National Assembly of Venezuela

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National Assembly of Venezuela

Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela
V National Assembly of Venezuela
Logo Asamblea Nacional 2021.png
Preceded by Congress of Venezuela
Jorge Rodríguez,PSUV
since 5 January 2021
Minority Leader
José Gregorio Correa,AD
Parlamento de Venezuela 2020.svg
Political groups
Government (253)
  •   Great Patriotic Pole (253)

Others (24)

Parallel voting
Last election
6 December 2020
Next election
Meeting place
Palacio Federal Legislativo, 2022.jpg
Federal Legislative Palace, Caracas
Website OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg

The National Assembly (Spanish : Asamblea Nacional) is the legislature for Venezuela that was first elected in 2000. It is a unicameral body made up of a variable number of members, who were elected by a "universal, direct, personal, and secret" vote partly by direct election in state-based voting districts, and partly on a state-based party-list proportional representation system. The number of seats is constant, each state and the Capital district elected three representatives plus the result of dividing the state population by 1.1% of the total population of the country. [1] Three seats are reserved for representatives of Venezuela's indigenous peoples and elected separately by all citizens, not just those with indigenous backgrounds. For the 2010 to 2015 the number of seats was 165. [2] All deputies serve five-year terms. The National Assembly meets in the Federal Legislative Palace in Venezuela's capital, Caracas.


Legislative history

1961 Constitution

Hemicycle of the National Congress of Venezuela as shown in the 1963 film Cuentos para mayores Hemiciclo Protocolar - Palacio Federal Legislativo, 1963.png
Hemicycle of the National Congress of Venezuela as shown in the 1963 film Cuentos para mayores

Under its previous 1961 Venezuelan Constitution  [ es ], Venezuela had a bicameral legislature, known as the Congress (Congreso). This Congress was composed of a Senate of Venezuela (Senado) and a Venezuelan Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados).

The Senate was made up of two senators per state, two for the Federal District, and a number of ex officio senators intended to represent the nation's minorities. In addition, former presidents (those elected democratically or their replacements legally appointed to serve at least half a presidential term) were awarded lifetime senate seats. Senators were required to be Venezuelan-born citizens and over the age of 30.

The members of the Chamber of Deputies were elected by direct universal suffrage, with each state returning at least two. Deputies had to be at least 21 years old.

The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies were each led by a President, and both performed their functions with the help of a Directorial Board. The President of Senate of Venezuela hold additional title of the President of Congress, and was constitutional successor of the President of Venezuela in case of a vacancy. [3] This succession took place in 1993, when Octavio Lepage succeeded Carlos Andrés Pérez.

1999 Constitution

President Hugo Chávez was first elected in December 1998 on a platform calling for a National Constituent Assembly to be convened to draft a new constitution for Venezuela. Chávez's argument was that the existing political system, under the earlier 1961 Constitution, had become isolated from the people. In the Constituent Assembly elections held on 25 July 1999, all but six seats were given to candidates associated with the Chávez movement. The National Constituent Assembly (ANC), consisting of 131 elected individuals, convened in August 1999 to begin rewriting the constitution. The ANC's proposed constitution was approved in a referendum on 15 December 1999 and came into effect the following 20 December.

2017 constitutional crisis

On 29 March 2017, the Supreme Court (TSJ) stripped the Assembly of its powers, ruling that all powers would be transferred to the Supreme Court. The previous year the court found the assembly in contempt for swearing in legislators whose elections had been deemed invalid by the court. [4] The 2017 court judgement declared that the "situation of contempt" meant that the assembly could not exercise its powers. [5] The action transferred powers from the Assembly, which had an opposition majority since January 2016, [5] to the Supreme Court, which has a majority of government loyalists. [4] The move was denounced by the opposition with Assembly President Julio Borges describing the action as a coup d'état by President Nicolás Maduro. [4] However, after public protests and condemnation by international bodies, the court's decision was reversed a few days later on 1 April. [6] [7]

On 4 August 2017, Venezuela convened a new Constituent Assembly after a special election which was boycotted by opposition parties. [6] The new Constituent Assembly is intended to rewrite the constitution; it also has wide legal powers allowing it to rule above all other state institutions. The Constituent Assembly meets within the Federal Legislative Palace; the leadership of the National Assembly have said it would continue its work as a legislature and it will still continue to meet in the same building. [8]

On 18 August the Constituent Assembly summoned the members of the National Assembly to attend a ceremony acknowledging its legal superiority; the opposition members of the National Assembly boycotted the event. [9] In response, the Constituent Assembly stripped the National Assembly of its legislative powers, assuming them for itself. [10] It justified the move by claiming that the National Assembly had failed to prevent what it called "opposition violence" in the form of the 2017 Venezuelan protests. [11] The constitutionality of this move has been questioned, and it has been condemned by several foreign governments and international bodies. [10] [12]

2020 contested leadership election

The 2020 Venezuelan National Assembly Delegated Committee election of 5 January, to elect the Board of Directors of the National Assembly was disrupted. The events resulted in two competing claims for the Presidency of the National Assembly: one by deputy Luis Parra and one by Juan Guaidó. [13] Parra was formerly a member of Justice First, but was expelled from the party on 20 December 2019 based on corruption allegations, which he denies. From inside the legislature, Parra declared himself president of the National Assembly; a move that was welcomed by Maduro administration. [14] The opposition disputed this outcome, saying that quorum had not been achieved and no votes had been counted. [14] Police forces had blocked access to parliament to some opposition members, including Guaidó, and members of the media. Later in the day, a separate session was carried out at the headquarters of El Nacional newspaper, where 100 of the 167 deputies voted to re-elect Guaidó as president of the parliament. [14] In his speech, Guaidó announced his resignation from Popular Will. [15]

Guaidó was sworn in a session on 7 January after forcing his way in through police barricades. Parra has reiterated his claim to the presidency of the parliament. [16]

Structure and powers

Under the current Bolivarian 1999 Constitution, the legislative branch of Government in Venezuela is represented by a unicameral National Assembly. The Assembly is made up of 167 seats [17] . Officials are elected by "universal, direct, personal, and secret" vote on a national party-list proportional representation system. [18] In addition, three deputies are returned on a state-by-state basis, and three seats are reserved for representatives of Venezuela's indigenous peoples. [18]

All deputies serve five-year terms and must appoint a replacement (suplente) to stand in for them during periods of incapacity or absence. [18] Under the 1999 constitution deputies could be reelected on up to two terms (Art. 192); under the 2009 Venezuelan constitutional referendum these term limits were removed. [19] Deputies must be Venezuelan citizens by birth, or naturalized Venezuelans with a period of residency in excess of 15 years; older than 21 on the day of the election; and have lived in the state for which they seek election during the previous four years (Art. 188). [18]

Beyond passing legislation (and being able to block any of the president's legislative initiatives), the Assembly has a number of specific powers outlined in Article 187, including approving the budget, initiating impeachment proceedings against most government officials (including ministers and the Vice President, but not the President, who can only be removed through a recall referendum) and appointing the members of the electoral, judicial, and prosecutor's branches of government. [18] Among others it also has the power to authorize foreign and domestic military action and to authorize the President to leave the national territory for more than 5 days.

The Assembly is led by a President with 2 Vice Presidents, and together with a secretary and an assistant secretary, they form the Assembly Directorial Board, and when it is on recess twice a year, they lead a Standing Commission of the National Assembly together with 28 other MPs[ citation needed ].

Since 2010 the Assembly's 15 Permanent Committees, created by the 2010 Assembly Rules, are composed by MPs (ranging from the minimum of 7 to the maximum of 25) tackling legislation of various issues. [18] The Committees' offices are housed in the José María Vargas Building in Caracas, few hundred yards from the Federal Legislative Palace, the former building is also where the offices of the Assembly leadership are located. [20]

Electoral system

In the 2000 Venezuelan parliamentary election, representatives were elected under a mixed member proportional representation, with 60% elected in single seat districts and the remainder by closed party list proportional representation. [21] This was an adaptation of the system previously used for the Venezuelan Chamber of Deputies, [22] which had been introduced in 1993, with a 50-50 balance between single seat districts and party lists, [23] and deputies per state proportional to population, but with a minimum of three deputies per state. [24]

Political composition

The first election of deputies to the new National Assembly took place on 30 July 2000. President Hugo Chávez' Fifth Republic Movement won 92 seats (56%). The opposition did not participate in the 2005 elections, and as a result gained no seats, while the Fifth Republic Movement gained 114 (69%). In 2007 a number of parties, including the Fifth Republic Movement, merged to create the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which in January 2009 held 139 of the 169 seats (82%). In the 2010 election, for which the number of deputies was reduced to 165, the PSUV won 96 seats (58%), the opposition electoral coalition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) 65, and Patria Para Todos won 2.

At the 2015 parliamentary election, the MUD won 109 of the 164 general seats and all three indigenous seats, which gave them a supermajority in the National Assembly; while the government's own coalition, the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), won the remaining 55 seats. Voter turnout exceeded 70 percent. [25]

The result, however, was marred by the January 2016 suspension from the National Assembly by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of 4 elected members of Parliament (MPs) from Amazonas state due to alleged voter fraud and election irregularities. 3 of the 4 were opposition deputies and one was from the government's coalition (GPP). [ citation needed ]

Following the 2017 Venezuelan Constituent Assembly election the new Venezuelan Constitutional Assembly was inaugurated which has the power to rule over all other state institutions and rewrite the constitution. As of May 2019, the Constituent Assembly mandate is expected to expire on 31 December 2020 (after next National Assembly elections), a measure that replaces the previous resolution of August 2017 that established its validity for at least two years. [26]

In 2020, Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela and allied parties claimed to have captured 67 percent of seats in the National Assembly, but that election was also disputed by EU and U.S. officials. Nevertheless, since then Maduro has exercised majority control of the Venezuelan parliament, displacing Juan Guaidó from his oppositional presidency. [27] In 2024, the opposition denounces electoral fraud by political polarization under by Supreme trial of Venezuela.


Latest election

Venezuela Assemblee nationale 2020.svg
Party or allianceParty-listConstituencyTotal
Great Patriotic Pole United Socialist Party of Venezuela 3,910,19762.431236,780,12161.69130253
Tupamaro [lower-roman 1] 99,7471.590175,2321.5900
Fatherland for All [lower-roman 1] 87,9941.410146,6061.3300
Movement We Are Venezuela 66,5001.060114,1781.0400
For Social Democracy 52,1040.83086,7440.7900
People's Electoral Movement 33,3160.53057,7240.5300
Alliance for Change 31,1140.50051,8300.4700
Authentic Renewal Organization 21,4080.34038,4340.3500
Venezuelan Popular Unity 19,5950.31030,4020.2800
Democratic Action [lower-roman 1] 433,3346.9211785,4437.15011
Esperanza por El Cambio 284,3154.543537,4284.8903
Democratic Alliance Progressive Advance 156,2482.493332,7273.0303
Ecological Movement of Venezuela 67,5501.08086,8130.7900
Cambiemos Movimiento Ciudadano 52,5880.84099,0430.9000
United Venezuela Venezuela First 187,2642.992311,6282.8402
Popular Will [lower-roman 1] 44,2680.71079,6470.7200
United Venezuela29,1880.47051,6840.4700
Copei [lower-roman 1] 175,8402.811293,6632.6701
Communist Party of Venezuela 170,3522.721303,5352.7601
Solutions for Venezuela99,6491.590187,9881.7100
Movement for Socialism 77,3111.230136,1851.2400
Union and Progress53,1970.85095,9620.8700
Popular Political Unit 8919,1790.31037,1970.3400
New Vision for My Country16,0460.26030,6410.2800
Organised Independent Party7,3270.12013,3410.1200
Future Vision of Miranda1,7600.0302,9100.0300
New Pact1,7210.0303,0970.0300
Advanced Regional Movement1,6660.0302,0540.0200
Revolucionario Independiente Organizado Social1,6240.0302,9820.0300
Guayana Project1,4480.0203,4640.0300
Neighborhood Force1,4270.0202,5750.0200
Zuliana Action Party1,3660.0201,7970.0200
Democratic Prosperity Movement1,1500.0202,0090.0200
Socialist Renewal Movement1,1370.0201,1390.0100
United Aragua1,0590.0201,9370.0200
United Multi-Ethnic Peoples of Amazonas 1,0450.0203,1430.0300
Caracas for All9810.0201,7070.0200
Aragua Democratic Platform8710.0101,6140.0100
Carabobans for Carabobo8430.0102,0610.0200
Sovereign Unity7920.0101,5620.0100
Renovación En Democracia Nacimiento Alternativo6200.0101,1530.0100
Play Fair5100.0101,1650.0100
Everyone United for Amazonas4310.0101,3140.0100
Independent Merideños Progressives3190.0103210.0000
Independent Lara3070.0009520.0100
New People Project2420.0003890.0000
Allied Democrats of Free Expression2010.0003880.0000
Change and Restructuring for Amazonas State1740.0005200.0000
Independent People1490.0001550.0000
Tinaquillo is First1400.0002430.0000
Yacimiento Indigenista Venezolano Independiente1220.0002380.0000
Sucre Awakens Liberation Movement9170.0100
Indigenous seats3
Valid votes6,262,88899.29
Invalid/blank votes45,0880.71
Total votes6,307,976100.00
Registered voters/turnout20,710,42130.46
Source: CNE
  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Intervened [18] [15]

Representatives per state, 2016–2021

Federal EntityRepresentativesMap
Flag of Amazonas Indigenous State.svg Amazonas 3 Amazonas in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Anzoategui State.svg Anzoátegui 8 Anzoategui in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Apure State.svg Apure 5 Apure in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Aragua State.svg Aragua 9 Aragua in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Barinas State.svg Barinas 6 Barinas in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Bolivar State.svg Bolívar 8 Bolivar in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Carabobo State.svg Carabobo 10 Carabobo in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Cojedes State.svg Cojedes 4 Cojedes in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Delta Amacuro State.svg Delta Amacuro 4 Delta Amacuro in Venezuela.svg
Federal dependencies of Venezuela's Flag.svg Dependencias Federales Federal Dependencies in Venezuela (special marker).svg
Flag of Caracas.svg Distrito Capital 9 Capital District in Venezuela (special marker).svg
Flag of Falcon.svg Falcón 6 Falcon in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Guarico.svg Guárico 6 Guarico in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Lara State.svg Lara 10 Lara in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Merida State.svg Mérida 6 Merida in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Miranda State.svg Miranda 12 Miranda in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Monagas State.png Monagas 6 Monagas in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Nueva Esparta.svg Nueva Esparta 5 Nueva Esparta in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Portuguesa.svg Portuguesa 6 Portuguesa in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Sucre State.svg Sucre 6 Sucre in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Tachira.svg Táchira 7 Tachira in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Trujillo State.svg Trujillo 5 Trujillo in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Vargas State.svg Vargas 4 Vargas in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Yaracuy State.svg Yaracuy 5 Yaracuy in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Zulia State.svg Zulia 15 Zulia in Venezuela.svg
Flag of Venezuela.svg Indigenous Representation
Western, Eastern and Southern Regions
3 Indigenous regions of Venezuela.svg
Flag of Venezuela.svg Venezuela 167 Venezuela location map.svg

See also

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  11. Mogollon, Mery; McDonnell, Patrick (19 August 2017). "Venezuela congress rejects what it denounces as government takeover". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 20 August 2017. Retrieved 20 August 2017.
  12. Graham-Harrison, Emma; López, Virginia (19 August 2017). "President Maduro strips Venezuela's parliament of power". the Guardian. Archived from the original on 12 March 2018. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
  13. "Two Venezuela lawmakers declare themselves Speaker". 6 January 2020. Retrieved 6 January 2020.
  14. 1 2 3 Sánchez, Fabiola (5 January 2020). "Guaidó blocked from congress as Venezuelan conflict deepens". Associated Press. Retrieved 6 January 2020.
  15. 1 2 "Juan Guaidó renunció a su partido Voluntad Popular para dedicarse a la presidencia interina de Venezuela". Infobae (in Spanish). 5 January 2020. Retrieved 7 January 2020.
  16. Sanchez, Fabiola (7 January 2020). "Venezuela opposition leader takes new oath amidst standoff". Associated Press. Retrieved 7 January 2020.
  17. "Venezuela Summary" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 January 2021.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)'s Constitution of 1999 with Amendments through 2009" (PDF).
  19. "Debrief: New Report on Venezuela's Re-Election Referendum". NACLA. Retrieved 12 March 2021.
  20. "Asamblea Nacional". Asamblea Nacional (in Spanish). Retrieved 12 March 2021.
  21. CNN , Venezuela (Presidential) Archived 3 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine , accessed 27 September 2010
  22. Donna Lee Van Cott (2005), From movements to parties in Latin America: the evolution of ethnic politics, Cambridge University Press. p29
  23. Crisp, Brian F. and Rey, Juan Carlos (2003), "The Sources of Electoral Reform in Venezuela", in Shugart, Matthew Soberg, and Martin P. Wattenberg, Mixed-Member Electoral Systems - The Best of Both Worlds?, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. pp. 173-194(22)
  24. Crisp and Rey(2003:175)
  25. "Venezuela Opposition Won Majority of National Assembly Seats". Bloomberg. 7 December 2015. Archived from the original on 6 December 2015. Retrieved 7 December 2015.
  26. "Venezuelan constituent extends its operation until the end of 2020". La Vanguardia (in Spanish). 21 May 2019. Retrieved 21 May 2019.
  27. "Venezuela’s Guaido vows to challenge Maduro’s congress win" aljazeera. 7 Dec 2020. Accessed 23 April 2023.

Further reading

10°30′20″N66°54′57″W / 10.50556°N 66.91583°W / 10.50556; -66.91583