Rated voting

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On a rated ballot, the voter may rate each choice independently. Rated voting.png
On a rated ballot, the voter may rate each choice independently.
An approval voting ballot does not require ranking or exclusivity. Approval ballot.svg
An approval voting ballot does not require ranking or exclusivity.

Rated voting refers to any electoral system which allows the voter to give each candidate an independent evaluation, typically a rating or grade. [1] These are also referred to as cardinal, evaluative, or graded voting systems.[ citation needed ] Cardinal methods (based on cardinal utility) and ordinal methods (based on ordinal utility) are the two modern categories of voting systems. [2] [3] [4]



A majority judgment ballot is based on grades like those used in schools. Sample ballot for Majority Judgment (SF).png
A majority judgment ballot is based on grades like those used in schools.

There are several voting systems that allow independent ratings of each candidate. For example:

In addition, every cardinal system can be converted into a proportional or semi-proportional system by using Phragmen's voting rules or Thiele's voting rules. Examples include:

Relationship to rankings

Ratings ballots can be converted to ranked/preferential ballots, assuming equal ranks are allowed. For example:

Rating (0 to 99)Preference order
Candidate A99First
Candidate B55Second
Candidate C20Third
Candidate D20Third


Cardinal voting methods are not subject to Arrow's impossibility theorem, [9] which proves that ranked-choice voting methods can be manipulated by strategic nominations. [10] Since one of these criteria (called "universality") implicitly requires that a method be ordinal, not cardinal, Arrow's theorem does not apply to cardinal methods. [11] [10]

Others, however, argue that ratings are fundamentally invalid, because meaningful interpersonal comparisons of utility are impossible. [12] This was Arrow's original justification for only considering ranked systems, [13] but later in life he stated that cardinal methods are "probably the best." [14]

Psychological research has shown that cardinal ratings (on a numerical or Likert scale, for instance) are more valid and convey more information than ordinal rankings in measuring human opinion. [15] [16] [17] [18]

Cardinal methods can satisfy the Condorcet winner criterion, usually by combining cardinal voting with a first stage (as in Smith//Score).

Strategic voting

The weighted mean utility theorem gives the optimal strategy for cardinal voting under most circumstances, which is to give the maximum score for all options with an above-average expected utility, [19] which is equivalent to approval voting. As a result, strategic voting with score voting often results in a sincere ranking of candidates on the ballot (a property that is impossible for ranked-choice voting, by the Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem).

Most cardinal methods, including score voting and STAR, pass the Condorcet and Smith criteria if voters behave strategically.[ citation needed ] As a result, cardinal methods with strategic voters tend to produce results similar to Condorcet methods with honest voters.[ citation needed ]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Approval voting</span> Single-winner electoral system

Approval voting is a single-winner electoral system in which voters can select any number of candidates instead of selecting only one.

Score voting, sometimes called range voting, is an electoral system for single-seat elections. Voters give each candidate a numerical score, and the candidate with the highest average score is elected. Score voting includes the well-known approval voting, but also lets voters give partial (in-between) approval ratings to candidates.

Strategic or tactical voting is voting in consideration of possible ballots cast by other voters in order to maximize one's satisfaction with the election's results. For example, in plurality or instant-runoff, a voter may recognize their favorite candidate is unlikely to win and so instead support a candidate they think is more likely to win.

In social choice theory and politics, the spoiler effect refers to a situation where a losing candidate affects the results of an election. A voting system that is not affected by spoilers satisfies independence of irrelevant alternatives or independence of spoilers.

Arrow's impossibility theorem is a key result in social choice showing that no ranked-choice voting rule can produce a rational measure of society's well-being, if there are more than two options. Specifically, any such rule violates independence of irrelevant alternatives: the principle that a choice between and should not depend on a third, unrelated option .

In welfare economics and social choice theory, a social welfare function—also called a socialordering, ranking, utility, or choicefunction—is a function that ranks a set of social states by their desirability. A social welfare function takes two possible outcomes, then combines every person's preferences to determine which outcome is considered better by society as a whole. Inputs to the function can include any variables that affect the well-being of a society.

Independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA), also known as binary independence, the independence axiom, is an axiom of decision theory and economics describing a necessary condition for rational behavior. The axiom says that a choice between and should not depend on the quality of a third, unrelated outcome .

The Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem is a theorem in voting theory. It was first conjectured by the philosopher Michael Dummett and the mathematician Robin Farquharson in 1961 and then proved independently by the philosopher Allan Gibbard in 1973 and economist Mark Satterthwaite in 1975. It deals with deterministic ordinal electoral systems that choose a single winner, and shows that for every voting rule of this form, at least one of the following three things must hold:

  1. The rule is dictatorial, i.e. there exists a distinguished voter who can choose the winner; or
  2. The rule limits the possible outcomes to two alternatives only; or
  3. The rule is not straightforward, i.e. there is no single always-best strategy.

Bucklin voting is a class of voting methods that can be used for single-member and multi-member districts. As in highest median rules like the majority judgment, the Bucklin winner will be one of the candidates with the highest median ranking or rating. It is named after its original promoter, the Georgist politician James W. Bucklin of Grand Junction, Colorado, and is also known as the Grand Junction system.

The majority favorite or absolute majority criterion is a voting system criterion. The criterion states that "if only one candidate is ranked first by a majority of voters, then that candidate must win." It is sometimes referred to simply as the majority criterion, but this term is more often used to refer to Condorcet's majority-rule principle.

Social choice theory or social choice is a branch of welfare economics that studies the processes of collective decision-making. Social choice incorporates insights from economics, mathematics, and game theory to find the best ways to combine individual opinions, preferences, or beliefs into a single coherent measure of the quality of different outcomes, called a social welfare function. Social choice theory includes the closely-related field of voting theory, and is strongly tied to the field of mechanism design, which can be thought of as the combination of social choice with game theory.

Positional voting is a ranked voting electoral system in which the options or candidates receive points based on their rank position on each ballot and the one with the most points overall wins. The lower-ranked preference in any adjacent pair is generally of less value than the higher-ranked one. Although it may sometimes be weighted the same, it is never worth more. A valid progression of points or weightings may be chosen at will or it may form a mathematical sequence such as an arithmetic progression, a geometric one or a harmonic one. The set of weightings employed in an election heavily influences the rank ordering of the candidates. The steeper the initial decline in preference values with descending rank, the more polarised and less consensual the positional voting system becomes.

Allan Fletcher Gibbard is the Richard B. Brandt Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Gibbard has made major contributions to contemporary ethical theory, in particular metaethics, where he has developed a contemporary version of non-cognitivism. He has also published articles in the philosophy of language, metaphysics, and social choice theory: in social choice, he first proved the result known today as Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem, which had been previously conjectured by Michael Dummett and Robin Farquharson.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Social Choice and Individual Values</span>

Kenneth Arrow's monograph Social Choice and Individual Values and a theorem within it created modern social choice theory, a rigorous melding of social ethics and voting theory with an economic flavor. Somewhat formally, the "social choice" in the title refers to Arrow's representation of how social values from the set of individual orderings would be implemented under the constitution. Less formally, each social choice corresponds to the feasible set of laws passed by a "vote" under the constitution even if not every individual voted in favor of all the laws.

Majority judgment (MJ) is a single-winner voting system proposed in 2010 by Michel Balinski and Rida Laraki. It is a kind of highest median rule, a cardinal voting system that elects the candidate with the highest median rating.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ranked voting</span> Family of electoral systems

The term ranked voting, also known as preferential voting or ranked-choice voting, pertains to any voting system where voters indicate a rank to order candidates or options—in a sequence from first, second, third, and onwards—on their ballots. Ranked voting systems vary based on the ballot marking process, how preferences are tabulated and counted, the number of seats available for election, and whether voters are allowed to rank candidates equally.

A major branch of social choice theory is devoted to the comparison of electoral systems, otherwise known as social choice functions. Viewed from the perspective of political science, electoral systems are rules for conducting elections and determining winners from the ballots cast. From the perspective of economics, mathematics, and philosophy, a social choice function is a mathematical function that determines how a society should make choices, given a collection of individual preferences.

Combined approval voting (CAV) is an electoral system where each voter may express approval, disapproval, or indifference toward each candidate. The winner is the candidate with the highest average score.

The sincere favorite or no favorite-betrayal criterion is a property of some voting systems, that says voters should have no incentive to vote for someone else over their favorite. It protects voters from having to engage in a kind of strategy called lesser evil voting or decapitation.

The highest median voting rules are a class of graded voting rules where the candidate with the highest median rating is elected.


  1. Baujard, Antoinette; Gavrel, Frédéric; Igersheim, Herrade; Laslier, Jean-François; Lebon, Isabelle (September 2017). "How voters use grade scales in evaluative voting" (PDF). European Journal of Political Economy. 55: 14–28. doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2017.09.006. ISSN   0176-2680. A key feature of evaluative voting is a form of independence: the voter can evaluate all the candidates in turn ... another feature of evaluative voting ... is that voters can express some degree of preference.
  2. Riker, William Harrison. (1982). Liberalism against populism : a confrontation between the theory of democracy and the theory of social choice. Waveland Pr. pp. 29–30. ISBN   0881333670. OCLC   316034736. Ordinal utility is a measure of preferences in terms of rank orders—that is, first, second, etc. ... Cardinal utility is a measure of preferences on a scale of cardinal numbers, such as the scale from zero to one or the scale from one to ten.
  3. "Ordinal Versus Cardinal Voting Rules: A Mechanism Design Approach".
  4. Vasiljev, Sergei (April 2008). "Cardinal Voting: The Way to Escape the Social Choice Impossibility by Sergei Vasiljev :: SSRN". SSRN   1116545.{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  5. "Score Voting". The Center for Election Science. 21 May 2015. Retrieved 10 December 2016. Simplified forms of score voting automatically give skipped candidates the lowest possible score for the ballot they were skipped. Other forms have those ballots not affect the candidate's rating at all. Those forms not affecting the candidates rating frequently make use of quotas. Quotas demand a minimum proportion of voters rate that candidate in some way before that candidate is eligible to win.
  6. 1 2 3 Hillinger, Claude (1 May 2005). "The Case for Utilitarian Voting". Open Access LMU. Munich. doi:10.5282/ubm/epub.653 . Retrieved 15 May 2018. Specific UV rules that have been proposed are approval voting, allowing the scores 0, 1; range voting, allowing all numbers in an interval as scores; evaluative voting, allowing the scores −1, 0, 1.
  7. Hillinger, Claude (1 October 2004). "On the Possibility of Democracy and Rational Collective Choice". Rochester, NY. SSRN   608821. I favor 'evaluative voting' under which a voter can vote for or against any alternative, or abstain.{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  8. Felsenthal, Dan S. (January 1989). "On combining approval with disapproval voting". Behavioral Science. 34 (1): 53–60. doi:10.1002/bs.3830340105. ISSN   0005-7940. under CAV he has three options—cast one vote in favor, abstain, or cast one vote against.
  9. Vasiljev, Sergei (1 April 2008). "Cardinal Voting: The Way to Escape the Social Choice Impossibility". Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network. SSRN   1116545.{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  10. 1 2 "How I Came to Care About Voting Systems". The Center for Election Science. 21 December 2011. Retrieved 10 December 2016. But Arrow only intended his criteria to apply to ranking systems.
  11. "Interview with Dr. Kenneth Arrow". The Center for Election Science. 6 October 2012. Archived from the original on 2018-10-27. Retrieved 2016-12-10. CES: you mention that your theorem applies to preferential systems or ranking systems. ... But the system that you're just referring to, Approval Voting, falls within a class called cardinal systems. ... Dr. Arrow: And as I said, that in effect implies more information. ... I'm a little inclined to think that score systems where you categorize in maybe three or four classes probably (in spite of what I said about manipulation) is probably the best.
  12. "Why Not Ranking?". The Center for Election Science. 31 May 2016. Retrieved 22 January 2017. Many voting theorists have resisted asking for more than a ranking, with economics-based reasoning: utilities are not comparable between people. ... But no economist would bat an eye at asking one of the A voters above whether they'd prefer a coin flip between A and B winning or C winning outright...
  13. "Modern economic theory has insisted on the ordinal concept of utility; that is, only orderings can be observed, and therefore no measurement of utility independent of these orderings has any significance. In the field of consumer's demand theory the ordinalist position turned out to create no problems; cardinal utility had no explanatory power above and beyond ordinal. Leibniz' Principle of the identity of indiscernibles demanded then the excision of cardinal utility from our thought patterns." Arrow (1967), as quoted on p. 33 by Racnchetti, Fabio (2002), "Choice without utility? Some reflections on the loose foundations of standard consumer theory", in Bianchi, Marina (ed.), The Active Consumer: Novelty and Surprise in Consumer Choice, Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy, vol. 20, Routledge, pp. 21–45
  14. "Interview with Dr. Kenneth Arrow". The Center for Election Science. 6 October 2012. Archived from the original on 2018-10-27. Retrieved 2016-12-10. CES: you mention that your theorem applies to preferential systems or ranking systems. ... But ... Approval Voting, falls within a class called cardinal systems. ... Dr. Arrow: And as I said, that in effect implies more information. ... I'm a little inclined to think that score systems where you categorize in maybe three or four classes ... is probably the best.
  15. Conklin, E. S.; Sutherland, J. W. (1 February 1923). "A Comparison of the Scale of Values Method with the Order-of-Merit Method". Journal of Experimental Psychology. 6 (1): 44–57. doi:10.1037/h0074763. ISSN   0022-1015. the scale-of-values method can be used for approximately the same purposes as the order-of-merit method, but that the scale-of-values method is a better means of obtaining a record of judgments
  16. Moore, Michael (1 July 1975). "Rating versus ranking in the Rokeach Value Survey: An Israeli comparison". European Journal of Social Psychology. 5 (3): 405–408. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2420050313. ISSN   1099-0992. The extremely high degree of correspondence found between ranking and rating averages ... does not leave any doubt about the preferability of the rating method for group description purposes. The obvious advantage of rating is that while its results are virtually identical to what is obtained by ranking, it supplies more information than ranking does.
  17. Maio, Gregory R.; Roese, Neal J.; Seligman, Clive; Katz, Albert (1 June 1996). "Rankings, Ratings, and the Measurement of Values: Evidence for the Superior Validity of Ratings". Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 18 (2): 171–181. doi:10.1207/s15324834basp1802_4. ISSN   0197-3533. Many value researchers have assumed that rankings of values are more valid than ratings of values because rankings force participants to differentiate more incisively between similarly regarded values ... Results indicated that ratings tended to evidence greater validity than rankings within moderate and low-differentiating participants. In addition, the validity of ratings was greater than rankings overall.
  18. Johnson, Marilyn F.; Sallis, James F.; Hovell, Melbourne F. (1 September 1999). "Comparison of Rated and Ranked Health and Lifestyle Values". American Journal of Health Behavior. 23 (5): 356–367. doi:10.5993/AJHB.23.5.5. the test-retest reliabilities of the ranking items were slightly higher than were those of the rating items, but construct validities were lower. Because validity is the most important consideration ... the findings of the present research support the use of the rating format in assessing health values. ... added benefit of item independence, which allows for greater flexibility in statistical analyses. ... also easier than ranking items for respondents to complete.
  19. Approval Voting, Steven J. Brams, Peter C. Fishburn, 1983