List of largest art museums

Last updated

Art museums are some of the largest buildings in the world. The world's most pre-eminent museums have also engaged in various expansion projects through the years, expanding their total exhibition space. [1]



The following is a list of art museums ranked according to their gallery space where published by reliable sources. Only museums with more than 8,000 square meters (86,000 sq ft) of gallery space are included.

BuildingNameCityCountryGallery space
in m2 (ft2)
Louvre Museum Wikimedia Commons.jpg Louvre ParisFlag of France.svg  France 72,735
(782,910) [2]
Russia-2767B - Alexander Column (4122823192).jpg State Hermitage Museum St. PetersburgFlag of Russia.svg  Russia 66,842
(719,480) [3] [note 1]
Chinese National Museum.jpg National Museum of China BeijingFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 65,000
(700,000) [4]
Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) - Central Park, NYC.jpg Metropolitan Museum of Art New York CityFlag of the United States.svg  United States 58,800
(633,000) [5]
Rome Vatican Museums.jpg Vatican Museums Vatican City (Rome)Flag of Vatican City (2023-present).svg  Vatican City 43,000
(460,000) [6]
Tokyo National Museum, Honkan 2010.jpg Tokyo National Museum TokyoFlag of Japan.svg  Japan 38,000
(410,000) [7]
Victoria and Albert Museum-1.jpg Victoria and Albert Museum LondonFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 30,658
(330,000) [8] [9]
South facade of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam (DSCF0528).jpg Rijksmuseum AmsterdamFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 30,000
(320,000) [10]
MFAHCarolineWeissLaw.JPG Houston Museum of Fine Arts HoustonFlag of the United States.svg  United States 28,000
(300,000) [11]
National Museum of Korea.jpg National Museum of Korea SeoulFlag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 27,090
(291,600) [12]
Art Institute of Chicago (51575570710).jpg Art Institute of Chicago ChicagoFlag of the United States.svg  United States 26,000
(280,000) [13] [note 2]
Toledo Museum of Art Monroe Street entrance.jpg Toledo Museum of Art ToledoFlag of the United States.svg  United States 26,000
(280,000) [14]
Nanjing Museum - main building.jpg Nanjing Museum NanjingFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 26,000
(280,000) [15]
British Museum from NE 2.JPG British Museum LondonFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 25,700
(277,000) [16]
National-Gallery-of-Art-West-Building-John-Russell-Pope-National-Mall-Washington-DC-04-2014.jpg National Gallery of Art Washington, D.C.Flag of the United States.svg  United States 25,200
(271,000) [17]
Museo del Prado 2016 (25185969599).jpg Museo del Prado MadridFlag of Spain.svg  Spain 25,000
(270,000) [18]
Haupteingang GNM Nuernberg-1.jpg Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nuremberg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 25,000
(270,000) [19]
MASS MoCA 1.jpg MASS MoCA North AdamsFlag of the United States.svg  United States 23,225
(249,990) [20]
National Gallery from SW, Canberra Australia.jpg National Gallery of Australia CanberraFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 23,000
(250,000) [21]
Mystetskyi Arsenal in Kyiv.jpg Mystetskyi Arsenal KyivFlag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 24,000
(260,000) [22]
Park of the Cinquantenaire - Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, 2010 (HDR 2).jpg Art & History Museum BrusselsFlag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 22,000
Mfa boston af.jpg Museum of Fine Arts BostonFlag of the United States.svg  United States 20,500
(221,000) [23]
Shandong art museum 20190706 (2).jpg Shandong Art Museum JinanFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 19,700
(212,000) [24]
National Gallery of Victoria Australia Winter 2019.jpg National Gallery of Victoria MelbourneFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 19,600
(211,000) [25]
Israel Museum Black and White (6898548048).jpg Israel Museum JerusalemFlag of Israel.svg  Israel 18,500
(199,000) [26]
Berlin-041.jpg Pergamon Museum Berlin Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 18,200
(196,000) [27] + [28]
Front Facade of the Centre Pompidou 2.jpg Musée National d'Art Moderne ParisFlag of France.svg  France 18,110
(194,900) [29]
National Gallery Singapore - Joy of Museums - External.jpg National Gallery Singapore SingaporeFlag of Singapore.svg  Singapore 18,000
(190,000) [30]
Minneapolis Institute of Art.jpg Minneapolis Institute of Art MinneapolisFlag of the United States.svg  United States 17,500
(188,000) [31]
Musee National Anthropologie-Entree.jpg National Museum of Anthropology Mexico CityFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 17,440.18
(187,724.5) [32]
Museo regionale di messina, 00 ingresso.JPG Interdisciplinary Regional Museum of Messina MessinaFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 17,000
(180,000) [33]
Olho Neimayer Curitiba 03 2007.jpg Museu Oscar Niemeyer CuritibaFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 17,000
(180,000) [34]
WKCD M+, 2021.11.jpg M+ KowloonFlag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong 17,000
(180,000) [35]
BMA-2010-screen.jpg Birmingham Museum of Art Birmingham, AlabamaFlag of the United States.svg  United States 17,000
(180,000) [36]
Venezia-Arsenale.jpg Arsenal (Biennale) VeniceFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 17,000
(180,000) [37]
Musee d'Orsay, North-West view, Paris 7e 140402.jpg Musée d'Orsay ParisFlag of France.svg  France 16,853
(181,400) [38]
Indy-Art-Museum-Szmurlo.jpg Indianapolis Museum of Art IndianapolisFlag of the United States.svg  United States 16,600
(179,000) [39]
Denver Art Museum.jpg Denver Art Museum DenverFlag of the United States.svg  United States 16,421
(176,750) [40] [41] [42]
Berliner Schloss (2020).jpeg Humboldt Forum BerlinFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 16,000
(170,000) [43]
2017 SFMOMA from Yerba Buena Gardens.jpg San Francisco Museum of Modern Art San FranciscoFlag of the United States.svg  United States 15,800
(170,000) [44]
MoMa NY USA 1.jpg Museum of Modern Art New York CityFlag of the United States.svg  United States 15,400
(166,000) [45]
Real Bosco di Capodimonte. (9923).jpg Museo di Capodimonte NaplesFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 15,000
(160,000) [46]
Beacon dia entrance.JPG Dia:Beacon Beacon, New YorkFlag of the United States.svg  United States 14,900
(160,000) [47]
PhiladelphiaMuseumOfArt2017.jpg Philadelphia Museum of Art PhiladelphiaFlag of the United States.svg  United States 14,865
(160,010) [48]
DMA west.jpg Dallas Museum of Art DallasFlag of the United States.svg  United States 14,800
(159,000) [49]
Edificio Sabatini. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia.jpg Museo Reina Sofía MadridFlag of Spain.svg  Spain 14,756
(158,830) [50] [51] [note 3]
MMCA-Gwacheon.jpg MMCA, Gwacheon GwacheonFlag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 14,144
(152,240) [52]
Detroit Institute of Arts January 2015 01.jpg Detroit Institute of Arts DetroitFlag of the United States.svg  United States 14,000
(150,000) [53]
Sofia - National Museum of History.jpg National Historical Museum SofiaFlag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 14,000
(150,000) [54]
National Art Center Tokyo 2008.jpg Tokyo National Art Center TokyoFlag of Japan.svg  Japan 14,000
(150,000) [55]
NTMOFA6.jpg National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts TaichungFlag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 13,600
(146,000) [56]
Praha Veletrzni palac jih.jpg National Gallery Prague (Veletržní)PragueFlag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 13,500
(145,000) [57]
Millwaukee Museum from south-west.jpg Milwaukee Art Museum MilwaukeeFlag of the United States.svg  United States 13,900
(150,000) [58]
E201605 TF 0030.jpg Virginia Museum of Fine Arts RichmondFlag of the United States.svg  United States 13,200
(142,100) [59]
Bayerisches Nationalmuseum - Muenchen - 2013.jpg Bavarian National Museum MunichFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 13,000
(140,000) [60]
Piazzale degli uffizi, uffizi, verone 01.jpg Uffizi Florence Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 13,000
(140,000) [61]
Capital Museum in Beijing.jpg Capital Museum BeijingFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 13,000
(140,000) [62] [63]
Museum of Fine Arts, main entrance, Montreal.jpg Montreal Museum of Fine Arts MontrealFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 13,000
(140,000) [64]
Galeria Nacional, Londres, Inglaterra, 2014-08-07, DD 035.JPG National Gallery LondonFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 13,000
(140,000) [note 4] [65]
Palais-de-Tokyo-lumiere8.JPG Palais de Tokyo ParisFlag of France.svg  France 13,000
(140,000) [66]
Hamburger Kunsthalle.jpg Hamburger Kunsthalle HamburgFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 13,000
(140,000) [67]
Nye Nasjonalmuseet (2022) (2).jpg National Museum of Norway OsloFlag of Norway.svg  Norway 13,000
(140,000) [68]
Salar jung museum hyderabad.jpg Salar Jung Museum HyderabadFlag of India.svg  India 13,000
(140,000) [69]
Natmuseumnaples.jpg National Archaeological Museum, Naples NaplesFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 12,650
(136,200) [70]
(Barcelona) Palau Nacional - National Museum of Art of Catalunya.jpg Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya BarcelonaFlag of Spain.svg  Spain 12,793
(137,700) [71]
Tate Modern - exterier I. (3. 10. 2004).JPG Tate Modern LondonFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 12,427
(133,760) [72]
Cleveland Museum of Art.jpg Cleveland Museum of Art ClevelandFlag of the United States.svg  United States 12,400
(133,000) [31]
Ottawa - ON - National Gallery of Canada.jpg National Gallery of Canada OttawaFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 12,400
(133,000) [73]
AGO at dusk.jpg Art Gallery of Ontario TorontoFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 12,000
(129,000) [74]
Alte Staatsgalerie Stuttgart 2013 02.jpg Staatsgalerie Stuttgart Stuttgart Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 12,000
(130,000) [75]
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (Rotterdam) 2.JPG Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen RotterdamFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 12,000
(130,000) [76]
Jaipur House Delhi.jpg National Gallery of Modern Art New DelhiFlag of India.svg  India 12,000
(130,000) [77]
Lille palais des beaux arts.jpg Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille LilleFlag of France.svg  France 12,000
(130,000) [78]
Pinakothek der Moderne Nord.jpg Pinakothek der Moderne MunichFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 12,000
(130,000) [79]
Moscow, Krymsky Val Street 10-14 2014 02.JPG Tretyakov Gallery (Krymsky Val)MoscowFlag of Russia.svg  Russia 12,000
(130,000) [80]
Taipei Fine Arts Museum 20150919.jpg Taipei Fine Arts Museum TaipeiFlag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 11,700
(126,000) [81]
Kunsthaus Zurich - 2014-09-24 - Bild 2.JPG Kunsthaus ZürichFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 11,500
2019-04-04 185915 Bode-Museum anagoria.jpg Bode Museum Berlin Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 11,500
(124,000) [82]
NSWAG.jpg Art Gallery of New South Wales SydneyFlag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia 11,000
(120,000) [83]
Muzeum Kapitolinskie.JPG Capitoline Museums RomeFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 11,000
(120,000) [84]
Fondazione prada, milano, cortile 02.JPG Fondazione Prada MilanFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 11,000
(120,000) [85]
Museo Guggenheim, Bilbao (31273245344).jpg Guggenheim Museum BilbaoFlag of Spain.svg  Spain 11,000
(120,000) [86]
Highsmithlacmaoblique.jpg Los Angeles County Museum of Art Los AngelesFlag of the United States.svg  United States 11,000
(120,000) [87]
Shaanxi History Museum 2.JPG Shaanxi History Museum Xi'anFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 11,000
(120,000) [88]
HangarBicocca, vue du haut du Hangar.jpg HangarBicocca MilanFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 10,900
(117,000) [89]
Tibet Museum1.jpg Tibet Museum LhasaFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 10,500
(113,000) [90]
Portland Art Museum Mark Building - Oregon.JPG Portland Art Museum Portland, OregonFlag of the United States.svg  United States 10,400
(112,000) [91]
Budapest Fine Arts Museum R01.jpg Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest BudapestFlag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 10,300
(111,000) [92]
NYC - 9-11 Memorial Museum - panoramio (1).jpg National September 11 Memorial & Museum New York CityFlag of the United States.svg  United States 10,000
(110,000) [93]
Antonino Salinas Regional Archeological Museum PalermoFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 10,000
(110,000) [94]
Carnegie Museum of Art.JPG Carnegie Museum of Art PittsburghFlag of the United States.svg  United States 10,000
(110,000) [95]
Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, Eingangsbereich-49290.jpg Hamburger Bahnhof BerlinFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 10,000
(110,000) [96]
Basler Kunstmuseum.jpg Kunstmuseum Basel BaselFlag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 10,000
(110,000) [97]
MAXXI (27483747665).jpg MAXXI RomeFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 10,000
(110,000) [98]
Museo Egizio e Galleria sabauda, Torino.jpg Museo Egizio TurinFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 10,000
(110,000) [99]
Museum kunst palast East facade.jpg Museum Kunstpalast DüsseldorfFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 10,000
(110,000) [100]
MMCA-Gwacheon.jpg MMCA, Seoul SeoulFlag of South Korea.svg  South Korea 10,000
(110,000) [101]
Stlouisartmuseum.JPG Saint Louis Art Museum St. LouisFlag of the United States.svg  United States 10,000
(110,000) [31]
PikiWiki Israel 15282 Tel Aviv Museum of Art.jpg Tel Aviv Museum of Art Tel AvivFlag of Israel.svg  Israel 10,000
(110,000) [note 5] [102] [103]
Taipei Taiwan National-Palace-Museum-02.jpg National Palace Museum TaipeiFlag of the Republic of China.svg  Taiwan 9,613
(103,470) [104]
Museo Arqueologico Nacional de Espana 01.jpg National Archaeological Museum MadridFlag of Spain.svg  Spain 9,300
(100,000) [105]
Musee Fabre - panoramio.jpg Musée Fabre MontpellierFlag of France.svg  France 9,300
(100,000) [106]
Pinacoteca de Sao Paulo, Brazil.jpg Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo São PauloFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 9,112
(98,080) [107]
Tunis, Museum Bardo.jpg Bardo National Museum TunisFlag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia 9,000
(97,000) [108]
Cite de l'architecture 001.jpg Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine ParisFlag of France.svg  France 9,000
(97,000) [109]
"Streifzug" durch die Stadt Oslo. 01.jpg National Gallery OsloFlag of Norway.svg  Norway 9,000
(97,000) [110]
Cologne Germany Roofs-of-Museum-Ludwig-01.jpg Museum Ludwig CologneFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 9,000
(97,000) [111]
Shanghai - Power Station of Art (12250570163).jpg Power Station of Art (Biennale) ShanghaiFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 9,000
(97,000) [112]
M. H. de Young Memorial Museum.jpg De Young Museum San FranciscoFlag of the United States.svg  United States 8,919
(96,000) [113]
Old Patent Office, Washington, D.C. 2011.jpg Smithsonian American Art Museum Washington, D.C.Flag of the United States.svg  United States 8,800
(95,000) [114]
Musee du quai Branly exterieur.jpg Musée du quai Branly ParisFlag of France.svg  France 8,750
(94,200) [115]
High Museum of Art - Atlanta, GA - Flickr - hyku (11).jpg High Museum of Art AtlantaFlag of the United States.svg  United States 8,714
(93,800) [116]
Liao Zhu Sheng Bo Wu Guan Xin Guan .jpg Liaoning Provincial Museum ShenyangFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 8,500
(91,000) [117]
Milano Banca Commerciale.JPG Gallerie di Piazza Scala MilanFlag of Italy.svg  Italy 8,300
(89,000) [118]
National Art Museum of China & Wusi Street.jpg National Art Museum of China BeijingFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 8,300
(89,000) [119]
SAMA (1).JPG San Antonio Museum of Art San AntonioFlag of the United States.svg  United States 8,130
(87,500) [120]
Le parvis d'entree de la Gemaldegalerie (Berlin) (11476462646).jpg Gemäldegalerie BerlinFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 8,000
(86,000) [121]
LouvreAD exterior.jpg Louvre Abu Dhabi Abu DhabiFlag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 8,000
(86,000) [122]
Archaologisches Nationalmuseum Athen.jpg National Archaeological Museum AthensFlag of Greece.svg  Greece 8,000
(86,000) [123]
Berlin Neues Museum 001.JPG Neues Museum BerlinFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 8,000
(86,000)[ citation needed ]
Paris - Petit Palais.jpg Petit Palais ParisFlag of France.svg  France 8,000
(86,000) [124]
De nieuwe vleugel van het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.jpg Stedelijk Museum AmsterdamFlag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 8,000
(86,000) [125]
Sprengel-Museum-Hannover-2015-09 01.jpg Sprengel Museum HannoverFlag of Germany.svg  Germany 8,000
(86,000) [126]

See also


  1. The 100,000 square meters mentioned on the official website are the total exhibition area of the institution, which includes sites outside of St. Petersburg. The figure given here is the one that previously appeared on the official website, corresponding only to the site of Saint-Petersburg. Mention of this number appears on some websites, or in the book "Tourism in Russia: A Management Handbook" (p.158).
  2. 65,000 sqft expansion adds 30% of gallery space
  3. References for historical building + extension
  4. The Sainsbury Wing has 450,000 square feet of exhibition space (Victoria Newhouse, Towards a New Museum, 1998, Monacelli Press, p.182) and accounts for roughly a third of the museum
  5. 5,000 sqm original exhibition space, doubled by extension


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