Abbreviation | Meaning |
ā | (a with a bar over it) before (from Latin ante) before |
A | assessment |
a.a. | of each (from Latin ana ana) amino acids: |
A1C | glycated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c) |
Aa. | arteria, see Artery |
Aag | abdominal aortic aneurysm (pronounced "triple-A") |
AAD | antibiotic-associated diarrhea |
AAI | acute arterial insufficiency |
AAPMC | antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis |
AAT | activity as tolerated atypical antibody test |
AAL | anterior axillary line |
AAOx3 | awake, alert, and oriented, times 3 (i.e., to person, place, and time) |
AAOx4 | awake, alert, and oriented, times 3 (i.e., to person, place, time, and event) |
A/B | acid-base ratio |
ab | abdomen, abdominal abortion |
Ab | antibody |
AB | abortion, AB (blood type) |
ABC | airway, breathing, circulation aspiration biopsy cytology |
ABCD | airway, breathing, circulation, disability asymmetry, borders, color, diameter (features on considering "Is it a malignant melanoma?") ABCD rating (a staging system for prostate cancer) |
ABCs ABCDs ABCDEs | airway, breathing, circulation, etc. Refers to priority of needs in emergency situations. Exact spell-out and details after "C" vary by institution, but the "ABCs" theme is recurrent. |
Abd | abdomen abdominal[abduction] |
ABD | [abdominal |
ABE | acute bacterial endocarditis |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
ABI | acquired brain injury ankle brachial pressure index |
ABLA | acute blood loss anemia |
ABMT | autologous bone marrow transplantation |
Abn | abnormal |
ABO | Landsteiner's blood grouping system |
ABPA | allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis |
ABPI | ankle brachial pressure index |
ABR | Auditory Brainstem Response |
ABT | antibiotic therapy |
ABVD | Doxorubicin (adriamycin), bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine (first-line treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma) |
ABX | antibiotics |
a.c. AC | before a meal (from Latin ante cibum) |
AC | abdominal circumference assisted controlled ventilation acromioclavicular joint antecubital fossa |
ACA | acinic cell carcinoma Affordable Care Act anterior cerebral artery |
ACB | aortocoronary bypass |
AC&BC | air conduction and bone conduction, as in Weber test |
Acc | accommodation (eye) |
ACCU | acute coronary care unit |
ACD | anemia of chronic disease |
ACD | allergic contact dermatitis |
ACDF | anterior cervical discectomy and fusion |
Ace | acetone |
ACE | angiotensin-converting enzyme |
ACEI | angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor(s) |
ACh | acetylcholine |
AChE | acetylcholine esterase |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament |
ACLS | advanced cardiac life support |
ACS | altered conscious state acute coronary syndrome acute chest syndrome |
ACM | arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone |
ACP | advance care planning Advanced Clinical Practitioner |
ACPO | acute colonic pseudo-obstruction |
ACU | ambulatory care unit |
ad. | right ear (from Latin auris dexter) |
AD | Alzheimer's disease acute distress aortic dissection right ear (from Latin auris dexter) as directed |
ADA | adenosine deaminase American Dental Association American Diabetes Association; e.g., "ADA diet" Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADC | AIDS dementia complex |
ADCC | antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity |
ADD | attention deficit disorder |
ADE | adverse drug event |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone |
ADHD | attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
ADHF | acute decompensated heart failure |
ADHR | autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets |
ADLs | activities of daily living |
ad lib | as desired (from Latin ad libitum) |
adm | admission |
Adn | adnexa (for example, adnexa of the uterus) |
ADP | adenosine diphosphate |
ad part. dolent | to the painful parts (from Latin ad partes dolentes) |
ADR | adverse drug reaction |
ADW | Ain't Doin' Well |
A/E | Air entry |
A+E | accident and emergency |
AEB | as evidenced by (commonly used by nurses) |
AED | automated external defibrillator antiepileptic drug(s) |
AEM | ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring |
AF | atrial fibrillation atrial flutter amniotic fluid |
AF-AFP | amniotic fluid alpha fetoprotein |
AFB | acid-fast bacilli |
AFI | amniotic fluid index |
AFib | atrial fibrillation |
AFL | atrial flutter |
AFNTR | acute febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction |
AFO | ankle-foot orthosis |
AFP | alpha-fetoprotein |
AFSOF | anterior fontanelle soft, open, flat |
Ag | antigen |
AGA | anti-gliadin antibodies appropriate gestational age (see birth weight) |
AGC | atypical glandular cells |
AGES criteria | age, grade, extent, size (for tumors) |
AGN | acute glomerulonephritis |
AH | auditory hallucinations |
a.h. | every other hour (from Latin alternis horis) |
AHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease |
AHF | antihemophilic factor |
AHG | antihemophilic globulin |
AHH | aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase |
AHI | Apnea-Hypopnea Index [1] |
AHR | airway hyper-reactivity |
AHT | antihyaluronic acid test |
AI | artificial insemination aortic insufficiency aromatase inhibitors |
AICD | automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator |
AID | artificial insemination by donor |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AIH | artificial insemination by husband |
AIHA | autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
AIHD | artificial insemination by pooled husband and donor semen |
AIPD | acute infectious and parasitical diseases autoimmune progesterone dermatitis acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy |
AIIRB | angiotensin II receptor antagonist |
AIN | allergic interstitial nephritis |
AIR | anterior interval release acute inpatient rehabilitation |
AIS | adenocarcinoma in situ androgen insensitivity syndrome |
AJCC | American Joint Committee on Cancer |
AjD | adjustment disorder |
AK | acanthamoeba keratitis |
aka | also known as |
AKA | above-knee amputation also known as |
AKI | acute kidney injury, previously called Acute Renal Failure (ARF) |
ALA | aminolevulinic acid |
ALCAPA | anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery |
ALF | assisted living facility |
ALG | antilymphocytic globulin |
ALI | acute limb injury acute lung injury |
Alk phos | alkaline phosphatase (sometimes abbreviated as ALP) |
ALL | acute lymphoblastic leukemia allergies |
ALP | alkaline phosphatase (sometimes abbreviated as Alk phos) |
ALPS | autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as motor neurone disease ('MND), Lou Gehrig's disease or Charcot disease advanced life support |
ALT | alanine transaminase |
altern. d. | every other day (from Latin alterno die) |
AMA | advanced maternal age (often defined as 35 years or greater) against medical advice antimitochondrial antibody American Medical Association |
Amb | ambulate |
AMC | arthrogryposis multiplex congenita |
AMI | acute mesenteric ischemia acute myocardial infarction |
AML | acute myeloid leukemia |
AMO | advanced medical optics |
AMP | adenosine monophosphate |
Amp | ampule ampere |
AMPA receptor | alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor of the brain |
AMS | acute mountain sickness atypical measles syndrome altered mental status |
Amt | amount |
ANA | antinuclear antibody |
ANCA | antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody |
AND | allowing natural death |
ANDI | aberrations of normal development and involution (of breast) |
ANF | atrial natriuretic factor |
ANP | atrial natriuretic peptide |
ANS | autonomic nervous system |
Ant | anterior |
Anti- | refers to an antibody to the suffixed antigen |
ANTR | asymmetrical tonic neck reflex |
ANUG | acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis |
A&O or A/O | aware and oriented or alert and oriented |
A&Ox3 | alert and oriented, times 3 (to person, place, and time) |
A&Ox4 | alert and oriented, times 4 (to person, place, time, and circumstances) (often used interchangeably with A&Ox3) |
AODM | adult-onset diabetes mellitus (now called diabetes mellitus type 2) |
AOM | acute otitis media |
AOE | acute otitis externa |
a.p. | before a meal (from Latin ante prandium) |
AP | action potential alkaline phosphatase angina pectoris anteroposterior apical area postrema |
A&P | auscultation and percussion anatomy and physiology |
A/P | anatomy and physiology assessment and plan |
APACHE II | Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II |
APAP | paracetamol (aka acetaminophen) (from its chemical name, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol) automatic positive airway pressure |
APC | atrial premature contraction antigen-presenting cell activated protein C argon plasma coagulation |
APD | adult polycystic disease automated peritoneal dialysis |
APKD | adult polycystic kidney disease |
APECED | autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy |
APGAR | appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration (used to assess newborns) |
APH | antepartum haemorrhage |
APLS | antiphospholipid syndrome |
APMPPE | acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy |
applic. | applicandus (Latin meaning "to be applied") |
appy | appendectomy |
APP | as per protocol (e.g., per institutional clinical protocol or per scientific protocol) |
APR | abdominoperineal resection |
APS | autoimmune polyendocrine/polyglandular syndrome antiphospholipid syndrome |
APSAC | anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex |
aPTT | activated partial thromboplastin time |
aq. | water (from Latin aqua) |
aq. bull. | boiling water (from Latin aqua bulliens) |
aq. calid. | warm or hot water (from Latin aqua calida) |
aq. dist. | distilled water (from Latin aqua distillata) |
aq. gel. | cold water (from Latin aqua gelida) |
AR | aortic regurgitation attributable risk |
ARB | angiotensin II receptor antagonist |
ARBI | alcohol-related brain injury (such as a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or alcohol-related dementia) |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARD | absolute risk difference alcohol-related dementia |
ARDS | acute respiratory distress syndrome |
ARF | acute renal failure |
ARFID | avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder |
Arg | arginine |
ARM | artificial rupture of membranes (also abbreviated as AROM) |
ARMD | age-related macular degeneration |
ARMS | alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma |
AROM | active range of motion artificial rupture of membranes |
ART | antiretroviral therapy assuming room temperature (that is, the patient has died) assisted reproductive technology |
ARVC | arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy |
ARVD | arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia |
AS | aortic stenosis atherosclerosis ankylosing spondylitis |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) American Society of Anesthesiologists (physical status class) |
ASB | asymptomatic bacteriuria |
ASC | ambulatory surgery center atypical squamous cells |
ASCA | anti–Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies |
ASC-H | atypical squamous cells—cannot exclude HSIL |
ASCAD | arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease |
ASCUS ASC-US | atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance |
ASCVD | arteriosclerotic vascular disease (arteriosclerosis) |
ASD | atrial septal defect autism spectrum disorder |
ASGUS | atypical squamous glandular cells of undetermined significance |
ASH ASHD | arteriosclerotic heart disease (coronary heart disease) |
ASH | asymmetric septal hypertrophy alcoholic steatohepatitis |
ASIS | anterior superior iliac spine |
ASM | anti-seizure medication (anticonvulsant) |
ASO | antistreptolysin-O |
ASOT | antistreptolysin-O titre |
ASPECTS | Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score, ASPECT Score |
Ass | assessment |
AST | aspartate transaminase |
ASX | asymptomatic |
A-T | ataxia-telangiectasia |
AT | antithrombin angiotensin |
AT-III | antithrombin III |
ATA | antitransglutaminase antibodies |
ATB | antibiotic |
ATCC | ATCC (company) (formerly the American Type Culture Collection) |
ATCP | atypical chest pain |
ATG | anti-thymocyte globulin |
ATLS | Advanced trauma life support |
ATN | acute tubular necrosis |
ATNR | asymmetrical tonic neck reflex |
ATP | acute thrombocytopenic purpura adenosine triphosphate antitachycardia pacing |
Atp | atypical |
ATRA | all-trans retinoic acid |
ATS | antitetanus serum, that is, antitetanus immunoglobulins |
AU | each ear (from Latin auris utraque) |
AUC | area under the curve (pharmacology) |
aur. | ear (from Latin auris) |
aur. dextro. | to right ear (from Latin auris dextrae) |
aur. laev | to left ear (from Latin auris laevae) |
aurist. | ear drops (from Latin auristillae) |
AUS | Artificial urinary sphincter |
AV | arteriovenous atrioventricular |
AVF | arteriovenous fistula |
AVM | arteriovenous malformation |
AVN | avascular necrosis atrioventricular node |
AVR | aortic valve replacement |
AVSD | atrioventricular septal defect |
afebrile, vital signs stable |
A&W A/W | alive and well associated with admitted with |
Ax | axillary |
AXR | abdominal x-ray |
AYA | adolescents and young adults |
AZT | azidothymidine |