica italiana. E' fatto obbligo a chiunque spetti di osservarla e di farla osservare come legge dello Stato.
After this concluding clause, the place and date of signature follow. Then the signature of the President of the Republic (printed in capital letters when the law is published in the Gazette) and the counter-signatures of the President of the Council of Ministers (the Prime Minister) and of the keeper of the State Seal (an office held by the Minister of Justice). Those counter-signatures are printed in normal letters when the law is published in the Gazette. The keeper of the State seal counter-signs the law when sealing it.
Thereafter, this enacting clause is usually omitted when the law is reprinted in internet compilations or legal books.
"BE IT ENACTED by The King's [Queen's] Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Representatives of Jamaica, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-
Since 2024:
"BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of Jamaica, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Representatives of Jamaica, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-
"MADE by the Maneaba ni Maungatabu and assented to by the Beretitenti."
"The Chamber of deputies has adopted,
The President of the Republic enacts the law of which content follows:"
Since 1998:
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Malaysia as follows:"
Malay: "DIPERBUAT oleh Parlimen Malaysia seperti yang berikut:"
Before 1998:
"BE IT ENACTED by the Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:–"
Malay: "MAKA INILAH DIPERBUAT UNDANG-UNDANG oleh Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong dengan nasihat dan persetujuan Dewan Negara dan Dewan Rakyat yang bersidang dalam Parlimen, dan dengan kuasa daripadanya, seperti berikut:–"
Special laws invoking Article 149 of the Constitution of Malaysia:
"(Preamble); NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Article 149 of the Federal Constitution, IT IS ENACTED by the Parliament of Malaysia as follows:"
Malay: "(Preamble); MAKA, OLEH YANG DEMIKIAN, menurut Perkara 149 Perlembagaan Persekutuan DIPERBUAT oleh Parlimen Malaysia seperti yang berikut:"
Special laws invoking Article 149 of the Constitution of Malaysia (Before 1998):
"(Preamble); Now, therefore, pursuant to Article 149 of the Constitution BE IT ENACTED by the Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:"
Malay: "(Preamble); Maka, oleh yang demikian, menurut Perkara 149 Perlembagaan INILAH DIPERBUAT UNDANG-UNDANG oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong dengan nasihat dan persetujuan Dewan Negara dan Dewan Rakyat yang bersidang dalam Parlimen, dan dengan kuasa daripadanya, seperti yang berikut:"
"BE IT ENACTED by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:"
Maltese: "Il-PRESIDENT, bil-parir u bil-kunsens tal-Kamra tad-Deputati,imlaqqgħa f'dan il-Parlament, u bl-awtorità tal-istess, ħarġet b'liġi danli ġej:"
After approving laws, Congress issues them as a decree in the manner stablished by Article 70 of the Constitution. Congress then sends the decree to the President for him to assent or veto the law. If the President grants assent to the law, he then issues a decree formally enacting it. Decrees are published in the Official Journal of the Federation (Diario Oficial de la Federación).
"[Name of the President], President of the United Mexican States, to its inhabitants BE IT KNOWN: That the Honorable Congress of the Union has sent to me the following
"[Nombre del Presidente], Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, a sus habitantes sabed: Que el Honorable Congreso de la Unión se ha servido dirigirme el siguiente
El Congreso de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, decreta:"
Parliament of the Republic of Moldova:
"The Parliament adopts the present law"
Romanian: "Parlamentul adoptă prezenta lege"
Parliament of the Republic of Namibia:
"BE IT ENACTED as passed by the Parliament, and assented to by the President, of the Republic of Namibia as follows:"
"Enacted by the Parliament of Nauru as follows:"
Estates-General of the Netherlands:
"We [name of sovereign], by the grace of God, [King/Queen] of the Netherlands, [Prince/Princess] of Orange-Nassau, etc. etc. etc.
To all who shall see this or hear it read, greetings! be it known:
Whereas We have considered that: [here follows a short recital of the Act's purpose];
Thus it is, that We, by the advice of the Council of State, and with the consent of the States General, have assented and understood as We hereby assent and understand:
[...text of law...]
[We] Require and command that these will be placed in the Official Bulletin of Acts and Decrees and that all ministries, authorities, governmental institutions and civil servants, whom it concerns, will diligently implement it.Given at [location, be it in the Netherlands or abroad, and the date][signed sovereign]"
The text in Dutch is:
"Wij [name of sovereign], bij de gratie Gods, [Koning/Koningin] der Nederlanden, [Prins/Prinses] van Oranje-Nassau, enz. enz. enz.
Allen, die deze zullen zien of horen lezen, saluut! doen te weten:
Alzo Wij in overweging genomen hebben, [here follows a short recital of the Act's purpose];
Zo is het, dat Wij, de Raad van State gehoord, en met gemeen overleg der Staten-Generaal, hebben goedgevonden en verstaan, gelijk Wij goedvinden en verstaan bij deze:
[...text of law...]
Lasten en bevelen dat deze in het Staatsblad zal worden geplaatst en dat alle ministeries, autoriteiten, colleges en ambtenaren wie zulks aangaat, aan de nauwkeurige uitvoering de hand zullen houden.Gegeven te [location and date][signed sovereign]"
"The Parliament of New Zealand enacts as follows:-"
"BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of New Zealand as follows:-"
Before 1986:
"BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-"
"Enacted by the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria-"
Whereas it is expedient to [purpose of the enactment] It is hereby enacted as follows:-
National Parliament of Papua New Guinea
"Being an Act to [purpose of the enactment], MADE by the National Parliament ..."
"The Congress of the Paraguayan Nation approve with the force of law:"
"El Congreso de la Nación Paraguaya saciona con fuerza de Ley."
"Be it known as law of the Republic, be it published and inserted in Official Register.- The President of the Republic.:"
Spanish: "Téngase por ley de la República, publíquese e insértese en el registro oficial.-El Presidente de la República."
"We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of the Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution."
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:-"
Joint Resolutions:
"Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:-"
"The Congress of the Republic has given the following Law"
Spanish: "El Congreso de la Republica ha dado la Ley siguiente"
The enacting clauses used in Portuguese legislation are determined by the Lei formulária (Formulary Law, Law no. 74/98).
"The President of the Republic decrees, in accordance with Article... of the Constitution, the following:"
Portuguese: O Presidente da República decreta, nos termos do artigo... da Constituição, o seguinte:
"The... (name and subject of the treaty, place and time of its signature and number and date of the parliamentary Resolution that approved it) is ratified."
Portuguese: "É ratificado o... (segue-se a identificação do tratado, com indicação da matéria a que respeita, do local e data da assinatura e do número e data da resolução da Assembleia da República que o aprovou para ratificação)."
"The Assembly of the Republic decrees, in accordance with paragraph... of Article 161 of the Constitution, as follows: "
Portuguese: A Assembleia da República decreta, nos termos da alínea... do artigo 161.º da Constituição, o seguinte:
"The Assembly of the Republic decides, in accordance with paragraph... of Article 161 and subsection 5 of Article 166 of the Constitution, the following:"
Portuguese: A Assembleia da República resolve, nos termos da alínea... do artigo 161.º e do n.º 5 do artigo 166.º da Constituição, o seguinte:
"In accordance with... (subsection 2 OR paragraph a) of subsection 1) of Article 198 of the Constitution, the Government decrees the following:"
Portuguese: Nos termos... (do n.° 2 OU da alínea a) do n.º 1) do artigo 198.º da Constituição, o Governo decreta o seguinte:
"Under legislative authorisation granted by Article... of Law no. ..., of... (date), and in accordance with paragraph b) of subsection 1 of Article 198 of the Constitution, the Government decrees the following"
Portuguese: No uso da autorização legislativa concedida pelo artigo... da Lei n.º ...., de... de..., e nos termos da alínea b) do n.º 1 do artigo 198.º da Constituição, o Governo decreta o seguinte:
"To develop the legal framework enacted by Law (or Executive Law) no. ..., of... (date), and in accordance with paragraph c) of subsection 1 of Article 198 of the Constitution, the Government decrees the following:"
Portuguese: No desenvolvimento do regime jurídico estabelecido pela Lei (ou Decreto-Lei) n.º ...., de... de..., e nos termos da alínea c) do n.º 1 do artigo 198.º da Constituição, o Governo decreta o seguinte:
All laws conclude with the date of approval by the respective legislative body and the signature of its presiding member (either the President of the Assembly of the Republic or the Prime Minister), followed by the formula of promulgation by the President of the Republic. This formula of promulgation is very simple, consisting only of the clause "Let it be published" (in Portuguese: Publique-se), followed by the date of promulgation by the President of the Republic and the presidential signature (the name of the Head of State is printed in capital letters when the law is published). After the signature of the President, the counter-signature of the Prime Minister follows (preceded by the date of the counter-signature), and the name of the Prime Minister is printed in normal letters when the law is published. No law can enter into force before being officially published in the Diário da República (Diary of the Republic).
"The Parliament of Romania adopts the present law"
Romanian: "Parlamentul României adoptă prezenta lege"
"The Great National Assembly of the Romanian Socialist Republic adopts the present law"
Romanian: "Marea Adunare Naţională a Republicii Socialiste România adoptă prezenta lege"
"The Great National Assembly of the Romanian People's Republic adopts"
Romanian: "Marea Adunare Naţională a Republicii Populare Române adoptă"
"[King's name],
By the grace of God and the nation's will, King of Romania,
To all present and future, good health:
The lawmaking assemblies have voted and adopted, and We approve what follows:"
Romanian: "[King's name],
Prin graţia lui Dumnezeu şi voinţa naţională, Rege al Romaniei,
La toţi de faţă şi viitori, sănătate:
Adunările legiuitoare au votat şi adoptat, iar Noi, sancţionăm ce urmează:"
Parliament of South Africa: Since 27 April 1994:
"BE IT [THEREFORE] ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—"
"PARLIAMENT of the Republic of South Africa [therefore] enacts as follows:—
[52] The Constitution of South Africa, not being a conventional Act of Parliament, does not contain an enacting formula per se. Its preamble does, however, contain the words
"We therefore, through our freely elected representatives, adopt this Constitution as the supreme law of the Republic".
In the context, "we" refers to the people of South Africa.
3 September 1984 to 27 April 1994:
"BE IT [THEREFORE] ENACTED by the State President and the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—"
"BE IT [THEREFORE] ENACTED by the State President and the House of [Assembly/Representatives/Delegates] of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—"
1 January 1981 to 3 September 1984:
"BE IT [THEREFORE] ENACTED by the State President and the House of Assembly of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:―"
31 May 1961 to 1 January 1981:
"BE IT [THEREFORE] ENACTED by the State President, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:―"
"BE IT ENACTED by the State President, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Republic of South Africa in accordance with the requirements of section 118 of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, as follows:―
31 May 1910 to 31 May 1961:
"BE IT [THEREFORE] ENACTED by the Queen's [King's] Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and House of Assembly of the Parliament of the Union of South Africa, as follows:—"
"BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's [King's] Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa, in accordance with the requirements of section one hundred and fifty-two of the South Africa Act, 1909, as follows:―"
"[Name of the king/queen], [King/Queen] of Spain, to all whom these presents shall be seen or understood, BE IT KNOWN: That the Cortes Generales have approved and I do enact this Act as follows"
Spanish: "[Name of the king/queen], [Rey/Reina] de España, a todos los que la presente vieren y entendieren, sabed: Que las Cortes Generales han aprobado y Yo vengo en sancionar la siguiente Ley"
For Constitutions:
"[Name of the king/queen], [King/Queen] of Spain, to all whom these presents shall be seen or understood, BE IT KNOWN: That the Cortes Generales have approved and the people of Spain have ratified the following Constitution"
Spanish: "[Name of the king/queen], [Rey/Reina] de España, a todos los que la presente vieren y entendieren, sabed: Que las Cortes Generales han aprobado y el pueblo español ratificado la siguiente Constitución"
For organic acts:
"[Name of the king/queen], [King/Queen] of Spain, to all whom these presents shall be seen or understood, BE IT KNOWN: That the Cortes Generales have approved and I do enact this Organic Act as follows"
Spanish: "[Name of the king/queen], [Rey/Reina] de España, a todos los que la presente vieren y entendieren, sabed: Que las Cortes Generales han aprobado y Yo vengo en sancionar la siguiente Ley Orgánica"
Parliament of Saint Kitts and Nevis:
"BE IT ENACTED by the King's [Queen's] Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the National Assembly of Saint Christopher and Nevis, and by the authority of the same as follows:-"
"BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Saint Lucia and by the authority of the same, as follows:"
Since 1988:
"BE IT ENACTED by the King's [Queen's] Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Assembly and the Senate of Saint Lucia, and by the authority of the same, as follows:"
House of Assembly of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:
"BE IT ENACTED by the King's [Queen's] Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the House of Assembly of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-"
"Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows:"
National Parliament of the Solomon Islands:
"ENACTED by the National Parliament of Solomon Islands."
"ENACTED by the King and the Parliament of Swaziland."
"The following is hereby prescribed."
Swedish: "Härigenom föreskrivs följande. "
"The Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation, pursuant to the articles ... of the Federal Constitution, having taken notice of the message of the Federal Council of ..., resolves:" [58]
German: "Die Bundesversammlung der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, gestützt auf die Artikel ... der Bundesverfassung, nach Einsicht in die Botschaft des Bundesrates vom ..., beschliesst:"
French: "L'Assemblée fédérale de la Confédération suisse, vu les art. ... de la Constitution, vu le message du Conseil fédéral du ..., arrête:"
Italian: "L'Assemblea federale della Confederazione Svizzera, visti gli articoli ... della Costituzione federale; visto il parere del Consiglio federale del ..., decreta:"
Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago:
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago as follows:-"
"BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-"
National Assembly of Thailand: [60]
"May there be virtue. Today is the [day] day of the [month] month of the year of the [year] under the lunar calendar, being [weekday], the [day] day of [month] under the solar calendar, in the [year] Year of the Buddhist Era.
[Name of the King in full title] is graciously pleased to proclaim that..............[here follows a recital of the background for the constitution's enactment] ................................................................................................................................ .............[The submitting authority], therefore, submitted the draft charter to His Majesty to affix the royal signature to henceforth promulgate it as the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. Having thoroughly considered by the King, the expedience to grant the royal permission [in accordance with the public opinion]. Be it, therefore, commanded by the King the enactment of this Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand replaces the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand which enacted on [date of enactment of the previous Constitution] as of the date of its publication, henceforth onwards.
May the Thai People unite in observing, protecting and upholding this Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand in order to maintain the democratic regime and the sovereignty of the Thai people, and bring about happiness, prosperity and dignity to His Majesty's subjects throughout the Kingdom according to the will of His Majesty in every respect."
"[Name of the King in brief title] is graciously pleased to proclaim that:
Whereas it is expedient to [have/amend/abrogate] [a/the] law on............
Be it, therefore, enacted by the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Assembly, as follows:"
Royal Degree & Emergency Decree:
"[Name of the King in brief title] is graciously pleased to proclaim that:
Whereas it is expedient to [have/amend/abrogate] [a/the] law on............
Be it, therefore, enacted by the King, by the virtue of.........., the Royal Decree/Emergency Decree as follows:"
Royal Command:
"[Name of the King in brief title] is graciously pleased to proclaim that.............. Announced on the [day] Day of [month] BE [year], being the [regnal year] Year of the Present Reign."
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Tuvalu-"
"BE IT ENACTED by Parliament of as follows:"
Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
"BE IT ENACTED by the King's [Queen's] most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—"
[63]"Most Gracious Sovereign
WE, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom in Parliament assembled, towards raising the necessary supplies to defray Your Majesty's public expenses, and making an addition to the public revenue, have freely and voluntarily resolved to give and grant unto Your Majesty the several duties hereinafter mentioned; and do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's [Queen's] most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—"
[64]"BE IT ENACTED by The King's [Queen's] most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, in accordance with the provisions of the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—"
An enacting clause may be preceded by an explanatory preamble of "whereas" clauses, e.g. for the Chequers Estate Act 1917. [65]
Until the 19th century each later section of an act repeated an abbreviated version of the formula used in the first section, typically "and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid". The first revised edition of the statutes omitted these formulae to save space, while printing the primary enacting clause. The Statute Law Revision Act 1888 deleted these formulae from many unrepealed acts.
"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,"
Joint Resolutions (have the same effect as bills):
"Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,"
"Be it enacted by the President and Parliament as follows"
National Assembly of Venezuela:
"The National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hereby Decrees"
"ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia."
"ENACTED by the President and the Parliament of Zimbabwe."
"The Control Council enacts as follows:"
"The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact,"
"It is hereby enacted as follows:—"
"BE IT ENACTED by His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government, as representative of the Queen's [King's] Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Rhodesia, as follows:—" [70]
"Be it enacted by the Legislature of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands:—"
Japanese: "琉球政府立法院はこゝに次の通り定める:"
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A veto is a legal power to unilaterally stop an official action. In the most typical case, a president or monarch vetoes a bill to stop it from becoming law. In many countries, veto powers are established in the country's constitution. Veto powers are also found at other levels of government, such as in state, provincial or local government, and in international bodies.
The president of India is the head of state of the Republic of India. The president is the nominal head of the executive, the first citizen of the country, as well as the supreme commander of the Indian Armed Forces. Droupadi Murmu is the 15th and current president, having taken office from 25 July 2022.
Royal assent is the method by which a monarch formally approves an act of the legislature, either directly or through an official acting on the monarch's behalf. In some jurisdictions, royal assent is equivalent to promulgation, while in others that is a separate step. Under a modern constitutional monarchy, royal assent is considered little more than a formality. Even in nations such as the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands, Liechtenstein and Monaco which still, in theory, permit their monarch to withhold assent to laws, the monarch almost never does so, except in a dire political emergency or on advice of government. While the power to veto by withholding royal assent was once exercised often by European monarchs, such an occurrence has been very rare since the eighteenth century.
Promulgation is the formal proclamation or the declaration that a new statutory or administrative law is enacted after its final approval. In some jurisdictions, this additional step is necessary before the law can take effect.
A constitutional amendment is a modification of the constitution of a polity, organization or other type of entity. Amendments are often interwoven into the relevant sections of an existing constitution, directly altering the text. Conversely, they can be appended to the constitution as supplemental additions, thus changing the frame of government without altering the existing text of the document.
The House of Representatives is the lower house of Congress, the bicameral legislature of the Philippines, with the Senate of the Philippines as the upper house. The lower house is commonly referred to as Congress, although the term collectively refers to both houses.
A decree is a legal proclamation, usually issued by a head of state, judge, royal figure, or other relevant authorities, according to certain procedures. These procedures are usually defined by the constitution, Legislative laws, or customary laws of a government.
Ratification is a principal's legal confirmation of an act of its agent. In international law, ratification is the process by which a state declares its consent to be bound to a treaty. In the case of bilateral treaties, ratification is usually accomplished by exchanging the requisite instruments, and in the case of multilateral treaties, the usual procedure is for the depositary to collect the ratifications of all states, keeping all parties informed of the situation.
In the Westminster system used in many Commonwealth realms, the King-in-Parliament is a constitutional law concept that refers to the components of parliament – the sovereign and the legislative houses – acting together to enact legislation.
The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania defines the legal foundation for all laws passed in the Republic of Lithuania. The first constitution of the contemporary republic was enacted on 1 August 1922. The current constitution was adopted in a referendum on 25 October 1992.
The Parliament of Barbados is the national legislature of Barbados. It is accorded legislative supremacy by Chapter V of the Constitution of Barbados. The Parliament is bicameral in composition and is formally made up of two houses, an appointed Senate and an elected House of Assembly, as well as the President of Barbados who is indirectly elected by both. Both houses sit in separate chambers in the Parliament Buildings, in the national capital Bridgetown in Saint Michael.
Advice and consent is an English phrase frequently used in enacting formulae of bills and in other legal or constitutional contexts. It describes either of two situations: where a weak executive branch of a government enacts something previously approved of by the legislative branch or where the legislative branch concurs and approves something previously enacted by a strong executive branch.
The legislative districts of Aklan are the representations of the province of Aklan in the various national legislatures of the Philippines. The province is currently represented in the lower house of the Congress of the Philippines through its first and second congressional districts.
The legislative districts of Bulacan are the representations of the province of Bulacan in the various national legislatures of the Philippines. The province is currently represented in the lower house of the Congress of the Philippines through its first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth congressional districts.
The legislative districts of Laguna are the representations of the province of Laguna in the various national legislatures of the Philippines. The province is currently represented in the lower house of the Congress of the Philippines through its first, second, third, and fourth congressional districts.
The legislative districts of the Philippines are the divisions of the Philippines' provinces and cities for representation in the various legislative bodies. Congressional districts are for House of Representatives, while there are districts for Sangguniang Panlalawigan, and some Sangguniang Panlungsod. For purposes of representation, the Senate, most Sangguniang Panlungsod, Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan are all elected at-large, although there were districts for the Senate from 1916 to 1935.
The Ministry of Law and Justice in the Government of India is a cabinet ministry which deals with the management of the legal affairs, legislative activities and administration of justice in India through its three departments namely the Legislative Department and the Department of Legal Affairs and the Department of Justice respectively. The Department of Legal Affairs is concerned with advising the various Ministries of the Central Government while the Legislative Department is concerned with drafting of principal legislation for the Central Government. The ministry is headed by Cabinet Minister of Law and Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal appointed by the President of India on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of India. The first Law and Justice minister of independent India was Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who served in the Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet during 1947–51.
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, commonly known as the Provincial Board, are the legislatures in Philippine provinces. They are the legislative branches of the provinces, and their powers and responsibilities are defined by the Local Government Code of 1991. Along with the provincial governor, the executive branch of the province, they form the province's government.
In the Philippines, local government is divided into three levels: provinces and independent cities, component cities and municipalities, and barangays, all of which are collectively known as local government units (LGUs). In some areas, above provinces and independent chartered cities are autonomous regions, such as the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Some towns and cities remit their revenue to national government and is returned through the national government through a process called internal revenue allotment. Below barangays in some cities and municipalities are sitios and puroks. All of these, with the exception of sitios and puroks, elect their own executives and legislatures. Sitios and puroks are often but not necessarily led by an elected barangay councilor.
The royal prerogative is a body of customary authority, privilege, and immunity recognized in common law as belonging to the sovereign, and which have become widely vested in the government. It is the means by which some of the executive powers of government, possessed by and vested in a monarch with regard to the process of governance of the state, are carried out.