List of museums in Saskatchewan

Last updated

This list of museums in Saskatchewan contains museums which are defined for this context as institutions (including nonprofit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing in Saskatchewan. Also included are non-profit art galleries and university art galleries. Museums that exist only in cyberspace (i.e., virtual museums) are not included.


To use the sortable table, click on the icons at the top of each column to sort that column in alphabetical order; click again for reverse alphabetical order.


Abernethy Nature-Heritage Museum Abernethy SoutheastMultipleArea cultural and natural history [1]
Addison Sod House Kindersley West CentralHistoric housePioneer sod house and farmstead
Alameda & District Heritage Museum Alameda SoutheastLocal history [2]
Allan Community Heritage Museum Allan East CentralLocal history [3]
Allen Sapp Gallery Battleford West CentralArt website, works by Canadian Cree artist Allen Sapp and other First Nation and Inuit artists
Alex Youck School Museum Regina ReginaEducationOne room schoolhouse, operated by the Regina Public Schools [4]
Allie Griffin Art Gallery Weyburn SoutheastArtMonthly exhibitions by local, regional, and provincial artists and craftspeople, operated by the Weyburn Arts Council in the lower level of Weyburn Public Library [5]
Ancient Echoes Interpretive Centre Herschel West CentralMultiple website, local history, fossils, First Nations culture, natural history
Arcola Museum Arcola SoutheastHistoryFurnished log house built by one of the early settlers; organ from a closed church; steam car [6]
Art Gallery of Regina Regina ReginaArt website, emphasis on Saskatchewan artists, located in the Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre
Art Gallery of Swift Current Swift Current SouthwestArt website
Assiniboia & District Museum Assiniboia SouthwestLocal history website
Athol Murray College Archives & Museum Wilcox SouthwestHistoryHistory of Athol Murray College of Notre Dame [7]
Avonlea Heritage Museum Avonlea SouthwestLocal history website, local history, pioneer artifacts
Al Mazur Memorial Heritage Park Hudson Bay East CentralOpen air website, includes 1909 period village, John Deere tractor collection, tea house with large collection of cups and saucers, logging artifacts, train station and railroad, blacksmith shop
Bateman Historical Museum Bateman SouthwestLocal historyHistory of the ghost town, open on request [8]
Batoche National Historic Site Batoche West CentralLivingRemains of historic village, depicts lifestyles of the Métis of Batoche between 1860 and 1900
Bengough & District Museum Bengough SouthwestLocal history website
Benson-Hingley Military Museum Humboldt East CentralMilitaryLocated at the Royal Canadian Legion, features military artifacts, photos, medals, models, memorabilia; formerly known as the Bill Benson Military Museum [9] [10]
Big Bear Trail Museum Loon Lake NorthernLocal history [11]
Big Muddy Nature Centre & Museum Big Beaver SouthwestNatural historyAdjacent to Big Beaver Regional Park [12]
Big River Memorial Museum Big River NorthernLocal history [13]
Biggar Museum Biggar West CentralMultiple website, local history exhibits and art gallery
Birch Hills & District Museum Birch Hills East CentralLocal history information, local history, agriculture equipment, operated by the Birch Hills & District Historical Society
Blaine Lake Public Library and Museum Blaine Lake West CentralLocal history website, located in a former railway station
Blumenfeld & District Heritage Site Prelate SouthwestLocal history website, local history of pioneers and area churches, located in the St. Peter & St. Paul Blumenfeld Church
Borden & District Historical Museum Borden West CentralLocal history information
Bresaylor Heritage Museum Bresaylor West CentralLocal history information
Briercrest & District Museum Briercrest SoutheastLocal history information
Broadview Historical Museum Broadview SoutheastLocal historyFeatures a one-room schoolhouse, a 1913 Canadian Pacific Railway Caboose, a reconstructed sod house, the Delorme family's one-room log cabin
Brock Municipal Museum Brock West CentralLocal history information
Cabri & District Museum Cabri SouthwestLocal history information
Canada's Only Toy & Autograph Museum Canora East CentralToy website, toys and autographed photos
Cannington Manor Victorian Village Kenosee Lake SoutheastLivingLate 19th century Victorian village in Cannington Manor Provincial Park
Canwood Museum Canwood NorthernLocal history information
Canora Station House Museum Canora East CentralRailwayCN Rail memorabilia, pioneer artifacts, local art
Central Butte District Museum Central Butte SouthwestLocal history information
Chapel Gallery North Battleford West CentralArt website, local art
Chaplin Nature Centre Chaplin Natural history website, area natural history, shore birds, brine shrimp and mining industry
Children's Discovery Museum on the Saskatchewan Saskatoon West CentralChildren's website
Choiceland Museum Choiceland NorthernLocal history information
Civic Museum of Regina Regina SoutheastLocal history website [usurped] , city's history, formerly called Regina Plains Museum
Claybank Brick Plant National Historic Site Claybank SouthwestIndustryHistoric clay brick-making factory
Clayton McLain Memorial Museum Cut Knife West CentralLocal history website, information
Climax Community Museum Climax SouthwestLocal history information
Coronach District Museum Coronach SouthwestLocal history website
Country Craft Shoppe & Homestead Museum Hodgeville SouthwestLocal history information
Cudworth Museum Cudworth East CentralLocal history information, information, located in a former railway station
Cupar Heritage Museum Cupar SoutheastLocal history website
Deep South Pioneer Museum Ogema SouthwestOpen air website, pioneer village and farm yard
Diefenbaker Canada Centre Saskatoon West CentralHistoryPart of the University of Saskatchewan, Canadian history and culture, life of John G. Diefenbaker, Canada's 13th Prime Minister
Diefenbaker House Prince Albert NorthernHistoric housePioneer homestead, operated by the Prince Albert Historical Society
Doc's Town Heritage Village Swift Current SouthwestOpen air website, early 20th century small prairie town
Dodsland & District Museum Dodsland West CentralLocal history information
Doukhobor Dugout House Blaine Lake West CentralLiving website, Doukhobor settler life
Dr. Ernest Luthi Heritage Home Punnichy SoutheastArt information
Duck Lake Interpretive Centre Duck Lake West CentralLocal history website, located in a former North-West Mounted Police jail, First Nations, Métis and pioneer history, culture and traditions
Dunlop Art Gallery Regina SoutheastArtFacility of the Regina Public Library, visual art in contemporary culture
Dysart & District Museum Dysart SoutheastLocal history information
E. A. Rawlinson Centre Prince AlbertNorthernArt website, arts and culture centre, includes the Mann Art Gallery and the Olive and John G. Diefenbaker Theatre
Eastend Historical Museum Eastend SouthwestLocal history website, local history, historic buildings
Elbow Museum Elbow SouthwestLocal history information
Elrose Museum Elrose West CentralLocal history information, information
Esterhazy Community Museum Esterhazy SoutheastLocal history information
Estevan Art Gallery & Museum Estevan SoutheastMultiple website, art gallery and seasonal historical and law enforcement museum, NWMP Wood End Post Historical Site
Evolution of Education Museum Prince Albert NorthernEducationEarly 20th century one room schoolhouse, operated by the Prince Albert Historical Society
Farwell's Trading Post Maple Creek SouthwestHistory
F. T. Hill Museum Riverhurst SouthwestHistory information, website, collections include guns, Indian artifacts, pioneer tools, implements, furniture and clothing, harnesses and saddles, Saskatchewan license plates, area fossils
Fifth Parallel Gallery Regina SoutheastArt website, part of the University of Regina
Foam Lake Museum Foam Lake East CentralLocal history information
Fort Battleford National Historic Site Battleford West CentralHistoryRestored late 19th century North-West Mounted Police fort
Fort Carlton Provincial Park Duck Lake West CentralOpen airRecreated 19th century fur trading post
Fort Pelly Livingston Museum Pelly East CentralLocal history website
Fort Qu'Appelle Museum Fort Qu'Appelle SoutheastLocal history information
Fort Walsh Maple Creek SouthwestMilitaryRestored 19th century fort and townsite
Frank Cameron Museum Wynyard East CentralLocal history information
Fred Light Museum Battleford West CentralLocal history website
Frenchman Butte Museum Frenchman Butte West CentralLocal history information, historic buildings
General Store Memories, Museum and Antiques Blaine Lake West CentralHistory information, information, antiques, collectibles, and local history
Gervais Wheels Museum Alida SoutheastHistory information, artifacts; music boxes; gramophones; North American automobiles
Glaslyn & District Museum Glaslyn NorthernLocal history information, local history and railway artifacts
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery Yorkton East CentralArt website
Goodsoil Historical Museum Goodsoil NorthernLocal history information, local history and pioneer buildings
Gordon Snelgrove Art Gallery Saskatoon West CentralArt website, part of the University of Saskatchewan
Government House Regina SoutheastHistoryProvincial history, life around 1900
Grand Coteau Heritage & Culture Centre Shaunavon SouthwestMultiple website, includes an art gallery, natural history displays, local history and period room and business displays, library branch
Gravelbourg & District Museum Gravelbourg SouthwestLocal history website
Great Sandhills Museum Sceptre SouthwestLocal history website, local history, period room and business displays
Grenfell Museum Grenfell SoutheastHistoric house website, Victorian period house, local history displays
Gull Lake Museum Gull Lake SouthwestLocal history information
Harris Museum Harris West CentralLocal history information
Hepburn Museum of Wheat Hepburn West CentralAgriculture information, located in a grain elevator, also local history
Herbert CPR Train Station Museum Herbert SouthwestRailway information, also local history
Heritage Hazenmore Museum Hazenmore SouthwestLocal history information
Heritage of Hope Museum Denzil West CentralLocal history information
Hudson Bay Museum Hudson Bay East CentralLocal history website, local history, period room and business displays
Humboldt & District Museum Humboldt East CentralMultiple website, local history, period room and business displays, changing exhibits of art, photography and culture
Humboldt Area Vintage & Antique Club Humboldt East CentralAgricultureIncludes antique tractors, a 1918 steam engine, threshing machines, farm implements, a 1930s period house, barn and shop [14]
Humboldt StationEast CentralHistory information
Indian Head Museum Indian Head SoutheastLocal history website, includes firehall, school, 1880s cottage, 1930s garage, military display
Ituna & District Museum Ituna East CentralLocal history information
Jasper Cultural & Historical Centre Maple Creek SouthwestMultiple website, local history, period room and business displays, art gallery
Kaposvar Historic Site Esterhazy SoutheastHistory information, historic church, history of Hungarian and Slovak settlers
Kelliher & District Museum Kelliher SoutheastLocal history information, local history, period business displays and antiques
Kellross Heritage Museum Kelliher East CentralLocal history information
Kenderdine Art Gallery Saskatoon West CentralArt website, part of the University of Saskatchewan
Kincaid Museum Kincaid SouthwestLocal history information
Kindersley Plains Museum Kindersley West CentralLocal history information
Kinistino & District Pioneer Museum Kinistino East CentralLocal history website, information
Kipling Museum Kipling SoutheastOpen air website, includes 1903 furnished heritage home, schoolhouse, blacksmith shop, dental office, service station, church, antique machinery
Kisbey Museum Kisbey SoutheastHistory information, old school house and artifacts
Kronau Bethlehem Heritage Museum Kronau SoutheastLocal history information
Kyle & District Museum Kyle West CentralLocal history information
Lafleche & District Museum Lafleche SouthwestLocal history information
Lakeside Heritage Museum Regina Beach SoutheastLocal history information
Lancer Centennial Museum Lancer SouthwestLocal history information
Langham & District Heritage Village & Museum Langham West CentralLocal history information, information
Lanigan & District Heritage Centre Lanigan East CentralLocal history information, located in a 1908 railway station
Lashburn Centennial Museum Lashburn West CentralLocal history information
Last Mountain House Provincial Historic Park Craven SoutheastOpen air website, information, recreated 19th century fur trading post
Le Beau Village Museum St. Victor SouthwestLocal history website, local history of the St. Victor Roman Catholic Church and its parish
Lebret Museum Fort Qu'Appelle SoutheastLocal history website, local history, pioneer and religious artifacts
LeRoy & District Heritage Museum LeRoy East CentralLocal history information
Lloydminster Cultural & Science Centre Lloydminster West CentralMultiple website, art gallery, wildlife display, heavy oil science centre; formerly the Barr Colony Heritage Cultural Centre
Lucky Lake Heritage Museum Lucky Lake West CentralLocal history information
Lumsden Museum Lumsden SoutheastOpen air information, information, 1920s village, includes a church, 1910 home, school, blacksmith shop, stable
Luseland & Districts Museum Luseland West CentralLocal history information
MacKenzie Art Gallery Regina SoutheastArt
Macklin & District Museum Macklin West CentralLocal history information
Macrorie Museum Macrorie SouthwestLocal history information
Maidstone & District Museum Maidstone West CentralLocal history information
Main Centre Heritage Museum Main Centre SouthwestLocal history information
Manitou Pioneers Museum Neilburg West CentralLocal history information
Mankota Museum Mankota SouthwestOpen air information, historic pioneer buildings and antique farm equipment.
Marr Residence Saskatoon West CentralHistoric house1884 house, features an exhibit on the relationships between settlers and First Nations during the Northwest Resistance of 1885.
McCord & District Museum McCord SouthwestLocal history website, located in a former railway station and a church
Meadow Lake Museum Meadow Lake NorthernLocal history information, information
Meewasin Valley Centre Saskatoon West CentralMultiple website, local history and natural history, ecology
Melfort & District Museum Melfort East CentralOpen air website, pioneer village, farm machinery, equipment and tools
Melville Heritage Museum Melville East CentralLocal history information
Mennonite Heritage Museum Rosthern NorthernLocal history information
Mennonite Heritage Village Swift Current SouthwestOpen air website, 1880s-1920s period village
Milden Community Museum Milden West CentralLocal history information
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery Moose Jaw SouthwestMultiple website, local history and art
Moosomin Regional Museum Moosomin SoutheastLocal history information
Mortlach Museum Mortlach SouthwestLocal history website, located in a former fire hall and jail
Morse Museum & Cultural Centre Morse SouthwestMultiple website, local history, pioneer artifacts, art gallery
Mossbank & District Museum Mossbank SouthwestLocal history website, local history, working blacksmith shop, schoolhouse
Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site Abernethy SoutheastHistoryEarly 20th century homestead and farm
Musee Ukraina Museum Saskatoon West CentralEthnic information, currently in storage awaiting new facility
Museum of Natural Sciences Saskatoon West CentralNatural history website, part of the University of Saskatchewan, living plants, animals, fossils, rocks, minerals
Museum of Antiquities Saskatoon West CentralArtPart of the University of Saskatchewan, ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Near Eastern sculpture in full-scale replica
Naicam Museum Naicam East CentralLocal history website, information
National Doukhobour Heritage Village Veregin East CentralOpen airEarly 20th century Doukhobor village
Neutral Ground Contemporary Art Forum Regina SoutheastArt website
Nipawin Living Forestry Museum Nipawin East CentralOpen air website, forestry equipment and buildings, household artifacts, vintage vehicles, fully functional steam-powered saw and shingle mills, tractors, restored historic houses
Nokomis District Museum Nokomis East CentralLocal history website, information, local history, period room and business displays, railroad artifacts, located in a former railway station
North Battleford Sports Museum & Hall of Fame North Battleford West CentralSports information
Northern Gateway Museum Denare Beach NorthernLocal history information
Notukeu Heritage Museum Ponteix SouthwestArchaeology information, archaeology, paleontology; fossils, prehistoric arrowheads, tools and artifacts
Osler Historical Museum Osler West CentralHistoric house information, 1930-40s period house, also one room school
Outlook & District Heritage Museum Outlook West CentralLocal historyLocated in a former railway station
Pasquia Regional Park Arborfield East CentralNatural history website, dinosaurs and fossils
PAVED Arts Saskatoon West CentralArtNew media art centre
Perdue Museum Perdue West CentralLocal history information
Plenty & District Museum Plenty West CentralLocal history information
Porcupine Plain & District Museum Porcupine Plain East CentralLocal history website, includes a period log house, church and schoolhouse
Poundmaker Historical Centre Cut Knife West CentralFirst Nations information, history and artifacts of the Poundmaker Cree Nation
Power House Museum Kamsack East CentralLocal history information, information, located in a former power station
Prairie River Museum Prairie River East CentralLocal historyHoused in a former railway station
Prairie West Historical Centre Eston West CentralMultiple website, local history, art, period rooms, schoolhouse, homesteader's shack, agriculture display
Prairie Winds & Silver Sage Val Marie SouthwestMultiple website, art exhibits, natural history of Grasslands National Park
Preeceville & District Heritage Museum Preeceville East CentralLocal history website, local history, railroad artifacts
Prince Albert Arts Centre Prince Albert NorthernArtExhibits in the John V. Hicks Gallery
Prince Albert Historical Museum Prince Albert NorthernLocal historyOperated by the Prince Albert Historical Society, history of the area in the city's first firehall
Prud'homme Multicultural Museum Prud'homme East CentralLocal history information, information, local history and ethnic heritage
Punnichy & District Museum Punnichy SoutheastLocal history information
Quill Lakes International Bird Area Interpretive Centre Wynyard East CentralNatural history information, history and natural history of Quill Lake, an important bird sanctuary
Radisson Zion Museum Radisson West CentralLocal history website, information, located in a former church, period business displays and antiques
Ralph Allen Memorial Museum Oxbow SoutheastLocal history information
Raymore Pioneer Museum Raymore SoutheastLocal history information
RCMP Heritage Centre Regina SoutheastLaw enforcementHistory of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Regina Firefighters Museum Regina SoutheastFirefighting information
Remai Modern SaskatoonWest CentralArtModern and contemporary art
Reynold Rapp Museum Spalding East CentralLocal historyArtifacts from the Spalding area, and memorabilia from Reynold Rapp's time in parliament as Conservative Whip
Rocanville & District Museum Rocanville SoutheastLocal history information, information
Rouleau & District Museum Rouleau SouthwestLocal history information
Rosetown & District Museum Rosetown West CentralLocal history information, information
Rose Valley Heritage Museum Rose Valley East CentralLocal history information
Rotary Museum of Police and Corrections Prince Albert NorthernLaw enforcementOperated by the Prince Albert Historical Society, history of law enforcement in early Prince Albert and Saskatchewan
Saskatoon Museum of Military Artifacts Saskatoon West CentralMilitary Website, uniforms, medals, artifacts and war memorabilia
Royal Saskatchewan Museum Regina SoutheastNatural historyIncludes natural history, First Nations and geology sections
Royal Northwest Mounted Police Post Museum Creighton NorthernLaw enforcement information, information, replica of an early 1900s Royal Northwest Mounted Police post
Rusty Relics Museum Carlyle SoutheastRailwayLocated in a railway station, railway artifacts, farming machinery
Saltcoats Museum Saltcoat East CentralLocal history information
Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame Battleford West CentralSports website, information, information
Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre Moose Jaw SouthwestNatural history website, biology and conservation of burrowing owls
Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre Saskatoon West CentralFirst Nations website
Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park Kyle West CentralMultiple website, visitor interpretive centre with exhibits about the natural and cultural history of the park
Saskatchewan Science Centre Regina SoutheastScienceExhibits include live animals, space, agriculture, dinosaurs, the environment, hockey
Saskatchewan Military Museum Regina SoutheastMilitary information
Saskatchewan Railway Museum Saskatoon West CentralRailway
Saskatchewan River Valley Museum Hague West CentralLocal history information
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Regina SoutheastSports website
Saskatchewan Western Development Museum Moose Jaw SouthwestTransportationImpact of different means of transportation on area growth, industry and culture
Saskatchewan Western Development Museum North Battleford West CentralOpen air1920s heritage farm and village
Saskatchewan Western Development Museum Saskatoon West CentralOpen airOver 30 buildings represent a typical Saskatchewan 1910 boomtown
Saskatchewan Western Development Museum Yorkton East CentralEthnicImmigrant cultures, including Ukrainians, English, Swedes, Germans, Doukhobors and Icelanders
Seager Wheeler's Maple Grove Farm Rosthern West CentralFarmWorking farm and history of farming techniques
Semans & District Museum Semans East CentralLocal history information
Shamrock Museum Shamrock SouthwestLocal history information
Shell Lake Museum Shell Lake NorthernLocal history information, located in a former railway station
Shellbrook Museum Shellbrook NorthernLocal history information, located in a former railway station
Soo Line Historical Museum Weyburn SoutheastMultiple website, features large collection of silver, also brass, china, crystal, and antique furniture, local history, period room and business displays
Souris Valley Antique Museum Midale SoutheastLocal history website
Southwest Saskatchewan Oldtimer's Museum Maple Creek SouthwestHistory information, pioneer and historic artifacts
Spiritwood & District Museum Spiritwood NorthernHistoric house information, 1930s-1950s period house
Spy Hill Museum Spy Hill SoutheastLocal history information
St. Brieux Museum St. Brieux East CentralLocal history website, information
St. Mary's Church Museum Maxstone SouthwestHistoric site website, historic church
St. Thomas More College Art Gallery Saskatoon West CentralArt website
St. Walburg Museum St. Walburg West CentralLocal history information, information, located in a former church
Star City Heritage Museum Star City East CentralLocal history website
Station Arts Centre Rosthern NorthernArt website, art gallery, seminar space, tea room and performing arts theatre
Stoughton & District Museum Stoughton SoutheastLocal history information
Strasbourg & District Museum Strasbourg SoutheastLocal history information
Sturgis Station House Museum Sturgis East CentralLocal history information, local history, railroad artifacts
Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum Moose Jaw SouthwestOpen airIncludes pioneer village, a farmyard (house and barn), Tom Sukanen's ship, Diefenbaker Homestead, firefighting collection
Swift Current Museum Swift Current SouthwestLocal history information, information
Theodore Historical Museum Theodore East CentralLocal historyLocated in a former railway station
Tisdale & District Museum Tisdale Open air website, local history, pioneer village, antique automobiles
Tompkins Sod House National Historic Site Tompkins SouthwestHistory information
T.rex Discovery Centre Eastend SouthwestNatural historyDinosaurs and fossils
Turner Curling Museum Weyburn SoutheastSports information, history, equipment and memorabilia of curling
Turtleford & District Museum Turtleford West CentralLocal history information, information
Ukrainian Heritage Museum, Canora Canora East CentralEthnic information, information
Ukrainian Museum of Canada Saskatoon West CentralEthnic website
Unity & District Heritage Museum Unity West CentralOpen air website, includes restored schools, a church, 1912 home, harness shop, restored cars, trucks, agriculture machinery
University of Saskatchewan Computer Museum Saskatoon West CentralTechnology website, part of the University of Saskatchewan, computer equipment and technology
Vanguard Museum Vanguard SouthwestLocal history information
Vintage Power Museum Prince Albert NorthernAgriculture information, information, agriculture equipment and machinery, buildings
Wadena & District Museum & Nature Centre Wadena East CentralMultiple information, information, local history, pioneer life and buildings, natural history of Quill Lake, an important bird sanctuary
Wakaw Heritage Museum Wakaw East CentralLocal history website, information
Waldheim Public Museum Waldheim West CentralLocal history information, located in a former railway station
Wanuskewin Heritage Park Saskatoon West CentralFirst Nations
Washbrook Museum Edam West CentralLocal history information, located in a former grain elevator
Waskesiu Heritage Museum Waskesiu Lake NorthernLocal history website, local history of the town and Prince Albert National Park
Watson & District Heritage Museum Watson East CentralLocal history website, information
Wawota & District Museum Wawota SoutheastLocal history information, information
Weyburn Area Heritage Village Weyburn SoutheastOpen air website, early 20th century village buildings
Whitewood Historical Museum Whitewood SoutheastLocal history information, located in the Rex Theatre
Wilkie & District Museum Wilkie West CentralLocal history information
Willow Bunch Museum Willow Bunch SouthwestLocal history website
Wilson Museum Dundurn West CentralLocal history information, information, local history, antiques
Wolseley Community Museum Wolseley SoutheastLocal history website, information
Wood Mountain Rodeo & Ranching Museum Wood Mountain SouthwestMultipleLocated in Wood Mountain Regional Park, includes the Rodeo Ranch Museum with cowboy artifacts, Wood Mountain Post Historic Park with history of the North-West Mounted Police and the Sioux
Yester-Years Community Museum Dinsmore West CentralLocal history information [15]
Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Yorkton East CentralSportsLocated on the second floor of the Gallagher Centre [16]

Defunct museums

See also


  1. "Abernethy Nature-Heritage Museum". Museums Association of Saskatchewan. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  2. "Alameda & District Heritage Museum". Museums Association of Saskatchewan. Retrieved 31 May 2015.
  3. "Allan Community Heritage Society & Museum". Museums Association of Saskatchewan. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  4. "Alex Youck School Museum". Regina Public Schools. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  5. "Official site". Weyburn Arts Council. Retrieved 1 June 2015.
  6. "Arcola Museum". Tourism Saskatchewan. Retrieved 2 June 2015.
  7. "Athol Murray College of Notre Dame Archives/ Museum". Saskatchewan Outdoors. Retrieved 2 June 2015.
  8. "Bateman, SK". Forgotten Lives. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 2 June 2015.
  9. "Attractions". Think Humboldt. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  10. "2011 Citizen of the Year: Rev. Alvin Hingley". Carlyle Observer. April 22, 2011. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  11. "Big Bear Trail Museum". Tourism Saskatchewan. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  12. "Big Muddy Nature Centre and Museum". Tourism Saskatchewan. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  13. "Big River Memorial Museum". Tourism Saskatchewan. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  14. "Humboldt Area Vintage & Antique Club". Tourism Saskatchewan. Retrieved 3 June 2015.
  15. "Yester-Years Community Museum". Museums Association of Saskatchewan. Retrieved 11 November 2017.
  16. "Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame & Museum". Museums Association of Saskatchewan. Retrieved 11 November 2017.