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Transverse section of human embryo eight and a half to nine weeks old.svg
Transverse section of human embryo eight and a half to nine weeks old. (Mesovarium visible at center.)
Uterus and right broad ligament, seen from behind. (Broad ligament visible at center. Mesovarium not labeled, but it is the portion of the broad ligament closest to the ovary.)
Latin mesovarium
TA98 A10.1.02.508F
TA2 3803
FMA 19815
Anatomical terminology

The mesovarium is the portion of the broad ligament of the uterus that suspends the ovaries. The ovary is not covered by the mesovarium; rather, it is covered by germinal epithelium.

At first, the mesonephros and genital ridge are suspended by a common mesentery, but as the embryo grows the genital ridge gradually becomes pinched off from the mesonephros, with which it is at first continuous, though it still remains connected to the remnant of this body by a fold of peritoneum. In the male, this is the mesorchium, and in the female, this is the mesovarium.

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