List of tallest crosses in the world

Last updated

List of tallest crosses in the world (minimum height 20 metres).



NameCountryTownCoordinatesHeightYear of completionPictureRemarks
Cruz de los Caídos Flag of Spain.svg  Spain San Lorenzo de El Escorial40.641800 -4.155596150 m1956 Valle de los caidos by forcy-cruz frontal vertical.jpg
Dambana ng Kagitingan Memorial Cross Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines Pilar, Bataan 14.6058464 120.508727495 m1970 Shrine of Valor Memorial Cross.jpg observation deck in crossarm
Cruz del Tercer MilenioFlag of Chile.svg  Chile Coquimbo-29.952048 -71.34753092 m2001 Cruz del tercer milenio.JPG observation deck in crossarm
Cross of Sanctuary of San Miguel ArchangelFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Bandeirantes-23.132055 -50.40119481 m2017 09 04 2022 Missa no Santuario Sao Miguel Arcanjo (51993408403).jpg
Radio Relay Tower of Radio Vatican Transmission CenterFlag of Italy.svg  Italy Santa Maria di Galeria42.0441298778 12.322277426778 m1957Cross-shaped radio tower
Cross of All Nations Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Qanat Bakish33.9652146 35.813841873.8 m2010
Cross of All PeopleFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Divinópolis-20.127070 -44.95476273.8 m
Montemorelos CrossFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Montemorelos25.243883 -99.86088973 m2021
Branson Cross Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Branson, Missouri36.7519° N, 93.2249° W66.4464 m2018White cross with tears
Skopje Millennium Cross Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Skopje41.964994 21.39437266 m2011 Millennium Cross Skopje 2.jpg
Bell Tower of Lakeuden Risti Church Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Seinäjoki62.787045 22.84556565.2 m1960 Lakeuden risti tower 20180604.jpg bell tower of a Lutheran church with the shape of a double cross
Orthodox Cross Dračevo [1] Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Dračevo41.93806, 21.5183963.5 m2024
Great Cross Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States St. Augustine, Florida29.9042789 -81.313526663.4 m1966 204 foot cross.jpg
El Glorioso Cristo de Chiapas Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Copoya, Municipio de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas16.7176 -93.12162 m2011 CristoDeCopoya.jpg
Cross of Ridge Assembly of GodFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Davenport, Florida28.195976 -81.63755260.96 m
Haughton CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Haughton, Louisiana32.554724 -93.62253960.65 m2009 199 foot cross in Louisiana.jpg
Cross at First Baptist Church of Central FloridaFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Orlando, Florida28.548272 -81.50695160.65 m2008
The Cross at the Crossroads Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Effingham, Illinois39.107602 -88.57120360.35 m2001 Effingham cross.jpg
Cross of HopeFlag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Ijdabra34.2491731 35.701020160 m Ijdabra - Cross of Hope.jpg High-rise building in shape of a double cross with a church in one arm
Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Groom, Texas35.2098038 -101.123494957.91 m1955 Groom-Texas.jpg
Skopje Aerodrom CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Skopje41.977664 21.46459256.5 m2014 Macedonian Cross Aerodrom 1.jpg
Cruz Monumental de El ArenalFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico El Arenal20.221519 -98.91204455 m2014 Cruz Monumental de El Arenal, Hidalgo 02.jpg
Central cross at Cross Church Pinnacle HillsFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Rogers, Arkansas36.314620 -94.18819853.34 mensemble of three crosses
Basílica de la Virgen del Camino CrossFlag of Spain.svg  Spain León42.580173 -5.64163853 m1961 La Virgen del Camino 01 Santuario by-dpc.jpg
Meskel CrossFlag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia Mekelle, Tigray13.495427 39.48814452 m2017 ET Mekele asv2018-01 img18 Choma Cross.jpg
Sagemont Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Houston, Texas29.5996555 -95.219889951.82 m2009 Sagemont Church Cross -- Houston.jpg
Aruvithura Cross [2] Flag of India.svg  India Kottayam, Kerala9.682450, 76.76736150.9 m2014
Central cross at Cross Church Pinnacle HillsFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Rogers, Arkansas36.314544 -94.18826050.29 mensemble of three crosses
Cross of Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes and PraiseFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Ituporanga-27.415453 -49.61112550 mobservation tower
Artsakh CrossFlag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan (formerly NKR)Dashushen39.805404 46.78631150 m2017Demolished by Azerbaijani Armed Forces [3]
Edmond CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Edmond, Oklahoma35.6497844 -97.422487749.7 m1996
Third Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Ropczyce50.0156403 21.5760500747 m2006 Krzyz III Tysiaclecia w Ropczycach - Borkach Chechelskich.jpg observation deck on the structure
Drokino Hill CrossFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Krasnoyarsk56.082184 92.78071947 m2019
Large Cross at Bellevue Baptist Church Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Cordova, Tennessee 35.183421 -89.81188645.72 m1999
Large cross of Bethany World Prayer CenterFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Baton Rouge, Louisiana 30.380179 -91.05999245.72 m
Large cross of Restoration Fellowship ChurchFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Strasburg, Virginia 39.017533 -78.35825045.72 m
Cruz de ChorrillosFlag of Peru.svg  Peru Lima-12.168007 -77.03534345 m1988 Torre en el Morro Solar 3.jpg
Chełmiec Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Boguszów-Gorce50.780112 16.21156145 m2000 Krzyz na Chelmcu, Gory Walbrzyskie (Hochwald-Kreuz).jpg
Charles-de-Gaulle MemorialFlag of France.svg  France Colombey-les-Deux-Églises48.224394 4.87964144.3 m1972 Croix de Lorraine Colombey (2).JPG
Central cross at Cross Church Pinnacle HillsFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Rogers, Arkansas36.314640 -94.18832544.2 mensemble of three crosses
Gora Qabaristan CrossFlag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan Karachi24.8561 67.049842.7 m2015 PK Karachi asv2020-02 img60 Gora Cemetery.jpg
La Cruz de La Capilla Ecuménica de La PazFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Acapulco, Guerrero16.822722 -99.85599242 m1970 Capilla-Paz1.JPG
Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970 Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Gdansk54.3605263 18.649035142 m1980 Monument to the fallen Shipyard workers of 1970.JPG 3 crosses
Muntenii de Sus CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Muntenii de Sus46.666307 27.78997642 m2017
Góra Liwocz SanktuariumFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Brzyska49.813284 21.35132341 m Liwocz Sanktuarium Chrystusowego Krzyza 22.04.09 p.jpg Chapel with 18 metres high cross on the tower, also used for radio transmission
Pilgerkreuz Veitsch Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Veitsch47.5832817 15.490849340.70 m2004 Pilgerkreuz Veitsch Nachtansicht.jpg observation deck in crossarm
Danube Park Papal CrossFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Vienna48.2392518 16.408724840 m1983 Donaupark Papstkreuz-2.jpg
Cross of Sanctuary of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina Flag of Italy.svg  Italy San Giovanni Rotondo41.706515 15.70405740 m2004 Summer-July 2009 - panoramio.jpg
Păun Trinitas CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Păun47.1004938473 27.665591239940 m2006 Antena Trinitas din Paun2.jpg broadcasting tower
Trzy Lipki CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Bielsko-Biała49.834716 19.01740440 m2001 02019 0554 (2) Polen unter dem Kreuz, Drei Linden.jpg
Ujazd Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Ujazd49.8025499 21.4017185568840 m2002 Krzyz Ujazd.JPG
Kobayat CrossFlag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon Kobayat34.559023781 36.276820640 m2013
Hero's Cross Flag of Romania.svg  Romania Caraiman Creek45.416012 25.49749239.3 m1928 30 Days of Thanks - The Fruit of our Lips (5216526149).jpg
Cross of Chillán Cathedral Flag of Chile.svg  Chile Chillán-36.6065409415 -72.10215032139 m1950 Chillan - 2007 - Cruz de Catedral de Chillan.jpg
Gardendale Baptist Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Gardendale, Alabama33.664572 -86.83058138.1 m2010
Large cross of Chattanooga Crossing ChurchFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Chattanooga, Tennessee35.053366 -85.13956938.1 m
River of Praise Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Tomball, Texas30.053824


Joseph CrossFlag of Germany.svg  Germany Stolberg51.580574 11.00562438 m1896 Josephskreuz 20210914 HOF06021 RAW-Export 20220427002395.jpg double cross, observation deck on the top
Cruz del ÁvilaFlag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela Caracas10.5250544 -66.885238037 m1982 Cruz del Avila 1.jpg
Krosno Pope CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Krosno49.678390 21.77150137 m1997 Krosno, Monument of Pope John Paul II - panoramio.jpg
Limanowski CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Limanowa49.718916 20.44061337 m1999 Miejska Gora a1 (Limanowa).jpg
Cruz de CalvilloFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Calvillo21.841692 -102.72767237 m2020 Santa Cruz al pie del Cerrito Alto.jpg
Central cross of Bethany World Prayer CenterFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Baton Rouge, Louisiana 30.380330 -91.060117 ; 30.380178 -91.05978036.58 m3 crosses
Central cross of Restoration Fellowship ChurchFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Strasburg, Virginia 39.017645 -78.358180 ; 39.017423 -78.35831436.58 m3 crosses
Batesville CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Batesville, Mississippi34.303105 -89.91926836.58 m2017
Cross at Moffley HillFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario46.522022 -84.33097736.57 m1960
Small crosses at Bellevue Baptist Church Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Cordova, Tennessee 35.183524 -89.811962 ; 35.183312 -89.81180836.57 m19992 crosses
Cross of Family Worship CenterFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Cairo, Georgia35.2098038 -101.123494936.57 m2022
PapstwarteFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Horn48.699104 15.67980036.5 m1983 Papstwarte2012.JPG
Dublin Papal CrossFlag of Ireland.svg  Ireland Dublin53.356648829 -6.3290654635.36 m1979 Deer by papal cross.jpg
Hrobacza Łąka CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Bielsko-Biała49.822710268 19.1650566458735 m2002 Hrobaczakrzyz.JPG
Romanian People's Salvation CrossFlag of Moldova.svg  Moldova Nisporeni47.069618 28.20075135 m2011
Fátima Cruz AltaFlag of Portugal.svg  Portugal Fátima39.629370 -8.67467034 m2007 Santuario de Fatima by Juntas 4.jpg
Zabrze Pope CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Zabrze50.324255 18.77574734,6 m1999 Zabrze Heweliusza kosciol sw Wojciecha 13 11 2010 PB135186.jpg
Watchman Cross Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Ponce, Puerto Rico18.019242 -66.619999434 m1984 Cruzeta El Vigia.JPG
Bald Knob Cross Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Alto Pass, Illinois37.55195224 -89.34637919033.83 m1963
Catfish House Giant CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Florence, Missouri32.160798 -90.12720333.53 m2015
Lake City CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Lake City, South Carolina33.889095 -79.75552933.53 m2016
Cookeville CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Cookeville, Tennessee36.135426, -85.51703633.53 m
Pigeon Forge CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Pigeon Forge, Tennessee35.802208, -83.58112133.53 m
Wichita Immanuel Baptist Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Wichita, Kansas37.668336 -97.33450733.53 m
Błonia Pope CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Siedlce52.184247 22.29017333 m1999 Krzyz papieski w Siedlcach.JPG
Góra Jana CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Pelplin53.928939 18.66983533 m1999 Pelplin, pahorek Jana Pavla II, kriz.JPG
Prespa CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Podmocani41.029704 21.05514433 m2000 Vikiekspeditsija Prespa 425.jpg
Hum Hill Millennium CrossFlag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina Mostar43.329521 17.80694433 m2002
Przełęcz Rędzińska Jubilee CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Rędziny50.831285 15.93852333 m2000 Krzyz Jubileuszowy na Przeleczy Redzinskiej 08.jpg
Kruševo CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Kruševo41.402431 21.22328533 m2010 Krstot na Vrshnik 01.JPG
Pacification of Wujek Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Katowice50.243876 18.98963533 m2000 Katowice Wujek monument 2018.jpg
Artashavan Holy CrossFlag of Armenia.svg  Armenia Artashavan40.413655 44.38023333 m
St. John Paul II Parish ChapelFlag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania Šilainiai, Kaunas54.925565 23.8723133 m2019 Silainiai, busimos baznycios kryzius.JPG Tallest cross in Lithuania [4]
Cross at Hilltop Baptist ChurchFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Indiana, Pa40.58633792, -79.2123044232.9184 m
Wilcy Las Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Wilcy Las51.268507 15.75558532 m2000
Starej Wsi Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Stara Wies49.907724189 19.12287812931.5 m2000
Mount Davidson CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States San Francisco, California37.738353 -122.45478331.39 m1934 Mount Davidson cross.jpg
Mount Royal CrossFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Montreal45.508860 -73.58793631.4 m1924 Montreal - QC - Gipfelkreuz Mont Real.jpg
Piatra Fântânele CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Bistriţa47.2397217 25.011051931 m Manastirea Nasterea Maicii Domnului din Piatra Fantanele, judetul Bistrita-Nasaud2.JPG
Caryville CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Caryville, Tennessee36.374491 -84.24021130.94 m2003
Hunter's Chapel Holy Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Lasper, Alabama33.791356 -87.22745630.48 m
Inspiration Network City of Lights Campus CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Charlotte, North Carolina34.966975 -80.84775030.48 m
Ballinger CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Ballinger, Texas31.7237343574 -99.932244130.48 m1993
Calvary Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Springfield, Illinois39.744032, -89.66002830.48 m2015
Cross of New Providence Baptist ChurchFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Loudon, Tennessee35.778367, -84.35097330.48 m2002
Pro-Life Millennium CrossFlag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Aberdeen, Saskatchewan52.38949015 -106.157952830.48 m2005
Small crosses of Chattanooga Crossing ChurchFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Chattanooga, Tennessee35.053317 -85.139527 ; 35.053409 -85.13960030.48 m3 crosses
Hammond Mission Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Hammond, Louisiana30.459164 -90.47588330.48 m
Cruz Cerro PhilippiFlag of Chile.svg  Chile Puerto Varas-41.310105 -72.98009130 m1980
Perchiu Hill Hero CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Onesti46.263458 26.75371530 m1999broadcasting tower
Cruz de Morro da CruzFlag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Igrejinha-29.539768 -50.83695430 m Morro-da-cruz-igrejinha.JPG
Golgota Beskidów CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Radziechowy49.6389923 19.11797030 m2001 Krzyz Milenijny na Matysce podczas koncertu Jozefa Skrzeka i zespolu goralskiego Grojcowianie.jpg
Brusznia CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Kielce50.865336 20.56367030 m2007 Krzyz na Bruszni 2010.jpg
Iwierzyce Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Iwierzyce50.038784 21.72070730 m
Svartberget CrossFlag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Hassela62.086474 16.72334830 m2011
Cruz Celestial de XicotepecFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Xicotepec20.289408 -97.94861630 m2018
Cevo Pope CrossFlag of Italy.svg  Italy Cevo46.080364 10.36356229.87 m1998collapsed in 2014, whereby one person was killed
Jakob CrossFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Sankt Jakob in Haus47.484348 12.58126929.6 m2014double cross, observation decks in and on crossarms and on the top
Fort Jefferson Memorial CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Wickliffe, Kentucky36.957471 -89.09244228.96 m1999 CityParkCrossWickliffeKY.jpg
Graniteville Cemetery CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Graniteville, South Carolina33.565444 -81.79879628.04 m2015
El Cristo RotoFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico San José de Gracia, Aguascalientes22.139036 -102.43125628 m2006 Cristo Roto.jpg
Wilzenberg CrossFlag of Germany.svg  Germany Schmallenberg51.152940 8.32706828 m2015 Wilzenberg-09-Hochkreuz.jpg
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Mexico City19.407514 -99.24024628 m
St. Louis Grace Church CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States St. Louis, Missouri38.741911 -90.44617727.43 m
Rybky Millenium CrossFlag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia Rybky48.727250 17.31846327 m2000
Kreuzberg CrossFlag of Germany.svg  Germany Bischofsheim50.370126 9.98036027 m2014 Kreuzberg (Rhon) - Gipfelkreuz - 2016.jpg
Mount Mic Hero CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Poiana Mărului45.364801 22.46894127 m2004 Crucea Eroilor de pe Muntele Mic.jpg
EuropawarteFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Schrattenthal48.747295 15.86637726 m1980 EuropawarteWaitzendorf2018.jpg
Cruz de TengloFlag of Chile.svg  Chile Puerto Montt-41.486429 -72.95185525 m Chile - Puerto Montt - Cerro Philippi.jpg
Kamienna Góra CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Gdynia54.515483 18.54402725 m1994
Święta Woda Jubilee CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Wasilków53.221969 23.22166425 m2000 Wasilkow - Swieta Woda - Gora krzyzy7.JPG surrounded by smaller crosses
Potaczkowa Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Podobin49.626393 20.06117525 m2000 Potaczkowa.jpg
Jelenia Góra Millennium CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Jelenia Góra50.921154 15.77564025 m2002 Jelenia Gora, Dzielnica Zabobrze - (195909).jpg
Rankovce CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Rankovce42.164958 22.11628325 m2024
Muncelu CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Muncelu46.860723 26.97222425 m2012
Bendoszka Wielka CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Bukovec49.427868 19.04418023,5 m2000 Jubileuszowy Krzyz Ziemi Zywieckiej na Bendoszce Wielkiej (1).JPG
Our Lady of the Sierras CrossFlag of the United States (23px).png  United States Hereford, Arizona31.380837 -110.2339223 m1998 Our Lady Of The Sierras Hereford, Arizona USA.jpg
MarkbergkreuzFlag of Germany.svg  Germany Schönau an der Brend50.389707 10.10503723 m1998 Gedenkkreuz Schonau12042018 1.JPG
Cluj-Napoca Fortress CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Cluj-Napoca46.773925 23.58273523 m2002
OstlandkreuzFlag of Germany.svg  Germany Geislingen an der Steige48.615477 9.82968722,7 m2003 Ostlandkreuz Geislingen an der Steige21032018 1.JPG
Meskel cross #2Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia Adigrat, Tigray14.292027 39.45493822 m ?
Monumento a los peregrinosFlag of Mexico.svg  Mexico Mexico City19.454463 -99.13034822 m Monumento a los Peregrinos 03.JPG
Dealul lui In CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Runcu45.186926 25.36243222 m2017 Crucea Eroilor de pe Dealul lui In-1.jpg
Mount Amiata CrossFlag of Italy.svg  Italy Mount Amiata42.887953 11.62500022 m1946 MonteAmiataVettaCroce.JPG
Croix du NivoletFlag of France.svg  France Les Déserts, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes45.613583 5.96456521.5 m1909 Croix du Nivolet.jpg
Mount Macedon Memorial Cross Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Mount Macedon, Victoria-37.389542 144.57691121 m1995 AdrianLodders-MtMacedonCross-CC AttShareAalike.jpg War Memorial. Originally erected in 1934 but rebuilt in 1995 due to general deterioration.
Monument to Poznań June 1956 (Poznań Crosses)Flag of Poland.svg  Poland Poznan52.408269 16.91729321 m1981 Poznanskie Krzyze Pomnik.jpg
Gura Ocniței CrossFlag of Romania.svg  Romania Gura Ocniței44.951643 25.56962521 m2014
Croix LorraineFlag of France.svg  France Nouméa-22.279571 166.447057 Croix de Lorraine Noumea.JPG
Cruz monumental de TemucoFlag of Chile.svg  Chile Temuco-38.732029 -72.586367
Gari CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Gari41.500478 20.685647
Štip CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Štip41.738472 22.186283
Kučkovo CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Kučkovo42.062698 21.303126
Lazaropole CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Lazaropole41.537713 20.696410
Dračevo CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Dračevo41.929285 21.522806 Dracevskiot Krst (10).JPG
Czarna Gora CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Czarna Gora49.381192 20.12456620 m Czarna Gora - Krzyz Milenijny.JPG
Łysa Góra CrossFlag of Poland.svg  Poland Nowa Słupia50.858759 21.05460020 m2012 Sw krzyz cross.jpg
Velestovo CrossFlag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Velestovo41.083656 20.83131520 m
Croix de TernantFlag of France.svg  France Orcines45.802951 3.00357020 mbroadcasting tower

Planned projects

See also


  1. "From today, the view of the sky will not be the same". Republika English. April 28, 2024. Retrieved August 29, 2024.
  2. "Vallyachan Mala – St. George Forane Church" . Retrieved July 31, 2023.
  3. "Azerbaijan toppled the Cross in Stepanakert". November 19, 2023. Retrieved May 30, 2024.
  4. "Kaune, Šilainiuose, iškilo aukščiausias kryžius Lietuvoje". (in Lithuanian). June 3, 2019. Retrieved March 20, 2023.
  5. Gallegos, Rocio (June 6, 2022). "Nuevo León elude permisos y da terrenos a la Iglesia para que construya una cruz gigante". La Verdad Juárez (in Mexican Spanish). Retrieved February 13, 2023.
  6. Redakcja (June 8, 2018). "Krzyż gigant w gminie Błaszki powstanie na 100-lecie niepodległości. Monument będzie 2 razy większy niż pomnik Chrystusa w Świebodzinie". Dziennik Łódzki (in Polish). Retrieved February 13, 2023.
  7. "Krst od 100.000 evra biće podignut iznad Kraljeva". July 28, 2015. Retrieved February 18, 2018.